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You Are All Invited To The TNA Memorial Service\Fire Sale. Everything Must Go!

If WWE is interested in anybody It'll be guys they view as exceptional, considering they've just released a whole lot of talent in recent months to save money, anyone they sign from here out will have to be special. A return for someone like Kurt Angle could happen if he could pass their medical, Magnus and Roode are possibilities as are Bubba and Devon under legends contracts I guess, but Austin Aries? They've turned him down twice, and those are only times we know of because Aries bitched to the world about it! He's probably not welcome back in ROH either due to how he left, like Kenny King so he'll be hoping that Global Force Wrestling ghost comes to life so he can get a job there and even then I can't see GFW popping up on a full or even part time schedule immediately, especially if it's only Jarrett funding it.

Apart from that Joe, Edwards and "THE ICON" Matt Hardy will probably return to ROH or get offers to return to ROH. Richards definitely won't after everything hes said (his words are actually coming back to bite him, here) and then you'll have a ton of guys left in limbo waiting for opportunity. Guys like Jeff Hardy, Bobby Roode, James Storm and EC3 won't find it hard to get work on the indies, but unless WWE wants to gamble on them they're kind of hoping GFW works because they're not guys ROH will likely be interested in. Maybe Roode, I guess.
Funny you say that, because Magnus is the one guy I see WWE being interested in (outside of former employees).

WWE won't be interested in many TNA performers. Magnus would be my pick for the top of their list though after Hardy.

If you were Triple-H, and Magnus was available, where would you hire and put him? Here is a rough estimate of the current situation:

Main event-Overcrowded already with names like Cena, Orton, yourself (Triple-H), Reigns, Kane, Rollins, and Ambrose.
Upper Mid card- Bray Wyatt, Jericho, Swagger, Rusev, Jimmy, Jey, Harper, Rowan, IC Champ Miz, US Champ Sheamus.
Mid Card- Cesaro, Bo Dallas, RVD, Ziggler, Del Rio, Sandow, Goldust and Stardust, Rybaxel, new Nation of Domination, AJ Lee, Paige, Brie Bella (putting them here because they also take TV time).
Under card- Slater, Titus, Fandango, Sin Cara, Khali, Naomi (sorry my dear), Cameron, Natalya, Nikki Bella, the fit Matadore, El Torito, Ryder etc.
NXT- Neville, Zayn, that mirror guy, Gabriel, Kidd, KENTA, and now Kevin Steen and Prince Devitt.
Total Divas-Everyone already has a boyfriend/husband I think. Besides, that might not be the smartest way to debut a male (non-joke) superstar.
Personally, I don't see one single solitary guy ending up in WWE. No one. That's not to say that there's no one there good enough to be snapped up, because there are a handful of guys who would fit the bill. However, having a monopoly on the business at the highest level, puts them in the position to be arrogant enough to be very selective as to who they bring on board.

Men or women who left them before on their own accord may not be welcomed back. Those who have been vocally negative of their previous days in WWE may not be wanted back either. In terms of newer up and comers, WWE has that more than covered in NXT. Some of the handful of guys who might elicit interest from WWE would likely be offered very little money in relative terms, and would likely choose other options, much like AJ Styles.

I'd love to see some sort of "TNA invasion angle", done properly this time, but that's unrealistic and unlikely to happen. Rather, I see the cast of Impact Wrestling being dispersed amongst retirement, ROH, GFW, and other Indy federations. But I don't see any of them ending up in WWE.
I'd put Magnus in NXT for a while to wash the TNA stench off him. Then I'd debut him around SummerSlam time in a basic WWE push and see how he does over the lame months.
The only ones I'd be interested in seeing in WWE are just Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode. I want my Olympic Hero back home and Roode's title reign got me back into TNA for a while but after he lost the belt, I switched off again and haven't watched since. I don't see Roode making it as a main eventer in the 'E but he'd make a fine IC Champion.

The rest can fuck off.
Back to WWE- (JEFF) Hardy, Angle, Lashley, and the Dudley boys

WWE would consider- Bobby roode, Gunner(because of background), Magnus, Samoa Joe, EC3, (personal favorite) DJ Z, and hopefully some of the knockouts.

ROH- Austin Aries, The Wolves, Matt Hardy, TJ Perkins, Tigre Uno, among others.

Hold out for GFW- James Storm, Eric Young, ODB, Abyss( though he seems to have gotten slower and sloppy last few years)
Magnus is a good idea. He has shown some talent over the past 2 years that I never thought he had. WWE could use him in NXT for a bit & he can fill a mid card role just fine.

Lashley will end up likely in Japan for appearances or just focused on his MMA.

