Your picks for the 5th Annual WZ Tournament


Pre-Show Stalwart
Phoenix Region
Curt Hennig vs Val Venis: Winner Curt Hennig
Ted Dibiase vs JBL: Winner Ted Dibiase
Rey Mysterio vs Junkyard Dog: Winner Rey Mysterio
Dusty Rhodes vs Tito Santana: Winner Dusty Rhodes
Ricky Steamboat vs Paul Orndorff: Winner Ricky Steamboat
Chris Benoit vs Earthquake: Winner Chris Benoit
Shawn Michaels vs Robert Roode: Winner Shawn Michaels
Taz vs Billy Graham: Winner Billy Graham

Who I'd like to see win the region: Anyone but Shawn Michaels/Chris Benoit.

Calgary Region
Randy Orton vs Eric Young: Winner Randy Orton
CM Punk vs Shane Douglas: Winner CM Punk
Bob Backlund vs Tully Blanchard: Winner Bob Backlund
D.B. Smith vs Barry Windham: Winner Barry Windham
Lou Thesz vs Hillbilly Jim: Winner Lou Thesz
Steve Austin vs Rhyno: Winner Steve Austin
Brian Pillman vs Rick Martel: Winner Brian Pillman
Vader vs Bob Orton: Winner Vader

Who I'd like to see win the region: Steve Austin

Houston Region
Bruiser Brody vs Daniel Bryan: Winner Bruiser Brody
Randy Savage vs MVP: Winner Randy Savage
Great Muta vs Verne Gagne: Winner Great Muta
Bret Hart vs Kenta Kobashi: Winner Bret Hart
Big Show vs Perry Saturn: Winner Big Show
Jeff Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin: Winner Jeff Hardy
Raven vs Jerry Lawler: Winner Jerry Lawler
Terry Funk vs Mike Awesome: Winner Terry Funk

Who I'd like to see win the division: Bret Hart/Randy Savage

New York Region
Mick Foley vs Wade Barrett: Winner Mick Foley
Ric Flair vs Road Dogg: Winner Ric Flair
Goldberg vs 2 Cold Scorpio: Winner Goldberg
Sid Vicious vs Samoa Joe: Winner Sid Vicious
Stan Hansen vs Mr Anderson: Winner Mr Anderson
Kane vs Pedro Morales: Winner Kane
RVD vs Nick Bockwinkel: Winner RVD
Sting vs Jesse Ventura: Winner Sting

Who I'd like to see win the division: Sting
The ones that were close for me were:
Chris Benoit vs Earthquake, Backlund vs Blanchard, Brian Pillman vs Rick Martel(real close) and Stan Hansen vs Mr Anderson
John "Bradshaw" Layfield Vs. "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase

I don't think this is as close as most people might make it out to be.

Sure, JBL won The WWE Championship, and Ted Dibiase never did. But, I think Eras and time frames have more to do with that then either one of their talents did. Look at who was in the business when Ted was trying to capture the gold. Hogan, Warrior, Savage, Andre and numerous other big names. Compare that to JBL's competition on SmackDown in 2004. Eddie Guerrero, A lesser known John Cena, and some other guys that do not have the same backstage stroke or tendency to stand off when they don't get their way.

I have always looked at JBL as sort of a "Million Dollar Man" rip off. I give JBL credit for his business sense to negotiate his way to the World Title. That is definitely a commendable attribute for him. But I consider his reign as bull shit. Though he was a great Heel, he was in no way WWE Title material.

To me, he took Ted's gimmick and just added a Cowboy/Texas angle to it. Oh, and a white Limo. I respect all of JBL's accomplishments, some are more deserved then others. But, I think Ted is more original then JBL and his feuds were more entertaining and mean more to the history of wrestling.

JBL's feud with Eddie was good. But I believe it fails in comparison to Ted's feuds with Hogan, Savage, Jake Roberts and many of his feuds while aligned with I.R.S. in their team, Money Inc.

I vote Ted Dibiase, without a doubt!!!


Taz Vs. "Superstar" Billy Graham

This one could truly go either way. This is a pretty freakin' tough 16 Vs. 17.

2 different Eras clash here and 2 totally different wrestlers. I could vote for either one of them, and possibly regret my choice, because the other is so good at what he did as well.

