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Yet Another Reason Why The Hardys Should Never Reproduce

Turd Ferguson

This time, Jeff proves how much of a moron he is...

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

- WWE's last unofficial offer to Jeff Hardy before he went to TNA had a $750,000 downside where he would only have to work 65 dates a year, giving him the biggest break on the schedule out of any WWE stars, including Shawn Michaels.

Obviously Hardy turned the deal down as he was upset that nobody backed him after his drug arrest and he was upset over the promos that WWE had CM Punk cut on him after he left the company. The feeling was that Hardy wasn't with the company at the time and the promos from Punk weren't business as they weren't used to build a match.

It's believed that Hardy would have been a lock for TNA World Champion over Rob Van Dam if it weren't for his court case that's still up in the air.

So Jeff turns down that much money (and downtime!!) because he was ********* by CM Punk's promos. Doing the math out, just by the downside guarantee, and making all 65 appearances, he would have made $11,538.46 for each one turned in. This isn't including whatever bonuses/perks/merchandise sales commissions he would have had. And with him being a huge merchandise mover for the company, he would have made a killing. The WWE knows how valuable he is, which is why despite being a publicly traded company, they still supported a multiple-strike drug addict by offering quite a huge sum of money and job security. Plus, I'm sure Punk's promos on him when the DVD release came out made him a lot of fucking money, considering he wasn't around to promote it.

Sure, it sucks getting your dirty laundry aired on television, but he was still being portrayed as the good guy. He got offered a shitload of money, possibly the best overall deal in the company, for him to appear on television 65 times a year and pretending to get the shit kicked out of him, and to maybe jump off a fucking ladder once.

He then proceeded to sign on for more dates and less money with TNA... probably because they don't drug test and he'll still get pushed regardless, but goddamn, is he a disgrace.
It's really a shame, he was doing amazing in WWE, and his first run of TNA was an absolute disgrace for him, a longer period and not a single championship reign, where as WWE gave him an almost instant Intercontinental championship reign after defeating John Morrison (Johnny Nitro back then).

Jeff Hardy is quite a talent I know that, and he's definitely worth the money that was thrown after him considering the insane amounts of money WWE could likely get out of him, so I think it's a shame Jeff Hardy had to go and shit all over WWE's offer and the things they gave him, to go to a company that didn't offer him as much (at least from what I know) and haven't given him any championship reigns (which is obviously quite a thing to achieve in any promotion, especially due to the raise in income the world champions for example are given compared to a regular wrestler)
I'm a Hardy fan and agree about the TNA title thing, but that's insane. 65 dates is NOTHING in todays business and that's a fortune for a downside too. He won't be getting anything like that in TNA, yet for the relaxed drug testing and fortnightly schedule with less mainstream exposure, he takes TNA's offer?

It's crazy. TNA will not put him in a feud that will be nothing like as good as the Punk one and this protective attitude is going to cost them money. IMO Hardy would excel in a feud that pushes similar buttons like Punk did. Anderson is a good start.

The fact is, Punk's promos after Hardy left were masterful and he is a bitch if he can't take it.
Obviously Hardy turned the deal down as he was upset that nobody backed him after his drug arrest and he was upset over the promos that WWE had CM Punk cut on him after he left the company.

The key here is that those things happened after he left WWE; after reportedly telling them that he needed a rest and wanted to work on projects other than wrestling......then he turns up working for the competition. I think it absolutely stunk for him to do that to a company that had pushed him to the sky and was willing to provide him with a work schedule more to his liking.

It would be interesting to see what would happen if TNA folded and Jeff found himself out of work. Vince McMahon proved himself a better person than I would have been when he re-hired guys who ran out on him to join WCW.

Would he take Jeff back? Could Jeff support his drug habit without the money he earns from wrestling? Will he be able to afford homeowner's insurance for his next place of residence?

