I agree, the booking of Jericho has been predictable which points towards him putting another Superstar over. In recent weeks WWE has given him some creditable clean wins (Ziggler, Barrett etc), but it screams of desperation to make Jericho a force before WM to me, as particularly last month Jericho was losing to everyone (Including 2 back to back losses to Swagger). The booking of this feud is that Fandango is wining the physical battle, with a number of beat downs which normally leads to the babyface revenge when they finally meet in the ring. However if Jericho is leaving after WM (Rumor) then it makes no sense for Jericho to win, but if he loses and leaves then this would of been a squash feud, due to the fact apart from some silly jokes about his name then Jericho would have never had the upper hand in this feud at any point. Also Im not sure they are going to have much time in the ring at WM to tell a story. So I really cant see the benefit in either of them winning if the goal is to put over Fandango...UNLESS Jericho is sticking around and this is not the end of this feud.
For me the feud is playing out for a Jericho win, which I can only hope that it means Jericho is sticking around after WM to continue.