WZCW House Show 1 - William Teach vs Matthew Fox vs Ashleigh FalKon

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Information for how house shows will work:

There'll be some random matches with full time WZCW guys that do not require RPing and will have no real impact on WZCW. However, there will be matches here between applicants to showcase their talent. They are not officially in WZCW until they impress in a house show match. Note that winning is not a requirement to get into WZCW officially, impressing is - i.e., two guys could get into WZCW in the same match, or none could.

In short, only people that will have matches here are rookies, and these are the threads for them to RP in.

RP Deadline is August 28 at 11:59 EST.
Scene: Ashleigh FalKon is in the locker room operating the ironing board. He is attempting to remove the creases in his newly bought D&G shirt whilst whistling the tune "Heaven" by DJ Sammy. He seems frustrated at this one particular crease.

[Leon enters half way through FalKon's rant to shoot an interview] Ashleigh FalKon: Damn creases, they are like so hard to get out!

Leon Kensworth: Hi, errr... Ash. Do you have a second to discuss your debut match tonight?

[Still trying to get the crease out] AF: Sure hon, what would you like me to answer?

LK: What are you doing exactly?

AF: Not much of a wrestling question, is it sweetie? What does your eyes tell you?

LK: Uh... ironing a shirt?

[Stops ironing & looks at Leon seductively] AF: No, no, thats obvious. I mean what do your eyes TELL you?

LK: I'm not sure I follow...

AF: Don't worry then. Just shoot me with your... questions from your microphone.

LK: Right? Well, then. On to business. [FalKon sports a serious look] Your first match is right around the corner & I have to ask, how do you feel finally getting the chance to showcase your skills in WZCW?

AF: Is that what my debut match is about? Showcasing my skills? Wow, you have to brush up on your skills, hon... but you look much more, err.. sharper than Johnny Klamor as an interviewer. [FalKon gives the up-down check-out on Leon] Tonight, is about me!

LK: How so? You are in a Triple Threat match against two other debuting superstars.

AF: It doesn't matter who I am up against. A legend, the champion or a mere nobody, every match is about me & how good I look. Look at these pants! [FalKon gives the up-down on his pants] Who wouldn't want them, or whats inside? [FalKon is getting a frustrated sadistic look on his face] Are you saying I dont have the "It" factor Leon?

[Intimidated] LK: Err... no, thats... not what... Im err, saying. Let's take a change in direction shall we? How about I ask you what your thoughts are for your debut tonight?

[Switches anger with happiness & excitement] AF: Now you got it, sweetie! That is best thing that has come out your mouth here [Looks at Leons mouth intriguingly]... so far! [FalKon gives Leon the wink] I am here in WZCW to do what I best, & that is wrestle with other men. I am going to show the world that I am worth more than just a pretty face with a great taste in clothing... & I am also here for myself to prove that I am not a failure in life. I have been convicted by others in the past. I want to flush out my personal demons & the way to do it is in the WZCW.

[Satisfied with the answer] LK: How would you be doing this?

AF: By showcasing my skills, silly!

[Confused] LK: Didn't I just ask you...

[Cuts off Leon, with the sadistic face again] AF: Look, I am here to wrestle as a wrestler. I am here to be successful in my endeavours. It doesn't matter who is in my way, I shall CRUSH THEM! I did NOT earn '115' to come & play the goodie-2-shoes role! '115' is a lifestyle that I have CHOSEN & I shall never break my promises to '115.' Screw everybody else, everything is about me!

[Long awkward silence]​

LK: Well, ohkay.. thankyou for your time then?

[Happy face] AF: No, no. Thankyou you hon. [FalKon hugs Leon with one leg flicked behind in the air] If you excuse me [turn to the ironing board with a sick sadistic look], I have got unfinished business...

[FalKon goes to the ironing board whilst Leon backs out of the room & into the hallway. Leon lips the words 'okay' with a confused look on his face. He shakes his head and disappears down the corridor.]
(The Camera follows Rebecca Serra in the afternoon light into a dingy arcade. Bright lights and noises everywhere as Becky speaks to the camera.)

RS: We have a red hot tip from a fan that WZCW's newest talent is somewhere in this arcade. Lets see if we can't find him.

(The camera does a quick pan before settling on a well built guy playing a pinball machine. He's grunting and nudging the table and laughing at losing a ball. Rebecca quickly walks up to him. The machine lights up as electronic buzzers go off and the man celebrates by taking a sip of a cola.)

