You Book It: Cryme Tyme


Pre-Show Stalwart
I mentioned this is an earlier thread of how I would of booked it, so I want to know how you guys feel/felt about the break-up angle. And what you would do to keep it over for awhile.

I read someone's reply that they really enjoyed the angle and expect to see a huge push for Shad. Although I agree that is probable outcome, I want to see some other ideas that make it to where it isn't so predictable. Shad obviously has the size which Vinny Mac has always enjoyed, but do you really think he can get over and stay over for a long time period?

In my mind.... No... No disrespect to Shad but In watching the promo Friday i Just felt something was missing in the promo. I think it'll be interesting to see the segment by segment ratings from SD! and I'd be curious to see if he gained viewers or viewers turned the channel during it.

This is how I would of booked it.

Shad is doing the whole "GTG was holding us back, I was clearly the better of the two gimmick" GTG is obviously the face and wanting his payback. I got an angle that I feel can

A) Help out the THIN tag division
B) IMO create an angle that will last longer than this Shad push (once again IMO I just don't think he had something in that promo that told me this push was going to last)

So I would of had Shad come out and do his GTG held us back speech. Than like Stevie Ray (Introducing Big T and disowning Booker) and Farooq (NOD days) disown his partner/s and introduce the man that will be his new partner. In my mind this is how you get Shelton Benjamin back on TV. Don't get me wrong, I want to see Shelton get that big singles push as well, but I just don't see it coming. Shelton has shown to be great in tag team matches and with his athleticism and Shad's power I think you can make it work. Maybe put a mouthpiece (manager) for them because not sure if either of them can really get over with promos. Than you have GTG alone and getting the 2-1 beat downs for a while. GTG than tells the fans he's bringing back an old friend. This is where they can either bring back a person that hasn't been on TV in awhile or debut a superstar from FCW.

Once again this is just in my opinion and hell maybe the majority of you though the promo was good and can see this Shad's singles push working.

Give me some angles where you think this could work or just say if you think it's fine the way it is.
You've got the right idea of Shelton Benjamin coming in... BUT it's gotta be with JTG. I doubt very highly WWE will turn Shelton heel again anytime soon. Now Shad with a heel R-Truth.. that's a different story. Besides JTG's better on the mic than R-Truth anyday
I dont no why they broke them up the tag team part of wwe is already a dying sport. I cant believe they broke up such a good team? Maybe they are going to fade tag teams out completely
You've got the right idea of Shelton Benjamin coming in... BUT it's gotta be with JTG. I doubt very highly WWE will turn Shelton heel again anytime soon. Now Shad with a heel R-Truth.. that's a different story. Besides JTG's better on the mic than R-Truth anyday

I personally like him better Heel. I don't know how they would turn him this quick but I wouldn't really see the angle working with Shelton on the face side.
definitely need a mouth piece... what about Ron Simmons?

it may be recycled, but most of pro wrestling is anyway. that only makes sense since pro wrestling happens every week, multiple times a week and for multiple organizations. there are only so many story lines available, IMO.

but what about bringing back Ron Simmons as the leader and mouth piece for an all African-American stable, tired of being held down by "the man". could even turn Teddy Long heel as he could totally favor the faction on SD.

then keep Cryme Tyme together since the Tag Division is in serious need of help and give R-Truth and Benjamin some real pushes as singles wrestlers, getting the US and IC belts, maybe even challenging for a World Title.

just a thought. at least it'd get all these decent, younger wrestlers some TV time.
If either of these guys are going to get a singles push, feuding with each other won't make either of them credible, so here's a twist. yea, go ahead and let them feud for a few weeks, even open up a PPV with them and let JTG get the escape win. then, next week at SD!, JTG is in a match, and has the upperhand, with someone of the likes of santino or evan bourne, and Shad interrupts, Demolishing JTG continuously and going over board and 'injuring' him. MVP, or another established mid carder interrupts for the simple fact that the beating is just way too much. MVP puts Shad over in their feud and makes him a mid card contender. it could work...
I think Shad will get a singles push that might go pretty well. JTG might stay in the tag team division for a while. Then maybe work his way into singles action. I think that Shad will get drafted to raw. They can build him up on there and make him into a credible superstar. He's a big dude and that's what Vince like in his superstars.
I would like to see JTG feuding with less credible superstars for a while, trying to make a name for himself after the feud of Cryme Time has finally ended. Trying to make a name for himself, would do him wonders. While we all see Shad getting a push that has been coming for a long time now. Shad has the size, strenghth, and agility that Vinny Mac loves, so we will be seeing him getting pushed to the moon, here very really quickly.
Forever I had a feeling Cryme Tyme would split up and now that it has finally happened Im glad I would wait until Over The Limit (i think its called,whatever the new may ppv name is) to book JTG vs Shad to Make shad a true heel how bout facing shelton soon on smackdown (that is if he will resign). Or anyother face and win in squash matches. But also on the other hand have JTG doing pretty good and then about 2 weeks before the ppv have a big build up (contract singing, run ins on the fellow wrestlers match, etc.)

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