You can marry a WWE diva right now...

I would marry Kelly Kelly!!
Hottest DIVA EVER!! I want a match against her !!! I want to have is ass rubbed on my face xDD

Kelly Kelly is SO FREAKING HOT and she isn't dumb not a ****' i've never seen her naked on the web unfortunately :(
The best thing about my marriage with her was the fucks!!
She is so hot that I would want to fuck her in the Church xD

However I've seen Maryse :D (HOT TO)

If any guys like us gets a WWE Diva ever, we will be stiff for the rest of our life!!
Maryse. Maryse is the hottest diva in the WWE to me. Plus, she has that awesome accent.

AJ is a close second choice. She is so attractive!
Well obviously I would pick Tara over any WWE diva, but I am sure I could cope with being married to Maryse, Double K or Kaitlyn.

Hard life isnt it.
It's a tight race,but I think Layla just edges it.I'd be perfectly happy with either Layla,Kelly Kelly or Maryse as my wife.Kelly Kelly would have won if not for Layla's posh accent.
Maria. She was a cutie, absolutely smoking hot, had the flirtatious personality, and I've seen her in shoot interviews and she seems like the perfect woman. She's very down to earth, she likes just chilling out at home and having a glass of wine while watching wrestling, and she has a really long tongue.

She also hasn't had sex with Batista. That's huge.

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