Your ideal WWE Bullet Club


Pre-Show Stalwart
So it's now May of this year and surprisingly WWE have done something wise and started pushing the idea of Bullet Club possibly debuting on the main roster (the current Styles, Gallows and Anderson thing doesn't count in my opinion). My question to you guys seeing as prior to WWE, Bullet Club had more than 5 members, who on the current roster would you have make up WWE's version of Bullet Club? Here's mine:

Leader: Finn Balor
For me he is the best wrestler other than Shinsuke Nakamura in WWE right now. The history speaks for itself with him being a former leader of the club. I'm not going to pretend I used to follow Bullet Club because I didn't but for me, it makes too much sense having Balor take up the leader role. I would have him debut by having him cost Styles the World title claiming that Styles stole both his club and his main roster spot. Nice summer feud between the two with a good background story.

Tag team: Gallows and Anderson
This is an obvious choice given that they basically are the main two you associate with the club. Without these two it just wouldn't make sense at this point. These two have worked perfectly on WWE TV so far, I really like Anderson, think he's got a chance of really breaking out in the far future. Grouping these two with Balor is something I really want to see. Maybe they help him take out Styles.

Big guy: Kevin Owens
Okay so he's not that monster heel that you associate with a big group but Owens has that bully presence about him. I think he would be the gem of the group because he's already in my opinion what most people look forward to every Monday night. He goes from being extremely intense to absolutely comical and he makes it work. I like this little on going issue between him and Shane at the moment and maybe he joins the club by saying he's had enough of management dragging him down so he needs others to stay afloat. Push this guy to the moon after please.

Cody Rhodes
Just bring back any Rhodes other than Stardust! The guy is so talented you need to utilise him so much more. Putting him in a group allows him to show his talent without being fully exposed for what I sometimes think he lacks and that's his mic skills. I can imagine him walking to the ring with Owens in his corner and him using Owens as his sort of shield. Plus this group needs wrestlers that connect with the IWC more than casual fans, I think Rhodes does that.

Literally I don't know what the hell WWE have done to this guy. When he was in NXT I really thought he would be going places on the main roster. You always get that cruiser weight in a group like this. Neville fits the bill for me. Doesn't have to do any talking in a group and can show off his impressive abilities in a far better way than he has been so far.

So that's it. I hope Bullet Club does debut in WWE, and I hope WWE chooses to branch out rather than just stick with the trio like they are at the moment with Styles, Gallows and Anderson. Who would make up your Bullet Club?
Leader: Seth Rollins
Tag Team: Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson
Up and coming Star: Cody Rhodes
Talented Star: Cestro
Manager/ Women: Paige or Becky Lynch
Leader : Finn Balor

Tag Team and Muscle: Gallows and Anderson

Women: Emma and Paige

Black Link: Woods or Crews

Specialist : Austin Aries or Bobby Roode

Manager/ Talker: Corey Graves

Big Guy: Baron Corbin
My Bullet Club would be:

Leader: Balor
Tag-team: Gallows/Amderson
Talented stars: Styles and Nakamura
Female star: Asuka

One man and woman for every strap. Asuka is a nice choice for "Bullet Babe". The other five ties in New Japan.

Someone mentioned Apollo Crews: I could see him anchoring a new Shield with Ambrose and ?
Leader : Finn Balor

Tag team and Muscle: Gallows n Anderson

Specialist or Attraction: Austin Aries or Bobby Roode

Neutralizer/ Big guy: Baron Corbin or add repackaged Braun Strowman

Black link: Woods or Crews

Women: Emma n Paige

Manager/ Talker: Corey Graves
Leader(s) - AJ Styles/Finn Balor - Power struggle eventually with the rest of the group turning on one of them. then a match between the two down the line

Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson - Tag Titles
Braun Strowman - Enforcer
Luke Harper - IC Title
Eric Rowan - Just there to be a nuisance
Bobby Roode - US title
Sasha Banks - Bullet Boss
My version of WWE’s Bullet Club would consist of the 4 WWE SuperStars who were actually in the Bullet Club. Finn Balor, AJ Styles, Karl Anderson, and Doc Gallows make up the perfect 4 man stable in the WWE today. You have the 3 former leaders and 1 of the cornerstones of the Club. There is really no need to branch out and expand it even more. Besides, I don’t think anyone else would really fit in with them.

Now if we were to talk about who I would have them face, I would go with Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, Austin Aries, and Eric Young. I’d call them Total Impact.
Don't have one. Don't try to duplicate something that worked elsewhere. Don't try another Horsemen or NWO. It never works. Put your own stamp on things. Any attempt will be futile and never live up to the past.

Just have it turn out that Rollins has been calling the shots for Anderson and Gallows and then AJ and Seth have something to feud over and a reason to put on some of the greatest wrestling matches we will ever see.

