King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
There are millions and millions of MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL fans all over the Earth. Many of these athletes make as much money as there are fans, and a few make more. I’ve heard people saying that they make too much money just to play a sport. I, for one, don’t agree with this, only because these athletes in most cases are worth the money being given to them. Some argue that the MLB season is way too long, while others argue that the NFL season is too short. You can afford to take a loss in baseball, but a loss in the NFL could mean the end of your season. I think I may have some sort of solution to this.

In a regular season, there are 162 games in the MLB, 82 games in the NBA, 16 games in the NFL, and 82 games in the NHL. Add pre-season, post season, and the respective All-Star games, and that makes up quite a bit of games for these players to somewhat justify their respective salaries.

What if the number of months for these sports were reduced to 3 months each??

The way I would set this up is quite simple. The NHL can run from January to March. The NBA can run from April to June. The MLB can run from July to September. The NFL can run from October to December. I would take the first 2 weeks of each season and make that the pre-season. The regular season would run from the 3rd week of the first month to the 2nd week of the last month. Playoffs will run from the 3rd week of the last month to the end of the month, where the Championships would take place. Also, athletes who want to know what Bo knows and try to Prime Time it can with ease, as none of these sports would overlap each other the way it does now.

This format reduces the number of games for the MLB, NBA, and NHL to about 24 – 27 games a season, making every game important. I would also increase the number of games in the NFL by having 3 games a week for each team instead of 1, making it also 24 – 27 games a season. Oh and no Bye weeks. If the team is playing once a week, why have a Bye week?? Doing things this way will truly separate the Men from the Boys, probably reduce the number of players on each team, thus justifying the ridiculous salaries. If you can’t hang with the Big Boys, go play Minor Ball. Remember every game, in this case would count.

I would call the leagues, the Xtreme Basketball Association, Xtreme Football League, Xtreme Hockey League, Xtreme League Baseball.

There is more to this idea of mine, but for some reason, I’m drawing a blank. I’ll add more to this later. What do you think??
I'm not sure if this is serious or not, but not caring about NHL, and glad that I don't have to watch NBA highlights when I watch sportscenter at the moment I'll comment on the NFL idea. (rather indifferent on MLB as a whole)

This is a terrible, terrible idea for the NFL. It would mean roster size would be increased, contract amounts would be increased, injuries would be increased, in turn these increases would lead to increases in tickets/concessions/merch etc. A decent ticket to Titans/Steelers regular season game couple of years ago was 150$ a ticket, with this idea that would at least double with all of the expense increases.

The quality of play would decrease dramatically because of having so many games and not having time to prepare for them as they do now.

There is just zero upside to making such radical changes to the NFL, and tons of downside, so a change such as this shouldn't even be considered in the slightest.
I would also increase the number of games in the NFL by having 3 games a week for each team instead of 1, making it also 24 – 27 games a season.

Are you mental?

Do you have any idea of the kind of damage playing football does to a body? You need at the very minimum 4-5 days recovery time. If they played 3 times a week, you would have the number of players put on IR exceed the number of healthy players on the roster. Then, you would need to vastly expand the size of the rosters in order to field a team...but by expanding the rosters, you completely dilute the talent level of the team. Games would suck. Playing 3 NFL games a week is a terrible, terrible idea.
Okay. Well so far, that didn’t go over well. The issue with my system of Leagues seems to lie in the Football ¼ of the equation.

Here are some of the responses I got from my friends.

Naycha Boi said:
yo u gotta a lot of time on ur hands...haha...thats a very interesting point...i might actually like that cause all yr round u have a sport to watch...its no show without the ratings show...Woooooooooooo!!!

Toughest Son Of A Texas Rattle Snake said:
Guy is ridiculously stupid and short sighted? 27 games in MLB are you kidding me? And 27 games in the NFL w 3 a week? Stupidest thing I ever heard, recovery times for players, practice and game prep would never make that possible…everyone would be injured and the games would be total shyt…whoever wrote that is an idiot…do you think about anything else besides highlights and ratings? 3 nfl games a week and no bye weeks, are u kidding me…when we played football with our friends I was sore to the point of walking and breathing hurt and that’s playing shorter games, with slower and weaker players and no returns…every single bone, muscle and tendon would explode if players player 3 games a week…

I can see them shortening the mlb season to like 90-120...nba to like 55-70…nhl to 45-60…and maybe nfl to 18…

No I don’t care…but what good is an nfl game if its sloppy and mccoy, vick, Jackson and maclin are out and were watching kafka throw to cooper and jermy bloom and hand off to eldra buckly?

And its all relative, we may not have pads, but they are also 15 times faster and stronger than us…I agree, less games make each more important, the nfl is perfect coz pretty much every game is important…but cutting baseball to 27 is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard of…how is a playoff series going to be last as long as ¼ of the season?

Its not video games, think realistically…I agree with you point, but the extremes (mlb and nfl), its not even remotely possible…in hockey and basketball a short season like that could work and be entertaining…but not 27 games short…

6 Time 6 Time 6 Time 6 Time 6 Time 6 Time World Champion said:
Its stupid...

We all agree mlb, nba & nhl season are too long, but cutting em down to 27 games is the dumbest thing ive heard. Also, the idiot who came up with this asinine theory cleary never played football bc everyone know u cant play 3 games in a week. Teams hate playing on less than a full week of rest/preparation & this fukkin moron is talking about playing 3 times a week???

The idea of seasons not overlapping sound good but really who cares. Nba & nfl run simultaneousely but no one cares. Bball fans dont follow hocky and vice versa. Both seasons are irrelevant until after nfl is done anyway. Baseball loses interest once football season starts anyway unless there is a race for playoff spots.

The person who worte this pile of monkey krapp has no concept of what all the sports entail like film study, practice and rest bc athletes need time to give their bodies rest. He thought he was coming up w somethng innovative and would get applause but he is jackass and should jump off a building with his hands tied behind his back

The last two didn’t know initially that it was me who wrote it.

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