"You Still Got It"

Where has Kevin Nash been? ...I know he "got his ass handed to him" by HHH in their last match, but I think WWE really missed the boat with the whole "text message" storyline that Nash was involved in. I know that's off-topic, but I'd love to see Nash back in the future (in an in-ring, or non-wrestling capacity). Even if he's not nearly as good as he once was (some would even argue that he wasn't ever that great; even in his prime).

To take it even further (and I've talked about this in other threads, when Nash first arrived back in the WWE in 2011), I would have loved to have seen a HHH heel-turn with Nash by his side. Hell, I would love to see Scott Hall back as well. The three of them could be similar to the old-school "Corporation": with HHH playing the Vince role, and The Outsiders being this generation's Brisco & Patterson.

Any combination of original "Kliq" guys could work (ie: Shawn Michaels, X-Pac, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash -- I'd even include Billy Gunn & Road Dogg, were they considered part of the Kliq? ...or just lumped in because of the DX Army?), but I wouldn't want to see ALL of them running things. Any combination of three or four of them would work well, if the storyline was done correctly.

Seeing Nash walk out to the old nWo music was nostalgic enough to get my blood boiling for the past, it would be great to see them come out to DX music as well...seeing them walk to the ring wearing nice suits, and "running the show" would be fantastic (for aesthetic purposes only, I wouldn't want them doing ALL the booking, or with "real" creative control either). They would HAVE to be heels, at least that would work a billion times better than if they tried to be faces (like HHH currently is).

Obviously that's not going to happen any time in the immediate future, but I'd still like to see Nash return to the ring for a few matches a year at the least. Nash was always one of my favorites, and it seems he still has a bit of gas in the tank. Also, I've seen Nash mention how much desire he has to get back in the ring (via social media). Why is the WWE keeping him away?

Another guy I'd like to see back is Raven. As much as I'd love to see Raven back in the ring, I know he doesn't "have it" like he used to...not that he's really "bad" now, just older...but I think that Raven would make a great manager for a young high-flier. IMHO, Raven would be instrumental to help a young guy get over with a "dark" character, and create a character similar to how Jeff Hardy's was 5/10 years ago. It would be great to see someone like Justin Gabriel grow his hair long, get different ring-attire and have Raven as his manager. Just my opinion, but I think that combination would be great.

Goldberg would be great as well, but I don't think his heart's in wrestling anymore. Too bad, that guy was just phenomenal in the late 90s. Besides, Goldberg never really had the best attitude for the wrestling business. If somehow he was able to put his ego aside, then his return could be epic. Then again, it might have been Goldberg's ego that made him so great in the ring in the first place....
Rhyno without a doubt, I always loved the guy he had power granted couldnt cut the best promo but i would love to see at least one more GORE, i watched him in Tna and ill be honest i enjoyed that Title run he had then his feud with Christain in 07 i believe i thought was great.
First pick for obvious reasons.....Brooklyn Brawler - Talk about a guy who could put people over. He was the best at that.

Psycho Sid - Too bad HBK isn't still around. They could have sold some tickets and HBK is probably one of the only guys who could have got a good match out of him. Still I'd like to hear his music and see him throw a few Powerbombs.

Kevin Nash - I thought he looked pretty good last year and I loved the nWo music. He should be back, they just need to use him better. Again Nash vs HBK would have been much better than Nash v HHH. I also thought we should have seen Nash v Punk.

Goldberg - They need star power so he would be worth a shot. He could work with Cena, Punk, and Orton. Goldberg would probably be polarizing like Cena and get mixed reactions. They could capitalize on that. If he gets boo'd then just go with it and keep him looking strong...it would only add to his heat. Give him a streak then have Goldberg vs Undertaker next year at Mania. Or maybe even Goldberg vs Austin...but that ship has probably sailed. Don't even know if I'd care about it...would you?
I'd bring back Y2J's BFF, Lance Storm. Unlike many of the guys who've been mentioned, you would be guaranteed to get great in ring performances from him. Plus, I always loved the stoic promos he did in WCW - I felt that Y2J's last incarnation owed more than a passing nod to this persona. Lance Storn, Y2J and Christian is my idea of what a heel faction should look like (I'd throw Tyson Kidd and Nattie in for good measure).

On a smaller scale, I'd bring my namesake, Finlay, back to continue his old job of elevating the guys around him.
Ricky Steamboat's match with Chris Jericho (featuring Roddy Piper and Jimmy Snuka, I guess) was my absolute favorite one-time-only match. It's a real shame that he now has his health to worry about, but if anyone came back on a limited basis, I believe Ricky Steamboat would put on better matches than half the roster does now. He's already proven it.

I marked out so hard for Steamboat, and I've never even seen a match of his before that match with Jericho.

I'd probably go with either Booker T or Shawn Michaels.

Booker looked very good in his matches with Cody Rhodes. He's in great shape and the fact of the matter is that he can still go inside the ring. I didn't see much in the way of ring rust on Booker during his program with Cody Rhodes and I enjoyed the feud overall. Booker was able to get in there and deliver competitive matches while elevating the stock of a young, very promising star. It started out the right way and it ultimately ended the right way.

Shawn Michaels returning to the ring after a nearly 2 year hiatus would be a massive deal. I don't expect it to happen, of course, as that's part of what made his final match against The Undertaker so special. However, HBK has proven that he can come back from wrestling after taking years off and still be, arguably, the best overall pro wrestler of his generation. HBK coming out of retirement to work a feud with the likes of CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler or Daniel Bryan would probably make my mouth water quite frankly. A program with any of these three would result in, quite possibly, multiple match of the year candidates, a feud of the year candidate and promo segments that will have people talking for, possibly, years.
Great topic! First when I seen this I quickly thought of Road Dogg. I'd love to see him have a final program in WWE. Also like many Billy Gunn still looks phenomenal, and he could get those youths in WWE to the next level.

Guys I'd also like to see are Ken Shamrock for some odd reason, Rikishi could definately be used in many ways to either elevate talent or help manage his sons, Psycho Sid I always liked his work in the early 90's in WWF with guys like Michaels sad WWE couldn't use him when he made comeback, lastly Chyna but too bad she already made her own bed with her recent actions.

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