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WWF 2001: "After the Invasion"

  • Hello once again GCB! Thought I'd pop by and share some thoughts on Sunday Night Heat. Would have done it last night after the Smackdown review but I got kind of tied up but I'll do it know then.
  • Nice intestity from Test and because of the amout of detail you added in we could see that he was angry and you did a great job at getting the emotions across. Ok short match however it makes Test look good going into this tournament on Monday with his match against Triple H. Nice attack from Test to Scotty 2 Hotty because it makes him look like a believable contender which is good. Hoping that we see a moment in the match where Test hits the Pumphandle Slam on HHH but HHH kicks out and hits the Pedigree either way, I predict a HHH victory.
  • Like how you have actually added some consistancy in this as he mentioned all things that needed to be said. He addressed Austin's attack, his qualifyer with Matt Hardy and his match tonight. Would have liked to see a bit more from Lita as it seems very random that she would just turn up and not do anything.
  • Nice match here with Holly/Crash taking on The Hardy Boyz. I think this was more about showing the on going differences between Jeff and Matt more then it is trying to make the Holly's look strong and push them as a tag team. Like how you involved Lita in the story. Just those three words "Lita is worried" makes it better as it reminds us the reader that their is a third element to the feud, Lita. Good job.
  • I also like how you then continued the Hardy's on backstage too. More Lita too as it shows were she stands in the feud. Right in the middle. Nice arguement. I see this ending up in a Jeff Hardy v. Matt Hardy feud with both men trying to pull Lita to join them until Lita finally goes with Matthew.
  • Short and sweet victory by Booker T. Like how you made this a shortish match but you didn't make it a squash either so now Al Snow still looks like a mid card contender after he hit Booker with the Snow-Plow. Just one thing I noticed... You said Booker kicks out at two but usually your layout is like

    Booker kicks out at 2
  • So I was just wondering why it was you changed your layout for this cover... Seems the italic BB code didn't work. Hate when that happens. Nice run up for Monday Night RAW tommorow and you go into the show with strong victories for Booker T and Test. Nice job.
  • Once again, a great show. You've posted three shows now in your booker and they have all been amazing. Now, in Wrestling Clique some people do things like Contence in the first page. Like the show name and a link to that post so that you can go back to that post. It might be good if you could do that as your posting these rather fast... Which isn't a bad thing. Really great show that you should be proud of. Looking forward to RAW and Undisputed.
  • Short and sweet victory by Booker T. Like how you made this a shortish match but you didn't make it a squash either so now Al Snow still looks like a mid card contender after he hit Booker with the Snow-Plow. Just one thing I noticed... You said Booker kicks out at two but usually your layout is like

    Booker kicks out at 2
  • So I was just wondering why it was you changed your layout for this cover... Seems the italic BB code didn't work. Hate when that happens. Nice run up for Monday Night RAW tommorow and you go into the show with strong victories for Booker T and Test. Nice job.

Don't really get what you mean here. Changed the layout because (a) it's HEAT and (b) the matches are nowhere near as detailed for this show. The italic BB code? Huh?


PREVIEW | Monday November 26, 2001 | Oklahoma City, OK

After being given an ultimatum to return by the end of SMACKDOWN last week by Vince McMahon, the WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin, made his return in the nick of time to avoid being stripped of his title and fired from the WWF. On his return, all hell broke loose as many of the favourites to win the Undisputed WWF Championship caused chaos in the ring but it was the Rattlesnake who closed the show on top as he hit two significant Stone Cold Stunners – one to Booker T, the man charged with making sure he returned, and one to Austin’s biggest nemesis in the World Wrestling Federation, The Rock. Tonight, we have word that Stone Cold will be appearing on RAW and will be speaking about the demise of the Alliance, his return to the WWF and his future plans in the business. Will Austin officially set his sights on becoming the new Undisputed Champion of the WWF? And what will he have to say about the different issues surrounding his failure to ensure the survival of the Alliance?

Tonight also sees the official opening of the WWF Undisputed Championship tournament with four pre-qualifying matches. Eight men will do battle but only four men can join all the current singles champions in the WWF and the men who fought for Team WWF at Survivor Series in the final qualifying round. This also signals the return of the Cerebral Assassin himself, “The Game” Triple H. Sidelined for over seven months with a torn quadriceps injury suffered in a Tag Team Championship match on RAW, Triple H’s return sees him face Test with a place in the qualifiers up for grabs. On SMACKDOWN last week, we heard from the former WWF Champion and he set his sights on returning and winning the Undisputed WWF Championship at the UNDISPUTED PPV. However, he should not take his opponent lightly tonight; Test is on a roll right now and is immune from being fired for twelve months after he won the “Immunity” Battle Royale at Survivor Series. He has been on a mean streak and it appears he will do whatever it takes to win tonight. Could Test upset “The Game” on his return tonight? Or will Triple H march on towards the UNDISPUTED PPV with his eyes firmly set on becoming the Undisputed WWF Champion?

As well as Triple H facing Test in the pre-qualifying round here tonight, there are three more matches which could signal the start of the journey towards the Undisputed WWF Championship for somebody here tonight. Former WCW superstars, Diamond Dallas Page and Rey Mysterio, clash in one match; we are familiar with DDP and his twisted antics during the “Invasion” but Mysterio is making his WWF debut here tonight. Could the high-flying 5 foot 6 superstar begin his WWF career with victory over the more established Page? Both Hardy Boys are also in singles competition tonight after their recent Tag Team problems; Matt faces Booker T who looked impressive in defeating Al Snow on HEAT last night whilst Jeff faces William Regal who should be recovered from the ordeal of facing the Brothers of Destruction in a Handicap match on SMACKDOWN. Which four men will make it into the qualifying round on SMACKDOWN later this week?

After their Handicap match with Regal last week, the Brothers of Destruction face another Handicap match this week as they team together once more to face three men; X-Pac and Albert of the X-Factor and Chris Jericho. Last week on RAW, after defeating X-Pac, Taker was attacked by Albert and Jericho before Kane, trying to rescue his brother, took a beating as well. Jericho appears to be upset with Undertaker taking exception to him at Survivor Series when he inexplicably attacked The Rock with a Breakdown and almost cost the WWF big time. With many problems last week between the five men, tonight sees them have chance to put these issues to bed so that, for Undertaker, Kane and Jericho at least, focus can be switched to the tournament later this week. Will Undertaker and Kane take revenge? Or will Jericho and the X-Factor work well together once more to send a message to the two WWF mainstays?

In an astonishing revelation last week on SMACKDOWN, the Dudley Boys revealed that they are planning to leave the World Wrestling Federation – with the Tag Team Championships – after WrestleMania X-8. After claiming that there is little competition in the Tag Team division for them, Bubba Ray and D-Von’s comments have not been accepted well in the locker room. A senior WWF official has revealed that all the Tag Teams in the WWF have been told to step up and prove themselves, in the wake of these comments from the Dudleys, and ensure that the Tag Team Championships remain right here in the WWF. Who will be the first to step up and show that the Dudley Boys’ comments are false?

Test vs. Triple H (Pre-Qualifier)
DDP vs. Rey Mysterio (Pre-Qualifier)
Booker T vs. Matt Hardy (Pre-Qualifier)
Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal (Pre-Qualifier)
Chris Jericho & X-Factor vs. Kane & Undertaker (3 vs. 2 Handicap match)

Stone Cold Steve Austin speaks!​
(Credit: NotoriousMEAT for RAW graphic)

Monday November 26, 2001 | Oklahoma City, OK


A raucous crowd here in Oklahoma City as JR, a native of this state of course, welcomes the world to Monday Night RAW and the pyro explodes all around the arena. He introduces Tazz before they hype up all the huge matches on the show tonight; we have four pre-qualifying round matches as the Undisputed WWF Championship tournament kicks off including the return of “The Game” Triple H. We will also get to see the Brothers of Destruction in action as they face off against X-Factor and Chris Jericho in a 2 vs. 3 Handicap match as well here tonight. Finally, for now, JR excitedly informs us that tonight is the night we get to hear from the WWF Champion, the Rattlesnake himself, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Tazz and JR wonder out loud over what Austin’s intentions will be now that the Alliance is finished and he is on his own with the WWF Championship over his shoulder – for now.




On cue, here comes Stone Cold and the crowd pop big time; the reaction, as it was on Thursday night’s SMACKDOWN, is mixed as Austin strides out dressed in denim shorts and an ‘AUSTIN 3:16’ t-shirt and with the WWF Championship, set to be replaced in two weeks’ time, slung over his shoulder. There isn’t a flicker of emotion on his face as he steps through the ropes and into the ring and he steps up onto the middle turnbuckle to show that he is here. JR on commentary says that Austin is a complex individual, he could do or say anything right now – nobody knows what this man is thinking. Tazz puts Austin over as being a tough S.O.B. and says that like him or not, you have to respect his accomplishments in that ring. Austin has a microphone now and the music fades so that the people of Oklahoma can listen to him. A loud “Austin! Austin!” chant begins in the arena and this catches Stone Cold’s attention as he looks around and hears the chanting and the cheers for him. However, as he listens, another chant starts up and this time it isn’t favourable: “Austin sucks! Austin sucks!” The reaction is polarised, which way will Austin go here?

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: In recent weeks and months, I’ve spoken a lot about trust.

A loud “What?” goes up in the arena but Stone Cold doesn’t play up to it.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: I had to tell the Alliance that they could trust me.

Another “What?” but it is quieter; Austin appears to not want to hear them tonight.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: I had to prove myself to Shane McMahon …

Boos for the mention of Vince McMahon’s ungrateful son …


More boos for the mention of Vince’s daughter …


A more mixed reaction for Heyman who still has many supporters thanks to his ECW days …

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: I had to prove to them that they could trust me, that I was the man to lead the Alliance into Survivor Series, that they could trust me when I said I wouldn’t be turning against them and joining the World Wrestling Federation.

Whether the crowd like him or hate him, the reaction to him is off the charts as always.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: At Survivor Series, I wrestled for over an hour as the leader of the Alliance. I wrestled for over an hour and proved that I could be trusted … only for some damn pompous Olympic ass to reveal his yellow streak and smash me in the head with the title just as I was about to end the WWF forever.

More mixed reaction – positive for insulting Angle, negative for wanting to destroy the WWF.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: And now the damn Alliance is done. No more Shane, no more Stephanie, no more Paul Heyman. And no more Stone Cold Steve Austin!

There is an intake of breath around the arena; is Austin quitting the WWF here tonight?

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: But then I watched Monday Night RAW and I saw Vince McMahon telling the world that he had destroyed the Alliance, I saw Kurt Angle telling the world how he was the man who ended the hopes of the Alliance, I saw The Rock with his WCW Heavyweight Championship and claiming to deserve the championship.

There is a faint “Rocky!” chant at the mention of the WCW Champion but the focus is on Austin right now.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: I saw the end of RAW and that Goldberg, a man that the Alliance could not call on, would be coming to the World Wrestling Federation. I have just one thing to say about him – coward.

Austin’s face contorts into a scowl as he mocks Goldberg.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: Goldberg is a piece of trash, he is coming to the World Wrestling Federation because he thinks that I’m leaving it. Well, uh-uh, no way, Goldberg – I’m staying here and I’m gonna’ whip your ass, boy!

Another mixed reaction and another “Austin!” chant begins.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: And you all wanna’ cheer that, huh?

The crowd stop chanting as Austin’s attention turns on them.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: Let me tell you all right now, I’m Stone Cold Steve Austin, I’m the WWF Champion – and I’m not here for any of you.

Negative reaction, at last, for Austin.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: I’m damn well not here for Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation.

More boos for this comment.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: I’m here for one reason and one reason only. I sat watching Monday Night RAW, I’m damn well not gonna’ to let Kurt Angle take credit for ending my career, I’m damn well not gonna’ let the Rock be the first ever Undisputed Champion, I’m not gonna’ let Goldberg take over here and damn well avoid me, no way. I’m here for one reason – and that is this.

Austin raises his WWF Championship belt high over his head.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: The World Wrestling Federation Championship, the soon to be Undisputed WWF Championship – I’m here because I have got to be the WWF Champion, I am going to prove that I am the best that there is around here.

More mixed reactions, people don’t know how to react to Austin it seems.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: I’m not proving it for all of you, Stone Cold Steve Austin couldn’t care less about what you think …

Boos for this comment.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: Stone Cold Steve Austin is here to go to UNDISPUTED, whip the asses of three men and become the Undisputed WWF Champion …

Austin’s intensity has gone up a level here …

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: Stone Cold Steve Austin will do what he wants, when he wants and only when it suits him …

Austin readjusts the title on his shoulder before beginning to end his promo …

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: And that’s the bottom line …

Austin pauses and smirks as the audience chant the end of the saying …




*** THE ROCK ***

The arena explodes as the WCW Champion, the man that pinned Austin and saved the WWF from defeat, The Rock, heads out with the big, gold WCW Championship belt over his shoulder. He stands on the stage and looks down at the WWF Champion in the ring who looks pissed off that Rock interrupted him right here tonight. As Rock comes closer to the ring, he holds his hand up and signals for the music to be faded out.

THE ROCK: Stone Cold Steve Austin, you wanna’ talk about trust, do you? You wanna’ talk about trusting others, about people screwing you over like Kurt Angle did at Survivor Series. You wanna’ talk about that do you?

Rock steps up the steel steps and stands on the apron looking at Austin over the top rope.

THE ROCK: You think these people give a rat’s ass about what you think about trust and screwing people out of what is rightfully theirs. Austin, let me remind you of something …

Rock points to the titantron which displays images from WrestleMania 17 for the people in the arena and watching on TV screens to see …


THE ROCK: Do you remember this night, Austin?


THE ROCK: WrestleMania 17, World Wrestling Federation Champion The Rock, Royal Rumble winner Stone Cold Steve Austin, main eventing the Big Daddy of ‘em all for the second time. One of the best, na na na na na na na, THE best of all time, the greatest WrestleMania main event of all time … and what did you do on that night?


THE ROCK: You turned your back on me, you turned your back on everybody watching, you turned your back on Texas …

Some boos in Oklahoma for the mention of Texas …


THE ROCK: You screwed the Rock, you teamed up with Vince McMahon just to become the WWF Champion.

Back in the ring, Austin is watching Rock as he walks around the edge of the ring around him.

THE ROCK: The Rock told you before, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock will never … EVER … forget. Yet here you are, bitchin’ and complainin’ because Vince McMahon and Kurt Angle screwed you, because you couldn’t trust them.

Rock looks at Austin with a look of disgust …

THE ROCK: What happened to you? Since when did the Rattlesnake, the “Bionic Redneck” himself, since when did Stone Cold Steve Austin, one of the greatest of all time, since when did you care about whether or not you could trust people?

Cheers for these comments from Rocky.

THE ROCK: Don’t … trust … anyone … That’s what you’ve always preached, isn’t it?

Austin looks annoyed but he is listening to Rock intently …

THE ROCK: Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock doesn’t care why you’re here, The Rock doesn’t give a damn what you think about winning the Undisputed WWF Championship, all The Rock cares about is taking his Size 15 boot, shining it up real nice, turning it sideways and …

*** KURT ANGLE ***

The interruption causes both Rock and Austin to turn their attention to the stage where the American gold medal winner from the 1996 Olympics, Kurt Angle, is standing. He walks towards the ring but again the music is dropped to allow him to speak; he stands outside the ring to speak, clearly nervous about getting anywhere near Stone Cold after Survivor Series, but when he does speak, he is using a mocking voice.

KURT ANGLE: Oh no, poor Rock, poor Austin. I can’t believe what has happened here – Rock got screwed at WrestleMania, Austin got screwed at Survivor Series, it’s just not fair.

Angle stops at the foot of the ramp and shakes his head.

KURT ANGLE: Let me tell you something, boys. Cut the crap right now, grow a pair and shut your stupid, whining mouths.

Hmmm, interesting Kurt. The crowd laugh at this, they can’t believe that Angle feels he can say that to anybody …

KURT ANGLE: What do you two call yourselves? The toughest S. O. B. in the World Wrestling Federation? The most electrifying man in Sports Entertainment?

Austin and Rock, despite their differences, cast a look to each other and smirk at Angle’s audacity.

KURT ANGLE: Now, if it wasn’t for this tournament coming up on SMACKDOWN later this week and RAW next week, I’d get in that ring right now and get Olympic on both of your asses right now to teach you a thing or two about being a man …

People in the crowd, as well as Austin and Rock, are outright laughing at Angle.

KURT ANGLE: Oh, you don’t think I can do you, Oklahoma? Just because the icon of this state is Jim Ross, a disgusting, unfit, loudmouth commentator, don’t think that it is OK for you all to do the same. You want to laugh at me and mock me? Show some respect for YOUR Olympic hero!

A loud “Angle sucks!” chant goes up as JR claims that Angle’s comments are downright rude on commentary …

KURT ANGLE: Let me tell you, if there is one state in the USA that I won’t be taking advice from, it’s Oklahoma! Oh, it’s true … IT’S DAMN TRUE!

Angle returns his glare towards Austin and Rock in the ring before continuing.

KURT ANGLE: Now, like I was saying before I was interrupted by all of these idiots, I would come into that ring right now but …

???: Yawn, yawn, yawn …

Attention turns back to the stage where an unknown voice is coming. As the crowd turn to face the stage, the European Champion walks out patting his title belt around his waist. Christian is smirking as he heads down the ramp watching Angle, Rock and Austin as he does.


CHRISTIAN: For too long, the World Wrestling Federation has needed a shake up. For too long, we’ve been seeing the same people in the main events over and over and over again. From Kurt Angle vs. Triple H at the Royal Rumble this year, we’ve seen the same eight names over and over – you three morons, Jericho, Triple H, Undertaker, Kane and Booker T. Does anybody think that it is time for something different?

