WZ End Of Year Awards: Underused Talent Of The Year

Wh Has Been The Most Underused Talent Of 2007?

  • A.J. Styles

  • Carlito

  • Petey Williams

  • Senshi

  • The World's Greatest Tag Team

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Both members of the WGTT were criminally under utilized. A Manager for them would have worked as then they could do what both do best and Wrestle. Both were also the result of idiots in the audience having heard about the Charlie Haas pop don't do anything because they think it is cool.

AJ was doing what his character needed to do and get some character to him and to make himself as a proper heel. It is a good thing that he spent this time in the shadows of Christian Cage and Kurt Angle because he can learn more this way than putting him a ring against them. Both Petey Williams and Senshi were both under utilised this year as both could have either made LAX bigger/Better (Senshi) or been a good X-Division champ, but both got the short end of the stick for the X-Division title as that title is not what it once was. Carlito the WWE made unhappy due to him not working properly and the direction they were going with his character, he brought it upon himself really.
Bejamin & Haas would be very over if they just let them wrestle. I was excited about them reforming. But WWE hasn't done anything with them. I might be mistaken but their only PPV appearence this year as a team was at One Night Stand. And didn't they steal the show? WWE didn't capitalize on that. They should because they were super-over for a whole week after that match. They didn't even have a title run.
Easily the world's Greatest Tag Team. I just don't under stand why the WWE is so hell bent on breaking these guys wrestling ability. It's so fucking stupid it's mind boggling but hey, it's the WWE what do I expect. It's not talent that gets you over, it's crappy shit gimmicks.
As opposed to good shit gimmicks?

I went for Senshi. He would never have got over in the upper rungs but I can't recall a single feud he's had this year. I don't think there were any. Any real ones that weren't just thrown together to fill an empty slot on a PPV card anyway. He could have easily have had some short programs with guys like Dutt or Daniels, and wowed the crowds. Instead, he played Elix Skipper's bitch and that was the highlight of the year for him. Shame, he had such a promising 2006.
Meh, I do'nt care much for this list. AJ was hardly underused, and the other choices don't have much talent. Potential, perhaps, but not talent.

I would have to say that Matt Hardy would be my choice. While his brother Jeff finally looks to be breaking into the main-event scene, Matt has been stuck with midcard obscurity again. They never know what to do with Matt, and yet he gets some of the best pops on the Smackdown roster.

I go Matt Hardy.

Out of these choices, I have to say AJ, simply because he's the only one with talent.
I voted for Petey, he's just grossly underused, remember those awesome x div matches he had when he was the champ? thats what he WAS capable of over 2 years ago, now I think he's much more evolved. As much as I love watching him on tv, I fear the worst from the whole maple muscle thing.
Senshi - TNA missed the boat on this guy. He is an incredible talent (Sly, you're rediculous) and it is so sad that TNA did not push him more.
World's Greatest Tag Team. Was there even a point to reforming them when WWE didn't do a damn thing with them? They deserved a nice long title reign IMO, but they ended up being jobbers to the bigger stars. It looks like Shelton is finally going to get a chance to shine on ECW and may actually win the ECW World title somewhere down the road. Charlie Haas on the other hand, did not catch a break and I see him getting released soon.
As much as i want to say The WGTT, I have to go with Carlito. How much more underused could you get. Was he even in a PPV this year? Wasn't he once part of the elimination chamber? He's a phenominal athlete, he's good on the mic and he can work the crowd to whichever direction he wants. Back in late 2005 to early 2006 I was guessing nothing but a big push for this guy. I even thought he would at least get a spot in MITB. At least they're trying to build Shelton up on ECW but Carlito is playing looney toons with Hornswoggle!
I voted for WGTT on the grounds that, basically, I think Carlito would be better off going back to the WWC. WGTT get bonus sympathy points since Benjamin's move to ECW leaves Haas royally screwed.
Low Ki, hands down. So much so, that he just opted to get the fuck out of TNA. Here is a guy who has had some of the best matches in TNA's history and has massive respect from nearly every intelligent fan in the TNA audience, and they put him as a b-liner instead of fighting neck-and-neck with some of the other top athletes in the X-division and keeping some credibility around that title. My number two goes to Styles. He was Mr. TNA more than once and has been given a dose of "character" by the nitwit shitheads doing the writing. Years to build his esteem and clout and they undid it within a year. Even with the airhead gimmick they gave him, he still can fish mad pops from the TNA audience. Even when he is covering up for Tomko's limited repertoire in tag matches (see BFG).
WGTT. The tag division desperatly needs a team like Haas & Benjamin n a Hardyz-Londrick-WGTT feud could have been the best thing since Hardyz-E&C-Dudleyz.
Eventhough the WGTT are probably the best team WWE has had in a while, I have to go with TNA making what will prove to be a colossal mistake in underusing Senshi (ultimately leading to his release).

The opening match at BFG was one of the top matches of the year, this had a lot to do with the style of match, but Senshi fits that style perfectly. He was a good fit for TNA but their failure to realize how well he screamed X Division cost us the chance to see some amazing matches.
Toss up between AJ and Senshi.

I don't think of Carlito has anywhere near a big enough talent to be under-used.
I also don't think WGTT have been underused, they were used and they didn't make a impact, crowd didn't get behind them or agasint them, so they faded into the background. Big deal.

AJ Styles however could be the best wrestler on the planet, i honestly think this man could be the biggest thing in TNA if used to his full effect. So much talent, just used in totally the wrong way.

Senshi is a great wrestler's wrestler. His selling is top notch and his finisher is fantastic. I feel he was under-used but i don't think he could of gone to top of TNA used well either...
WGTT by a landslide for me. easily some of the most technically and (for benjamin) athletically skilled guys in the wwe, and they did nothing with them, but jobbed them out. sickening. Were put on one PPV, and stole the show. Still nothing. And this has been a glaring, mind boggling issue for these two for SO long, I think it exasperates their current status. (as far as the team goes...it looks like we may have a ray of hope with sheltons recent mini push on ECW)
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