Stay tuned.
Why are people acting like this report is obviously true? Even if it is, do you know what he is making in TNA? WWE is notorious for getting guys to sign and then pushing them to work more than their contract stipulates. They kept pushing for Hardy to stay on after his contract ended and he did for a while. We see where that might have took him. I suspect that if that report is true (second time I have said this and I am not at all convinced it is) then it was an IF Hardy only worked 65 he would get that money, not he only had to work 65 at his leisure.
This just confirms that Jeff Hardy is a moron. I've never really liked him as an in-ring talent but I do understand why he's so popular. The fact that he would turn down that amount of money and that working schedule is stupid. I'll say it right now, WWE (probably) offered him more money than TNA. The fact that WWE refused to back him in his drug charge is obvious, Linda's running for congress and he was caught with a whole friggin' ton of this stuff IN HIS HOUSE. Jeff, get off your high-horse and at least be realistic.
Why are people acting like this report is obviously true? Even if it is, do you know what he is making in TNA? WWE is notorious for getting guys to sign and then pushing them to work more than their contract stipulates. They kept pushing for Hardy to stay on after his contract ended and he did for a while. We see where that might have took him. I suspect that if that report is true (second time I have said this and I am not at all convinced it is) then it was an IF Hardy only worked 65 he would get that money, not he only had to work 65 at his leisure.

1.) It's coming from Meltzer, who is about as legitimate as it gets.

2.) He signed for 100 TNA dates, and they can't afford to pay him $750,000.

3.) It's a CONTRACT, which means he was only ONLY CONTRACTED to work 65 dates. If they wanted him to work more, he can decline and there wouldn't be anything they would be able to do anything about it. If he said he wanted to, he'd have the power to negotiate the number of shows and the pay rate. In theory, the 65 dates means he'd just have to work TV and PPVs, no house shows. Even Triple H works house shows!

Meltzer rarely posts false news, and he'll sit on a news piece like this too until he can absolutely confirm it.
See I'd already decided that I thought Hardy was a moron when he stated, even with the current major drugs charges against him and his notorious history and suspensions due to drugs, that he thinks of himself as a "hero". Reading this just about confirms that some people don't deserve what they have. I'm not the biggest Matt Hardy fan but I so wish it'd been him and not his brother that'd been able to make that connection and break through with the audience into the main event as, quite clearly, the wrong Hardy got the luck
God that man's an idiot.

'Wahhh! They told everyone i'm a drug addict!'

'Wahhh! They don't push my brother!'

'Wahhh! They wouldn't let me get high before work anymore!'

Jeff Hardy, you are without a shadow of a doubt, one of the biggest wastes of space to ever be involved in the wrestling industry. You can't cut a promo for shit, you're matches are repetitive spot fests, and if there's nothing to jump off of, you're matches aren't worth watching, you have the maturity level of a 12 year old, and you don't seem to grasp the seriousness of your legal situation right now, yet for some bizarre reason, people still give a shit about you, so therefore wrestling promoters keep throwing money at you, AND YOU TURN DOWN THE BETTER DEAL?

Punk cut promos on you after you left WWE. You don't like it because you don't think it helped promote a match......

Yeah, but it did help the current World Heavyweight Champion cement his heel turn by verbally running down somebody, that he had literally just fueded with, who was also unable to defend themselves, thereby gaining himself additional heel heat. What's the problem Jeff? Is it just because it's about you, or is it because everything they said about you was true?

Nobody backed him after his drug arrest.

Why the fuck would they? You've been suspended for drug use on more than one occassion in the last 3 years. Before you left WWE, you were known for being a junkie. Several days after you're released from your WWE contract, you get arrested for having a ridiculous amount of prescription pills in your possession. Do you really expect your co-workers to stand up and say 'There must be more than meets the eye here!"? Of course not, they'd say what any other rational person would say. "Again, Jeff?"

If they'll fire Lance Cade just for having a seizure, they aren't going to stand up and protect a drug user who's been told countless times to cut it out, ESPECIALLY when YOU DON'T WORK THERE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then there's the fact that even though Hardy's merchandise was FLYING off of WWEshop.com, and higher than the sales of Cena, Batista, and Mysterio COMBINED the WWE still refused to give him anything on Raw. Nor would they give him a decent run as the World champion. All of Hardy's reigns were either 58 seconds or a month TOPS... Hardy should've had way longer reigns and yet WWE refused to give it to him.

Say what you want, but I'm sure Jeff knows what he's worth in WWE... and that's why he sided with TNA.
And then there's the fact that even though Hardy's merchandise was FLYING off of WWEshop.com, and higher than the sales of Cena, Batista, and Mysterio COMBINED the WWE still refused to give him anything on Raw. Nor would they give him a decent run as the World champion. All of Hardy's reigns were either 58 seconds or a month TOPS... Hardy should've had way longer reigns and yet WWE refused to give it to him.

