"You Still Got It"


The Cerebral Assassin
*Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap". It's always great for an older wrestler to come back to the WWE for a special match to put on a show for the crowd and show everyone that he's "still got it." From Ricky Steamboat to the Rock's upcoming match at Wrestlemania, it's a lot of fun to see some older guys get back in the ring and prove that they can still go with the new generation. They get huge, nostalgic pops from the crowd, and you can tell they love every precious second that they get to spend back in the ring. Seeing guys like Ricky Steamboat perform so well, however, makes me wonder though- wouldn't it be great if an old favorite came back to work, even if it was on a limited basis? And by a limited basis, I mean wrestling every week, just not at house shows. Sort of like how HBK's schedule was before he retired.

So here's my question: If you could choose one guy (or a tag team) to come back on at least a limited basis, who would you pick? It can't be someone like Kurt Angle or Jeff Hardy, because they are obviously signed to another promotion. It has to be someone who's unsigned and retired or semi-retired that you truly think can still put on good matches. Here's my pick:

I can't believe Booker T is already 46, he doesn't look it. Now I know he's been in a few matches lately with Cody Rhodes, but that's not him working on a limited basis, that's him working once or twice per month. I think he should rejoin the active roster due to his ability to still be able to put on good matches. Involve him in some important storylines, let him win some matches, and have him put some younger guys over. I'd love to see him back in the ring again. He's an extremely well-established superstar, and the WWE doesn't have too many of those right now. And, let's face it, no one would really miss him as an announcer. He's much better in the ring than behind the announce table. So, if I could pick anyone, it'd be Booker T. Who would you pick, and why?
My pick would be Billy Gunn. One great talent, alone or with Jesse James, entertaining and good worker. He could have great matchs with Ziggler, Rhodes, Kofi...all the people that are on the edge of breaking through to the main event. Using his status to wrestle and help take people to the next level.
Intresting thread, I really agree with the Billy Gunn pick said earlier, but i'll choose someone different.

My pick is JBL, really enjoyed his WWE title run back in 04-05. Liked him as a heel, but wouldn't complain with a face Bradshaw. Could really put some young talent over in a good feud
I want to say Booker T as well just because he was a awesome athlete and still looks great even at his age of 46. He and Rhodes matches were definately watchable so it's kind of sad to not see him back. However, I will say someone different.

Juventud Gurrera: The kid had amazing talent. He could do anything you wanted him to do and makes Rey look like nothing when Juvie steps into the ring. Ofcourse he wouldn't be a main eventer but he could certainly wind up the crowd at the start of each Raw/Smackdown. I feel like if he had someone to guide him in life and keep him focussed he could of actually stayed on a promotion and not fuck up all the time.
I've made up my mind. I'm just going to be that guy...

Brock Lesnar.

I've wanted to see Brock back for awhile. I was hoping he would in the short time before he began his MMA career, but he didn't and I've always wanted him to.

Brock was supposed to be the next big thing, hence the nickname. But, you don't need me to tell you that. Now that he's retired from MMA, I don't know why we haven't heard about WWE calling him, yet.

I'm saying he'll come back by WrestleMania 29, at the latest. They're going to call him over the next year until he agrees, and I wouldn't be shocked at all if he and CM Punk have a feud.

On another note, if we're allowed to pick guys that aren't signed by WWE, TNA, or even ROH, my second pick would be MVP.

I thought MVP got a bum rap. He had a stupid gimmick, but he was a good talent and he had potential to get over. I never really felt as though he got his due respect, and I would liked to have seen him get one serious run at the title.
Here are a few random people I'd like to throw out there.

Ron Simmons- The guy is still in fantastic shape and was able to put on good matches. He's very deserving of the hall of fame nod.

Road Warrior Animal- Just would love to see the spiked pads as he walks to the ring and pummels people. Also is good at putting over new talent.

