X-Division Recruits


King Of The Wasteland
So with the announcement of the X-Division matches always being triple threats and placing a weight limit (again) it seems TNA are trying to revitalise the division (again)

However there's a lack of talent there's King, Ion and it seems Sonjay Dutt is back. Christian York may have to lose some weight and who knows what RVD's doing.

So who do you think should be added to the division.

For me there's a few.

Austin Aries

The person who single handedly made the X-Division relevant could go back there. I mean with the idea of he and Roode going after every belt it would be good for him to return to the division and help it out again.

Petey Williams

With him participating at the X-Division PPV the possibiity of him coming back are a bit higher than before. He and AJ Styles had some brilliant matches back in the day and he can hopefully do the same again.

Brian Kendrick

I liked the guy and thought his zen master gimmick was cool. He'd be a good addition because it would be different to the standard 'I do flips' gimmick

Chris Sabin

When his leg heals ( he should let Velvet get on top to avoid leg exertion) he'd be a good addition. He's an ok talker and can put on pretty good matches. Actually speaking of Sabin......

Alex Shelley

For the love of god TNA re-sign Shelley. I'll do anything I'll prostitute myself for money just get that guy back in a TNA ring. I started watching his Japanese matches and the guy is great.

On a side note if I was a white guy I'd definitely have Shelley's haircut.

They may go after a few former names in the X-Division and may also bring some new Indy talents that have never competed in TNA before. There are those two - Alex Silva and Sam Shaw who are already there on the roster who will also get to be in the X-Division matches.
Petey Williams
In my opinion, one of the biggest mistakes TNA has ever made was letting Williams go in the first place. Petey is one of the greatest X division stars TNA has ever had and having him return would really help put the x division back on the map.

Samuray Del Sol
Del Sol is by far the best high flyers on indy scene at the moment and while WWE have shown a intrest in signing him, The x division would be a much better place for him to showcase his tallents.

Chris Sabin
The guy has had some great X division matches over the years and when he finally gets over his leg injury, Im sure Sabin would once again be a great addition to the division and could really help get guys like King and Ion over with the fans.

Alex Shelley
Another guy that TNA should never have let go. Shelley has always been a good worker in the ring and is always entertaining on the mic. Plus if TNA were to have both Shelley and sabin on the roster again, it would give the company the option of having them team together once again as The Motor City Machine Guns, Which is never a bad thing.

The Young Bucks/Gen Me
While they would once again be used mainly as a tag team. both are capable of holding there own in one on one matches and could easily fill in when the situation required it.

Sami Callihan
While Saim Callihan is not your typical high flyer that you are used to seeing in the X division, He is still a great tallent and i am sure unique style of wrestling would bring something different to the division.
Samuray del Sol & Ricochet great talents, they've been around a while and you hear reports of WWE looking at Del Sol, Ricochet is just damn good. Also TNA could sell Del Sol masks.

Also Trent Barreta yes he's a "WWE Reject" as people would label but think about it, he's got that experience at a big promotion, he's good and it would be an opportunity to try and turn this guy into some money for the X Division.

If TNA did bring in these guys they should let them keep their names and strike up a fair deal so they if they left the company TNA could still sell the remaining merch of the wrestler who has left and use his TNA footage for dvds etc. And give them decent contracts and loosen up on the chumps they don't need (We all know who)
There are a few guys i'd like to see, some former and current wwe talents along with an ex TNA talent who I feel could give the X division the revamp it so desperately needs:

Shelton Benjamin
A guy who at his peak could produce moments that were so unpredictable and entertaining, take the early MITB matches. He's somewhat of a forgotten man and he could bring a lot to TNA, he's also worked with Daniels before so something could be done there maybe.

Give him the mask back and make the most of his in-ring ability, he worked some solid matches back in FCW and I found the Sin Cara Azul/Negro story entertaining. Apart from Chavo, a good lucha libre style wrestler is what TNA lack and I feel he could do a good job.