Um, excuse me, are you William Teach?

(Teach turns around and is shocked to find the lovely Rebecca there in such a pigsty of an arcade. He straightens his shirt, and smiles with pearly whites.)

WT: Oh hey Rebecca. I've seen you interviewing before. Rebecca ecca bo-bobecca banana fanna fo-fanna.....Wow, you sure do look pretty in real life.

RS: Well thanks William, but I gotta ask....

WT: Want some soda? (offers a can of drink to the lovely interviewer) I've only had maybe 4 sips.

RS: I'm good, I just want to ask why you're here and not getting ready for you're match later tonight against some other top new talent?

Are you kidding? It's so boring in that locker room. Just awful, besides, this is only a few blocks away. Tell me you don't love pinball. No honestly, tell me. You can't can you? It's great. I mean honestly, did you expect me to stay in the locker room fiddling with an elbow pad? Ironing a shirt or something?

RS: Well, umm no. but there are two other guys that look really ready for tonights triple threat match.

WT: Oh yeah. Those two. I've been doing a bit of research on them, no too much you know. Boring as hell. But looking into them, I don't think it'll be too much work. you see, I like to wrestle, and I judge a match only by the amount of enjoyment I can get out of it. The outcome is really irrelevant. Something about that adrenaline is just so....(sips soda) refreshing.

RS: What about winning a match, isnt that refreshing enough?

WT: Winning is only a bonus. Needless to say, I get that bonus quite a lot, and tonight's going to be no different. I mean I'm looking at these two guys, what do they call themselves? Matthew Fox and Ashleigh Falkon. You have Ashleigh Falkon, the Australian. Has some deep seated, psychological issues, maybe even an oepidus complex.

RS: Eppidus?

Yeah. I was so bored I read Sons and Lovers. Interesting person to say the least, Falkon, not DH Lawrence. But old Falk's doesn't have much on me. Then you have Matthew Fox. Apparently this guy caused a real hubbub in the wrestling community and disappeared. Not the sort of guy you'd introduce to your mother. Cold calculating, utterly bland and boring to me. But here's the real kicker, he thinks he knows how to apply a Texas Cloverleaf. A guy trained by his dad in Oakland, and he thinks he knows something about a Cloverleaf. Let's see, I was trained by Dean Malenko, I think my Cloverleaf is going to be a tad better. Don't you think? I guess we'll see tonight won't we Becky? I can hardly hide my anticipation, it should be most enjoyable. Now to channel that excitement into a new high score.

(Turns to the pinball machine and hits a jackpot. Turns around and picks up Becky, twirling her around and inadvertently knocks over his drink, spilling it on the machine and causing it to short out).

Yikes. Well that sucks. Best get back to the arena. Come on, you say I have a triple threat match soon. Can we stop for ice-cream along the way? Walking is so boring sometimes.... (Takes Rebecca's hand to her surprise and walks out laughing)

(The camera slowly focuses on the screen at the top of the pinball machine, which clearly reads "GAME OVER")

Whispered words drift upon a cool night breeze, carried through a canyon, never to be heard again. A camera is slowly panning over the Oakland Hills area. It comes to rest upon one Matthew Fox, who has not been seen in a few years. His hands grip the railing of a balcony, his lips moving quickly, barely audible words slipping past them. A small throat clearing cough brings him out of what could be called a trance. Matthew Fox turns his head to look at the owner of the voice, the camera follows. It is Rebecca Serra. She appears a bit intimidated and falters her first words.

Rebecca: Ex... excuse m..m..me. Mr. Fox? Your manger Kay Jan let us in. Y....

Fox holds up a hands and Rebecca falls silent. He is still gazing at her, reading her. He quirks a faint smile and chuckles softly. He drops his hand, releasing the railing with his other and turns towards Rebecca.

Fox: Obviously she did or you would not be standing here would you? No need to answer that, it was rhetorical. Rebecca, I have asked you into my home tonight because I need to say a few words, so the questions will wait until I am finished, understood?

Rebecca nods, goes to speak but Fox holds his hand up again. She immediately closes her mouth and even takes a step back, moving closer to the sliding glass door.

