You like them, Why?

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Evenflow DDT

Pre-Show Stalwart
The IWC for always seem to attach themselves to those wrestlers who "management" dont seem to recognize, "like" or push to main event status.

Guys like Christian, Matt Hardy, Mr. Kennedy-Anderson, The Pope, Drew McIntyre and The Miz (pre MITB) fall into that category. And I can understand why. They are all tremendous wrestlers/entertainers, (and yes i've added Matt to that list. Yes his best days are behind him but at one time he was one of the biggest IWC darlings. I remember a lot of V1 marks in '02)

But there are 3 guys i just dont get why they get so much IWC love...

Zach Ryder - Lots of people tell me how talented he is. and yes he is good in the ring... when he is allowed through the curtain, and yea i guess he is funny in that Pauly Shore type of way. But when i read that people were fans of him from the beginning thats where i get confused. All i remember is The Major Bros. and The Edgeheads. They were interchangable. Neither one stood out or even talked if my memory serves me correctly. Yet 80% of the IWC are in his corner. Hell i've even read posts on this forum that are nothing more than thinly veiled attempt to tell people how "Zach Ryder is the future" It maybe true but i just dont see it. Then again i never thought one of the rockers would face one of the skyscrappers at not 1 but 2 WMs or that The Ringmaster and Rocky Miavia would put this business on their backs and carry it to a new golden age.

Skip Sheffield - To me he is nothing more than a muscle bound meathead who in this busines are a dime a dozen. Mic skills are non-existant, In-ring he is nothing special but all I hear is that Vince likes him and how he could/should be the next dominate big monster.

Michael Tarver - This guy just screams "Superstars" to me. The lame bandana, the weak moveset (all i see from him are punches, didnt work for Marc Mero so how is it gonna work for him?) and he just seems to try to hard on the mic.

Please someone explain these guys appeal...
I have to agree with you 100% on Skip and Tarver, nothing about them seems appealing, but I do like Ryder, and I am a fan of his, I was a fan of the Edgeheads as well, so I've liked him and Curt Hawkins for a long time, and yes, in the Edgeheads and Major Bros. they were interchangeable, I think what happened to make him stand out was afterwards, when he adopted that Jersey Shore like gimmick, pretty sure he had it before that show got popular to, but in any case if you noticed no one really talked about him till that online show, and I don't think there are that many people that like him for his in ring skills and his stuff on the mic as they do his YouTube show.
Zach Ryder
I honestly don't know why people like him. I know people hate on Santino, yet Ryder does the same dumb comedy. Somehow the trumpet horn is dumb, but the fist pumping is cool and he should get a push?

Skip Sheffield & Michael Tarver This goes for both of them. I never cared about them when they debuted. And I barley remember them now anyway. It's been a year since their debuts on NXT I think.
Completely agree with all 3. Zach is just loved because of his youtube shows. (But i do agree with the iwc that it is bullshit to take away signs with his name. if a guy is getting over, let him get over. i dont like him, but if enough people do, why not give him a push.)

skip and tarver were members of nexus that i always saw as filler. hell, i thought darren young had more charisma than these two.
I agree as well.. I don't understand the love for Ryder either.. I didn't care for the Major Brothers, just thought they were a generic jobber tag team.. but when they aligned with Edge is when i started liking the team.. then after the break up, and Ryder started doing the Jersey Shore thing.. he just got on my nerves, and his theme song is annoying as hell.. oh and since everyone raved about his youtube videos.. i finally watched a couple of them one day and i didn't see anything special, just some dude goofing off in front of the camera.. how many of those people do we see on youtube?

and I always hated Tarver.. i kind of liked Sheffield, but not as much as some people..
While I agree with some of the first few you listed, some of them actually had to grow on me mid-push. Like the Miz, I was actually pretty neutral about him until a little bit into his WWE Championship reign, and now I can say I'm somewhat of a fan of the guy. And Anderson used to annoy the crap out of me, now I don't think he's too bad, but as for the three guys you're focusing on, I agree and disagree.

To be honest, I never really was a fan of Zack Ryder, but as of late I think he's pretty good. I wouldn't say I'm a "Broski" or even a member of the Zack Pack, but based on his web show alone, I do think Ryder is pretty entertaining. Do I think he deserves a push? Sure, I wouldn't mind seeing what he can do on the TV rather then a Computer screen.