Sin Cara
Yes I know he's a master of botching moves, but at his best he is an excellent high flyer. Mysterio looks like he isn't gonna be around for much longer and at WWE if he can't team with Mysterio there is no way up for him as comparisons to Rey will always be made.

Amazing Red
He is Amazing, as it says in his name and he is the underdog who is needed in these triple threat matches. He may not look the best but what he does in the ring, in terms of a high flyer is superb.

TNA, get these guys in!!!!
Brian Kendrick and Alex Shelley are in New Japan Pro Wrestling, both are being featured regularly, so their long shots.

As for talents I'd like to see them bring in, considering WWE seem uninterested in Mason Andrews/Scorpio Sky/Harold after the controversial tweets he made, getting him in probably wouldn't be a bad idea. People now know of him a bit more so he'll have a decent degree of momentum. Rich Swann is another good guy on the indies who can do some amazing aerial maneuvers, has some "swag" too.

Samuray del Sol would be a big signing for TNA but I doubt It'll come to fruition as he also competes for CMLL, but if they were able to bring him in money is there to be made, dude was a standout indy performer in 2012 and he seems to be doing well only months into 2013 too.

One name I imagine TNA will look at bringing back is Homicide. He was dreadful for Ring of Honor hence why they released him but maybe they'll concoct some angle to see him return. Being a former X-Division Champion It'd be good to get a veteran of sorts back in to make things interesting, hopefully for TNA's sake he'll shed a few pounds and stop being so damn sluggish as he was in ROH.
If the X-Division wants to be successful they need guys that aren't spot monkeys, and actually have some personality. Guys like Amazing Red & Jack Evans just don't cut it anymore.

Davey Richards
Roderick Strong
Gregory Helms
TJ Perkins
Little Petey Pump
Drake Younger
Sami Callihan
BLK Out (BLK Jeez/Rich Swann/Joker/Ruckus)
Super Dragon
Sheik Abdul Bashir
Sonjay Dutt
Rainmaker Okada
The Brian Kendrick
Trent Barretta
Shannon Moore
Adam Cole
Samuray Dey Sol
Shelton Benjamin
The Young Bucks
Black Machismo
Kenny Omega
Jimmy Jacobs
Willie Mack
Jimmy Wang Yang
Jamie Noble
Scorpio Sky
Shark Boy
Alex Koslov
RockNES Monsters
The Havana Pitbulls
Alex Koslov

A long list of guys TNA could easily use. All of which who are servicable wrestlers and for the most part, cut a promo to save their life and/or have some time of character/persona.
I remember TJ Perkins worked a few dark matches for TNA a few months ago. He's a good possibility as he's no longer with ROH.

Roderick Strong would be a good addition, seems he's losing a lot in ROH lately. He was once with TNA, hopefully he didn't burn any bridges.
I remember TJ Perkins worked a few dark matches for TNA a few months ago. He's a good possibility as he's no longer with ROH.
Perkins worked the X-travaganza ONO PPV under a mask as PUMA, the same gimmick he used as part of team Japan during the world X-cup a handful of years back.

He has insisted that he still may return to work dates with either ROH or TNA at any point, and he currently isn't contracted anywhere, so he is a very real possibility.

Roderick Strong would be a good addition, seems he's losing a lot in ROH lately. He was once with TNA, hopefully he didn't burn any bridges.
Strong is a very interesting case...

I remember seeing some reports that Aries was pushing for TNA to bring Roddy back a few months ago. As they, along with Kenny King, are still very close friends. Also Roddy lives in Florida, but now that Impact isn't being taped at Universal that probably isn't as much of a plus. As you pointed out though, Roddy really doesn't seem to have anything going on as far as an angle with ROH, as it appears the 2/3 falls match with Elgin at the 11th Anniversary was the blow-off to their fued. He wasn't made to look real strong in that match, and then did a clean 7 minute job to Lethal on TV a couple weeks ago, which seemed really strange to me. He has held every title in ROH, and with two time world champs being basically non-existent in ROH(Aries being the only one in the company's history) there doesn't seem to be much for him to accomplish.

