Your Favourite Wrestler's Of All Time (Top Ten List)

All I can say for deffinate is my top 3, the rest are usually in flux depending on my mood so here they are.

3. CM Punk. The straightedge superstar has influenced my life, he made me want to be a wrestler, his promos are awe inspiring and the way he has changed his style from his indy days and made himself a big name.

2. Bryan Danielson. The man again can wrestle so many styles and he is loved where ever he goes, techincally "the best in the world" I've seen him live many times and he connects with the crowd like no one before. When I first saw him I hated him but his run as ROH champion made me see his abilities and his stamina is through the roof. I've even met him a few times and he's always amazing to his fans.

1. Alex Shelley. He has it all, he can do every style, he can do any charecter and he is always entertaining. The one thing that makes this man my favourite wrestler is I'm never bored when watching a Shelley match who ever he is against. Athleticism, technical messiah ! and charismatic, he's the perfect wrestler in my opinion!
10. dolph ziggler: same as john morrison, just not as much.

9. john morrison. don't know why really, he just gets me hooked to the screen with his matches.

8. randy orton. no i'm not a guy thinking its cool to cheer for him, i just like his character, his facial expressions and his finisher is absolutely awesome.

7. kurt angle. amazing in-ring ability. says it all

6. ric flair. fantastic promo's.. and also really good in the ring, atleast back in the days (looking up matches on the internet ftw) but the mic skills would've been far enough for me.

5. eddie guerrero. simply amazing entertainer, amazing in the ring.. the whole thing in my opinion, makes me sad he's not around today, he would've been such a huge attraction if you ask me.

4. stone cold. his career speaks for itself, especially the mcmahon-austin feud :)

3. chris jericho: amazing on the mic, amazing in the ring, simply love watching him, and even if i rank dx higher than jericho in this thing, i really hope jeri-show retain at TLC, cause it means jericho still pops up on raw :)

2. shawn michaels. simply amazing performances at wrestlemania made this quite obvious for my choice. and his DX stuff also puts a smile on my face everytime, no matter how lame they might seem.

1. Triple H. might just be me having a thing for huge guys, especially cause the first guy i really got hooked to was batista because of his brutality, but over his absence once i really got into it (i got hooked to wwe around 2-3 weeks prior to WM25) i choose triple H as my favourite because he both had the looks, the brutality (to some degree) and the mic skills (to some degree again)
1. Stone Cold - I remember when this man first debuted with the Stone Cold character, something about his cold blooded, hardcore attitude had me hooked from the beginning. For the most part of his career, he was a well rounded wrestler that could have a great match with anybody.

2. Chris Jericho - One of the most charismatic, flamboyant, diverse, multi-dimensional wrestlers that ever graced the squared circle. He can play the role of a heel and face to perfection, he can make you loathe him or cheer for him like a god. He's one of the most well rounded wrestlers ever.

3. Sting - The look, the personality, the in-ring skill, great psychology, has been apart of some of the most entertaining feuds and storylines ever.

4. Triple H - Definitely one of the most well rounded performers in the history of the business. And imo, he's the best heel the WWE/F ever had. He's a master of his art.

5. Ric Flair -
One of the best promo guys ever, an awesome in ring performer, nobody understands psychology more than Ric Flair. He had it at all, the charisma, the attitude, the personality, the passion, the insatiable desire to perform. I could never get tired of watching his best matches.

6. HBK - Definitely an all time great. I think he's on the level of Ric Flair when it comes to psychology and in-ring performances. He has always owned the show when he wrestled. Tons of personality, charisma, passion, an excellent promo guy. He's definitely one of the most well rounded performers ever.

7. Eddie Guerrero -
I really wish he would have feuded with Stone Cold in the long run. Those two could have had the best promo's ever against each other. He was so charismatic, intelligent, a master of psychology, a well rounded wrestler, he had it at all.

8. Kurt Angle - Look at the reasons I gave for HBK.

9. Ricky Steamboat - Awesome and well rounded wrestler and performer. Tons of great moments on the mic and in the ring. Nobody understood psychology more than Steamboat and Flair.

10. Randy Savage
He was my absolute favorite wrestler when I was a little kid. I so wanted to be like him. I loved his flashy personality and costumes, brilliant on the mic and in the ring. Definitely more entertaining than Hogan ever was. Same to see how he turned out these days.
1: Goldberg- he is the reason I got so into wrestling, when I was 5 my cousins turned on the TV and they were telling me about Goldberg that night and there I saw Goldberg, and I dont think this guys the best wrestler ever, but he is my all time favorite.
2: Chris Jericho- As of right now he is the greatest wrestler in the WWE. Ever since he turned heel he has really showed how talented and how great of a wrestler he is.
3: The Rock- There is no one better than him at entertaining the fans.
4: Chris Benoit- I miss the guy, I think it was sick an disgusting what he did. But as wrestler i truly respect the guy! he was one of the greatest technical wrestlers.
5: Kurt Angle- The best damn technical wrestler. Hes true DAMN true
6: Edge- Hes just Edge. Thats why I love the guy.
7: CM Punk- I remember hearing from him when he was in ROH and i was like CM Punk, thats what WWE needs. Now that he is WWE i absolutley love his work on SmackDown! and he makes an amazing heel. He has an amazing martial arts skill as well.
8: Chrisitian- Back in the attitude era him and Edge where my favorite tag team. He is the biggest face of ECW, and top dog there.
9: Randy Orton- He is the leader of the new generation. He is young, talented, and an amazing natural heel.
10: Sting- c'mon hes the stinger! his face paint and the whole franchise thing in WCW was just so amazing. Now in TNA he is meh.
wha gwaan everyone, just wanna say i have been looking for a thread like this for a while so here is my all time fave's

10: rey mysterio :(wcw only) he was awesome, just awesome he did stuff then that is amazing till this day, was also the original giant killer, was involved in the greatest match in history of wcw(rey/juvi/psicosis/blitxkreig) just great.