Fox: As you well know by now, Matthew Fox is indeed back in the wrestling world. I have came out of seclusion and I am more than ready to reclaim my rightful spot among the greatest in this business. I have heard the questions of where I was, what happened to Matthew Fox, why did he disappear... and so on and so forth. It's simple really, I do what I want, when I feel like doing it. I have done all there is to do in this business and more. I have achieved what only some will ever dream of doing. I am a true Icon and Legend in the wrestling world, look at my accomplishments, they speak for themselves. So when I want to step away from wrestling, to take a break, to rest my body, I do just that. This time was supposed to be the last though, I was done, finished.

Fox sighs deeply, shakes his head slightly and looks over the valley in the distance. Rebecca stands quietly a few feet away, waiting for Fox to speak again. He sighs once more and continues.

Fox: Yet within the first few months, my name was already starting to fade from those who spoke of the greats of this business, I was already becoming an after thought, a distant memory... that was completely unforgivable. How could I, one of the greatest ever so quickly become forgettable? It's a travesty that needs to be corrected. So I asked myself... I said myself... what's the best way to reclaim my legacy, to become one who is spoken of in reverence? My answer to myself was simple, return to wrestling and make those who have forgotten, do one simple thing, remember.

Fox looks to Rebecca, who nods in agreement with his statement. It's a nod of fear, but Fox accepts it and smiles darkly. He approaches Rebecca and reaches out with his hand and gently caresses her cheek. She shudders, closes her eyes and turns her head away from his touch. He sneers and grabs her by the chin, forcing her to look at him as he lowers his face within an inch of hers.

Fox: Don't you dare pull away from me, and act disgusted. You are a guest here in my house, remember that. Let me ask you something, do you know how I am going to make people remember who I am? Do you?

Rebecca shakes her head. Fox grins maliciously and releases her chin. She rubs it and it visibly shaken as Fox turns his back on her.

Fox: Let me tell you then. I hurt people Rebecca, I hurt them bad. I burn, disfigure, break, destroy anyone who crosses my path without predijuce or discrimination. I leave people bruised... beaten... and bloodied. I did not accomplish what I have by being soft, being a pushover, begging to the establishment and kissing corporate ass. I get my way by force, manipulation and simply power. People fear me Rebecca, and these so called wrestlers in the WZCW, will learn to fear me, and will respect me. I am here to reclaim my legacy, and I always accomplish my goals. You may now ask me your questions.

Rebecca nods, takes a deep calming breath and tries to act as professional as she can in the present climate. she swallows hard, takes another deep breath and looks up at Fox who is now leaning against the railing with his arms across his chest.

Rebecca: Mr. Fox thank you for your comments, now as you know you are in three way match with William Teach and Ashleigh Falkon. All three of you are trying to get a contract with the WZCW, you, by your comments already seem to feel that you have the contract in the bag, am I correct to assume so?

Fox: Very correct. My only concern with this match is that it appears one Ashleigh Falkon might enjoy the ass beating my opponents will receive. Other than that one factor, I am most certain that I will be signing the proverbial dotted line for the WZCW.

Rebecca: Do you think seeing as how it has been more than three years since you last wrestled that you might be underestimating your opponents? They both know what is at stake and will be giving it their all to win that contract, doesn't that make them dangerous?

Fox: Did I really hear the words dangerous and underestimate escape past your lips? Ridiculous Rebecca... I am the 'Superstar' Matthew Fox, it's not underestimation when it comes to me. I know I am better than them, they know, though they won't admit it, that I am better than them and you know that I am better than them. There is nothing to underestimate, because they are nothing. As for dangerous, no they are not dangerous at all. Now me, I am dangerous, and I will prove it, unfortunately for Ashleigh and William, it will be at their expense.

Rebecca: Do you take offense to William's remarks that his cloverleaf will be better than your's?

Fox: I find it very offensive, not as offensive as the creases in Ashleigh's shirt, but offensive none the less. I've been using that move for over a decade, and it's brought me countless victories. How long as he been using it? One more thing too Billy, you ever have a cloverleaf put on you by a guy my size? Trust me it will break you.

Rebecca: Any last words before we finish up tonight Mr. Fox?

Fox: Yeah, Ashleigh, if a creased shirt can defeat you, you stand no chance against me, so whether you bring your 'A' game or not, it doesn't matter, this match was over long before it even began. One last thing William... I didn't create a hubbub, I created nothing short history and I will create even more history when I become the newest and most feared member of the WZCW roster. Now Rebecca, kindly remove yourself silently from my property, before you accidentally take a trip over this railing, my patience is thin. Oh, one more thing, send Kay Jan out to me, when you are showing yourself out.

