Theo Mays

Part Time Poster
Very rarely do I pull the cheap plug card, but I'm feeling pretty good right now so I'm saying fuck it.

For those of you that don't know (and I imagine that is the majority of you), but for a little over a year I've been running the Wrestlezone Prediction Contest down in the interactive section of the forums. And seeing how the new wrestling year is coming along I figured I'd throw out a pitch to get some more users. And the Royal Rumble sets that chance. Before I get into that I'll give you a quick rundown of WZPC.

The purpose is to predict the PPV outcomes. Pretty much I post the card and you predict the matches, outcomes, etc. thus earning you points. Over the course of the WZPC year (Wrestlemania to the following Wrestlemania) you will accumulate points. It can be more than predicting as there are a series of championships (WHC, IC, X-Division, and Tag Team). By earning more points you can earn championship matches. Pretty easy huh?

Now last year at the Royal Rumble I gave the chance to anyone to earn the WHC title shot. All you had to do was post your card once the thread went up and then score the most amount of points. By doing so you essentially win the Royal Rumble and world title match at Wrestlemania.

Best bet is to enter the Rumble and stick around or come back at Wrestlemania when everyone resets back to zero on yearly points, thus evening the field. I have a handful of guys who are pretty loyal, but other than them I don't have much activity and that is why I'm coming to you guys. I'm not saying you have to stick around, but I'd love to see some newcomers swing by and give it a chance. All you have to do is post your predictions and that is that. I handle all the grading and posting the results. I think it can lead to a good time (or about as much of a good time you can have on a wrestling forum).

Any questions about the process please just ask and I'll answer them. I remember before taking over the WZPC was pretty active when Tdigs and Dave ran the show. I feel I haven't put it out there enough and was just "getting by" with the guys I had that posted there regularly. If you click my sig it takes you right there and you can sort of see how things work around there or just click here: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/forumdisplay.php?f=75

Just remember, if you chose to stick around this bearded bastard will appreciate the hell out it. And isn't that what life is really about?

By the way, the thread for the Royal Rumble will go up sometime this weekend following Smackdown on Friday. So it will give you plenty of time to predict or ask questions if there is any confusion on the format.
I'm game. By my estimation, only 3 people did better than me at Genesis predictions. I figure, I already do previews & predictions for WZ, and answer the polls in the TNA section. I may as well contributed to this too. Easiest fun you'll ever have around here...
I'm terrible at commitment - I've tried this many times and yet, I've failed to continue - but that's just me personally.
Of course I'm game. Can you imagine the Bearded FunK showdown in the midst of the Rumble?

Only for it to lead to our inevitable tag team title rematch. Ya know since the WZPC is more shitty than the TNA tag division.

I'm terrible at commitment - I've tried this many times and yet, I've failed to continue - but that's just me personally.

As am I. I'll even up the anty and send you a PM each PPV. Though that will probably last a month or so.

Yeah, sure. I'll give it a go.

That's why you're my big homie TLC. You're good people.
I need to get back into this. As a former WZPC World Heavyweight Champion I need my belt back.

What better way to do it then to be a back to back Royal Rumble Winner. I'll be the Stone Cold Steve Austin/Shawn Michaels/Hulk Hogan of the WZPC Royal Rumble.
I should warn you all I fully intend on winning the Rumble. So best hope for 2nd place, At least you'd probably get a MITB qualifying match. ;)
I should warn you all I fully intend on winning the Rumble. So best hope for 2nd place, At least you'd probably get a MITB qualifying match. ;)
Come one, I made history and won the Royal Rumble in my debut, then went on to win the Worlds Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania. Do you really think you can beat me?
Only for it to lead to our inevitable tag team title rematch. Ya know since the WZPC is more shitty than the TNA tag division.

Damn, if Hollywood Hate didn't loose the tag belts at Genesis, we'd be game for the match at 'Mania.

As a 2 time WZPC Tag Team Champion, I know I'll be back next season. Its an easy way to be active on the forums.
Rumble is a little more than two hours, meaning you have a little more than two hours to make your picks. Got a nice little turnout thus far, but would love to see some more. Do it for me.
Rumble is a little more than two hours, meaning you have a little more than two hours to make your picks. Got a nice little turnout thus far, but would love to see some more. Do it for me.
I did it already, and I took a gamble in my predictions where if it pays off, I'm going for the Championship again at WrestleMania.

Of course it won't pay off.
I did it already, and I took a gamble in my predictions where if it pays off, I'm going for the Championship again at WrestleMania.

Of course it won't pay off.
And based on the order of the matches, it didn't pay off at all.

Well, I guess it's on to just getting back my Championship the hard way.
I'm totally fucked here. I went with a gamble of Rock winning the Rumble after losing to Punk. That didn't happen obviously.

Took a chance, and failed. Live to fight another day.
I never got to see Macho's picks but I'm doing pretty well. i got 3/4 of the final four in the Rumble including the winner. The only one I missed was the tag title and I got the match order wrong. I think I've got a good chance here.

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