9 randy orton: he has been superb, the viper gimmick is the best thing to happen to him, sick twisted violent, yet, calculating and intelligent has taken out more people than anyone i remember,great wrestler, best looking finisher, and is still just 29 yrs old could probably top the list in future.

8 undertaker: no need to explain to deeply, greatest gimmick and streak ever,superb prescence and brawler, the phenom.

7 rob van dam: the whole dam show, the most athletic wrestler i have ever seen his matches in ecw with jerry lynn sabu, and new jack, are classic, came to wwe did the same, jericho undertaker benoit,jeff hardy, edge, cena, one the most popular wrestlers ever.

6 sting: the icon he was the man who single handedly took on the nwo ....and survived he dominated the main event scene, helped tna to stay around,just an icon.

5 hbk: shawn michaels similar to rvd but more succesful truly gifted wrestler, high risk taker, personality, look, he had everything since 2002, he has been in a match of the year every year since, true show stealer.

4 chris jericho: the most versitile all rounded wrestler i bleieve in history, has everything you need bar size probably the most consistent performer around he has always been entertaining and intresting, has won a sack load of titles, and with age might still be getting better.

3 bret hart: this is what you call the excellence of execution, the man new more wrestling hold's than people could imagine always told a story, tough as hell physically and mentally, bunch of awesome matches, great wrestling family, only man that can wear pink and be taken seriously, won't be another like him.

2 kurt angle: this guy is what a perfect professionial wrestler is, he is along with hart the greatest wrestler ever, matches with cena,rock,austin,benoit,lesnar,undertaker,rey,edge,guerrero,hbk,triple h, aj styles, samoa joe, sting the man is awesome, he is also the most funniest wrestler ever ,comedic heel he invented it, three i's intensity,integrity and intelligence, the man, it's true it's true.

1 stone cold: the greatest superstar in the history of wrestling, unquestionably, the attitude era was because of him did things his way, did not fear anyone gave the most memorable moments in history(tyson,austin vs mcmahon,shocking heel turn, beer truck,) was a decent wrestler as well, give me a hell yeah.

well that's my best list, and that's the bottom line cause gully side adidja said so, holla.
10. Eddie Guerrero - I had only seen him in the WWE and a little bit in WCW, but he was entertaining from day one of the WWE. From being a part of the Radicalz to being in love with Chyna all the way up to becoming the WWE Champion.

9. The Undertaker - I've seen essentially the Undertaker's whole career on tv. He is definitely one of the best big men to ever lace up the boots. I loved his work as the American Bad Ass and I really marked out when he returned to his roots at Wrestlemania 20.

8 . Triple H - Some may say he slept his way to the top but I don't care. One of the few matches I've never seen that I want to is his ladder match with the Rock, it happened shortly before I became a fan. I loved Triple H as the leader of DX, and I love his heel work, he does it so well. When he tore his quad the first time I was really not sure if he'd come back, and I loved the desire video hyping his return. When he tore the other quad, I knew , he'd be back, and it'd be a great beginning to the rest of his career.

7. Sting - I loved his work in WCW as the crow character, and I love him in TNA. The only thing I never liked was that they stuck him in the Mafia when you could tell underneath it all he was still a face. I just can't see Sting working as a heel.

6. Macho Man Randy Savage - His feud with Ricky Steamboat was awesome. I loved the Macho Man character, and his voice and over the top promos really made me a huge fan of his.

5. Edge - He's been great since his days in the Brood. I new someday he would be main eventing. In my eyes he's one of the last true wrestlers to have worked their way all the way up the card from tag team to main event level. You don't see that too often these days. Edge also has been very entertaining over the years and I'm a big fan of his work.

4. The Rock - When he turned he heel, I was loving every minute of it. No one ever saw it coming. I loved his matches with Hogan and they had excellent chemistry. The Rock truly was the most electrifying man in sports entertainment.

3 - Ric Flair - I'm speechless. His storied career has been nothing short of amazing. The 16 time world champion. I loved his work in WCW and in the WWE. Plus, he had the last WCW match ever with Sting.

2 - Samoa Joe - He's so agile for such a big guy. Until he came into TNA, I had never seen someone his size so quick. Samoa Joe is the longest reigning ROH champion ever. Plus, I love his finisher, the Musclebuster.

1 - Stone Cold - His character alone got me hooked on the WWE. I was and forever will be a fan of his. He ushered in the Attitude Era and was the forefront of it. When he went out for neck surgery, I was definitely nervous about him returning. I loved the storyline when he came back though, and one of my favorite moments was when he flipped the car with Triple H in it.
From the start, people should know that I've never based my favorites on who the industry is pushing, what others say about the performer's ability or which organization he works in. Also, I've been watching wrestling for many more years than most here, so I'm happily not drawing my favorites from just the WWF Attitude Era. I'm not saying anything about those who largely choose WWF wrestler, just that my favorites probably are going to give most a WTF?!? moment.

Honorable Mentions: The Rock, Stone Cold, Demolition, The Brainbusters: Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson, Michael "P.S." Hayes, "Nature Boy" Buddy Landell, Lord Humongous, Sting, Bret "The Hitman" Hart, "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, Big Bubba Rogers, Four Horsemen era Barry Windham. (Actually, this was harder to do than initially imagined!)

10. One Man Gang - When this man was a monster heel -- way before he ever thought to become "Akeem, The African Dream" (my heart breaks remembering it!), I was marking out for him as part of Skandor Akbar's "Devastation, Inc." in UWF.

