Y2 Jake. Im calling YOU out!

Who am I?
I am TheTruth, not 'Mark-Ass Bitch' like what one of these hoes permanently named be.

Why am I here?
To call you out on all your shit.
You see, posters on this forum have been lead to think that Jake = Greatness.
And people need to realize that youre a loser.
Im here to prve that YOU are the real Mark-Ass Bitch.

So Jake, what do you say about that, bitch?

If Jake is the real Mark-Ass Bitch and your name is Mark-Ass Bitch, does that mean you arn't the real Mark-Ass Bitch and you want to be just like jake? :headscratch:
Who am I?
I am TheTruth, not 'Mark-Ass Bitch' like what one of these hoes permanently named be.

The Truth? Nah, sorry mate. Doesn't ring a bell.

The name change is shit though. I'd have called you Overweight Individual.

Why am I here?
To call you out on all your shit.


You see, posters on this forum have been lead to think that Jake = Greatness.

I think it's 50/50.

Your opinion is nothing to me.

And people need to realize that youre a loser.

So shouldn't you be calling them out?

Im here to prve that YOU are the real Mark-Ass Bitch.

Can't wait.

So Jake, what do you say about that, bitch?

Nothing really. I'm just curious what I did to you. You'll need to give me a written example, because I won't remember you.
Threads created for this purpose are made of epic fail. And not even that exciting epic fail, like a plane crashing on its own runway. That bland, boring kind of epic fail like the XFL.
Fuck you, Most Valuable Shit.
Actually it's Shango. It's okay, I know it's easy to misread things when you have my cum in your eye. But still, even if I was Shit, I'd still be more valuable than you. :thumbsup:

Thats why your favorite wrestler MVP is on a major LOSING streak!
1) Who ever said MVP was my favorite wrestler? I know I certainly didn't. You must be hearing things while you're smoking the ganja. :rasta:

2) You forgot the apostrophe in "that's". tsk tsk.

Cuz youre a bitch!

That is an outrageous accusation. At best, I'm a whiner.

And again with the forgetting of the apostrophe?! Don't worry, I'll help you learn it. Even if I have to beat it into you. Eh, who am I kidding. I'll beat you anyway.

Say, IC, I'm thinking we should transfer this guy over to the Bitch Wing. After all, he IS Mark Ass Bitch . Also, I kinda already said that if he ever came back, he'd be moved over there, so if we don't, I'll kinda look like an ass, even more than usual. So I say move Marky Mark on over there with the rest of the Bitchy Bunch, please and thank you.
He didn't even mention me. :( Outside of Luther, Sam & Shocky, I'm one of the longest active mods. (THE longest active, regular mod.)
Wow... I just started reading this thread... I don't know why you guys encourage the prick. I thought it was my job to call Y2Jake out, but hey... If this guy wants to be a fucking douche, that's his thing. But as far as attacking the rest of the mods/members here, you're fucking lame, Mark-Ass Bitch. You have no clever wit or grammatical prowess, you're just a foul mouthed fucking pussy with nothing better to do than think up semi-funny horseshit that only you think is clever. I'm convinced...you didn't lose your dick in a trampoline accident, your sister slipped in the tub while it was still in her mouth... You're obviously a fucking loser and are in here for a reason, so why don't you take the advice of some of the other people here... just leave. You really have no future here and as far as the past is concerned, I'm surprised you even made it this far. But hey... I only tell it like it is... What's your rebuttal going to be?
According to the date of his last post, he was here precisely 2 weeks ago... Maybe he finally took everybody's advice and offed himself... 200 points to Jake!

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