Rikishi- I would love to see him wrestle alongside his sons and form a samoan staple. Throw Tamina back in as well. I think it would b fun to see.

The New Age Outlaws- I already know they've been mentioned, but together they'd bring a lot of fun (and great wrestling skill) back to the tag team ranks in the WWE.

Last but not least...GORE!!! GORE!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!! Rhyno back in the WWE, especially for hardcore style matches, would b great. And the possibility of teaming with longtime friend Christian would b fun to watch as well.
I would say Edge but I think that's an invalid point as I might as well be asking for Macho Man to return.

So with out of the way my pick would be Stone Cold. Reports are that he is in great shape and even if he just made a return at say Summerslam and took it through Mania appearing on 3 out of 4 broadcasts it would be fantastic. Bring him back as the Sheriff or in a GM role and give him one big match.

I thought they were gonna do this with him and Miz as everytime Stone Cold appeared on Raw to promote TE Miz would interfere and they would spar verbally. This could be reignited if Miz got his shit together and Stone cold was open to the idea.
For selfish reasons, in terms of match quality, I'd pick Edge and Shawn Michaels. However I feel that Shawn will never have a match again due to him wanting to keep his word, and Edge might do one or two matches a few years from now.

Now, a realistic choice who actually could come back?

MVP and John Morrison.

JoMo was fantastic in the ring, beyond all his spots, and high flying moves, he had some incredible matches. He also has the look of someone who could be big, however probably one of the worst men to ever use a microphone.

MVP had a few interesting promos/fueds. I personally liked him, even with his gimmick. Much better as a heel. I would love for him to come back.
My Pick would have to be The Road Dogg Jesse James, I don't care even if he came back as just a manager. He can talk on the mike and looked great in the rumble. He put on good matches in TNA and hell the tag team divison needs help and who could help better than the New Age Outlaws. I know everbody wants to hear in the arena again OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW, YOUR ASS BETTER CALL SOMEBODY.

I would like to see the rock back on a weekly basis even if it was just for 6months or a year. Just for selfish reasons. I would like to see how he interacted with today's wrestlers. His feud with Cena doesn't really count because he is never there on tv. Admittedly I loved the attitude era and would just like the rock back for nostalgia reasons. Again I am not taking the feud with cena into consideration because he hasn't been there or interacting every week.
As of right now I think I would love a return of the New age Outlaws. After seeing and hearing the reaction Road Dogg got at the Royal Rumble gave me goosebumps. Plus, Billy Gunn is always in the best shape of his life and even at his age hasn't lost a step. The fans love these guys and it would give a shot of adrenaline that is sorely needed to help get the tag division in the right place. They won't fix it, but they will certainly make it better.
I would say JBL (John Bradshaw Layfield).


I liked JBL's title reign as the WWE Champion. He was the longest reigning WWE Champion in Smackdown History. During his reign as WWE Champion his promos were epic. In 2006, JBL became a commentator and a very good and successful one at that. His last run was ok but he should come back for a final run.

JBL can also come back and do commentary as the commentary is terrible at the moment.
I'd pick Rhyno. I was always a big fan of his, and I think he never fully reached his potential in WWE. At this stage of his career, I don't see him Main Eventing any WWE pay per views, however he's a big, veteran guy, with some credibility (last real ECW champ) - and I think he could be used to help elevate some of the younger guys. He's still in great shape, not too old, and can still go. Just think the WWE missed the boat on him. He's a very under-rated, and under-appreciated talent.
I have to agree with JBL, he was a great heel and was very consistent. My left-field choice would be Boogeyman I think that persona would fit in really well with the Kane storyline at the moment. And lastly Steve Blackman (the lethal Weapon) Just loved him when I was younger.
I want to see a Legends match between Steamboat and HBK. At least during his last comeback, the Dragon looked like he could still go for a bit. That match would have been magic.
Some people already said this, but I would pick the New Age Outlaws. They've always been one of my favorite tag teams. Would love to see them come back to WWE for a short while to help out the tag division. Also The Headbangers would be great too. :)