9. "Gorgeous" Jimmy Garvin - Whether it was as a mega-heel in the old WCCW, winning tag titles in the AWA with "Mr. Electricity" Steve Regal or going to time-limit draws with Flair for the NWA World title, I loved "The Gorgeous One."

8. Terry Taylor - I still haven't forgiven WWF for making him "The Red Rooster." This guy had it all . . . and they ruined him. He should have been used along the lines of a Ric Flair, but he never was.

7. "Exotic" Adrian Street - Probably the first wrestler to ever wear face paint, "Exotic" Adrian was unbelievable in the ring, on the mic and in his ring psychology. He was so talented, in fact, you forgot completely that he was 5'7"!

6. Shawn Michaels - I'm specifically talking early solo, "Sexy Boy" era Shawn. Once he became any semblance of who we know today, I lost interest, but those early days with Sherri, Diesel, and the I-C title were incredible!

5. Jake "The Snake" Roberts - I will never forget his feud with "Dirty" Dick Slater in the old Mid-South area. When he "accidentally" DDT'ed Slater's valet Dark Journey, putting her in a neck brace for the next six weeks, I was sold. The WWF is still in the dog house for making him ditch the medical scrub pants for those spandex "snake" pants.

4. "Ravishing" Rick Rude - I loved everything about Rude. From his time in WCCW as champ to his run as WWF I-C champ to his last hurrah as WCW International World Heavyweight Champ, he was one of the greatest all-around performers ever.

3. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig - Phenomenal! Even in his AWA days, he showed real signs of greatness. WWF helped him, well... "perfect"...himself. Ranking him third really pains me, but I thought about my Top 2 and can't deny them.

2. Goldust - Man, I hated Dustin Rhodes, but those early years of Goldust were brilliant. The old-school movie quotes, the creepy faces, the stalker-esque qualities. This man was way over and could back it up in the ring.

1. The Midnight Express - Maybe this is a cop-out, since it's technically a whole series of guys, but I really think I mark for Jim Cornette's mic skills backed by "Beautiful" Bobby and "Sweet" Stan in the ring. Anyone who didn't get a chance to watch these men live or in the moment, do yourself a favor & pick up an old Starcade DVD. Damn they are good!

Since I chose this tag team as my top pick, I left other favorites like Demolition & The Brain Busters off the Top 10. Had I given myself permission, about half of my Top 10 would have been tag teams. That's always been my favorite aspect of pro wrestling.
Favorites: Top Ten
...and no, I don't think these are neccessarily the ten greatest of all time. And this list will not be realllll old school either, seeing I was not alive and I think you should at least have been alive while your "favorite" wrestle was actually competing.

10. Randy Orton- Too young to be any higher on my list, but will more than likely move up the list the longer he competes. Amazing talent, great mic skills.
9. Bad News Brown- This guy was awesome. He had all the physical tools, and always had that bad look on his face. Should have had a much bigger career.
8. Christ Benoit- would have been way higher on my list, used to be my second or third favorite of all time, but...well, he killed his family. That makes him a terrible human being...but still an amazing competitor.
7. The Million Dollar Man- This guy was ahead of his time. He could be an effective heel today, no question. Great in the ring, spectacular on the mic, drew great heat.
6. Rick Rude- I basically liked the same things in Rude as I did in DiBiase, except I liked Rude more. Better physically, and was hated, I felt, more personally by the crowd.
5. Arn Anderson- One of the all time greats in my book, but was always in Flairs shadow. Could he have had one of the better singles careers? Not sure, probably wasn't charismatic enough, but still one of my faves.
4. Scott Hall- this guy had all the potential in the world. He could have done it all, but just never reached that peak, due to personal problems. Too bad, would have been a great heel champ.
3. Mr. Perfect, Curt Hennig- Man, this guy was something else. He had it all; mic skills, toughness, arrogance, ability. Never really got the chance he may have deserved.
2. Bret Hart- Greatest in-ring competitor I have ever seen, live or on television. This guy just oozed toughness, grit, and determination, and underrate on the mic too.
1. Steve Austin- he WAS the attitude era. WWF probably wouldn't have bounced back against WCW had he not taken the company on his back Hogan-style. Underrated in the ring, and top-notch on the mic. Was very natural, never looked like he was over-doing it, whether in the ring or on the mic.

I do have to say, it is nice to see Goldberg gettin' some love in this forum. He wasn't as bad as people say he was...even though he ended Bret Hart's career...asshole.
10.Mr Perfect- Curt Henning was the closest we could get to a superman on planet earth he was perfect at everything he did, his in ring skills were flawless, for me his only problem was a bit based on his appeal while he was perfectly over while both a heel and a face he was still for me the best as a heel he was great on the mic as well, he was great but was way too good of a heel to go far as a face.

9.Ricky Steamboat- Ricky Steamboat is just way too likable of a talent, he just has this silent charisma about him, i just loved his theme song at Wrestlemania 3 and his promo before that match, i sincerely believe that many of the talent of this generation look at that promo for direction, the guy was also in addition to that one of the greatest in ring workers of all time (I GENUINELY MEAN IT) and when he returned earlier this year i was shocked at how good he still is, he still has it in him.
IN RING SKILLS (Return) - 7/10

8.Steve Austin- Stone Cold Steve Austin is on this list because i just find him so entertaining, i just love anytime he is on the mic. I do feel that before that infamous neck injury in 97 that he was a pretty good in ring worker. I just can't imagine a favorites or best list without Steve Austin, and also the fact of the matter is that he was the mouthpiece of the Attitude Era (The best era of wrestling)
IN RING SKILLS (Pre-Injury) - 7/10
IN RING SKILLS (Post-Injury) - 6.5/10

7.Rob Van Dam- Rob Van Dam was not only entertaining and incredible in and outside of the ring in the ECW but he was also the same in the WWF/E however to a lesser extent. I do believe that the guy would of been at the top tier at popularity now if he did not continue with the marijuana. The guy however showed all of his potential with his wrestling in ECW, he non stop entertained me and non stop wowed me. The guy would cut a promo about the length of his ECW Television title reign and how great he is during his entrances (literally), he is too unique in my opinion he was an unbelievable daredevil and technical wrestler at the same time.

