Wyatt Family......ROFL


Getting Noticed By Management
"We going to destroy John Cena"........FAIL
"I am the new face of fear, I will destroy the Undertaker"......FAIL
"Never you Roman"......FAIL
"I can't beat Taker so I am going to beat taker and Kane".......FAIL

"We going to destroy all the big men that used to be talented and now are nothing more than big monster morons."........They gotta win right?

Bray Wyatt is a waste of space, he has zero validity. He speaks from his rooty tooty booty hole and says the same crap before he goes out and loses. What is the damn point....I am the face of fear? Who fears you children? Chiropractors ? Just seeing the way he bends they are like....oooooohhhh noooes.

When I was growing up Taker was fear, Kane was fear even Papa Shango was fear. Mankind we creepy....
Takers career Speaks for itself
Kane also has had a decent career
Papa Shango beat the Ultimate Warrior
Mankind.....yeah nuff said.
Bray Wyatt....Claim to fame remains, my daddy was IRS.

Just be done with this crap now. I was so onboard with the Wyatt Family. Now they are just a crap version of Duck Dynasty.
You're not exactly wrong.

I am kind of tired of watching Bray Wyatt get buried over and over again. I am very confused by why WWE has handled him this way.

It really makes no sense at all. He has all the tools to be a great main event type, but he is hardly believable now that he has lost EVERY feud he has been in.
The beauty in a character like Bray Wyatt lies in his ability to believe in himself, despite his many failings. Fair enough, he hasn't won most of his feuds, but he remains relevant regardless of wins and losses. Wyatt is the kind of character kids will believe in win, lose or draw, and people like you will create forum threads about. If he was truly a wasted endeavour, the majority of fans would've stopped caring about him by now. (Note, even if 100 people say they don't care about him any more on threads like these, that's barely a fraction of WWE's fan base)

I think the reason the Wyatt's haven't become a more dominant force already is because of The Authority. As long as they are the top heels in the business, Wyatt and Co. will likely stay away from the WHC picture. He isn't the type of character to believably play second fiddle to anyone else, so him emerging as the companies top heel (which is all he is ever going to be) wouldn't make sense until the throne is empty.

Plus he's still in his 20's. His time will come eventually.
Creative failed him. It's not his fault he is viewed as a joke though so many people try to claim it is.

His character is easily one of the best in WWE. His mic skills are easily some of the best in WWE. He is a fantastic wrestler and has been involved in some of the best WWE matches over the last 2-3 years.

So what's the problem? If he has all of that, why is he viewed as a joke?

Because he hasn't beaten anyone. Because he hasn't recruited anyone. Because he hasn't turned anyone. It's ALL Creative's fault.
I cant be objetive with Wyatt coz i like the hell out of him.

But he was watered down a lot by stupid creative outcomes. Funny enough the only real clean victory that wyatt had under his belt, its against DB at royal rumble 2014 (i think).

He still can be saved and turn into what he it should be, due to the nature of his character, winning or losing does not affect him as it would do to other in his same position.

Lets hope the (un)creative team understand that they need this guy to be feared, its the single most unique character they have at this moment.
He still can be saved and turn into what he it should be, due to the nature of his character, winning or losing does not affect him as it would do to other in his same position.

I keep hearing that but don't see it happening. The problem with Wyatt is typical of the WWE. He started off strong, but started off with the wrong people. He should never have been put against Bryan, Cena and Reigns. Those are the big names and he was never expected to beat them.

His booking has been tragic at best, and the family for as big as they are looks weak as hell. They have 4 of the biggest guys on the roster and they can't win a 1 on 1 match. I know they're heel's but please, when Braun Strowman needs help, they are screwed. Last week Show, Kane and Ryback chased them from the ring. I see more of Wyatt's backside running away and I do anything else.

If he's the new "Face of Fear" he shouldn't be running from anything. And why haven't they taken on the Authority yet. Shit if they want to get them over then pit them against HHH and Co.

Wyatt is unique and there is so much they can do with him, but they have wasted time, a lot of time. He's not the only one floundering though, the whole roster is and we all know why.
The problem with the Wyatt Family is what have they really done? Who have they beaten? Nobody. Sure Bray makes a bunch of noise and they might win a few slap arounds and run ins but when it's all on the line they get waxed over and over again. The only thing that surprises me about the Wyatt Family is creative hasn't had them start dancing yet. WWE just can't seem to build any credible heels who aren't the McMahons.
Yeah, I can't take Bray Wyatt seriously anymore...although I have said this in the past, only for him to do something that does make me take him seriously.

