Your Favorite Future Main Eventer

The Viper

Occasional Pre-Show
Ok so in the wwe right now there is a large amount of possible future main eventers. Theres Swagger, Morrison, MVP, Ziggler, Ryder, Kingston ETC if i missed a few let me know. Also i know some of these guys may never make it into the ME im just saying that it is possible. now back to the topic, my fav is Jack Swagger! i love this guy! hes already a perfect heel, and his in ring ability is Kurt Angle like. I believe that this guy is gonna be a multiple time world and wwe champ. and i believe he is going to highlight many ppvs even wrestlemanias. So who is your favorite future ME? if they arent on my list thats fine.
I have to go with Ziggler. At first I thought he was just a lame Kennedy rip off when I first saw him on Raw and I was sure he was going to be released. However since his trip over to Smackdown he has transformed into a new, confident, and charismatic Dolph Ziggler who draws a reaction everytime his AWESOME music hits. Maria is just icing on the cake and I think she makes him seem like the real deal
i would half to agree with u about swagger i think he is next HHH as far as a bad ass heel. I also think the miz has ME posabilites he is good in the ring and great on the stick.Morrison looks to be right on the edge of greatness he just need one more push. Christan would be great as wwe champ and i would like to see Matt Hardy as world champ.
If i had to pick one i would say Christen thou mainly because his work in TNA and he has paid his wwe duse.
I'd say mine is John Morrison. His push came pretty quick, but I like the fact that they actually gave him one, I didn't really see it coming. I like his character alot more now then the one with MNM, too.
My favorite future main eventer is John Morrison. I thought when MNM was disbanded, JoMo would be let go along side Mercury, but the WWE gave him a new gimmick, mic time, and a new name. So JoMo for World Champion.
i figure this will just turn into a Morrison thread so i will refrain from mentioning him though im sure he'll be in that company if he keeps doing his job

i like Kofi Kingston, not sure if he'll be a main eventer necessary but i'd love to see him hold a world title or something even if its for 2 weeks or something.

jack swagger doesnt necessarily look it just yet, not facially but physically he has it, he just has to settle some issues in his delivery on the mic and he'll be good..hail vaderbombs!!

evan bourne..another one im not sure about main event but i know he'd be a strong upper mid card guy and i mean if Punk can win the belt Bourne can in a few years. hes def a fan favorite and puts on an interesting match..i just hope they start to make him stronger than one power bomb and out

dolph ziggler - i plain hated this guy when he first popped up on my tv screen. couldnt stand him..then i saw some of his feud with Mysterio and the PPv match and everything since and im sold, im digging the ziggler even if he does have the bitter beer face :)
my personal favorite up and comer would be none over than Evan bourne. sure he's small and Vince gets a stiffy for big dudes, but Evan is the most high flying wrestler i've scene in a long long time he reminds me of what Rey mysterio used to be. everything about him is cool. his finisher, his music, his look, i even like the "V for victory" that he does with his hands.

Evan "Air" Bourne is my favorite future main eventer
This is not a bad topic. I myself could never just pick one nor do I have a favorite. I like a lot of these guys coming. I like Morrison a lot(Thought I'd get that out of the way), I like Matt Sydal(Cough) I mean Evan Bourne, Dolph is winning me over more and more each weak, and the Miz is starting to grow on me more too, Kofi Kingston I like to watch but I really don't like the Jamaican gimmick or have a suggestion for a better one, and as for newer people that is it for me. I did notice someone mention Matt Hardy and Christian and I couldn't agree more with those. I think Christian is being underused even as ECW champion, and I think Matt Hardy has been overlooked because of his brother. Both of them would be a breath of fresh air in the Main Event. I am not sure if Evan Bourne will ever get to that peak though. He is just so small I can't really see him going into the top spot. I know Rey Mysterio did it but he is more the exception rather than the rule.
im gonna have to say DOLPH ZIGGLER this guy has transformed himself already! myself along with everybody didnt think Dolph would do shit on Raw now he is in the uppermid card on SD! and is prepped to hold the IC title which he might take of Rey at SS if Rey doesnt bitch about it... anyways i see this guy being a mix between maybe HHH with the attitude and maybe HBK with the athleticism. Maybe in 2 years maybe less I can see this guy being WWE/WHC champ... after all he is PERFECTION ... sorry i had to throw that in.
I would have to say that my favorite is John Morrison for the time being. He really surprised me with his face turn and how he's actually getting a fan reaction. I guess I was just used to him as a heel. I really want Jack Swagger to be a Kurt Angle-like megastar but his lisp will hold him back for a while...
Its gotta be DOLPH ZIGGLER for me too, he is the first person to actually keep me interested in 3 Khali matches, yes they were all short matches but I legitimately enjoyed all 3 based purely on the way Dolph took the fight to him, most just look scared and get beat.

