Y2J's leave this time.


Getting Noticed By Management
We all know Chris likes to come and go and we never really know when. I think one can assume that Summerslam might be it for him like last year to take a few months off before that WrestleMania run. So he has the Punk match, but what after. I have thought of 2 angles I like and wanted to see if you guys have any thoughts...

1. WWE's site is reporting the Barrett/Miz/Fanfango IC title match for the Payback PPV. Put the strap on Fandango and have Y2J vs. Fandango 3 for the IC title at Summerslam maybe MitB. The guy with the most IC title reigns ever, putting Fandango over in a title match would be a great shove for him and that title I think.

Or door number 2.....

2. Punk is getting cheered at the PPV, no questions. He could murder a puppy, kitten, and a baby deer in the ring while burning the American flag and he would a pop. So what about Y2J turning heel at the PPV, Heyman costs Punk the match and Heyman leaves with Jericho. Then they could blow off their feud over the next 2 PPV's or Jericho might be done there. The idea of Jericho leaving as a heel makes more séance to me leading to Punk vs. Lesnar at Summerslam.

Your thoughts? How would you have Jericho leave this time?
I don't think Jericho needs to have a big storyline to leave.

Jericho already accomplished his mission of putting Fandango over at WrestleMania, so extending the feud would be pointless.

Jericho and Punk have already feuded with Jericho in the heel role and Punk in the face role.

Jericho doesn't need a big sendoff. HE should just quietly disappear. The thing I never really liked about Jericho's returns is that they always start off hot with a bang, and then when Jericho is done putting over the guy he came back to put over, it peters out, and Jericho ends up becoming just another guy that Creative has to struggle to keep busy because he's "too important to not be doing anything".
I don't think Jericho needs to have a big storyline to leave.

Yeah, he's like the The Rock in a way back in 2001 and 2002. He took some time off to do other projects. Initially The Rock did have an angle where he was suspended but eventually the fans just accepted the real reason why he would be gone for a period of time. I guess we can already apply the same for Jericho because he does appear in the media and people do know he has other projects, so I can see this as an acceptable reason the WWE will explain his absence.

Plus it make no point giving him another looser leaves type angle since he just ends up coming back.
We all know Chris likes to come and go and we never really know when. I think one can assume that Summerslam might be it for him like last year to take a few months off before that WrestleMania run. So he has the Punk match, but what after. I have thought of 2 angles I like and wanted to see if you guys have any thoughts...

1. WWE's site is reporting the Barrett/Miz/Fanfango IC title match for the Payback PPV. Put the strap on Fandango and have Y2J vs. Fandango 3 for the IC title at Summerslam maybe MitB. The guy with the most IC title reigns ever, putting Fandango over in a title match would be a great shove for him and that title I think.

Or door number 2.....

2. Punk is getting cheered at the PPV, no questions. He could murder a puppy, kitten, and a baby deer in the ring while burning the American flag and he would a pop. So what about Y2J turning heel at the PPV, Heyman costs Punk the match and Heyman leaves with Jericho. Then they could blow off their feud over the next 2 PPV's or Jericho might be done there. The idea of Jericho leaving as a heel makes more séance to me leading to Punk vs. Lesnar at Summerslam.

Your thoughts? How would you have Jericho leave this time?

If he's gonna take a break again, he should just announce it or something.

I don't want another cliche story where he puts his contract on the line for a match where the majority of the fans are going to know the obvious outcome. Or being put out of action like when he got punted by Orton.
Yeah no need to sugar coat it, everyone knows he has other side projects, hell they even talk about them often on RAW. Just say in typical Jericho cryptic form. i'm going again for a while but i will never truly leave until i do.
he will be in the HOF at some point, that will be the final final i'd say.
If he hooks back up with Heyman I just hope there are lots of allusions to Y2J's time in ECW. Thats a natural reason for them to align.

Also I would like an angle were a 9 time I-C champion proclaims himself the best in that title's history and then the son of arguably the greatest I-C champion, Curtis Axel feuds with him to restore honor to a title he feels is his to inherit.
I think a good way for Jericho to go out would be the Wyatt Family. Have him feud with them for a while, culminating in a match with Bray at SummerSlam where Wyatt goes over and the 3 of them take him out. That way he can come back whenever he does and rekindle the feud with the Wyatt Family. It gives the new guys a high profile feud to kick their careers off with and it gives Jericho a way out of WWE for a while and leaves the door open for him to come back and continue the feud for a Wrestlemania match.
Let me preface this by saying I love Chris Jericho and from the 1st uninterrupted part of his career to his 1st return as a new character, he was legendary...but since then I just don't think he's especially effective.

Again this is just my opinion, put his work is this weird fast in slow motion style. He's still trying to work like a 22 or 32 year old...except he's 42. He needs to adjust his style and start to work in a style that fits his physical attributes and reflexes. He's also reached a point where nobody wants to boo him. It's a place every legend reaches, where the audience appreciates a large body of work and no matter how great a talent is at being a heel, the audience just isn't interested in booing, so I don't see a heel turn being effective at all. Jericho's willingness to lose is a stroke of genius...that has blown up in his face. Because he knows how to work and the young guys don't, Jericho is brilliant at ensuring he's the one going over, even if he's the one looking at the lights. Because of this practice, the audience loves him, but he's predictable now as the expectation is always that he will lose. He's become the bizarro world Cena. We already know what's going to happen before the bell even rings.

We need only look at this return and how he has been used to appreciate that Jericho needs to reach in his bag of tricks and do something really good, if his goal is to remain relevant, rather than a predictable nostalgia act who comes back to put over midcard acts.

