You know what we need?


Master of the Aussie kiss
More *insert superstar here* is General manager for the day. We had Eric Bishoff as a general manager for the day and that was entertaining. We had Eugene as the General manager for the day and that was Well, Interesting to say the least. Anyone remember when Jericho was GM for the day? He made Christian wear that ridicoulas attire to have that match.

I think that making this a Regular occurance could make the WWE more enjoyable. Imagine a Heel using it to his advantage the last raw/smackdown bfore a ppv. He could put them through a hard series of matches or tire them out another way. He could also get heel heat by picking on all the faces. It could be a great thing that would get people to tune in. Espeacially if it is there favourite wrestler as the GM.

You could even make a tournament the week before to see who will get the privelage. Make the heels do anything to win it,. Win win situation.

Your opinions?
Good idea. It would kind of be like the time Orton's team won at Survivor Series and each memebr of his team were allowed to be RAW GM. But this could work and could be an effective way of furthering rivalries, so for example we could have a heel Orton making life hell for Batista one week and then Batista could get his payback when he gets his turn. It's kind of along the lines of the inmates running the asylum and it could definitely be a way to freshen up things on a weekly basis...
This is a good idea Sparky, something that would definately make me more excited about an upcoming event. It'd be a way for someone, most likely a heel, to get his way and incite hatred for him in the crowd, as well as running everything to get him what he wanted. It'd be a great way for superstars to put their personal stamp on a show, and shut up those people who complain the show is boring all the time.
I agree, it's a great idea.
I remember I think it was a survivor series match where the winners all god to be GM for a week. It was the team of Y2J, Benoit, Maven and Orton I belive.
It was a very entertaining few weeks, we saw Edge vs Benoit vs Triple H for the world title, Jericho stripping Triple H of the title... It was great TV.
I think they should have more GM-for-a-day stipulation matches, cause we'd get to see faces be at their most face-y and heels be at their most heelish.
And it would make for some crazy, unpredictable TV which is more often than not good TV.
It's a good idea, but then it plays into one of the "other" IWC's biggest bitches - why do we need a GM ??

Lots of people think it's time to get rid of the GM, myself included. It does provide a roster spot for Vicki Guerrero and allows someone on Raw to garner mass amounts of heat, but it's kind of an overdone storyline... the GM role that is.

It wasn't long ago that the inmates were running the asylum anyway, before Adamle became the GM, so if there's a way for the wrestlers to make the matches without using a so-called GM, I'd prefer that a lot more.
It's a good idea, but then it plays into one of the "other" IWC's biggest bitches - why do we need a GM ??

Lots of people think it's time to get rid of the GM, myself included. It does provide a roster spot for Vicki Guerrero and allows someone on Raw to garner mass amounts of heat, but it's kind of an overdone storyline... the GM role that is.

It wasn't long ago that the inmates were running the asylum anyway, before Adamle became the GM, so if there's a way for the wrestlers to make the matches without using a so-called GM, I'd prefer that a lot more.

I am in agreement that it is time to get rid of the GM concept altogether, and simply go back to having a WWE President.

The GM concept is completely, utterly boring. And it makes the format for each of the shows stale and predictable.

We need a Jack Tunney-like figure to return to the business, who only pops in occasionally to make appearances. I think since Stephanie is seen as the more powerful of the two McMahon children behind the scenes, giving Shane McMahon this role would be perfect. He's seen as the more fair and impartial of the two McMahon's anyway.
Why bother having a GM when they don't even use it effectively? Originally the GM thing was good because you had a sense of competition between the brands. You had Bischoff and Stephanie and then Bischoff and Long. Ever since Bischoff left and ECW came in there just isn't that competition anymore.
I don't fully agree with others in this thread. While having an 'inmates run the asylum' deal would be so much better than what we have now in the form of General Managers, I don't think wrestlers who compete should be given control like that all the time because it cheapens the role of the GM. Sure it's good once in a while for a few weeks storyline like they did after Survivor Series that year but they need a stable general manager to run each show.
I also think the importance needs to be given back to the GM. The reason Eric Bischoff was so effective in the role of GM was because he made himself so important. He asserted himself and made sure he had an impact on plenty of storylines and matches. Right now Tiffany and Teddy Long and shudder Vicki Guerrero just don't seem that important. Sure, Vicki has been part of many storylines but JESUS, she's about as believable as a GM as JR would be as WWE champion.
I think WWE needs to get rid of Vicki, put Tiffany back with the rest of the Divas and find two new decent General Managers who are effective in playing that role OR just get rid of the whole concept of a GM and just have a President like someone else mentioned. Either turn the fat to muscle or trim it off completely, don't just have a General Manager for the sake of it.
On a side note, I always thought JBL would have made a freakin' sweet General Manager. Same with Mick Foley. And I always thought Shane running Raw and Stephanie running Smackdown would have been great.
I'm serious, I'll take anything rather than Vicky Guerrero... anything
We need a Jack Tunney-like figure to return to the business, who only pops in occasionally to make appearances. I think since Stephanie is seen as the more powerful of the two McMahon children behind the scenes, giving Shane McMahon this role would be perfect. He's seen as the more fair and impartial of the two McMahon's anyway.