That's because Jeff is much better suited chasing for a title than actually being champion. The WWE carved out a role for him as the underdog, the guy who is always chasing the brass ring and coming up short. And then, when he winds up winning, the crowd goes nuts. Punk stealing the title from him with MITB only got him even more popularity.

Plus, a guy as unreliable as Jeff is isn't going to get a long reign. Would you slap a title on a guy in a long term program who could fail a drug test at the drop of a hat? I sure as hell wouldn't.

If he didn't re-sign with the WWE because of a supposed lack of respect with his WWE Title reigns, then he's a baby and he should realize that the only way he'd ever get his "respect" with a longer title reign is to prove to the WWE he can stay clean and not you know, having 262 Vicodin prescription pills, 180 Soma prescription pills, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, a residual amount of powder cocaine and items of drug paraphernalia.

As well as not be facing charges of felony trafficking in opium, two counts of felony possession with intent to sell or deliver a Schedule III controlled substance, felony maintaining a dwelling to keep controlled substance, felony possession of cocaine and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.

Despite all this, the WWE wanted to employ him! He wouldn't even get hired at Wal-Mart as a fucking door greeter.

Say what you want, but I'm sure Jeff knows what he's worth in WWE... and that's why he sided with TNA.

Yes, where he's seen by a lesser audience, has less access to commissions off of merchandise sales and the company doesn't want to put a title on him.
well said man...I agree 100% with what u are sayin that is something not a lot of people realize. I mean the guy failed the drug test like what two time, i mean still hasn't learn anything, plus he has to go to court.WWE doesn't want to waste anytime with this guy who going to be a problem if he can't stay away from drugs..I be surprise if they didnt find him guilty..
You guys just sound butt hurt because Jeff decided to leave. What was wrong with him leaving? He finished up the contract he signed and even stayed an extra couple months to help put CM Punk over. Did I miss something that states Jeff's life is property of the WWE forever?

It's no different than a football player leaving one team to sign with the other. Obviously Jeff doesn't just care about money and fame. He obviously likes it better in TNA and has friends there and that's why he signed with them instead.

It's hilarious to see people actually hating on a guy that you don't even know because he didn't re-sign with a certain company.
God. I was saying before he signed with TNA that WWE might offer him a Shawn Michaels like deal, when he joined TNA I assumed they didn't but after reading this, God man you should have taken it!!!!! I mean heck you're paid shit loads for barely any work, your merchandise is one of the top sellers which means you get even more money, what is wrong with that deal.

This actually comes to the troubling assumption that he does have a drug problem.
Yeah...this is ridiculous. Jeff should have taken the WWE deal. If the report is true, WWE was being very, very good to him. If it were anyone else that had screwed up as much as he had, they would have been reduced to jobber status or fired. But Jeff Hardy was incredibly popular so not only did they bring him back and give him title reigns, they pleaded with him this deal in order to get him to stay. I'm all for wanting to keep respect, but this is just plain stupidity on Hardy's part.

If Hardy didn't want his drug arrest brought up, he shouldn't have gotten arrested for drugs. And in light of this deal he shouldn't have gone to TNA where he'll be seen by fewer people, used stupidly, and where he'll make less money.
The WWE is a very difficult company to work for. They have an corporate culture that is more akin to Feudal England than a Fortune 500 company.

So don't look at the raw terms of his deal and assume he's an idiot, waste of flesh, whatever. Wrestling companies aren't all the same, and two deals with the same pay and time commitments aren't similar deals. People wrestle for the WWE not because corporate is so much fun to work with there, but because everyone else is minor league.
You guys just sound butt hurt because Jeff decided to leave. What was wrong with him leaving?

There's nothing wrong with him leaving, i personally think 'good riddance'. And believe me, the only thing that hurt was my brain trying to figure out why people love this guy so much.

He finished up the contract he signed and even stayed an extra couple months to help put CM Punk over. Did I miss something that states Jeff's life is property of the WWE forever?

No, but apparently you have missed the point of the thread.

It's no different than a football player leaving one team to sign with the other. Obviously Jeff doesn't just care about money and fame. He obviously likes it better in TNA and has friends there and that's why he signed with them instead.

