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Your Foul Word Of Choice


Lord And Master
Staff member
Ah, don't deny it, jackass. They're just words, dumbass. What are you scared of, bitch? You use them all the time you ass. They will always slip out of your mouth like shit. But which word is the one that spills out the most for you? Or do you say it because you like it and it almost feels like a catchphrase of sorts.

In todays world, foul words really don't seem that foul anymore and are treated more as a form of slang. Hell, where I come from "cabron!" is a typical greeting. That pretty much translates to "motherfucker!" It's everywhere, and while you can't keep your kids from listening to them, you can teach them when such words are out of context. But with that said, what slips out of your foul mouth the most? Mine would be "jackass". A typical reaction to seeing something dumb and being annoyed by it. Just like the show on TV. I try to change it up to not sound repetitive or repugnant but it always slips out.
I'm not sure I have a favorite but when ever my friend gets super pissed off at somebody he always turns at them and screams "oh you did it now! you cocky sucking buttblowing monkey anus pixy shit!"Then cracks them in the face...This to me just seemed like such a random assortment of words, but I chuckled every time I heard it, and to this day I have no idea why. As for me I never really had a favorite curse word, I do say shit quite a bit, out of complete habit though. If I had a nickel for every time I said shit then, well..I would have a shit load of fucking nickels.
Hmmm, the word Cunt. Sadly, I never started saying this until I joined the forums. When I joined, that word was often thrown around here like it was nothing. Now, everytime someone says something I don't like, I call them a little cunt. A couple times, it's slipped out when talking to my mother. Quite funny actually because she never understands me when I say it. I've called my girlfriend, friends and other people ***** on a daily basis. I never really knew how much I said it until now. Another foul word I love to use would be Bitch. "Yous a bitch" is the sentence in which I use it in the most. Mostly I'm joking around with the fellas as I never say it when I'm mad. Girls don't like being called Bitch for some reason. Lulz.

The last word I use on a daily basis would be the word not allowed anywhere but The Cage. I use it often, but not in a bad way. Words have progessed a lot and evolve from the actual meaning and the N word is one that doesn't mean anything and shouldn't be taken offensive.
I'm right with Hamler. My foul word of choice has seemingly become cunt. And I credit the forums for that. I never really started using the word until becoming heavily active here and now when I'm with my friends it is expected that cunt leaves my mouth multiple times for anything that may get under my skin. I tend to sub it around with twat as well. What makes it more special for me is the fact that those words aren't usually tossed around here in the States (at least no to my knowledge). Either way I have a major potty mouth and toss most of the foul words around like they are everyday lingo.
My personal word is Damn. And just that. I tend to use it either when something is really bad or whenever I see a hot chick. I think this is my word because it is short and to the point and doesn't take to much thinking to say. I have no real other swear word I use except for the occasion asshole. I will almost never say the word bitch I just find it inappropriate.
Cunt would be the absolute favorite but I don't use it without a conscience effort to do so. I think the one I use the most without putting any consideration into it would be Fuck. It comes in several different ways; Fuck, fucking, fucker, motherfucker, etc. Nothing gets your point across more abrasively and stern.

"What are you talking about?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

See what I mean? Another would be shit. Whether I use it to describe something, I use it as a transitional word, or I use it in it's most literal form, I use it very frequently.
Cunt would be the absolute favorite but I don't use it without a conscience effort to do so. I think the one I use the most without putting any consideration into it would be Fuck. It comes in several different ways; Fuck, fucking, fucker, motherfucker, etc. Nothing gets your point across more abrasively and stern.

"What are you talking about?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

See what I mean? Another would be shit. Whether I use it to describe something, I use it as a transitional word, or I use it in it's most literal form, I use it very frequently.

Agreed.Fuck is sued quite commonly by me.I use it all the time.

Another example I use is

"Sit your fucking ass down"
".. you cocky sucking buttblowing monkey anus pixy shit!"

Pixy isn't a very nice word.:blush:

Now, everytime someone says something I don't like, I call them a little cunt........... Another foul word I love to use would be Bitch.

