Which Match was your favorite?

  • Gus & Kenny Cox vs Sincade & Ace Cannon /w Bishop

  • Joseph Rios vs Iron Will Josephs

  • Chemical Blue vs Jack Harris

  • Sex and Violence vs Joe T & Titus

  • AJ & Aries vs Aaron Craig & Celeste Crimson /w Aurelia Molotov

  • DC vs Strife /w Dr David Creed

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I used to be a big deal

(A video comes on screen portraying classic moments in wrestling, from Sammartino to Hogan, from Hart to Michaels, and the very early years of professional wrestling. The video fades to black, as the words, ’40 years in the making’ appear…out of nowhere, a giant WZCW logo appears, as the video is cut to static after a while. A countdown begins, before the video cuts back to the Oracle Arena in Oakland, California where an explosion of fireworks rocks the arena! The crowd goes wild as the red and black fireworks continue, before ending with a BANG!

Sebastian Copeland: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome once again, to WZCW Meltdown!
Jack “the Enforcement” Cohen: It’s been too long since last time Cope, I’ve been dying all day for the second instalment of Meltdown
Copeland: And it looks like the fans in Oakland can’t wait either. I think it’s safe to say we made an impact last week on wrestling fans around the world, judging by these fans ‘Force!
Cohen: It is absolutely unbelievable! We are damn sure the best thing that has ever come to Oakland, and I think all these fans know it as well. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you for some ungodly reason weren’t around to witness the first instalment last week, THIS is WrestleZone Championship Wrestling!
Copeland: And now, get ready, buckle up because you’re about to be taken for one hell of a ride tonight!
Cohen: I bet that this hypothetical ride is the only action you’ve ever gotten Cope.
Copeland: Come on Force! We haven’t even been live for a minute yet, and you’re already breaking out with the insults? I guess it’s that time of the month again for you is it!?
Cohen: Woah folks, it looks like Copeland here actually has a minor sense of humour!
Copeland: Well all this aside, we’re distracting from the real action, so let’s get it started!

(With that a sharp guitar rhythm hits the speakers, as Chuck Myles makes his way out to the arena as the crowd rain on him with applause and cheers. He is grinning like a Cheshire cat, and soaks up the crowd for a while on the ramp. He is holding a briefcase in his hand, and moves it around for a while, before making his way down to the ring.)

Copeland: Is there any other way to start Meltdown than with the owner of WZCW, Chuck Myles? And what’s he got in that briefcase there? I think we’re in for some sort of surprise here Force.
Cohen: You think? Jeez, I’ll give you every cent I have if you just shut up for the entire show, please.
Copeland: What kind of deal is that? It’s not like you have any money to start off with.
Cohen: I could buy and sell you, and all these people with the click of my fingers Copeland, so watch your mouth before making such blasphemous statements!

(Myles ascends the stairs and ducks under the top rope, before taking a microphone off of Kyle Harrys.)

Myles: Welcome back to Meltdown everyone! It’s great to be back, and to stick my mug on the TV for all you fans again! Before we get started, let me all just get your opinions here: Oakland, are you ready for WZCW?

(The crowd gives a huge cheer as the smile grows on Myles’ face.)

Cohen: That’s the loudest cheer they’ve had since the Raiders last won something. I think that was when you were in your diapers wasn’t it? Wait, that’s too recent, haha.
Copeland: Oh very funny ‘Force, can we get back to Myles here without hearing your so-called ‘humour’?
Cohen: All right, all right, I made a mistake, you’ve upgraded to panties now!

Myles: That’s good to hear. And if the first Meltdown was anything to go by, tonight is going to blow the roof off! But enough talk, I’m taking time away from the real action that’s going to happen in this ring tonight. You’re all probably wondering what on Earth I’m holding in this briefcase here. It’s something I felt needed to be introduced sooner rather than later. I was sitting back one night, with a drink of course, and I just thought ‘Where’s the pinnacle in my company’? No one in the company has anything to go for, nothing for them to set their minds to. Well, that’s all about to change, because ‘The Assassin’ is making a change. Next week on Meltdown, will be the beginning to the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament!

(The crowd is hushed in expectation and puzzlement)

Myles: What is this tournament with the nifty name you ask? Well, it’s none other than another Chuck Myles brainchild! But in all seriousness, this Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament, is going to crown…the first WZCW Champion!

(The crowd goes wild, as Myles opens his briefcase to reveal a glistening championship belt, with the words WZCW Champion clearly grafted into it.)

Myles: THIS is going to be what every single WZCW star will reach for. THIS, is what will be the pinnacle of this company. And at WZCW’s very first PPV, Unscripted, we’re going to crown the champion amongst all others, as the WZCW Champion! But wait…I almost forgot. This Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament I had mentioned before. Let me give you the details here. 6 WZCW wrestlers will be competing in this tournament. They are guys that I handpicked, as future standouts of this company. These guys are ones that I feel deserve a shot at this, to prove themselves to the rest of the world. Believe me, doing this was harder than it seems, because I have around 25 guys who deserve a shot in this tournament. But I narrowed it down to these 6 guys. They know who they are, and without further ado, let me introduce all of you, to the 6 men that will compete in the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament!

(There is a little bit of silence, before Myles speaks up again.)

Myles: First, a man with as much respect as anyone else in this company and in this industry. This guy works his backside off, and was the first one I thought of when picking wrestlers for this tournament. He is…DC!

(‘The Name of the Game’ hits the arena, as the crowd cheers bigtime as DC walks out to the ramp with a huge smile on his face. He looks out to the crowd and begins jumping up and down, as Myles applauds him. DC looks focused now, as he moves to the side of the ramp.)

Myles: And next, a man, or beast, or something, who made an enormous impact last week, and someone who the old Assassin figured would take it unkindly if he wasn’t involved in this tournament. He is…the Demon: Strife!

(Akira Yamaoka “My Heaven” shivers the loudspeakers, as Strife slowly makes his way out to the entrance ramp, accompanied by a smiling Dr Creed. Strife’s face holds nothing but anger, as he stops and stares out at Chuck Myles, before turning his attention to DC, and staring him down fiercely. Creed guides Strife to the opposite end of the ramp, as DC and Strife still have their staring battle.)

Myles: Keep any funny stuff for later tonight guys. And next, a man that I think has a lot of potential. He claims to be the Zodiac Killer, and a man who needs to prove his case here. He is…Aries!

("Americana" by the Offspring hits the arena as Aries shoves the curtain out of the way and moves out to the arena. He stops in the middle of the entranceway and stares at Myles, nodding his head, before looking out to the crowd, and staring down DC, before looking back at Strife, and gazing at him as well. He rolls his hands and knuckles together, before moving next to DC.)

Myles: We’re up to the 4th wrestler now, and this is one of the best up and comers we have in WZCW. He main evented last week, and came out with a victory. A lot of people say he can become the top man in the company, and I’m giving him his chance. Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for the 4th entrant in the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament, the Highlight, Aaron Craig!

(El Distorto De Melodica by Everclear hits the arena, as Craig makes his way running out to the entranceway. He stops and points at all the others and makes a title gesture over his abdomen. He looks focused as he smiles up at Myles, gazing at the title.)

Myles: And now a guy that proved he is something to be dealt with last week, in overcoming 5 other men in a hard fought battle royal. It’s that kind of victory that will make a statement, and I couldn’t let it slide. He says he’s bringing style to WZCW. Well, he could be bringing championship material to his waist now. He is…Joseph Rios!

(The crowd boos Rios, as he comes out very arrogantly to ‘If it All Ended Tomorrow’, looking calm and collected. He brushes off his suit as he takes his sunglasses off and stares up at Myles and at the title. He nods his head before sliding back to the middle of the entranceway without looking at his opponents.)

Myles: And last but not least, he is a bright star in a lot of people’s eyes. He may be a shock selection but I know he has it in him. He performed his heart out last week, and dedication will get you far in this title. It may even get this guy as far as the WZCW Championship. Give it up, for “Iron” Will Josephs!
‘Electric Funeral’ by Black Sabbath starts up on the speakers, as Josephs makes his way out to the top of the ramp, looking hungry for the chance, and smiling up as the crowd cheers him on. He looks up and sees Myles clapping him on, before Josephs looks out at his opponents, and like Craig, signals that he’s going to be wearing that belt. Now, everyone is looking up at Chuck Myles.

Myles: Now, we finally have you all here. DC, Strife, Aries, Craig, Rios and Josephs, you all know that next week, you will all be competing in the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament, but it’s time I gave you the details: next week, there will be 3 singles matches involving all of you. The 3 men who win their singles match, will go on to Unscripted, where they will be in a triple threat match, where the winner will be crowned the first WZCW Champion! So next week, is round 1. I suggest you don’t let that dwell on your minds too much, as you are all competing tonight as well.

(The wrestlers turn and stare each other down, and turn to leave, before Myles clears his throat and they turn around again.)
Myles: Did I say I was done? I haven’t decided who will face off against who next week. That’s going to be your job. You see, tonight, you will randomly pick your opponent for next week. Now, I’m not stupid, because as there is only going to be 3 matches next week, only 3 of you will pick your opponent. Those three, will be Strife, Craig and DC. And you’re going to choose your opponents, this way:

(Myles gestures up to the big screen, as we get a shot of Rebecca Serra backstage, as the crowd wolf-whistles and cheers her. She is standing next to 3 pictures on a wall. The first is of Jerry Lynn, the second of Shawn Michaels and the third of Ricky Steamboat.)

Serra: DC, Craig and Strife, tonight, you will all be visiting me, to decide who your opponent will be in the first round of the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament. You may notice the pictures on the wall here. What they are up there for, is that you are going to have to choose one of them tonight. But confusion aside, the connection here is that these three men are the trainers of your opponents, Joseph Rios, Aries and Will Josephs. So, you will have to randomly pick one of the men up on the wall, and whoever that man trained, will be your opponent next week. Good luck.

(The shot goes back to Myles in the ring, who is now holding the WZCW Championship above his head.)

Myles: Bring on the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament!

(The sharp guitar rhythm kicks in again, as we get a close-up of a confident, smiling Chuck Myles. The 6 wrestlers at the top of the ramp stare down at him, before one by one, they exit the arena through to the back.)

Copeland: WOW! This is an absolutely HUGE announcement from the owner here! The Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament!
Cohen: It’s going to produce our first WZCW Champion, but my God, that man is going to have to do a lot of hard work, but that’s what the WZCW Title should be about.
Copeland: So next week, we have these men going against each other in 3 singles matches. The possibilities are amazing, and I know I’d like to see some certain matchups here.
Cohen: But what a main event this makes for WZCW’s very first PPV: Unscripted! A triple threat match, Sebastian, that’s the only way to do it!
Copeland: But again, there’s still a lot to be done tonight for this tournament. Strife, DC and Aaron Craig will all have to choose their opponents, but what a strange way they have to do it in.
Cohen: I’ve known for a long time that Myles lost his marbles, right about the time that I beat his ass in MMA fighting, but that’s a different story. Only he could have come up with something like this though.
Copeland: Those 3 will all have to choose 1 of those guys up on the wall there: Jerry Lynn, Shawn Michaels and Ricky ‘the Dragon’ Steamboat. But the interesting part is, each one of those guys has trained one of the men involved in the Pinnacle Pursuit tournament, we just don’t know who.
Cohen: Well we’ll find out tonight, and I’m sure we’re going to be in for a few surprises. What an explosive start we’ve had to Meltdown!

----Commercial break----

(Backstage, we see Celeste Crimson talking with Aurelia Molotov. They seem to be talking in Spanish, before Celeste sees the camera.)

Crimson: I’m just going to go get some coffee. Keep an eye out for that Craig. He should be here by now, we have a match tonight.

(Aurelia nods as she turns her back and sorts out a few things on a table. She notices a male backstage crew member go past and checks him out a little, but looks away quickly as he turns around to look at her. Out of nowhere as she stares after the man, she is met with a blow that knocks her down. The camera moves up to show that AJ, Ace Cannon and Sincade were the perpetrators. They all laugh as they start stomping on Molotov. Sincade lifts her up and takes her arms behind her, allowing AJ and Cannon to beat on her with rights and lefts. Cannon raises a boot and begins choking her out. After a while, Sincade throws her face-first to the concrete floor. They hit some kicks to her ribs, before Cannon lifts her up and smashes the back of her head on his knee. As Molotov stumbles forward, AJ hits her with the Devastation (RKO)!

Sincade: High Society is in the HOUSE!

(They all start laughing as they look down at a fallen Molotov, as Sincade high-five’s Cannon. But they all look up as footsteps are heard as Gus and Kenny Cox run into picture and chase AJ, Cannon and Sincade off. They look and shake their heads after the trio, as they look down at Molotov. Again they look out coldly towards them, as Crimson runs up in hysterics.)

Crimson: What the hell happened here? Jesus Christ, who did this!?

(She looks menacingly towards Gus and Kenny Cox, before going to check on Molotov.)

Cox: Those bastards from High Society. We came as soon as we could but it was too late to save her.

