Your favorite spot, EVER!


Post the youtube video if you would like, that would be very nice. But what was your favorite spot, who was it done on, and by who. What show//pay per view?

Mine is on John Cena, from The Big Show at Backlash 2009. THrough the batman signal


I know thats more than the spot itself, but its the best thing I found, and it shows some other very nice spots from Edge onto John as well. I had never seen anything like that in wrestling and it was certainly, unexpected to say the least.
Mine is, without a doubt, the Elix Skipper (Correct if wrong) hurrancanrana from the top of the cage onto Storm. It looked so much better after he mini-botched the end of the walk across the top. seeing as I haven't seen too man great spots recently, it may be me blowing it out of proportion. But it's my favourite.

I did think that the Big Show spot as that great. I can think of a couple on the spot that were better (Undertaker pushing Foley off of the cell). But, hell, that's your opinion and who am i to judge.
Undertaker pushing Foley off the cell, is very overrated now. I mean, throwing someone through something that litterally EXPLODED is crazy, there was fire in the back and everything. I seriously thought John Cena could have been dead....

Undertaker vs Foley, the throwing wasn't really the big spot for me. But getting slammed through the cell accidently was effing hardcore.
Vic Grimes being pushed off of a scaffold by New Jack on an XPW ppv. He went through a couple tables and then hit the top rope and bounced back up before falling on his head. Foley/Taker have nothing on that shit. Another favorite of mine is Edge spearing Jeff hardy from the title belts at Wrestlemania 17. First big spot I every saw.
Elix skipper's hurricarana off the cage at TNA turning point 2004, this is when TNA was GOOD! he had to have perfect balance and i couldn't help but think what would happen if he slipped.

19 minute mark

tied with that would be Mankind's fall at HIAC as someone already mentioned, it's a bit overrated but brilliant the way he got back up and carried on then slammed through the cell, then into thumbtacks was just brilliant.
I'm not sure if it's my FAVORITE of all time, but this entire sequence is definitely one of my most memorable. The video doesn't catch the first chair shot by Lita, but the 6 minutes or so following it packed an incredible amount of action into a short span of time. Lita was given the 3D by the Dudleys, Jeff Hardy with an insane swanton through Rhyno and Spike, poor Devon hanging from the belts (knowing his fear of heights makes it funny), then "The Spear Felt 'Round The World" by Edge on Jeff as he hung from the titles. It was all capped off by a ridiculous crash through 4 tables by Matt Hardy and Buba Ray Dudley. Not really a "spot" per say, but a bunch of them together. Great stuff. Enjoy!
I don't know what PPV it was, but it was when Shane O'Mac wrestled Kurt Angle, and angle tried a belly to belly on the walkway, and was supposed to throw shane through the glass, but it didn't break, and it looked like shane broke his neck.. That was crazy!

Is it just me, or is Shane O'Mac the craziest guy ever??I love when he wrestles PPV's:

Off the titontron
Elbow drop on the Mean Street Posse through a table
Coast to Coast a la RVD

his spots are nuts!!!

Here's the link 2:30ish in..
Jeff Hardy has a couple worth memtioning. The swanton off the tron onto Orton was great. Also in the monsters ball match. The swanton from really fuckin far up onto Abyss through a table.
The Shane one was probably the one that REALLY got me hooked on wrestling, I watched it fairly often up until then, but I remember watching that Shane/Show match and just thinking "He's killed himself to beat Big Show", I can't have been much older than 10 at the time, but that moment always sticks in my memory, I remember Grandmaster doing some weird rap thing backstage after it that I thought was hilarious as well.

There's quite a few that I've thought were really impressive: Edge's Spear on Hardy from the TLC, JoMo's Ladder Moonsault, and I remember the first time Shelton did that run up the ladder resting on another ladder, I was in complete awe of it. I always love the first time they do things like this, and I love WWE's invention (or more likely, the Superstars' invention) and how there is always something new to do with a chair (just reminded me, although maybe not as WOWOMG as the others, Matt's Extreme Twist of fate was sick) or a ladder, however, that said, if they ever repeat it, I always feel a little bit cheated or robbed.
I don't mean to knock an opinion but I watched the Elix Skipper spot and it doesn't even compare with Foley/Taker. It was cool but not nearly as impressive or awe inspiring. Foley went through a table off the Hell in the Cell which, I can only guess, is taller than the cage.

To answer the question, any spot where Shane is involved, especially the first one at Summerslam 2000 where Blackman "beat" him off the Titantron. The thing that makes it great is here is the boss' son, a "non-wrestler" doing this spot. The story made that spot so much more.
I don't know where you would classify this, but the ECW match where it was Mike Awesome vs. Spike Dudley, where they had all the tables outside the ring.. I was watching it with a buddy of mine and we were like, no way he's going through anoth.. yup, there he goes.. it was just crazy and kinda funny.. here was the match:
Spike kicks Mike.. Mike kicks back.. Mike puts him between his legs.. Mike powerbombs him through a table... pick up Spike's limp body... repeat 5x..