As for Skip Sheffield, I honestly don't see what the hype is with him. He's a big guy and....that's about all I see in him. I suppose he would make a good contender for some titles, maybe even a mid-card champion, but other then that I don't really see much in him. Skip just seems like the generic version of a monster heel to me, and I have to extremely disagree with Vince in thinking he could be the next John Cena.

Last, I wouldn't say that Tarver is "loved" by the IWC, it seems to be more half-and-half from what I've seen, maybe not even that. However, I would be on the side that actually likes Taver. I watched him on FCW and became a fan before he even made his debut (which is also why I'm probably one of the few fans of Heath Slater), and I think he has a lot of potential. He's not great in the ring but he gets the job done, and as far as I'm concerned he's pretty good on the mic, so what reason is there not give him a chance to prove himself? Personally, I don't think there is.
well i think tarver and skip are popular because they are part of NXT and are muscle bound meatheads like WWE likes to push.

I personally don't like Ryder, but i understand why people do. He's one of the only WWE wrestlers that actually shows their real personality. The IWC loves him because he is the one person in the company that shows a personality outside of the "WWE Universe" (aka his show is not under WWE control, at least we don't think it is). I personally don't see much of a future for him in WWE. I think they are content with him being on WWE superstars.

however, i could see him being released and forming a tag team with Robbie E. in TNA. I think that is the best possible option for Ryder at this point.
because having an unpopular opinion is cool.

my two cents:
Ryder's decent in the ring but his character and in ring work are terrible. I don't watch Jersey Shore, it's ******ed, why would I want to watch guy who pretends is part of them?
The only good thing I have to say about him is that he's better than Robbie E. but that's not saying much.
as for Tarver, I didn't even know people liked him. Has he even done a wrestling maneuver since he's debuted in NXT till now? All I've seen from him are punches.
As for Skip, well, he has a good luck and everytime he got on the mic he was pretty entertaining. He's definitely better than a lot of people who I see on wwe tv these days.
I agree on Zack Ryder, I don't get what the big furoar from some of the IWC is all about with this guy. He has a few videos on YouTube, he has the odd comedy moment, that's it. Congrats to him, I'm sure if used right he'd be able to do something decent, but to those who are actually thinking that Zack Ryder can even come near a push towards a World Heavyweight Championship in any promotion, you are very delusional and should probably visit your nearest physician immediately.
I have the same feelings about Ryder that I had about Santino. They both do the same comedy skit, both have roughly the same amount of in-ring skill, and both get a bigger reaction when they walk through the curtain than 90% of the roster. The problem that Ryder is going to run up against is that Santino got their first. There is only room for so much comedy on a wrestling show (don't start the whole WWE isn't wrestling anymore because we all know it is) and Santino currently fills that void. And if you have noticed, even he hasn't been appearing on Raw very much as of late.

As far as Skip Sheffield, he is the type who just seems to have a presence about him when he steps into the ring. Him and Barrett were the two who stood out to me the most on the original NXT and from the admittedly limited ring time he saw, he seemed to have a decent enough move set, lacking only a convincing finisher. Do I think that he is the future top guy of the WWE? No. Can he make a name for himself and carve out a good career with a top title run or two? Most definitely.

As far as Tarver, I have never really seen much out of him, other than when he tried to get on the mic, he reminded me of Jimmy Fallon on SNL when he couldn't keep a straight face. Other than that, I don't really believe that he is anything all that special or memorable.
I think the thing with Ryder is that he actually has a personality (like it or not) and people are always complaining about how everyone in WWE is generic. He certainly isn't. His in-ring work is at least average and combined with his comfort on the mic and his embracing of his character people see him as someone that is at least trying to make a name for himself.

Also, it is pretty clear to me that WWE is going to push him to some degree in the future. The fact that he mentions WWE, used footage from WWE events, has had Cena appear (briefly :)), gives WWE crap for "dropping the ball" and "missing the boat" and hasn't been released or told to knock it off means WWE at least implicitly is behind him. I think his YouTube stuff is very funny (especially the stuff with his dad being a Morrison fan) and I would go as far as to say I am a "Broski" as well. Woo woo woo, you know it!

The other two I agree. Tarver does nothing for me and Sheffield is a generic big guy.
at the end of the day i respect all talent but the IWC confuses me when they ask for a push for guys like cody rhodes, dolph ziggler, and drew mac... I agree that all of these guys have the look but for people to say that they are talented in the ring? are we watching the same matches? I mean they are all young ok but cody doesnt convince me he's hurting anyone, I dont see enough of drew but he's young, and ziggs match with Kofi on raw this past week, i dont need an argument there...
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