WZCW Discussion Thread

I have been waiting for this season for sixteen years, two months and seven days EXACTLY. (do your math, that's since the day I was born) All I want is them to win the season, playoffs would be like a bonus.
I have been waiting for this season for sixteen years, two months and seven days EXACTLY. (do your math, that's since the day I was born) All I want is them to win the season, playoffs would be like a bonus.

It's somewhat staggering to think you've gone your entire life without so much as a winning season. Sometimes I have to put that into perspective. Sure, I've waited my whole life for a championship, but a winning season?

That's rough, sister.

I lived through that. Still hurts.
It's somewhat staggering to think you've gone your entire life without so much as a winning season. Sometimes I have to put that into perspective. Sure, I've waited my whole life for a championship, but a winning season?

That's rough, sister.

Just so I can get a break from all the hell my classmates give to me for being a fan. I just want a break. A winning season will break the streak, that's ALL I want, for the damn streak to end. Then my hell will subside if not go away
Constantine is on the verge of heading into the main event whilst Bull is on the verge of transitioning to the mid-card because both men have been around for that long, it is time.

A transition pairing.
That makes sense.
I will be doing an RP completing my character changes and bringing me back in the fold but I have 1 question.

How was I written off when I left for basic?

If I remember right, you lost to me. After that you won't seen for awhile.
You understand my pain.

I'm not sure what's worse, sucking every season like Cleveland (no offense Harthan I love the Browns) or coming just so close to making the Super Bowl twice and have the most fucked up games go down leaving you shaking your head in disbelief. The 41-0 game was just sickening.
I'm not sure what's worse, sucking every season like Cleveland (no offense Harthan I love the Browns) or coming just so close to making the Super Bowl twice and have the most fucked up games go down leaving you shaking your head in disbelief. The 41-0 game was just sickening.

That 41-0 game I try to block out. That year was just awful. We were forced out of our house due to a mold infestation thanks to the township's lines breaking into our basement. So we lived at our neighbors house (bless her soul for allowing us to live there while she stayed at her sister's) for 6 months. I was sick that day and that game certainly didn't make things better.

I'm a sado masochist.

It all makes sense.
I'm not sure what's worse, sucking every season like Cleveland (no offense Harthan I love the Browns) or coming just so close to making the Super Bowl twice and have the most fucked up games go down leaving you shaking your head in disbelief. The 41-0 game was just sickening.

No, they really are the worst. Just so bad.

New ownership should help, but it's still going to be at least 3-4 years before anything might even possibly begin to have the mere chance of happening.
If we had that match now (Ty Burna vs. Doug Crashin), it'd be the man with the year long undefeated streak vs. the man with the year long streak of being defeated.

Shit son, I think I'm booking that as the Main event of Apocalypse. Ty Burna's hologram vs. Doug Crashin coming right up!

I can see it now. Ty will be played by a blow up doll of him.


Video unrelated, just felt like shilling one of my weaboo wrestlers.

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