WZ Hall Of Fame Induction Thread – Vincent Kennedy McMahon

Should Vince McMahon Be Inducted Into The WZ Hall Of Fame?

  • Yes

  • No Chance

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NOTE: This thread was created after talking to Tastycles, the “Old School” section moderator about creating it. I was given a list of candidates that I could create a thread about and have not created it off of my own back. We request that you DO NOT create WZ Hall Of Fame induction threads without asking Tastycles first.


Yes indeed, the time has come to examine whether the current CEO of the WWE has done enough to warrant a place in the ever-growing WrestleZone Hall Of Fame.

After taking control of The World Wrestling Federation in the early 1980’s after his father retirement, Vincent Kennedy McMahon has taken the WWF/E through decades of trial and tribulations. He has shown a shrewd business mind and a callous business mentality that has seen his company become the biggest and most known wrestling company in the western world and beyond. With a net worth of over a billion dollars, Vince McMahon has shown that he has what it takes to be successful. However, this is not about net worth, this is about making waves and Vince McMahon would like to believe that he has done that.

After taking control of the WWF/E, Vince has faced many pretenders to his throne at the top of the wrestling world. As the ever-growing WCW became a threat to his company and livelihood, Vince McMahon brought the most recognisable and the most talked about era of wrestling to the fans. Vince’s biggest competitor would soon fall by the way side as Vince McMahon pulled out a superstar in Stone Cold Steve Austin that would lead the WWF to victory. Before long, Vince would own his main competitor and put his business credentials beyond doubt.

For all his success outside of the ring, Vince McMahon has also been very competitive inside the ring. He is a former Royal Rumble winner and a former World Champion. He has wrestled and competed against some of the best and biggest names in the history of his company and was responsible for the creation of both stars such as Stone Cold Steve Austin and gave Bret Hart one of the biggest talking points in wrestling history, He gave a stage for Hulk Hogan to ply his trade and has worked against everyone from Eric Bischoff to his own son.

Vince can play any alignment with ease and has proven how comfortable he can be whilst talking as well as being an intriguing wrestler. Defying his fathers advice that wrestlers and promoters should remain separate, Vince has taken the WWE to the top of the pile and has obliterated all of the competition that has ever come before him, both in the ring and beyond.

So, with all that being said, does Vince McMahon have your vote to be inducted into the WZ Hall Of Fame is it a case of “No Chance”?
I really think he should be in it. The guy has recreated the standard of wrestling. He leads a multi-billion dollar business, the top in its industry. He's created stars such as Hogan, Austin, HBK, Hart, HHH, Rock, Cena, Edge, and Orton. When he takes time off and comes to the ring, nobody knows which alignment he will go with because he could very easily be like "You fans are amazing and I will treat you with the best show ever!" or "I hate you all and I own you!" Within months, he was getting major pops for firing Bischoff and then getting boo'd out the building by making HBK kiss his ass.

However, one of the biggest cons of him being inducted would bring of the argument of "oh he's so conceited, being in his own hall of fame".

But to answer your question, I believe he will be in it. It might be after he dies or even retires, but he will definitely be in it.
I think this answer is fairly obvious. Should the guy who invented basketball be in the basketball hall of fame? I can't think of a single reason why not. Honestly, the fact that there is even a vote on this is kind of silly.
Absolutely 100 times yes. If the internet and WZ had existed 30 years ago back when Hogan picked up Andre The Giant, then he should have been inducted then. McMahon even in this day and age is still hard at work trying to make professional wrestling and the WWE a household name. Wrestling would never be what it is today without Vincent...Kennedy...McMahon!!!
I don't know how anyone could possibly say no to this! VKM pretty much single-handedly introduced pro-wrestling to a much wider audience, simply for that as a contribution, I'd say he should be in every wrestling HOF. People may criticise him as a man, which is fair-I wouldn't personally, but everyone has their own opinion, so they may say my reasoning isn't enough for entering into a hall of fame.

However, aside from what he has done in real life, he has done just as much inside the ring. Of course it's up to him, but WWF and ECW champion, Royal Rumble winner as well as a PWI match of the year winner is quite an accomplishment for someone who is not a wrestler. He is the mosted hated heel of all time, I'd stretch to say, can draw the most heat at a moments notice, but can also be a beloved face if he tried, pretty much the complete package in that regard. The man is still working hard, even though he was already inducted into Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame by 1996-he'd done enough at that point, but is still revolutionising the buisness witht he introduction of a PG rating and looking after his employees better than ever now.

