The most important rule for these forums, under which all other rules fall, is this: don't be a ********! These are privately owned forums, and so we decide what can and can't be posted here. Don't complain about freedom of speech; you don't have any here, except for that which we delegate to you. The bar room is more lenient than other forums, but excessively breaking any of the below rules will not make you exempt from anything.
1. Post new threads in the right forum. For example, don't put off topic threads in WWE.
2. If we delete, lock or move your thread, don't post it again in that forum. We had a good reason for deleting it or whatever we may have done.
3. Don't Troll. Unless the thread is stupendously ******ed, just go somewhere else if you hate a thread. Don't point out that the thread sucks or whatever you had in mind.
4. Don't Spam (making useless topics or posts). Before you reply to a thread, ask yourself, "Does this post contribute to the thread?" If not, don't bother. Same thing goes with making new threads.
5. Search the forums before making a new topic. Someone may have already posted a similar thread. If the last time the topic was discussed was more than a month ago, then it's considered a new topic.
6. Flaming. Flaming is Banned at WZ, flaming another member will result in a warning. The Bar Room will allow this to an extent, however excessive flaming will result in a warning, no matter where you are.
7. Keep your signatures modest. You're allowed one picture in your sig (400x400) and a few lines of text. If your signature exceeds this, we will edit it for you. If you restore it to its original condition (or an equivalent), we'll ban you. NO MOVING PICS, as it can slow down the comp for those with dial up modems. Signatures can be as wide as 500 Pixels, but they must in total only add up to 800 Pixels. For example, if you have a Banner that is 500 Pixels wide, then it can be no longer than 300 Pixels.
8. We've got a bunch of smilies and custom VB code here. If you want to know what they are, look at the bottom of your posting screen. There should be a link to all our smilies and custom vb code.
9. If you have a question or comment pertaining to the forums, post it in Feedback.] If you're an asshole about your comment, you'll probably be banned - so be courteous! Don't post topics pertaining to We don't really care, because it has nothing to do with the forums. Also please read This Thread before posting anything in the Feedback Area.
10. We have over a hundred avatars for your use. You can select one by going to your control panel, and following the "edit avatar" link. You can also edit your title in your control panel.
11. If you want to post an image in your post, the correct tag is . In other words, type [img], then the url of your pic, then type [/img].
12. Don't stir up drama. That's annoying and pointless. So don't do it! This includes making threads against mods that should take place in pm discussions.
13. Don't be annoying. When a mod or admin asks you to stop doing something, just do what they asked. Don't try to be clever by doing just the opposite of whatever they asked you to do.
14. Gimmick accounts. Ok, we've had some clever and not so clever gimmick accounts here. The rule is, their existence is at the admins' / mods' discretion. If your gimmick is amusing, you'll probably get to stay. If your gimmick sucks or isn't funny or is stirring up lots of drama, it will probably be banned.
Although in most cases merely breaking one of the rules will only result in a warning being given to you. If you persistently break the same rule then you will be banned on the spot, if you are a poster who has been banned prior to breaking one of the rules, chances are the Mod Team wont put up with you anymore and youll be banned again. Constantly re-registering at WZForums to stir up trouble will result in your ISP being contacted.
17. Some things will get you banned without any warning.
These include:
A. Posting child porn, bestiality porn, or any other illegal crap.
B. Flooding the forums with spam, image spamming or whatever else you had in mind.
C. Impersonating a mod or admin.
D. Actions detrimental to people's overall enjoyment of coming the forums whether it be acting like an idiot or taunting other posters.
E. Repeated Failure to comply with any or several of the rules
F. Hate Threads against mods
G. Being a nuisance to the forums
H. PM Advertising
18. Don't sass the mod or admin team. They wont put up with it.
19. A poster can be banned if three of the threads that he or she started have been closed within a two week period (two weeks from the start of the thread).
20. Advertising, Since some people have decided to abuse the Advertising system here at WZForums, from now on All Advertising on WZ is BANNED. This means Signature Advertising is no longer allowed. Any Discussions Forums, or Wrestling site links (unless linking to sources of news stories) are not allowed on this Forum. Putting Advertising in your Signature will first result in a Warning and the Advertising being removed, if it is put back you will be automatically banned. This new rule also includes Banners with addresses in them, or anything else that could be interpreted as Advertising. Blatantly breaking this rule will result in a permanent Ban.