Scott Hall - I'll always welcome him back no matter what his weight looks like. Just too bad he can't keep his crap together long enough to do anything these days. :(

And the last two I'd love to see return for a little while would be DDP and Goldberg. Always been a fan of DDP, Diamond Cutter is one of my favorite moves. I'd love to see it return. Imagine them doing a Diamond Cutter vs RKO match. :) And for Goldberg, I've just been wanting to see him return for quite a while as well, I miss seeing him grunt and growl. Spear and Jackhammer. :)
the people i would like to see back in the wwe is batista he could come back as a heel on smackdown and take out, i dunno lets say big show and go from there, another guy i would like to see back has to be RVD, he could bring something different to the wwe and could win a couple of championships.
I gotta agree with Monkey and say that after seeing Road Dogg back in action at The Royal Rumble I would love to see my boys The New Age Outlaws come home and bring back some energy and fun to the tag division. As we say at the PPV Road Dogg still has it and Billy Gunn definitely still has it so I would love to see them back, even if it didn't last long because it would send me back to my childhood and I love seeing those guys in the ring.

Also I have to throw in Kevin Nash, that guy was my hero in WCW and even if they didn't have him in matches alot I would just love to see the guy throw out a promo now and again. His knees may not be great but man that guy gets me juiced up, he did back in the day and he still did in his match with HHH at TLC.
Honestly Austin would be my first pick but I dont think that would happen. But apparently he has "something planned" for the future so ....

But I would say Kurt Angle. Not because he is my favorite. Because he can still go FULL TIME. Unlike most of these guys like Road Dogg and Booker. Angle coming back would be AWESOME.
Two guys I wish could come back, but I don't think they still have it are The Honky Tonk Man and Greg Valentine. Both those guys could work a great match bell to bell and carry themselves on the mic like nobody today could.
Four years ago, we were in Nashua, New Hampshire getting ready to watch a minor league baseball game. Before it started, someone had set up the smallest wrestling ring I've ever seen a few yards from the ballfield, and a couple hundred people were standing around it. We figured we were about to be treated to some high school kids putting on a wrestling exhibition. Instead, we wound up watching Tony Atlas wrestle Greg Valentine!

Neither man looked to be in great shape, yet they showed they still know how to work a match. It was amazing to see how they could evoke cheers and jeers from the small crowd (which included Atlas stopping the match to acknowledge the chants of "U.S.A.!"). Given that these guys had hardly any space to work, they proved they could still bring it. I'd love to see Atlas and Valentine in a WWE ring again in a wrestling role.

Incidentally, this topic reminds me of when Bob Backlund came back to perform full-time at age 44. He had been missing from WWE rings for almost 15 years, yet it was great to see how well he could still wrestle. Most old-timers would probably be a disappointment, but not Backlund.
outside of scott hall or booker t... william regal. yes he's not technically gone or retired, but he's a worker and can put on a clinic. he's not the most exciting guy, but the younger superstars could learn how to tell a story in the ring from him.

it's a shame he'll never be a world champion because he def can carry himself in the ring and what not. he'd be a great choice for the first english born wwe or whc.
I'd like to see Farooq and Brandshaw as The Acolytes come back. They could still fit into the PG era as badasses for hire, and we all know the WWE needs some cohesive tag teams.
I would like to see Brock return!! For as big as he is he moved like someone who weighed 170 pounds!! I think if he did return he would still have it and could still wrestle circles around people!! The WWE still hasnt found anything or anyone close to his skill level. Granted not the greatest talker on the mic but IMO its what you do in the ring that counts not on the stick!! He couuld still go if he wanted it and the E wanted it.
Scott Hall. Simply because I want to see if he can overcome his dilemmas and still put on a decent match. Honorable mention would be Sable.

I also agree with the NAO pick.

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