That shows some misogynistic tendencies, y'know, when a guy's preferred way of putting someone down is to curse them using derogatory terms associated with females. On this forum, you're not alone, though.


When I'm feeling frustration on a project at work, I can usually dispel it with a good, healthy: "shitfire!"
Cunt is a glorious word. There's no other non-pejorative word in the English language which carries as much weight. It still has a wonderful ability to shock. That ability does seem to be waning as time goes on and I grow up, but it's still spectacular. I understand the belief of some that it's misogynistic, but I don't see it that way. And I think society is rapidly starting to alter the meaning of the word and how it's perceived. I don't use the word frequently and I don't use it around everyone because some may consider it offensive, and I'm courteous. Fucking courteous.

Which brings me to my second choice. Fuck. Or any variation there of. It's versatile and becoming far more socially acceptable for such an abrasive word. It can make something sound funny, it can make something sound serious. It's powerful despite it's common usage. As Billy Connolly says, "there is no English equivalent for 'fuck off'".
Cunt is a magical word. It's the only word that can gain a truly 'oh my god, did you just say that' type of reaction, no matter who it's from. I rarely (and I mean rarely) say that word outside of a joke or/and quoting something I had heard on TV. It's a word you safe for a special occasion, because calling someone a cunt is no-mean feat. They have to fully deserve it to warrant it. Fuck, like a lot of people, is another of my favourite swear words. It's so easy to use and you can tie it in with other words to give it more meaning. I swear a lot, and everyone I know (near enough) is almost used to me saying the word fuck. It's a fantastic word (as weird as that sounds).
Fuck (and variations of the word) usually slip out of my mouth. Also, I've been told that the word "hella" (a variation of the word "hell") is a word that is used predominantly by North Californians, particularly those from the Bay Area. Most people here as well as myself say the word without noticing when we're putting emphasis on something (ex: I earned hella money at work today).

I've also used the word "twat" every now and then. I credit the forum for that.
Alright i've got some shit here yall aint even heard of :confused: I tend to swear the most when playing video games, when I lose or something bad happens I say whatever pops into my head. For instance, ********er Motherfucker that one I did originally hear on 40 year old virgin but i've adopted it. Another that credit to the masterful Chris Jericho is Assclown and yes I really do say this one often. But the single curseword that I say the most is probably Fuck, unfotunatly I find it very hard to filter that when doing something intense like sports or vid games so if theres a little kid with me hopefully they cant hear it. I can usually stop myself but sometimes it slips out.

Just like most of the other posters have said here, it's very easy to use and can be applied to numerous situations. Particularily when I am studying, or doing some other strenous job, I like saying "This is fucking hard." Almost helps me concentrate more strangely.
I probably use "shit" more than any other. I usually replace "fuck" and some other swears with other words like "What the brown?" or "Fudge you!". But shit is the one word that I always use, mainly in descriptions. I have a tendency to end my descriptions with "and shit" or "that's shit". Don't know why, I usually say things just to be funny but I'll say them so often that they just become apart of my everyday vocabulary. Like I'm the farthest thing from "gangsta" or anything like that but I have a tendency to talk in that way. Again I would occasionally throw some bad language and slang into my vocabulary just as an unfunny joke but it just became apart of me and shit.
Sumbitch. The southern combination of course of the term "son of a bitch. I'm not Country by any means (but of course, I am from Arkansas), alas this word comes shooting out of my mouth on a regular basis. Partly because if makes me feel better, because for some reason I find it's usage comical.
Since joining these forums, I fire out a "Cunt" every few posts it seems lol.

But the word "Fuck" is easily my favourite, it can be used in so many ways, to emphasis something bad or good, or just to insult someone, such as calling them a "motherfucker" or telling them to "fuck off"

Thank fuck these forums do not stop you swearing or most posters here would have about 150 posts each haha
Fuck just because it's so easy to use. You can add words to it. The classic being Motherfucker, though I've been using Flying Fuck quite a lot recently. You can use it in various forms such as 'I'm so fucked', 'Fucking hell that's awesome' and a personal favourite 'What the fuck are you talking about?'. It's a word that could describe great joy or desperation. What a word.
I'm not a big user of foul words, but when I do, I prefer Fuck. When insulting someone, I enjoy using the word Cunt.