21. Have fun! That's what this forum is for, after all.
**We Reserve the Right to Change the Rules at anytime, without Notice.**
1. Post new threads in the right forum. For example, don't put off topic threads in WWE.
2. If we delete, lock or move your thread, don't post it again in that forum. We had a good reason for deleting it or whatever we may have done.
3. Don't Troll. Unless the thread is stupendously ******ed, just go somewhere else if you hate a thread. Don't point out that the thread sucks or whatever you had in mind.
4. Don't Spam (making useless topics or posts). Before you reply to a thread, ask yourself, "Does this post contribute to the thread?" If not, don't bother. Same thing goes with making new threads.
5. Search the forums before making a new topic. Someone may have already posted a similar thread. If the last time the topic was discussed was more than a month ago, then it's considered a new topic.
6. Flaming. Flaming is Banned at WZ, flaming another member will result in a warning. The Bar Room will allow this to an extent, however excessive flaming will result in a warning, no matter where you are.
7. Keep your signatures modest. You're allowed one picture in your sig (400x400) and a few lines of text. If your signature exceeds this, we will edit it for you. If you restore it to its original condition (or an equivalent), we'll ban you. NO MOVING PICS, as it can slow down the comp for those with dial up modems. Signatures can be as wide as 500 Pixels, but they must in total only add up to 800 Pixels. For example, if you have a Banner that is 500 Pixels wide, then it can be no longer than 300 Pixels.
8. We've got a bunch of smilies and custom VB code here. If you want to know what they are, look at the bottom of your posting screen. There should be a link to all our smilies and custom vb code.
9. If you have a question or comment pertaining to the forums, post it in Feedback.] If you're an asshole about your comment, you'll probably be banned - so be courteous! Don't post topics pertaining to We don't really care, because it has nothing to do with the forums. Also please read This Thread before posting anything in the Feedback Area.
10. We have over a hundred avatars for your use. You can select one by going to your control panel, and following the "edit avatar" link. You can also edit your title in your control panel.
11. If you want to post an image in your post, the correct tag is . In other words, type [img], then the url of your pic, then type [/img].
12. Don't stir up drama. That's annoying and pointless. So don't do it! This includes making threads against mods that should take place in pm discussions.
13. Don't be annoying. When a mod or admin asks you to stop doing something, just do what they asked. Don't try to be clever by doing just the opposite of whatever they asked you to do.
14. Gimmick accounts. Ok, we've had some clever and not so clever gimmick accounts here. The rule is, their existence is at the admins' / mods' discretion. If your gimmick is amusing, you'll probably get to stay. If your gimmick sucks or isn't funny or is stirring up lots of drama, it will probably be banned.
Although in most cases merely breaking one of the rules will only result in a warning being given to you. If you persistently break the same rule then you will be banned on the spot, if you are a poster who has been banned prior to breaking one of the rules, chances are the Mod Team wont put up with you anymore and youll be banned again. Constantly re-registering at WZForums to stir up trouble will result in your ISP being contacted.
17. Some things will get you banned without any warning.
These include:
A. Posting child porn, bestiality porn, or any other illegal crap.
B. Flooding the forums with spam, image spamming or whatever else you had in mind.
C. Impersonating a mod or admin.
D. Actions detrimental to people's overall enjoyment of coming the forums whether it be acting like an idiot or taunting other posters.
E. Repeated Failure to comply with any or several of the rules
F. Hate Threads against mods
G. Being a nuisance to the forums
H. PM Advertising
18. Don't sass the mod or admin team. They wont put up with it.
19. A poster can be banned if three of the threads that he or she started have been closed within a two week period (two weeks from the start of the thread).
20. Advertising, Since some people have decided to abuse the Advertising system here at WZForums, from now on All Advertising on WZ is BANNED. This means Signature Advertising is no longer allowed. Any Discussions Forums, or Wrestling site links (unless linking to sources of news stories) are not allowed on this Forum. Putting Advertising in your Signature will first result in a Warning and the Advertising being removed, if it is put back you will be automatically banned. This new rule also includes Banners with addresses in them, or anything else that could be interpreted as Advertising. Blatantly breaking this rule will result in a permanent Ban.
21. Have fun! That's what this forum is for, after all.
**We Reserve the Right to Change the Rules at anytime, without Notice.**