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Now now... this ain't a Cena thread so don't get excited Ladies and Gents!

It just struck me recently that barring a few obvious examples, there are no
masked/facepainted wrestlers any more.

The ones I can think of, off my head:

Jeff Hardy
(ok I cheated and looked tna's roster here)
shark boy

Now that's actually more than I though, but only 9 in total, seven from TNA. And if we're honest here, how many of the above get decent TV time? Probably 4??

Anyway, I've always loved a mysterious figure behind a mask or some cool facepaint - Not too keen on the luchadore look mind you!

When you look back over the years you have, what... LOD, Mankind, Kane, Warrior, umm Doink... ok, i'm running out a bit..

But anyhow, do you think there is a reason why masks and facepaint seem to be on the wane, and who is your favourite masked/painted grappler from wrestling history?
The decline of the mask in America has been going on for sometime now, and it's because the nature of wrestling gimmicks has changed. Fans don't want super colorful gimmicks anymore (at least, ones that they aren't long familiar with.) They respond more to guys who are plausible as outsized versions of real people. Look at NXT. With the exception of Kaval, every wrestler uses a "real name". (The names are fake for copyright reasons.) Fans want wrestlers who are relateable.

As far as my favorite masked/painted wrestler would be, The Great Muta, even though he didn't always work painted.
The reason that the mask has waned in wrestling is because more realistic character are thought of more highly in this day and age. Look at the roster and you see a lot more realism than you would have ten or twenty years ago. Something like two men in masks wrestling each other seems odd to today’s audience, whereas in the yesteryears, it was perfectly acceptable.

As for my favourite masked wrestler; Big Van Vader. Vader was the first super heavyweight to come to wrestle in the main stream wearing a mask. He went to Japan and was given the mask, before returning to the States with his now infamous mask. Now, he didn't always wrestle with the mask on but it's unmistakably one of his trademarks.
I think women using exciting face paint is SEVERELY underused. I mean look at some of the cool super hero women you see on tv/comics. I've made some great CAWs like a female Jade Scorpion type chick, or Black Bee and some bomb-azz masks, or face paints. I mean I've seen pics of Sexy Star (looks kinda like Lady Gaga) and that chick is bringing about a revolution of intense theatrics for everyday make up. She in herself is a character...I mean she would be GREAT for emulating for appearance-wise.
I think women using exciting face paint is SEVERELY underused. I mean look at some of the cool super hero women you see on tv/comics. I've made some great CAWs like a female Jade Scorpion type chick, or Black Bee and some bomb-azz masks, or face paints. I mean I've seen pics of Sexy Star (looks kinda like Lady Gaga) and that chick is bringing about a revolution of intense theatrics for everyday make up. She in herself is a character...I mean she would be GREAT for emulating for appearance-wise.
This is why I <3 MsChif. (That, and the flexibility thing. Unnggh!) She doesn't use much face paint, but enough that it distracts you from wondering who the person is underneath (unless you're an internet stalker), and makes you look at the character she portrays.

But women's wrestling in the big two these days is about showing off your tits and performing moves that end with someone split-legged. Character growth isn't highly prized when they get five minutes of air time a week.
It is to do with the realism factor, as another poster has previously mentioned. During the attitude era, wrestlers became more like their real life personalities, and fans can relate to them more on this basis. They are more like regular people now.

However, as the PG era is in full swing now, and the WWE is more "kid-friendly", I am surprised WWE havent introduced a new, face-painted wrestler or tag-team. Kids love that sort of colourful, superhero style facepaint. I know they already have Rey Mysterio, but he wears a mask not facepaint. I have read that WWE want to keep Rey Rey as the only masked wrestler in the company, in order to make him stand out and keep his merchandise sales sky high, but a face-paint wearing tag-team/wrestler (e.g. Ultimate Warrior, The LOD, Demolition) could be a HUGE kids in the PG era.
I think it's because the fans now want stars that they can relate to, but personally I really like the mysterious feature of guys with masks and facepaint. It maybe because of the PG era for the reason in WWE, but I think it's because the crowd like guys that they can relate to. As to my favourite wrestler who wears a mask or facepaint it has to be Jeff Hardy.
Times change I guess. Most fans of today want superstars that they can relate to and look up to as a "real person". Not somebody like Red Rooster or Chester McCheesterton.

Most superstars that come in to the WWE now actually use their real name or change either their forname or surname. It's just change, personally I'd love to see some masked people back in the WWE...facepaint, not so much. What's to like really? You spend ages painting it on, then it comes off in the match.

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