The crowd boo Christian’s words as he stands on the ringsteps. He points to the three men – two in the ring, one on the apron opposite (Angle) – and shakes his head.

CHRISTIAN: I don’t know about all of you, Oklahoma, but the countries that I represent in Europe have told me specifically that it is time for a change. They don’t want to see any of you in this tournament, past it and tired “superstars” … when they could see, should see, people like Christian, the European Champion, in the main event and given a chance.

Christian’s words are not going down well here.

CHRISTIAN: It’s obvious that Vince McMahon doesn’t want to see Christian given a chance – I mean, if he did, why would he force me to face Big Show last week, twice, with the title on the line?

Christian pats the title and then stares into the ring at Rock and Austin.

CHRISTIAN: I intend to qualify for the tournament at UNDISPUTED and when I do, it won’t be the WCW Champion that wins the Undisputed Championship, it won’t be the WWF Champion and it won’t be the Olympic gold medal winner. It will be the European Champion, Christian, at last, my time has come! NOBODY can stop me!

Austin and Rock again look amused as Christian, gingerly, steps into the ring …



*** EDGE ***

A big pop in the arena as Christian’s brother and former Tag Team partner, Edge, comes rushing out. He plays to the fans for a moment before rushing down to the ring and sliding in, the Intercontinental Championship around his waist and a microphone in his hand, he is ready to speak as well it seems …

EDGE: If anybody is boring the living daylights out of anybody round here, Christian, brother, I’m afraid it’s you!

Rock laughs at Edge and applauds him, he agrees, most of the crowd seem to as well.

EDGE: Gentlemen, I think that Christian has a point though. The World Wrestling Federation is going through a transition and I believe it is time for something different too, I just don’t think that Christian is something different. But what about the Intercontinental Champion and …

Edge looks directly at Angle for this one …

EDGE: … the King of the Ring?

Angle talks trash and arguments are breaking out around the ring now. Finally, a sixth superstar decides to show up as well.

*** ROB VAN DAM ***

Huge cheer in the arena as Rob Van Dam heads out as well with his Hardcore Championship in his hand. He heads for the ring and grabs a microphone as well before he heads into the ring and looks around at the other five men there …

ROB VAN DAM: Guys, this is all very interesting but you appear to be forgetting about somebody …

Van Dam lifts his hands, points with his thumbs and the crowd chant along with him.

ROB VAN DAM: … R … V … D!

Cheers around the arena as RVD smiles and looks to the different men in the ring.

ROB VAN DAM: I’ve heard you all arguing backstage and it’s a little bit embarrassing if I’m honest. You can all come out here and talk as much as you want – at the end of the tournament, you’re all going to be saying the same thing.

RVD makes a mocking kind of voice, scratches his chin and says:

ROB VAN DAM: “Hmm, Rob Van Dam. Undisputed WWF Champion. I never saw that coming!”

The crowd cheer this and begin to chant his name; other than Rock, this might be the best reaction of the six men in the ring in terms of crowd support as they chant along “RVD! RVD!” over and over. RVD smirks and looks at each of the other five men.


Attention turns towards the stage as the boss walks out in a new suit, as usual, and a microphone in his hand. He stays on the stage and calls for his music to be stopped.

VINCE McMAHON: So here we are: Vince McMahon’s Undisputed WWF Championship tournament hasn’t even started yet and we have six men out here and arguing about who is going to win it. Goddamnit, I’m a genius …

Mocking sounds from the crowd as Vince looks around at them.

VINCE McMAHON: I don’t see the rest of you with millions of dollars in the bank so you can mock me as much as you like. Enough of that though, what to do with these six men here tonight? Easy. I’ve made a main event and all six of you are going to compete in it tonight. It is going to be … a SIX-PACK CHALLENGE and the winner tonight will be rewarded in some way. I’m thinking about how, I’ll tell you all before the match starts – good luck, gentlemen. Good luck.

As Vince turns and heads backstage again, his music plays and the six men in the ring – Rock, Austin, Angle, Christian, Edge and RVD – look around at each other, their opponents for the evening. JR and Tazz are excited about this development and Tazz says that this is another great announcement from Mr. McMahon that adds to what is already a stacked card here tonight. After the break, announces JR, we’re going to see the first pre-qualifying match for the Undisputed WWF Championship tournament – the debut of Rey Mysterio as he faces Diamond Dallas Page! RAW heads into a commercial as the six men slowly edge out of the ring and away from each other to prepare for tonight’s main event.


RAW returns with JR and Tazz hyping up tonight’s main event, a 6 Pack Challenge match featuring six of the men who are expected to do well in the Undisputed WWF Championship tournament. It will be: Christian vs. Edge vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam vs. WCW Champion The Rock vs. WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin! The cameras switch backstage to the interview pit where we see the smiling, cocky face of Diamond Dallas Page, better known as DDP, who will be in action next here on RAW. He is standing with Lilian Garcia and she asks DDP why he believes that Vince McMahon entered him into the tournament even though he was a part of the Alliance roster that lost at Survivor Series. DDP looks at her with his usual smug grin and replies.

DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE: Isn’t that obvious, Lilian?

DDP looks at her quizzically and she shrugs her shoulders as he leers at her.

DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE: I wouldn’t worry your pretty blonde head about it then. It’s clear to me that Vince McMahon saw the potential that there is in Diamond Dallas Page, it is clear to me that Vince McMahon realises that I am a big time player here in the wrestling business. And regardless of whether or not a guy is WWF, WCW, ECW or any other organisation that you can think of, Vince McMahon knows his business inside out – why would he fire Diamond Dallas Page?

DDP holds out his hands rhetorically before continuing.

DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE: Vince McMahon is a lot of things, Lilian, but he isn’t stupid. When I invaded the World Wrestling Federation back at King of the Ring, I didn’t invade as a pack or with backup; I invaded alone and I went after the biggest dog in the yard in Undertaker. Vince McMahon admires people like me that have the balls to do things like that, he knows that I can be relied on to ruffle feathers and upset people. That is good for business, Lilian. And I intend to ruffle as many feathers as I can and upset all of these people here in Oklahoma when I win my match here tonight against Rey Mysterio.

Cheers in the arena, they are ready for Mysterio’s WWF debut here tonight.

DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE: Now, I saw a lot of Rey back down in Atlanta, trust me – this kid is good. He flies around the ring and he is unique – but he isn’t going to beat me here tonight. He is debuting against the wrong guy, I’m afraid. Tonight, DDP knocks off Rey Mysterio and then I go on to qualify for the UNDISPUTED tournament where I will shock the world and become the Undisputed WWF Champion. And Lilian, that’s not a bad thing …

DDP smiles goofily as he prepares to hit his catchphrase …

???: That’s a good thing!

DDP turns and looks for who finished his phrase for him. Into shot comes a smiling Vince McMahon who is applauding DDP.

VINCE McMAHON: It’s great to see you, Mr. Page, it’s great that you are confident here tonight. You spoke a lot just then about why Vince McMahon brought you back to the WWF and … well, quite frankly, I didn’t really agree with any of it.

Page looks a little shocked and worried.

VINCE McMAHON: I brought you back for one reason only, Page – you were the guy who started all this Invasion nonsense, I wanted you here tonight so I could look you in the eye and tell you two little words …

DDP looks really worried now as the crowd cheer …

VINCE McMAHON: But I’m a fair man, DDP. I will give you a chance. Tonight, you’re facing Rey Mysterio and if you win, you will get the chance to qualify for the tournament to crown the Undisputed WWF Champion.

Vince looks into DDP’s eyes now.

VINCE McMAHON: But if you lose, Mr. Page … I’m afraid … YOU’RE FIIIIIRRRRRRRREEEEDDDDDD!

DDP looks agitated now, he doesn’t like this; however, the crowd love the idea.

VINCE McMAHON: And Diamond Dallas Page … THAT’S … a good thing! Good luck!

McMahon pats DDP on the shoulder and then walks away leaving DDP to contemplate how important this next match just became here tonight. The cameras switch back ringside and the lights drop; the crowd’s excitement rises as they prepare for the arrival of the WWF’s latest superstar!





A great reception for Mysterio as he appears from underneath the stage and leaps up in the air dressed in black and purple trousers and a mask covering his face. As he jogs down the ramp towards the ring, Mysterio slaps hands with several of the crowd in the aisle as JR and Tazz inform everybody watching at home about Mysterio’s history in ECW and WCW. JR tells us about Mysterio’s time in WCW and how he was one of the main luchadors in the WCW’s excellent Cruiserweight division; Tazz suggests that if the rest of the World Wrestling Federation take him lightly because of his size, they could be in trouble – he outlines Mysterio’s time in WCW as well and his reputation for defeating the giants such as Bam Bam Bigelow and Kevin Nash. Mysterio leaps over the top rope into the ring and then steps on the turnbuckles to salute the fans. He is definitely going to be a fan favourite here in the World Wrestling Federation.

“YO! IT’S ME! IT’S ME! IT’S D … D … P!”



DDP comes out onto the stage and the arrogance and confidence he was showing five minutes ago with Lilian Garcia has disappeared to be replaced by a nervous worried look. JR reminds us of Vince McMahon’s proclamation moments ago – if DDP does not win tonight, he will be fired. DDP rolls into the ring and then he looks round the arena flashing the ‘Diamond’ sign to the crowd.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *



The early stages of the match see a very tense DDP looking troubled as Mysterio wows the crowd with his unique high-flying style. Page is struggling to contain Mysterio aside from a few attempted counters and the crowd are getting right behind Mysterio as he flies around the ring. When it seems that Mysterio is set for victory though, a desperate Page manages to counter a Seated Senton outside the ring when he catches him, steadies himself and then powerbombs the Mexican to the floor. From this point, DDP has control; he drags Mysterio round the outside of the ring and crashes him into the barricades and the steel steps to the annoyance of the referee and the fans. In the end, the referee comes out of the ring and threatens DDP with a DQ unless he gets back in the ring immediately. DDP smiles and slides back into the ring where he taunts the crowd as the referee begins the count …




The crowd cheer as Mysterio manages to get back into the ring and prolongs the match – but DDP, angered at Mysterio’s stubbornness, drops down to his knees and starts pounding away at Rey once more. Dragging the Mexican up to his feet, DDP locks him up and hits a hard-hitting belly to back suplex that crashes his shoulders and back down hard on the canvas. DDP makes the cover as he looks to secure his place in the next round of the tournament …



Both men get to their feet, DDP quicker right now, Mysterio swings a wild punch but it is easily ducked; DDP lifts Mysterio up in the air and hits a Sidewalk Slam to crash him down once more. Another cover from DDP as he looks a little desperate to put Rey away right now …



A “Let’s go Rey!” chant goes up in the arena as the crowd look to encourage him to get back into the match but DDP is controlling the pace now and looks to be in complete charge of the match. DDP locks him into a wrist lock and then drills his shoulder into Mysterio’s chest over and over before leaving Rey staggering in the middle of the ring. Page grabs Rey’s head and jumps in the air … Jumping DDT! Mysterio’s head is crashed down into the mat, has DDP done enough now to win the match?



Frustrated again, DDP slowly gets to his knees and looks down on Mysterio with a look of finality; it’s time to end this by the look of things. Page methodically grabs Mysterio by the head again and whips him to the ropes and hits a big discus clothesline that knocks Mysterio down once more. DDP looks around the ring and holds up his hands now – he signals a diamond and the crowd know what is coming now. As Mysterio gets to his feet, DDP stalks him and waits … He goes for the Diamond Cutter but Mysterio shoves him away to avoid what would surely have been a loss on his debut there. Page rushes at Mysterio once more but the Mexican ducks his punch, he then leaps over him as he comes off the ropes and then springboards off the ropes himself … Diving Crossbody! Mysterio hooks the leg of DDP …



DDP counters the pinfall into a roll up of his own on Mysterio …





Both men again get to their feet, they trade blows – Mysterio needs to stop that right away and he ducks a shot from DDP again and hits a low dropkick to the knees of the former WCW Champion. Page drops to his knees and Rey hits a DDT of his own that takes his opponent down. Mysterio is getting on a roll here and he heads for the top turnbuckle now, he waits for DDT to get to his feet and then he hits a dropkick to the chest of DDP that sends him down again. DDP, fearing the worst, rolls out of the ring to avoid Mysterio’s onslaught but this doesn’t deter the Mexican … SUICIDE DIVE! Mysterio dives through the ropes and takes down DDP on the outside to the delight of the crowd. The referee begins another countout and Mysterio heads back into the ring at 5 – will DDP make it?




Who is going to win this one, a keenly fought opening match here in the tournament to crown an Undisputed WWF Champion? When DDP gets up, Mysterio springboards off the middle rope and over DDP, he uses the Sunset Flip to drag Page over into a roll up …



DDP scrambles up quickly and he hits a right hand to the face of Mysterio; he then whips Mysterio to the ropes and, as Rey comes back off the ropes, he hits a tilt-a-whirl slam, TRIP TO THE DIAMOND MINE, and crashes him down onto the mat again. With Mysterio now dazed, DDP has another shot at hitting the Diamond Cutter … NO! Mysterio sees it coming this time and counters with a dropkick to the back. DDP ends up sprawled over the middle ropes and Mysterio points a finger in the air … He hits the opposite ropes and comes over the ring, he swings his legs out of the ring and kicks DDP right in the face – what is later to be known as the 619! DDP staggers back from the ropes clutching his mouth and Mysterio leaps up onto the top rope and waits … He springboards off … HURRICANRANA! MYSTERIO HITS THE HURRICANRANA TAKEDOWN INTO THE PIN! Has Mysterio got him beaten here?


(via PINFALL at 08:44)

(Advances to the Qualifying Round)

The crowd pop big time as Mysterio picks up a huge win here tonight on his debut in the World Wrestling Federation! As “619” echoes through the arena, Mysterio leaps onto the middle buckle and he salutes the fans who cheer his victory here tonight. DDP looks shell-shocked as he is on his knees, centre of the ring, head in his hands. He watches Mysterio celebrating and shakes his head – after what Vince McMahon said before, he knows that this defeat has sealed his fate. JR and Tazz mention that this probably means that DDP’s time in the WWF is over but Rey Mysterio’s time is only just beginning. Mysterio is into the qualifying round with the current WWF Champions and the Team WWF guys from Survivor Series. But who will be joining him later tonight?



RAW returns with a distraught looking DDP walking down a corridor backstage in the arena. He is looking devastated over the loss to Mysterio and doesn’t seem to believe what has happened to him here tonight on RAW. As Page rounds a corner, he almost walks into a grinning Vince McMahon whose eyes light up at the sight of the former Alliance member. DDP looks beseechingly at McMahon as if he is praying that the coup de grace doesn’t happen …

VINCE McMAHON: Well, well, well – Diamond Dallas Page!

McMahon laughs as he walks closer to DDP who has stopped walking now. He looks fearful as he waits for McMahon to speak once more …

VINCE McMAHON: Now, wasn’t there something I had to say to you?

McMahon mocks a pondering face as DDP looks on horrified at what he is about to hear next …

VINCE McMAHON: Oh yes, I remember now! Diamond Dallas Page ... YOU’RE FIIIIIRRRRREEEEDDDDD!

The crowd cheer as McMahon pats DDP on the shoulder and walks past him. The camera focuses on the face of DDP who looks like his dreams have just been shattered here tonight – Diamond Dallas Page has been fired from the World Wrestling Federation here tonight! The cameras switch to the interview pit where Rey Mysterio is standing with Lilian Garcia; she congratulates him on the win tonight and asks him if he believes he can win the Undisputed WWF Championship in two weeks’ time.

REY MYSTERIO: Thank you, Lilian. Tonight was a tough match for me, I had to give everything I had to win the match. But now I am in the next round, I am going to do whatever I need to do, yo haré lo que tengo que hacer, I want to be the Undisputed WWF Champion.

Mysterio takes a breath before continuing.

REY MYSTERIO: Can I win the title? No sé, no sé, but I will do everything I can to make it happen for all of you great fans, mi familia and for San Diego and the 6 … 1 … 9!

Mysterio smiles at Lilian and exits the interview area before the cameras switch back to the ringside area for the next match of the evening.



*** BOOKER T ***

The master of the “Spinneroonie” heads out as the flames light up the stage and the crowd boo and jeer. As the former 5-time WCW Champion heads to the ring, a look of dislike on his face as he looks to the fans, JR and Tazz discuss how lucky Booker T is to be here after Vince McMahon’s ultimatum that he got Austin back by the end of SMACKDOWN. However, JR hypes up Booker’s past and his record as the WCW Champion and says that he cannot be ignored here in this tournament. However, Tazz, whilst agreeing that Booker should not be underestimated, says that he just believes that this might be Matt Hardy’s time.