And? His brother works in WWE doesn't he? Are you suggesting that Jeff Hardy has no friends in WWE? Because if no one likes him, why have all the ME'ers given up their spots for him on several occassions? ven the politicking ones?

It's hilarious to see people actually hating on a guy that you don't even know because he didn't re-sign with a certain company.

We're not hating on him, we just happen to be the people who hate him.

Forget it's Jeff Hardy. Let's just call him 'Wrestler A'.

'Wrestler A' can either work a significantly reduced schedule with a fat paycheck, a deal that only two 20 year ME veterans have been given in the history of the WWE, OR he can go and work in the little leagues where he'll be paid next to nothing compared to the other deal, and where they'll expect him to do more because they'll want to exploit his drawing power as much as possible.

Hmmmm, work less for more money PLUS all the other benefits with WWE (i.e. links to the film/music industry, rehab for wrestlers with problems etc) or work a little bit less, for money that probably doesn't even match what you were making originally, for the company that is desperate to achieve anything?

I'd be calling Shawn Michaels a fucking idiot if he made the same choice Jeff did. It makes no difference that it's Jeff Hardy. For me, it's entirely about one stupid decision, alongside so many, many others.

The WWE is a very difficult company to work for. They have an corporate culture that is more akin to Feudal England than a Fortune 500 company.

You ever worked there?

So don't look at the raw terms of his deal and assume he's an idiot, waste of flesh, whatever.

So you think he made the better decision taking the larger work schedule and less money for no real substantial reason other than 'his feelings got hurt'?

Wrestling companies aren't all the same, and two deals with the same pay and time commitments aren't similar deals.

This sentence makes no sense. Wrestling companies aren't all the same. Fine.

Two deals with the same pay and time constraints aren't similar. No you're right, they're the same. If it were TNA and WWE offering the EXACT same thing, then there'd have never been a thread. The fact is, is that WWE offered this repeat drug user a deal that they've only EVER given HBK and Taker, 2 guys who've wrestled for Vince for 20 years solid without fucking him about. Jeff's fucked Vince around several times before and after jumping ship, and still was offered the 'Legend' contract. The TNA deal is nowhere near as good as the WWE one, and according to the article, the whole thing this thread is based on, Jeff only took the TNA deal due to hurt pride.

People wrestle for the WWE not because corporate is so much fun to work with there, but because everyone else is minor league.

Really? You've asked them all? I thought they chose to work there so that they'd gain the most exposure and be considered by wrestling fans to be a true success in the modern wrestling landscape, or purely because they love wrestling so much. If no wrestlers want to work in the little leagues, no one would wrestle for TNA or ROH would they?
You ever worked there?
I'm under NDA for another eight years, but I can say I worked for a guy with a large house in southwestern Connecticut who flies in a private jet often, likes bull mastiffs, but doesn't really have the spare time to care for one, and almost exclusively likes to eat at steak restaurants when he's traveling.
So you think he made the better decision taking the larger work schedule and less money for no real substantial reason other than 'his feelings got hurt'?
No, that's not what I said at all. I said that random person on the internet has absolutely no way of knowing the reasons why Jeff Hardy chose to turn down the offer from WWE, let alone has absolutely no way of knowing what the offer from WWE contained. So all it comes down to is "I heard on the internet that he got the same deal from both companies, he chose this one, what's up with that?"

I think that you are in absolutely no position to judge the terms of Jeff Hardy's contract offers, but hey, this is the internet and you've heard rumors. So here we are.
This sentence makes no sense. Wrestling companies aren't all the same. Fine.

Two deals with the same pay and time constraints aren't similar. No you're right, they're the same. If it were TNA and WWE offering the EXACT same thing, then there'd have never been a thread. The fact is, is that WWE offered this repeat drug user a deal that they've only EVER given HBK and Taker, 2 guys who've wrestled for Vince for 20 years solid without fucking him about. Jeff's fucked Vince around several times before and after jumping ship, and still was offered the 'Legend' contract. The TNA deal is nowhere near as good as the WWE one, and according to the article, the whole thing this thread is based on, Jeff only took the TNA deal due to hurt pride.
It makes perfect sense, as anyone who has worked for multiple companies in the same field can tell you. Just because you don't understand it (just like this Jeff Hardy deal) doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. So you heard on the internet that the WWE offered him a deal they don't offer many people. So what? There is no "he burned us before and we're still extending a good offer", you extend someone an offer based on what they can provide you now, and Jeff Hardy, despite TNA's criminal misuse of him, still has a significant upside. You think he got a better offer from WWE? One billion squint-eyed Chinese don't give a shit, because you aren't the one that has to go out there and work that contract.