Gallows and Anderson are basically a far better version of Rollins new stooges. Except they are not actually stooges.
My ideal situation for the WWE Bullet Club is for it to end. It's nowhere near the same as watching the ROH and NJPW matches. It lost a lot of luster, and honestly Aj Styles can work with nearly anything he is given. I just can't get excited for whatever is going on. It could be partially due to "The Family" and it consisting of the most boring people, but I just can't feel it.

It's just like when I saw The Young Bucks for the first time. It was super cool, but I really couldn't picture them doing anything then what they were doing at the time. It's not that I want the same thing as what they were doing before. Not at all. It's that it was kind of played out, and at a point it's just a poor imitation to me.

I'm definitely going to give it more time though.
Good factions all have a coherent reason for existing, and a reason for wrestlers to join or to oppose them, for fans to root for or against them.

The best factions have a coherent reason that causes some fans to root for them and some to root against them.

NWO was a WWF invasion of WCW, that morphed into 90s cool heels vs old-school heroes of NWA/WCW. DeGeneration X was the 90s aesthetic. Four Horsemen were heels who dominated the belts. (Simpler time for Four Horsemen.)

Nexus was a group of new wrestlers out to make their mark and overthrow the established WWE order.

Before WWE decides who should be in WWE Bullet Club (or whatever they call it, because I doubt they can make a Bullet Club trademark stick), they need to decide what the purpose of Bullet Club is. The most logical purpose of Bullet Club is to represent Non-WWE wrestling in WWE. Bullet Club is a Japanese import. AJ Styles has "won championships around the world" or however WWE phrased it. With Styles, Austin Aries and Samoa Joe, you have dozens of TNA and ROH World Title runs.

So that should be where the WWE Bullet Club plants their flag. Balor, Styles, Galloway and Anderson all made their bones somewhere besides OVW or Full Sail University. That's their common bond, their distinction from most of the rest of the WWE roster.

From there, you open up very logical reasons for Joe, Aries and Storm to join Bullet Club--or create drama when they refuse to join Bullet Club and pledge their allegiance to Stamford, CT. Jericho and Big Show are also possible points of conflict--do they align with the WWE establishment, or represent an older generation that earned their stripes in WCW and ECW and Smoky Mountain and Japan and Mexico and a dozen territories around the US and Canada.

Plenty of second-generation heirs of NWA and STampede Wrestling stars can also be put to the question--modern WWE or your fathers' (or whoever's) legacy in NWA/wherever.
The Role of Leader in A WWE version of The Bullet Club is a very interesting role indeed... Unlike New Japan and The Independent Scene Your Vocal talents must coincide with Your in-ring abilities which leads Me to believe that for "The Club" to get over neither Finn or AJ has the Mic Skills to carry the group in a Sports Entertainment fueled World which leads Me to My top choices for the role.


Seth Rollins. I see Him returning as a Face to do battle with "The Club" maybe even a short reunion with His Shield Brethren Ambrose and Reigns only to predictably inevitably and eventually once again turn on His teammates and reclaim any and all of the heat lost to Him via injury. He is a World Champion level competitor with experience and considerable knowledge of The WWE's in and outs. I can easily see Him not only be successful in this role but take His legacy to the next level.

Kevin Owens. In My opinion Kevin is not only The Very Best Wrestler in the World but has a natural "Cool" Heel persona that resonates with what made The Bullet Club so over in the first place. He also happens to be an excellent talker and can generate instant heat. If The WWE wanted to try something different why not thrust KO into a role that He can not only excel at but would allow Him to take His place atop The WWE.

John Cena. I know lots of Guys absolutely hate His guts but if wrestling history has taught us anything You can take a stale, boring character and with a little conviction and commitment John Cena could become The hottest Heel in wrestling. Maybe After an unsuccessful attempt at securing His record 16th World Championship He comes to the inevitable conclusion that sometimes You have to brake the rules to win the big one. It has been a long time coming for John and although He doesn't need it to cement His legacy it would re-invigorate His character and the business in general... It worked with Terry "Hulk Hogan" Bollea and John is ten times the wrestler He was in His day and dare I say significantly better on the Mic. Of what beautiful choas this would create.

Tag Team:

"Machine Gun" Karl Anderson and "The D.O.C" Luke Gallows. Pretty much a no Brainer The are the catalyst to making "The Club" work in WWE. They are both absolute brusers and can be a strong dominant Tag Team that dosen't necessarily need the Championships to get over.

Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano, if new blood is needed then I have to go with these two an exciting, hard-hitting, rough and tumble Tag Team that could easily translate into singles success for both Men. They are just the type of talent that a WWE version of The Bullet Club should be looking for.

The Revival. Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder are a throwback team just like Anderson and Gallows and I could easily see Them fitting in this type of role.