*** MATT HARDY ***

Accompanied by his girlfriend, Lita, Matt Hardy heads out into the arena to a good reaction – although there is a little negativity in the air after his issues with his brother, Jeff, recently – ready for his match here tonight with Booker T. He runs to the ring and slides under the bottom rope before leaping up on the turnbuckle and hitting the Hardy pose as a salute to the fans. Can Matt Hardy cause what would be an upset here tonight and make it into the Qualifying round later this week? JR and Tazz suggest that Jeff Hardy is absent because he is preparing for his match later tonight and that Matt has the chance here tonight to go it alone.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *



An even contest in the early going as Booker T and Matt Hardy both look to advance in the tournament and reach the final qualifying round. The crowd are firmly behind Hardy as he faces off against the unpopular Booker and he takes it to the former WCW Champion in the early going. Booker, however, manages to get control of the match and he uses a spinebuster to crash Matt down onto the mat as he looks for a running clothesline. From this point, Matt struggles to get back into the contest as Booker controls the tempo of things. However, he is unable to put Hardy away as we head past the 8:00 mark …

CLOSING MOMENTS: Looking to put Hardy away, Booker heads to the top turnbuckle and waits for Matt to get to his feet. Wobbling, Hardy gets up and Booker hits a missile dropkick from the top rope that crashes Matt to the mat. Booker grabs Hardy’s leg and makes the pinfall …



The crowd rally behind Matt once more and try to encourage him but Booker looks round with an annoyed look on his face. He looks determined to win this one and he grabs Matt and drags him off the mat – he whips him to the ropes and then, as Matt comes back towards him, he lifts him up and round and into a Sidewalk Slam. Booker hooks the leg again, he is desperate to put Hardy away here …



Frustrated once more, Booker stomps down on the chest and stomach of Hardy several times before dropping an elbow over him as well. As Hardy writhes on the mat, Booker leans back to the ropes and comes off them, he performs a few theatrics before dropping his knee across the chest of his opponent. Booker smirks as a “Let’s go, Hardy!” chant springs up from the crowd, encouraged by Lita, he waits for Hardy to stagger his way up into the corner. Booker drags him out of the corner and up against the ropes, he hits several knife edged chops that seem to sting Hardy’s chest. Booker is on top but he then makes an error of judgement as he whips Matt across the ring to the ropes and goes for a high knee; Matt ducks under Booker’s leg and hits the opposite ropes … Forearm smash to the face! Here comes Hardy’s comeback! Hardy whips Booker to the ropes and then hits a belly to back suplex as he comes back. Hardy makes a cover now, has he done enough?



Both men quickly get to their feet and Booker swings at Hardy. Hardy ducks once more, he hits a standing dropkick that takes him down before whipping him into the corner with authority. With Booker in the corner, Hardy rushes over and hits a clothesline in the corner before hitting a bulldog to take Booker down once more headfirst into the mat. As Booker gets up to his knees, Hardy grabs him … DDT! Hardy makes the cover again …



Hardy is on a roll now to the delight of the crowd and he waits for Booker to get up. Kick to the gut, here we go … TWIST OF FATE! MATT HARDY HITS THE TWIST OF FATE! This would be an upset here, Hardy makes the cover once more!



Matt holds his head in frustration this time, he thought he had it there! However, he has Booker T down and he is in control of this now. Hardy waits for Booker to get to his knees and then he locks him up again. Inverted DDT! Matt has Booker T laid out on the mat and he is encouraged by the fans again and he looks to the top rope. Matt climbs to the top turnbuckle and he strikes a Hardy pose, he is ready to deliver the leg drop to Booker T when …

*** ROB VAN DAM ***

What is happening here? Hardy pauses on the top rope and turns his attention to the stage where RVD comes out looking angry; JR and Tazz speculate that RVD is out here because of the attack from Matt Hardy after their Hardcore Championship match, including Jeff Hardy, last week on RAW. As RVD walks down to the ring, Hardy’s attention is taken and he fails to notice the movement of Bo0ker T behind him. Lita is trying to warn him but Hardy is staring at RVD when Booker drags him off the ropes instead. Matt, completely caught out, stumbles as he lands on his feet and Booker takes advantage – SUPERKICK from the former WCW Champion lays Matt out. RVD has backed off now and he appears to have achieved what he wanted to achieve. Booker waits for Matt to get to his knees and then he prepares himself … SCISSORS KICK! BOOKER T HITS THE SCISSORS KICK ON MATT! He hooks the leg of Matt and this appears to be the end of things …


(via PINFALL at 10:22)

(Advances to the Qualifying Round)

Booker T celebrates; he is through to the final qualifying round ahead of the UNDISPUTED PPV in 13 days’ time. As the referee raises his hand, Matt looks shocked as he comes round a little and questions what happened. As Booker exits the ring, JR and Tazz discuss the replays of RVD’s distraction; JR says it is a shame that the match had to end in such a controversial fashion but Tazz says that Matt had it coming after his actions last week when he attacked RVD post-match. The cameras return to the ring and we see an angry looking Matt, Lita trying to console him, staring up at the titantron where he just saw the replay. He cannot believe what happened there and he look furious when all of a sudden … BAM! ROB VAN DAM SMASHES HARDY WITH A STEEL CHAIR! Matt collapses in a heap and RVD stands over him, drops the chair and lifts his hand … The crowd chant along … R … V … D! As Matt lies face down on the mat, RVD steps away laughing to himself whilst Lita looks on in dismay over the situation. Tazz suggests that RVD just took revenge in the best possible way!


RAW returns with with replays of the two pre-qualifying matches so far; we see Rey Mysterio’s win over Diamond Dallas Page on his WWF debut as JR reminds us that DDP was fired afterwards and then we see the controversial ending of Booker T’s victory over Matt Hardy where RVD caused a distraction. Backstage, the cameras follow Matt Hardy, sweating and obviously hurting from the previous match, with Lita following him. He barges past some backstage officials before kicking open a locker room door where Jeff Hardy is warming up ready for his match later tonight. Matt walks in and pulls Jeff around, he appears to be annoyed with Jeff for some reason!

MATT HARDY: Where were you, Jeff? Where were you?

Jeff looks shocked but he adjusts himself and answers.

JEFF HARDY: Look, man, I don’t know what you’re on about. I wasn’t watching – what happened?

Matt looks furious with this comment from his younger brother.

MATT HARDY: What happened? You didn’t … RVD! That’s what happened!

JEFF HARDY: What did he do?

MATT HARDY: He cost me that match, Jeff, he attacked me with a chair. And where were you? Where were you when I was getting hit with a chair, Jeff?

Jeff looks apologetic but he gathers himself.

JEFF HARDY: Matt, I wasn’t watching. I’ve got a match with Regal later tonight, I was getting ready …

MATT HARDY: You’re supposed to be my brother, Jeff! We’re supposed to have each other’s back, man!

Jeff shakes his head in exasperation and throws down his shirt in anger.

JEFF HARDY: Look, man, I have a match tonight with Regal and that is all I am concentrating on right now. I am sorry that you got beat but it is not my fault. Tonight, we are going it alone …

Matt looks annoyed at this comment as well.

MATT HARDY: Going it alone? We’re Team Extreme aren’t we? Jeff, we’ve been dreaming of this for years – you’re supposed to have my back.

JEFF HARDY: Leave it, man. I’m up next, Regal is tough and I need to be ready. I don’t need this right now.

Jeff makes to leave the locker room but Matt refuses to move and there is a huge element of tension in the air right now.

JEFF HARDY: Get out of my way, Matt.

Matt stands his ground and Jeff gets closer to him. As they get face to face, it appears that Jeff might force his way past.

LITA: Matt … Jeff … Please don’t …

Matt steps aside as he continues to stare into his younger brother’s eyes.

JEFF HARDY: Look, I’m sorry you lost, Matt. But I’ve got to go out there now and beat Regal – and I want to do this on my own. This is important to me.

Jeff steps past Matt and Lita and heads out of the locker room as Matt looks on annoyed with his brother. JR informs us that Jeff’s match against William Regal is coming up next! Before that, however, we see highlights of Goldberg’s WCW debut as WWF looks to hype up the arrival of the former WCW superstar ahead of his WWF debut in two weeks’ time.

*** GOLDBERG ***

As the highlight video ends, JR and Tazz discuss the impending arrival of Goldberg and how he is going to impact here in the WWF. Tazz suggests that if Goldberg had been with the WCW and ECW Alliance for their Invasion, things might have worked out a hell of a lot differently to the way they did – he suggests that he could be presenting WCW Monday Nitro right now with Mike Tenay instead! JR says that Goldberg is a serious contender to become the WWF Undisputed Championship if he is prepared and ready – he has had a long time off from wrestling – and that the superstars in the tournament should be prepared to feel some pain if they face him.


A look of disgust on his face (as usual), Regal heads out ready for his first match in the Undisputed WWF Championship tournament as he looks to take advantage of Jeff Hardy’s problems with his brother here tonight. He gets into the ring and taunts the crowd by waving at them as they boo and jeer him; the crowd are against Regal tonight but he doesn’t appear to notice and/or care. However, the jeers change to cheers as soon as the music of his opponent hits …

*** JEFF HARDY ***

A big pop as Jeff comes running out onto the stage, he strikes a Hardy pose and then rushes down towards the ring ready for what is one of the biggest singles matches of his career. As he salutes the fans, JR and Tazz discuss the problems between Jeff and Matt; Tazz says that it is imperative that Jeff gets his mind focused on the match with Regal and not on these issues with his brother. The referee signals for the bell and we’re on the way here in the third of our pre-qualifying round matches …

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *



A complete clash of styles here; it’s the high flying, fast paced style of Jeff Hardy against the technical, European style of William Regal and in the early going, the pompous Regal manages to slow the match down as he grounds Hardy on the mat. The crowd are against him as he targets the shoulder and back of Hardy as he tries to set up for the Regal Stretch later on. Hardy, though, keeps threatening a comeback and several times he fights back only for Regal to use his experience and know how to halt him in his tracks. Regal also uses his arsenal of dirty tricks as he keeps Jeff down and despite Jeff’s resilience, he retains control of the match for long spells.

CLOSING MOMENTS: Regal’s dominance continues as he hits an effective half nelson suplex that specifically targets the shoulder of Hardy once more, he lands heavily on it and Regal readjusts to roll Hardy up into a pinfall …



However, Regal clearly didn’t expect to keep Jeff down there and he steps back as a groggy Hardy gets to his feet; a running knee lift follows and Jeff is down once more as Regal continues to control the tempo. A “Hardy! Hardy!” chant goes up as the crowd try to encourage the high flier but Regal silences it as he drags Jeff up and hits a neckbreaker that crashes him down once more. Another pinfall attempt from Regal here …



Regal complains to the referee for a minute and then hits a series of forearm smashes to Hardy as he is laid on the mat before he goes for another pinfall attempt …



Frustrated, Regal lifts Jeff hook and hooks both arms, lifts him high … Double Underhook Suplex! Regal drops Hardy down hard onto his back and then leaves Hardy writhing in pain on his back with a look of pleasure in his eyes. As Jeff rolls over onto his stomach, Regal drops down to his knees beside him and locks him up … REGAL STRETCH! REGAL LOCKS IN THE REGAL STRETCH ON JEFF HARDY! Jeff is struggling as Regal stretches his shoulder, the shoulder he injured, he is desperately trying to get to the ropes but they are a foot out of reach. The referee is asking Hardy if he wants to quit but Jeff frantically shakes his head; the crowd are trying to encourage Jeff to make the ropes but he is really struggling. Regal pulls back as much as he can and Jeff screams out in pain but edges his way a little closer towards the ropes. He is getting closer and closer and his fingertips are brushing the ropes; can Regal hold him away from the ropes? The referee is watching closely – will Jeff tap out or will he make the ropes?


The crowd cheer and scream as Jeff gets to the ropes and the referee demands that Regal releases the hold. Annoyed, Regal does release the hold and then he grabs the foot of Hardy and drags him back towards the centre of the ring. Jeff tries to fight it but Regal has control still. He stomps into the back of Hardy and then drops down again. REGAL STRETCH? BUT HARDY COUNTERS IT AND ROLLS REGAL UP INSTEAD!



A loud gasp from the crowd; for a moment, it looked as if Jeff was going to spring a surprise there. As they get to their feet, Regal uses a series of European uppercuts to stagger Hardy back but then Jeff manages to start returning the favour with some right hands of his own. Jeff swings a wild one to try and end the trading of blows but signals it too much, Regal ducks and wraps his hands round Hardy’s waist. He attempts a German Suplex but Hardy hooks his leg around Regal’s to counter it, he breaks loose and turns round to hit a standing dropkick that staggers Regal to the corner. As Regal comes back out of the corner, Jeff positions his head under his opponent’s jaw … Jawbreaker! Could Hardy have done enough here? He goes for a cover …



Hardy is on a roll now though and he continues his assault on Regal. Regal counters by whipping Hardy to the corner and following him in but Hardy counters …WHISPER IN THE WIND! Regal rolls out of the ring to safety but the tide has turned now and Jeff exits the ring as well and balances on the barricades, he runs around the corner of the ring four foot up and dives off into a clothesline that crashes Regal down outside the ring. The crowd are right behind him here and he rolls Regal back into the ring before climbing to the top rope … but Regal gets to his feet and staggers away to prevent Hardy going for the Swanton Bomb right now. Instead, Hardy leaps down and lands on his feet, he rushes to Regal in the corner and goes for Poetry in Motion but Regal avoids it and Hardy crashes into the turnbuckles instead. As he groggily gets back up, Regal sets himself … He hooks Hardy’s arms once more and lifts his opponent high … REGAL BOMB! WILLIAM REGAL HITS HIS POWERBOMB ON JEFF HARDY! This one looks to be over …



The crowd go wild as Jeff manages to kick out one more time. However, Regal is mortified and resorts to stiff right hands – JR comments that this is out of Regal’s usual moveset – before he picks Hardy up. He lifts him into a Fireman’s Carry and sets for a Regal Roll but Jeff slips down behind him instead. As Regal turns, Jeff kicks him in the stomach and then sets for a suplex, he sits out and crashes Regal down with an inverted suplex. Everybody is expecting Hardy to go for the victory here but instead he heads for the top rope and the excitement amongst the crowd builds … Can he hit it? SWANTON BOMB! JEFF HARDY HITS THE SWANTON BOMB! As the crowd go crazy, Jeff hooks the leg …


(via PINFALL at 09:38)

(Advances to the Qualifying Round)

As the crowd show their appreciation for his efforts, Jeff Hardy takes a moment to celebrate to himself before he leaps up on the ropes and salutes the fans. He is clearly delighted to have caused what could be seen as an upset here tonight; Jeff could go all the way to the UNDISPUTED PPV and win the Undisputed WWF Championship. JR and Tazz congratulate Hardy on commentary and say that he deserves this chance before we see Matt Hardy and Lita watching a TV monitor backstage. Lita looks delighted for her fellow Team Extreme member but Matt, understandably, has mixed emotions – Jeff has succeeded where Matt earlier failed. JR points out that we now know the identity of three of the final four men in the Qualifying Round – Rey Mysterio, Booker T and Jeff Hardy who beat DDP, Matt Hardy and William Regal respectively. JR hypes up the Test vs. Triple H match that will conclude the pre-qualifying round later tonight as RAW heads into a commercial with Jeff celebrating in the ring.


RAW returns with a black limo pulling into the backstage area of the arena. JR and Tazz speculate over who might be in the limosine as it comes to a stop and the back door opens and out steps … TRIPLE H! There is a huge pop in the arena as Triple H sets foot into the arena carrying his bags ready for his huge return to the World Wrestling Federation. JR reminds us that Hunter is back after six months out with a torn quadriceps muscle and that tonight he is here to take the first steps towards becoming the WWF Undisputed Champion. Tazz says that he is delighted to see “The Game” making his return here tonight and that he is going to be a major danger to the rest of the World Wrestling Federation superstars who want to be the champion as well. However, Triple H doesn’t walk straight in – he holds the door of the limo open and out steps Stephanie McMahon Helmsley! The “Billion Dollar Princess” is back as well, the wife of Triple H and, of course, the daughter of Vince McMahon. JR reminds us about Stephanie’s recent actions during her husband’s injury lay-off; she bought ECW and worked in conjunction with the WCW, run by her brother Shane McMahon, and Paul Heyman to try and run the WWF out of business. She looks round a little nervously as if she is expecting some issues about being here tonight back in the WWF. Triple H closes the door and the couple walk into the arena with many backstage officials greeting Hunter as he makes his return. They round a corner and there, standing waiting for them, is the Chairman of the WWF, Vince McMahon.

VINCE McMAHON: TRIPLE H! Welcome back!

Vince laughs his famed laugh and shakes the hand of the returning superstar who smiles; he is clearly happy to be back here tonight. However, Vince’s expression changes when he spots Stephanie behind Hunter …

VINCE McMAHON: And look what we have here … Stephanie McMahon Helmsley! I’ve got nothing to say to you, get out of here!

In the arena, there is a none too complimentary chant being directed at Stephanie and she looks almost apologetic as she faces up to her father for the first time since the ECW and WCW Alliance was defeated at Survivor Series.

STEPHANIE McMAHON: Daddy, please listen, I am so sorry about everything that happened, it just got out of hand …

VINCE McMAHON: Out of hand, huh?

STEPHANIE McMAHON: Daddy, it was … it was all Shane’s fault. He was the one who came up with the idea, I wanted to stop it but I couldn’t, Daddy, I couldn’t. I just …

Triple H raises his hand to Stephanie and encourages her to quieten down. He looks to Vince McMahon and then to Steph before commenting himself.

TRIPLE H: Hold it, guys, enough of the family domestic. Tonight isn’t about your family problems, tonight is about my return from injury. Tonight is about my return to the World Wrestling Federation and the start of my Undisputed WWF Championship run. Tonight, I’m going one on one with Test and I don’t want to hear any more about the Alliance …

Vince McMahon looks annoyed with Triple H for telling him about what is important tonight.

VINCE McMAHON: Hunter, I’m gonna’ stop you right there. I understand that you’re looking forward to your big match later tonight but I’ve got more important things on my mind right now.

Vince turns and looks straight at his daughter; he ignores Triple H’s protestations and takes a step towards her. Stephanie looks a little shaken as Vince advances towards her. Hunter smirks and rolls his eyes.

VINCE McMAHON: You seem to forget, Steph, I know you better than anybody. I know how driven you really are. I know that “Daddy’s Little Princess” would never do anything just because somebody told her to. You make your own decisions and you know what you want.

STEPHANIE McMAHON: No, Daddy, I was …

VINCE McMAHON: I have no doubt that Shane was the driving force behind the whole Alliance thing, I have no doubt that that slimeball Paul Heyman was poisoning your head with ideas but it was you that put those ideas in place.