6.Owen Hart- I will always love Owen Hart not only due to his backstage personality but his incredible athleticism and technical wrestling ability, he was very entertaining in and out of the ring and was in my opinion (maybe other than Mr Perfect and Ricky Steamboat) the greatest wrestler never to win the WWF/E World title, the guy was the total package.

5.Dynamite Kid- Dynamite Kid in my opinion was the absolute greatest a wrestler could get he along with two other certain individual's are the measuring stick for a wrestlers greatness, while he was somewhat of a dick (excuse my French) outside of the ring he by lightyears made up for it in the ring, he could adapt to any style in the ring, he could tell a story in the ring and sell incredibly, he was more than the total package in my opinion his only problem was his mic skills but he was in top form before the extra emphasis of promos.

4.Shawn Michaels- How could i not include HBK, he is definitely for me the greatest "performer" in the world of pro wrestling!!! He is the total package he could do all the high flying moves, he could sell better than everyone he could do quick incredible blade jobs, he could entertain you on the mic he could tell a great story in the ring, he has it all, and while he has gotten slightly sloppy recently, before he left to fix his attitude and drug abuse he was just out of this world, his only flaw was his average technical skills, he would probably be able to put on 5 star matches even when he is 55 years old.
IN RING SKILLS (Before He Left) 9.4/10
IN RING SKILLS (When He Returned) 8.9/10

3.The Undertaker- For me The Undertaker was always great in the ring and outside of the ring he was an incredible technical wrestler for his size and very believable at his strking technique and when selling. The Undertaker for me never really had any flaws in him, even though he has slightly gotten a little sloppy due to age, there was a point where he was untouchable.
IN RING SKILLS (Recently) - 8/10

2. Chris Jericho- Jericho never had one single small flaw in his wrestling skills before leaving, he was just incredible and unbeatable, he was great on the mic, in the ring, behind the scenes and everywhere else he never mixed in with the political HHH and Flair bullshit and never really had a flaw in him (maybe he could of handled the marks that confronted him better but still he is no saint), when hew returned with his new image he was still the damn best at what he did when he returned in 2007, even though he had traces of ring rust and age catching up with him.
IN RING SKILLS (Before He Left) 9.4/10
IN RING SKILLS (When He Returned) 8.4/10

1.Bret Hart- Bret Hart not only cut some very believable promo's in 1997 but was the greatest wrestler to ever step foot in a WWF/E ring, he could pull off some high flying moves but still his main talents relied on how great of a technical wrestler and actor he was. He was convincing at what he did. He was apart of the third greatest tag team ever and showed the strengths of his opponents and could have a great match with even a punching bag, his promos were horrible before 1994, however he started getting great as soon as the brother vs brother feud started.

Honorable Mentions

The Rock
Ric Flair
Booker T
The British Bulldog
Mick Foley
Chris Benoit
Big Show
Big Bossman
Terry Funk
The Great Muta
Jake Roberts
Arn Anderson
Rey Mysterio
Eddie Guerrero
Bruno Sammartino
John Morrison
Tiger Mask
Dean Malenko
Tully Blanchard
John Cena
Bob Backlund
Dusty Rhodes
John Morrison
Samoa Joe
Kurt Angle
HHH (Pre 2003)
AJ Styles
Randy Savage
Hulk Hogan
Andre The Giant
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
Brian Danielson
Evan Bourne
Shelton Benjamin
Jerry Lynn
Tommy Dreamer
Mitsuharu Misawa
Desmond Wolfe
CM Punk
Scott Steiner (When he was a technical master)
Randy Orton
Ted Dibiase
Ted Dibiase Jr
My personal Top 10 G. O. A. T. Wrestlers are:

Honorable mention – 1-2-3-6-X-Pac.

6-10. The Clique (Diesel, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Razor Ramon) What these 4 men did for Professional Wrestling / Sports Entertainment changed the way we watch forever. They were the reason why we the fans are “in the know”, and they are the reason for the number 2 and number 3 greatest factions of all time.

4-5 tied. Hulk Hogan / Ric Flair – These two got me into Professional Wrestling. I always wanted to see Hogan win in the WWF and Flair lose in WCW.

3. Kurt Angle – My second favorite active Superstar. He’s the first reason why I watch TNA today.

2-3 tied. Stone Cold Steve Austin / The Rock – These two got me watching Professional Wrestling religiously.

1. Chris Jericho – My favorite of all time. What he’s done in the past was excellent and he’s still doing it today.
Here's my list:

1) Stan Hansen. Could watch him all day long ! Best bigman ever !
2) The Dynamite Kid. Best jr. heavyweight that I've ever seen !
3) Terry Gordy. The power of the Freebirds was a fantastic worker and underrated promo guy.
4) Ted Dibiase(pre-1987). When he was in the NWA back in the 80's the guy was a fantastic kick-ass heel and a great babyface ! Should've gotten the NWA belt.
5) Ric Flair. The man !
6) Tully Blanchard. Very underrated wrestler and one of the greatest heels ever !
7) Arn Anderson. The glue of the Horsemen !
8) Bobby Eaton. Terrific worker and a great tag team wrestler, not only with Condry and Lane but also Koko.
9) Nick Bockwinkel. The most underrated champ ever in my opinion !
10) Jerry Lawler. Loved the king ! Wrestled all the greats who came through Memphis !
10. Bret Hart: One of the greatest technicians of all time, newcomers to the wrestling buisness, relax and take notes.