Though I like Taz and would probably vote for him versus most, I will have to go with the "Superstar" in this. I think his overness when he was WWF/E Champion was probably more than Taz ever achieved. Granted, Taz held his own in ECW, but I do not think it matches what Billy Graham did in his day.

Also, I have a soft spot for Billy Graham from his late 80's days as a manager for Don Muraco and his situations with Hulk Hogan. I know this is a wrestling match, but every part of what he has done in wrestling, whether it be as an active wrestler or as a manager, plays a part in my opinion on him.

This is one of the harder votes for me, and maybe one of the closest matches. I think that could be more based on my fondness for Taz more than his ability to actually beat Billy Graham.

So, that being said, my vote is with "Superstar" Billy Graham. Though he was one of the bigger names in the 70's, somehow his legacy has become somewhat forgotten and he deserves some sort of credit just for being WWF Champion back in those days. That was done in a time where WWF gave one guy the ball, and let him run with it. So, that definitely marks his worth to the business, especially at that time, and says something about his status to be the "Ball Carrier" for WWF as a Heel, I might add.

Also, a quick note, he actually competed in the World's Strongest Man Competition in 1980 and even though he was injured at some point, he placed 7th.


Dusty Rhodes Vs. Tito Santana

I'll go with Dusty. It was harder then I thought, though. I do really like Tito Santana. But the more I began to think about this match, Tito is out of his league. I think Dusty is one of, if not THE most overrated wrestler ever.

He did great things wherever he was at. The WWF/E didn't give him a fair shake. It wasn't like he was a jobber there, but he was almost booked as some sort of joke. That being said, he still remained popular in WWF/E and was involved in some pretty good feuds there.

What is deceiving about Rhodes is how good of a wrestler he is, given his size. Or actually his physique. He was as flabby as flabby could be, and he got that blubber rolling. His use of his elbow was like an actual hammer coming down on his opponent's heads.

His promos are on another level compared to MOST of the other participants in this tourney.

I would give my vote to Tito Santana over most people he would be matched up against. BUT, Dusty Rhodes is not one of them.

I urge any of you that doesn't know who Dusty is, or connect him as just a booker. Or just as Cody and Goldy's Dad, and are going to vote for Tito, based on that. To go to Youtube and start watching some of his promos immediately. It might just change your mind.


Rey Mysterio Vs. The Junkyard Dog

I think this is a pretty easy vote from where I stand.

JYD's biggest attribute was his popularity and I think Rey has passed him in that department. Say what you will about Rey and his size. But, even his size doesn't let JYD get consideration as a better wrestler. As far as that goes, JYD's matches were pretty shitty. Rey has had some great matches, against numerous All Time Greats.

I am not the biggest fan of Rey, to say the least. But he deserves credit for putting on a Hell of a show when he is in the ring. His matches against Billy Kidman, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle and many many more, has displayed his ability to hang with bigger guys and make it look convincing.

Rey is a 2-Time former World Champion and has held numerous other titles in his career. From Tag Team Titles, to Cruiserweight Titles, Rey has many accolades.

The edge I might give JYD in this match, is probably the charisma. He has more charisma then Rey. But I think Rey has an edge in every other aspect of this match up, except size.

Take Rey's match at Elimination Chamber. When it came down to him versus Edge, they really put on a show. Even in JYD's prime, he would have had no business in the ring with someone like Edge. Nor would he have been able to hold his own in a match with him, no matter how he was booked.

My vote goes to Rey Mysterio...

That being said... R.I.P. Junkyard Dog!!!


Chris Benoit Vs. Earthquake

I actually like the Earthquake character. He was that classic Monster Heel and had a pretty solid career. A better career then I expected from him at least.

He won Tag Team Titles with Typhoon and were embroiled in some pretty heated feuds as a team. But, I think what I will remember Earthquake for, is his runs against The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan. He was booked pretty strong and held his own during these feuds with the company's Top Guys. Also, his "Earthquake" on Jake's snake, Damien is something I will never EVER forget!