Stephanie McMahon looks agitated and tries to interrupt her father again.

STEPHANIE McMAHON: Daddy, no, please …

VINCE McMAHON: It was you that slapped your own mother, Stephanie, it was you that tried to destroy the World Wrestling Federation and it was you who ripped this family in half. I told you that when the WWF destroyed the Alliance at Survivor Series, I wanted you and Shane out of the WWF forever.

Stephanie looks aghast as she tries to plead with her father. Triple H shakes his head and walks away from the warring father and daughter, he is refusing to let his focus on his return get sidetracked here tonight.

VINCE McMAHON: Now, do everybody a favour, get back in that limosine and get the hell out of the arena.

Stephanie pleads with her father again, he grabs his arm and wails at him.

STEPHANIE McMAHON: Nooo! Daddy, please, I’m begging you!


Vince roughly pulls his arm away from Stephanie as she wails louder and drops to her knees. She watches her father walk away and it appears that she cannot believe that he has followed up on what he said. As he leaves, Vince stops at the corner of the corridor and looks back at his daughter; for a second, Vince appears to have second thoughts … and then he continues around the corner and out of the way leaving Stephanie wailing.

The cameras switch elsewhere backstage and we see Jeff Hardy in his locker room, he is smiling wide after his victory over William Regal before the break. He is starting to get changed and he shoves some clothing items into his bag when into the locker room come his brother, Matt Hardy, and Lita. Lita is delighted to see Jeff and she rushes over to him and embraces him as Jeff looks over her shoulder to his brother. As Lita and Jeff separate, the tension is clear between the two brothers after their earlier exchanges when Matt was angry at Jeff for not coming out to save him from RVD’s attack. However, it is Matt who makes the first move; he smiles at Jeff and offers his hand to him. Jeff reaches out and shakes it and the two brothers embrace as well.

MATT HARDY: Look, Jeff, I’m sorry about earlier. I was just disappointed about losing to Booker, I didn’t mean to take it out on you, man.

JEFF HARDY: I know, Matt. I just wasn’t watching. I was focusing on going out there and beating Regal, I thought it was best that we went out there and did our own thing tonight.

Lita shakes her head and interrupts things for a moment. She slaps both brothers on the shoulders and laughs.

LITA: You two are impossible! Here we are, Team Extreme, you’re the multiple time Tag Team Champions and now you’re both making waves in singles competition as well. Everything is going so well, guys. You have got to stop arguing about things.

Matt and Jeff look awkward as they listen to Lita; she is right of course.

LITA: Look at everything we have right now. At some point, you’re going to get a shot again at those Tag Team Championships. Matt, you proved tonight that you can stand up to the best in the WWF – you had Booker T beat, you were this close to getting a shot at the Undisputed WWF Championship tournament …

An anguished look on the face of Matt Hardy as he remembers how RVD’s distraction cost him the match.

LITA: Jeff, you’ve just beaten Regal, you’re one match away from the UNDISPUTED pay-per-view and a shot at the Undisputed WWF Championship. Team Extreme are so close to dominating both the Tag Team division and the singles competition here in the WWF – you have got to get back on the same page. Forget what happened at Survivor Series, Matt. Forget what happened last week on RAW, Jeff. We need to stick together as a team.

Jeff and Matt look to each other with strange, tense looks on their faces; they appear to be really awkward with this but Lita’s words appear to have struck home here. Slowly, the two brothers embrace and they hug each other. As they pull apart, they’re both smiling at last and they exit the locker room together as Lita watches on smiling ...

LITA: I’m brilliant!

Lita smiles to herself and follows them out as RAW heads into another commercial break …



RAW returns with a replay of Stephanie McMahon being ordered to leave the arena by her father, Vince McMahon. We then switch to an unseen replay of Stephanie leaving the arena as she gets into the limo, looking angry but upset, and the limo exits the arena. As the replay ends, JR and Tazz suggest that Stephanie may not be seen in the World Wrestling Federation again now and then Tazz suggests that Triple H appeared to be focused as he prepares for his match with Test later tonight.




Red pyro travels down from the ceiling and explodes on the stage to signal the arrival of the WWF Tag Team Champions – the Dudley Boys. Dressed in black and white camouflage and accompanied by the sultry Stacy Keibler, out comes Bubba Ray first and then D’Von both with their Tag Team Championship belts and they flash the Dudley signs to the crowd who boo their arrival. As the Tag Team Champions head down towards the ring, JR reminds us of the Dudleys’ comments last week that there is a lack of competition in the Tag Team division for them to face and that they are planning to leave the WWF after WrestleMania 18 – as Tag Team Champions. Tazz says that he knows the Dudley Boyz well and that they wouldn’t say this if they didn’t mean it. He also suggests that they are talented enough to make it to WrestleMania as the champions. Into the ring they step, D’Von and Bubba Ray taunt the fans as Stacy Keibler impresses the men in attendance with her long legs. As their music ends, Bubba Ray and D’Von take microphones and speak to the fans …

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: Last week on SMACKDOWN, we told you all that we are going to be leaving the World Wrestling Federation after WrestleMania 18.

Boos and jeers rain down on the Tag Team Champions but they smirk and laugh; Stacy Keibler tells the crowd to shut up and listen to what they have to say which does them no favours at all.

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: Since we made this announcement, my brother D’Von and I have been asked a million times – WHY? Why are the Dudley Boys leaving the WWF?

Bubba Ray looks to his brother and then to Stacy as if asking them.

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: The answer is simple - ain’t it, D’Von?

D’VON DUDLEY: Oh, my brother, it is so simple – even these people here in …

More boos as D’Von begins speaking and as he begins his insult to Oklahoma …

D’VON DUDLEY: Even you people here in Oklahoma can understand this.

Major heat on the Dudleys right now but they don’t care a bit.

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: Things are too EASY around here now. When we joined the ECW and WCW Alliance, Paul Heyman told …

The arena erupts with boos at the mention of Heyman …

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: Paul Heyman promised us that he would find the best Tag Team competition in the world for the Dudley Boyz to face. He told us that we would be facing the best challengers for our Tag Team Championship belts …

D’VON DUDLEY: At Survivor Series, we truly believed that the Alliance would win, we wanted to beat the Hardy Boys and eliminate them for good. Jeff and Matt are not fit to lace our boots …

Boos for this comment as the Dudleys now insult the popular Hardy Boys. In the ring, Stacy beckons to D’Von to let her say something …

STACY KEIBLER: And don’t get me started on Lita!

Bubba Ray and D’Von laugh as Stacy insults the final member of Team Extreme; JR comments that the Hardys might have more on their minds tonight than some insults from the ‘damn’ Dudleys …

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: Yet here we are, D’Von, Tag Team Champions in a company without Paul E. and with pathetic challengers like the Hardy Boys. Pathetic losers like the APA …

The crowd jeer them for these comments as Bubba looks annoyed.

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: There is no competition left here in the WWF for the Dudley Boys and that is why we will be leaving, as Tag Team Champions, after WrestleMania 18.

D’VON DUDLEY: Oh, my brother, TESTIFY!

The Dudleys hold up their Tag Team Championships as Stacy hypes them up in the ring, they taunt the Oklahoma crowd here …

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: But we’ve decided to give the rest of the Tag Teams here in the World Wrestling Federation a chance to prove that they aren’t pathetic. We’re giving them an opportunity to come out here and prove that they can challenge us and stand a chance of winning these titles …

Bubba Ray points to his title belt before looking at D’Von …

D’VON DUDLEY: Bubba, that’s right! Listen up, we’re issuing an open challenge to any of the Tag Team division right now. Come out here and beat the Dudley Boyz in a Tables match – and we’ll give a Tag Team Championship match to any team that can beat us.

Bubba Ray is smiling a wicked smile as he considers this. His eyes are lighting up at the prospect of putting some poor soul through a table.

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: Oh yeah, D’Von! Come on out here, who is going to take on our challenge?

The Dudleys and Stacy turn their attention towards the ‘tron and stage area and await the first team to take on their challenge as JR and Tazz summarise it once more. If any team can come out and beat the Dudleys in a Tables match, they will then get a future Tag Team Championship match to try and “save” the WWF Tag Team Championships. The crowd, as well as the champions, are waiting and waiting …




… until:


Accompanied by what looks to be his partner here tonight in Al Snow, the younger brother of Bubba Ray and D’Von, Spike Dudley, heads out to cheers from the crowd who are delighted to see his return here tonight. JR reminds us that Spike has been out of action for a few weeks after being injured by the Dudleys and that tonight signals his return to the ring. Tazz says that Spike might be making a big, big mistake by coming out here to challenge his brothers tonight. Snow’s music is faded out as Spike has a microphone and is looking to speak …

SPIKE DUDLEY: You guys always crack me up. You come out here running down all of the other teams here in the World Wrestling Federation, you describe the Hardy Boys as being pathetic – can I remind you of this?

Spike points to the titantron and a replay airs from Survivor Series …


Spike is smirking as the replay ends but the Dudleys look a little annoyed. Al Snow is stood beside Spike as they prepare to get into the ring and challenge the Tag Team Champions but Spike has more to say …

SPIKE DUDLEY: You see, my brothers, you come out here and make all these claims but everybody knows that they’re a load of crap. The Hardys had you beat at Survivor Series, you know it, we all know it.

Al Snow applauds the comments of his ‘partner’ here tonight as Bubba Ray and D’Von look on with a look of fury in their eyes.

SPIKE DUDLEY: You think you are unbeatable, huh? Well, tonight, Al and I are gonna’ prove that you’re not unbeatable, we’re going to accept your challenge here tonight and we’re gonna’ put your asses through a table.

The Dudleys beckon for Spike and Al Snow to get into the ring, they want to make them pay for these comments right now. However, as Spike and Snow enter the ring, Spike laughs and points to his brothers.

SPIKE DUDLEY: And when we’ve done that, we’re going to beat you and take your damn Tag Team Championships away from you. Now how do you like that, Al?


The referee backs the Dudley Boyz up and it appears that we have an impromptu Tables match here – can Spike and Al Snow cause an upset and earn themselves a shot at the Tag Team Championships?

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *

(if Spike Dudley and Al Snow win, they will get a future Tag Team Championship match)

After Spike’s insulting words towards them, Bubba Ray and D’Von are fired up and they immediately target Spike. The Tag Team Champions beat down on both Spike and Snow for long periods in the early going and it appears that Snow and Spike are not in the same league as their opponents until Spike fires up for a comeback when he shoves D’Von backwards off the turnbuckles. Spike follows up with a dropkick from the top rope but he doesn’t notice Bubba Ray who has powerbombed Snow to the mat and shoved him under the bottom rope and out of the ring. Bubba gets back on top and slams Spike to the mat – a sure sign that D’Von is heading for the top rope … WHATSSSSUP! D’Von dives off the top rope and crashes his head down into Spike’s groin area before Bubba shoves D’Von in the chest and shouts out for the world to hear …



The 300 pound Dudley looks around at the audience a little, they are excited despite their dislike of the champions, before pointing out of the ring …


CLOSING MOMENTS: The crowd cheer as D’Von heads out of the ring to get a table. However, in the ring, Al Snow returns to the fight and takes it to Bubba with a barrage of right hands before he clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside. D’Von, having already slid the table into the ring, comes to the aid of his brother and spins Snow round to confront him. He whips him across the ring and ducks a clothesline before hitting a shoulder block that takes him down with a thud. Spike swings at D’Von as well but this is ducked and with Bubba sliding back into the ring … 3D! THE DUDLEY DEATH DROP! If the match was a normal match, it would be all over now but it is a Tables match and the aim of the game is to put an opponent through a table. D’Von sets up the table whilst Bubba, still angered over Spike’s insults, gets in the face of the runt of the Dudley litter and verbally abuses him. Dragging Spike up by the hair, Bubba is clearly directing traffic here as he tells D’Von to position the table near the turnbuckles. Bubba back up and climbs to the middle rope as D’Von lifts Spike up in the air. Bubba Ray has Spike set up for a powerbomb from the middle rope here, this would surely break the table … But Spike counters into a Hurricanrana instead! D’Von notices just in time and shoves the table over and away to save the match but Bubba smashes down hard on the mat as the crowd cheer. D’Von attacks Spike as well now but there is a change in the tide – the arrival of Al Snow allows a 2 on 1 situation to develop and D’Von is soon beaten down. Aggressively, Snow lifts D’Von high … SNOW PLOW! AL SNOW HITS THE SNOW PLOW ON D’VON! The crowd are going wild as Snow and Spike communicate with each other – they drag the table from the corner and set it up carefully. Spike grabs Bubba Ray as he gets to his knees and locks in a headlock, he is going to go for a Dudley Dog to put Bubba through a table here … DUDLEY DOG? NO! Bubba Ray counters and throws Spike away from him towards the table …



(at 05:37)


As Al Snow checks on his partner here tonight, Spike, as he lays amongst the wreckage of the wooden table, Bubba Ray falls to the mat, rolls out of the ring and grabs the Tag Team Championship belts with a look of relief on his face. Walking around the ring, Bubba finds his brother D’Von and the pair of them, holding on to each other to stay stood up, stagger up the ramp and then drop down to their knees at the top. As JR says, Spike and Al Snow gave that one hell of a fight and were so close to earning a Tag Team Championship match there. Tazz praises the resilience and the know how of the Tag Team Champions though; he says that the Dudleys are so dangerous in a Tables match, at any point they can strike and BAM! You’re through the table. Spike is sat up with Al Snow and they stare out of the ring and up at the Dudley Boyz who continue to look relieved despite the win …

Backstage we go where Jonathan Coachman is standing with the Brothers of Destruction – Kane and the Undertaker! There is a pop in the arena as they come into view and ‘Coach’ asks them what their plans are for the Handicap match here tonight against Jericho and the X-Factor …

THE UNDERTAKER: Our plans, Coach? Our plans? Simple. Tonight, we plan on executing those three punks and making them pay with their souls. You know what, Jericho is a lucky son of a bitch already, Coach. At Survivor Series, he almost cost the World Wrestling Federation, the company that I have given my life to for over ten years, its survival when he attacked Rock. He was lucky I didn’t slit his throat right there and then …

Taker is intense tonight, he is ready to fight …

THE UNDERTAKER: Tonight is not about titles, it sure as hell ain’t about survival – tonight is about pain and suffering, ain’t that right, Kane?

Kane nods his masked face but he doesn’t speak; he stares into the camera and it appears that he is ready to destroy as well.

THE UNDERTAKER: It’ll be all about pain and suffering for Chris Jericho, Coach. He was lucky at Survivor Series, he was even luckier last week on RAW when I accepted his words. As for the X-Factor, they’re out there tonight to make a name for themselves, they’re coming after the two biggest dogs in the yard and they’re making the biggest mistake of their careers. Kane and I, we’ve got our eyes on this Undisputed Championship but tonight, we’re going out there to make Jericho and X-Factor pay for their sins. After tonight, Coach, I wouldn’t expect to see Chris Jericho or the X-Factor for a long time, son.

Taker exits to the right as Kane’s deep breathing continues for a second before he exits as well. JR and Tazz hype up the match for later tonight – a 2 vs. 3 Handicap match, Undertaker and Kane against Chris Jericho and the X-Factor; however, next up, the final pre-qualifying match for the WWF Undisputed Championship tournament: Test up against the returning “Game”, Triple H!


As RAW returns, the next match is announced – the final pre-qualifying match is ready to go:



*** TEST ***

With a look of intense determination in his eyes, out steps Test wearing black trousers and he strides to the ring ignoring the jeers and the boos of the crowd here tonight. As he approaches the ring, JR reminds us of the attitude that Test has right now, thanks in the main to his win in the “Immunity” Battle Royal at the Survivor Series, and that he cannot be fired for one full calendar year – regardless of what he does. As Test steps over the top rope, Tazz tells us that although Triple H is the undoubted favourite here tonight, Test must not be taken lightly or else he could cause an upset here tonight. Once he is in the ring, we see that Test has a microphone and wishes to speak tonight before the match. As his music fades, Test gets a poor reception from the fans but he doesn’t care.

TEST: Yeah, yeah, listen to me.

No chance; the crowd boo louder as Test smirks at them.

TEST: You know, if I wanted to, I could come out there kick every single one of your teeth down every single one of your stinking throats. I mean, what exactly are the World Wrestling Federation going to do about it? Nothing. They can’t touch me. They don’t like it but the fact of the matter is simple – they can’t touch me.

More jeers for Test here even though he is telling the truth.

TEST: I don’t give a damn what all of you think about me, I don’t really care what anybody thinks of me. For the next year, I am employed by this company whether they like it or not. And by the time Survivor Series 2002 rolls around, I guarantee that they won’t want to fire me either.

Test is chewing gum as he speaks and he chews on it a little more as he waits for the fans to quieten again.

TEST: You see, I don’t think the World Wrestling Federation has the balls to fire the man who is their Undisputed WWF Champion – and believe me, I will be the Undisputed WWF Champion. Starting tonight, I am going to win match after match after match and I am going to walk out of the UNDISPUTED pay-per-view with the title around my waist. You see, I joined the Alliance because I wanted to feel appreciated. But now, I don’t care who appreciates me – I am going to force the World Wrestling Federation to appreciate me when I become the Undisputed Champion.

Test wipes his face for a moment before continuing. Despite the boos, many in the arena are listening to Test’s comments.

TEST: So, tonight, I face Triple H – the great Triple H … “The Game” himself. The husband of the bosses daughter. And, if you idiots can remember …

The insult to the crowd gets another rise …

TEST: That could have been me. I was engaged to Stephanie McMahon, I could have been the one that Vince McMahon backed like he has backed Hunter. So tonight, before I face him, I want a question answering – am I going to get a fair crack at it or not?