(Crimson shakes her head as she lifts up Molotov’s bleeding skull and stares with utter hatred out to where High Society ran away. She is rocking back and forth with Molotov, as Gus and Kenny Cox just stand back and look at her.)

Crimson: Payback…payback…Oh, there will be payback. Gus, Kenny, could you go get some help?

(Gus and Kenny are taken by surprise, but pat Crimson on the shoulder.)

Gus: We’ve got a match, but we’ll make sure someone gets here. Don’t worry Celeste. We’ve got Sincade and Cannon up next. You can be assured that they won’t get away with this.

(Crimson continues to look away with anger in her eye, as Gus and Kenny slowly move away. She is now visibly shaking as she starts muttering to herself.)

----Commercial break----

Copeland: Well an explosive start to Meltdown. But lets get the inring action under way.

Cohen: You bet Cope and this first match will kick off another night of high action here in WZCW.

Harrys: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall.

The Kill hits and the ‘Reality Bender’ Gus makes his way slowly out onto the ramp, stopping he holds his right fist into the air. He starts to slowly walk towards the ring, when suddenly the music changes into ‘I Don’t Wanna Stop’. Kenny Cox then makes his way from the back and walks back and forward on the entranceway for a few seconds, before making his way towards the ring. Gus has stopped about a quarter of the way and Kenny Cox meets up with him and they walk the rest of the way as a team.

Harrys: Making their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 475 pounds, Kenny Cox and ‘The Reality Bender’ Gus… The Supreme Ones.

Copeland: Finally we get to see the debut of this promising young tag team. I have been waiting for this for a while.

Cohen: Well I haven’t been. All these punks talk about are past glories. Past glories mean absolutely nothing here in WZCW.

Suddenly Jason Sincade’s music hits the speakers, and he makes his way out onto the ramp. He points to the top bleachers and begins to make his way to the ring.

Harrys: And there opponents. Firstly weighing in at 220 pounds, Jason Sincade.

Sincade stops about ¾’s of the way to the ring and points towards Gus & Kenny Cox and looks back towards the entrance.

The Music changes to ‘Money in the Bank’ as Ace Cannon enters from the back, Bishop right behind him. He pauses on the ramp and cockily begins to strut towards the ring, Bishop not far behind. Sincade waits and they enter the ring together.

Harrys: And his partner. Accompanied to the ring by Bishop, weighing in at 240 pounds Ace Cannon.

Cohen: Wow look at that Bishop he is a monster. But here are your winners I reckon, Sincade and Cannon two great stars.

Copeland: Good I’ll go put some money on the Supreme One’s, because your always wrong.

Match 1: Jason Sincade and Ace Cannon vs. Kenny Cox and Gus

Gus quickly indicates that he is going to start this one out. While Sincade and Cannon talk briefly. It seems Sincade will start, but instead Cannon beckons that he has everything under control and wants to start. Gus and Cannon stalk each other for a while, then both lock up looking to get a strength advantage but neither guy can, they both push each other off before locking up again. Gus hits Cannon with a vicious uppercut before following that up with three hard fists sending Cannon reeling, Gus follows up with a clothesline downing Cannon. Gus goes to lift Ace u but is met with some solid blows to the stomach, and as Cannon makes his way to his feet the two exchange punches. Gus goes for a big punch but Cannon ducks and Gus spins around with the effort. Ace grabs Gus hitting a German Suplex. Cannon follows in delivering a couple of very hard shots to a fallen Gs. Ace then follows in again grabbing Gus and hitting a fisherman’s suplex. Ace goes for the cover 1……. Easy kick out by Gus. Ace Stands and starts stomping on Gus.

Gus reaches out grabbing Cannon by the leg and yanks him off his feet. Gus then crawls on top of Cannon and begins laying into him with some vicious left and rights. Gus stands drop one, then two then three elbows on the prone figure of Cannon. Gus taunts for a bit which allows Cannon to get to his feet , Cannon delivers a punch to the face of Gus, who replies with one of his own. Gus then grabs Cannon and hits a vertical suplex. Gus grabs Cannons legs and then hits The Reality Check (low blow leg drop) before again going for a cover 1….2… easy kickout by Cannon. Gus stands makes his way over to his corner and tags in Kenny Cox.

Kenny Cox sprints into the ring hitting the still down Cannon with a leg drop, before making another cover. Which Ace easily kicks out from at the one count. Cox then grabs Ace around the head hauling him to his feet Cox attempts a suplex on Cannon, but Cannon counters and delivers a suplex of his own. He follows in with some hard boots on Cox, he then lifts up Kenny Cox and delivers huge T-Bone Suplex before making the cover 1..2.. kickout by Cox. Ace then lifts Cox to his feet before grabbing him and whipping him into the corner. Ace follows in with a clothesline and then makes then tag to Sincade.

Sincade begins climbing the top rope as Kenny Cox stumbles a little bit out of the corner. Ace grabs him and hits a spinebuster before exiting the ring. Then Sincade comes off the top rope delivering a flying elbow drop right to the heart of Kenny Cox. Sincade makes the quick cover 1…2.. kickout again by Cox. On the apron, Gus yells encouragement to Kenny Cox, Sincade then turns and begins to taunt Gus. As Cox tries to get to his feet, Sincade delivers some hard shots to the temple, Sincade then grabs Cox, he signals to the crowd and then hits the Shot Caller (sit-out spinebuster).

Sincade makes the cover but Cox again easily kicks out. Frustrated Sincade sits up not believing that the count wasn’t three. Grabbing Cox by the hair he lifts Cox slowly to his feet. Cox delivers 2 shots to thee gut of Sincade, but Sincade replies with 2 shots to the face of Cox, then he hits him with a Dragon Suplex. With Cox down Sincade looks around runs towards the ropes and attempts a double springboard moonsault. However Sincade hits nothing but canvas as Cox cleverly rolls out of the way. Both men are down as Gus and Ace Cannon both reach out looking for the tag and yell encouragement.

Kenny Cox is the first to get fully to his feet, Sincade is trying but is getting there much slower. Keeny sees this and hits Sincade with a vicious roundhouse kick that again sends Sincade reeling. Cox follows in hitting a stalling scoop slam, before putting the boots to Sincade. Cox then grabs Sincade and hits a German Suplex, with a bridge 1…..2…..kickout by Sincade. Cox stands thinking about how close the pinfall was, Sincade also gets to his feet. Cox goes running towards Sincade and ducks under a punch and quickly jumps onto the turnbuckle hitting a rebound corkscrew senton. Cox is quickly to his feet and again makes his way to the turnbuckle, Sincade slowly is getting to his feet and gets hit with a cross body off the top, which turns into a pinning attempt 1… 2… kickout by Sincade.

Cox grabs at his hair before crawling on his knees and slapping Gus on the hand, making Gus the legal man. Gus wastes no time in putting the boots to Sincade whilst he is down. A look of hatred in his eyes, Gus follows in with some hard fists, which get him a warning from the referee. Sincade uses this moment of reprieve to get to his feet, charging at Gus. Who skilfully hits Sincade with an Armdrag Sincade rebounds to his hit however and is hit with a stepup Enziguri sending him to the mat. With Sincade down, Gus senses his opportunity and locks in the Figure four leglock. Sincade yells in pain and scrapes and claws and is able to reach the bottom rope without too much trouble, causing Gus to release the hold. Gus then looks to bounce of the opposite ropes, but on the outside, Bishop reaches in grabbing Gus’s right ankle and trips him up. This distracts Gus enough to allow Sincade to recover hitting a dropkick to the back of Gus, as Gus stands and points at Bishop. Sincade then grabs Gus and hits the One Shot (full nelson facebuster). Again Sincade stops to taunt first the crowd then Kenny Cox, this gives Gus the time he needs and Gus grabs Sincade into a roll up 1….2… kickout by Sincade.

Gus his first to his feet and drops an elbow onto a still down Sincade. This helps to jolt Sincade back to his feet where he his hit with an inverted atomic drop by gus. Gus then quickly goes to the corner and geins to ascend the turnbuckle. However on the outside Bishop grabs at Gus on the top rope,, giving Sincade enough time to recover. Sincade runs to the corner and leaps on the second rope delivering a hard shot to Gus. Gus answer back with a left and a right of his own. But Sincade fights right back with 4 hard rights. Sincade then drapes his arm over Gus, who responds with a punch. But Sincade hits him back at hits a suplex off the top rope. The backs of both men bouncing against the canvas.

Both men are down as Kenny and Ace scream for the tag from their respective corners. Both Gus and Sincade start crawling towards their corners and the outstretched hands of their partners. Simultaneously they make the tag and Ace and Kenny rush into the ring. The exchange punches, before Kenny blocks another punch attempt from Ace ahnd then hits Ace with a facebuster, he then quickly lifts Ace to his feet and hits a DDT and makes a cover 1…2…. Kickout barely by Ace!! Kenny tries to continue his momentum by climbing the top rope looking for another aerial move. Ace is getting to his feet as Kenny comes of the top rope. Ace catches Kenny and shows great strength to hit a Michinoku driver. With Kenny down Ace quickly climbs to the top and hits a leg drop off the top rope. Ace doesn’t stop there and continues to pummel Cox keeping his advantage. He then lifts Kenny to his feet and Irish whips into the opposite corner. Where Sincade proceeds to choke him. He then rushes at Gus on the apron and shoulder charges him to the floor below. Before charging at Cox and delivering a vicious clothesline, as Cox stumbles from the corner Ace hits a cradle brainbuster. Looks around and drags Kenny into position and looks to go up top. On the outside Gus has seen this, knowing what is next is trying to get back in the ring. But he is grabbed by Bishop and again flung to the floor. In the ring Ace is on the top rope. He signals to the crowd and then delivers the High Society on Kenny Cox. Ace hooks the leg 1…2….3 Ace Cannon and Sincade get the win. The ref goes over to lift Ace’s hand as the bell rings but Ace shrugs him off in disgust.

Winners:, by pinfall Ace Cannon and Jason Sincade.

----Commercial break----
(The scene cuts back to Becky Serra again, in a neat looking office. She is standing with those 3 pictures again, of Shawn Michaels, Jerry Lynn and Ricky Steamboat. There is a gold banner above them, saying ‘Pinnacle Pursuit’. She is smiling at the camera, as the addresses it.)

Serra: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the first wrestler to choose his opponent for the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament, round 1. On the wall here, are Jerry Lynn, Shawn Michaels and Ricky Steamboat, and they have each trained one of the men involved in the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament. DC, Strife and Aaron Craig will have to choose a man from the wall here, and whoever that man trained, will be their opponent next week.

(Serra is immediately stopped by the sound of a door being flung open. The camera turns to show that it is the 7-foot giant, Strife, with his manager Dr David Creed, in the doorway. Strife has his mask on, and Serra is immediately intimidated, and begins stuttering a little. Creed looks smug as he guides Strife over to Serra, as Strife immediately imposes himself over her. Serra is looking up into the eyes of Strife with fear, as Creed looks around the room and Strife keeps his head fixed on Serra.)

Serra: St-Strife, welcome to th-

Creed: Silence young girl, please. The last thing we need is to be spoken to by a fornicator.

(Serra snaps back abruptly, and stares into Creed coldly.)

Serra: I’ll have you know that I have never slept wi-

Creed: Enough. We’re here to choose Strife’s opponent for next week. Well, I’ll do the honours for him.

(Creed moves over to the wall and begins studying the 3 pictures, stroking his chin. He looks up towards the sky with thought.)

Creed: All 3 of these men are greats in the business. All have talent, and would be an asset that any wrestler would love to have. But all these pale in comparison to having the Lord God on your side. I’ve had enough. Strife is going to face whoever was trained by Ricky Steamboat. Maybe this will show everyone that ever contemplated the fact that Steamboat was anywhere near the calibre that he is made out to be, and whoever his protégé is will be completely embarrassed next week, as Strife proves himself again and moves one step closer to that WZCW Title.

(Creed takes the Steamboat picture down and hands it to Serra, who stares at Creed again, as Creed rejoins Strife. Strife remains motionless, now staring into the picture.)

Serra: Well Mr. Creed-

Creed: That’s Dr. Creed!

Serra: Whatever. Dr Creed, you have chosen Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat was the trainer of…Iron Will Josephs.

Serra: So the first match has been decided. Next week, Strife will face off against Iron Will Josephs.

(A smile works up the face of Creed, as Serra places the photo on a table.)

Creed: The fate of Josephs…has been sealed.

(Creed leads Strife out of the room, leaving Serra looking out after him, shaking her head.)

Copeland: So it’s been decided! Strife will meet ‘Iron’ Will Josephs next week in round 1 of the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament!
Cohen: Could you feel any worse for Josephs? My God, no one can stop Strife, and Josephs isn’t making it past the first round, I can see it. Aries and Rios just breathed a huge sigh of relief that he didn’t choose one of their trainers.
Copeland: Don’t sell Joseph’s short. He may be the underdog, but I think Josephs will secretly be relishing that status. It gives him a chance to overcome the odds, but I have to agree that they are pretty big odds right now, no pun intended.
Cohen: Don’t worry, it wasn’t funny anyway.