You think you know so much, but so much of what you know is just what you think. The actual fact of the matter is that you don't know a damned thing, you just heard some stuff on the internet (mark) and chose to go off from there. Keep sending money!
I'm under NDA for another eight years, but I can say I worked for a guy with a large house in southwestern Connecticut who flies in a private jet often, likes bull mastiffs, but doesn't really have the spare time to care for one, and almost exclusively likes to eat at steak restaurants when he's traveling.

A simple 'no, i've never worked for WWE, so i don't know what i'm talking about' would have done.

No, that's not what I said at all. I said that random person on the internet has absolutely no way of knowing the reasons why Jeff Hardy chose to turn down the offer from WWE, let alone has absolutely no way of knowing what the offer from WWE contained. So all it comes down to is "I heard on the internet that he got the same deal from both companies, he chose this one, what's up with that?"

First of all, nobody's claiming to 'know' anything. Information like this can never be taken as fact, but that's what the thread is based on, so that's what we'll base our opinions on.

Secondly, do you know what Jeff's deal is, because the source material (ya know, the text that started the thread in the first place?) only states what WWE were offering, so how can you say they're the same deal?

I think that you are in absolutely no position to judge the terms of Jeff Hardy's contract offers, but hey, this is the internet and you've heard rumors. So here we are.

Yeah, that's how internet forums work. The members take things they've seen and things they've heard about and discuss them. I'd have thought after 40 odd posts you'd have figured that out by now.

It makes perfect sense, as anyone who has worked for multiple companies in the same field can tell you. Just because you don't understand it (just like this Jeff Hardy deal) doesn't mean it doesn't make sense.

I'd have understood it if you understood grammar.

"Two deals with the same pay and time constraints aren't similar."

Again, we've only been presented the particulars of one deal in this article, yet somehow you've managed to make a comparison. So, how'd you manage that exactly?

That actual sentence doesn't grammatically make sense.

Two contracts have two clauses that are identical, but are not similar to one another...... despite having 2 clauses that are identical.

So you heard on the internet that the WWE offered him a deal they don't offer many people. So what? There is no "he burned us before and we're still extending a good offer", you extend someone an offer based on what they can provide you now, and Jeff Hardy, despite TNA's criminal misuse of him, still has a significant upside.

He's also a stupidly high flight risk, based on his current legal situation. You can make a mint off the guy, but you can't really make any long term plans for him either. Which, based on the article (that this discussion is based on) is why they haven't pushed him further.

Furthermore, no one's disputing that he's a massive draw. We're saying he's stupid for going with the company that will make him less money in the long term, purely because according to the article, he got his feelings hurt.

There's no menton of being 'burned out from the WWE schedule' or 'having major heat backstage', there is only 'they made fun of me, so i won't go back,' which a lot of us feel is a very stupid attitude towards business.

You think he got a better offer from WWE? One billion squint-eyed Chinese don't give a shit, because you aren't the one that has to go out there and work that contract.

I'm not posting to 1 billion Chinese though am i? I'm posting to a bunch of wrestling fans on the internet who want to discuss an article in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. I'm now sparring with you because i challenged your post and all you can do is throw ridiculous accusations at me and moan about people basing opinions on rumours. If you've got a problem with people doing that, you're going to spend a lot of time having discussions like this with other posters.

You think you know so much, but so much of what you know is just what you think. The actual fact of the matter is that you don't know a damned thing, you just heard some stuff on the internet (mark) and chose to go off from there. Keep sending money!

My god, you are the sorriest excuse for a poster i've come across in a while.