Interesting question, muses Tazz on commentary but JR shoots it down and says that Test is being ridiculous here.

TEST: Am I going to get a fair shot at beating Triple H? Or are the powers that be going to conspire against me and …




*** TRIPLE H ***

A huge roar goes up around the arena as the music of the Cerebral Assassin himself blasts out around it; TRIPLE H IS BACK ON MONDAY NIGHT RAW! The arena descends into sudden darkness and a solitary spotlight shines down on the stage along with several green strobe lights – and into the spotlight, steps a shadow, the shadow of the four time WWF Champion who is returning from six months out injured. The crowd go wild as they see the head of Triple H rise, he takes a drink from his bottle and then steps out of the darkness and heads for the ring as the lights flash. Despite the darkness, it is clear that Hunter is back in tip-top condition, JR says that Triple H told him such last week when he interviewed him, but Tazz says that you can be in the perfect condition all you want, six months is a long time to gather ring rust and how match fit is he? As Hunter steps onto the apron, the spotlight falls on him once more and he sprays water into the air before heading into the ring to salute the fans. The crowd are delighted to see the return of one of the superstars of the wrestling business in the last few years and he acknowledges their cheers by posing in all four corners of the ring. With the lights back on, Hunter grabs a microphone of his own and stands facing Test ready to respond to his question. As they stand facing each other, the crowd begin a huge “Triple H! Triple H!” chant that lasts for almost a minute before Hunter can finally raise the microphone to speak. However, he seems to be finding it difficult to decide what to say … BAM! TRIPLE H DROPS THE MICROPHONE AND SMASHES TEST IN THE FACE!

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *



One of the classic RAW matches as both men go at it from the off with one thing in mind – qualify for the next stage of the tournament. As much as Hunter is the fans’ favourite on his return, Test is matching the four time WWF Champion as they slug it out in a back and forth match that demonstrates how much the WWF Undisputed Championship means to the people involved in the tournament. Every time Triple H seems to have got on top in the contest, Test responds with some power move that completely alters the momentum once more and he seems to be evenly matching “The Game” as he gets several near falls of his own. As the match goes past the 10:00 mark, both men are showing some signs of fatigue but they both appear to be as resilient as ever as they continue to battle and continue to give it everything to progress.

CLOSING MOMENTS: The match looks to be heading for a conclusion as both men start to look desperate and look to hit their big moves to try and end things. After several attempts at the Pedigree fail or are countered, the frustration begins to appear on Triple H’s face as he hits a DDT instead but knows that this won’t end things. As Hunter drags Test back to his feet, the wily young superstar picks his spot and maliciously targets the leg that Triple H has spent six months healing with a stiff kick to the knee. Although Hunter gives no immediate sign of the injury, Test continues to hit stiff kicks and a chop block to the leg and this targeting eventually leads to HHH walking with a limp once more. To the concern of the fans, he is holding his leg whenever he is down and Test now is getting time and space to laugh and consider his next move. Hunter attempts a comeback when Test shoots him into the ropes, he goes for a Sidewalk Slam but Hunter is able to wriggle clear of it and he hits a few right hands that have the crowd roaring in encouragement – until Test ducks one, hits the ropes himself and delivers a devastating clothesline that rattles Triple H and collapses him down to the mat once more. Pinfall attempt from Test here …



As Hunter staggers up and into the corner, he faces out into the arena and Test takes his chance to clothesline him on the back and shoulders. As HHH crumples forward in the corner, Test again stomps down on the ‘injured’ leg of the returning superstar over and over; it appears Test is trying to reinjure the Game here tonight. This is a vicious streak we’ve not seen in Test until recently and Tazz calls it on commentary that – like it or not – it is going to take Test a long way. Test steps back and waits for Triple H to come out of the corner but when he does, he hits a spinning Sidewalk Slam that crashes him down on his back once more. Test hooks the leg …



Annoyed with the kick out, Test kneels beside the fallen Triple H and starts to crash down heavy right hands that knock his opponent for six as he lays there on the mat trying to cover up as best he can. After seven or eight good shots, Test hooks the leg again with even more determination …



Each kick out from Triple H is greeted with a cheer from the fans as if he is somehow winning small battles as he manages to resist. However, the pain and suffering continue for Hunter as Test waits for him to get to his knees and then locks him up into a full Nelson and then lifts him high … Full Nelson Slam crashes HHH down once more. As Triple H struggles on the mat, Test retreats and it seems clear what he has in mind here now. Test waits and waits until Triple H staggers up and turns to face him. Test rushes across the ring … BIG BOOT! TEST NEARLY TAKES OFF TRIPLE H’s HEAD WITH A BIG BOOT! How on earth can Triple H survive this right now? Test makes the cover once more …



Test cannot believe it and neither can many of the fans as they celebrate the escape from Triple H with shocked looks on their faces. Getting to his feet angrily, Test looks down on “The Game” and stomps on his knee several more times before retreating once more. He is clearly muttering to himself and psyching himself up here for another big shot …BAM! ANOTHER BIG BOOT ON THE RUN FROM TEST! TRIPLE H IS REDUCED TO A JIBBERING WRECK ON THE MAT BY THE BIG BOOT! Surely this is now over, a huge win for Test here tonight …



Despite counting 3, the referee suddenly notices that Triple H’s hand was on the bottom rope just in time and he waves off the 3 count. Already celebrating, Test’s face is full of rage as he realises what just happened. He grabs the referee by the scruff of his neck and tells him to ring the bell but, to his immense credit, he refuses to. Test gets into the face of the official and it seems he is going to level him for it but he simply intimidates him as much as he can. Noticing Hunter getting to his feet, Test releases the referee and is ready just in time. As Triple H goes for a wild attack, Test catches him and lifts him up high … Spinebuster! Nodding his head, Test appears to be happy with what he is doing here and he stands over the fallen Triple H once more. He reaches down and drags “The Game” to his feet, he grips him around the waist and lifts him up high … PUMPHANDLE SLAM! TWO BIG BOOTS AND NOW A PUMPHANDLE SLAM! Surely now this one has got to be over here? Test drags Hunter away from the ropes this time so that he cannot use them to escape, he rolls up Triple H and uses his long legs to gain even more leverage from the ropes as he makes the pinfall.



No kick out this time from Triple H, Test had him beat here but his feet were on the ropes and the referee stopped the count at 2 – to the anger of Test who now looks infuriated. He stalks the referee and simply fires a right hand at him, the crowd boo and jeer and JR and Tazz protest but there is nothing the WWF can do about it due to the clauses in Test’s contract. Hunter is down on the mat and struggling to recover as Test stares down at him, the referee rolls out of the ring. Test goes to the corner and messes with the top turnbuckle cover whilst there is no referee; he then climbs to the top rope and waits for his feet to steady. DIVING ELBOW! TEST HITS A HUGE DIVING ELBOW TO TRIPLE H NOW AS WELL! He hooks the leg but there is no sign of a referee here yet. Angrily, Test yells at the fallen referee outside the ring and then goes out to fetch him. He drags him back to the ring and rolls him under the bottom rope but Test’s punch before has dazed the official significantly. Test rags the referee and then hooks Triple H’s leg once more … The referee crawls slowly and starts to make the count …







Test clutches his head and pulls at his hair; he was sure that it was all over right there! Once more, the referee is in jeopardy as Test advances threateningly on him but this time the referee pleads his case and this causes a delay as Test considers himself. Noticing movement from Triple H, Test grabs his opponent and drags him up to his knees. Test yells in the face of Triple H and tells him to “Stay down! It’s over!” before dragging him to the unprotected turnbuckle in the corner. However, as he is about to crash Hunter’s head into the steel buckle, Triple H resists and a slugfest begins, two men trading blows, Hunter ducks one … Test goes for a clothesline and misses again; Triple H shoves Test forward face first … AND HE CRASHES INTO THE EXPOSED STEEL WITH HIS FOREHEAD! The crowd roar their approval as a groggy Test stumbles back out of the corner, Triple H is ready …PEDIGREE! TRIPLE H HITS THE PEDIGREE! Out of nowhere, Triple H has stunned Test here …


(via PINFALL at 15:41)

(Advances to the Qualifying Round)

The crowd go wild as Triple H pulls off an unbelievable victory here tonight and qualifies for the next stage of the Undisputed WWF Championship tournament. Wounded, Test rolls out of the ring and out of sight as Triple H celebrates a huge win on his return from injury. The referee, who was quick as anything to get down and make the count after Test’s treatment of him during the match, raises the arm of “The Game” and he manages a salute to the fans on his winning return. JR and Tazz praise the guts and bravery of Triple H to resist the cheap shots of Test on his previously injured leg and then to find a way to survive two Big Boot shots, a Pumphandle Slam and Diving Elbow from the top rope to somehow defeat Test here tonight. Tazz suggests that this could be the match that sets Triple H back on his way to title gold – what a hard fought victory it has been!



RAW returns with Lilian Garcia backstage and she is standing with the Chairman of the World Wrestling Federation, Vince McMahon. He is grinning broadly as he waits for her to introduce him; she does that and then alludes that Vince McMahon has a small announcement that he wishes to make here on RAW. McMahon nods and then answers.

VINCE McMAHON: Thanks Lilian, you’re right. I have an announcement for all the six guys in tonight’s main event when we have a Six Pack Challenge match between Christian … Edge … Kurt Angle … Rob Van Dam … The Rock … and Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Huge cheers for the last three men mentioned.

VINCE McMAHON: When I made the match earlier tonight, I promised that there would be a reward for the man that won it – and when I promise something, Lilian, I deliver. So tonight, the winner of the Six Pack Challenge will have a wonderful opportunity. He will get the chance to decide on any match he wants to make for the Qualifying Round of the tournament. He could choose to make a match for himself that he believes he is the easiest for him to win … Or he could force two men of his choice to face off and guarantee one of them doesn’t make the UNDISPUTED pay-per-view.

An intriguing proposition from Vince McMahon and something that all six men will surely be hoping to win …

VINCE McMAHON: Now, tell me Lilian – is that brilliant or is that brilliant?

Vince smiles and laughs as he exits the interview area and Lilian thanks him for his time. The camera returns to the ring where X-Factor are already making their way into the ring ahead of tonight’s big Handicap match here on RAW …

*** X-FACTOR ***

As the team of Albert and X-Pac make their way into the ring, JR reminds us of the events that have led us to this RAW match here tonight. He reflects upon Jericho’s crossing of The Rock at Survivor Series and Taker having to restrain him, Jericho’s mock handshake with Taker last week on RAW followed by X-Factor joining him to take Taker down. As X-Factor prepare themselves for tonight’s match, attention turns to the titantron as their partner this evening makes his way out too …





As the lights return, Jericho is standing arms outstretched and he spins and makes his way towards the ring looking arrogant and cocky here tonight. He makes his way down the ramp towards the ring and he looks confident about tonight as he steps up the ring steps onto the apron. He taunts the fans a little before stepping through the ropes and greeting his partners tonight. However, their greeting is shortlived as a huge red explosion ripples through the arena signalling the arrival of the Brothers of Destruction …

*** KANE ***

As the eerie red light spreads through the arena and the flames show on the titantron, out walks Kane onto the stage dressed in red and black and wearing his mask as usual. He strides down the ramp with a look of revenge in his blue eyes before he pauses at the bottom of the ramp and waits …




Riding his motorbike, the ever popular Undertaker heads out to a huge ovation. As he speeds down the ramp, he locks eyes with Jericho who is stood in the ring showing what appear to be a few signs of nerves before he circles the ring on his wheels. As Undertaker parks his bike, a few words pass between himself and his brother before they step up onto the apron, over the top rope and walk menacingly around the ring. True to form, Jericho and the X-Factor have exited the ring and appear to be playing for time here rather than getting into the fight.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


After the bell is rung, Undertaker and Kane beckon to their opponents to get into the ring and fight but Jericho and X-Factor waste time on the outside rather than coming in and getting on with the match. When they do get into the ring, X-Pac loses his head slightly and rushes over the ring at the Brothers of Destruction where he is greeted by heavy right hands from Kane and Taker, alternately, whilst Albert and Jericho look on with worried looks on their faces. Undertaker finally ends the punches when he grabs X-Pac by the throat …CHOKE SLAM! UNDERTAKER HITS A CHOKE SLAM ON X-PAC! Is this one over already? No, Taker and Kane advance on Jericho and Albert as they stand on the apron, they want to get their hands on the other two before the night is out as well. When the match finally gets started with Albert and Kane, the Brothers of Destruction dominate the early stages until Taker falls for a distraction from Jericho – who conveniently fails to take a tag – and is caught by Albert with a big spinebuster that crashes him down on his back. At this point, X-Pac hits a spinning heel kick to Kane as he tries to enter the ring, he catches him off guard and now the numbers game comes into play as Jericho finally takes a tag. The team of Jericho and X-Factor work over Kane and keep him separated from his brother now who becomes increasingly agitated over the next few minutes.

CLOSING MOMENTS: For several minutes, Kane cannot make the tag to Undertaker as Jericho, Albert and X-Pac do a masterful job of keeping him on their half of the ring. Frequent tags from the trio mean that they remain fresh but this doesn’t help them when Taker, angered by a taunt from Jericho, comes rampaging into the ring and starts swinging right hands at anybody that moves. The referee is able to split him and get him back to the corner but it has given Kane an opportunity to get over there too. However, just as Kane is about to tag in Taker, Jericho rushes over and kicks him in the head. Not the legal man, Jericho then taunts Taker and draws him off the ring apron as he stalks Jericho – Undertaker is desperate to get his hands on Y2J. However, in the ring, it has given Albert and X-Pac time to continue working over Kane and it appears that the match is over when Albert lifts Kane high … BALDO BOMB! ALBERT HITS THE BALDO BOMB ON KANE! Albert makes the cover as he seeks to end the match here …



Frustrated, Albert hits Kane hard with several right hands before getting up and tagging in his partner, X-Pac. In he comes, a ball of fire as usual, he hits several kicks to Kane’s masked head before waiting for the Big Red Monster to get up to his feet … X-FACTOR! X-PAC HITS THE X-FACTOR AND THIS COULD NOW BE OVER FOR KANE! However, with Jericho on the stage, Taker turns and heads back into the ring as X-Pac makes the cover …



Undertaker simply reaches down and grabs X-Pac by the throat and lifts him from Kane. The crowd cheer as Undertaker grips the throat of X-Pac who is desperately struggling to get out of the predicament. As Undertaker scoops X-Pac up and sets for the Tombstone though, Albert returns to the ring and he attacks Undertaker with a shot from behind. Albert and Taker spill out of the ring and this is the chance for Jericho to return to the ring; WAIT A MOMENT! Jericho has a steel chair in his hands! Kane staggers to his feet and Jericho, with the referee trying to stop Taker and Albert’s fight, jabs the chair into his gut and then smashes him hard in the face with it instead. The crowd are booing and jeering as Jericho drops the chair to the floor … BREAKDOWN ON A STEEL CHAIR! JERICHO DRIVES KANE’S HEAD INTO THE CHAIR ON THE MAT! As Undertaker and Albert take each other down with a huge collision outside the ring, the referee returns his attention to the ring where he has missed Jericho’s contribution here. As Jericho stands on the apron in the corner feigning innocence, X-Pac, the legal man, crawls over and hooks the leg of Kane …


(via PINFALL at 07:32)


The crowd cannot believe it as the referee raises the hand of X-Pac and Jericho in the ring. Albert, dazed and groggy, breaks clear of Undertaker and returns to the ring where he joins the celebration as a frustrated and angry Undertaker looks on from outside the ring. Slamming his hands down on the announce table in temper, Undertaker rolls back into the ring intent on causing some pain to somebody but Jericho, Albert and X-Pac all decide to flee the scene instead. They congregate on the stage instead to taunt Undertaker as he checks on his brother who took the three finishing moves of their opponents as well as vicious chair shots as well. A big win for Jericho and X-Factor but a very controversial one as RAW heads into the final commercial break of the night.


RAW returns for the final time this evening with JR introducing a replay of the developments this evening that led to the main event – we see the six men, all entrants in the tournament for the WWF Undisputed Championship, confronting each other in the ring at the start of RAW before a replay of Vince McMahon’s announcement before the last match is aired once more. Tazz says that the stakes for this Six Pack Challenge were just raised significantly – the winner can make life easier for himself in the Qualifying round or can choose to ensure that one of his two biggest rivals is eliminated before the UNDISPUTED PPV. Who is going to get the win?

*** KURT ANGLE ***

Jeers echo around the arena as the only man in tonight’s main event who currently does not carry a championship makes his way out onto the stage area. Red, white and blue explosions fill the upper part of the arena as Angle makes his way down towards the ring with a determined look in his eyes, as usual, and he looks confident of victory here tonight. He is muttering to himself as he approaches the ring and he jogs up the ring steps and into the ring looking set for action. He spins round, arms stretched out wide, in the ring as he shows himself and his gold medals off before turning his attention to the stage as the first of five opponents heads out as well.



*** EDGE ***

Great reception for the WWF Intercontinental Champion as he heads out amongst the dry ice with his title belt strapped around his waist. Wearing blue and white tights and a long black coat, Edge rushes into the ring and throws up the rock salute to the crowd who cheer him. As he crosses Angle’s path, words are exchanged but Edge heads for the corner to salute the fans as his younger brother now makes his way towards the ring …




Golden ‘rain’ falls from the ceiling as the smirking face of Christian appears on stage. He also has a title strapped around his waist, namely the WWF European Championship, as he heads for the ring. He talks down to some of the people lining the aisle before turning his attention to Angle and Edge in the ring. There is an incredible long term and recent history between Christian and Edge and JR reminds us of the rivalry between the two of them over the past couple of months; Tazz says that their matches at Unforgiven and No Mercy were up there with the best of 2001 in his opinion. Christian enters the ring and taunts the crowd as he shows off his title before the fourth man in the Six Pack Challenge heads out as well.

