wwf new generation

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Dark Match Jobber
Now I rarely hear about this WWE era and hearing talks about another less talked about era "the ruthless aggression era" made me think about this time when hogan was out and stone cold wasn't there to give the finger and drink steveweisers. I just want to know what people thought of the era and how if it helped or hurt the wwe/wrestling later. Personally I think it helped/hurt the wwe and just hurt wrestling as a whole. I was a casual wrestler watcher during the golden era and by casual I mean barely watched yet I could still tell you who hulk hogan, ultimate warrior, macho man, sergeant savage and a few others were. i remember during this time I didn't watch wrestling much and from the ads I was turned off seeing the likes of goldust, luna vachon, and others I was honestly kinda frightened of as a young kid. However when I was really getting into wrestling during the attitude era people used to tell me that wcw was full of old wwf has beens and they were all too old. as an impressionable 14 year old I took these peoples words and wouldnt even turn the channel to wcw..... Now here we are years later and alot of people almost demand a wrestler retires once he hits the 40 year old mark. So while i believe it helped at one point, now I believe it hinders wrestlers who still can go but are older. So to sum up this tangent, do you believe this helped the WWE and do you believe it hurt wrestling as a whole? If people need their memories refreshed here's and old wwf commercial making fun of wcw.

Funny thing is when WWF did this...they were getting their ass-kicked by WCW in the ratings. WWF was just pissed that WCW had all the star-power, all the big draws and WWF had nothing left but a bunch of mid-carders.

1996 was the lowest point in WWF. They had very little star power at that point and most fueds sucked. It hurt Wrestling as a whole. WWF/WWE made this image in many fans mind that a Wrestler can only wrestle till the 40s and after that they should retire.

If a person can still compete then why not.
WWE has always focused on making new stars... thats what makes them the top dog....WCW did the opposite by taking top stars who were older and giving them the spotlight...then they got stale...then they plummeted...but people want the NEW... i look at wrestling feuds and story lines the same way i look at music from 2011...it was good in 2011 but you want and need new music for 2012...so while those feuds and storylines are going on they need to have new talent and storylines ready to replace the current programs.

HHH knows this he has been paying allot of attention to Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins and FCW. WWE first hand felt the effects of not planning ahead in the pre Austin era...but then again austin was a phenomenom...so was cm punks success in 2011...somethings you cant plan.

When things in wwe feel real...thats when wwe flourishes...edge, lita and matt...hhh stephanie, cm punk leaving wwe, stone cold stunning the boss, bret hart screwed by the wwe, tyson and austin combustion, somethings u just cant plan, life is the same way.

I have preached knowloedge take from it what u will.
The wwf was just trying to be more real than wcw. they wanted their brand to look younger, stronger and cooler. It makes sense when you consider the fact that in the world of elite sports like Football, track and field, tennis and every other gruellingly tough competitions where fitness and athleticism are key to winning there aren't many guys over 40 and if there are there certainly aren't any over 45. In these sports its hard to keep competing after the age of 32 to 35 max and only the very best can.
The mistake wwf made is that pro wrestling as much as they'd like to think it does just doesn't require quite the same levels of fitness as those kinds of competitions I mentioned before so they missed out on the fanfare those more experienced guys bring in.
I think it is a mistake that they get rid of the over 40's guys so but on the other hand there are more around now than there were then I think.
WWE is much more tolerant to age thesedays. Back in 1993 they made a huge deal about Bob Buckland being 40.
When things in wwe feel real...thats when wwe flourishes...edge, lita and matt...hhh stephanie, cm punk leaving wwe, stone cold stunning the boss, bret hart screwed by the wwe, tyson and austin combustion, somethings u just cant plan, life is the same way.

I have preached knowloedge take from it what u will.

You are just a WWE mark.

hhh stephanie - Storyline - Till 2003 HHH had no "Control" on WWE. HHH/Stephanie married in 2003 not 1999.

stone cold stunning the boss - Storyline- Vince was the owner. Vince made Austin stun him. Austin didn't do it by himself. He was just an employee.

tyson and austin combustion- Storyline done just to increase attention at the time of Wrestlemania. Still WCW was beating WWF in ratings.

cm punk leaving wwe - Everything was scripted from Promo to the whole "Change" storyline.

All of those are storylines leaving Bret Hart and Edge,Matt and Lita.
um thanks for over analyzing my post down to the zit on its forehead...but i clearly said "When things in wwe feel real...thats when wwe flourishes." Fans dig reality...TNA are also flourishing by making there own stars and planning ahead.
Funny thing is when WWF did this...they were getting their ass-kicked by WCW in the ratings. WWF was just pissed that WCW had all the star-power, all the big draws and WWF had nothing left but a bunch of mid-carders.

1996 was the lowest point in WWF. They had very little star power at that point and most fueds sucked. It hurt Wrestling as a whole. WWF/WWE made this image in many fans mind that a Wrestler can only wrestle till the 40s and after that they should retire.

