Your Favourite Grand Theft Auto Game

Dan E. Inferno

Strange things are happening to me
Grand Theft Auto is definitely my favourite game series and i'm sure i'm not the only one who feels that way. So, simple question, what is your favourite out of the four main games. Of course, those four main games are GTA III, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas and GTA IV.

The reason I ask is because I was having this very discussion with a few friends recently and, whilst GTA III didn't get much love, there was a pretty even amount of support for the other three. Personally, my favourite is San Andreas. I think the story in San Andreas is the best of the four games. Not only is it quite lengthly, but it is genuinely interesting throughout. The twist when you find that Big Smoke and Ryder are traitors is intriguing, and it's rewarding when CJ gains his revenge. The story takes you to every corner of the huge map and you meet some interesting characters along the way including Woozie, Catalina and the Truth.

Also the overall gameplay is very good. I think San Andreas has the best vehicles of the four games. It also has the best map and I enjoyed the Vegas-like Las Venturas and little things like the inclusion of the Golden Gate bridge. I also liked the gang wars over territory. It meant there was always something to do and enemies to kill.

Anyway, that's enough from me. Out of the four main games, what is your favourite GTA game? And don't forget to explain your choice.
I second you, San Andreas is easily my favourite GTA.

While the Grand theft auto games have never been favourites, I do enjoy just playing for a few hours every couple of weeks or so, when I play I dont care much for story, I just want to sit back and do random crazy shit. GTA4 is good and all, but it is nowhere near as fun as San Andreas was, especially playing online (PC). While I dont care for the rpg elements of San Andreas, I enjoy how ridiculous it gets, doing backflips off Mount Chiliad, or as I mentioned, going on a cops and robbers server online and robbing a bank, the online car chases in San Andreas tops everything GTA4 can do.

Coming from a casual fan, I look to play GTA just to relax and do whatever I want, rather then follow the missions. On that, San Andreas is easily the game that delivers most.
Wow, same here, San Andreas by far. I had played a bit of three, along with the first two games, and quickly became interested in the series as a whole. I waited for Vice City, bought it, and fell in (game)love. San Andreas, however, improved just about everything from the previous installment. I could play that game for hours, not doing anything important, and still have fun the whole time. Unfortunately, I feel that GTA 4 couldn't quite live up to SA, though that could be considered a testament to its greatness.
GTA Vice city is easily my favorite. The hype machine really killed the rest of the games for me.

Vice city just felt like the original game. It felt like prototype of the GTA series. It just sucked you in and put you at ease whilst playing it. The soundtrack was awesome, and the atmosphere really engulfed you. The missions were fun and you wanted to keep earning money for weapons and locations.

The other games in the series pale in comparison. They are massively hyped, and don't fully deliver. Every time I played a new game in the GTA series, I longed for the days when Vice City was popular.
Vice City for me. It was so close, as there are aspects of San Andreas and GTA 4 that I love and the gameplay in all is excellent, but the soundtrack on Vice City seals it haha
GTA 4 the Ballad of Gay Tony is the best one so far in my option simple because it has likeable charters like Luis Lopes, Gay Tony and many more. It has great weapons like the exploding shot gun bullets and great looking guns that were designed to look bad ass. The helicopter were also good and easy to drive and some could fire missiles to kill any one in there path.

The storyline was also very good and the ending was exiting as well as thrilling and had some very good moments that you will have to play to get that sense off greatness and thrill also the game has great replay value and is good because you can always come back to it.
Grand Theft Auto 1 is my favourite. It's a solid 2D PC game and it's such a classic; not to mention that it started the entire franchise off anyway. I enjoyed playing that game on my Windows 97 for the simple fact that it was amazing at that time and that was the kind of game I was in to.

Grand Theft Auto 3 and 4 are my second favourites. GTA 3 just because it's another classic and the story is great, it's probably the first time we saw what Rockstar had to offer on upper-class consoles and it was hillarious to play. There's nothing like shooting the moon with a sniper-rifle and watching it get bigger.

GTA 4 lastly because it's so satisfyingly realistic. The story was immense and so similar to modern day crime, and the entire game just fucked my brains out. All of the GTA's are classics, but my favourites are GTA1, 3 and 4.
My favorite GTA game would have to be Vice City. The gameplay itself was highly entertaining and as was the setting in which it took place. I thought the homage to the film Scarface was pretty interesting and loved the games soundtrack. I used to spend hours on end playing this game and if I still had it today I would play it all the time. Its really a game that stands the test of time in my opinion. Thus it is my favorite.
I have to go with San Andreas. There is just so much shit you can do in this game and the modded pc versions are amazing. The story with CJ getting revenge on his old homies was great and it all integrated so well. My favorite thing to do by far was to get a parcachute or jetpack, find the tallest thing you can, and jump off that shit releasing your parachute at the last possible moment.

Also off-topic and I'll probably get shit for this but I thought the first Saints Row was actually better than GTA4. It had a fun storyline and fun shit you could do, plus almost full customization of your character and car. It may have stole almost everything from the previous GTA's but GTA4 stole some shit from Saints Row like being able to get drunk and the line to follow on the map. IDK just my opinion.
I like GTA 3 the most and not because it was the best but for nostalgic reasons. I burned so many hours causing mayhem with friends and since that was new to everyone back then, it seemed like a lot more fun than it is now where every other game open world. Also, it was the first game that I beat from start to finish not using cheats besides maybe Mario. I liked it so much that I bought it for xbox last week and while the controls to the game are mediocre at best and the camera while driving is about as bad as it gets (besides Saints Row oddly enough) it holds up very well and I have just as much fun as I did nearly 10 years ago.
San Andreas for me. I loved the fact that you could get into planes and fly about. The map was awesome and there was always something to do. Plus Sam Jackson did the voice of Tenpenny. How is that not awesome enough already. The storyline worked well and the characters were believable.

Why did they take the planes out of GTA4? Flying a chopper about is nowhere near as fun as flying round in a plane.

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