*** ROB VAN DAM ***

More pyro explosions on stage signal the arrival of the popular WWF Hardcore Champion, Rob Van Dam! As he approaches the ring, hyping himself up as usual, the crowd give huge cheers as JR reminds us that despite fighting for the Alliance, Van Dam has been getting cheers for months now. As RVD hits the ring, he salutes the fans and shows off his own title before the booming voice of the WCW Champion blasts out around the arena …



*** THE ROCK ***

People are on their feet as Rock heads out to the ring, he is walking with a purpose as he heads down the ramp and the excitement for tonight’s main event has just risen another level. Rock gets into the ring quickly and heads for the corner where he raises his WCW Championship and smells the air before repeating the trick on the other side of the ring. He gets into a war of words with Kurt Angle, again, both men believe that they were the ones responsible for saving the World Wrestling Federation eight days ago at Survivor Series. However, their confrontation ends suddenly as things get real serious with the arrival of the WWF Champion …




The people of Oklahoma City are on their feet to salute the arrival of Stone Cold Steve Austin and he heads out, title over his shoulder, dressed in black trunks and a vest with the initials SCSA on it. Austin is giving no sign of his agenda here; he looks at his opponents in the ring and the fans at ringside in the same way – with a look of pure loathing on his face. JR reminds us of Austin’s words earlier tonight: “I’m here for one reason – and that is this!” referring to the WWF Championship. He tells us that Austin is not here for the fans, he is not here for Vince McMahon or the WWF, he is here to prove he is the best in the business and to become the WWF Undisputed Champion. As Austin gets into the ring, he taunts the crowd in the corners whilst eying the other five men suspiciously but doesn’t remove his vest or hand over his title. Instead, Austin grabs a microphone and it appears he has something to say.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: I guess Vince McMahon wasn’t damn listening earlier tonight when I said I wasn’t here for all of you? Let me repeat myself for all of you and for Vince McMahon – I am not here for anybody other than Stone Cold Steve Austin, uh-uh, no way.

Some boos for Austin, he is getting a hell of a lot of cheers because he is Austin but his words aren’t endearing him to the crowd here tonight.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: I am here for one reason, I will repeat it again – I am here because of the World Wrestling Federation Title. I am here to prove that I am the goddamn best that this business has to offer, I am here to be the Undisputed WWF Champion, I am here to prove that I am better than all of these jackasses in the ring …

Some annoyance from the five men who are listening carefully to Austin …

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: That’s right, jackass! You heard me, Kurt! Don’t you think I’ve forgotten a damn thing about Survivor Series, son, you’re gonna’ get your ass whipped – but when Stone Cold Steve Austin is ready to whip that ass, you hear me?

Austin looks straight into the face of Angle who is seething with rage here.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: Now Vince McMahon has announced a reward for winning the Six Pack Challenge here tonight – the winner gets to choose any Qualifying match he wants to make his life easier or to weaken a rival. I don’t give a damn about that, I am going to be the Undisputed WWF Champion whatever happens here tonight and I am going to do what is right for Stone Cold Steve Austin!

The referee protests to Austin that it is time to start the match but he refuses to get started.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: And that is why I am not competing here tonight …

Huge boos erupt around the arena as Austin refuses to compete.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: I am not going to put my body on the line this close to the UNDISPUTED pay-per-view, all I care about is winning the title in two weeks’ time. So you five men can have your little match here tonight, I am going to rest myself up and get ready for my Qualifying match instead – because I will be the damn Undisputed Champion whether you like it or not …

The other five men in the ring are looking at Austin with interest even if they don’t like what they are hearing …


Austin throws the microphone down and heads for the ropes, his face snarling as he looks towards Angle and RVD who are in his line of vision. Austin again exchanges words with Angle but he steps through the ropes and down to the floor where he walks intently up the ramp and straight out of the arena. In the ring, the referee shrugs his shoulders and tells the other five men that the match will continue as planned before signalling for the bell.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


Despite the refusal of Austin to compete in the match, the other five men are determined to give it their all and get a big win heading towards the Qualifying matches that will be coming up on SMACKDOWN later this week and RAW next Monday. With the prize of choosing any Qualifying match on offer, all five men look intent on winning the match and it is a high paced match with many near falls and breaking of falls. Initially, Kurt Angle and Christian, the two least popular men in the match, appear to be working together and they use their partnership to dismiss Rock and RVD from the ring in turn before focusing on Edge. With Christian still harbouring a lot of jealousy towards his brother, he utilises Angle’s help to make the 2001 King of the Ring pay. Angle holds Edge as Christian pounds away at him before holding Edge down as Christian delivers a number of kicks to the back. Christian heads to the top rope as Edge lays face down on the mat and comes off the ropes … Diving Elbow to the spine of the Intercontinental Champion! However, here is where the problems surface; Angle sees an opportunity and grabs the leg of Edge …ANKLE LOCK! KURT ANGLE LOCKS IN THE ANKLE LOCK ON EDGE! Edge is in pain and could be forced to tap out here – until Christian shoves Angle and breaks the hold. Christian and Angle have a staredown and confront each other – both men are annoyed with the actions of the other here. In the end, this distraction gives Rock and RVD chance to return to the ring without being noticed and they attack both men from behind. Rock swings Christian around and begins laying the smack down with several right hands before clotheslining the European Champion over the top rope. RVD, on the other hand, grabs Kurt around the waist and hits a release German Suplex before coming off the ropes and hitting Rolling Thunder … ROCK BOTTOM! OUT OF NOWHERE, ROCK STUNS RVD WITH A ROCK BOTTOM! Rocky hooks the leg of the Hardcore Champion …



Edge’s interference prevents Rock from getting the pinfall on RVD there and the two men get to their feet and begin trading blows. The crowd, who like both men, do not know which way to cheer but, surprisingly, it is Edge who gets the better of the fistfight as he ducks a right hand of Rock and hits a Flapjack as Rock turns around. As Rock crashes down on the mat, Edge turns his attention towards Christian who is climbing back into the ring. Edge drags his brother into the ring and he whips him into the ropes … Spinning Heel Kick connects perfectly with the jaw of Christian! Edge makes the cover after the high impact move, has he done enough?



On the match goes as all five men have their moments; it seems that it is simply about who can hit a big move and find a quick pinfall before anybody else can react – a lucky break could be what matters rather than actual talent here? Things begin to hot up once again around the 7:00 mark as Rock and Angle, two rivals for over a year now, run into each other. Angle attempts to surprise the Rock with an Angle Slam but Rock counters into a gut kick and a DDT that crashes Angle down to the mat. With nobody else in the ring right now, Rock senses a chance and he sets himself. Throwing his arm band into the crowd, there is a huge rush of excitement as Rock hits the ropes … PEOPLE’S ELBOW! ROCK DROPS THE PEOPLE’S ELBOW ON ANGLE! This one is surely over now, Rock hooks the Olympian’s leg for the cover …



No break-up of that pinfall, Angle just proved he belongs in this main event by surviving when all seemed lost. Rock drags Angle up though, he believes he has this won and he sets himself for a People’s Elbow … Angle counters with stiff elbows to the side of Rock’s head though, he causes the break and wheels away … EDGE-O-CUTION DDT! WHERE DID EDGE COME FROM TO HIT THAT DDT TO ROCKY? Rock is down and out on the mat but Edge has to deal with Angle first; they begin brawling and stagger to the corner trading blows. Into the ring slides the sneaky and opportunistic Christian and he hooks the leg of Rock …



Almost for Christian, almost a huge win but RVD makes the save and Rock survives – for now. RVD hits a series of kicks to the legs and body of Christian before a springboard off the ropes into a Thrust Kick follows and Christian drops down to the mat and rolls away. RVD takes in the situation; Christian is down, Edge and Angle are brawling, Rock is down and trying to recover on the mat … He hits the ropes and comes back towards Rock … ROLLING THUNDER! RVD is feeling it here and he leaps to the top rope, Rock is perfectly set for him … FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! VAN DAM CONNECTS WITH THE FROG SPLASH TO ROCK! He clutches his stomach before he heads back towards the WCW Champion. RVD makes the cover with a lateral press …



RVD has been dragged out of the ring to the outside – not by Angle, Edge or Christian though …IT’S MATT HARDY! What is Matt Hardy doing out here? RVD and Matt Hardy exchange blows, obviously their recent problems have not ended yet and they fight up the ramp and out of sight; it seems we are down to a Fatal Four Way match now! Christian again sneaks into the ring and hooks the leg of Rock …



Christian isn’t fazed though and he looks to take further advantage of the Rock’s depleted state. He drags him to his feet and locks up his arms, Christian is looking to hit the Unprettier here … but Rock shoves him away … SPEAR! EDGE CONNECTS WITH A HUGE SPEAR TO CHRISTIAN! Edge now goes for the pinfall of his own on Christian …



Rock is down on one knee at the ropes, he has taken some big moves here tonight and is taking time to recover. Christian rolls away hurt from the Spear and Edge wearily gets up to his feet after the failed pinfall. He goes after Rock and begins to hit several right hands, he manages to knock Rock down through the ropes and to the outside of the ring before turning to look for Angle who barrages into him and knocks him flying. Angle has found some momentum from somewhere and he hits a belly to belly suplex on Edge before pulling down his strap and stomping his feet as he waits for him to get up. The crowd are booing as it seems Kurt is about to take complete advantage here and win the contest … ANGLE SLAM! KURT ANGLE CRASHES EDGE DOWN TO THE MAT! Edge writhes in pain but Angle doesn’t go for the cover here; instead he grabs Edge by the leg again … ANKLE LOCK! EDGE SCREAMS OUT IN PAIN AS KURT LOCKS IN THE ANKLE LOCK! Grasping desperately for the ropes, Edge scrabbles on the mat but he cannot get there as Angle yells out “Tap! Tap you son of a b***h!” for everybody to hear. It is looking as if Edge has no choice but to tap out but then Rock sneaks into the ring behind Angle once more … BAM! Rock hits a stiff kick to the face of Angle and he releases the Ankle Lock! Edge retreats in pain and this seems to give Rock the free run here to finish the match … ROCK BOTTOM! ROCK HITS THE ROCK BOTTOM ON KURT ANGLE AGAIN! Quickly, Rock drops down and hooks Angle’s leg once more …


(via PINFALL at 10:43)

(The Rock gets to choose any Qualifying match he wants!)

What a draining, fast paced main event that was! As Rock rolls back and sits up, he looks nothing like a victor – Tazz says that Rock has had to suffer to win that one. Edge looks back ruefully as he hobbles up the stage, it was almost a good night for him but he just couldn’t quite get the win when he had his chance. RVD is nowhere to be seen after he exited fighting with Matt Hardy and Christian is just getting to his feet outside the ring after missing his chance to win the match. As Rock stands over Angle, he is handed the WCW Championship and he raises it high whilst looking out to the fans. Rock is standing tall tonight on RAW – but will he stand tall at UNDISPUTED? And what will his decision be for the Qualifying Round that begins this Thursday night on SMACKDOWN?

***** END OF SHOW *****
(c) World Wrestling Federation 2001

Quick Results

WWF Undisputed Championship Tournament – Pre Qualifiers:

Rey Mysterio beat Diamond Dallas Page
Booker T beat Matt Hardy (w/Lita)
Jeff Hardy beat William Regal
Triple H beat Test
All four winners advance to the Qualifying Round on SMACKDOWN/RAW

Open Challenge Tables Match:
Dudley Boyz (w/Stacy Keibler) beat Spike Dudley & Al Snow

3 vs. 2 Handicap Match:
Chris Jericho, Albert & X-Pac beat Kane & The Undertaker

Five Star Challenge Match:
The Rock beat Christian, Edge, Kurt Angle & RVD
The Rock now gets to choose to make any Qualifying match he likes




Goldberg automatically entered into the tournament; 7 from Big Show, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Christian, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Kane, Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, RVD, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H and The Undertaker to join Goldberg.


PREVIEW | Thursday November 29, 2001 | Wichita, Kansas

Fourteen superstars are now one match away from qualifying for the UNDISPUTED PPV and the chance to become the Undisputed WWF Champion – and tonight, the final qualifying round gets under way on SMACKDOWN. Big Show, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Christian, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Kane, Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, RVD, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H and The Undertaker are all in the running to join Goldberg in the Quarter Finals that will open the UNDISPUTED show but which seven will make it? Many people now consider The Rock to be one of the favourites due to his main event victory on RAW this week; by winning the Five Star Challenge, he earned the right to either choose his own opponent or to choose any other qualifying match and put two of his biggest rivals in jeopardy instead. With rumours rampant over the decision of The Rock, SMACKDOWN will open with the official decision from The Great One and will then be followed by a live draw, hosted by Vince McMahon, to determine the remaining six qualifying matches. Four matches are scheduled for tonight, the rest will take place on RAW next week and we will then have the final eight men for the WWF Undisputed Championship determined.

After he pulled out of the main event match on RAW this week, Stone Cold Steve Austin’s attitude towards the World Wrestling Federation appears a little confused still. After he led the Alliance to defeat at Survivor Series, Austin’s initial plan was to leave the WWF; however, his desire to be known as the best in the business dragged him back on SMACKDOWN last week as he set his sights on the WWF Undisputed Championship. Austin could wrestle in his Qualifying match tonight but what will happen if his Qualifier is scheduled for RAW instead? Will Austin give the fans what they want and feature on the show tonight?

On RAW last Monday, Kane and The Undertaker seemed set for the chance to take revenge on Chris Jericho and the X-Factor as they met in a 3 vs. 2 Handicap Match. However, there was a shock in store as Jericho and X-Factor caused an upset and defeated the Brothers of Destruction. Despite the win though, it was a win obtained controversially rather than through talent as Jericho distracted Undertaker to allow X-Factor to use the double team and set up the win. Word is that Undertaker is desperate to get his hands around the throat of Chris Jericho but, so far, Jericho has proved elusive for the Deadman. Will the Brothers of Destruction get their chance tonight? Maybe one of them will draw Jericho in the qualifying round?

After his defeat on RAW this week against the returning Triple H, Test has refused to speak to WWF.com or any other reporters backstage. However, it appears that Test has issues with the official in the match and believes that he was screwed out of his place in the tournament for the Undisputed WWF Championship. Tonight, we are set to hear from Test on SMACKDOWN and we will see what he is unhappy about; how will Test respond to the defeat to Triple H? And what will the consequences be?

Following on from the major announcement from the Dudley Boyz last week on SMACKDOWN about their plans to exit the WWF as Tag Team Champions after WrestleMania 18, many are speculating that this is the catalyst for the Tag Team division to respond and step up. Tonight, Bradshaw and Faarooq, the APA, step up to try and show that they are ready to make a challenge to the Tag Team Champions as they face off against the X-Factor in a tag match here tonight. Can the APA show that they are ready to challenge for the Tag Team Championships? Or will the X-Factor continue on their recent roll here tonight on SMACKDOWN?

- APA vs. X-Factor
- Live draw for the WWF Undisputed Championship tournament qualifiers
- The Rock to announce one of the qualifers he has decided upon after winning on RAW
- Four qualifying matches guaranteed for SMACKDOWN tonight




The first instalment of GCB’s prediction contest for my WWF 2001 thread.

I plan on running this every PPV but I also like to use it at other times.

I’ll keep a running total of your scores as we go.

Whoever has the highest score running into WrestleMania 18 will get to choose the winner of one of my WM18 matches - and it will be a big match. :)

Feel free to take part at any time!

Which seven men will join Goldberg in the UNDISPUTED tournament to determine the Undisputed WWF Champion?

Just choose the seven you think you think will be at UNDISPUTED with Goldberg from the list below and post their names in the thread:

Big Show
Booker T
Chris Jericho
Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle
Rey Mysterio
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H
The Undertaker

Big Show
Booker T
Chris Jericho
Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle
Rey Mysterio
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H

The Undertaker

Seven in bold are the ones I think will join Goldberg
How bout dem graphics tho? :worship:

Won't be too detailed since I'm on my phone, but here goes.

Right off the bat, you make one of the biggest main events in RAW history! The WWF Champion vs the WCW Champion vs the Intercontinental Champion vs the European Champion vs the Hardcore Champion vs the Olympic Champion. Wow. You ain't screwin around. Very interested in your decision to KEEP Stone Cold heel. And not just kinda sorta heel. Straight up, screw you fans, I'm doin this for me. Message received. This decision alone drastically changes where things go from here. Ah and just like a punk ass heel, Stone Cold disappoints me and bails from an epic main event. Though I like his reasoning. He better bring it come Undisputed.

This tension between the Hardy Boyz is thick. The WWF tried to break em up at this exact same time, but it was rushed, poorly done, and they were reunited within the month. This has some substance and could drag out. RVD is a wild card in the equation though. Can't tell if Matt vs RVD or Matt vs Jeff is the ultimate payoff after what we've seen these past 2 weeks. I wasn't sure if the Dudley Boyz were going to get a major surprise this week, or some jabrones to test the waters. But Spike and Al answer that real quick. I dig the open challenge being a Table Match. Beat the Dudley Boyz in a Table Match, and your insta-established in the Tag Team Division. I'm gonna enjoy following this one.

It's cool to see Triple H not only back, but serious. He wants that title. Was pretty surprised to see him bring Stephanie along. I wonder if the billion dollar princess will be a constant distraction for The Game? The right place right time combination of Jericho and The X-Factor actually beat The Brothers of Destruction. That makes me think you have at least some short term plans for this. And with the way Jericho and company won.. I have a feeling the BoD's retaliation on SmackDown may cost all involved their shot at Undisputed haha.

Wish I could have given more input. I'd like to give feedback on all your shows, but with 3 good shows coming out of one thread, that's a lot to keep up with. Besides lets be honest.. but reviews are more mark outs and reactions. Keep up the good work GCB.