Rebecca: Ok, thank you.

Fox goes back to leaning on the railing overlooking the hills after casting one last dark look at Rebecca. She hurries into the house and disappears from view. A few moments later a strikingly beautiful red head comes out the sliding glass door as the camera fades to black.
Scene: Ashleigh FalKon is purchasing a soda from the drinks machine, whistling to the tune of Celion Dion's "My Heart Will Go On." A female approaches the drink machine counting the change in her hand. FalKon's drink is dispensed from the vending machine & he opens the can. He turns around & bumps into the female. FalKon spills his drink on the woman & she drops her change everywhere.

???: Dammit!

Ashleigh FalKon: Oh, I am so sorry about that!

[FalKon finds a towel & gives it to the woman] AF: I'd clean that for you but...

???: I understand. Thanks.

AF: I am so...

???: No need to apoligise. [As she wipes the soda off of herself, FalKon starts to walk off. Woman looks up & analyses him] The name's Sandy Deserts by the way. Yours?

[FalKon stops & turns around] AF: Ashleigh FalKon. Why do you ask me my name?

Sandy Deserts: No reason really, its just that a handsome looking fellow who has a great fashion taste & is a pro wrestler doesn't roll around all the time. Just thought I'd make myself known to you is all.

AF: Okay then. You are known to me, excuse me.

SD: Whoa, hold on. Shouldn’t you be drinking soda after your match, like for a reward?

AF: Does it matter? Do either of my opponents have 115?

SD: Err... what’s 115?

[FalKon points to his tattoo on his wrist] AF: This?

SD: I don’t think so...

AF: That’s exactly right. 115 is going to & will be responsible for guiding me in the right direction. It doesn’t matter if I have to tear them limb from limb or get my ass kicked. The ends justify the means. Tonight is no exception.

SD: Damn... cute, great fashion & confident. I got to get you on my contacts. Want my number?

AF: Nah, not really...

[As FalKon turns around to walk off...] SD: You're not gay, are you?

[FalKon stops dead in his tracks, slowly lifts his head & stares darkly into the distance. His eye twitches & he cracks his neck. He turns his head into Sara's direction] AF: What did you say?

[Sandy grabs a copper steel pipe from the side wall next to the vending machine & starts wacking it into her palm] SD: It's either you are single or you are gay.

AF: Excus...

[Sandy gets face to face with FalKon, interupting him whilst looking at the pipe] SD: So Ash, what's your answer then. Trust me, make this a wise one. You would not know what I am capable of with this pipe...

AF: Are you threatening me, bitch?

[Sandy sports a death stare at FalKon. She spears herself & FalKon into the wall. Using the pipe, Sandy presses Ash to the wall choking his throat] SD: Not so tough are you? What's your answer?

[FalKon struggles with the pressure, gasping for air. He wills his arms to find a strong grip on the pipe & pushes Sandy off of him straight into the opposite wall of the corridor. She hits the wall hard near her temple & slides down to the ground. FalKon confidently yet slowly struts to where Sandy lay. He looks down rubbing his neck & looking sadistically at her whilst she rubs her head & looks up at him smiling maniacally back] AF: Not bad for a piece of meat...

[Ashleigh extends his hand to help Sandy up. She smacks his hand away, reaches for the pipe & gets up herself.] SD: It is going to take a lot more than that to take me down.

AF: Same said for me

SD: This is not the last time that you will hear from Sandy Deserts

Sandy turns around & walks into the distance. As she disappears, Ash looks confused yet intrigued by what has occurred. He smiles, shakes his head & gets out his wallet to buy a new can of soda.

EDIT: Name Change for female
Scene: Ashleigh FalKon is counting the quarters from his wallet for a new purchase. He proceeds to buy the lemonade. William Teach is seen walking towards FalKon.

William Teach: Hmm, well you know, lemonade is good, but if I got Skittles I could taste a rainbow….hmmm. (FalKon turn towards Teach) Well hey there Falkooo, how you doing? Repurchasing a drink? That one on the ground is still fine.

Ashleigh FalKon: (FalKon looks down) I'd rather the fresh one thanks. It would be suicide to drink germs, just like watching you commit some serious crimes against fashion there (laughs, pointing at Teach’s Jeans)

WT: Well for your information, these cost a lot of money. But hell, I’m ok with spending money. I would more than gladly pay any sum of money to see the look on your face when that lovely lady Sandy destroying you with that pipe.