Kane might have spent most of his career as a jobber, but at least during his early (Kane) days, he had a lot of physical presence and the costume/mask were pretty scary. Even after he lost the mask, he was still imposing, although these days he looks a bit too middle aged to have the same effect. Undertaker- even to this day- looks terrifying. While the Boogeyman became a comical caricature, he at least looked creepy. Mankind in his heel days was the same way.

Bray Wyatt doesn't look that scary and nothing about his physique stands out as impressive. However, he can cut a chilling promo and that's sort of the problem. His words lose their power if he can't back it up. So the fact that he's an excellent talker while losing his most important matches only reminds us that he's all talk- therefore, not scary.

I've heard arguments that he doesn't need victories, that he can bounce back because winning is not part of his character...but those arguments are wrong and contradict a major part of what Professional Wrestling is. Bray hasn't accomplished a single thing. He failed to corrupt Bryan and Cena, lost to Cena, Undertaker, the Brothers of Destruction, Roman Reigns and even his victories lead to epic fails. He defeated Bryan, who went on to the WHC scene. He defeated Ryback, who went on to the IC Title scene. He defeated Ambrose, he went into the IC Title scene first and has since won the Title and competed for the WHC as well. It seems like even losing to Bray will make you a winner.

Plus, when he tried sending his Family out on their own, they became losers...so he failed at that as well...
What the Wyatt Family is is a modernized version of The Flock. A band of misfits who thrive on chaos with little interest in wrestling matches. This was most evident during The Wyatt Family/Daniel Bryan program.
Creative failed him. It's not his fault he is viewed as a joke though so many people try to claim it is.

His character is easily one of the best in WWE. His mic skills are easily some of the best in WWE. He is a fantastic wrestler and has been involved in some of the best WWE matches over the last 2-3 years.

So what's the problem? If he has all of that, why is he viewed as a joke?

Because he hasn't beaten anyone. Because he hasn't recruited anyone. Because he hasn't turned anyone. It's ALL Creative's fault.

True. They had their chances but they don't seem to trust him and they keep putting him in situations where he got more to lose than his opponents.

Lost to Cena and Taker on the big stage. I don't mind him losing to Reigns. Now he's probably going to lose to Brock despite being built strong again.

I would love to see him get kicked out of The Wyatt Family, turn face and have Luke Harper become the new leader. Bray as a heel is stale.
You can't just throw out the excuse "wins and losses don't matter to a character like this". Its a copout and absolute crap. The reason why taker is such a big deal was that he won. Thats why when Cole and co. hype up the aura of a match against taker you believe that he could win against anyone, had he beaten Lesnar nobody would have batted an eye. You can't claim you are going to takeover before proceeding to lose continually and run away then still act like your a big deal

As for creative letting him down. Yeah fair point but it's trotted out as way for people to protect their favourite guy these days. Wyatt could have been something special, he's not. Still could be but I'm not captivated like i once was
What bothers me about the booking of Bray Wyatt is that they could genuinely have turned him in to a huge PPV attraction through his gimmick. Imagine if Bray rarely ever fought and instead always had members of the Wyatt Family do it for him? He talks the talk but rarely gets in the ring and is held off for big PPVs and almost never booked to wrestle on TV.

You could have had a Taker or Brock style PPV attraction on your hands there but also had him as a full time guy on your roster. Instant heat as a cult leader who people think has his lackies do his fighting for him. Would make him fighting and winning (and performing in the ring) huge draws.
I can state, as a huge fan of Bray Wyatt and his overall talent (potential), that I have come to the point at which I no longer care. This is not because of Bray himself, rather it is because he has been creatively neutered so often and for so long that I am devoid of interest in his promos (which I once enjoyed so much) or his matches. One can only watch someone speak so much about being the big bad of WWE while invariably being rendered as nothing more than the Brooklyn Brawler with mic skills before one completely loses any or all interest in that person's program.
To be honest, I love Bray Wyatt. I like his in-ring work. His mic-skills are good. He is a special character in WWE. But still no way does it validate the statement that wins and losses dont mean anything for him. He is a face of fear so he should have gone over Undertaker & Kane at Survivor Series atleast. The point is that he has a great potential and creative is not booking him rightly. They are giants yet are ran away by likes of Ryback, Kane, Big Show etc. Bray is of main event level.