9. RVD: Along with Guerrero has one of the best frog splashes ever, and also had the innate ability to be able to make hardcore wrestling look pretty, the whole damn show.

8. A.J Styles: Great fucking athlete, he does things that makes me wet my fucking pants sometimes, and has mad style.

7. Rey Mysterio Jr.: Although he is very watered down in the WWE he is one of the best to wrestle in the Lucha style ever in my opinion.

6. Kurt Angle: Crazy technical skills combined with and ability to get the crowd behind him or against him without having all that great of mic skills makes him one of the greats in this buisness.

5. Randy Orton: A punk/badass with a bad attitude to everything with insane skills, what more could you want?

4. Eddie Guerrero: One of the greats in the buisness, did everything his way and never lost any respect. R.I.P

3. Chris Beniot: One of the most intense wreslters ever, with the most impressive technical skills I've ever seen. Too bad it ended the way it did.

2: Jushin Liger: Great wrestling gear, ridicoulus in ring skills and his ability to change his in ring style when he got bigger put him at this spot.

1. Hayabusa: Simply the greatest of all time in my opinion, mad skills in everything he did, I never saw a match I didn't like. Also is the toughest little guy I have seen by far.

Honorable Mentions: Chris Jericho, Shawn Micheals, Undertaker, The Rock, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar, and Juventud Guerrara.

Well, thats my list, it sure as shit was hard to make so I hope you enjoy it, PEACE.
10. Kane - The Big Red Machine, he was like a horror movie to me as a kid. You were frightened by his appearance on the TV but couldn't look away.
9. Chris Jericho - Loved him as Y2J and love him as his current character. All around great performer.
8. Triple H - Arguably one of the best ever.
7. Mick Foley - Kind of a lovable loser type here for me. Like the underdog you want to root for.
6. Kurt Angle - An Olympic Gold Medalist and one of the best technical wrestlers. Bigger fan of the heel, bald, Kurt.
5. The Rock - Great in the ring and unmatched on the mic. Would defiantly be higher on my list if he stayed around longer.
4. Edge - The Rated R Superstar, The Ultimate Opportunist or part of E&C he is one of the best going today and knows how to play is role better than anybody.
3. Mr. Perfect - This is more of a personal pick than anything he did in the ring. I met him at an Indy show, not as a performer just a spectator, right before he re-debuted with the E. One of the nicest people I've ever met.
2. The Undertaker - Not a big fan of the ABA gimmick, but as the Deadman there is nobody more intimidating and awe inspiring than the Undertaker.
1. Stone Cold Steve Austin - As a kid growing up in the Attitude Era I don't know how there could be anyone else at the top of the list.
i only watched late wcw (96-99) and wwe 2005 onwards so mine wont feature older wrestlers

10. Goldberg- he just dominated wcw like nobody else did before it ran through the ground

9.Triple H- watching some dvds from late 02-05 he was a damn good heel and i enjoyed all his ppv matches

8.Dean Malenko- the man of 1000 holds he was just awesome to watch

7.Kurt Angle- another damn good technical wrestler who you have to respect

6.AJ Styles- only been watching TNA for the last year and AJ has really impressed me with his athletic ability

5.Rey Mysterio- biggest underdog in history a great high flyer with more to come

4.Chris Benoit- awesome technical wrestler who should get more recognition for what he gave to the wwe

3.Eddie Guerrero- an awesome wrestler who died to early he had his whole career ahead of him R.I.P

Tied 1.Edge- so close to coming 1st but just didnt make it edge is another awesome wrestler and his attitude makes him 10 times better

Tied 1.Sting- watching him in wcw was awesome and then i found out that he was in TNA thats when i looked it up and started watching it just to see this man the icon Sting
10. AJ Styles: His athleticism and in ring talent are enough to cover up his average mic skills, and he's exciting to watch.

9. Kane: His gimmick was great back in the day, before he became a jobber. He should really be in Undertaker's place.

8. Desmond Wolfe/ Nigel McGuinness: Great technical and submission wrestler, I love his finishers.

7. Jeff Hardy: While I don't like his lifestyle, he was (is?) one great high flyer.

6. Jim Neidhart: Bret Hart got famous, while he ended up nowhere. He wasn't that bad at all. Also, this is personal opinions, so whatever.

5. Christian: In WWE and TNA, he is/was always one of the most over wrestlers. Love his finisher, and his charisma.

4. Bret Hart: One of the greatest to ever step into a ring. Best (or second) technical wrestler ever.

3. Dolph Ziggler: Although he is new, he's one of the most exciting wrestlers I've ever watched. I see world title reigns in his future.

2. Chris Jericho: One of the best technical wrestlers, great charisma/mic skills, has that world champion look, and is a definite hall of famer.

1. Raven: Well, it is personal opinions. I've always thought that he was the coolest looking wrestler around, and he is one of the best hardcore wrestlers ever.
10. Undertaker – No explanation needed really, the man is a part of the very fabric of modern wrestling. He has feuded with and beaten pretty much everyone, has the most famous streak in sports entertainment and is an icon for his fellow wrestlers.

9. Christian – Part of one of the best tag teams of all tem in my opinion, had a good but unspectacular singles run in WWE then jumped ship and went to the top of TNA. Since returning to WWE he has really come into his own and I feel his time is coming, and his hard work will be finally rewarded with a run at the top.