To quote good old JR the guy is a stud, and adding Maria to the mix was a great idea and they make a damn fine couple in my opinion, and his feud with Rey is entertaining is making look like a legit contender.
Matt Hardy

The guy has always been overlooked due to Jeff and now that it looks like Jeff is leaving after SummerSlam, it gives Matt the perfect opportunity to step into the spotlight. He is better in the ring, he tells a story better, has better mic skills (not really difficult) and has the ability to be a top face and, to a lesser extent, a semi main event heel. If only WWE had given him the ball properly when he returned for his feud with Edge, Matt would be a huge star now, equal to Edge himself in my opinion. He just needs that spark and one feud that can elevate him. Edge brought him to semi-main event status, now a feud with Punk or Jericho could tip him over the 'edge' (pun intended).
i would have to say mine is morrison that guy is just money, would love to see a fued between him and koffi, that would be great, actually they should have swagger and koffi fued that would be awesome, one person that is not mentioned is evan bourne he is slowly but surely becoming the next rey mysterio. i am not a big fan of mvp not matter how much they try to push him down my throat, probably one of the sleepers would be tyson kidd saw his matches against christian they are not too bad.
for RAW i like Jack Swagger he does have a Kurt Angle-like way to his wrestling but i don't think his lisp will hold him back any...look at Dusty Rhodes... give him some time and he will be a big heel
for SMACK DOWN i have to go with John Morrison, his face turn was great he definitely has the move set of a face, and he has the cockiness, charisma, and athletic ability to be a major draw...definitely a future main eventer and the way things are going maybe sooner rather than later
Swagger is one of a couple people in the WWE who has the magic. He's got a Brock Lesnar move set and mat wrestling abilty. In addition to that, he's got the arrogant swagger that people love to hate. The third piece is probably the most important. He looks like the type of guy who would take your mom out to dinner, screw her, and never call her again. One of those IDGAF people.
well swagger is one of my favourite guys in the wwe right now..there's just summit about him however i daren't comment on "the future" as i thought ken kennedy, elijah burke, kenny dykstra and umaga were all going to ammount to something

i also wanted TBK to ammount to something but figured he wouldn't but you never know with guys like ryder swagger etc. they may be getting pushed as the future right now but who says they'll still be with the company in even the next few months?
This is a tough one. Jack Swagger has been my guy for over a year now. I've liked him since I first saw him finish with the gutwrench Powerbomb. Swagger has enough charisma to pull off an annoying heel and the wrestling ability to do anything. This kid is solid, and definately not on steroids, judging by his somewhat basketball player like arms. Big kid though, skys the limit, his size alone might make him a better main eventer than most on the list. Although, Dolph Ziggler is uber impressive! Talk about tenacious, Nick Nemeth finally got to showcase his talents with Dolph. Nice finisher, simple, yet has some impact and can come out of nowhere! Dolph has the ability to become a Randy Orton type heel. He is close and should win the IC title within the year and maybe in two or three he will be fighting for the Heavyweight strap. Whether you like Dolph or not, this is much better than him being Nicky of the Spirit Squad.Dolph is the only person I've seen to make Rey Mysterio look kind of old and slow. Dolph is probably my favorite of the two but I say Swagger is a better main eventer because he is 6-5 263.
what i like with what they have been doing with swagger so far is unlike other heals he doesn't cheat to win when he wins he wins clean he plays by the rules and truth is the pisses fans off they love to see people like christian bend the rules to beat swagger thats what they need to do with him make him a whiter than white character that just gets on the fans nerves enough that they will pay just to see him taken down a peg or too...swagger is the main-eventer
Morrison,hands down.He very well could be a main eventer by October,depending on if Jeff decides to leave or not.I also like Kofi,but if he wants to be a main eventer he needs to speak more.Christian is awesome,and so is Matt and I hope they both get pushed.I didn't like Miz until his feud with Cena and now I do.That Calgary Kid thing was awesome.But if you asked me if I had to pick between them I would say Morrison easily.
I like a lot of these guys. Ziggler, Morrison, Miz, and Swagger all come to mind as these are the guys that I actually look forward to seeing on a weekly basis.