I agree with this statement. The GM storyline (just like most storylines) has been overused and beaten into a bloody pulp. Granted, the superstars become well-elevated when they feud with an authority figure, but not unless it's a CREDIBLE authority figure.

I don't agree with the concept of, "Gee... Raw needs a GM. How about we shove someone into the position. Let's reach into our lottery bowl and pull out... VICKIE. Yeah, she'll do." Just because someone is labeled as "GM" doesn't mean that the person belongs in that position. The McMahons are credibile and true powerhouses in the company and should be used as the authority figures. If they aren't available, then a BRAND NEW PERSON should be added into the mix and should be given the sole job of being the GM. Therefore, they will only be known as a GM to the program and they will become believable to the audience. That's why Jack Tunney (while boring and robotic) was such an EFFECTIVE authority figure. He only made appearances when an issue was important enough to be addressed by him, resulting in his decisions being serious, compelling, and effective.

Now, back to the original subject... "Special Guest" GM's should be used very sparsely. If they are overused, they will become stale, just like most other storylines.
I agree with this statement. The GM storyline (just like most storylines) has been overused and beaten into a bloody pulp. Granted, the superstars become well-elevated when they feud with an authority figure, but not unless it's a CREDIBLE authority figure.

I don't agree with the concept of, "Gee... Raw needs a GM. How about we shove someone into the position. Let's reach into our lottery bowl and pull out... VICKIE. Yeah, she'll do." Just because someone is labeled as "GM" doesn't mean that the person belongs in that position. The McMahons are credibile and true powerhouses in the company and should be used as the authority figures. If they aren't available, then a BRAND NEW PERSON should be added into the mix and should be given the sole job of being the GM. Therefore, they will only be known as a GM to the program and they will become believable to the audience. That's why Jack Tunney (while boring and robotic) was such an EFFECTIVE authority figure. He only made appearances when an issue was important enough to be addressed by him, resulting in his decisions being serious, compelling, and effective.

Now, back to the original subject... "Special Guest" GM's should be used very sparsely. If they are overused, they will become stale, just like most other storylines.

And you hit the nail exactly on the head. I'd rep you for this post, if I could.

The problem with the GM position is because you do see them EVERY SINGLE WEEK, and they do the same thing EVERY SINGLE WEEK, that is exactly why they aren't seen as a credible authority figure. That is exactly what you pointed out ... and it is correct.

Authority figures and angles involving them need to be used sparingly, for the full effect. That is why people who interact with GM's week in and week out, don't get any real rub from it anymore.

And Vickie absolutely does not belong in an Authority role. And even though I actually like Tiffany's character over Vickie's, since Tiffany brought something new to the GM position other than the typical evil, power-hungry GM we have all become accustomed to ... I still think both of them, and even Teddy Long need to go. The problem with Teddy is that he's simply been in the position for too long, and has become stole.

But I strongly feel that one of the two McMahon kids, preferably Shane, should be serving in this President role ... and that would make the shows a lot more effective, with him only popping up sparingly.
It's a fine concept in theory, but at the same time it's still the same people writing the script and recently they've shown a reluctance to stray from their current scripts when adding this into the mix. Although it can still be very entertaining, i.e. Triple H teaming Cena & Orton to face the rest of the RAW roster.. very entertaining. But that was over a year ago now, and the last time (I re-call) elevated Jericho in-charge and it ended up being a slap-fest with Adamle returning before the end of the episode reversing Jericho's calls.

I'd like to see someone in a position like Mick Foley had back in the day, the commish.

A commish challenge for RAW would be pretty entertaining, and I'd tend to think it would be an interesting stipulation in the inevitable Evolution vs Legacy feud they've been building. Have the feud without it being solely dependent upon the belt.
Personally, I think we just need a new GM. I certainly understand why Vickie is in the position she's in, but enough is enough. I'm sick of seeing her every week, coming out in a wheelchair and saying "excuse me". Sure, it's part of her character, but she really doesn't do much more than that.

I say bring back William Regal. That man was entertaining. Remember the Dating Game and WWE Idol? Fantastic. If it wasn't for Regal drug tendencies, I'm sure we would've had a lot more great moments.
well how about santino takes vickie out of comision and chavo becomes the gm for the day. How awesome will that be that this looser of a superstar gets a major ego trip. Or Miz or Orton will make nice gm's for a couple episdes and nicely advance their character. Mamby it might just give orton the heat that he needs, and it would give miz more chances to chrush cena effectively starting a fued. thats my thoughts and i would love to see either of these two options on raw. I want tosee omeone run up behind vickie and punch her in the mouth when she says excuse me, preferbly santino, and get her out of commision for a month coming back in 2 ppvs with actual wresting skills and beating santinos ass making that joke end and letting the two or three others i mentioned be gm in the meantime.

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