Yang Suspended

FOTH 3:16

Occasional Pre-Show
Jimmy Wang Yang is suspended.Its official.Off of WWE.com.I am so glad.I have been waiting forever for this to happen.His gimmick sucks.He needs to go back to being Akio.But I am personally shocked.I wouldn't think he would be on any kinda drugs.But I guess he was.What do you guys think?I for one am shocked.


Wang yang??? Seriously??? Cant be roids lol. Has to be weed, or cocaine or some shit. Not that it matters. If there was any suspension that couldnt have less impact, its this one. Doubt he will have any kind of push ever again. He was of little use before this. I wouldnt be suprised if he gets released soon.
I'd be slightly surprised if this is roids (based on his physique). Probably recreational stuff.

I can't see see as this is such a big deal. Yang and Moore have been major-ly buried on Smackdown recently, perhaps because of this. I'd be surprised if this messes up any storylines, they weren't exactly going anywhere with that Tag-team.
Steroids heal as well as turn you into Batista. Just because he's not ripped, doesn't mean he's not on them. He wears a vest anyway. So under that he might be an adonis.

I think that when guys are failing steroids test and don't have a large physique it tells you that they have problems. Minor or not. If somebody like Yang or Umaga is taking steroids then they are probably in pain, but don't feel they can take time off. But with WWE's new wellness program they can. Paid and all from what I understand.
The usual mix that many WWE superstars are getting suspended for these days is pain killers. Wang has taken and still takes quite a few sick bumps. Unfortunately, they are finding that many guys are circumventing more stringent physicians and staying on pain killers to keep their current spots for fear that they could either be back curtain jerking after an injury or cut all together. It's sad when face characters have these suspensions, especially the ones who are more kid friendly characters with universal talent like Yang. I wish him well when he returns and hope that he will have a more fruitful future and learn from his mistakes.
Oh whoa is me, whoa is me. How I'll miss tuning into Friday Night Smackdown, for my nightly dose of The Asian Cowboy. What ever will I do? I guess I'll have to fall back on hoping for more Kozlov squashes, Diva piss breaks, and Funaki Main Events to cure my broken heart.

SERIOUSLY! I'm glad they announce stuff like this, so I can see who screwed up their career instead of not seeing them randomly for a month and assuming they got suspended. But will this hurt him? NO.

Yang was already going nowhere fast, no if he gets fired he at least has a shot to become something in T.N.A.. they have a drug policy, but its more of guidelines than rules. Ask Jeff Hardy. He was f*cked up 50% of the time he had a match in T.N.A.. how do you think he survived so many hardcore spots with Abyss?
SERIOUSLY! I'm glad they announce stuff like this, so I can see who screwed up their career instead of not seeing them randomly for a month and assuming they got suspended. But will this hurt him? NO.

Would we even notice, really? Lol. I mean, I don't think Yang's a horrible performer ala Khali or anything, but he's nothing special. He and Moore make a decent tag team in a realm where the tag team divisions suck right now, and Yang can sell pretty well (says Dr. Seuss) but he's been jobbing lately and not on the upward climb that he and Moore were on when they'd steal a few wins from The In Crowd. 30 days without a moonsault...no problem for us. Yang's no big deal, he won't create any controversy, he won't "receive a downgrade" when he returns as he pretty much was floating as it was, and he won't make some huge comeback and get a pop that crumbles the stadium.

I do have to agree though that this was kind of a shock for me. Not the "I didn't think they'd suspend him" deal, but the "I didn't think he'd be the type of guy using such substances". As others have stated, he doesn't seem like the most fit out of the bunch, even though he's clearly not JBL-bad, so I'm assuming he was caught with marijuana or something. If that's the case, maybe that's why he thought of his gimmick in the first place, haha.
This is a real shame for Yang, I've always found him entertaining, even though WWE feels the need to see him and the other remaining talented cruiserwieghts get squashed each week.
The only difference with this suspension is that Yang wasnt in the middle of the biggest push of his career. I think his WWE days could be numbered, theres no room on the roster for him or Moore. WTF is Shannon Moore going to do for 30days? Get beaten by hornswaggle?
And to slightly divert from the point, it wasnt so long ago that they made jamie Noble a booking agent for the cruiserweght division, and for a while it seemed to be going somewhere, but its been in a downward spiral for ages now (ever since they put the belt on the little person). WWE is seriously beggining to wind me up! :(

but not enough to make me want to watch TNA.......

End of rant.
Not exactly the first person I'd guess would be suspended for drugs. Sadly, it's not like he's going to be missed at all. He's part of a jobber tag team with next to no chance of ever winning the tag belts, which of course would mean next to nothing anyway. He's jobber, nothing more, nothing less. Yang won't ever win anything, as there's no cruiserweight belt anymore, so I really don't see this as a major loss for the company. Yang is a comedy character, that's about all.
I really think I'll survive without my weekly dose of JWY losing in 1 minute to Koslov. You'd hope for the sake of his dignity, that it wasn't for steroids, although Nunzio and Funaki have shown in the past that they will use them to keep a figure. If not, then he needs more help than 30days off. My guess, recreational drug issue like Hardy. If it was steroids, they'd probably make it public to show they're dealing with the steroid in wrestling issue.

WWE's use of certain characters is pointless though. If they wanted to push Yang and Moore as a credible tag-team, don't feed them to your latest monster heel in the process. Moore's always been a jobber in WWE, and his ECW gimmick was awful, but if a with JWY tag works, then at least let them build some credibility before destroying them.

Also, I think the Asian Redneck gimmick is awful, and if he comes back as an evil japanese heel, I think people may care a little more. I'm thinking a Deuce/Domino 'injury' on SD in the near future for Jimmy though
ok Yang is suspended and we got a whole thread on it? its Jimmy Wang Yang ppl! nobody is gonna notice him being gone for 30 days. maybe Yang needs the time off from doing the moonsaults onto everybodys shoulder and making it look terrible. just consider it a vacation for the guy.

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