Yet another Cigar Lounge newsletter.


You don't want it with me.
Well, this week, the Lounge has seen some pretty awesome traffic. There are a lot of new threads and new people, which is always great. It seems that this section picks up more and more speed every week, and as far as I am concerned, nothing could be better. Remember, everyone, to post in all of the NWS, as there are always topics that could generate awesome discussion. I know that the sitcoms tournament is coming up, and if the music mods would just listen to me, we could determine which member of the Screw Up Clique is in fact the greatest rapper of all the times. :lmao:

We have begun our elite battle royal. For right now, we are locking the participation, but that thread is pretty much doomed to fail. It's my fault, I couldn't think of a good enough topic. But go check it out, and maybe we can get it going over the course of the week.

X and I have a bad habit of getting started in debates here in the bar, and not getting post count for them. Follow our bickering, and please, participate, here.

Tonight, I will be posting my review of Dan Brown's new book, The Lost Symbol. For a sneak preview, see here.

Fuckin rad!!!!

Come check it out in the book club.

There is an interesting debate starting over our market obsessed culture. Is it right to target ads? I dare you to defy me on this one.

What do you think of Julius Caesar? Was he a military mastermind or a glory hound spectator?

Do you think that Government Motors is doomed? Do you think unions are a good thing? Come debate here.

Razor has done his research. Come see what books have been banned. Is this acceptable behavior? Is censorship necessary? What do you have to say?

There could be a cure for AIDS. Freddy gave us a great informative post.

This week, we have two featured posters. Savage Taker and Milkyway are trying to shed their barfly repsutations and step it up a level. Come see their new threads. We, in the Lounge, couldn't be happier to have them joining us. I'm still waiting for that reply in the GM thread. :lmao:

Finally, we need to all go look at Razor's Batman and Philosophy threads. Even if you're not a fan of the caped crusader, the questions raised in those threads, the morals debates, and the great writing are worth checking out. These threads merit a post.

Killing the Joker:

The existence (and possible coercion) of Robin:

The moral questions about Batman's attitudes:

Everyone should come by and see why the Lounge is the best NWS. You, the posters, do an amazing job of keeping it lively. Any new posts or suggestions are always welcome. Come on by guys.

Until next time- Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!
FTS, you will get a reply. I just want to make sure that I understand and know what I am talking about before I make myself sound like an idiot :).
Savage Taker and Milkyway are trying to shed their barfly repsutations and step it up a level.

Who knew I was a barfly. You're a cigar lounge fly, and simply never look out of the lounge. ST posts in the TNA section. I post, well, anywhere I see a spot to.
That's right, post in my threads. They're pretty much the most awesome way to spend your time.

...and the Cigar Lounge as a whole. Milky and ST are giving it a roll. Everyone else should to! Jump on the bandwagon, it's a fun place to be.
FTS, I'm almost done replying to you. I did take out a lot of things but that's because I didn't want to comment on them because I didn't about them. Maybe getting to debate with you will teach me a few things and next time I can have a better debate with you.

Hopefully tomorrow I have a new thread in the CL.

Europe is waking up and can put a good twenty posts in tonight (or this morning for them.)

Wake up Europa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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