----Commercial break----

Copeland: Well what an explosive night we have already had here on Meltdown. Things are about to heat up even more. Up next we have two guys who will be involved in the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament for the main prize in this business, the WZCW World Title.

Cohen: Yeah my boy Joseph Rios will meet ‘Iron’ Will Josephs. Rios already has a win over ‘Iron’ Will so this one should be no problem.

Copeland: Well we will soon see if your right. Already these two have developed a great rivalry here in WZCW.

(Small video then plays showing highlights of the Elimination Battle Royal from the first Meltdown show. The footage ends with Josephs locked in the Picture Perfect. Despite the look of determination on his face he taps out, as we go back to the arena)

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.

(Electric Funeral by Black Sabbath hits the speakers as ‘Iron’ Will Josephs makes his way out onto the ramp. Josephs stares straight ahead at the ring, a look of steely dtermination on his face. Quickly he begins is walk towards the ring, continuing to pay no attention to anything but the ring in front of him. He stops just before the ring apron puts both of his arms up and outward in a W-shape with his body. He enters the ring, and begins pacing in the corner.)

Harrys: Introducing first from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 242 pounds. ‘Iron’ Will Josephs.

(If It All Ended Tomorrow hits the speakers as Joseph Rios makes his way out onto the entrance way.)

Harrys: and his opponent. From New York weighing in at 270 pounds, Joseph “The Main Event” Rios.

(On the entrance way Rios points to himself as the crowd give him some loud boos. Rios then begins to make his way to the ring, turning twice and talking smack to a booing fan. He goes the enter the ring but ‘Iron’ Will is stalking him not making that easy.)

Match 2: Josephs vs Rios

Rios stands on the outside as Josephs stalks him in the ring, eagerly waiting for Rios to make his entry. Rios keeps demanding that the referee back ‘Iron’ Will up. The ref does his job, but as Rios nears the ring Josephs again begins to stalk his entrance. Rios bangs on the ring apron in frustration, telling the ref to ‘Back that piece of crap up’. Again the ref goes to Josephs ordering him to stand back. Joseph turns away and taunts to the crowd. Rios sees his chance and quickly slides into the ring and attacks ‘Iron’ Will as his back is turn clubbing him twice in the back of the head. The bell rings to finally get the match underway.

Rios delivers another couple of hard shots to the back of Josephs. ‘Iron’ Will then spins around delivering a hard shot to the face of Rios, who answers with a hard shot to the face of Josephs which cause him to stagger, Rios closes in again with 2 more hard shots, before grabbing ‘Iron’ Will by the arm and irish whipping him into the ropes. As Will comes of the ropes he runs into the solid wall that is Joseph Rios and crashes to the mat, Rios then stomps on Josephs while he is down, and then delivers some stiff kicks to the rib area of ‘Iron’ Will. Rios then gets Will to his feet again and again sends him flying in the ropes. As Josephs bounces back Rios grabs him, and in a show of strength delivers a vicious back breaker, which causes ‘Iron’ Will to grab for his back in obvious pain. Rios doesn’t let up and follows in again, lifting Josephs to his feet and sending him crashing into the corner. Rios then follows up with a devastating splash in the corner, then as Josephs stumbles out of the corner, Rios grabs him and delivers a DDT, and goes for the quick cover 1…..2… kickout by ‘Iron’ Will. Rios is not impressed and for a moment takes his attention off of Josephs and complains to the ref about a slow count.

Rios stops his complaints and focuses again on ‘Iron’ Will. But as he goes to lift Josephs he is meet with 1, 2 then 3 hard shots then force him to take a step back. Josephs is now up on one knee as Rios again follows in to again be met with punches, Rios delivers on of his own but the barrage coming from Josephs causes Rios to be sent back. ‘Iron’ Will is now all the way to his feet. Will follows up with a hard crescent kick to Rios who stumbles back against the ropes, Josephs follows in with a hard shot to the face and then rapid machine gun punches to the gut of Rios. ‘Iron’ Will then lights Rios up with 3 nasty knife-edge chops before grabbing him and delivering a snap suplex. ‘Iron’ Will then delivers a couple of hard kicks to Rios, grabs him again and delivers a second snap suplex, this one with more power. Again Will follows in on Rios again grabbing him and looking for a third consecutive snap suplex. But Rios uses his strength and is able to counter this attempt. Rios further shows his strength as he lifts ‘Iron’ Will up in the air keeping him there for a while and then hits a shattering suplex of his own. Josephs sits up a bit and Rios takes a few steps back and delivers a dropkick to the face of ‘Iron’ Will sending him back to the canvas once again.

Rios then picks Josephs off the canvas and delivers a spine shattering spinebuster, before again going for a cover 1…..2….. kick out again by Josephs. Rios then locks ‘Iron’ Will in an Arm bar, Will grimaces in pan but refuses to tap. Rios wrenches the arm even more to apply more pressure but still Josephs will not give in, after having the hold locked in for a good 30-40 seconds Rios releases the hold and stomps down viciously on the arm of Josephs. Before lifting Josephs to his feet and again sending him hurtling into the corner. Rios then runs in looking for a splash again, but eats nothing but turnbuckle as ‘Iron’ Will skilfully ducks below the attempt. Grabbing Rios , Josephs hits him a Belly to Back Suplex, before making his way onto the top rope. As Rios stands ‘Iron’ Will delivers a Missile dropkick from the top rope which floors Rios, ‘Iron’ Will crawls over to make the cover 1.. 2…. Kickout by Rios. Josephs this time is the one to keep on Rios, skilfully manvauring both himself and Rios, to lock Rios in a Cobra Clutch. Rios grimaces and then grunts in pain as Josephs applies more pressure to the hold. Rios doesn’t give up though, and despite his obvious pain while in the hold begins to struggle against Josephs. Rios reaches for the ropes, no more than a finger nail away, as again Josephs applies more pressure to the hold. Again in obvious discomfort Rios reaches out for the ropes, this time grasping onto the bottom rope causing Josephs to release the hold.

Josephs does relent however and delivers a dropkick to the back of Rios, as Rios uses the ropes to try to get to his feet. Josephs then hits a fallaway slam, before giving a small taunt to the crowd indicating that again he is going up top. Josephs climbs again to the top rope, but Rios makes a faster than expected recovery and pushes Josephs from the top rope, sending him crashing into the barricade on the outside. Rios exits the ring and delivers some hard kicks and a couple of clubbing strikes to the downed Josephs. Lifting Josephs to his feet, Rios grabs him around the waist and hits a Belly to Belly Suplex on Josephs. Rios then turns to the crowd taunting them. Before again grabbing josephs and hitting him with a German Suplex, which sends Will’s back crashing into the ring apron. Rios then roughly grabs Josephs and rolls him into the ring, before entering the ring himself. Rios makes a quick cover 1…2…. Kickout again by Josephs.

Rios is frustrated but continues his assault laying some stiff punches. He then hauls Josephs to his feet and attempts another Belly to Belly suplex. Which Josephs counters into a Belly to Belly Suplex of his own. Josephs quickly climbs the ropes and delivers a Leg Drop to the neck of Rios. Josephs follows up with some stomps. He lifts Rios to his feet and whips him against the ropes, he bends down looking for a back body drop, but Rios counters this with a knee to the face of Josephs. Before grabbing Will and hitting a toss up Samoan Drop. Rios sees his opportunity and locks in the Picture Perfect. Josephs struggles try desperately to get to the ropes. He digs deep trying with all his might to get there and starts to scratch and claw his way to bottom rope. Rips is keeping the pressure of the hold up refusing to make it easier for Will. But inch by inch Will is getting closer to safety. He reaches out… and misses the bottom rope a finger nail in it. Again he lifts out his arm and it is unknown whether it is to tap or reach the rope. Rios is applying as much pressure as he can and Josephs reaches out, grasping the bottom rope. Rios cant believe it and keeps the hold locked as the ref counts and at four he releases the hold, stands and lets out a scream of anguish and takes his focus off of Josephs.

Josephs is up, using the ropes for help and is hobbling. But he still makes his way to Rios and spins Rios around and delivers some hard lefts and rights to the face and chest of Rios. Rios responds with a punch of huis own but his then on the receiving end of some vicious knife edge chops, before Josephs delivers a snapmare to Rios and then hits a dropkick fair into his head. Groggily know Rios gets to his feet and is meet by more punches by a fired up Josephs. Rios tries to fight back but is pushed back against the ropes and is hit with 10 machine gun punches to the gut. Josephs takes a couple of steps back and looks for a kick. But Rios grabs his leg, spins Josephs 360 degrees delivers a kick to the gut and hits the Perfect Shot. Rios hooks the legs in a cover 1...…2…....3 Rios lets out a triumphant yell as the refs hand slaps down for the three.

Harrys: Here is your winner, by pinfall: Joseph 'The Main Event' Rios[/B]

Cohen: I told you Cope, I told you!
Copeland: Another valiant showing from Josephs, but it wasn't enough. Rios was on his game tonight, and he's going to go into the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament good and ready.

----Commercial break----

(The scene cuts back to Becky Serra again, standing in the same room. This time, there is only 2 pictures up on the wall, Shawn Michaels and Jerry Lynn.)

Serra: Welcome back. We have already seen Strife choose his opponent for next week, and he chose Ricky Steamboat, who was the trainer of Will Josephs. One match has been decided, but now, DC and Craig will choose together, to pick their opponents for next week.

(The camera goes to beside Serra, as we see DC walking in, along with Craig not far behind. The two stand next to Serra and give her each a warm smile, as she returns it.)

Serra: Gentlemen, it’s now time for you two to choose one of these pictures, which will decide who you face off against next week.

(Not wasting any time, DC and Craig walk over to the wall and begin studying the pictures of Lynn and Michaels.)

DC: I want a challenge next week. I have heard of Jerry Lynn and everything he can do in the ring, and I know that he’d hand that knowledge on to his protégé.

Craig: I don’t know DC, Shawn Michaels is one of the best in the business. He’s a veteran, and he’s been helping out young wrestlers all over the world. I reckon he could be one of the best trainers to have.

DC: So it’s settled? You’re choosing Michaels, and I’ll choose Lynn?

Craig: Yeah, whatever.

(DC takes down the photo of Jerry Lynn, and hands it to Serra. Serra looks at the photo, before looking back up to DC.)

Serra: DC, you’ve chosen Jerry Lynn. Jerry Lynn, happens to be the trainer of………Aries!

(DC looks pleased with the announcement, as he grins at Craig.)

DC: Well, next week, I take out Aries and move on in this Pinnacle Pursuit. Good luck with your pick then. Although I guess we already know who it is.

(DC exits the room, looking confident, as Craig stares after him before handing his photo to Serra.)

Serra: Well Aaron, you’ve chosen Shawn Michaels, and by the process of elimination, we have ascertained that it is Joseph Rios that was trained by Michaels. Next week, you will face Rios in round 1 of the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament. Good luck.

(Craig nods his head as he looks at the photo of Michaels.)

Craig: Looking forward to it. The Highlight is moving on up the ladder Becky. Next stop: The WZCW Championship. Rios, all the training in the world won’t help you now.

(Serra smiles as Craig leaves the room. She turns back to the camera again.)

Serra: There you have it ladies and gentlemen; the wrestlers now know their opponents for next week. It will be Strife vs. Josephs, DC vs. Aries and Craig vs. Rios. The Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament will begin next week, as these 3 matches will decide who goes into the triple threat match at Unscripted, for the WZCW Championship!

Match 3: Blue vs Harris

‘Might Gatcha’ blasts through the arena and as soon as the intro is over, Jack Harris comes out and acknowledges the crowd with a smirk on his face. He moves down to the ring quickly and confidently. Harris turns to climb the stairs but turns around to a fan and pulls his hand back like he was going to pimp slap the person. He gets in the ring, and climbs on the ropes and looks out at the crowd.

Harrys: This contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring, weighing in at 255 pounds,
from Jacksonville, Florida, Jack Harris!

Copeland: And here’s that disgusting individual who laid that brutal beating to Chemical Blue last week. An unprovoked beating might I add.
Cohen: Harris made a statement, and we’re seeing if he can back it up tonight. Chemical Blue better turn up with his A-game because I like the look of this guy in the ring here.

‘Ready. Steady. Go’. by Paul Oakenfield hits the speakers as Chemical Blue walks out with a bandage around his head. He looks up towards Harris with anger in his eye, as he makes his way down to the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent: From Dallas, Texas, weighing in at 210 pounds, Chemical Blue!