8. Hayabusa – Was one of the most famous wrestlers in Japan, a perfect example of Japanese wrestling in every way imaginable. I loved his moveset, the mystique that came with his mask and still feel sad that he left wrestling under such tragic circumstances.

7. AJ Styles – A wrestler who wrestled in lesser known companies for years and is finally getting his big break as the champion in TNA. His mic work is questioned by many, but I feel it is solid when called for and that he is a perfect example of a wrestler who made a name for himself through pure athleticism and seriously impressive wrestling ability.

6. CM Punk – I have seen some of Punks work before WWE and it is very impressive, both his matches and promos. I feel that Punk has really developed his character and general abilities since his heel turn in WWE, and his straight edge promos ate some of those that I most enjoy in the WWE. Even with his dog house period he never gave way to complacency, and I respect this and feel that his determination will see him back on top eventually.

5. The Rock – Self explanatory really, the man responsible for bringing in a huge amount of new wrestling fans during his time in the WWE. While his decision to leave remains controversial he did a lot for the company and the industry as a whole, and some of his matches and promos remain classics to this day. He also spawned a huge number of catchphrases, many of which are still used today by fans.

4. Edge – Him and Christian were one of my favourite tag teams of all time, and accomplished everything that a tag team could hope for. Edge went on to have huge success, mostly as a heel where he shone for his amazing mic work and ability to follow this up in the ring. As a heel he carried Smackdown during some of its slumps, where his feuds with Batista and Undertaker were the only things worth watching.

3. Kurt Angle – A man who has been on top of the two biggest current wrestling companies, and for me never gotten stale. Angle has been part of many of my favourite matches, and has delivered great promos consistently for as long as I have been watching him. He also has his gold medal and a genuine history in amateur wrestling, and has shown in the past that he is willing to put over and help build rising stars.

2. Chris Jericho – It was a very close call between Jericho and Michaels, and could always change over time. Jericho for me is almost the perfect wrestler, he puts on great matches, unbelievable promos, commits to his character extremely well and has what I perceive to be a great head for the business and a very astute wrestling mind. His book is my favourite wrestling autobiography, and one of the most enjoyable books that I have ever read. I feel that if he stays with the business for a few more years then Jericho will rightfully be remembered as one of the best of all time.

1. Shawn Michaels – I do not know what to say about HBK that has not been said by thousands of people before me. He has participated in and innovated so many different types of match, he has headlined PPV’s and won titles, stealing the show the entire time. He has received injuries that other men would have retired from, and continues to put on great matches and deliver when he is put into the spotlight. Michaels is part of wrestling history just as Undertaker is, and he is the wrestler who I have often felt the most emotionally invested in over my time as a wrestling fan. I still get incredibly emotion watching his promo in which he states that he “lost his smile”, and though he has his detractors I think that when his career is over he will be rightfully considered to have outstripped all those who came before him. HBK is a wrestler’s wrestler, an example to all others who will come after him, to learn from his mistakes and attempt to emulate his victories.
1. Stone cold Steve Austin- I loved his look, I loved his promos, I loved his matches, I loved the crazy things he did, and I loved the fact that he didnt really care about anyone but himself. He was amazing. Austin 3:16 is one of my favorite quotes ever.

2. Carlito- the First wrestler I ever got into when i started watching wrestling. Im not as much into him now as I was in his old days but I still think he is awesome. His in ring wrestling, his theme song, his look, the apple spitting, I think he is great. The WWE has not treated this man well. He should still be in the main event scene, or atleast a mid card champion.

3. CM Punk- Amazing heel, and he was a good face as well. I really dont know what to say about him. He is just awesome. His moveset, his promos (as a heel), and his look, and especially his theme song. Dude, this guy is really something as a heel. I seriously jump up and down when he cuts a promo! lol

4. the Undertaker- 'Nuff said.

5. Chris Jericho- what can I say? One of the best in ring wrestlers of today and definitely one of the best, if not the best, on the mic. He is great as a heel or face, whataver the case he is truly "the best in the world at what he does".

6. Dolph Ziggler- This guy is amazing in the ring and reminds me alot of Mr. Perfect. Ziggler is the future of the WWE.

7. Kane- I love this guy. I hear he really loves the wrestling business alot. I have alot of respect for him and I enjoy each and every match of his. His Chokeslam is the bomb and the look in his eyes when he stares at you is terrifying. His red fire in his entrance is like none other and his Big Boot is painful to watch. Everything he does is just so awesome and I can not put all the reasons I like him in words.

8. Triple H- i dont like him as much now as I used to but I would feel bad if I didnt add him on here. The guy can be really funny (and I dont mean the new DX crap) especially back in the day. He definitely has the look, way more than most people actually, and he has the skills. he is good all around and I heard he is a really cool guy in real life.

9. Rob van Dam- this guy was fantastic in the ring! His theme song "One of a Kind" gets stuck in my head all the time! The man was an incredible athlete and what I loved most about him was his wrestling matches. All of them were classics!

10. John morrison- Morrison is one of the men that will hopefully be world champion in teh future. His best work so far was as a heel when he did the dirt sheet and worked with The Miz. Unless your an idiot you would probably agree with me that Morrison is one of the best in ring wrestlers of today. He can do mat wrestling, he can jump around and do high flying moves, he can do a little brawling, he can do everything! I personally think he could be the next Shawn Micheals.

Honorable Mentions: Shawn Micheals, Sting, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, "The Billion Dollar Man" Ted Dibiasi, Jeff Hardy, Jack Swagger, Randy Orton, William regal, Hardcore Holly, Edge, Mr. Perfect, Zack ryder, Bret hart, Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Goldberg, Roddy Piper, Mr. Kennedy/Anderson, Christain, Finlay, and Jamie Noble.
10.The Undertaker-This guy has done it all.Future hall of famer,will have a unbeaten wrestlemania streak(even if he loses i doubt anyone else will win over 18 times).

