WZCW House Show 1 - Obsidius vs Joshua the Baptist

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Information for how house shows will work:

There'll be some random matches with full time WZCW guys that do not require RPing and will have no real impact on WZCW. However, there will be matches here between applicants to showcase their talent. They are not officially in WZCW until they impress in a house show match. Note that winning is not a requirement to get into WZCW officially, impressing is - i.e., two guys could get into WZCW in the same match, or none could.

In short, only people that will have matches here are rookies, and these are the threads for them to RP in.

RP Deadline is August 28 at 11:59 EST.
Joshua's music begins to blare. Joshua comes out to the stage, his normal way, stopping only to stampede ahead. Once Joshua makes it to the ring apron, He stops, places his bible ring side, and throws his Jesus shirt into the croud, just as always. Then Joshua leaps from the floor up onto the ring. Kneeling to pray

After approximately 5 seconds, Joshua notices his opponents music has yet to go off. He stands, and notices the interview standing next to him

Interviewer: Joshua, we would like to get a few words with you, before your match. Could you please adress the croud, just by what you meant "Teaching them a lesson" the last time you were on this show

Joshua: By the love of God, we the children of God are made perfect. The Bible speaks of how, come judgement day, we will be set mercifully into the kingdom of Heaven. The Bible not only speaks of the Love of God, but it also speaks of the WRATH! I have been sent here, to purify these heathens that watch and worship this show!

Interview: But Joshua-

Joshua: A boy, does not interrupt a man. If you would to be an example, of what I mean by "WRATH!" I will teach you here, and now. Now kindly, boy, I will tell you to SHUT UP.

Joshua: Now then, before I was so rudely interrupted, back to ye heathens here in this croud. I will teach ye lessons, on life, not on the Love of God, but on the WRATH! For ye have allready turned down the Love, so now it is my duty, I must enforce the WRATH for my Lord.

Ye heathens set a bad example, for your children, your childrens children, and disgrace the men and women of old! I have been sent here to forcibly make ye hypocrites, the wrath of God. Tonight, I make an example out of this man, "Obsidius" and he will surely meet, the Vengence of God!

EDIT: Do I have until August 28 to fully perfect this, lengthening with edits and the such? Or does this have to be my final copy? For future refrence.
you can't do edits once you've posted. You can correct grammer etc but not add to it. You can post more than one RP if you want. But che.
Charlotte, North Carolina…

The camera swoops over the city skyline with the sounds of horns blaring, to a shot of the 12:15 express whizzing by, before dissolving onto an industrial building on the eastern end, with the sounds of police sirens and prostitutes on the corner. The words “Earlier today” scroll across the bottom of the screen, the scene fading inside. The lens opens up to a large room full of equipment with a fighting ring in the center. Scores of boxers and wrestlers litter this makeshift gym, hitting the heavy bag, skipping rope and shadow boxing; but the camera moves ever so slowly into the corner of the room. Pushing past the man reading the latest WZCW magazine, past two others murmuring the results from the last PPV, sounds emanate from deep in the corner of this hot and humid gym. As the camera zooms in, heavy breathing can be heard from the man lying on the bench lifting weights. With each rep, we are shown a flashback from this man… David “Obsidius” Morales… being hoisted over the top rope, in the recent “Scramble For The Contract” Battle Royale. With each rep, he pushes harder and harder, shaking the bench and sending a thunderous sound throughout the room upon slamming down the weights.

“You ok Boss?” one of the bodyguards asks, moving to help.

Morales screams, hopping up from the bench and taking the towel from the large figure. He walks over to the heavy bag, punching it hard and nearly jolting it from its hinges, before jumping into the ring. Raising his hand, he whistles and 10 of the fighters in the gym enter the ring with him.

”You ready?” one of the fighters smirks….