If a person can still compete then why not.

no wwf were still beating wcw in the ratings at this time, so your a ******. And they were trying to show that they had young stars, and when wcw got two of their best young stars (razor and diesal.) thats when wcw starting beating wwf in ratings. And wwf still had star power, but wcw had more edge, because of the nwo. Also if you watch the main events, the fueds were pretty good, and got to an all time high in 1997. Remember, bret v austin started that year. And about that last sentence, it wasn't that 40's should retire, it was that because they were old dogs, they couldn't learn new tricks.
You are just a WWE mark.

hhh stephanie - Storyline - Till 2003 HHH had no "Control" on WWE. HHH/Stephanie married in 2003 not 1999.

stone cold stunning the boss - Storyline- Vince was the owner. Vince made Austin stun him. Austin didn't do it by himself. He was just an employee.

tyson and austin combustion- Storyline done just to increase attention at the time of Wrestlemania. Still WCW was beating WWF in ratings.

cm punk leaving wwe - Everything was scripted from Promo to the whole "Change" storyline.

All of those are storylines leaving Bret Hart and Edge,Matt and Lita.

Everything in the WWE is a story line. You cannot expect a man to jump off the cage into a barbed wire board, can you? There was no shoots in WCW as well. Except for a few promos everything was scripted. Triple H never had control on WWE. Austin was rebellious enough to be believed for stunning the owner. Punk's promo is a legitimate shoot. Many have endorsed it unlike you.

So you are a more talent-less WWE mark than him.
no wwf were still beating wcw in the ratings at this time, so your a ******. And they were trying to show that they had young stars, and when wcw got two of their best young stars (razor and diesal.) thats when wcw starting beating wwf in ratings. And wwf still had star power, but wcw had more edge, because of the nwo. Also if you watch the main events, the fueds were pretty good, and got to an all time high in 1997. Remember, bret v austin started that year. And about that last sentence, it wasn't that 40's should retire, it was that because they were old dogs, they couldn't learn new tricks.

Look at the ratings of WWF and WCW for 1996 and 1997 which will prove otherwise. ******.



WWE only had Shawn Michaels and all others were new rookies or mid-carders. You are just another WWE mark who can't accept that WCW was better than WWF for a long period of time.
You are just a WWE mark.

hhh stephanie - Storyline - Till 2003 HHH had no "Control" on WWE. HHH/Stephanie married in 2003 not 1999.

stone cold stunning the boss - Storyline- Vince was the owner. Vince made Austin stun him. Austin didn't do it by himself. He was just an employee.

tyson and austin combustion- Storyline done just to increase attention at the time of Wrestlemania. Still WCW was beating WWF in ratings.

cm punk leaving wwe - Everything was scripted from Promo to the whole "Change" storyline.

All of those are storylines leaving Bret Hart and Edge,Matt and Lita.

The guy said when things FEEL REAL key word FEEL not literally for real, learn to read rather than jump on the first post you think you're able to intelligently dissect, when clearly you aren’t.

And he's right, WWE throughout history has always been better from a ratings and popularity standpoint when something is happening that fans can connect with for example, Austin smacking Vince in the balls or Hogan able to comeback from exile and co-main event WM18 and capture the Undisputed championship that shit doesn't happen in real life everyday but fans connected with it because of the emotions, when WWE has something that fans can emotionally get behind WWE seems at it's best, maybe it's all illusions, smoke and mirrors I don't know that's debatable.
Everything in the WWE is a story line. You cannot expect a man to jump off the cage into a barbed wire board, can you? There was no shoots in WCW as well. Except for a few promos everything was scripted. Triple H never had control on WWE. Austin was rebellious enough to be believed for stunning the owner. Punk's promo is a legitimate shoot. Many have endorsed it unlike you.

So you are a more talent-less WWE mark than him.


You probably haven't even watched WCW.

Punk's promo was scripted just like every other thing in the WWE.

BTW I like TNA a lot more than WWE so your last line is a fail.

You probably haven't even watched WCW.

Punk's promo was scripted just like every other thing in the WWE.

BTW I like TNA a lot more than WWE so your last line is a fail.

:lol: You haven't even hit puberty yet. I know more about WCW than you. I certainly know more about pro-wrestling than you. I have watched pro-wrestling too long to differentiate between a shoot and a scripted promo. Punk's promo was a worked SHOOT. Nevertheless, it was a shoot. WCW had often used shoot which really de-valued it. WCW was beating Raw in its prime but at last it died. I can make you look like a child by going through WCW from its birth to death but just don't want to waste my time on this.
"Punk's promo was a worked SHOOT. Nevertheless, it was a shoot."

you contridict yourself in your own argument. a "worked shoot" is ultimatly a WORK...meaning part of the storyline.
:lol: You haven't even hit puberty yet. I know more about WCW than you. I certainly know more about pro-wrestling than you. I have watched pro-wrestling too long to differentiate between a shoot and a scripted promo. Punk's promo was a worked SHOOT. Nevertheless, it was a shoot. WCW had often used shoot which really de-valued it. WCW was beating Raw in its prime but at last it died. I can make you look like a child by going through WCW from its birth to death but just don't want to waste my time on this.

Wow you don't even know the difference between a Worked "Shoot" Promo and a legit Shoot Promo so here it is :

A shoot (promo)in professional wrestling is a term that refers to any unplanned, unscripted or real-life occurrence within a wrestling event.

Worked-shoot is the term for any occurrence that is scripted by the creative team to come off as unscripted and therefore appear as though it were a real life happening but is, in fact, still part of the show.

CM Punk's promo was a worked "shoot" promo means it was still scripted.
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