Undisputed Qualifier Predictions
My 7 who join Goldberg are..

Booker T
Kurt Angle
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H
Big Show
Booker T
Chris Jericho

Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle
Rey Mysterio
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H
The Undertaker

plz do it and it will be the greatest tournament ever ....... ehm ehm , beside goldberg
Hi there GCB! ^-^ This is my first time reviewing a Book This!, so if everything I say sounds stupid and is totally wrong just ignore me, okay?

ღ Emily's Review ღ​

I love your backstage segment with the Hardy's, reading it I could feel the emotion that was in that room. I almost cried reading it because of the tension between the brothers. I was glad you chose not to have Matt interfer with Jeff's match, but Jeff still has possibly a lot more matches in this tournament that Matt can still cost him. I am really looking forward to more emotional segments with Team Extreme, although I'm pretty sure it was stylized as Xtreme?

I felt that Vince was overused. I don't think it would have been so bad if it was spread out a little bit more, but at the beginning of the show Vince was a part of almost every segment and to me I just got sick of reading for him.

I was kinda disappointed that you didn't use ROH rules for the main event. At least the way I read it everyone was in the ring at the same time? I think it would have been cool to see it where there is tag rules where only two are in the ring at the same time, then when one exits another one can enter kind of thing. I think there could have been a lot of interesting encounters doing it that way. That is just nitpicking though.

I love the main event, and how you made everyone look strong going into the qualifiers. It isn't a situation where you can tell who isn't going to be in the tournament because there are the seven strong guys and then the seven that are obviously there just to get pinned. Not only does it have the unpredictability coming in the next few weeks, but also gets you emotionally interested.

The way you can bring out emotion, at least in my opinion, is amazing. (I am an emotional person anyways) I feel emotionally attached to your characters. I wanna see the new serious, BA, Triple H do well. I am wondering if Matt is going to be excited for his brother or if the sibling rivalry is going to continue. The other place that is obvious you are controlling the readers emotions is through the choices in the tournament. You made every character in the qualifiers likable and strong. I don't know if there is a character in the tournament that everyone is unified in hating. Readers are going to be on an emotional roller-coaster through the tournament and that's how good writing is suppose to be.

I have so many favorite characters during this time, that I don't know if I wanna keep reading because I am probably going to cry at least once when someone is eliminated. :(

This was an awesome show, and I love the way you are writing and going forward, please keep it up!!!! ^-^

ღ Emily's Predictions ღ

Jeff Hardy
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H
The Undertaker
You start this show off strong with everyone from the Intercontinental Champion to the Olympic Champion and that main event is something to look forward to. Not to mention the reward which I would think has to have something to do with the tourny. The biggest surprise of all was Austin who took me as a fan completely off guard. Rarely have we seen Austin not only as serious as he was but as intense and the message was obviously sent. RVD was another surprise and a welcome one at that. He is definitely the underdog but you captured everything likable about him and I found myself backing him by the end of the promo. The best part however were all the different relationships between the six men that you did a good job of covering throughout. They may all be champions but they are also all related and that will make for a great main event.

DDP was never my favorite wrestler and so to see him so confident only to have Vince come on and interrupt like he did was genius and had me laughing for a good while. It was obvious someone was going to interrupt but I had a strong feeling it was going to be Taker but McMahon is a good replacement. You could have easily gone down ass-kissing route with him but it wouldn’t have been the same and I could never make sense of that angle in the first place. Torturing the Alliance members feels much more McMahon like and DDP is a good man to make an example out of.

The match was in tip top shape and it became evident how much Dallas Page wanted to win when he began to use the steel steps and the guard rail against Mysterio. You could sense how much both men wanted the win and Mysterio took a lot of damage but DDP couldn’t get the Diamond Cutter and Rey proceeds which makes you feel better about what is going to happen to his opponent. I can’t see Mysterio going far in the tournament but you always need your underdogs and that is exactly what he is and what he always be.

I was wondering when we would see DDP get fired as I was expecting it to happen in the middle of the ring but it’s no problem as backstage is just as good. You can’t help but feel bad for DDP and that is coming from someone who has never been a huge fan. I might have started with the Mysterio interview first though as it is an odd transition from Page’s firing to a happy and proud Rey. Writing characters who speak other languages in addition to English is always hard but you write Mysterio surprisingly well and the mix of Spanish and English isn’t overpowering like it can be with some writers.

You have a good matchup of experienced against not as experienced with Booker and Hardy with both men looking to prove themselves. It was a good match and although there wasn’t as much of a story here you portrayed Hardy’s resilience well and considering his problems with his brother it was smart to have Booker T take the win. RVD’s interference was unexpected and even more so the chair shot to the head but it shows why you don’t mess with the Hardcore Champion and I’m looking forward to seeing how Hardy reacts. This was his chance to prove himself to his brother but it failed and I’ve got a feeling he’s going to make sure his brother fails too.

The tension is clearly coming to a head between the two brothers and the two of them are only getting closer and closer to colliding in the ring. And if it wasn’t for Lita I think they may have already collided. It would be easy to rush something like this but you haven’t and it’s becoming something great because of that. Out of everything I have seen so far, this may be my favorite storyline yet.

You didn’t bring RVD or Matt out for this one and it made this into one fine wrestling match between two men with completely different styles of wrestling. The psychology shown from Regal with the shoulder and back was a great touch and I thought it was done for Hardy numerous times throughout the match. And not to mention that you managed to make both men look good in the process. Hardy took tons of damage like his brother did in his last match but was still able to best one of the toughest men on the roster which is a hard enough task on its own. And seen by the shot of Matt and Lita backstage? I don’t think Matt was very happy about that. I’m not sure where you are going with these two (and RVD) but wherever it is I’m intrigued.

Even as one of the leaders of the Alliance I really felt for Stephanie here. There has been a lot of Vince McMahon throughout this show and that may be something to look at but you can see that the family is falling apart and it was interesting to see Hunter take such a neutral stance. He was able to escape the Invasion but I doubt he’ll be able to escape the family issues for long. I have to think that being Stephanie’s wife is going to hurt him in the long run but who can know for sure? His match against Test should be interesting as everyone knows how on a roll he has been of late. Will he be able to be stopped?

It’s good to see the brothers reconciling but I don’t see it lasting for very long considering they were down each other’s throats just minutes ago. Lita definitely seems to be the mediator here and I wonder how long that lasts for. She won’t be able to stay on the fence for long and I begin to wonder if she will eventually become the prize they are fighting for. But for the first time in a while they actually look like a team. Will this last? That’s hard to say. Especially with the RVD problem still around the corner. You are sure keeping things interesting between these brothers though and I have confidence that it's only going to get better from here.

The Dudley Boyz were so easy to hate throughout the whole promo and their plan of leaving with the belts is not only smart but it gives you a chance to showcase what was a pretty deep tag division at the time. You had everything from their accents to their attitudes down pat and I had no doubt that the crowd would have been booing the heck out of them and not just because of their insulting of Oklahoma which has seemed to be the target of many heels tonight. It seems as if they have moved on from the Hardy’s and onto Spike and Snow which is an odd pairing but one that makes sense considering the history between Spike and his brothers. They don’t come off as a huge threat but when you have such huge heels it doesn’t take much for the fans to get behind their opponents especially when they are men like Al Snow and Spike Dudley.

You knew Spike and Snow weren’t going to beat the Dudley’s but there were numerous times throughout the match that I began to doubt that which is the mark of a good match writer. Spike in particular was just as tough as his brothers and could have sworn that Bubba Ray was going through that table at the end. If anything sums that match up it is Bubba and Devon scurrying off with relieved looks on their faces and I’m not sure where they go from here. There are definitely more tag teams left and I wouldn’t be surprised if Vince puts them through the gauntlet sooner than later.

The Brothers of Destruction at their best are scary and they came off literally scary in their promo. Taker isn’t anything earth shattering on the mic but he is intense and he is believable and he came off like that here. You know you’ve found gold when I have no doubt that Undertaker would slit Jericho’s throat if things were different. It’s short and right to the point but I can’t see it being any other way and I can’t wait to see Y2J get a taste of his own medicine at the hands of the Undertaker and Kane.

Test has been on a winning streak as of late and I like how he is using his immunity and the fact is? He isn’t wrong. He can say whatever he wants and do whatever he does without being fired and that’s an interesting character to explore. And then he goes on to mention Stephanie and his past with her which I had forgotten. It provides a good story for this one and it could go either way here which is crazy when you think of who Test is going up against. But you have booked him so strongly that I would have no problem with seeing him beat Hunter here and that’s something you should be proud of considering he never amounted to much in his time on the WWE roster.

This match was huge for both men in different ways. I thought Test had the win numerous times throughout the match and the amount of punishment Hunter took made me get more and more behind him as the match went on. But it wasn’t as if Test looked weak and I can see him blaming his loss on a conspiracy considering all the trouble he had with the ref throughout the match. It was hard hitting and Test proved himself but he still didn’t win which was the best choice going forward. It is clear that Hunter is as ready as he’s ever been and you have to think of him as a threat in the tournament. It’s really easy to have one guy win while burying the other but you are really good at making both men look good and you have managed to do so throughout the entire show which is commendable for sure.

Giving the winner of the main event the opportunity to book their own match is really interesting and a fitting prize if I do say so myself. It should be interesting to see how the winner uses it as there are many ways they could do so and I can’t imagine someone such as RVD would use it the same way as a Kurt Angle would. Either way it will definitely provide them with an advantage and give the match an extra sense of desperation. But again? A little too much Vince if you ask me but that is just my opinion and I'm sure the rest of your readers/reviewers think differently.

This match was unexpected or at least the result was and I was left surprised and extremely annoyed with the actions of Jericho which is a compliment to your writing and the emotion you can evoke with it. I had gone in expecting and wanting the Brothers of Destruction to eat the three of them for breakfast but you never know what might happen with these big multi-men matches and this leaves me even more excited and hungry for revenge which I’m sure the Undertaker is as well. My only complaint was that I found this one hard to follow for whatever reason and found myself getting lost more than once with little things like who was the legal man and things like that. It’s hard enough to write a match with more than four men competing but it’s even harder when tag rules still apply so I’d just look at that next time you are forced to write something similar. The ending did work though and I like how much you showed the hatred between Taker and Jericho to the point where we even saw him lose his composure, which doesn't happen often. I can't pretend to know what your plans are, but I'm imagining that this leads to an Undertaker and Jericho feud which wouldn't disappoint.

Austin announcing he won't be participating was more shocking than it should have been considering his change in attitude but you can tell he's not the same face Stone Cold we have come to know and love. It may have been a smart move but time will tell. Maybe the winner of this now five man challenge might decide to make him pay for not wrestling and instead choosing to rest up. I'm sure Angle would be one of those people but that's not who I'm going for in this one and that's what is so cool about this match; anybody could win!

This match was everything you could have ever wanted it to be as a fan or as the writer of it. There were so many near falls and so much drama between all five men throughout the match. At first when RVD was pulled off I thought it might have been Austin but it made much more sense for it to have been Hardy which only makes this whole Hardy/Hardy/RVD triangle that much more confusing. I honestly thought Angle had it at the end with the Ankle Lock but the Rock swooped in and stole the win from him. It may have been one of the more predictable outcomes but it makes things a heck of a lot more interesting. I'm sure Angle will have a lot to say about it too but the biggest question is just what Rocky will do with his prize! Considering how high the stakes are right now, I am legitimately excited to find out and I'm hoping Smackdown is on its way soon.

At the end of the day? This was a great BT! and don't take the lack of advice or input as a bad thing. As far as grammar and presentation goes I'm only going to comment if something is big enough to take me out of the match or the segment and there was nothing to do that here. When people are willing to invest and truly feel connected to your characters like myself and Emily seem to be, you know you are doing something right and you clearly are. I had tons of fun reviewing this and cannot wait to see how and where you go from here. Last but not least? My predictions! Can't leave without that.

Abigail's Predictions

Big Show
Booker T
Chris Jericho
Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle
Rey Mysterio
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H
The Undertaker
Big Show
Booker T
Chris Jericho
Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle
Rey Mysterio
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H
The Undertaker

Going based off who were the biggest names at the time as well as RVD and Booker because they were big in WCW & ECW. Plus RVD was always WAY over and I could see him being in the tournament to get a chance to shine.
I really need to get you a big review once my show is up, but I'll post these predictions in the meantime.

Big Show
Booker T
Chris Jericho
Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle
Rey Mysterio
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H
The Undertaker
(Credit: NotoriousMEAT for SMACKDOWN graphic)

Thursday November 29, 2001 | Wichita, Kansas

SMACKDOWN begins with The Rock standing with Jonathan Coachman in the interview area backstage. The crowd pop as they see Rock in his JUST BRING IT t-shirt, shades over his eyes and the WCW Championship over his shoulder. As the crowd cheer, Coach prepares to speak but there is a loud “Rocky! Rocky!” chant that has to be given time. As it dies down, Coach speaks to Rock.

JONATHAN COACHMAN: Last Monday night on RAW, Rock, we saw you beat four other men to earn the right to make any qualifying match you want for the Undisputed WWF Championship. What the world wants to know, Rock, is have you made your …

Rock lifts his hand and places it in front of Coach’s face and he abruptly stops speaking to the delight of the fans …

THE ROCK: The Undisputed WWF Championship. Fifteen guys all fighting for one prize – the chance to be the first ever Undisputed WWF Champion. Coach, The Rock comes out here and runs you down, the Rock comes out here week after week and plays the fool with you but tonight, Coach, no way. Tonight is not a night for fooling around, tonight is a night for being … serious.

Rock stares at the camera and Coach, for a second, seems a little relieved.

THE ROCK: Tonight is a night for being serious, tonight is a night for focusing on what is important and focusing on the biggest prize in Sports Entertainment; the chance to be the first ever WWF Undisputed Champion. And Coach, you know it, I know it and the most important of all … the people know it … Everybody remembers their first.

The crowd react to Rock’s “suggestive” comment with a cheer. Rock turns and looks at Coach again …

THE ROCK: Coach, you remember your first? You remember the first time?

Coach looks embarrassed but he smiles slightly and nods his head.

JONATHAN COACHMAN: Yeah, Rock, of course. Nobody forgets that.

THE ROCK: You damn right, Coach. I remember my first, you remember your first and every one of the MILLIONS …

Cheering, the crowd join with Rock now and chant along …

THE ROCK: … and MILLIONS of The Rock’s fans remember their first as well. You see, the first time is …

Suddenly, Rock stops speaking and he looks at Coach as he holds the microphone for him. Rock studies Coach for a moment and raises his shades before speaking to the interviewer.

THE ROCK: Why don’t you tell us all about your first, Coach?

The crowd cheer at the thought and Rock smirks but Coach shakes his head vigorously.

JONATHAN COACHMAN: No way, Rock, no way. Not hap …

THE ROCK: No way, Rock, no way, not happening, Rock … Would you people here in Kansas like to hear about Coach’s first time?

Big cheer from the crowd here in Wichita, they wanna’ hear it.

THE ROCK: Coach – the people wanna’ know. The Rock wants to know. Listen to them, they’re chanting your name … CO-OACH! CO-OACH!

Following Rocky’s lead, the crowd begin to chant Coach’s name as well and he starts to soften his stance.


THE ROCK: Coach, they all wanna’ know about your first time, the people wanna’ know. Take the mike, face the camera and tell the world about your first time.

Coach turns away from Rock slightly and looks into the camera. Nervously, he begins to speak to the world …

JONATHAN COACHMAN: Well, you see, it was back in about 1989, right here in Wichita, Kansas …

Pop from the crowd as Coach references his home town, Rock smiles and waves him on to continue …

JONATHAN COACHMAN: It was summer, I had borrowed my Dad’s pick-up and we drove out to the middle of nowhere.

Rock’s expression has changed slightly, he is mocking confusion but Coach doesn’t notice. He is growing in confidence here …

JONATHAN COACHMAN: The sun was setting on a beautiful summer day, Dorothy and I just took all our clothes off and went into the back of the pick-up where we …

Suddenly, Rock grabs the microphone to stop Coach.

THE ROCK: Woah, woah, woah, woah … WOAH! What in the BLUE HELL are you talking about, Coach?

Coach looks confused now as the crowd pop for Rock’s interruption. Rock glares at Coach as he speaks.

THE ROCK: You’re telling your home town, you’re telling The Rock and all of the people around the world about your first time playing hide the strudel?

Huge reaction from the crowd as they chant Rock’s name over and over as Coach looks embarrassed once more.

JONATHAN COACHMAN: Rock, I’m sorry, I thought …

Rock pulls the microphone away once more and wags his finger in the face of Coach.


Rock spins Coach round and uses his boot to kick Coach out of the picture, he looks disgusted with what he just heard from Coach and he shakes his head as Coach stumbles off camera and out of sight.

THE ROCK: Get that sumbitch outta’ here, will ya? I was talking about the first time, the first time in that ring, the first time hearing the crowd chant your name, the first time you held the title. The Rock doesn’t wanna’ hear about Dorothy’s Kansas pie …

Reaction from the crowd for the mention of Kansas’ pie here tonight but Rock stops and thinks for a second …

THE ROCK: Dorothy? Kansas?

Rock continues to think about this and then smirks.

THE ROCK: Well, Coach, you better run along and find your Aunty Em, tap those ruby red shoes and make your wishes come true …

As the camera zooms out a little, Rock taps his heels together three times and closes his eyes …

THE ROCK: There’s no place like UNDISPUTED … There’s no place like UNDISPUTED … There’s no place like UNDISPUTED …

The crowd cheer as Rock quotes the famous “Wizard of Oz” quote before opening his eyes and smiling a wide smile …

THE ROCK: You see, it goes like this - in less than two weeks, The Rock will be heading to the UNDISPUTED pay-per-view, The Rock will walk in with the WCW Championship over his shoulder but after all is said and done, The Rock GUARAN-DAMN-TEES that he will be walking out …

Rock looks around and his face becomes serious once more …

THE ROCK: … as the Undisputed WWF Champion!

