Wyatt VS Undertaker: Does it benefit anyone?


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Had Taker's streak not ended, this could have been a huge step for Wyatt, or anyone else. Sadly, they took something that would have been bigger than a Championship win, and gave it to a part timer to keep him happy.

At this point, beating Undertaker is no more meaningful than beating Bret Hart or Mick Foley. The only way it possibly benefits Wyatt is if he were to all out destroy Undertaker, and I really can't see him coming back for that. I suppose they could do the abrupt face turn after being taken to hell and back, as Brock Lesner did when he won his first title from Taker so many years ago.

They should have saved the Wyatt vs. Ambrose program for this time.
Had Taker's streak not ended, this could have been a huge step for Wyatt, or anyone else.

How so? How does ending streaks fit in with Wyatt's character? A feud between Taker and Wyatt should be more about darkness and evil than a number.

Sadly, they took something that would have been bigger than a Championship win, and gave it to a part timer to keep him happy.

Prove it.

At this point, beating Undertaker is no more meaningful than beating Bret Hart or Mick Foley. The only way it possibly benefits Wyatt is if he were to all out destroy Undertaker, and I really can't see him coming back for that. I suppose they could do the abrupt face turn after being taken to hell and back, as Brock Lesner did when he won his first title from Taker so many years ago.

This feud will probably be about entertainment and entertainment only. UT may not even speak a word the whole time. Maybe they will throw in some passing of the torch verbiage but in the end it will come down to who is more sadistic and more powerful.

They should have saved the Wyatt vs. Ambrose program for this time.

I agree with that but the card gets pretty full around Mania time and Ambrose and Wyatt would have been left out in the cold if their feud was supposed to culminate at Mania.
It benefits Taker. The fans too. Wyatt can get a rub but he's in such a weird position, does it really matter?

Taker can get a win to bounce back from the loss to Brock which maybe builds to bigger things (Sting). Losing to Taker isn't the worse thing in the world for Bray. He can recover from that but Taker needs a win and this potential feuds makes sense. Bray's character targeting The Undertaker makes sense. Last year The Undertaker became human, who else could bring the monster out of him in order to prepare him for Sting or whomever else.
At this point, any match Taker has at Mania is almost an attempt to recapture what makes his character and what made the streak so good. Undertaker stands to lose a lot more than Bray Wyatt does. But what if Undertaker was still streaking coming into this year's Mania. As a competitor and a fan, I know how fickle the fans can be. Build you up one minute to bring you down the next. If those were the circumstances and Wyatt did defeat Taker should they wrestle this year, how many people would be picking Bray apart and saying how much he didn't deserve to end the streak? Is his character convincing and potentially enduring enough not to warrant a backlash? Look at how people flip-flopped on Reigns. Maybe the foreshadowing of his success months ago has had a lot to do with it. Nonehteless, Bray stands to win plenty and Taker stands to lose a lot more. I'd love to see Undertaker win, but in the midst of a show-stealing performance by Bray. That's the way both of these men can truly walk away winners from this.
I think a win against The Undertaker could help Bray Wyatt (not as much as Lesnar... but still) a lot. So far, the passing of the Streak's torch has greatly helped Lesnar, and its positive effect will trickle down to Reigns. Bray Wyatt can be the third guy that benefits from The Undertaker, and the guy that beats Bray (later this year or next year) can be the fourth. All the more respect for The Phenom and his selflessness.
Had Taker's streak not ended, this could have been a huge step for Wyatt, or anyone else. Sadly, they took something that would have been bigger than a Championship win, and gave it to a part timer to keep him happy.
What you fail to see is that if the Undertaker were to have won a couple more Mania's, we would have gotten into the range where if he was booked against a still young and budding star people would have started to expect that young star to actually get the win, figuring it was time for Taker to hang them up and he would be giving someone the time honored rub.

By choosing Brock as the man to end the streak, the WWE was able to preserve the truly deserved level of shock value that should have accompanied the streak ending.

Now Brock has broke the streak, squashed Cena, and been booked as the most unbeatable monster the company has built in a couple decades. A young star actually now arguably can get a bigger rub out of beating Brock, the man who broke the streak and squashed the golden boy on the two biggest stages, than he would've gotten out of ending the streak himself. It's really quite brilliant foresight by the WWE.

As for Bray/Taker- While its not quite as big as having the shot to end the streak, the rub for Bray will still be there. And he doesn't even need to win(and I doubt that he will). Just working with Taker on the Mania stage, and especially more so for the Bray Wyatt character itself given its dark and somewhat supernatural nature, is the biggest rub in itself outside of working the main event. The streak isn't needed to make Taker still a must-see Mania attraction that any superstar would kill to share that stage with. The Brock loss doesn't just erase Taker's aura or history.
What you fail to see is that if the Undertaker were to have won a couple more Mania's, we would have gotten into the range where if he was booked against a still young and budding star people would have started to expect that young star to actually get the win, figuring it was time for Taker to hang them up and he would be giving someone the time honored rub.

By choosing Brock as the man to end the streak, the WWE was able to preserve the truly deserved level of shock value that should have accompanied the streak ending.

Now Brock has broke the streak, squashed Cena, and been booked as the most unbeatable monster the company has built in a couple decades. A young star actually now arguably can get a bigger rub out of beating Brock, the man who broke the streak and squashed the golden boy on the two biggest stages, than he would've gotten out of ending the streak himself. It's really quite brilliant foresight by the WWE.

As for Bray/Taker- While its not quite as big as having the shot to end the streak, the rub for Bray will still be there. And he doesn't even need to win(and I doubt that he will). Just working with Taker on the Mania stage, and especially more so for the Bray Wyatt character itself given its dark and somewhat supernatural nature, is the biggest rub in itself outside of working the main event. The streak isn't needed to make Taker still a must-see Mania attraction that any superstar would kill to share that stage with. The Brock loss doesn't just erase Taker's aura or history.


Streak or not, the Undertaker is most definitely a first-ballot HoF.
Just getting to feud with such a legendary figure is a huge plus for Bray Wyatt or any young superstar on the current roster.

Given that it is at Mania;
Bray will have had a chance to be put against the Face of the Company and now, a Bonafide Legend, and possibly Greatest Character in the history of the WWE in consecutive years.
That is huge exposure for the Wyatt character, and I am sure the numerous up and comers in the locker room would kill for such a chance.
But, here is the problem. Wyatt has become a glorified "Jobber to the Stars." What star has he beaten on a major stage? Now, you want Wyatt to defeat a legend on HIS hunting ground? Yes, Taker lost to Lesnar. But, Bray Wyatt is more like Habib from the Car Wash than like Brock Lesnar. You would do far more damage to Taker's legacy than help Wyatt, as now Taker cannot defeat a glorified jobber, which Wyatt really is. It is far better for Taker to just retire than get humiliated at WM. It is far better to find someone else to let Bray Wyatt haunt than this.

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