Just after Harrys says this, Jack Harris hits a baseball slide through the bottom rope that takes Blue off his feet. Harris rolls outside and picks up Blue’s head and slams it repeatedly into the steel steps, before moving back and Irish whipping him with ferocity into the steps, sending Blue crashing over them. Harris moves around and begins stomping on his head again. He bends down and starts to rip the bandages off his head and begins tearing at the gash in Blue’s head. Soon enough after a few rights and lefts, Blue is busted open. Harris lifts up Blue and tosses him with ease into the barricade, before charging up to him and nailing him with a high knee. Blue is slumped on the ground. Harris sticks a boot into the throat of Blue and starts choking him out. As the match hasn’t started, the referee can’t do a thing about it. After a while, Harris takes his foot off as Blue is left gagging. Harris lifts Blue up and hits a very quick Samoan Drop on the mats outside. Blue writhes in pain as Harris looks out at a booing crowd. Harris suddenly starts ripping up the outside mats. He strips one of them up, leaving a large patch of bare concrete. He throws the mat away and turns back to Blue with evil intentions in his eyes.

He picks Blue up and moves over to the cement, looking for a DDT. Blue suddenly spins out of it a and hits some rights and lefts. He steps back and runs at Harris, looking for a clothesline, before Harris catches him on the run and hits the Duval Slam (Black Hole Slam) on the cement! The crowd cringe in pain as Blue writhes around in his own blood, gripping his back, as Harris looks around at the crowd with a maniacal look. Not stopping, Harris lifts Blue up and hits some forearms and uppercuts that knock Blue senseless, before knocking him into the crowd with a huge big boot. Blue struggles to get himself back up, before Harris reaches over and slams his head into the barricade. He lifts Blue up and hits a swinging neckbreaker over the barricade onto Blue, who slumps down, lifelessly again. He starts mouthing off to some fans as the boos come thick and fast. He reaches over and pulls Blue over the barricade, not showing any mercy. He lifts Blue up and tosses him into the side of the ring and charges him with some shoulders into the ribs. Blue stumbles forward a bit as Harris kicks his legs out from under him. He crouches over him and starts slapping Blue around, before Harris again goes for some rights and lefts, looking to open up Blue even further. Blue starts choking on his own blood, as Harris keeps on going relentlessly. Harris steps up as Blue gets on all fours. Harris steps back and charges with a sharp kick to the gut that sends Blue down again. Harris spots some cables lying on the ground and begins to choke Blue out with them. Chemical Blue looks to be unconscious as Harris continues. Harris throws the cables away as he stands up and looks out to the crowd. He takes Blue by both legs, and lets his weight fall back, sending Blue flying up and into the steel ring post. He drags Blue back out a little and puts him in a Boston Crab. His weight is all on Blue’s back as Blue cries out in pain. The crowd are booing at Harris but he won’t stop. After what seems like an age, Harris lets go. Finally, Harris picks Blue up and rolls him into the ring, but puts in an elbow to the throat for good measure.

The bell is finally rung by referee Mike Siciliano. Harris lifts Blue up and tosses him to the ropes. As Blue comes back, Harris hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Harris breathes heavily as he looks down at Blue, before ripping him up by the hair and putting him on his shoulders, and nailing a River City Bomb! (Razor’s Edge.) It’s all methodical as Harris hooks the leg of Chemical Blue.

1! 2! 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner by pinfall: Jack Harris!

Copeland: This is absolutely atrocious! This wasn’t even a match! Blue was out of it before this one even got underway. This is sickening! How can Harris even look pleased after what he did to this kid?
Cohen: He got the job done Cope and it was all in the rules. What a showing by Harris!
Copeland: Oh would you have some decency Cohen? Chemical Blue may be seriously injured, and you can’t even see how disgusting Jack Harris’s actions were? Harris got the win but he should be ashamed of himself. We need some help down here for Blue!
----Commercial break----

Harris stares down at Blue, before rolling out of the ring towards the timekeeper. He tosses him off his chair and takes it up. He throws it in to the ring and gets another chair and snaps it shut with anger. He carries this one and rolls into the ring. He takes it and opens it, before placing Chemical Blue’s head in between the back and the seat. He picks the other chair up and comes swinging down with it, crushing the head of Chemical Blue. Harris holds his chair in his hands before thrusting it into the throat of Blue. Harris throws the chair to the ground as Blue is squirming in pain with his head still trapped. Harris climbs to the top rope, before flying off with a leg drop across the back of Blue’s head and into the chair. Blue rolls around the ring in pain as Harris stands up and starts laughing at him. Harris runs at Blue with a low dropkick into the chair, sending it snapping shut on the neck of Harris. His head is finally freed but he isn’t moving as the blood pours down his face. Harris goes to leave the ring but stops and shakes his head. He moves and looks down coldly at Blue, before moving the chair into the middle of the ring. He lifts Blue up and gets him in a powerbomb position, before coming down with his River City Bomb on the chair! EMT’s finally make their way out to the ring and shove Harris out of the ring and immediately attend to Blue as the crowd is silent. Harris moves up the ramp with a smirk, before openly laughing as he watches what’s going on in the ring. He ducks behind the curtain with his hand raised, as Blue is rushed into a neck brace.

We are then taken backstage to a room where we can’t see anything because it is pitch black. Suddenly a man slowly walks into the picture.

Man: Good evening. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rajeem. I am the proud manager of the spectacular, Mohammed Hasheem!

He then says some things in his native language!

سلام صباح الخير أهلا صديقي /صديقتي! تصبح/ تصبحين على خير أمشٍ على طول ثم عرّج يمينا/ شمالا! أبحث عن جون لحظة من فضلك هل تتكلم اللغة أعيش في الولايات المتحدة/ فرنسا الإنجليزية /العربية

We then see Rajeem take a very tiny step back, but we can still see him smiling disturbingly. Then a woman slowly walks into the picture and joins him, wearing all black all over her body. The only skin that is visible are her eyes as she begins talking in a strange, foreign accent.

Woman: Hello. My name is Rasheeka. I am here in WrestleZone Championship Wrestling for one reason and one reason only, to help me my man, Mohammed Hasheem, do whatever it takes to show you puny Americans that all this stereotyping of our people and our religion will stop at once! And if you refuse to, then Mohammed Hasheem will show you what happens when you mess with him, with us, and with our people! We are NOT terrorists, we are just Americans, like all of you people here in WZCW and in the world!

She then says some things in her Arabic!

فضلك هل تتكلم اللغة أعيش في الولايات المتحدة/
فرنسا الإنجليزية /العربية يمينا/ شمالا! أبحث عن جون لحظة من سلام صباح الخير أهلا صديقي /صديقتي! تصبح/ تصبحين على خير أمشٍ على طول ثم عرّج!!

She then takes and tiny step back and she is close to Rajeem, but there is an enough space in between the both of them. Suddenly someone walks in between Rajeem and Rasheeka. His eyes are bulging out in anger!

Man: For years of torture and humiliation by you…people, I have been ashamed of my religion. I was like god back in my country, and ever since I came to America, seeking for a great adventure, that was when my life…MY LIFE…MY LIFE…MY LIFE…went down in flames! The moment I came out of that airport, I was surrounded by your stupid American Police Force!

I don’t think you understand the pain all of you freaks caused me! And to think, you actually called ME freaks! I would always have to hide out inside my house, unable to visit a temple for me to pray. In fact, there isn’t a freaking temple for me and my people around here anyways! You people made me ashamed of my country, ashamed! You made me wish I had never been born! I cannot believe I actually did that! I was punished for that! A punishment like no other! You wanna know what my punishment was, well then you are going to have to wait till next week. Ladies and gentlemen, I come to the WZCW, for one purpose and one purpose only! To show you people how cruel you people can be. People put me through suffering, and now, I am going to put all of you people through that! I am Mohammed Hasheem, here me ROAR!!!!

ضلك هل تتكلم اللغة أعيش في الولايات المتحدة/ فرنسا الإنجليزية /العربية ن لحظة من فضلك هل تتكلم اللغة أعيش في الولايات المتحدة/ فرنسا ا خير أمشٍ على طول ثم عرّج يمينا/ شمالا! أبحث عن جون لإنجليزية /العربية سلام صباح الخير أهلا صديقي /صديقتي! تصبح/ تصبحين على خير أمشٍ على طول ثم عرّج يمينا/ شمالا! أبحث عن جون!!

The camera fades out as all 3 people look on in anger and hate!

Copeland: What on Earth was that all about? I don’t like the looks of those 3, not at all.
Cohen: The last thing we need is more anti-Americans in this company. I figured that Downward Spiral had that field covered. I’d like to see those 3 say something in front of a live, American crowd. That’d shut them up.
Copeland: And I’d like to see Mohammed Hasheem back those words he came up with in the ring. Is he debuting next show or what? There are too many questions that go unanswered around here.

----Commercial break----

Copeland: And now for what can only be described as an extremely interesting match. Up next, is Aaron Craig, teaming up with Celeste Crimson to go against the team of AJ and Aries. And after what we saw earlier tonight, you’ve got to think that this match is going to have an extra bit of fire to it. AJ and his group of thugs in Sincade and Ace Cannon earlier in the night laid a brutal, unprovoked beating on Celeste Crimson’s best friend, in Aurelia Molotov. A sickening and disgusting act on my view.
Cohen: They were doing what was best for AJ in this match. They were saving them from the interference that Molotov would have caused. A brilliant move!
Copeland: I hardly find it brilliant; I find it disgusting. High Society showed a complete lack of sportsmanship when they did that.
Cohen: Oh for God’s sake. In the wrestling business, sportsmanship takes a backseat to making statements and winning matches. High Society have already made a statement with Sincade and Cannon getting the win tonight over Gus and Cox, and they’re going to do it again as AJ and Aries get the win over Craig and Crimson. What High Society did was smart, plain and simple.
Copeland: If it’s so smart, what would you have said if Craig and Crimson took out Sincade and Cannon? Because I know for sure that they are going to play a part in this matchup here as well.
Cohen: That’s assuming that Craig or Crimson have the strength to beat someone down. An Australian and a woman, not a match for the likes of Sincade and Cannon, who I might add is backed up by Bishop.
Copeland: Don’t remind me. That man is just another person that High Society have in their arsenal. He’s going to cause some damage in his time in WZCW, and it’s how he’s going to do it that I hate.
Cohen: All this talk about High Society and Crimson, we’ve forgotten about the other two in this match: Aries and Aaron Craig! Two guys who beat the living hell out of each other last week.
Copeland: You’re right. These two could provide the key for either AJ or Crimson to get the win. But there’s no doubting these two got off to a great start last week, with Craig getting the win in a hard fought encounter last week. But I just hope that Aries doesn’t lower himself to perform the same actions that High Society have done, but a few moments last week in his match lead me to believe that he may follow in their footsteps.
Cohen: Enough talking, bring this shit on!

Harrys: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall.

(Getting Away with Murder blasts through the arena, as AJ makes his way out on the entranceway, his entry met with a loud chorus of boos from the sold out arena. AJ greets the boos with nothing more than a cocky smirk. He then makes his way towards the ring, ignoring the fans who still boo and taunt him. He enters the ring via the middle rope and throws his hands in the air as the boos continue)

Harrys: Introducing first, from Bakersfield, California. Weighing at 250 pounds ‘The Real Deal’ AJ

(The lights dim and the beginning drum intro of Americana begins. It rocks the arena, as Aries steps out wearing a hood to cover his face, as he lifts it up and looks out at the crowd, shaking his head before walking swiftly down to the ring. He jumps up on the apron and ducks under the ropes and enters the arena. He is greeted with a high five from AJ in the ring, as the partners discuss strategy.)

Harrys: and his partner from Boston Massachusetts, weighing in at 245 pounds, ‘the Zodiac Killer’: Aries.

(Suddenly El Distorto De Melodica hits the speakers and Aaron Craig makes his way out on the entrance way. He raises his arms to the crowd, before making his way to the ring. He stops near the apron, points towards AJ and Aries, then points his thumbs back to himself and mouthing the words ‘The Highlight’ He then slides into the ring)

Harrys: and the opponents. From Adelaide Australia, weighing at 243 pounds, ‘The Highlight’ Aaron Craig.

(The arena is then filled with the sound of Nemesis as Celeste Crimson enters the arena. She has a focused look on her face as she makes her way to the ring. Celeste leaps onto the apron, grabbing the top rope and sling shotting herself to the top. She then does a .shooting star dismount into the ring, landing on her feet. She makes her way straight to her corner and speaks to Craig.)

Harrys: and his partner from Sacramento, California; weighing in 175 pounds, “The Submission Queen” Celeste Crimson!