I still have a lot of respect for guys like Taker, Hunter, Michaels, Jericho, Edge, etc, but for me the guys I tune in to see are the Young Guns.

Morrison has some of the best offense and in-ring ability I've ever seen in all my years of watching wrestling. He has the look to be a main eventer and the Shaman of Sexy persona reminds me a lot of a young HBK (like JR says all the time.)

Swagger does have a lot of the same attributes as a younger Kurt Angle and he plays a perfect heel. I think he's the furthest away from the main event, but I can already see the future Swagger/HBK feud and it's money.

Miz' greatest strength is his mic work. He still leaves a little to be desired in the ring, but as far as cutting a promo, he's right there already. We all know that's 1/2 the battle of being a main eventer. I mean how long did Benoit toil in the midcard as he could never cut a decent promo.

Of all these guys, I'd have to say Ziggler is my favorite right now. He's got the look, the skills, and the charisma to be a top heel for many years to come.
I am still a fan of the current main event wrestlers, like John Cena, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, The Undertaker (#1 favorite), Shawn Michaels, etc. But if I had to say who my favorite future main eventer is, I would have to say Kofi Kingston. I'm saying that loosely, as I'm not too sure if WWE has plans to groom him as a future main event. But, I've been a fan since the very beginning.

I watched ECW in late-2007, and I saw vignettes of this guy named Kofi Kingston. He seemed like a very interesting guy. From the looks of his vignettes, I assumed he would debut as a heel, but he didn't. I watched his first match on ECW, and I thought to myself, "He has a very unorthodox style of wrestling... and I love it". To this day, Kofi Kingston still never stops to amaze me. One of my favorite fueds ever includes his fued with Shelton Benjamin. I absolutely loved that fued. The athleticism in their matches was amazing.

Last year, when Kofi was drafted to Raw, I was very disappointed, as an ECW superstar moving to Raw doesn't normally mean much success. Luckily, I was wrong. In the 14-months that Kofi Kingston has been on the Raw brand, he's won both mid-card titles and the World Tag Team Championship. That's great! He's a great champion, willing to defend against all-comers... I love that about him.

I hope to see Kofi Kingston fly to greater risks. He had an amazing performance in the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania. He's had four successful title defenses in his current United States Championship reign. He's just everything that I love in a wrestler. His mic skills a fairly good, his ring skills are very unique, he's very believable in the ring, athletic. What more can you ask?
Ziggler is definitely the guy. At first I thought they were just going to make him RAW's resident douche bag (like TBK before his release) and have him job to all the stars. Since moving to Smackdown! he's really come into his own. He's got the look and the attitude to be a big time player in the future. I just hope they don't try to shoot him up the ladder too fast.

I like his character. Outside the ring he plays it cool, acting like what him and Maria just did in the backstage locker room meant nothing. But in the ring, he becomes psychotic and obsessed with punishing somebody. I agree with what 650 said, having Maria is the icing on the cake. I think whenever a heel has a face girlfriend/valet it always makes for an interesting combo (like Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth).

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