One of the least known but very awesome spots occurred in ROH, at the Embassy vs Generation Next Steel Cage Warfare match. For those unfamiliar, Steel Cage Warfare is basically Wargames, and this featured 4 members of the Embassy facing off with 4 members of Generation Next. Toward the end of the match, when everyone was involved in the match, and were brawling outside. Jack Evans, who has a lot of crazy spots, climbed to the top of the cage (probably a good 15 feet, at my estimation) and hit a double moonsault (two complete rotations on the moonsault) from the top to the sprawl of combatants on the ground. It's just an epic "holy shit" moment and to this day ROH puts it on their DVD intros. It's probably my favorite spot, simply because it's so memorable to me.
I loved the Shane & Angle glass suplexes.
Another favorite of mine is somewhat basic, but it was Michaels vs. Vince and Michaels gave Vince what may have been one of the most brutal and stiff chairshots I've ever seen. I wish I could remember which PPV it was at. I think it was the big blowoff when they did the vince vs. god thing. I just rewound that chair shot over and over. I tried to find it on youtube with no luck. I'd love to see that shot loud.
Also for laughs, I've always enjoyed the Rock's people's elbow where he was in dress shoes and slid coming off the rope into the elbow.

EDIT: Hey look, I found that Michaels clip! From Wrestlemania 22... I should've known that. 7:15 in. Awesome shot.
I don't care for this chokeslam, I don't think there was any danger, I could be wrong, but it looked like a typical WWE explosive prop, like when the set collapsed on Vince and random sparks flew out, or when they pushed the speaker onto Big Show's knee in 2000. I would imagine it was specially rigged for Cena to go through, if not, mad props to him.

Shane off the titantron Backlash 2001 without a doubt for me. I would never jump from that high, no matter what they put under the wood to soften my fall, and Shane, son of the boss, doesn't need a pay day, doesnt need to do it creatively, leaps off of that set and lands on the wooden platform which snaps like a twig.

Hell In A Cell was dangerous as hell, Elix Skipper could have died, these are all fantastic spots, but Shane wins it for me. (Honourable mention to his accidental spot with Angle where he didn't go through the glass and landed on his head on concrete 3 times)
One of mine was the finish to the AJ Styles/Petey Williams/Chris Sabin Ultimate X match.
Williams and Sabin were having a tug-o-war over the X division title then from out of nowhere AJ springboards off the rope, flies across the ring and grabs the title belt from out of their hands.

That was a great spot and one of my favorite finishes to the match.

Another good one was RVD's summersault flip onto Bam Bam Bigelow from the top rope to the 5th row in the crowd. That was insane.
For me, my favorite would have to be Jeff Hardy at the Royal Rumble in 2000. He jumped off the balcony and did the Senton Bomb, before he started called it the Swanton Bomb. The whole jump is just sick, from the setup of the balcony, which isn't part of this video, to the actual Senton Bomb itself. IMO it looks like one of Jeff's best, perfect execution.
Yeah, 'Taker throwing Foley off of the cage is probably mine. I remember watching this PPV live when it happened. It was so unexpected. I was about 18 years old at the time. I believe I "Pert near shat myself" when it happened.

However, I giving JBL throwing a trash can down on Hornswoggle during Wrestlemania 24 an honorable mention!! Now that shit was funny!!

Also, when Big Show grabbed Rey Mysterio when he was strapped to a gurney. Then, he swung him against the ring post like a baseball bat. I believe that was from Judgement Day '03. Priceless!

Another was when Kevin Nash "lawn darted" Mysterio against a production trailer during Nitro! Haha!!

One more honorable mention was Scott Hall taking a Stunner at Wrestlemania. The way he sold it was golden!!
When Brock Lesnar superplexed Big Show and the ring collapsed. Totally cool and unexpected.

I loved it when Triple H broke the sledgehammer on Vince McMahon.

Big Show chokeslamming The Undertaker through the ring on Raw in 1999. One of the few times where I totally flipped out. I was

The series of chairshots to Mick Foley from The Rock at Royal Rumble 1999. Sick shots. Make me cringe to this day.

When Triple H broke The Rock's cast with the sledgehammer then destroyed the coffin with a sledgehammer with The Rock inside on Raw in 1999. One of the first times we saw Triple H's vicious side.

On a lesser scale...
I remember when Eddie Guererro faced The Rock on Raw in 2002 and he reversed the Rock Bottom. Made me go...DAMN!
I don't know if it's my favorite...but I think that one worth mentioning is Mike Awesome v. Masato Tanaka at ECW One Night Stand.

Joey Styles was on the ball when he went off on Awesome for being a Judas and selling ECW down the river when he left for WCW.

Awesome worked his ass off and I think he earned some level of redemption from that match. Super Awesome Bomb outside the ring and through a table, then a suicide dive to the outside.

Foley v. Edge at Wrestlemania 23 had some spots that I just plain enjoyed as a fan. Although the flaming table was big, my favorite part was toward the beginning where Foley was wrapped in barbed wire and Edge speared him.

And not that it was big impact or anything, but it was huge suspense for me as a young wrestling fan in the 90's was the finish to Bret and Owen Hart's Steel Cage Match at Summerslam.

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