[Laughs] She caught me off guard is all. [Serious face] For a threat, shes okay.

WT: I can’t argue with that. Something about hairy arms is so…frightening on a woman. Let’s go from Mrs. Gorilla to Mr. Fox. Do you think you have what it takes to beat both me and big, bad Matt Fox? Or should I stay here with my skittles as he beats your ass from one part of the ring to the other?

[FalKon looks Teach dead in the eyes, sporting an evil sour face whilst Teach is smiling & looking very cocky]

AF: I don't really give a damn to be quite honest. Everything I do will be in the name of 115...

Before you go any further pal, what is this 115? Is this like William Shakespeare Sonnet 115? Tan sacred beauty, blunt the sharp'st intents, Divert strong minds to the course of altering things; That sort of thing? I would have picked you as a sucker for poetry.

[He gives a smile & laughs] Sounds like an avenue for adventure... [stares into space]

Seriously though, FalKo...

[interupting Teach...] 115 is something that possesses me inside, it controls me, it tells me what I should do. My bidding & what I shall accomplish is all up to 115. Apparently my skills are worthy enough for the great cause. And if 115 decides for me to demolish you to let the plan be fulfilled, then so be it.

Awkward silence

WT: [Confused & feeling a little weird] WELL….. I best get back to the dressing room. It’s nice we got to meet in person before I pin you for the win tonight. Would you prefer to go via Pinball Wizard, or would you rather I just lay on top of you as soon as the match starts?

AF: You're a cocky son of a bitch aren't you, but is was a pleasure to meet you. (Falkon shakes Teach's hand, but holds it for just a little bit too long, his smile just a little too friendly) Don't test me! [Face becomes serious & sadistic]

Don't test you? (Teach plants a big sloppy kiss on Falkon and laughs in his face) What makes you think you're the crazy one?

(Teach walks away from a bewildered & confused FalKon as the sound of Skittles being chewed echoes down the corridor)

This RP was a joint production of Mantaur Rodeo Clown and Falkon Creative.

Fox: Damnit... Kay Jan I told you to set the alarm clock for eight am, not six am.

Kay Jan: It's not six am, rub the sleep out of your eyes and you'll see it is eight. Dumbass.

A stunningly beautiful red head, wearing a white spaghetti string tank top and blue jeans, comes out of a hotel room bathroom and shuts the alarm clock off. She shakes her head at Matthew Fox who glares up at her after looking at the time again and finding out Kay Jan was right. He mutter pushing himself into a sitting up position and swings his feet over the edge of the bed.

Fox: Why the hell did you let that alarm clock go off for so long?

Kay Jan: Because I wanted to make sure you were up. Good morning to you too. Are you going to be an ass today or what?

Fox: I'm always an ass aren't I?

Fox doesn't give her time to answer, as he gets up and kisses her quickly on the lips then disappears into the bathroom where we hear the shower start.

Kay Jan: Great if he really is an ass today, I'll kill him. You think he'd be happy that he is going to be wrestling again bu...

The rest of Kay Jan's sentence is cut off as there is a knock on the hotel room door. With a raised brow, she walks over and opens it to find Johnny Klamor standing there in a loud bright blue sequined sports jacket. Kay Jan doesn't look impressed.

Johnny: Very sorry ma'am to be calling this early, but one Mr. Fox has been in contact with me. He wanted me to keep him up to speed on his opponents and let him know what they are up too.

Kay Jan: Oh... oh ok, well come in then. He's in the shower. So what's going on?

Johnny: Well I got a tape of the two in the corridor. It's... it's different. I think he'll find it humorous though.

Kay Jan: Matt find something humorous? I don't see that happening. I haven't heard him laugh in years, except when he threw some idiot at a bar down a flight of stairs.

Johnny: Johnny what did the guy do?

Fox: He held a door open for Kay Jan, trying to be all chivalrous.

Johnny and Kay Jan both jumped a little, having not noticed that Fox was done with his shower and now fully clothed in his usual jeans and t-shirt.

Fox: So Johnny you got some news for me I take it?

Johnny: I do. It seems Ashleigh and William ran into each other at the vending machines.

Fox: So I take it a bitch fight ensued?

Johnny: I'll just put the tape in for you. How does that sound?

Fox: That's fine, put it in then.