Strong is booked for Super Card of Honor at Mania weekend, but he is facing Karl Anderson who is coming in from Japan to work the ROH shows that weekend. So it is obviously a one-off situation, and if Strong were to lose it would be a very interesting commentary on his placement with the company.

I think Roddy would be a great addition back into the X-division. He is in way better shape than he was during his earlier run, he is still a phenomenal worker(one of the best in the business right now IMO), and he has also improved a lot from a promo perspective. When you consider that Strong is remarkably still under 30 years of age despite his immense amount of experience(he is younger than King in fact, has much more overall experience especially in big matches, and is ten times the worker), he would seem to be an amazing potential signing for TNA, and would have a chance to slowly graduate up the card in the way that so many other elite X-division guys have.

As for this...
If the X-Division wants to be successful they need guys that aren't spot monkeys, and actually have some personality.
Willie Mack
A long list of guys TNA could easily use.

I like a lot of the potential names on your list(though many are contracted other places, and/or are making way more in Japan than TNA would ever offer).

But, Willie specifically, I think he would have a pretty hard time making the 230lb. weight limit. :p
Samuray del Sol would be a big signing for TNA but I doubt It'll come to fruition as he also competes for CMLL, but if they were able to bring him in money is there to be made, dude was a standout indy performer in 2012 and he seems to be doing well only months into 2013 too.

I believe he works for AAA. Great pick nonetheless, the guy is a fucking pleasure to see in the ring. I hope you're reading this TNA!
One thing TNA could do, is bring back Suicide.

And with at least 2 (or was it 3?) people playing the role over the years, they could use almost anyone they wanted under the mask.

He'd be useful filler to have kicking around to bulk numbers up.

Overall though, TNA should have realised what they had with Abdul Bashir, Petey Williams, Amazing Red, Jay Lethal, Sabin, Shelley and all the other X-D talents they couldn't be bothered to use under the Hogschoff regime.
Perkins worked the X-travaganza ONO PPV under a mask as PUMA, the same gimmick he used as part of team Japan during the world X-cup a handful of years back.

He has insisted that he still may return to work dates with either ROH or TNA at any point, and he currently isn't contracted anywhere, so he is a very real possibility.

Strong is a very interesting case...

I remember seeing some reports that Aries was pushing for TNA to bring Roddy back a few months ago. As they, along with Kenny King, are still very close friends. Also Roddy lives in Florida, but now that Impact isn't being taped at Universal that probably isn't as much of a plus. As you pointed out though, Roddy really doesn't seem to have anything going on as far as an angle with ROH, as it appears the 2/3 falls match with Elgin at the 11th Anniversary was the blow-off to their fued. He wasn't made to look real strong in that match, and then did a clean 7 minute job to Lethal on TV a couple weeks ago, which seemed really strange to me. He has held every title in ROH, and with two time world champs being basically non-existent in ROH(Aries being the only one in the company's history) there doesn't seem to be much for him to accomplish.

Strong is booked for Super Card of Honor at Mania weekend, but he is facing Karl Anderson who is coming in from Japan to work the ROH shows that weekend. So it is obviously a one-off situation, and if Strong were to lose it would be a very interesting commentary on his placement with the company.

I think Roddy would be a great addition back into the X-division. He is in way better shape than he was during his earlier run, he is still a phenomenal worker(one of the best in the business right now IMO), and he has also improved a lot from a promo perspective. When you consider that Strong is remarkably still under 30 years of age despite his immense amount of experience(he is younger than King in fact, has much more overall experience especially in big matches, and is ten times the worker), he would seem to be an amazing potential signing for TNA, and would have a chance to slowly graduate up the card in the way that so many other elite X-division guys have.

As for this...

I like a lot of the potential names on your list(though many are contracted other places, and/or are making way more in Japan than TNA would ever offer).

But, Willie specifically, I think he would have a pretty hard time making the 230lb. weight limit. :p

Strong with Martini would be great in the X-Division.

They could get rid of the weight limit.

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