Crimson and Aries look to start this one out. The two stare each other down as the crowd gears up behind them. They step forward together in the ring and lock up. Aries is overpowering Crimson, as he switches positions into a side headlock. Crimson is quickly out of it as she trips Aries up by the leg and twists it in an awkward position. She tries sitting on it, but Aries makes it to the bottom rope. Crimson gives up the hold quickly, and backs away and lets a perplexed Aries get up. Aries talks a little bit of smack to an unsmiling Crimson, as the two lock up in the centre again. Aries moves towards Crimson and moves to strike her with a right hand, but Crimson ducks out of the way and puts on an armbar on Aries, but Aries counters by flipping her over and putting on a keylock, before driving his knee in hard to her back. He gets up and drops the elbow into her left knee a few times. He grabs her knee and lifts her high into the air and slams her down, hard on that same knee. Crimson cries out a little in pain, as Aries picks up the same knee and goes for a single leg Boston Crab. After a few moments of agonizing pain for Crimson, she manages to turn herself onto her back, and kicks Aries off and into the ropes. She is up quickly as Aries comes back charging at her, only to be met by a drop toe-hold, as Crimson quickly puts on an STI type manoeuvre in the middle of the ring. Aries tries to rip Crimson’s hands away, but Crimson has the hold locked on tight. Out of nowhere, AJ is in to break up the hold by stomping hard on Crimson’s face. The referee gets up and orders a cocky AJ back into his corner, as Crimson gets up in anger and follows AJ. AJ backs up a little as Crimson looks about to strike, before Aries comes behind Crimson and nails a reverse DDT. AJ ducks quickly out of the ring now, as the referee makes the count:

1, 2 but Crimson kicks out of it.

Aries looks angered, as he throws Crimson back down and attempts another pinfall, but only gets one and a half as Crimson powers out again. Aries lifts Crimson’s head up and lands in a few punches, before heading to the ropes and charging back, only to be met by a stiff kick to the ribs by Crimson from the ground. She does the same again, before kicking out the right leg of Aries and sending him down face-first.

Copeland: No one is yet to get the upper hand in this one Force, as both Aries and Crimson have been looking to apply some submissions, but haven’t been able to truly dominate their opponent for a lengthy period of time.
Cohen: But I like the teamwork of AJ and Aries. It’s been effective so far, but I’ll give Crimson credit, she does fight out of a tough spot.

Crimson looks down at Aries, before quickly grabbing his arm and putting on an Octopus Hold Armbar. Aries writhes in pain, trying to escape. He is inching towards the bottom rope, and manages to get there just when it seems he might tap out. He breathes heavily in the corner as Crimson looks a little frustrated. She moves towards Aries and goes to grab his leg, before Aries takes her by the hair and throws her over the second rope and out to the floor with a thud. AJ taunts out to the crowd as they drown him with boos, before he jumps off the apron and heads towards Crimson. The referee orders him to stay away as AJ distracts him for a few moments. Aries seizes the opportunity and gets up to hit a baseball slide on Celeste as she is trying to get up. Aries gets up and taps his head, before Craig comes from behind and hits a German Suplex on Aries. AJ runs in with a clothesline attempt, but Craig ducks, and AJ turns around and Craig gets AJ ready for the Pinnacle Drop (Rock Bottom.) As Craig lifts him up, AJ squirms out of it and hits a neckbreaker on Craig. The referee orders AJ out of the ring as he raises his hands innocently. The referee slides Craig back into his corner, as Celeste Crimson slowly climbs up and back into the ring. Aries meets her with clubbing blows to her back, as he begins stomping away at her. He lifts her up and sends her to the ropes and back into a Belly-to-belly Piledriver! Aries goes for a cover as Crimson looks a little out of it after that dangerous manoeuvre.

1, 2 but Crimson barely gets a shoulder up.

A little frustrated, Aries drags Crimson by the hair over to his corner, as AJ tags in. Aries lifts Crimson up and places his arms around her stomach. He moves into the middle of the ring as AJ follows. AJ hits a spinning heel kick to the face of Crimson, as Aries uses that momentum to hit her with a German Suplex. Aries high-fives AJ as he makes his way out of the ring, as AJ makes the cover but only gets a 2. AJ grabs Crimson by the hair and locks on a Rear Naked Choke. Crimson tries to fight out of it but AJ has it locked in hard. Just when it seems that Crimson might fade out, she takes AJ’s head in her hands and flips him over her and puts on a Rear Naked Choke of her own to AJ. AJ tries to squirm out of it in a shocked state, but Crimson holds it in tight. Suddenly, Crimson gets up and puts in a few stiff kicks to the back of AJ, as she lifts him up and sends him to the ropes and back into an armdrag. She does the same again, and on the third time, she sends AJ to the ropes and as he comes back, she attempts a jumping enzuigiri, but in an amazing move, AJ catches both legs before she can hit the back of his head, and plants Crimson down with an electric chair drop! He quickly goes in for the cover:

1, 2…but Crimson kicks out of it.

AJ bashes his fists into the mat, as he gets up and backs the referee into a corner. He orders him to step away, as AJ eventually does. He turns around to see Crimson inching her way towards a desperate Craig in the corner. He takes her legs and pulls her back into the middle of the ring. Following this, he puts on a Texas Cloverleaf on Crimson. Crimson cries out in pain as Craig tries to fire up the crowd. They are willing Crimson on, as she desperately tries to make it to Craig. She is inching ever closer to the outstretched arm of Craig, before AJ lets go and stomps on her hand as she reaches out. AJ lifts her up and sends her into the buckles opposite Craig. He tries to run at her, but she raises an elbow to AJ, sending him back, gripping his face. She seizes this opportunity, and tries to run towards Craig, but she is met with a HUGE big boot while running from AJ! AJ looks a little cocky as he lifts Crimson up again and tosses her into the corner. He hits some shoulders into her gut, before placing her onto the top turnbuckle. AJ climbs up with her, and places her in a superplex position. Before AJ can leap off with the deadly move, Crimson elbows him in the ribs and lands a painful forearm to the temple of AJ, sending him down from the turnbuckles and to the mat. Crimson awaits as AJ slowly gets to his feet, and hits a corkscrew dropkick square on the chest of AJ. Using the momentum, she slides towards Craig and tags him in!

Craig immediately runs towards AJ and hits a one handed bulldog as he is getting to his knees. He follows that up by instantly charging to the ropes and back in a high knee lift to the face of AJ. He lifts him up and hits a German suplex, and follows that up with a huge belly to belly suplex that sends AJ high in the air and crashing into the turnbuckles. Craig drags him out to the middle of the ring and climbs the turnbuckle. He attempts a huge moonsault, but AJ rolls out of the way. Craig fortunately lands on his feet, and ducks a clothesline attempt from AJ and hits a neckbreaker drop! Craig goes for the cover:

1, 2 but AJ gets a shoulder up to a groan from the crowd.

Craig looks a little frustrated, as he lifts AJ up again, only to have AJ hit a thud to the eye that sends Craig stumbling back. Aries lands a cheap shot in from his corner to the back of Craig’s head. Craig wobbles his way back into AJ, who hits a nice spinebuster in the middle of the ring. AJ attempts a slow cover, but doesn’t hook the leg and only gets a 2. Again, AJ comes up frustrated, as he drags Craig towards the ropes and wraps the right shoulder of Craig around the bottom rope. He begins standing on it while holding the ropes, as Craig cries out in pain. The referee starts a 5 count, which is broken up by AJ at the last second. The referee admonishes AJ for his actions, and while the referee’s back is turned, Aries jumps down to the mats on the outside, and smashes the shoulder of Craig hard into the edge of the ring. The crowd boo him, but he takes no notice as he moves back into his corner. AJ moves the referee aside and tags Aries back in. Aries immediately goes to work again on the shoulder of Craig, stomping and kneeing away at it. He lifts Craig up and hits some chops to the chest of the Highlight, before landing in a few MMA-style punches to the face of Craig. Craig drops to one knee as Aries charges to the ropes and back with a roundhouse kick that levels Craig down to the mats. Craig clutches his face in agony, as Aries shows no mercy as he puts himself on top of Craig and begins hammering away with rights and lefts to the face. He goes to lift Craig up by the head, before Craig hits a sit-down jawbreaker on Aries. Craig falls down in pain, again gripping that right shoulder.

Copeland: AJ and Aries have really done some damage to that shoulder of Craig, I don’t know how much more he can take in this match.
Cohen: It’s well documented that Craig’s shoulder is prone to injury, and AJ and Aries are playing it smart here by targeting it.

Craig finally manages to get up as Aries gets up on one knee. Craig charges at Aries and hits a kick to the gut, followed by a floatover DDT. Craig just misses landing in the corner of AJ, but as he gets up with his back turned, AJ hits a neckbreaker over the top rope to Craig. Craig stumbles back into a small package from Aries. The referee swiftly begins counting.

1, 2 but Crimson rushes in and breaks up the count with a kick to the back of Aries. AJ tries for a swing at Crimson, but Crimson ducks and hits a Backflip kick that sends AJ to the mats below. Crimson climbs the top turnbuckle and leaps off into a moonsault on AJ on the outside! Crimson seems to shrug off the pain as she gets up and looks out at a roaring crowd. She kicks AJ in the ribs, before moving back to her corner. Aries is out looking at what happened, and goes to take a swing at Crimson from in the ring, but misses, as Craig dropkicks Aries in the behind, causing Aries to fall to the mats below. Craig limps over to the ropes, and as Aries gets up, he launches off in a moonsault of his own. Crimson and Craig high-five each other, as Craig looks out at a roaring crowd. He rolls back in the ring as the referee starts a 10 count.

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6!

AJ slowly gets to his feet and helps Aries up. They see Craig coming at them, as he attempts a baseball slide, but they grab his legs and drag him out, before hitting a double flapjack on the mats below. AJ spots Crimson running over and lays her out with a lariat to the mat. He picks her up and tosses her back first into the barricade, before charging at her with a knee to the temple. Aries meanwhile, grabs Craig up and slams him back first into the edge of the ring. He slams his head into the apron, before grinding his elbow into the back of his head. Aries steps back and looks at the steps and back at Craig, before attempting an Irish whip into the steel steps. Craig counters however, into an Irish whip of his own, that sends Aries back-first into the side of the steel steps, making a sound like a gunshot. Craig turns around to see AJ charging at him, but he counters into a hip toss, sending AJ back-first on top of the steps. The crowd feel AJ’s pain as he screams out in agony. Craig holds his own back as he moves towards Crimson to help her up. He leads her back into her corner, before she shrugs him off a little. Craig rolls into the ring as the referee finally comes to his senses and begins a 10 count.

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! Aries uses the steps to help himself up, before rolling into the ring. Crimson looks fired up in her corner, as Craig looks down at Aries, before tagging in Crimson. Crimson climbs under the ropes and into the ring and stares down Aries with absolute hatred. She drags him into the middle of the ring and locks on the Dark Inferno! This Reverse Crucifix Neck Crank is really being held on tight. Aries is barely even fighting to get out of it. Crimson stares down coldly at AJ as she continues to pull the hold even tighter. Aries looks about to tap out, as AJ slowly starts to gather himself and makes it back to his feet. He stumbles around groggily, before climbing on the ring apron. Crimson sees this, and rushes at AJ and suplexes him back into the ring. Crimson walks back a bit, before Aries gets her ready for a head-and-arm suplex. Aries lifts Crimson into the air but she wriggles out of it and goes behind Aries and attempts a German Suplex, but Aries counters in the same fashion by wriggling out while in the air. Out of nowhere, AJ hits a clothesline as Aries hits a chopblock, knocking Crimson down in a high-low manoeuvre. Out of nowhere, Craig leaps off the top turnbuckle and into a flying spear that sends AJ down. Craig gets up as Aries goes for a superkick, but Craig ducks and hits a fisherman’s DDT on Aries. Craig moves over and drags Crimson in to the cover, as the referee moves Craig out of the ring. He begins counting Crimson’s pin on Aries, before AJ breaks up the count. AJ drags Aries over to his corner and tags himself in.

Copeland: This match is getting way out of control, the referee needs to restore some order here.
Cohen: He’s not doing his job. Hell, I could do it better.

The referee shoves Aries out of the ring, as AJ charges towards Crimson, but Crimson catches him with a triangle choke! She locks it in from her position, but AJ quickly powers out of it by lifting her up off the ground. Crimson lets go of the hold and falls to her knees, as AJ attempts a right hand. Crimson stops the shot by taking hold of AJ’s arm, as she decks him with an enzuigiri. She looks down at AJ before she makes the tag to Craig, who comes in and drops an elbow to the back of AJ’s head. He decks AJ in the back of the head, and puts his knee down hard on the back of his leg. Craig looks out at the crowd, before locking in a Koji Clutch! AJ cries out in pain as the crowd cheers for the move. Aries looks about to come into the ring, but Crimson meets him before he can reach Craig, and hits an exploder suplex on Aries. She picks him up and tosses him to the ropes, but charges right after him with a Tiger Mask Back Handspring that knocks them both out of the ring and to the mats below. AJ has nowhere to go in the hold, as Craig doesn’t stop the pressure, and looks about to tap out, before the crowd issue in a resounding boo as Sincade and Ace Cannon make their way down the ramp.

Copeland: Oh for God’s sake! Why the hell are High Society out here! I knew they would come out sooner or later, I knew it! Come on Craig! Make Aries tap out before they can do anything!
Cohen: They haven’t done anything yet! Get off their case. They’re just there to watch over this match.

Craig suddenly lets go of the hold and stares out at Sincade and Ace Cannon. The referee turns and orders the two men to head up the ramp and to the back. Out of nowhere, Bishop comes from the crowd and into the ring, and turns Craig around and hits the Club Banger! (Chokeslam). He picks Craig up again, and tosses him back into a schoolboy rollup. Bishop ducks out of the ring and joins Sincade and Cannon, laughing as they head up the ramp. The referee turns around and sees the pin, and begins counting:

1! 2! But Craig somehow finds a way to reverse the rollup and manages to get himself into a pinning position on AJ!