9.HHH-This guy can work a match and is great face or heel.The only bad thing about him is probally the marty garner incident.

8.Sting-Love him hate him his awesome.His trademark black coat and baseball bat were awesome.And he was mysterious.i loved that about him.

7.John Morrison-He is one of the best in ring wrestlers today.Definately a world champion in the future.

6-Stone Cold Steve Austin-He stated the Attitude Era.He didnt care about rules and he did what we all want to do.Stunner VKM and his done it so many times.

5.Edge-He can cut a good promo and has the in ring skills as well.He also is my favourite heel because he just makes the crowd hate him.

4.Chris Benoit-Possibly the best technical wrestler ever alongside Kurt Angle and Bret Hart.He was so technical i was amazed at everyone of his matches.

3.Eddie Guerrero-He was one of a kind.He had the charisma and the in ring skills to back it up.Things could have gone wrong in the match and he would still finish it.Remember his feud with JBL and he cut himself to far and blood came out like a fountain.And he was always funny with low blows and giving the guy the title belt and falling down making him look like he was hit.

2.Bret Hart-He was so technical.Thats what i love about most wrestlers.How technical they are.He was just so awesome i couldnt help but love him.Shame he was screwed by VKM.He had the potential to go far in this buisness but shame about the injury.I hope his recent feud with Vince results in a Wrestlemania match and has Hart win by SHarpshooter without Vince tapping.

1.Shawn Michaels-What hasnt he done?His a triple Crown Champ,His a grand slammer,his held multiple champions.Hell he even got match of the decade by some wrestling newsletter against ric flair at WM24.If you look him up on wikipedia you can see all his achievements.No doubt a future hall of famer.
10. The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust: This gimmick was just hilariously random to me. My favorite was either Hunterdust or Vaderdust. Hunterdust had that ginat witch nose and lost a match to Owen which ended up making HHH lose the European Belt to Owen.

9. The Big Boss Man: No idea why I like him, but I was watching wrestling when I was a child and he came on in his cop outfit and had the nightstick with him and I thought he was a total badass.

8. Rick Rude: I found his gimmick to be hilarious, if that was the desired effect, I don't know, but I know that I found it just silly. Good promo skills, and good ring work as per everyone else on my list.

7. Hulk Hogan: I admit it, I'm a Hogan mark. I don't care that he wasn't technically sound or was Superman or whatever complaints you have. He entertained me when he was wrestling and he does now in his non-wrestling role in TNA.

6. The Pope: He's grown on me, very fast. I love his promos, his gimmick, and his ring work. He has no downsides to me.

5. Mick Foley: Whether he be Cactus Jack, Mankind, Dude Love, or just Mick Foley, he's a hardcore legend and can cut some great promos. He was part of possibly the best segment ever, This is Your Life Rock.

4. The Rock: Another of the wrestlers I grew up on, promos were the cream of the crop and he could go in the ring. Had an amazing feud with Stone Cold almost his whole career on and off.

3. The Million Dollar Man: Dibiase had a great gimmick firstly. He could cut a great promo and his vignettes are some of the best of all the times. I liked his ring work and his finisher was great.

2. AJ Styles: He was at about 4 until he turned and became Lil' Naitch. His in ring skills are amazing and his promo skills are highly underrated. He pulls off great moves and I love his finisher.

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin: I first saw Stone Cold when I was 3. He was the very first person I saw in wrestling. I instantly loved seeing him kick random people's asses. He could cut great promos and was technical before Owen.
1) Ravishing Rick Rude His mic work was terrific especially since he was the first to do the pre-match rant thing. Inside the ring he could make any one look go ala Warrior. Plus he's Mr. Monday Night. Loved that left WWE cuz of the ScrewJob, classy move.

2.) Ric Flair The man knows how to entertain plain and simple. 4 Horsemen will live on forever!!!!!

3) Kurt Angel To be honest, I never thought he would survive when he first started out but he has been nothing short of impressive the whole time.

4)Shawn Michaels He's another guy who can make any one look good. Mr. Wrestlemania indeed.

5) Bret Hart He would be higher up if his career didn't end the way it did.

6) Chris Jericho He's the complete package plain and simple.

7) HHH Overall he has been the best heel character that wrestling has produced in a long time.

8) Mr. Perfect He took the ball and ran with it as that character, and to think he wasn't the number 1 choice.

9) Million Dollar Man Just imagine how much better his character would have been during the Attidude Era.

10) Mick Foley The guy would do anything it took to please the fans. Got to respect that
these are my top based on everything

10. HHH - He slept his way to the top - but the guy has been at the top of the mountain for over a decade.
9. Shawn Michaels - Bit overated but he goes out and does what he does best he is the showstopper and has come back well from a bad injury
8. John Cena- the man is good on the mic - crowd loves him - gives it his all
7. Jeff hardy - The guy is a multi world champ - the crowd loves him - has produced alot of OMG moments. gives 110%
6. Edge - another has done it all. the only thing holding him back is he is just above average with his ring work.
5. The Undertaker - The man has been going for 19 years with same gimmick has worked hard and takes his character seriously.
4. Chris Jericho - Another man that has done everything and is good in all areas.
3. Christian - The man is perfect imo. he great mic skills - great ring skills - well over with the crowd. just lacking that world title
2. Stone Cold - Same as Rock
1. The Rock - Gold Gold Gold- Have him just ahead of austin as he is just better in the ring.
10.) Dean Malenko - the man with 1000 holds. absolutely no personality may have held him back but just an amazing wrestler.

9) The Patriot - I took a lot of ribbing growing up about this growing up being Canadian and I honestly don't know why I ever liked him... just a sucker for the mask I guess.

