WZCW- What on Earth is the appeal?


of the Le'beau family
I've wandered into that dark place many times over my years here, and I've yet to see a post explaining it, what it's about, or why it's even fun. I don't even know what the rules of that section even are. And I don't mean to demean anyone for participating. I just have no clue what's going on in there.
It's a great place to be, sir.

It's an E-Fed of wrestling. You create a character, apply for WZCW and write a RolePlay about it every time when your character faces some another character. You're given a week's time for it. After both RolePlays are posted, Creative votes about whose RolePlay is better and then write a match in which character with better RolePlay wins.
I'm glad there's a place to stretch a creative muscle. And I hope I didn't sound obnoxious with asking for an explanation. It seems like a hell of a lot of effort though.
I'm glad there's a place to stretch a creative muscle. And I hope I didn't sound obnoxious with asking for an explanation. It seems like a hell of a lot of effort though.

After reading your opening post, I felt like that too for years until I tried it. If it interests you why not give it a shot?
I've wandered into that dark place many times over my years here, and I've yet to see a post explaining it, what it's about, or why it's even fun. I don't even know what the rules of that section even are. And I don't mean to demean anyone for participating. I just have no clue what's going on in there.

Norcal put it simply, but I'll expand on it.

WZCW is basically a creative writing fueled e-fed. Writers create their own characters and then write RP (roleplays) which amount to basically expanded promos about their next match, the current storyline they are involved in, or to reveal or create backstory for the character they're writing for.

The Creative team meanwhile will judge the RP's for each match and determine a winner. Once all winners have been decided they will then go about writing out either 2 regular shows, or the PPV show pending on the schedule complete with matches, promos, commentary, etc. The Creative team is also tasked with coming up with storylines, feuds, and show cards, with non creative members more than able to suggest ideas. What's unique is unlike actual wrestling booking, the Creative team books and writes around the voting results instead of following a linear storyline.

I have been a part of WZCW for over 7 years now. I've been the World Champion twice, I've been Head of Creative and ran the whole show. We've built an entire universe in that time not dissimilar to the Marvel or DC universe. It's basically an entire community involved in helping further along this fictional universe. Some have made minor appearances, some are legends that have been forgotten, others are remembered for their failures, and some are fondly remembered.

In the 7 years I've had a one character be one of the most evil characters, turn into a proud warrior and champion, and back again. The purpose of any writing is to manipulate the readers and their emotions. From the people writing for their character, they want you to feel for their character, whether you sympathize, laugh with/at, or get angry at them. It's the same concept and goal as writing a fiction book, only we're doing it with a group of around 30 or more people participating to make these stories. It allows everyone involved to allow their creativity loose and make something from just the ideas in their head in a setting that clearly we all love or we wouldn't be on a a wrestling forum. It's also a competition to be the best writer, some prefer the competition side of it, others simply enjoy the stories being told regardless of wins and losses for themselves. Some of the best writing and storylines I've been a part of have been when I lost multiple times in a row.

So why is this fun for me? I love to write, I love to see the characters I created interact with others and the stories I've envisioned built and interpreted by others and what they understand my vision to be. I've been lucky to simply build that vision on my own while being on the Creative team. I've been pushed to write the absolute best quality I can by so many, and I've returned the favor. As a group we've all pushed one another to become better writers, and it's fun to see that growth in those that have become successful. Yaz was a guy I cracked a joke at/with when he first started, and now he runs the place and is a former world champion. He's gone from being intimidated by me, to becoming a really good friend and confidant. I've gotten a great number of friends from the fed that I keep in contact with even the ones that aren't around the forums anymore.

I love writing, wrestling, and the community in WZCW. For the likes of Lee and myself, we've been around since WZCW was just coming out of it's extremely rocky beginning and we both helped build it up to the success it is now. It's something to continue watching and be proud of, who'd think when we were in the process of making it work that seven years later we're still running strong?
I would have never guessed :lmao:


But WZCW is a great place. And if I had more time to commit to creating what I'd consider to myself strong and worthy work, as well as a bigger interest in wrestling at the moment, I'd probably still be there.

