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Your favourite WWE shoot?


Dark Match Jobber
In the past year or so, we've seen the likes of CM Punk dropping some serious "Pipe Bombs", here and there and his infamous shoot, or "worked shoot". In the history of the WWE, there have been many so called "shoots", but which one is your favourite?
One of my favorite shoots happened I think it was a One Night Stand with Paul Heyman and I want to say it was 2008? It got some attention for the time because it was during the Edge/Matt Hardy feud where well Edge stole Lita. I don't know if it was 100% shoot or what, I'm sure Heyman had to run things by Vince but during the promo he just mentioned Matt Hardy over the mic and the crowd went nuts. Heyman always gave great shoots if he was allowed the freedom. An honorable mention is James Cornette during the mid 90's. On Raw he'd have pre taped shoots on whatever it was he was given freedom on speaking about, usually taking jabs at WCW.
Either Punks shoot promo, Heymans shoot at ECW ONS or although it wasn't a shoot promo when Punk was face to face with Triple H and said "This isn't CM Punk talking to Triple H, this is Phil Brooks talking to Paul Levesque" not "ground breaking" but I thought it was a nice touch to what was a personal feud, although I'll still never get the logic of them 2 buddying up and teaming up at Vengeance.
My 3 favorite WWe shoots are 1-joey Styles on RAW......classic, most watch. 2-Paul Heyman EXW one night stand. what did we learn from it? HHH does work tuesdays 3-CM Punks......cant wait for his dvd so i can watch it over and over again great stuff.
I would have to choose Jim Cornette's shoots from '97. He did a few of them and it was one of the few times that you heard someone on one show talk not just about "The Other guys" in that manner, but take shots and people from both companies and praise people from both companies in that manner. Its wasn't just a "WCW sucks and WWE rules" promo, it was an angry rant by a Wrestling fan about the problems that he saw with the "new age" of "Sports Entertainment".
The Edge-Lita-Matt triangle. Sure, plenty of it was worked because the three of them were employees and had to stick to the script. Yet, certain elements had basis in reality and it was fun to speculate how much was real and how much wasn't.

Two things stick out: Edge was Edge; he was already a top-of-the-card superstar and wouldn't have even been having matches with a mid-carder like Matt Hardy had this real-life feud not come about. That he was forced to lose one of the matches to Matt might have rankled him because it wouldn't have happened in real life. Still, Edge was a heel kayfabe.....and now he was regarded as one in real life, too. Only heaven knows what he really thought of all this.

IMO, Lita hated being booed when she was portraying a face. Yes, even before the Matt Hardy thing, she was a good guy who consorted with a bad guy (Edge) and that was unusual enough (think of Randy Savage and Elizabeth). But before the company turned her heel, fans were booing her as she accompanied Edge to the ring and her facial expressions indicated to me that she wasn't happy about it. Hell, why would she be?

As for Matt Hardy? Who knows what he really thought about participating in this program? He must have hated Edge for real.....and it must have been painful to work with the woman who betrayed him in real life. Yet, he wound up losing the feud to the man who took his woman. How would you like it?

I was waiting for them to break kayfabe and cause hell to break loose (and I wonder if Vince McMahon would truly have been upset about it or not), and it's a tribute to the three characters that they followed the script.
I think the best ones were stone cold when he was in ECW. those were classic and u could tell he was mostly talking from his heart and mind. and they were funny as hell too.
CM Punk all the way ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
One of my favorite shoots happened I think it was a One Night Stand with Paul Heyman and I want to say it was 2008? It got some attention for the time because it was during the Edge/Matt Hardy feud where well Edge stole Lita. I don't know if it was 100% shoot or what, I'm sure Heyman had to run things by Vince but during the promo he just mentioned Matt Hardy over the mic and the crowd went nuts. Heyman always gave great shoots if he was allowed the freedom. An honorable mention is James Cornette during the mid 90's. On Raw he'd have pre taped shoots on whatever it was he was given freedom on speaking about, usually taking jabs at WCW.

Paul Heyman wasn't with the company at ONS 08. I think it was 05 you're talking about. Edge was feeding with Undertaker in 2008. As for whoever said Lita was a babyface at the time she was with Edge, that was untrue. She turned heel on Kane in...I wanna say July of 2005...during the Gold Rush tournament final on Raw. She remained heel right up until she left WWE I believe, and even did a promo with Todd Grisham ripping on the fans and Cryme Time, blaming them for her decision to leave.

Any****e, back on topic, my favorite shoots on TV have been any from Heyman in 2001 and 2005 - including his worked shoot with Bischoff about the first One Night Stand. The first shoot that came to mind reading this was Joey Styles' one. That was great.

Would you count JBL's promo from ONS 2006 as a shoot? He ripped on Heyman, Tazz, RVD and Blue Meanie. Great promo also.