I still care about him but I think if he doesnot get a big win at Wrestlemania 32, I might stop caring.

Just what the hell is Bray Wyatt? What direction has he had since debuting? Absolutely 0. Is he a main-eventer? A mid-carder? An upper-main card attraction? Does he want the World title? The IC title? Does he want ANY titles? What has been the purpose of his family for the past year? I don't know. And that's the problem with Bray Wyatt. You can't just float a guy around for 3 years and expect him to remain over. Shit, the fact that Wyatt has been able to remain over despite all the crap he's gone through says a ton about the guys skill and ability to work a crowd.

I still wholly believe that Bray Wyatt, with the proper booking right off the bat, would have been one of the biggest things in wrestling in years. But WWE didn't have the ability to book a character like his. It's a shame that people who supposedly get it, dislike Bray because he can't win matches. As if that's Bray Wyatt's fault.
Why, as wrestling fans, do we continue to bash characters who have no control of the way their story is written? Bray Wyatt is one of the best CHARACTERS that the WWE has had in the last 15 years. Sure, he comes up short every time he tries to take down the good guy. But what villain doesn't?

I like seeing The Wyatt Family. They terrorize a victim, and then go away for a week or two. They arent overexposed, and their time on tv is usually well spent. Sure, Bray hasnt said anything particularly interesting, but hes still a hell of a speaker.

My only gripe is that Bray is ALWAYS one step away from being a main eventer. WWE just doesnt seem to want to give him that full blown push. But consistently being one step away, is a pretty solid place to be
He fails at everything he does he is totally unconvincing at this point it would be best for him to move on from the "eater of the worlds" thing and just turn babyface as a fun loving redneck type character.
"We going to destroy John Cena"........FAIL
"I am the new face of fear, I will destroy the Undertaker"......FAIL
"Never you Roman"......FAIL
"I can't beat Taker so I am going to beat taker and Kane".......FAIL

"We going to destroy all the big men that used to be talented and now are nothing more than big monster morons."........They gotta win right?

Bray Wyatt is a waste of space, he has zero validity. He speaks from his rooty tooty booty hole and says the same crap before he goes out and loses. What is the damn point....I am the face of fear? Who fears you children? Chiropractors ? Just seeing the way he bends they are like....oooooohhhh noooes.

When I was growing up Taker was fear, Kane was fear even Papa Shango was fear. Mankind we creepy....
Takers career Speaks for itself
Kane also has had a decent career
Papa Shango beat the Ultimate Warrior
Mankind.....yeah nuff said.
Bray Wyatt....Claim to fame remains, my daddy was IRS.

Just be done with this crap now. I was so onboard with the Wyatt Family. Now they are just a crap version of Duck Dynasty.

You see its creatives fault who failed him and Bray wyatt and his partners fault for not speaking out! You see they don t let their actions do the talking which sucks and they are not to be taken serious! Kinda reminds when Brock Lesner was not a dominating threatening force and then they made him into one! I am LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL cause it is true he is a great storyteller and he cried wolf too many times but he is awful jobber
I mean the MENAGERIE won more matches then these buffoon family
He should have beaten Underflaker last year at WM31 but wwe is really making them a laughing stock!
The fact he is an Exorcist fan and doing spiderwalks has gone sour on fans impression sure it's good when you are pulling wins but when you are jobbing don't bother doing it! You are insulting the Exorcist spiderwalk trademark! If they don't win on Craplane this sunday against Cryback Big Slow and Kandy Kane then it is a lost cause. To be honest they will win cause this is Braun Stowman's big push here as he is a dominant threatening force
This six man tag is a horrible match and lazy booking, only being established on this week’s Raw.
It is all about making Braun Strowman look good, with insider reports indicating that he’s on a big push for future feuds with Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar. So it is a bit of a given that he’ll be going over, getting the pin after a KO to one of the babyfaces.
For Cryback, Slow and Kane, they are only in there as glorified jobbers. They’re capable of good performances, but it is doubtful if they’ll be up to the task against Strowman. Any good exchanges will likely come between Harper and Kane, before Strowman gets in for the choke finish on Big Show.
Result : Wyatt Family wins! YOu heard it from me first!
Why, as wrestling fans, do we continue to bash characters who have no control of the way their story is written? Bray Wyatt is one of the best CHARACTERS that the WWE has had in the last 15 years. Sure, he comes up short every time he tries to take down the good guy. But what villain doesn't?