Seriously, my ability to express myself linguistically increased ten-fold from when I started to now.
ヒュー G. レックション;5553851 said:
I'm baffled by how many forum members are a part of it!

WZCW is literally the only reason I come to these forums. It's a fun place where I can write creatively, it's got a rich history, and, the most important part, it's the best e-fed on the entire internet (that I've found).
I'm glad there's a place to stretch a creative muscle. And I hope I didn't sound obnoxious with asking for an explanation. It seems like a hell of a lot of effort though.
It is a lot of effort but it's worth it, especially if you get on a win streak because that means others enjoy your writing as well.
Thanks guys. I see the ads on signatures all the time, but I never see anyone talk about it outside of that section. It's really fucking cool to see how passionate some of you guys are about it. ^^
I was part of an e-fed on another site and both people were supposed to come up with their match together. I think I ended up writing all of my own matches myself along with taking on extra matches because I worked third shift at the time and really had nothing better to do at work.

My character changed dramatically over time and ended up being the "real world champion" where each event he came out in stereotypical attire and a championship belt from some region. He kept all the previous belts too so there was like a Canadian championship, a Mexican championship and so on.
I've been in and around the fed since the beginning. I consider it to be a brotherhood where anyone is welcome. I've gotten to know several people personally and others I've gained new appreciation for. It truly is a wonderful place for a number of reasons: creativity, passion, and comradery.
Even though I was a total jobber there I get the appeal. It's a great place to put your creative writing skills to the test and put your creative mind to work. Also the community there is great, I made a few good friends through my time there.
When I signed up, I saw the appeal of effectively being a CAW (Create A Wrestler) in a CAW universe, a fun way to tell stories and be outside of the box. I may not ever write for WWE, so why can't I have some fun trying stuff out? It really helped fill a void that was missing and I found some of the best people to be friends with, and still remain friends today.

When I had joined, Lee was guiding it out of the dark days where it almost didn't exist anymore. I got to be part of that where it lead into the Golden Age and some of the best times I had was thinking up directions where my character could go. I got to be a Tag Team, EurAsian, King For a Day (MITB equivalent) and a World Champion, while also being able to work on Creative and be the Head of it. Like Bernkastal described, it feels like a brotherhood because everyone is looking out for each other as best they can. It helps run the creative juices and provides some nice fun times.

If my life wasn't as hectic, I would be planning ways to get back into the action, although those thoughts do cross my mind sometimes anyhow. ;)
When I signed up, I saw the appeal of effectively being a CAW (Create A Wrestler) in a CAW universe, a fun way to tell stories and be outside of the box. I may not ever write for WWE, so why can't I have some fun trying stuff out? It really helped fill a void that was missing and I found some of the best people to be friends with, and still remain friends today.

When I had joined, Lee was guiding it out of the dark days where it almost didn't exist anymore. I got to be part of that where it lead into the Golden Age and some of the best times I had was thinking up directions where my character could go. I got to be a Tag Team, EurAsian, King For a Day (MITB equivalent) and a World Champion, while also being able to work on Creative and be the Head of it. Like Bernkastal described, it feels like a brotherhood because everyone is looking out for each other as best they can. It helps run the creative juices and provides some nice fun times.

If my life wasn't as hectic, I would be planning ways to get back into the action, although those thoughts do cross my mind sometimes anyhow. ;)

Don't tease my emotions....
I'm not really like most people in there, I don't think - certainly I don't seem to have much in common. I used to write a lot of songs, and whilst I still do a bit, I don't really have much of a creative outlet any more as I live thousands of miles away from the guy I did most of that kind of thing with.

I used to write things for my own amusement, and enjoyed mediocre 'success' in there. Recently, I've started to pitch it to the audience a bit, which has actually been a very rewarding experience.

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