Abyss will be a great addition to AAA given their new tv deal.
Dixie Carter @TNADixie · 23m
Negotiations with @SpikeTV are ongoing. Stay tuned and be sure to tune in this Thursday night for Ultimate X on #ImpactOnSpike!!

Maybe y'all being a tad premature just yet...
Yes, Dixie's Twitter account has always been a place for people to find accurate, spin-free information.

But let's be fair here. This time she didn't promise a HUGE SURPRISE.
Nah, that just screams Dixie Spin. Lets not forget how many times she used twitter to hype something or save face, just for it to be a let down.

In a way I am sure 'ongoing' is true. But that likely just means numerous voicemails she has left executives trying to beg for a renewal with more lackluster promises. How many times has TNA brought in huge names and promised big ratings that would 'Impact' SpikeTV greatly? How many of those stars are still employed? Where has all Dixie's grand ideas lead them? Spike just seems fed up with all of it going nowhere.

Unfortunately she needs an idea for some fast cash. Dixie still has to repay the bank loan she used to get those 2 extra sides on the ring.
I'd say that Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Magnus and maybe ECIII (considering his improvement in TNA) might have a shot in WWE.

I'd like to see Austin Aries in WWE but the likelihood of that happening is slim so he may end up in Japan or ROH

Joe will probably end up in ROH again. Roode and Storm may find their way to Jarrett's promotion.

Those are the only one's I'm interested in to be honest.
WWE lost a million and still losing money. You seriously think they can afford TNA wrrstlers when even the indies can offer better?
If Austin Aries or Davey Richards are re-signed by ROH I'll post a video on here of me trying the milk challenge (I've tried before, the results are pretty disgusting but apparently hilarious), that's how certain I am neither will be offered a grapevine. They burnt their bridges, Kenny King may get a second chance just so Rhett Titus can return (people seriously think he's The Romantic Touch).
If Austin Aries or Davey Richards are re-signed by ROH I'll post a video on here of me trying the milk challenge (I've tried before, the results are pretty disgusting but apparently hilarious), that's how certain I am neither will be offered a grapevine. They burnt their bridges, Kenny King may get a second chance just so Rhett Titus can return (people seriously think he's The Romantic Touch).

I haven't been watching, but just about everything I've read says he's The Romantic Touch like it's a well-known fact.
WWE lost a million and still losing money. You seriously think they can afford TNA wrrstlers when even the indies can offer better?

Some are just shots in the dark or pipe dreams, but others...

Angle is a lock barring him not passing the medical screens. Jeff Hardy would be the same. Both would rake in some serious merch sales so they have a better leg up than others in the same situation. Spend a bit to gain a few more dollars is a smart decision. Angle would be considered over Jeff obviously, but Jeff can follow his brother to ROH and be just fine.

Dudleys may even be a strong possibility considering Bubba has been excellent as a heel for a bit now, they could use a solid vet team & the eventual HOF induction means they would be around at some point anyway. May as well be while they can still get a few good matches out of them to give the rub to some new guys.
I haven't been watching, but just about everything I've read says he's The Romantic Touch like it's a well-known fact.

Steve Corino says The Romantic Touch is obviously Koko B. Ware and Steve Corino knows what he's talking about. The Rhett Titus accusations have zero ground.

Jeff obviously, but Jeff can follow his brother to ROH and be just fine.

The last time Jeff Hardy was in ROH he was booed out the arena, literally, and never came back. It would be interesting to see The Hardyz as a top heel tag team though. They could rename themselves Team ICON.
WWE lost a million and still losing money. You seriously think they can afford TNA wrrstlers when even the indies can offer better?

Yes. It's not that WWE can't offer more than the indys. They don't want to offer them that much.
Hardy, Angle and Magnus are the only guys I think WWE would think of picking up. Maybe EC3, at a long stretch.

MVP, American Wolves, Beer Money are good possibilities for Japan, I think. Aries might be lumped into that, possibly.

Sanada will be back in Wrestle-1 quickly enough.

Joe's probably bound for ROH + Independents, ala AJ Styles. Maybe Styles gets him into New Japan as part of Bullet Club. On a sidenote, I wouldn't mind a Fortune reunion in New Japan with Daniels thrown in replacing Bullet Club.

Everyone else will be working the independents and hoping GFW gets off to actual shows.
Hey Dragon Saga, as someone who doesn't follow ROH closely why is Aries/King returning such a low possibility?

Same reason Davey won't be back: They burned bridges on the way out. Davey and Aries did it mostly in interviews, but, if I remember my timeline correctly, King left about a week after he and Rhett Titus won the ROH Tag Team Titles they had been building toward for a while. I don't think he did as much talking as the other two, but that's a pretty rough way to leave.
Why don't we focus on what's really important?

If TNA doesn't secure a new deal and goes out of business we probably won't get to see anymore Rockstar Spud....

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