1! 2! 3!

Harrys: Here are your winners, by pinfall: Celeste Crimson, and ‘the Highlight’ Aaron Craig!

Copeland: Oh my God! How in the hell did Craig just do that!? He was hit with the Club Banger by that damn Bishop, and was rolled up by AJ, but reversed it into a pin of his own and got the win! What a match!
Cohen: Craig had the tights! That’s illegal!
Copeland: He did nothing of the sort! Are you not calling the Bishop interference illegal? Man oh man did that move from High Society backfire on them!

AJ looks shocked in the ring as High Society stop laughing. Crimson rolls into the ring to check on a seemingly unconscious Craig, before standing up and meeting AJ face-to-face. AJ mouths off towards her, and just before the two look like throwing hands, Sincade and Ace Cannon run into the ring and beat down Crimson from behind. AJ, Sincade and Cannon all start stomping on Crimson, as Aries rolls in the ring as well. Aries joins in, before he is met with a lariat from Craig. The two roll out of the ring together and begin brawling on the outside, throwing rights and lefts. They head up the ramp, still brawling, as they both try and take each other down. Suddenly, Bishop smashes Craig in the back of his head with his fist. Aries starts stomping on Craig, before a huge cheer is brought up as Aurelia Molotov, bandaged and limping, makes her way out to the arena with a chair in hand. She comes behind Bishop and nails him with a chairshot to the back of the head that sends him to his knees. She swings at Aries, but Aries ducks, only to be tackled by Craig, as they continue to brawl, and go all the way to the back. Molotov then brings the chair down again on Bishop, before moving over to the ring. High Society continues their beatdown of Crimson, before Molotov rolls in the ring. They turn around just before she can connect with the chair, as they all roll out of the ring. Molotov looks in anger out at all of them, before she throws the chair down and moves to check on a now bleeding Crimson. Sincade and Cannon high-five as AJ looks on up at Molotov, pointing to her, before they all raise their hands together. They move to check on Bishop, and help him up as they back right up to the edge of the ramp.

Copeland: And Molotov saves the day for Crimson and good on her. I haven’t seen this kind of bravery in years Force.
Cohen: Yeah, but Crimson, Craig and Molotov may have won the battle, but this war is far from over, and if this is our first taste, then I can't wait for the second instalment.
----Commercial break----

Copeland: Well, folks, it’s time for some tag team action!
Cohen: And I can assure you Copeland here doesn’t mean what he likes to do at his house on weekends.
Copeland: … Anyway, up next is Sex & Violence vs. Joe T and Titus! And it should be a slobberknocker!
Cohen: That’s right, Sebastian. It should be a great match. But if you ask me Brian Michaels and Downward Spiral should be shoe-ins for this one.
Copeland: What makes you say that, Jack? From what it looks like to me Joe T and Titus are two fast rising young stars that should be a handful for Sex & Violence to handle here tonight.
Cohen: I didn’t tell you this, but apparently Joe T ain’t the happiest of guys backstage right now. In fact, I heard he quit a couple of nights ago, but Chuck Myles is forcing him to participate in tonight’s tag match. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t all there tonight. As for Titus, well problems with one’s tag team partner translate into problems for yourself, in every sense of the word! Take it from someone with experience!
Copeland: You have experience, Jack?
Cohen: Shut up Copeland. Let’s get to this match, huh?

(Suddenly, a dim blue light takes over the arena as the roar of a bear, followed by the cry of an eagle scream over the arena. “Animals” by Nickelback hits and the lights flicker between the existent blue haze and a bright red light. Out of the back, Koala Typhoon and Windy Bridges, “Northern Lights” appear for the first time in a WZCW Arena!)

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, on guest commentary tonight, WZCW’s newest tag team, Koala Typhoon! Windy Bridges! NORTHERN LIGHTS!

Copeland: Hey look, Jack! It’s our broadcast partners for the next match, the new tag team of Northern Lights!!!
Cohen: *sarcastically* Woo-hoo. I get to sit next to two Canadians for the next twenty minutes.

(Koala and Windy wave to the crowd before jog down to the ring, slapping hands with fans on their way down. Once they just about hit the ring, Koala takes a left, and Windy takes a right, slapping hands with fans on their way around the ring, meeting on the other side. They slap hands themselves, wave to the fans again to a decent pop before taking two prepared seats next to Copeland and Cohen. Both put on their headsets.)

Copeland: Welcome, Koala, Windy!
Windy: Yeah! This place is jumpin’ tonight! I for one can’t wait to see some tag team action!
Cohen: Why? You don’t get tag team matches in Canada?
Koala: Very funny, buddy. I like you already! Why don’t you join us at the bar for a couple of drinks after the show?
Cohen: Only if Sebastian isn’t there.

(The arena dims as red and black spotlights stream the arena. “Remedy” by Seether hits the arena, and Sex and Violence: Brian Michaels and Downward Spiral make their way out to the ramp with their heads down. They soak in the crowd and kneel at opposite ends of the entrance ramp, before jumping up into an Orton-Esque pose. They join each other at the top of the ramp, looking out to the crowd in a smug look, as the crowd gives them a mild round of boos.)

Harrys: Making their way to the ring, weighing in at a combined weight of 465 pounds, Brian Michaels and Downward Spiral: Sex and Violence!

(Sex and Violence nod arrogantly at each other in time to the music, as they head down to the ring, talking back to the fans who are giving them some unpleasant words. They both jump up on either side of the ring apron, and duck under the top rope simultaneously, before climbing opposite turnbuckles and Spiral holds his hands in a devil-horns fashion, and Ace in a Wolfhead, as the camera swerves around them. They jump down and turn their attention to Northern Lights sitting at the commentary booth, point at them and utter some inaudible words.)

Copeland: Well it looks like Sex & Violence already have some choice words for you two tonight!
Cohen: Yeah, what did you guys do, spit in their coffee or something?
Windy: [/b] What? We’d never spit in someone’s beverage! Heck, I don’t know, we barely got a hello in backstage and they didn’t seem too pleased with us being down here tonight, I don’t know why.
Cohen: It’s because you’re stepping on their turf smart guy.
Koala: They want to be broadcast journalists? I think it should be the two who should be worried, Sebastian, jack, not us!

(Yellow searchlights like the 20th fox come on and as “Radio Star” starts, Titus comes out holding an Oscar. He stops at the top of the ramp, looks back at the curtain and the music switches to the instrumentals from “The Test” By Fozzy. "The Paramount" Joe T appears through the curtain, meets Titus, high fives him and they walk down to the ring together, slapping hands with a couple of fans on their way down.)

Harrys: And their opponenst: Weighing in at a combined weight of 440 pounds, “The Paramount” Joe T, and Titus !

(Titus and T stop at the bottom of the ramp and look at Sex and Violence with a look of concern on their face. Michaels and Spiral look back at them with nothing but intensity. T and Titus slide into the ring, but before they can get up, S&V run up to them and begin stomping them in the back. The referee has no choice but to ring the bell as this one begins!)

Match 5: Sex & Violence vs. Joe T and Titus

Referee Paul Butler pries Michaels and Spiral off of T and Titus and forces Michaels to his corner. Michaels exits the ring and grabs the tag rope. On the other side of the ring, T and Titus struggle to get to their feet, but they do, and T exits the ring himself, grabbing his team’s tag rope.

Copeland: It looks like we’re going to start this match off with Titus and Downward Spiral!
Cohen: No duh, Shirlock.
Koala: This one already looks like it’s going to be a classic, I can’t wait!
Cohen: Yeah, and I can’t wait for it to be over so you two can go back to the locker room!

The referee, making sure both tag team partners are now in their respective corners, motions for Titus and Spiral to go at it, and they do. They lock up in the middle of the ring, and Titus gets the advantage, pushing Spiral to an unoccupied turnbuckle. The referee yells for Titus to release the grapple, and he does, but spiral is quick to cheap shot him with a fist right between the eyes before slithering out of the corner, to the middle of the ring, to a chorus of boos from the fans. Titus turns around and rushes for Spiral and attempts to strike him, but Sprial moves out of the way again, ends up behind Titus and slaps him on the back of the head and laughs, to another chorus of boos.

Windy: Being cocky’s going to bite this guy in the ass sometime, and I don’t think he realizes it.
Cohen: It’s called mind games Windy, and he’s doing a great job of playing them with Titus right now.

Titus shakes off the embarrassment he just received and turns around towards Spiral again. They lock up for a second time, but this time Spiral gains the advantage and places Titus in a side headlock. After a few seconds in the hold, Titus pushes Spiral into the ropes, bouncing him off of them and to the other side of the ring. Spiral bounces off the adjacent ropes and runs back at Titus, and before Titus can do anything, Spiral hits a lariat, sending Titus to the mat. Spiral springs up and taunts Titus before heading to his corner for a rest. Titus slams his fists on the mat in frustration before getting up and heading to his corner to tag in Joe T. T steps into the ring as the fans cheer him on. Spiral, in turn, yawns, and tags in Brian Michaels. Michaels steps into the ring and converged towards T. These two now lock up, but Michaels pushes T away and kicks him in the mid section. T clutches his stomach in pain and bends over, only to have Michaels put him in a front facelock, hook his arm over his neck and hit a snap suplex. Michaels springs up and taunts the crowd and Titus in his corner. Titus tries to enter the ring, frustrated, but Butler stops him from doing so.

Copeland: He sure is cocky, but damnit, he’s just that good.
Cohen: Him and Spiral both!
Koala: I’ll tell you guys, Windy and I can’t wait to get into the ring with those two!
Windy: Now THAT would be a great match.
Cohen: Are you telling me you have the intention to challenge Sex & Violence to a match?
Koala: Well they’re the best tag team around these parts right now, but they haven’t seen us wrestle yet Jack.
Windy: That’s right, we’re not saying that we’re challenging anyone just yet though. Well let Chuck Myles decide what he wants to do with us! Just saying that would be one hell of a match.

Michaels has walked over to his corner, resting on the turnbuckle, chatting with Spiral, as T slowly gets up, clutching his back. But before he can get up to a full standing position, Michaels runs towards him and hits a flying forearm. He gets up quickly and jumps to the top rope under which Spiral is standing. As T lies on the mat and Michaels prepares to jump, Spiral slaps him on the back, signifying a tag in. Michaels launches himself off the top rope and hits a diving elbow drop.

Copeland: Wow! What a high impact move!
Windy: That must’ve hurt!

Michaels gets up and Referee Butler tries to get him to his corner. As he attempts this, Spiral leaps into the ring and hits a legdrop on T and covers him for the pin. The referee has finished placing Michaels back outside the ring and quickly drops to his knees for the count…..1……2…… T kicks out with a little time to spare. Spiral looks at the ref and rolls his eyes. T begins to stir as Spiral picks him up by the neck. They get to their feet and Spiral hits a European uppercut to the side of T’s head before whipping him across the ring. As T comes back towards Spiral, Spiral bends his head down, as if preparing for a back body drop. T connects with Spiral and spiral lifts his head, sending T over him and flipping him over. However, T somehow lands on his feet, quickly turns around, applies a waistlock to Spiral, rushes him towards the ropes, bounces off with Spiral locked, falls to his back, flips backwards and rolls up Spiral in a victory roll for the pin…..1…. quick kick out escape from Downward Spiral!

Copeland: What a tremendous display of athleticism from the Paramount Joe T!
Koala: Let me tell you from experience, that’s VERY impressive for a man of his size.
Cohen: Well he can be athletic as he wants folks, but that isn’t going to be enough to put away Downward Spiral.
Windy: Nor Brian Michaels for that matter. From what I see, all four of these guys have skill, and I can’t wait to wrestle either of them!

Spiral rushes to his feet as T struggles a little, still groggy from earlier in the match. Spiral rushes towards T and hits a high impact Spinning Heel Kick, sending T to the mat once again and out of the ring to the floor outside! He slams his fists on the ground and struggles to his feet as the referee begins the 10 count. 1…. Titus drops to the outside of the ring to check on T. 2…. He checks on T, but, all of a sudden, T pushes Titus away! 3…. Titus looks on, confused, as T, holding his heads, begins making his way up the ramp!

Copeland: Is Joe T leaving the match and abandoning his partner!?!
Koala: That no good SOB! What kind of a competitor is he supposed to be??

Titus scratches his head. Spiral and Michaels stand in their corner, looking a little confused, but pleased at the same time. Titus realizes there’s still a match going on. He calls to T but he ignores him. Titus rolls into the ring. Titus walks over to referee Butler and has a little chat with him. Butler nods before walking over to S&V’s corner and uttering something to them. They smile before Spiral tags in Michaels and exits the ring. The ref motions for the competitors to continue the match.

Copeland: Oh my god! It looks like this match will continue! And with T gone to the back, this is now a handicap match! Can Titus survive now that his tag team partner has abandoned him and left the arena halfway through the match? We’ll find out after this!