Up and Coming Talent(Cruiserweight/Junior Heavyweight):

The Junior Heavyweight role has always been very important to The Bullet Club and now should be no different My top choices are Finn Bàlor, Adrian Neville or Tyson Kidd. Each one of these Guys would be an excellent choice to join "The Club"

Finn for obvious reasons and I would love to see a slow build to Him taking back His "Club" maybe for a Babyface run and a career defining feud with Rollins, Kevin Owens or even Cena. The buzz and tension it would create having Him in "The Club" is almost too hard to pass up.

Neville is incredible in the ring but needs alot of help character wise, He could definitely use the rub from "The Club" and maybe get the chance to learn, evolve and dominate a possible return of The Cruiserweight Division.

Tyson Kidd has all the tools to be a top notch player in The WWE, all He needs is the faith of WWE brass and the opportunity to showcase His incredible talents against The best talent in the world. He can put on a great match against anybody and IMO is a smaller version of His more popular partner Cesaro.

Lost, Obscure, United States/Intercontinental level, next in line Guy:

Damien Sandow, Fandango, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes or Jack Swagger. I think all of these Guys are underutilized talents capable of WAY more than The WWE has given Them given a chance I believe any of these Men could pull themselves out of obscurity and become a star again.

Sandow is recently released so it might be too late for Him but with a slight gimmick change and His ability to excel with any gimmick and The WWE Universes obvious love for Him He would be a perfect choice.

Fandango was on fire at one point, He is talented and a new exciting character with a edge . I'm not saying He can't keep the dancing but I am saying He need to take Himself and be taken more seriously.

Miz and Ziggler are arguably stars now but IMO both could benefit from an association with a heel faction. Miz is a bit of a cowardly heel and HEELZiggler it's all in the name He feels more comfortable as a heel and could easily steal a show or two as "The Club's" Mid-Card option. If done correctly it could elevate These Men back into The Main Event picture.

Rhodes and Swagger need complete overhauls to Their characters. Swagger has been lost since Cesaro left The Real Americans and has the natural talent to have a career resurgence. Rhodes is so talented He should be a Main Event player right now, I don't know who He pissed off backstage but Rhodes has all the tools to be a Top Guy.

Wild Card/Veteran/Enforcer:

Dean Ambrose, AJ Styles, Luke Harper, Samoa Joe, Cesaro, Sami Zayn, Austin Aires, Bobby Roode, Eric Young or Hideo Itami.

AJ, Dean and Joe could instantly challenge for the Alpha Male/Leader role up the group, what can I say I like a little conflict with My factions. All are incredible performers capable of having five-star matches and would be an excellent foil to any de facto leader of "The Club".

Aires, Roode and Young are all great wrestlers with nasty heel personas but still need to be introduced to The WWE Universe before They can be fully utilized and what better way to do that then with a hot faction.

Luke Harper and Cesaro, both are outstanding talents, big strong guys and would be incredible in the breakout role of "Club" Enforcer.

Sami Zayn and Hideo Itami have history with other members depending on who's in the group and who wouldn't want to recruit "Family" to watch Their back. Zayn if Owens is The Big Guy and Itami if Finn is in the group and for a little diversity.

Bullet Babe:

Sasha Banks or Becky Lynch.

Sasha is My top choice as I consider Her to be The best overall Female Competitor in The WWE. Great on the mic and Incredible in the ring. Can and should dominate The Women's Division sooner rather than later.

Becky has the wrestling talent and a hard-hitting style that would fit in well with "The Club" and She would greatly benefit from being not only a heel but putting a sharp edge on Her persona.
The first three are Balor/Anderson/Gallows, that obvious.

The thing I think is that a casual fan will not accept them easily until and unless they have a big known star already in the group. A bunch of new guys making an impact is great but you need a big star to give the group more credibility.

Leader: Finn Balor
Tag Team: Luke Gallows/Karl Anderdon
Star: Randy Orton (eventually turned on after gunning for the role of leader. Replaced by Cody Rhodes)
Up & Coming: Apollo Crews

Balor debuts at a PPV where AJ Styles is in a big match for the title. Finn interferes amd costs AJ the match.
Out come Anderson & Gallows but they turn and attack AJ saying you can't go soft on the club.

AJ eventually recruits some people to help tame the club.
Leader: AJ Styles
Tag Team: Enzo & Cass
Star: Dean Ambrose
Up & Coming: Neville
Lol, the "Bullet Club" will never work in WWE. That's straight New Japan and ROH's baby so why try and make a ripoff WWE version? There's a new Bullet Club in New Japan with my fam Kenny Omega as the leader. Sorry fanboys, there will be no WWE "Bullet Club." WWE Fanboys always rip the Indies, then want to duplicate the success of the indies. smh......

If there is any Bullet Club in WWE then it should just be the ones that were previously in it i.e. Styles, Balor etc.

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