Fuck is such a versatile word, and it's very easy to just let it slide out of your mouth in normal conversation. It's no mystery that the word can be used in every part of the English language.

As for Cunt, it seems like the perfect insult, because it seems to have the most bite. In our culture, curse words are so common that they rarely offend anyone, and don't catch interest as easily. Cunt, on the other hand, is the last of a dead breed. People are still easily offended by it when words like "********" and "Bitch" become terms of endearment.
Fuck/Fucker/Fuckhead/Motherfucker/Fuckface- When I am frustrated, generally mad, annoyed, disgusted, or even just fucking around.

********er to anyone in the male gender that pisses me off.

Cunt to any member of the female gender that pisses me off. I shocked a car full of my friends when I dropped about 6 "cunt" bombs on an unsuspecting soccer mom making about a 15 point u-turn on a one way street. As she passed, I smiled, waved politely, and rolled down my window. She rolled down her window and must have anticapted kind words. Poor cunt never saw it coming.
I swear way too much and use a nice variety when I do it, but fuck is definitely the foul word I use the most. Bitch and shit probably come in at second and third but I usually use those after some sort of "fuck." Something like "you fucking piece of shit," or "fuck you bitch." When I'm drunk my swearing definitely increases and the word fuck is probably used once per sentence in some form.
Fuck is probably the most common curse word I use on a daily basis. When I say this word, I usually use it an angry way, or I say it in a sarcastic manner, when I'm being a dick towards someone. I also use shit a lot. I always say this word when I can't stand something, or I use this word when I want to trash something. And there are times where I say horseshit or dogshit, because adding these words just makes everything sound a lot more funnier.
For me it would have to be bullsh*t. I try to cut down on cusswords and prejudiced remarks as much as possible, but when I get really upset about something then several "bullsh*t!" can be heard from far away. Even when I am ranting about something but am not THAT upset, I still use it. Bullsh*t is my foul word of choice because it is the only one that I really use on an almost daily basis, I try to cut down on all foul words/phrases though including that one as best I can.
I dont even know that my word of choice would be considered to be a curse word, to be honest. The only word I use on a daily basis is "helluva", and I use it alot. If I read a post on here that I like, Ill tell someone they did a "helluva" job. If a client tells me about difficult issues in their life, Ill tell them they have a "helluva" lot on their plate.

My word of choice used to be f*ck. I loved using the word, and it became even more enjoyable when I was drunk or high. Id use it in casual situations and conversations, like it was nothing. Part of it was my wife, to be honest, because she had a fouler mouth then I ever did, so I picked up alot from her. But when she stopped cussing, it was a visceral thing in that I did as well. It was almost a situation where in order to converse with her, I felt like I needed to swear just to relate to her. When she stopped swearing, I soon followed suit when I quit drinking and getting high. I also realized that I wasn't being myself, I was being someone to please or appease someone else.

But today, outside of hell or damn, I don't swear. Call me a prude, call me boring, but I feel I can effectively communicate and get my point across without cursing. I don't look down on anyone who does, hell, I married someone who had a filthier mouth then ANYONE Id ever met. But it's just not me. Im extremely careful to guard the words that come out of my mouth.
I used to be like a lot of you and love to throw around "fuck" and any of it's varieties. But lately I have been watching the show "Trailer Park Boys," which is awesome by the way, and it's got me saying different variations of "shit." Just put "shit" in front of any word and it makes things serious, not really, but still. I love telling people that a shit-storm is coming or they're going to be hit by a shit-quake.

There is another word I also like using quite a bit, but I don't think it's allowed outside the Cage, but it rhymes with bigger. I don't mean anything racist by it and I usually don't even say it to anyone. I just have fun singing it. It's just a fun word to say.
Shit & Fuck are my go-to cuss words I suppose

I probably say both like 10 times a day lol

I blame Saints Row for it too , because they said fuck left and right in that game and it caught on with me

I noticed some of you said cunt , suprisingly I never say that actually. I say douche instead

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