8) La Parka - Again a sucker for the mask. Loved the strut around the ring . Wish I got to see old tapes of him in mexico. Loved the luchas in wcw in the 90s.

7) Miz - great on the mic, will be great in the ring. Cmon wwe trade this man to smackdown and start a legendary feud with Morrison... and then the title... cause he's awesome.

6) Bob Holly - Tough as nails... and would make sure the rookies knew it.

5) Rey Misterio - what can I say ? HES MY HEIGHT!!! and he does so many death defying moves it's insane.

4) Finlay - I like to fight. Seriously the serious of matches with him , booker and benoit in wcw were phenomonal.

3) Owen Hart - RIP to one of the greatest technical wrestlers ever

2) Steve Austin - Great on the mic, bad ass in the ring, responsible for bringing wrestling back.

1) Chris Jericho - yeah, I'm Canadian, I'm biased, but seriously the older he gets the better he is.. Genious.. he knows he's getting brittle and has started to lay of the high flying and is now more technical... one of the greatest heels ever.

Honorable mention - Mr Perfect, Drew McIntyre, Warlord, Tito Santana, Jimmy Snuka, Rick Rude, Savio Vega, Edge, Christian, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels
10 Randy Orton- he is my favorite right now and he is from my home town
9 Kurt Angle- fucking amazing at everything
8 Road Dogg- he was the coolest person in dx ever, I never really liked anyone else besides him
7 Chris Jericho- the night he debuted in the WWE was so amazing he had me completly hooked from then on
6 The Hardys- Jeff more than Matt but their tag matches were always cool
5 D Von and Bubba Ray- same as the Hardys but even better
4 Edge and Christian- same as above but both have good if not great singles matches too
3 Macho Man Randy Savage- the first wrestler I liked when i was a kid and now looking back I had a pretty good 1st favorite
2 The Rock- Awesome on the mic awesome in the ring awesome as a heel awesome as a face... 2nd favorite only to.....
1 Stone Cold Steve Austin- the toughest s.o.b. on the planet everytime I watch his matches or promos I get goosebumps
Here we go (not ranked in any particular order)

Hulk freakin' Hogan- Put simply, the man is the main reason we still have pro wrestling. Sure, Vince could have packaged just about anybody that way, but I doubt they'd be able to connect with the masses the same way.

Scott Levy in all his incarnations- From his time time as Scotty the Body, to Scott Anthony, Scotty Flamingo, Johnny Polo, all the way up to his most prominent character: Raven. Throughout his career, he proved his ability both in the ring and on the stick. He could be saddled with crap gimmicks, and still come out smelling like roses. Simply outstanding.

"Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert- Back in the early nineties, ESPN carried a little promotion known to the world as the Global Wrestling Federation. One of their breakout performers was one Eddie Gilbert. He had the mic skills, the mat skills, and damn it, he could throw fire! From the GWF, he went to Smokey Mountain, and ECW. Garnered great success, too. Sadly, he passed away before his time in the sun could come to fruition.

Keiji Mutoh/Great Muta- One of the first puro guys I, as an American, came to know and (dare I say it?), love. His work in NWA was outstanding, then he parlayed that into a career in WCW where he'd pop in for a few weeks every couple of years, and still came across as a big deal. This is not to mention his career in Japan. Which is perhaps one of the most recognizable.

Dean Malenko- I still remember seeing him for the first time in WCW. I was amazed at two things: 1. I found a pro wrestler that was shorter than myself at the age of 13, lol. 2. That this guy, with seemingly no charisma/flare was able to glue my eyes to the TV. Just watching him, at that time, was poetry in motion.

Jushin "Thunder" Liger- Yeah, the guy who looked like a can of tomato soup at BFG a few years ago against Joe? I love Liger. Ever since I first saw him, against Pillman, feuding for the Light Heavyweight Title in the early-90's. That, added onto his feud over in Japan with Muta. If only that would have played out on WCW as well.

Bret Hart- I can't think of an unkind word for this individual, from a fan perspective. He embodies what I love to watch, that being "technical" wrestling. He didn't need a flashy repertoire, with all the flippies, to get over. He just went out there, and put on clinics with equally talented guys. And to think, he came from a tag-team most people didn't pay attention to.

Ric Flair- I'd be remiss as an avid fan of WCW, if I didn't mention the embodiment of that company. He's got the credentials, obviously. From being the allegedly "record holding" World champ, multiple time US champ, I-C title holder, and his enumerated tag titles. Not only that, but perhaps one of the two best talkers in the history of that particular company (WCW).

"Double A" Arn Anderson- "The Enforcer" of the Horsemen, he was always a solid in ring competitor, who valued kayfabe so much, in his autobiography he treats his win-loss record as legit. Now, earlier I said Flair was one of the two best talkers in WCW (mostly the early years). Want to venture a guess who the other was? That's right, Double A may not have spoken often, but when he did, it was gold!

Now, for my all time favorite, the only one I set out to mention in a numbered spot:

1. Flyin' Brian Pillman- Everything about his career here in the States. From his proudly wearing the Bengals stripes, to the Hollywood Blonds, to the Loose Cannon. I felt a connection to him like I hadn't before, or since. It may be because of the hometown connection of Cincinnati, or the fact that I hadn't seen moves like his before. I don't know, really. All I do know, is that I've not felt as invested in any other wrestler since his tragic passing. I'm not sure I ever will, either.

Honorable Mentions: Edge, Matt Hardy, Owen Hart, Brooklyn Brawler (hey, I'm a sucker for career jobbers), Barry "The Winner" Horowitz, The Lightning 1-2-3 Kamikaze Cannonball Kid Pac Sean Waltman.

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