MD30 - Second Coming vs. William Teach/Matt Fox (Non title)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

WZCW Tag Team Champions, Second Coming, reunite for the first time since their brutal ladder match at All or Nothing to take on the combination of William Teach and the mighty Matt Fox. How will the champions fare against the upcomers of the company?

RP Deadline is Monday October 19th, 23:59 EST.
(The scene is a dark locker room. Fluorescent lights flicker on and off periodically, and a camera follows a crouched Leon Kensworth around a corner to find a grotto of sorts, candles lit and balanced on piles of books, on top of benches and on the ground. A constant drone of dark mumbling, emanating a dark figure hunched over a thick book in his lap, fills the air. The eeriness of the flickering lights sends shivers up Leon’s spine, who is clearly nervous as he clears his throat)

Leon Kensworth:
*ahem*, e-e-excuse me, have you seen….

(The mysterious figure turns around, and reveals himself as William Teach to the roar of the crowd outside in the arena)

William Teach: Oh hey Leon, didn’t see you there!

Uhm, what are you doing?

WT: Just some light reading. Moby Dick and all. Sorry, was I reading aloud? Bad Habit.

LK: Oh, right. It just seems a little, how should I say, gothic for some light reading wouldn’t you say?

WT: Oh, well maintenance haven’t fixed the light, and FalKon had some lovely aromatic candles in his locker.

Well I guess that makes sense, I just thought you were maybe going through a gothic phase

WT: (Teach laughs awkwardly) Well…no, that was high school for me….(He quickly turns and rummages around for a picture in his lockers and produces the picture below) Yep…that was me.


LK: (Leon can’t contain his laughter and bursts out, bent over with tears in his eyes) That’s the undefeated William Teach? Oh look at him, he’s got hormones and all!

WT: Well it’s funny we’re talking about high school Leon, I have a picture of you in high school (He signals for the production crew to show the picture below, which comes up on the screen, accompanied by the sound of “You Sexy Thing” by Hot Chocolate, and the roaring laughter of all the fans in the arena)


LK: (Leon’s laughter turns into horror, as he screams at Teach)I showed you my yearbook in CONFIDENCE!

WT: Who has hormones now, big fella?

LK: (interjecting, keen to change the subject) Shouldn’t you be, uh, preparing for your match coming up on Meltdown instead of looking at pictures and reading books?

WT: By doing what? Going to the gym? Doing some weights? Doing 10 minute hourly workouts with the Ab King Pro, the very best in exercise equipment that not only works that abs, but also your lateral muscles and your glutes!

(Leon looks at Teach questioningly)

WT: Sorry, contractual obligations. (Teach pulls out a clipboard from his duffel bag and mutters to himself) Ok, two more times this hour and I have my free Ab King Pro.

Back to the match, why Moby Dick and not um..your Ab King Pro?

WT: But my dear Leon, how is this not preparing for it? Throughout the book we have a recurring motif on the futility of violence and challenging powers far greater than your own. How is that NOT in direct correlation with my up coming match against Second Coming? You have two of the best tag team wrestlers on the planet, facing me and my partner on Meltdown. The guys that took the Full House Daves to the limit, and with them, the titles. Did you see that ladder match Leon? I am sure they must have prepared for that gruelling contest with (Teach turns towards the camera) The Ab King Pro, with a full range of motion to give you…

LK: (cutting him off carefully) Ah, yes and what about your partner Matt Fox?

WT: That’s whats REALLY futile Leon. I’m going up against Garth Black and Pheonix, a terrifc team, a troublesome team, a topsy turvy, tilt a whirl, thrill a minute team. And I’m paired with Matt Fox. Besides the fact he’s a real downer and would be a buzzkill at any party, AND the fact that he’s not a tag team wrestler, AND the fact that like me he’s relatively new to WZCW, AND the fact he has a “mom cut it for me” haircut, one fact remains. That he doesn’t like me. And it all adds up to this…

It isn’t an Ab King Pro is it?

WT: No, it isn’t. It's that I am going into this match not expecting to win. Don’t get me wrong boys and girls out there, I am going to put my heart and soul on the line for you guys out there. I’m going to give it everything and anything I have to win. But I very well may not. I’m not fighting the odds here Leon, I’m fighting Second Coming, the WZCW tag team champions. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, I can’t say I’m going to win. But I can say I will go out to that ring, in front of everybody and give every ounce of anything that I have and prove to everyone that I deserve to be in that ring, and I deserve to be a champion. Whether Matt Fox wants to be along for the ride is entirely up to him.

LK: Powerful words there. Anything else you need to say?

WT: Yes. And I’m speaking directly to Matt Fox here, looking you man to man and asking you (Teach pulls out some gum and puts it in his mouth) Do you want to buy an Ab King Pro? You can really get a fully work out, and hide it under your bed for easy storage!

LK: And there you have it from William Teach. From Undefeated Wrestler to High School Goth to Man with Conviction to Infomercial Actor. How the mighty have fallen.

WT: Being cheeky are we Leon? (He playfully puts Leon in a headlock and yells to the production truck) Johnny! Play us out! (Leons high school photo, once again accompanied by Hot Chocolate’s “You Sexy Thing” and roaring laughter plays the scene out to black)


For your aural pleasure, this is the soundtrack to Leon's picture

The scene opens in a dark, empty field. Rain is pouring down as leaves, sticks, and trash fly across the ground due to the howling wind. A faint light becomes visible in the distance. As it approaches, we can see that it is Phoenix, carrying a lantern while his face paint slowly runs down his face. He is wearing his WZCW Tag Team Championship belt, but still looks as determined as ever.

I am now a member of one of the most exclusive fraternities in WZCW. Including myself, there are only 6 members of this club. I am now a WZCW champion!

He unhooks his belt and holds it in the sky at the same time as a flash of lightning lights up the sky like the Fourth of July. He drapes it over his shoulder after a moment and continues talking.

It feels so good to finally be able to say that. The feeling of finally reaching this goal I’ve worked toward for months is almost overwhelming. I’ve never wanted something as badly as this belt, and once I recovered from that ladder match, I almost felt a let down. Now that Garth and I won these belts, what else can I do?

A nearly deafening crack of thunder causes Phoenix to pause. He waits for an extra couple of seconds to organize his thoughts, and begins again.

But I know my work isn’t done. It will never be done. As long as the Second Coming is in possession of these belts and there are pairs of guys wanting to take them from us, I will still have that drive that got me to this point. Mary-Kate and Ashley are currently the longest reigning tag champions ever. As long as I have the opportunity to defeat those two again, I will still have that drive that got me here. And as long as I have the opportunity to prove that I am one of the best in the world inside the ring, I will still have the drive that made me a tag team champion.

Tonight, Second Coming has their first tag match as champions against William Teach and Matt Fox, and I couldn’t be happier. As much as I enjoy beating up the Daves, I love seeing more competition in the tag team division. I’d like to think we put on the best matches every week, and you only get better by getting challenged. Consider this an open challenge to any tag team in WZCW: Don’t be afraid of us. We welcome any challenge. Give us a good enough match, and you might even earn yourselves a shot at the belts someday if you impress the guys in charge enough.

There is only one way I could be more proud to be a WZCW Tag Team Champion. And that will be after Second Coming wins their first match as Tag Team Champions.

Another flash of lightning and crack of thunder go off, and when the light subsides, the field is completely dark again.
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