Definitely a yes from me!
Yes of course Vince should be in here, he's done so much for the business and has had some amazing feuds in form of his own heel gimmick.

A gimmick which sparked the hatred of many fans rather easily by feuding with some of the more over talent in unfair situations (Stone Cold is the best name that comes to mind) and has run WWE into a world wide promotion that young people aspire to wrestle for, and to stand at the top of the mountain, in the main event of Vince's brainchild: Wrestlemania.

I definitely think Vince should be in here, there's no arguing that, and someone who says no, would really have to reconsider some things, because Vince is one of the bigger things to happen to professional wrestling.
his character alone has had enough notable feuds that he should be inducted into the hall of fame. The fact that he just took wrestling to a global level and made it the powerhouse it is today just doesn't even have to be considered to make it a yes. Putting all that together though, as stone cold would say, you get a OH HELL YEA! I mean it's VKM how can he not be in the hall of fame. THe moment he is no longer in control of the company, either by death or stepping down, he'll be inducted to the WWE Hall as well. Good and Bad he's the main reason the business is what it is today, hands down.
However, one of the biggest cons of him being inducted would bring of the argument of "oh he's so conceited, being in his own hall of fame".

Just so there is no confusion, we are not dealing with the WWE Hall Of Fame here. We are, in fact, dealing with the WrestleZone Forums Hall Of Fame. There is no argument of being conceited here as it is our decision as to whether someone is admitted or not.

Anyway, with that out of the way, i can move on to giving my own personal view of Vince McMahon on a much more personal level. I began watching wrestling on my own initiative as a 9/10 year old and have loved it ever since. The storylines, the angles, the characters, the great moments that have shaped my love of an industry have come down to this man, Vincent Kennedy McMahon. If you are a WWE fan, there is no reason that you should be voting for "no" here because it simply defies logic.

This is the man who brought you icons like Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin. He brought you moments like Mankind coming off of the top of the Cell. He brought you wonderful characters like The Rock and gave his blessing to some of the most magical moments in professional wrestling. Vincent Kennedy McMahon is so much more than a professional wrestling promoter in my eyes, he is a fucking visionary. Whatever has come before him, Vince has conquered it and has seen his company become the thing of beauty that it is today. Sure, some people may have had some impact in the angles and moments etc but at the end of the day, it is in Vince's playground. He has given these guys the time of day to go out and become megastars and it has paid dividends for him.

Not only is he one of the best wrestling promoters ever, he is also one of the biggest characters I have come across in the ten years or so that I have been watching wrestling. There is not a moment when Vince has been on screen that I have not been entertained and at the end of the day, that is the telling statistic.

An unequivocal, 100% yes to VKM.
I think this answer is fairly obvious. Should the guy who invented basketball be in the basketball hall of fame? I can't think of a single reason why not. Honestly, the fact that there is even a vote on this is kind of silly.

What's silly is that you actually think Vince McMahon invented wrestling.

Vince revolutionized the professional wrestling business, revolutionizing means that he brought it to new heights, not that he invented it.

And because Vince revolutionized it, we got world wide wrestling, something that the territorial shows didn't give you much of in the same way that WWE did.

Vince created the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, and has made it work for over 30 years since the 70's when he took over, if that doesn't deserve a Hall of Fame spot, I don't know what.

To use your own example, if Vince doesn't deserve to be put into the Wrestlezone Hall of Fame, does that mean that David Stern (Commissioner of NBA) not deserve to be in a basketball Hall of Fame? does a coach, a manager, a club owner not deserve to be put into the NBA Hall of Fame if he brought that club to greatness?

Vince brought professional wrestling, and ultimately WWF/E to greatness, and deserves to be in the WWE, and the Wrestlezone hall of fame.
Well I shall be just like everyone else and gives this a big 'ole yes. Vince McMahon is the reason professional wrestling is where it is today. Vince put wrestling on the map and made it mainstream. Yes you can talk about it being on declined, but it is still around today because of this man. From a business standpoint no one can run a wrestling promotion like this man.

Also from a wrestling standpoint, his character is one of the best the wrestling business has ever seen. I consider him the best non wrestling heel character in history. He got so much heat and helped put over those he worked with. So yes Vincent Kennedy McMahon should be in the WZF Hall of Fame.

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