The combatants encircle Morales. He raises the towel high, all of them watching it in silence float gently to the floor. The moment it touches the cold dirty ground, all participants rush to the center of the ring. Morales grabs the nearest one to him, punching the man in the midsection, dropping his opponent to his knees. He kicks yet another man in the jaw, pulling the hair of a third man, drawing him closer. With a sleeper hold applied, Obsidius uses his prey’s limp body to hit three more men, forcing them into the corner of the ring, before pouncing. Suddenly, he’s struck in the back of the head, and kicked repeatedly in the stomach. The collected men wrangle Morales and force him over to the ropes, in an attempt to push him over. “Never again!” he mumbles to himself, as he wraps his legs around one of his foes waist, while putting his hands around another’s neck, just as he’s pushed over the side. The tightened grip around his foe’s waist was enough to keep him from being eliminated, but the one being choked wasn’t so lucky; hitting the floor and bringing the countdown to 9. The man being strangled by the waist pulls back, bringing Morales back into the ring. Obsidius drops to the mat sweeping the legs of one of his opponents, putting him into an STF and quickly choking him out, kicking him to the floor below… 8 men left. Two more come from behind, picking Morales up, placing him in a powerbomb position. Once lifted high into the air, Obsidius does everything he can to wiggle out of the hold, punching his opponent in the ears and flipping him out of the ring a la hurricanrana… 8 men left. Morales grabs the next man, hitting him with a thunderous clothesline, flooring him, easily tossing him out of the ring as well… 7 men left. Just as he turns, another man kicks him in the back, allowing still another to throw him into an octopus stretch. The remaining combatants rally and cheer, as Morales is pulled and twisted like a piece of taffy. Morales does everything he can to get out of the hold, and he gets his chance by poking the man in the eye, and rolling them both backwards, slamming the man’s head on the mat. Another one jumps on them both, trying to subdue Morales, but receives a kick in the nuts for his troubles and flicked over the top rope, to drop the total down to 6. Obsidius leans in the corner hoping to catch his breath, but that moment is far for now, as he finds himself kicking to fend off his attackers. One of the gladiators kicks Morales in the gut, following that up with a European uppercut. Morales stumbles back, lunging with a shoulder block, catching him with a spinning neck breaker. The next man falls from an ace crusher, followed by an ankle lock, forcing him to tap out… 5 to go! Morales catches it again, getting hit with a German suplex but his attacker, already winded, has nothing to follow it up with. The remaining 6 men are tired, they begin to move sluggishly about the ring. One of them makes a very stupid mistake, when Morales is picked up and placed into a half nelson, and propped against the ropes. Just as the man comes by to kick Obsidius in the face, Morales ducks, pulling the top rope with him and sending the man flying over… 4 men left. Obsidius hits an impact lariat on his next target, knocking him out and leaving the count at 3. “$20,000 extra to the man who pins me!” Morales yells, slowly moving around, eyeing each of the remaining men. He locks up with one of them, while another strikes him across the back. The men smile, but begin to fight when contemplating which one will get the money. Obsidius is rolled up for the 3-count, but another man comes to break it up, causing them to scuffle. The weary Morales stumbles to his feet, catching one of his foes as he runs up to him with a “Black Hole” slam, pounding his hand on the mat for 3… down to 3 men. The two men continue to exchange blows, but Morales signals to the last man and they both eliminate the men with a double clothesline, sending them reeling to the floor below… there can be only one. Morales drops in the corner from exhaustion, his opponent fairing no better, moving no faster. The two men with almost no strength left, trade punches and kicks, until the both drop. Morales catches a second wind, performing a kip up in the center of the ring, picking up his final opponent into a falling crucifix pin to finish him off for the 1… 2… 3…

“Bravo, my love!” David’s wife, the gorgeous Carmelita claps, entering the ring to help her fallen husband. ”I have no doubt that you will decimate this pendejo… this… what is his name?”

”Joshua… the Baptist of God…” Obsidius replies, the camera zooming in on his eyes, filled with anger. ”He will fall like the rest… as you reap… so shall you sew!”

The camera pans out, showing the wanton destruction left around the ring, as the screen fades to black…
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