Finally JBL's promos about being fired from CNBC and his first promo as JBL were also intriguing.
No ones said it yet but Paul Haymans shoot from the Smackdown before Survivor Series during the invasion angle where he voiced his frustrations with how crappy the WWE product was and all the despicable things about Vince Mcmahon does to humiliate every one who works for him and how he stole ideas from everyone he drove out of business including ECW. It was very heartfelt and very true coming from a man who poured his heart and soul into something and had it taken away by some one stealing from him.

Jeff Jarrett "Shoot" promo that he did in 1997 . It was perfectly delivered and was completely real.


That is one of my favorites, but mostly in the vein of the reason why The Room is one of my favorite movies ever. That shoot is so horrible it is hilarious. Jeff Jarrett is one of the most average, boring wrestlers ever. The reason why he didn't get pushed the way he thought he should is because he sucked and he couldn't draw a dime if you gave him a pencil, paper, and a stencil of an actual dime.
No ones said it yet but Paul Haymans shoot from the Smackdown before Survivor Series during the invasion angle where he voiced his frustrations with how crappy the WWE product was and all the despicable things about Vince Mcmahon does to humiliate every one who works for him and how he stole ideas from everyone he drove out of business including ECW. It was very heartfelt and very true coming from a man who poured his heart and soul into something and had it taken away by some one stealing from him.


ECW wasn't stolen from Paul Heyman by anyone except maybe Paul Heyman's evil twin brother: Businessman Paul Heyman. (He was the one with the crazy man beard).

This shoot is cool to listen to, but Paul is so full of shit that I think some actually rolls down his leg when Taz finally shuts him up and chokes him out.
me said:
Hmmm...mine technically isn't a "WWE" shoot, since it occurred in ECW, but it definitely helped the individual get a job in the WWE, and the WWE owns all of that footage from ECW anyway, so in a way, it counts...

Pre-Stone Cold "Superstar" Steve Austin's INCREDIBLE shoot interview on ECW regarding being let go from WCW, his thoughts on Eric Bischoff, etc.

It's possible that CM Punk's shoot was a worked shoot, and as brilliant as it was, if it was a worked shoot, it gets a few points deducted. However, when you listen to the passion in Steve Austin's voice, the raw anger he displays, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Paul Heyman just gave him a mic and let him say whatever the hell he wanted to. This was as real as it gets.

Jeff Jarrett "Shoot" promo that he did in 1997 . It was perfectly delivered and was completely real.


Wow, i couldn't get 2 minutes into that promo. Jarrett's mic skills, at least at that time, were beyond awful. He bored me horribly.

My pick would have to be Heyman. There was just so much emotion in that promo, and you knew he meant it. And Heyman was/is a great wrestling mind and personality.
I thought that it was WWE shoot? I see the Steve Austin shoots from ECW! Just saying.
Paul E. is an obvious choice, so is C.M. Punk. Them were all good. The first time I ever heard or seen a shoot was when HBK was on commentary and he called Sid "WWF's Most Expensive Piece Of Luggage, because all the boys in the back have to carry him!" I cant find a clip of it any where.
I thought that it was WWE shoot? I see the Steve Austin shoots from ECW! Just saying.

The WWE owns the entire ECW library and all intellectual property rights. Therefore Steve Austin's ECW shoot is the legal property of the WWE...It's a WWE shoot retroactively. That's why I listed it. If the WWE didn't own all of ECW's legacy, I wouldn't have.
cm punks pipe bomb in summer 2011, triple h's im done making stars promo, stone colds ecw promos and the rocks toronto promo when we got drafted to raw which was funny as hell
It wasn't really a 'shoot', but given that the term basically refers to 'reality' in the world of wrestling, I would have to go for the reaction of Jim Ross following the trade to Smackdown. There was no way he knew about it and it resulted in one of the most uncomfortable moments in Raw history.
There were several great shoots, no question about it, but like CM Punk said, i'm a Paul Heyman guy, no one, not even Austin can do a shoot like Heyman......
Definitely C.M Punk's EPIC jaw dropping shoot last year!

Matt Hardy v.6.0 - (when he came back) did a pretty awesome one (I know it wasn't a true shoot but still a great one).
My all time favorite shoot was Vince Russo at WCW Bash at the Beach 2000. It was Jeff Jarrett vs Hulk Hogan for the WCW title. The word was Hogan played politics again to win the belt from Jarrett and Russo was against it. Jarrett came to the ring lied down to Hogan's surprise, Russo came out cut a small shoot before Hogan put his foot over Jarrett pinning him then immediately leaving the ring backstage. Later that night Russo cut a huge promo on Hogan that left me speehless. I was trying to find it on Youtube but had no luck but for those who haven't seen it it's a must see.
Although i hate the guy, i thought Vince Russo's shoot on Hogan at Bash on the Beach 2000 was great. For those who don't know the story, Hoagn was booked to lose against Jeff Jarret for the title, but Hogan used his "creative control veto" contract clause to give him the win. So Russo in return screwed Hogan over by making jarret lay down and give hogan the win, then publicly firing hogan at the event.

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