WZ Tournament 5th Round Predictions.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Now, each match here is a One Fall match, 60 Minute Time Limit. Gonna make my predictions.

All matches are taking place in the Atlanta Region

1) (1) Bret Hart vs (2) The Rock
Prediction: Bret Hart

2) (1) Steve Austin vs (3) Edge
Prediction: Steve Austin

3) (3) Kurt Angle vs (4) Sting
Prediction: Sting

4) (1) Shawn Michaels vs (6) Brock Lesnar
Prediction: Shawn Michaels

I then see it going to;
Bret Hart vs Austin
Sting vs Michaels

We then have Hart and Michaels come out on top from those matches, with the last match being Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels and having Shawn come out the winner.

What have you guys gone for?
2) (1) Steve Austin vs (3) Edge
Prediction: Steve Austin

Booooooooo!!!!! Lol, ya see, unlike Hogan, I will be glad to accept defeat at the hands of Stone Cold Steve Austin. I fucking hate Hogan. And whenever someone claims how much Edge sucks, I can at least claim he beat Hogan in the 5th annual Wrestlezone tournament. Lol.

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