1. Don't tell people you've never met, what they do or do not think. It only makes you look more pathetic.
2. Yes i did just read something on the internet and make an opinion. I never claimed to be doing anything else. Try not to mention it every other sentence in your next response.
3. "Keep sending money!" is your closing statement? What does that even mean? Keep sending money to who? To WWE? Joke's on you mate, i don't pay for shit to watch wrestling. Keep talking crap!
4. And i've read your definition of a 'mark' and i don't really see how you can suddenly apply that to me. Someone who blindly follows what they show on TV as i fit were real. Despite the fact that this is a report from a journalist, and i never claimed to accept it as fact. If i'm honest, i used it as yet another excuse to bash Jeff Hardy, as if i needed one, but until i hear/read/see an interview with Jeff Hardy discussing why he decided to lie to everyone and purposely go against his word to go and work in the little leagues again, then this is what i'll accept as the reason, but i understand that it's not concrete evidence, hence why at no point did i present anything as a fact.
I really can't believe have the stuff i am reading on here. People saying that jeff is a waste of space and can't wrestle. Jeff is one of the best wrestlers out there, his style can adapt to any match (ladder, hardcore, or even a regular match). Jeff isn't a spot fest hell he only does two moves off of the top rope (The whisper in the wind and the Swanton Bomb). Jeff's WWE deal reminds me of another deal that happen around 1996 where a Mr. Bret Hart took the wwe's deal for 20 years and less money as to WCW's deal which was 2 years and a lot of money. Was Bret a dumbass for not taking the big paycheck. No Bret wanted to be somewhere were it felt like HOME. TNA feels like home to Jeff, he is free to do whatever he wants, the day before a match he can focuse on his art or his music then go wrestle then go back to his art and music, with WWE you can't even do that hell you have to be up at like 4am then get ready for a match that is a spot fest because WWE can't hire denct wresters then go back to the hotel at midnight and get up again at 4am to catch your flight to the next city. Jeff you made the right choice for going back to TNA
Jeff showed how unproffessional he was when he declined that offer and left because of the promos made by CM Punk. WWE knew how much Jeff was worth and offered him assloads of money to work less dates then 2 40 year olds and he is only 33. Instead he went to TNA straight after WWE released a DVD of him and when he gave them his word he would come back when he was ready.

The title of this is "Yet Another Reason Why The Hardys Should Never Reproduce" what the hell is wrong with Matt Hardy?
First of all, nobody's claiming to 'know' anything. Information like this can never be taken as fact, but that's what the thread is based on, so that's what we'll base our opinions on.
Most of your post just made me giggle a little inside, but this should really be pointed out. You're not claiming to "know" anything, and you know that you can't take any information you see on the internet as fact. However, you have no problem discussing it as if it WAS a fact, and drawing opinions on real people based on what you know to be unreliable information.

Does that not strike you as totally insane? You read an article, on the internet, which you know can't be reliable, that said Jeff Hardy's feeling were hurt over promos by CM Punk. On an internet dirt sheet, which makes all of their money off of being reliable and never exaggerating their story. Wink, wink. Now- knowing this information is unreliable- you can conclude that the only reason he refused a contract offer from the WWE is because his feelings were hurt, since you read it on a dirt sheet.

Even if you know it's unreliable, if you base your opinions on it, you're buying into it just the same. That is what makes you a mark. If you were aware of that fact, maybe you could be up (or down) graded to smark, but you are blissfully unaware.

So you can play your cute little internet conjecture games, and you can make your little soap operas over who said what, and how their feelings are hurt, and how I'm such a big bad poster for pointing out that you're sucking at the tit of the very system you think you know so much about, and that's all well and good. My whole point is something you've already agreed with- that you have no way of knowing any actual information. Drawing conclusions on someone else based on information that you know isn't reliable says a lot more about you than it does Jeff Hardy.

If you're "challenging" my post and "sparring" with me by saying that you agree that you can have no way of knowing what you're talking about, but are going to spout off anyways, this could be a long day.
I am totally appalled not by this report, but by the absolute lack of empathy and just straight up disrespect this thread is. More than that I'm incredibly disappointed in some people I held high regards for on this forum and the things they've said in this thread.

Seriously Guy? So because Jeff didn't approve of being insulted on national television by his ex-employers, that's enough to revoke his right to reproduce? I knew you were a Hardy hater but holy fuck, that's just idiotic and cruel quite frankly.