----Commercial break----

We come back from the commercial and Michaels has Titus in a headlock, with Titus lying on the match.

Copeland: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! In a shocking development in this match, Joe T has walked out on his partner, Titus, and this match is now a handicap match!

Cut to a replay from before the break of Joe T walking out, and Titus continuing the match with S&V, only to be on the receiving end of a German suplex from Michaels shortly after. He’s been in the headlock ever since.

Windy: It ain’t right! What the hell is Joe T thnking!?
Koala: I thought he was better than that.
Cohen: I told you guys, Joe T was a no good slime ball and a loser. And it looks like he managed to take Titus down with him.
Copeland: Now we don’t know that Force! Titus is a talented individual, he might still have something left in him to win this match.
Cohen: Well he hasn’t had enough in him to break out of that headlock since we went to break.
Koala: Maybe you spoke too soon Jack!

Just as Cohen utters those words, Titus’s leg begins to twitch. He starts to stir and the crowd begins to get behind him, cheering. Titus begins stomping his leg on the mat and the crowd stomps and claps in unison to the beat. It seems to bring energy to Titus, who begins to move, slowly, still in the headlock. He gets to his feet, stomps his leg a little more as Michaels looks at the crowd with angst. Titus launches Michaels into the ropes, and hits a flying clothesline on him on his way back! Both opponents fall to the mat. Michaels twitches, but stirs and rolls over, before attempting to get to his feet. Titus begins to crawl towards his corner.

Windy: What are you doing Titus! There’s no one there!
Copeland: I don’t think it’s quite set in that his tag team partner and friend just walked out on him!

Titus realizes there’s no one there and quickly rushes to his feet. By now, Michaels has tagged in Downward Spiral, who begins stalking Titus. He rushes towards him, but Titus lowers his head at the last second and back body drops Spiral out of the ring!! Michaels comes into the ring out of his corner only to be met with a SPEAR from Titus. Titus jumps up as Michaels rolls out of the ring and the crowd roars!

Copeland: Somehow, Titus has managed to stay in this! By God how is he doing this!
Windy: He’s a competitor Seb! He has the heart of a lion and it shows!
Koala: Titus is something else, I wouldn’t be surprised if he wins this whole thing! Sex & Violence is good, but what Titus just did is something special!

By now, Spiral has gotten to his feet and has heard what Koala Typhoon just said. He walks over to the commentary booth and looks him right in the eyes.

Spiral: What did you say punk? What did you say? Titus doesn’t stand a chance! Sex & Violence is the best and meanest tag team around these parts, you know that! And if I EVER hear you make a comment like that again, you’ll live to regret it!!

Koala stands up, takes off his headset and looks Spiral right in the eyes. Before he can make a motion, Windy stands up as well and holds him back.

Windy: Come on, Koala, relax, he’s just trying to get into your head. Hey, Spiral, why don’t you focus on your opponent, huh? Last I checked he just dropped your ass and your partner’s ass right out of the ring!!

Spiral leans over the table and grabs Windy by the collar. But before he can do anything, Titus appears behind him and clubs him in the back and drives Spiral’s face into the announcer’s booth! Spiral elbows him in the face and Titus flies back, reaching the apron. Spiral lifts his head to show that he’s bleeding from the lip! He touches the blood with his finger, looks at it, and, with a look of rage in his eyes, points at both Northern Lights members before turning his attention back to Titus. Titus jabs him on the side of the head and Spiral takes two steps back, but before Titus can move, Michaels ambushes Titus and throws him back into the ring after a couple right hands. Michaels slides in after Titus and Spiral soon follows. They double team him, kicking and punching him several times, before whipping him simultaneously across the ring and hitting him with a double clothesline, as the referee SCREAMS for some order in the ring. But before he can get it, Sex & Violence hits their tag team finisher, DEAD SEXY, dropping Titus to the mat. Michaels finally leaves the ring as Spiral drapes himself over Titus for the pin….1…..2…..3!!!!

Harrys: Here are your winners…… Brian Michaels…… Downward Spiral….. SEX! AND! VIOLENCE!!!!

Copeland: Titus put up a valiant effort, but the numbers game overcame him, and we have a winner to this tag team match!
Cohen: Please, Titus was doomed from the beginning, whether Joe T walked out of this match or not. Sex & Violence were superior in every way!
Koala: I don’t know about that Jack. These Sex & Violence idiots were lucky Joe T wasn’t around, or I can assure you the match wouldn’t have finished that way.
Cohen: You know, Koala, I respect your opinion but maybe you should stick to your own business and not interfere in other people’s matches next time.
Windy: We didn’t interfere in anything!
Cohen: Then how do you explain the blood coming from Spiral’s mouth and staining this announce booth!?

In the ring, “Away” by Mercy Drive has begun to play as Spiral and Michaels meet in the middle of the ring and high five. But they have frowns on their faces, as Spiral checks the blood that has already began to coagulate on his face. He sharply turns his attention to the announce booth. He and Michaels slide out of the ring. Before Windy or Koala can respond to Cohen’s last comment, they take off their headsets and step away from the announce booth. They meet Sex & Violence in halfway and stare them down. Michaels and Spiral simultaneously push Windy and Koala. Windy and Koala each take two steps back, but look at each other and rush towards Sex & Violence and begin pummeling them! Sex & Violence fight back, push Northern Lights away and both slide into the ring. Northern Lights follows suit and Windy and Koala both jump Michaels and Spiral as the crowd roars!

Copeland: Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Someone get some officials down here immediately These two teams are going at it inside the ring!
Cohen: Let them go at it Sebastian! Those idiots Windy and Koala have had this coming ever since they put those headsets on!

Northern Lights and Sex & Violence continue to fight in the ring as referees and backstage officials rush down to the ring rush down and separate both teams, isolating each one in opposite corners. Just as things seem to have calmed down, Koala breaks free of the officials restraining him and avalanches Michaels and Spiral through the officials restraining them! He begins to pummel them and Windy Bridges soon follows suit. As referees and officials try to separate them again, Sex & Violence rolls out of the ring, clutching their heads and pointing at Northern Lights with a look of scorn. “Animals” by Nickelback hits over the arena as Northern Lights stare back at them angrily.

Copeland: These two teams have only met tonight and they’re already at each others throats!
Cohen: I can’t wait to see these two teams wrestle somewhere down the line! Michaels and Spiral need to teach these two young kids some respect!
Copeland: Meltdown just gets more explosive every minute! When we come back from commercial break, our main event, DC vs. Strife! Stay tuned as we try to get things settled down here at ringside!!!

----Commercial break----
Copeland: And it’s now time for our main event ‘Force!
Cohen: What a way to cap off what’s been an absolutely awesome show! DC vs Strife!
Copeland: These two guys are looking for the win heading into the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament next week, but one thing comes to mind with this match: David vs Goliath.
Cohen: You got that right. It’s the 200 pound DC going against the 7-foot, 340 pound Strife. Not even all the high flying in the world can save DC here.
Copeland: We all saw last week that DC has the ability to take on Strife. I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw an upset here, that’s just the way WZCW is! You never know what’s around the corner!
Cohen: Don’t kid yourself Cope’. Strife barely got knocked off his feet, and that was in a tag match where DC could only manage offence with Titus and Joe T. This is a different game. This is one on one and DC is going down. This will be the destruction of DC, mark my words. He won’t even make it to the Pinnacle Pursuit next week.
Copeland: I wouldn’t put it past Strife to try and intentionally take out someone from this competition. He’s a monster, no doubt about it, and I hardly think that the Lord condones violence, but that’s exactly what he’s about.
Cohen: Well this is our main event and it’s going to be a match worth watching. Viewer discretion should be advised, because DC will get mangled and bloody at the hands of Strife!
Copeland: And hold on a moment, I’ve just received word from Chuck Myles backstage that DC has claimed that if he loses this match, he’s leaving WZCW!
Cohen: What a pathetic, whining little girl! It sickens me that someone would in the wrestling business would act like such a drama Queen. For God’s sake! He knows he’s going to lose and never wants to get back in the ring again, and this is his excuse for leaving?
Copeland: These certainly are shocking revelations, and how will these play out in the match? Surely DC would be doing everything he can to get the win, but I think he’s just readying himself up and adding that extra bit of fight in this match for himself.
Cohen: Am I the only one that sees right through this? Come on!

An Air Raid Siren rings throughout the arena. It cycles through twice before the arena turns into pitch black. A single white light shines upon the entrance ramp to reveal a figure in dark brown robes and a shiny Iron Mask standing on stage. The figure then makes a symbol of a cross with his right hand, (Roman-Catholic Blessing), and proceeds to walk slowly to the ring, followed by his manager, Dr. Creed. A slow and deliberate pace is walked before Strife finally makes his way to the ring. He slowly makes his way to the Steps as he climbs, and proceeds to step over the top rope.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, weighing in at 340 pounds, from Parts Unknown, ‘the Demon’ Strife!

Creed follows shortly thereafter, climbing through the middle rope. Strife stands like a statue in the corner, as Creed moves to the middle of the ring, a second spotlight shining upon him. Creed makes his way to the corner, and begins to disrobe Strife, all the while Strife stands motionless. Once the robe is taken off, Creed stands in front of the Monster and makes a motion with his head. At this point, Strife reaches up and unlatches the Iron Mask with his left hand in the back. His right hand lowers the Iron Mask to reveal the Executioner’s Hood underneath. Strife then places his mask onto the folded up Robe that Creed carries. Creed exit’s the ring as Strife stands motionless in the corner, waiting with intensity for DC to come out.

“Name of the Game" by The Crystal Method hits. D.C makes his way out with focus, staring a hole into Strife. He moves to the top of the ramp, and stares out at the crowd before looking again with focus to Strife, with ferocity and intensity in his eye. He starts moving slowly down the ramp before stopping just short of the ring. Strife remains motionless as DC begins warming up on the outside, jumping up and down, and looking limber.

Harrys: And his opponent: from Santa Ana, California, weighing in at 200 pounds, DC!

Main Event: DC vs Strife​

DC stares out at a roaring crowd, before rushing into the ring and ducking under the legs of Strife. He hits some blows to the gigantic back of Strife, which do nothing. He runs to the ropes and back and aims a dropkick at the back of Strife, sending Strife forward a few feet. DC looks out in bewilderment, before running up the top rope. He attempts a quick Santa Ana Winds, but Strife catches him mid-air and flings him onto his shoulder. He charges forward and hits a running powerslam. He drops to his knees and raises his hands up to the sky as the crowd shower him with boos. Creed claps him on. Strife rips DC over to him, and starts choking him with one hand. Referee Jim Coleman starts a 5 count, as Strife rips his hand off at 4 and chases the referee and backs him into the corner. Strife breathes heavily in the face of the referee, as Dr Creed drags DC’s head over to the side of the ring and begins elbowing him in the throat. He backs away and hits a knee to the gut and turns around looking confident as he raises his hands to the crowd. The referee sees none of this as Strife turns around and looks between Creed and a writhing DC, before dragging DC to the centre of the ring and placing a huge arm over the chest of him. The referee is forced to begin counting.

1! 2! … but DC kicks out! Strife is furious as he begins bashing his hands into the mat. Creed jumps up angrily on the apron and is yelling at the referee and pointing his finger at him. The referee moves over and begins arguing with Creed and telling him to get down. Creed doesn’t move, and with the referee’s back turned, Strife picks up DC by the throat with one arm, ripping him in to the air. He places his other hand on his throat as well, and lifts him up to the sky, readying for a double-handed chokeslam!

Out of nowhere, the same guitar rythym hits the speakers as Chuck Myles walks out to the ramp with a microphone in hand. Strife looks in anger and puzzlement towards Myles, as the referee turns around as well.

Myles: I’ve had enough of this crap! Yeah that’s right God-boy, I said crap, and I could say a few more words about you as well. Now, I’m not having another match ruined by outside interference. Creed, you are banned from ringside in this match! If you come back out, I give the referee full orders to disqualify Strife, and I will personally pull him out of the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament and suspend him indefinitely! Deal with that, and get your ass to the back!