All three head to the TV. Fox and Jay Jan sit down on the edge of the bed as Johnny puts the tape in. We do not see what's playing as the camera is focused on Fox and Kay Jan. Every once in a while Fox shakes his head or rolls his eyes, but as Kay Jan predicted he does not laugh or even crack a smile. Johnny casts a apprehensive glance at Fox every once in a while, hoping he did a good job. After the tape is over Johnny removes as Fox stands and claps Johnny on the shoulder.

Fox: Interesting... so those really are my opponents?

Johnny: Yes they are. I kind of like them. Funny they are.

Fox: You actually find that funny? I find it pathetic. It's like one big joke to them, eating skittles and talking about being possessed by a damn number.

Johnny: So you have some strong feelings about these two? They bother you I take it?

Fox: Oh I most definitely have strong feelings about those two imbeciles. It's people like Ashleigh and William that are everything that is wrong in this business. They childish, ignorant antics are why wrestling is becoming the laughing stock of the sports world. It's disgusting to see, it pisses me off. I spent over ten years of my life building a legacy like no other, and during that time my legacy helped put wrestling back on the map, make it credible again, whether the fans agreed or not. So then these two come along, acting like they are the greatest things, when neither of them are worthy to even grace the same ring as me, yet here we are... I have the annoyance of wrestling against these two. Johnny do you know what happens when I get annoyed?

Johnny: No I do not know, what happens?

Fox: Kay Jan, please explain what happens when I get annoyed to Johnny boy here. Better yet, show him.

Kay Jan cracks a grin as she gets up and goes into the bathroom. The sound of peeling tape is heard. Moments later she returns holding a picture in her hand. She hands it to Johnny, his eyes go wide and an audible gasp escapes his lips. The camera focuses in on the picture. What you see is a fireball in the middle of a ring. At first is seems as the ring is one fire, then as the camera zooms in a little more, we see it's a human body engulfed in flames, with Matthew Fox standing outside the ring, a maniacal grin played across his face. Johnny shudders and hands the picture back to Kay Jan, who puts it away in Fox's suitcase.

Fox: That was Sebastian, he used to be my manager. He annoyed me, he tried to change me, make me someone the fans would adore, love and fawn over. It ANNOYED ME... so I did what I do best, I punished him, by burning him. He lived, but years later he is still dealing with the physical and mental scars I caused him.

Kay Jan: You see Johnny, bad bad things happen when people annoy or cross my man here. It's never a good thing to do. The sad thing is, these two... this Ashleigh FalKon and this William Teach were ignorant enough to anger and annoy Matt. He warned them, he has earned everybody do not cross him. Idiots, they will get what is coming to them and they will pay for the actions. It's simple logic Johnny. If you want to make it, to survive in the same promotion that the 'Superstar' Matthew Fox is in, you just need to stay out of his way. If you stay off of his radar, you'll be fine...

Fox: ...If I catch you in my crosshairs though... you will be taken out. I do not play games. I do not mess around. I do not joke. I do not like it when people make a mockery out of this business. My legacy will be the greatest in this business, and these two opponents of mine, though I use that term loosely, will be the first to fall in my quest of dominance over the WZCW. I will leave a path of destruction. Bodies will litter the landscape as I tear through this promotion. You see Johnny when it comes to my legacy, my career, I am a very righteous man, and righteous men wield a lot of power. Power that Ashleigh and William will feel the full wrath of my righteous power.

Johnny: Wow... you know something, I am a very hard man to be impressed by new people in a federation, but I like you Mr. Fox. I like you style. It's been a pleasure to assist you. Now if you will excuse me, I'll be on my way, I have things to do.

Fox: I appreciate that Johnny. Not many appreciate what I am all about, why I do the things I do. Thank you for your time and the pleasure is all mine. You'll be rewarded for this. I do not forget those who do favors for me.

Johnny: I will see you around then Mr. Fox. Have a wonderful day.

All three stand. Johnny shakes Fox's hand and kisses Kay Jan's. He then bows himself out of the room and the camera follows. When the door is closed, Johnny leans against the opposite wall. His adams apple bobs up and down as he wipes his forehead and mutters under his breath.

Johnny: May God have mercy on the WZCW, this is going to be bad...

Johnny walks off, looking over his shoulder, shaking his head as the scene fades out.

EDIT: Here is a link for a picture of what Kay Jan looks like. Forgot to add it. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v243/mattfox/390334355_302eb078c4.jpg
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