How can you POSSIBLY use this as a reason to shit on Hardy? What the WWE did was fucked up, they cracked fun at a guy that worked for them for years destroying his fucking body for them at a time when he was hoping for support, they had absolutely no right to do that and it was another dick move in a long line of dick moves that makes up the majority of Vince McMahon's professional career. Seriously, how the fuck is Hardy the bad guy here? Because he didn't want to work in the WWE anymore? Pretty fuckin' sure he's allowed to choose where he works, didn't realize his life was contractually owed to Vince McMahon and Titan Sports Inc. because he made them a shitload of money destroying his body for our amusement.

Seriously, I almost just went ahead and closed and archived this thread for how unbelievably fucking ignorant and insulting it is. Some of you should literally be ashamed of yourselves for practically gloating in a man's demons. Absolutely sickening.
Most of your post just made me giggle a little inside.

What a coincidence. Everything you've ever posted makes me lmfao.

You're not claiming to "know" anything, and you know that you can't take any information you see on the internet as fact. However, you have no problem discussing it as if it WAS a fact, and drawing opinions on real people based on what you know to be unreliable information.

In a 'If this is true' way. Not 'I 100% accept this as fact and refuse to acknowledge any other evidence' way, which is what you're accusing me of.

As i recall, most of the statements i made in my original post, are proven facts.

-Jeff is a repeat drug user: FACT
-He wants Matt to jump ship: FACT
-He told everyone he was going to quit wrestling, and went against his word, straight to TNA: FACT.

These, plus my opinion of Jeff's wrestling style are the basis of my opinion of Jeff Hardy the person. The following points were written as if the article was true. Ok, it may not have come across that way, but that was the intention.

Does that not strike you as totally insane? You read an article, on the internet, which you know can't be reliable, that said Jeff Hardy's feeling were hurt over promos by CM Punk. On an internet dirt sheet, which makes all of their money off of being reliable and never exaggerating their story. Wink, wink. Now- knowing this information is unreliable- you can conclude that the only reason he refused a contract offer from the WWE is because his feelings were hurt, since you read it on a dirt sheet.

I've made no conclusion at all, but based on the source material of the thread, that is what my opinion would be. If i met Jeff, and asked him why he chose to do what he did, i'd then base my opinion on what he said. But hey, who's to say he won't just bullshit me and walk off? He already bullshitted the entire wrestling world with his career plans, right?

Even if you know it's unreliable, if you base your opinions on it, you're buying into it just the same. That is what makes you a mark. If you were aware of that fact, maybe you could be up (or down) graded to smark, but you are blissfully unaware.

See, why have you got to segregate people like that? Why does it have to be marks and smarks? Why can't it just be 'wrestling fans'? Why do people like you have to come in here and start making the whole subject even less fun by labelling people? What IS your problem exactly?

So you can play your cute little internet conjecture games, and you can make your little soap operas over who said what, and how their feelings are hurt, and how I'm such a big bad poster for pointing out that you're sucking at the tit of the very system you think you know so much about, and that's all well and good.

Seriously man, who the fuck do you believe you are, Verne fuckin' Gagne? Who are you to tell people what they do or do not know about the wrestling business?

You're a bad poster for going around categorizing people you've not even had a discussion with based on one post they made, and continuing to repeat the same tired bullshit over and over again.

'You don't know what you're talking about' Yeah well i'm still waiting for you to prove that you do.

'You're a mark.' Sounds like you're a mark for your own rhetoric.

And i'm not playing games, i'm telling you what i think of you. Don't really see how you could have confused that.

My whole point is something you've already agreed with- that you have no way of knowing any actual information. Drawing conclusions on someone else based on information that you know isn't reliable says a lot more about you than it does Jeff Hardy.

Not really. All it says is that i'm likely to attract the attention of idiots who are going to keep banging on about what i do or do not know, despite the fact you don't know jack shit about me, or anyone else on this forum, yet you seem to be on a little crusade to make everyone think that you wrote the book on wrestling promotion and tell us what we think.

If you're "challenging" my post and "sparring" with me by saying that you agree that you can have no way of knowing what you're talking about, but are going to spout off anyways, this could be a long day.

No the sparring is done, because i'm now having a conversation with a stuck record. Amazing how i said in the last post to try not to keep bringing up the 'you don't know argument' every other sentence this time around, and you went ahead and focused on nothing but that. Well done for ignoring all the other points i made. I'm sure you'll go far on WZ. Ya know, until you start calling MODs 'stupid marks' and they just get rid of you altogether that is..

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