I like seeing The Wyatt Family. They terrorize a victim, and then go away for a week or two. They arent overexposed, and their time on tv is usually well spent. Sure, Bray hasnt said anything particularly interesting, but hes still a hell of a speaker.

My only gripe is that Bray is ALWAYS one step away from being a main eventer. WWE just doesnt seem to want to give him that full blown push. But consistently being one step away, is a pretty solid place to be

Jake The Snake when he was a heel never came up short. Underflaker same thing. Randy Savage as well. I think Kamala used to come up short all the time. Giant Gonzales is in the same level as bray wyatt he was a jobber never won any matches! What's embarassing is using the Exorcist trademark spiderwalk and ruining the reputation of that movie he should be doing this when he wins!

Please don t make me laugh the Firefly family from Rob Zombie's House of 1000 corpses was terrifying this is Mc Moron's laughable version of wwe!
Cause partly it is Bray Wyatt's fault and his entourage who don't speak and show concern they just shut their mouth for a paycheck and don't care about adding realism to their characters!
Agree 100% with the OP here.

i am soooo sick of the Wyatt family altogether and Bray in particular. WWE really dropped the ball with them. They had the potential to be a dominating group and do something "major" but they never completed a single "threat" or won a rivalry.

Even if they prevail in this 6-man tag at Fastlane, what does it do for anyone? Is beating Kane/Big Show/Ryback supposed to make people believe they are a dominating force of fear to take down Brock Lesnar?
Agree 100% with the OP here.

i am soooo sick of the Wyatt family altogether and Bray in particular. WWE really dropped the ball with them. They had the potential to be a dominating group and do something "major" but they never completed a single "threat" or won a rivalry.

Even if they prevail in this 6-man tag at Fastlane, what does it do for anyone? Is beating Kane/Big Show/Ryback supposed to make people believe they are a dominating force of fear to take down Brock Lesnar?

Yes it is. This brings up another problem - WWE thinks Kane and Big Show are still credible when they're not.
Yes it is. This brings up another problem - WWE thinks Kane and Big Show are still credible when they're not.

Great point.

We continue to see the 2 giant senior citizens with limited ability take up spots on PPV cards and time on RAW instead of calling up new/fresh talent or giving more time to different characters to develop.

How can they ever expect fans to truly get behind a new crop of wrestlers if we are forced to watch Kane and Big Show?
Bray Wyatt lost his momentum it felt like after the Cena feud when he was red hot - after that it has been a downward spiral. I do want to point out that for a period of time recently he was dealing with a shoulder injury they were keeping quiet according to Flair. He needs significant victories. He needs to "convert" people to followers. He needs visually powerful segments and stories - not the recent squash matches or long winded promos with no real story. Stuff you don't currently see on RAW. It's a shame they couldn't get it right with Wyatt because he has a character with more depth than anybody on the roster and can talk circles around just about anybody... and lose the spider walk thing.
Yes it is. This brings up another problem - WWE thinks Kane and Big Show are still credible when they're not.

Yeah they are not that much credible as WWE thinks. But still I think both of these can be used to put over young talent in their couple feuds. And they are credible enough to give the rub to guys like Balor, Joe etc when they are called up.

I really like Kane but dislike Big Show. So I think they should retire atmost at Wrestlemania 33.

Bray Wyatt could be the biggest heel in the company if WWE let him win a single feud ever.

So sad to see the "send the crowd home happy!" while they're booing the roof off hte arena every time we get Happy Face Happy time.

WWE gauges Wyatt as a character that can take losses and still be relevant, which is true to an extent, sorry Husky, you're too good at your job that WWE rewards you with losses because your charisma keeps you going, while they give people like Roman Reigns 1000 wins in a row because he has no charisma and wouldn't even be relevant if he didnt have an LOLCENAWINS story going.

That being said, I still do think Big Show is relevant and can take losses left and right and still look like a real wall to casual fans. He's been an enhancement talent for 10 years, and him/Mark Henry and a few others have been fantastic at making undercarders into midcarders. Wyatt is the epitome of midcard right now, so this feud does pretty much nothing for him win or loss. I don't think Paul Wight or Glenn Jacobs should retire soon, but I do think they should be putting over lesser talents for casual audience, rather than fighting estabished midcarders.

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