(The crowd makes a deafening cheer, as they start up a ‘Hey Hey Hey! Goodbye! Chant towards a bewildered Creed. That soon changes to anger, as Creed reluctantly jumps down from the apron. He smashes the steel steps with his fists, as he looks in fury towards a smirking Myles, who heads to the back again. Strife is beside himself in the ring, as he tosses DC aside and starts growling and frothing at the mouth towards Myles. Creed does not look happy as he heads out behind the curtain. Out of nowhere in the ring, DC is able to get a rollup on Strife! The referee gets to a 2 before Strife throws DC off. DC charges at Strife, who is getting up quickly, but is hit with an angry short arm clothesline. Strife picks DC up and gets him into a Gorilla Press position, and throws him off into a flapjack. Strife starts stomping on DC, and tearing his head around. He has snapped as he lays right hand after right hand into the head of DC. He places his fingers all over DC’s face, trying to disfigure him, as the referee tries to restrain him but to no avail. A 5 count is started, which is broken at 3 by Strife, who stands up and looks around, before making a spine-chilling cry. He picks DC up and runs to the ropes and back into a big boot attempt, but DC ducks under it and hits a hard kick to the back of Strife’s head. Strife is on his knees, holding his head. DC runs to the ropes and back into a floatover DDT that sends Strife’s head into the mat with a thud. DC is on all fours as he slowly moves over to Strife. He struggles to roll him over, but does and places an arm over the huge chest of Strife, but barely gets a 1 count as Strife rolls a shoulder up. DC uses the ropes for assistance as he gets up, and looks between Strife, getting up, and the turnbuckles. DC quickly moves towards them and ascends the top turnbuckle, but Strife comes charging at him. Thinking quickly, DC jumps down from the turnbuckles and to the ring apron, as Strife charges sternum-first into the top turnbuckle. DC hits a blow to the back of Strife that doesn’t faze him, as Strife levels DC with a hit to the head, but it doesn’t knock DC off the apron. Strife charges DC with a massive big boot that rattles the brains of DC and sends him flying off the apron and thudding into the announcer’s table.

DC is rolling around, gripping his back, as Strife pulls himself over the top rope and jumps down to the floor below. He grabs DC by the hair and rips him up, before tossing him with anger into the steel steps. Strife moves over and starts beating the head of DC, as DC slumps down against the steps. He starts gripping his face very strangely and looks out at the crowd with a maniacal look on his face. He turns to the timekeeper and tosses him off his chair. Strife looks down at it and picks it up and snaps it shut with anger. He holds the chair high above his head, before slowly moving towards DC. As he holds it up parallel to the ring, the referee snatches it away just before he can come down into DC. The force of taking it away makes the referee stumble, and seizing this opportunity, DC hits a huge kick to the groin of Strife, sending the big man to his knees with a sickening cry of pain. The referee moves the chair out of the ring and turns around to see both men on the ground outside. He begins a 10 count.

At 6, DC rises with a limp to his feet, and rolls into the ring. Strife is slowly getting up, and manages to walk up the stairs still holding his groin, and climbs into the ring. He is immediately met with some stiff kicks to the head and blows from DC, but he shrugs them off and throws his hands around the throat of DC. He lifts him clean into the air and places him on top of the turnbuckle. Strife breathes heavily as he holds DC’s throat, before letting go and moving to step away. Quickly, DC rakes the eyes of Strife to a cheer from the crowd. After a few moments, DC lets go as Strife stumbles away, holding his face in pain. As Strife turns back around to face DC, DC launches off and connects with a powerful top-rope hurricanrana that sends Strife flipping into the mat! The crowd is behind DC as he crawls to the cover!

1, 2…but Strife throws DC off with ease. Not stopping, DC begins stomping on the arms and legs of Strife, and as Strife is on all fours, DC charges to the ropes and back into a low dropkick to the head of Strife, that barely moves Strife but keeps him on all fours. DC runs up to the top turnbuckle and jumps off into a leg drop on the back of Strife’s head. Again, he goes for the cover but only gets a 2 again as this time, Strife only rolls the shoulder up. DC moves and pants in the corner, before moving over to Strife and attempting to lift him up. He gets Strife to his feet, before Strife hits a powerful fist to the throat of DC. DC stumbles into the ropes and back as Strife hits an angry kick to the ribs, before getting DC bent down. Strife places his hands beneath his stomach, and lifts him up in a powerbomb position, readying for the Holy Retribution! As Strife holds DC high up in the air, DC again rakes the eyes of Strife and tries to go for another hurricanrana, but Strife catches him just before DC can hit the ground by grabbing onto his throat. Strife holds DC in this position for a while, before lifting him up and slamming him down in a huge chokeslam! Strife rips DC’s arm behind his head as he stares up into the sky. The referee begins the count:

1! 2! …but DC kicks out!! The crowd goes nuts as Strife looks up in disbelief. He slams his fists into the mat and runs around aimlessly in the ring, visibly seething as he kicks out at the ropes repeatedly. He turns over to DC and lifts him up with ease, before tossing him out of the ring and into the mats below with a thud. DC grips at his back as he rolls around, as Strife stares out at a booing crowd before climbing over the top rope and jumping down to the floor. He lifts DC up and places him on his shoulders with ease. DC tries to fight but it is to no avail as Strife hits an Electric Chair drop on the mats outside! The crowd feel the pain of DC as they are silenced, leaving DC to roll around on the mat. The referee begins a 10 count. 1! Strife lifts DC up again with ease and hits a Bite the Curb on the outside again! 2! Strife lifts DC up and tosses him with anger into the timekeeper and Ryan Harrys. 3! Strife looks at DC once more, before sliding into the ring as the referee continues his count.

4! 5! 6! DC is stirring a little, and begins crawling out of the mess he’s in. At 8, he reaches the side of the ring. The crowd is behind him as he desperately tries to climb his way onto the apron. It’s at 9, and he still isn’t in the ring. Finally, he finds a will to win and pulls himself back into the ring. Strife isn’t happy as he starts stomping on DC immediately. Strife lifts DC up again and tosses him into the turnbuckles and charges and connects with a running avalanche. Strife turns back again and tries to run at DC with a giant boot but DC ducks under it as Strife charges into the buckles. DC comes from behind Strife and trips him up with his legs, sending Strife face first into the top turnbuckle. DC jumps over his head onto the top turnbuckle as he grabs Strife’s head and puts it in a headlock position. DC looks out at the crowd before jumping off in a tornado DDT! He stands back a little bit and rests against the ropes, before Strife slowly sits up. Strife is breathing heavily as he sits, and DC seizes an opportunity and runs from behind with a floatover facebuster. Not stopping, DC wraps his legs around the head of Strife and grabs an arm and wrings it, trying to choke out the humongous man. But Strife powers out of it by lifting DC up with his legs still around his head, and spinning him off into a sidewalk slam. Still holding DC’s arm, Strife rips him up and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on DC. He puts a foot across DC’s chest and orders the referee to count while looking up at the sky. 1, 2 but DC gets a shoulder up. Strife lets out a cry of anger as he charges to the ropes and back in a leg drop attempt across the chest of DC, but DC rolls out of the way as Strife lands painfully on his buttocks. DC slowly gets himself up and limps to the turnbuckle. With his back to Strife, DC attempts to jump off into a Santa Ana Winds (Whisper in the Wind) but Strife catches him mid air and slings him over his shoulder. Strife walks around the ring a bit before hitting a powerful gutbuster. Keeping DC on his shoulder, he spins him off in a flapjack attempt, but DC grabs onto the ropes before he can fall. Strife tries to rip DC off but DC continues to hold on. Strife eventually lets go as DC’s feet hit the ground with him holding on to the ropes as support. Strife comes charging at DC but DC falls to the ground holding the top rope, sending Strife tumbling to the floor. DC again limps to the top turnbuckle and stares out at Strife with pain but tenacity in his eye. He awaits for Strife to get back to his feet as Strife grips his back, before jumping off and hitting Strife with a huge missile dropkick that sends Strife backfirst into the announcer’s table, but also sends DC crashing back-first into the floor. Both men are in agony, but DC slowly gets up and moves towards a panting Strife. Out of nowhere, Strife hits a painful thud to the eye, before getting DC in a wheelbarrow position. He moves himself to be parallel with the announcer’s table, and flings DC back into a standing wheelbarrow facebuster on the table, which fortunately doesn’t break. Strife falls to his knees as DC rests motionless against the table with his head lying on a monitor. Cohen and Copeland have moved away as Strife looks around and looks to DC, before tossing DC onto the table. The referee is in complete shock and hasn’t started a 10 count as he observes the action. Strife climbs the table with DC and puts him into a side-headlock, before lifting him up into a suplex position. Strife has DC held high up into the air, looking for him to crash through the table, but DC uses the momentum to escape the suplex and come down with a reverse DDT that sends the back of Strife’s head crashing into the table, which again doesn’t break. Both Strife and DC are laid out, panting, as the referee begins a 10 count. At 5, DC begins to stir, and moves himself off of the table and slides into the ring. With Strife only starting to recover at 7, DC heads to the top turnbuckle yet again. Strife is still holding his head and lying on his back at 9, before DC flies off and hits a Flat Out (Swanton Bomb) on Strife that breaks the table!!

The crowd goes wild as both men lie motionless in the rubble of what was the announcers table. The referee restarts his 10 count as the show goes

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! DC stirs first again, but Strife isn’t moving or is trapped in the rubble. DC crawls on all fours as at 7, Amber Von Dresch runs out to the ring as the crowd wolf whistle. She moves to urge DC on, but the referee stops her from moving to the action. She pleads with him that she needs to go help DC, but the referee isn’t having any of it. With his back turned and out of nowhere, Dr. Creed makes his way from out of the crowd to a mass of boos from the crowd, and rolls under the ring as the crowd hold their breath in confusion. The referee turns around again and resumes counting at 8. As DC makes it to the edge of the ring, he grips the apron. He attempts to climb up onto the apron, but Creed grabs his legs from under the ring and doesn’t let him make it up. The referee can’t see what’s happening, as he makes it to 9. DC struggles to fight off Creed, and manages to kick him away. With one last lunge, DC tries to make it into the ring, but the referee counts the 10 just before DC rolls into the ring.

The referee signals for the bell as the crowd boo the move. He motions for Harrys to come over and whispers something in his ear as DC looks on with exhaustion and confusion as Dresch joins him in the ring.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, as a result of a double count-out, this match is a No Contest!

(The crowd rain on the referee with boos as DC looks distraught in the ring. He pounds his fists into the mats as the referee quickly runs up the ramp and to the back.)

Copeland: WHAT!! Are you kidding me!? No! How can it end like this!? That damn bastard Creed stopped DC from getting in the ring! This is an absolute injustice! Creed and Strife should be suspended over this!
Cohen: Well the end justifies the means Cope. And if I recall, DC said that he would quit if he didn’t win. And he didn’t, so DC must quit! That idiot cost himself the match when he could have won it by hitting that Flat Out. He deserves this!
Copeland: No, no, no, DC had this match won! Strife should have been disqualified! What the hell is going to happen here!? Is DC going to have to quit? What the hell is going to happen here?

Creed rolls out from under the ring to a chorus of boos, as DC has his head in his hands in the ring. He falls to the mats, contemplating what just happened and being comforted by Dresch. Strife is up and limping a bit, as Creed points at DC and yells at an livid Strife, who is frothing at the mouth again. With DC’s back turned, Strife gets into the ring and hits a blow to the back of the head of DC. Dresch rolls out of the way in fear as Strife continues to land blow after blow to DC. He lifts DC up into the air and hits his Holy Retribution (Sitout Crucifix Powerbomb) that rattles the arena. Creed claps Strife on, as Strife lifts his hands to the sky. Creed climbs into the ring with a chair, and goes to bring it down on Strife before ‘Iron’ Will Jospehs and Aaron Craig rush to the ring and start trying to beat on Strife. Strife tosses them off after a while, and Creed goes to run at Josephs with the chair, before Craig stops him and hits a Pinnacle Drop on Creed!

Josephs picks up the chair and smashes Strife over the head with it repeatedly. He places the chair in front of a groggy Strife’s head, as Craig climbs the top rope and hits a missile dropkick onto the chair which crashes into the skull of Strife, sending him hurtling over the top rope. Craig and Jospehs high-5 each other as they look out at a fallen Strife. Josephs kicks Creed out of the ring, but as Josephs turns around, Craig hits him with a Pinnacle Drop onto the steel chair! The crowd is in between with their reaction, as Craig looks down smiling at a writhing Josephs. With Craig’s back turned, Joseph Rios and Aries hit the ring. Aries rolls into the ring and hits a low blow on Craig as Rios hits a Perfect Shot (Pedigree) on Craig!

Aries suddenly begins beating on Rios and takes him down with rights and lefts and hits a hard kick to the face. Aries lines Rios up for the Zodiac Killer (Package Piledriver) but before he can bring him down, DC drags the chair towards him and nails Aries in the back. DC then clotheslines Rios out of the ring and picks Craig up and tosses him out, as well as he does the same to Josephs. He drags Aries over to the side of the ring and lifts him up and places him on his shoulders. He runs back towards the ropes and tosses him off in a Samoan Throw into Strife on the mats. The crowd is behind DC as he raises his arms to the crowd! He stands on the turnbuckle clutching at his ribs and head a little as he stares out at a roaring crowd.

Copeland: Look at this! DC! DC! DC clears house! What a Meltdown we’ve had. This is only the beginning of the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament! Stay tuned next week as these 6 superstars go head to head in the opening round. These 6 guys are going to fight to within an inch of their life to gain the WZCW Championship! There are more questions to be answered though, and this man here, DC is at the head of a controversial situation. Things are only getting hotter in the land of WZCW, and they are sure to explode next time! So on behalf of Jack ‘the Enforcement’ Cohen, I’m Sebastian Copeland, saying thanks for watching Meltdown!
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