Even taking all that into consideration though, he stands no chance against Benoit. I am trying to forget the things that happened with Chris Benoit and his personal life, just to cast this vote. Something wants to me vote Earthquake just because of certain issues with Chris. But, I will stay impartial and cast my vote to the man that is the better man (in ring) in this match up. Chris Benoit.

During his career, Benoit did A LOT. Classic matches, feuds, and he won many titles. Benoit was the definition of Technical Wrestling and even though other things come to mind when I think of Benoit now, I will always remember his in ring ability also, and to be honest, he was one of the BEST!


Curt Hennig Vs. Val Venis

I thought Val was great in his day. The late 90's was probably as good a time as any for there to be a Porno Star Wrestler in WWE. I thought he moved ahead of his gimmick though and showed more promise then what his gimmick would allow him. So, eventually the gimmick was shed.

But, he never did receive the same kind of heat, or push after that gimmick. So, eventually back to that gimmick, Val returned.

There is no contest here, even though I think Val was pretty good. Pretty good cannot beat GREAT though and that is what Curt Hennig was... GREAT!!

Val had his bright spots. He was very athletic, great on the mic, and a pretty interesting character overall.

In my opinion, though, all the things he was good at, Hennig was better. Hennig is one of the best technical wrestlers ever. He had classics with numerous HUGE names in the business. He was great at telling a story in ring and he had a wrestler "look" if anyone ever did.

So, I vote Curt Hennig here, and it isn't even close.


Shawn Michaels Vs. Robert Roode

I like Robert Roode. But it is too soon for him to have any kind of consideration to beat Shawn Michaels. Especially given the fact that he is strictly a tag team wrestler. He does have an occasional singles match, but at this point, I am sort of surprised that he doesn't have many.

So, as much as I like Robert Roode, his time in this Tournament just isn't now. He has time to make noise in this tournament one day, but 2011 is just a little too soon! So, I easily take HBK in this match.
Not too different than Jenks although some differences. Thanks for posting this.

Curt Hennig vs Val Venis: Winner Curt Hennig
Ted Dibiase vs JBL: Winner JBL
Rey Mysterio vs Junkyard Dog: Winner Rey Mysterio
Dusty Rhodes vs Tito Santana: Winner Dusty Rhodes
Ricky Steamboat vs Paul Orndorff: Winner Ricky Steamboat
Chris Benoit vs Earthquake: Winner Eathquake
Shawn Michaels vs Robert Roode: Winner Shawn Michaels
Taz vs Billy Graham: Winner Billy Graham

Who I'd like to see win the region: Shawn Michaels

Calgary Region
Randy Orton vs Eric Young: Winner Randy Orton
CM Punk vs Shane Douglas: Winner CM Punk
Bob Backlund vs Tully Blanchard: Winner Tully Blanchard
D.B. Smith vs Barry Windham: Winner Barry Windham
Lou Thesz vs Hillbilly Jim: Winner Lou Thesz
Steve Austin vs Rhyno: Winner Steve Austin
Brian Pillman vs Rick Martel: Winner Rick Martel
Vader vs Bob Orton: Winner Bob Orton

Who I'd like to see win the region: Steve Austin

Houston Region
Bruiser Brody vs Daniel Bryan: Winner Daniel Bryan
Randy Savage vs MVP: Winner Randy Savage
Great Muta vs Verne Gagne: Winner Great Muta
Bret Hart vs Kenta Kobashi: Winner kobashi
Big Show vs Perry Saturn: Winner Big Show
Jeff Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin: Winner Benjamin
Raven vs Jerry Lawler: Winner Jerry Lawler
Terry Funk vs Mike Awesome: Winner Terry Funk

Who I'd like to see win the division: Kobashi

New York Region
Mick Foley vs Wade Barrett: Winner Mick Foley
Ric Flair vs Road Dogg: Winner Ric Flair
Goldberg vs 2 Cold Scorpio: Winner Goldberg
Sid Vicious vs Samoa Joe: Winner Sid Vicious
Stan Hansen vs Mr Anderson: Winner Mr Anderson
Kane vs Pedro Morales: Winner Pedro Morales
RVD vs Nick Bockwinkel: Winner RVD
Sting vs Jesse Ventura: Winner Sting

Who I'd like to see win the division: Ric Flair

Overall winner-Ric Flair

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