WZPC Royal Rumble

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster
As a little kid it was everyone's dream to headline the biggest show in wrestling history. And no I'm not talking about Bound For Glory folks. I'm talking about Wrestlemania XXX. And for the past decade to earn a shot at headlining the show you needed to win the Royal Rumble. Seeing as most of us are incredibly average human beings (one can assume), this isn't a likely dream. However I can make your dreams come true. At least in the most realistic way possible on an internet wrestling forum. Come compete in the WZPC Royal Rumble match and if you score the most points you get a title match at Wrestlemania XXX! For you lazy people out there, you don't even need to try that hard. Just post your picks following the guideline in this thread (http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?p=4739097). And then you sit and wait. Sounds easy right? It is. Now go out there and be a friend and go to Wrestlemania. Don't stop Bo-lieving!

With Love
There's only one way to predict the Rumble. #nogs2livers

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