My 1st instinct is to do something with Bray Wyatt and his Family, but I'm just not convinced they can live up to their vignettes. I really hope I'm wrong, but I just have a ton of doubts about just how effective they will be and I worry that they'll be nothing more than an amusing midcard act. When I look at those vignettes, I see the need to deliver in the form of shocking violence...but WWE doesn't do violence anymore. Basically I see an awesome Attitude Era act becoming shackled in the PG world....and the sad part is they could work in PG, but Vince refuses to push the envelop to the outer reaches of PG, preferring to live on the border of a G rating.

If it's my call, I'm putting Jericho with Dean Ambrose at SummerSlam. Before that though, I want Ambrose to also collect the IC title (let Miz win the upcoming triple threat and drop to Ambrose at MITB). Now the story I would do would be to plant stories online that Jericho is done after MITB. Then send him out on the next Raw to say his goodbyes and that's when the Shield hits the ring and lays him out.

Then the next week, I want Dean Ambrose to absolutely bury Jericho, call him a has been who hanged on too long and an example of the selfish, me-first nature of the "legends" of WWE. They come back, rip off the audience, then head back to Hollywood or some dive bar playing bad covers of bad hair metal bands. Then Ambrose turns his attention elsewhere. Now what I want to do here is two things. 1) Get heat for Ambrose from disrespecting Jericho, who the announcers never mention as we want the audience to think Jericho is off with his band. 2) plant the seed that at some point in the future Rock and Jericho will return to get The Shield. Now I think Jericho and Rock together on the same side is pure chemistry so if WWE can make it happen later this/next year, then do it. But what I really want this to do is re-enforce the idea to the audience that Jericho is gone and this is a seed planting promo for when he returns in six months.

Then the following week, I want to do a 1-2-3 Kid deal. So you take a new NXT talent (I don't watch, so some babyface with potential) and have him find the Shield backstage and challenge Ambrose to a title match. The Shield jump him and as they walk away, Ambrose says you got your match. So the new kid comes down, selling the beating and Ambrose saunters in cocky as can be. Ambrose dominates the kid like a jobber, just beating on him and toying with him...but the kid won't quit and just keeps kicking out. The beating continues when somehow Ambrose slips on a banana peel and finally the new kid shows some life, but Ambrose gets some heat after a ref bump and cheats to regain the advantage...and that's when Jericho hits the ring and puts Ambrose down, allowing the new kid to get the win and become new champ.

Now I'm expecting to be accused of burying Ambrose here by the IWC...but it's the furthest from it. 1) Ambrose having those titles is not great as he is handcuffed to them. Which means he has to keep winning but it keeps him in the midcard to do so, as nobody believes a top talent is going to be made US/IC champ and if he does have those belts at SummerSlam, then everybody and their mom knows Jericho is losing. 2) Why not let the hottest act in the company give the rub to somebody new? And my plan would be that the new kid ends up working either Reigns or Rollins at SummerSlam, this time Rollins or Reigns (whoever doesn't get the match) tries to interfere, but gets cut off by Christian in his big return. Then the kid will lose the title back to Ambrose afterwards and him and Christian will unite to fight The Shield.

Week 3 Jericho comes out to cut a promo, telling the crowd that he left his band stranded on the road so he could settle some unfinished business the he dives into Ambrose, calling him the epitome of injustice as he talks and talks and talks, but always needs his buddies to bail him out, that he's just another young punk who thinks WWE owes him something, and at SummerSlam he will get the beating he is owed. Then The Shield hit the ring and lay him out. Now if WWE can get the Rock to return in some non-wrestling role at SummerSlam to get him involved with Brock or whoever he might work next Mania (providing of course he is returning at all...big if), then Rock is in the building and he makes the save. This would plant the seed for Rock/Jericho vs The Shield at Survivor Series or the Royal Rumble. If Rock doesn't return, Christian can make his re-debut with the save, setting up his involvement at SummerSlam and maybe he gets to fight Reigns, while the new kid faces Rollins.

Then the following week is SummerSlam, and you actually have a match that feels like either guy might win precisely because there are no midcard titles involved and it seems clear to everybody that Jericho vs Ambrose is the start of something bigger involving The Rock, so maybe Jericho does win to keep things going down the line...and maybe WWE does let Jericho win or maybe not.

Either way, you've done some unexpected stuff on Raw (remember when that used to happen), You've teased a Rock return before Mania even if you don't really promise it, you've sparked Jericho leaving and left anticipation for his return (I just think his open-ended exits and surprise returns are played out, so let him leave with the audience knowing he will definitely be back sometime...but when?), you've kept the Shield in the spotlight, and you have found a way to bring back Christian, and you've minted a new guy or at least given him a super hot debut with a rub from The Shield, that does not weaken Ambrose at all.

I'm not saying this is gold...but I think Jericho needs something really involved and big or else when he returns, he's going to fall into the Mick Foley/Ric Flair boring and predictable nostalgia act territory...when he needs to fight to stay in the Taker/Rock nostalgia act territory as a legit and relevant performer...but that's just my opinion.
Some of that sounds good STFU Donnie but I wouldn't bring the Rock back, his presence hurts the credibility of all those involved because it makes it seem like a non=wrestler/part timer has pulled rank.. I might in lieu of the Rock maybe have random run ins in each city by wrestlers who havent been seen in awhile like if they are in the TX area have Austin or some other local resident ex wrestler swoop in, you in Philidelphia have Sandman swoop in, constant guest wrestlers who refuse to see those underhanded acts in their home areas.

He also needs a revamp. The blonde look doesn't cut it, the trunks don't help, kinda go back to his 1999 darker look.

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