Huge cheers for this proclamation from The Rock and he smiles.

THE ROCK: Back to the serious business though, Kansas. Last Monday, The Rock earned the right, the opportunity, to decide any Qualifying match by kicking the candy ass of Kurt Angle and The Rock is taking this decision very seriously indeed. You see, before the main event on RAW, we had to stand there and listen to that bald-headed piece of Texas trailer park trash, Stone Cold Steve Austin …

Rock pauses as the crowd react, in a mixed way, to the mention of Austin.

THE ROCK: ... That jabroni told everybody that he didn’t need to fight, he told everybody that he doesn’t care what anybody thinks and that he will be the Undisputed Champion because he is the best. Because he is … the BEST? Well, I have a few questions of my own for you, Austin. Who was the BEST at Survivor Series?

Cheers in the crowd for this comment.

THE ROCK: Who was the BEST at WrestleMania 17 when you needed Vince McMahon to help you win that WWF Championship? You see, it’s real simple Austin, you say you don’t want to fight unless it is for the title – The Rock doesn’t buy that crap. You didn’t want to fight on Monday night because your monkey ass is afraid of The Rock!

Big pop for this comment as well, the people are on Rocky’s side here.

THE ROCK: Your monkey ass is afraid to get in the ring with the Great One, THE most electrifying man in Sports Entertainment today!

More cheers as Rock smirks.

THE ROCK: Stone Cold Steve Austin, you’re afraid that The Rock will take his right boot … shine it up real nice … turn that sumbitch sideways and STICK IT UP YOUR CANDY ASSSSS!

Huge cheers for Rock now and another “Rocky!” chant goes up.

THE ROCK: The Rock doesn’t buy your cowardice, Austin so I made a decision. The Rock had the right to decide a qualifying match, a chance to make things easier for him – or harder for two other people. You people wanna’ know my decision?

The crowd react in the affirmative and Rock smiles.

THE ROCK: Kansas, do you wanna’ know The Rock’s decision?

Louder cheers from the crowd here.

THE ROCK: I don’t need to make things easier for me but I will make things harder for you, Austin. So, in the Qualifying Round for the WWF Undisputed Championship, I choose to make the match … STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN …

Rock pauses dramatically and looks at the camera for a moment.


Huge reaction in the crowd; Rock is taking his chances on the draw and has decided to make things difficult for Austin instead. The first qualifier we know of will be Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Triple H!


The crowd join in with Rock now.


The Rock raises his eyebrow and the crowd go wild before the SMACKDOWN credits roll and the show is set to start …


As SMACKDOWN officially begins here tonight, the crowd are going wild as Michael Cole and Tazz introduce tonight’s show and hype up the atmosphere backstage as we approach the UNDISPUTED PPV. Cole tells us that tonight, the fourteen men who are ready to join Goldberg in the battle for the chance to win the Undisputed WWF Championship are waiting anxiously to find out who they will be facing in the final qualifying matches before the PPV. Tazz says that the field is wide open – especially after The Rock’s announcement before SMACKDOWN began tonight that Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H, two of the favourites to win the title, will face each other in a qualifier. Cole says that we are set to find out more right now and then …


A loud but mixed reaction for the Chairman of the company as he steps out smartly dressed in a business suit as usual. Sporting a wide smile, McMahon plays to the crowd as he walks, in his own typical way, towards the ring which is decked out in blue and black covers and blue ropes. Behind McMahon, two backstage staff are carrying a table to the ring and this has a circular drum on top of it that is clearly to be used for tonight’s live draw. McMahon steps into the ring as the table is lifted over the ropes as well and is placed in the centre of the ring. As the staff make their final preparations, McMahon takes a microphone and signals for his music to be faded out …

VINCE McMAHON: Thank you all for that wonderful greeting – welcome to SMACKDOWN!

McMahon smirks with irony but the crowd respond with cheers, mainly, because they are excited for tonight’s show as we edge closer towards the UNDISPUTED PPV and the chance to crowd the first WWF Undisputed Champion …

VINCE McMAHON: Now, tonight sees us move one night closer to crowning the very first WWF Undisputed Champion. Let me tell you something, Kansas, there is no greater honour in this business than being the champion of a company but the man who wins this tournament, the man who goes to UNDISPUTED and wins the final match, will be the champion of not just one company but THREE companies …

McMahon is hyping this up as much as he can.

VINCE McMAHON: The winner will be the champion of the World Wrestling Federation and the now defunct ECW …

Cheers for the mention of ECW, despite the recent “Invasion” story, and an audible “ECW!” chant breaks out as McMahon waits …

VINCE McMAHON: … and, of course, WCW.

More jeers for the mention of the WCW – traditionally, WWF’s enemy for the past ten years.

VINCE McMAHON: The man who wins this title will be the absolute best in the business, he will be the best in the world and he will be the first man to be able to say that he was the Undisputed Champion.

McMahon nods his head as the crowd react positively to this …

VINCE McMAHON: Whoever wins this title will face three gruelling matches in one hectic night at the UNDISPUTED pay-per-view in just over a weeks’ time and on SMACKDOWN tonight or RAW next Monday, fourteen men will face a qualifying match.

The crowd are ready to find out who is facing who and are getting a little restless now.

VINCE McMAHON: Now, we know the identity of one man who will be at UNDISPUTED already …

Cheers again and then a “Gold-berg!” chant begins that causes McMahon to sneer.

VINCE McMAHON: That man isn’t man enough to come on RAW or SMACKDOWN now and earn his spot in the tournament, he want to hide behind contracts and legal teams to get his place in the tournament.

Some jeers for this comment – but are they jeering McMahon or Goldberg?

VINCE McMAHON: But let’s find out who is going to be facing who in the final set of qualifying matches to get to UNDISPUTED shall we?

The crowd are ready to know and McMahon smiles as the crowd react well.

VINCE McMAHON: Alright then, we already know that The Rock has chosen a match for the qualifiers. I can now confirm that match will happen this Monday night on RAW …

Some jeers as McMahon announces it for RAW and not tonight …

VINCE McMAHON: It will be the current WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin going up against the man who made his return this Monday on RAW, Triple H!



McMahon now points to the drum on the table and reaches his hand inside to draw the rest of the qualifying matches.

VINCE McMAHON: The remaining twelve men’s names are in this drum, I’ll draw out the four matches for SMACKDOWN tonight first and then the other two matches for RAW this Monday. Are we ready?

The crowd are ready and McMahon pulls out a white ball, he unscrews it and reads a piece of paper inside it.

VINCE McMAHON: First of all, we have the man who made his World Wrestling Federation debut last Monday – REY MYSTERIO!

Big cheer from the crowd as Mysterio is appearing tonight on SMACKDOWN! McMahon draws out the second ball …

VINCE McMAHON: He will be facing … BIG SHOW!



Wow! What a challenge that will be for the small Mexican as he goes up against the giant of the WWF, Big Show! McMahon is ready to draw the next qualifier …

VINCE McMAHON: That will be the first qualifying match here on SMACKDOWN and it is coming up next. Right, the second qualifier will see … Olympic gold medallist KURT ANGLE!

Boos for Angle as McMahon reaches in to reveal his opponent …

VINCE McMAHON: And he will face … the Hardcore Champion … ROB … VAN … DAM!



The crowd erupt into an “RVD!” chant, there is no doubt over who they wish to see win that one!

VINCE McMAHON: Also tonight on SMACKDOWN … The Big Red Monster … KANE!

More cheers as Kane comes out for SMACKDOWN tonight. McMahon draws the next one and then whistles to himself …

VINCE McMAHON: Wow! Unbelievable. Kane will go up against … his brother … THE UNDERTAKER!



The crowd react well to that match; both men are crowd favourites but that match will be incredibly interesting to see tonight here on SMACKDOWN!

VINCE McMAHON: And the final qualifier for SMACKDOWN tonight ... JEFF HARDY!

Big cheers for the popular, enigmatic enigma that is Jeff Hardy!

VINCE McMAHON: And he faces a man who he knows very well … European Champion, CHRISTIAN!



An interesting draw there – two of the less fancied to win the title but one of them will be heading to UNDISPUTED. But which one? We’ll find out later tonight on SMACKDOWN!

VINCE McMAHON: Right, we already know we’re going to see Austin and Triple H on RAW next Monday but which other matches will we see? We’re going to see … Intercontinental Champion, EDGE!

Big cheers for Edge, he is incredibly popular here in the WWF!

VINCE McMAHON: Edge will go one on one on RAW against … CHRIS JERICHO!



After Jericho’s recent attitude switch, the crowd will be firmly behind Edge in that one as they boo Jericho’s name.

VINCE McMAHON: That leaves us with two remaining men in the draw … First up, the five time WCW Champion BOOKER T!

Boos ring out for the mention of Booker T but there is one name conspicuous by its absence so far. The crowd begin chanting his name: “Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!” echoes around the arena …

VINCE McMAHON: That’s him! The current WCW Champion … THE ROCCCCCCK!



The crowd pop for Rock’s name as he is drawn out to face the man who he defeated at Summerslam to win the WCW Championship back in August. McMahon smiles as he finishes up with the drum.

VINCE McMAHON: So there you have it! UNDISPUTED is taking shape now, we’re gonna’ crown a NEW Undisputed World Wrestling Federation in just over a week! Are you all ready to see the first qualifying match?

Cheers from the crowd as McMahon smirks and looks around.

VINCE McMAHON: Big Show and Rey Mysterio coming up next then!

More cheers as Michael Cole and Tazz hype up the matches that have been set for SMACKDOWN tonight and RAW on Monday:

Final Qualifying Round

Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio
Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam
Kane vs. The Undertaker
Christian vs. Jeff Hardy

Chris Jericho vs. Edge
Booker T vs. The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Triple H​

Tazz says he can’t wait for the action to get started; Michael Cole says that Tazz will get his wish straight after the break as Big Show and Mysterio clash in a real “David vs. Goliath” battle. Can Mysterio do the unthinkable and find a way to upset the Giant?


SMACKDOWN returns with a shot of the ring as Lilian Garcia announces that it is time for the first qualifying match of the night. Cole and Tazz are excited that it is time for us to find out who will be the first man to join Goldberg in the Quarter Finals which will kick off the PPV in 9 days’ time. Attention turns towards the stage and the lights dip right down to signal the arrival of the newest and one of the most exciting WWF Superstars …




On stage, Mysterio springs up from below the floor and leaps out dressed in blue, white and silver tonight – to represent the fact he is on SMACKDOWN maybe? As he approaches the ring, he slaps hands with several of the crowd before leaping into the ring to a great response. As he salutes the fans, Michael Cole explains more about Mysterio and his days in the ECW and the WCW. He asks Tazz about Mysterio’s unique style and what it is like to face a man that flies around the ring the way he does; Tazz says that Mysterio’s style catches people off guard and if they underestimate him because of his size, he can make them pay with his speed and agility instead. Highlights of the ending of Mysterio’s defeat of Diamond Dallas Page on Monday are shown and Cole says that many people considered that an upset …



*** BIG SHOW ***

As a smiling Big Show steps out, there is another positive reaction for the big man and Cole says that if people considered Mysterio’s defeat of DDP an upset, how would they describe it if Mysterio could find a way to defeat this Giant? The 7 foot 500 pounder heads for the ring in his black singlet and he too slaps hands with the crowd as he approaches the ring. Stepping over the top rope with ease, Show waves to the crowd and then roars out, he is ready to go to UNDISPUTED and become the Undisputed WWF Champion. Show turns to Mysterio and they stand facing each other, one looking up, one looking down, it’s a real contrast with Show having almost a foot and a half on Mysterio. He smiles to his smaller opponent and then offers his frying pan hand out, a sign of sportsmanship before the bell is rung and the Cruiserweight shakes it before they both step back and adjust ready for the bell.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


In the early stages of the match, Show offers Mysterio a chance to “test his strength” but Rey, wily as he is, catches him by surprise with a series of kicks instead before a springboard drop kick that staggers Show back to the ropes. It becomes clear very quick that Mysterio is hoping to use his speed to surprise Show and take him off his feet and another springboard off the ropes leads to a flying kick that crashes into the side of Show’s head. He drops to a knees and there are cheers in the arena as it appears that, despite the good nature of both men, the crowd are going to get behind the smaller underdog. He leaps to the ropes again, climbs quickly to the top turnbuckle and flies off for a crossbody … No way! Show catches Rey and shakes his head before slamming him down hard on his back and he takes complete control. The match plods on at Show’s lumbering pace now and he dominates Mysterio completely. Smiling as he does it, Show often shrugs his shoulders to the crowd as if to say “I’ve gotta’ do what I gotta’ do!” but, somehow, Rey keeps getting up and launching some kind of counter – unfortunately most of these fail completely! As the match wears on and Show continues to dominate, Tazz speculates that Show doesn’t believe that Rey can beat him at all – but the underestimation is unlikely to matter as he is dominating.

CLOSING MOMENTS: The match turns for home when Show has Mysterio propped up in the corner of the ring. He shushes the crowd and then slaps Rey’s chest with devastating force over and over … Ten times, the marks on Mysterio’s chest are complete proof that he is feeling the hurt here. Crumpled in the corner, Rey is clutching himself in pain but he once more gets back up as Show retreats. As Mysterio stumbles back towards him, Show thrusts out a right hand and grips his opponent by the throat. Here we go, Choke Slam! No! Mysterio slips out as Show lifts him high, he springs up and delivers a quick drop kick to the back of Big Show who stumbles and goes down for the first time; he lands right over the middle rope. Mysterio signals that it is time for, what Cole tells us, is known as the “619” as he points to the rafters. He hits the opposite ropes and rushes over to Show looking to hit the 619 but Show catches him and drags himself up to his feet. He glares down on Mysterio and there appears to be anger in Show’s face as he looks down on the little man. Show is clearly heard to shout “Don’t even think about it, small man!” which results in some negative reaction from the fans. Show rams Mysterio backwards into the corner and the buckles before retreating, he runs over the ring into the corner and squashes Mysterio with supreme force. As Rey falls to the mat, Show hooks the leg, this is over.



Big Show looks a little perplexed as he stares down at Mysterio but he drags him up once more and, despite the frustration, sets for something more. He lifts Mysterio into a powerbomb position … ALLEY OOP! Show stands over Mysterio with a smirk on his face now and he looks to the crowd and mouths “It’s over!” before dropping to his knees, smiling, to hook the leg once more.



The crowd are cheering and Show looks round in annoyance here; he doesn’t like the cheers that Mysterio is getting over him. However, he manages to keep sane and he drops back once more and raises his hand with a roar to signal that it is time for a Choke Slam now. As Mysterio gets to his feet, Big Show grabs him by the throat and lifts him up high … But Rey manages to use the ropes to twist and counter and Big Show goes over the top rope head first and crashes down to the floor. Could this be the opening that Rey Mysterio needs here? He takes some time to recover himself and then sets his sights on Show who is on his knees outside the ring. Mysterio comes off the ropes opposite and sails through the ropes … SUICIDE DIVE! BAM! BIG SHOW CRASHES A STEEL CHAIR INTO THE HEAD OF REY MYSTERIO! Immediately, the referee signals for the bell, Show has been disqualified!

(via DQ at 06:38)

(Qualifies for UNDISPUTED)

As the crowd look on in shock, Big Show stands outside the ring with the chair, that he appears to have dragged from under the ring, in his hand. Show looks down at the chair in amazement – or is that remorse and shock? As the referee tells Show to leave Mysterio alone, Show drops the chair and holds his hands up before pleading with the referee to change the decision. “I don’t know why I did that!” he tells the referee but the referee is adamant that the DQ will stand. Show picks Rey up off the floor and rolls him into the ring before following. He lifts him up and looks apologetic as he explains himself to Mysterio. However, Rey’s bell has been rung here and he doesn’t appear to be taking in Show’s apologies. Show signals for a microphone and addresses Mysterio and the crowd directly.

BIG SHOW: Rey, I’m sorry, please listen to me …

Some boos are ringing out around the arena and Show looks up as he hears them and he shakes his head.

BIG SHOW: No, please, no. I didn’t mean that, I don’t know what came over me there. I hit the outside hard, saw the chair and just swung it in a blind rage. I didn’t know what I was doing, Rey, please …

Concerned, two referees are now shepherding Mysterio away and out of the ring as a distraught Big Show looks on clearly upset with his actions here tonight. As Mysterio is helped out of the arena, Show stands watching, sweating hard, and looking around to the crowd repeating the words “I’m sorry” over and over. Tazz suggests that the people should give Show a chance here, he is clearly upset with himself but Cole says that the referee made the right call – you can’t use a chair the way Show just did. Cole goes on to tell everybody that the result, a DQ win for Mysterio, means that he is the second man guaranteed for the UNDISPUTED PPV in the tournament for the Undisputed WWF Championship – along with Goldberg, of course – and that we will find out the identities of three more men before the end of the night. The camera switches backstage and we see that Stone Cold Steve Austin has arrived here in the arena looking annoyed as usual. There is the usual mixed reaction – he has a hardcore following but his actions of late have been disrespectful towards the fans – as Austin walks backstage before we hear a shout …

???: Austin, listen up, man!

As Austin spins to see who is shouting him, we see Booker T chasing after him with a look of annoyance on his face.

BOOKER T: Look man, I gotta’ speak to you. Last week on SMACKDOWN, what the hell was that Stunner about?

Austin simply stares into the eyes of Booker without a word. He appears interested in what Booker is saying though and the former WCW Champion carries on speaking …

BOOKER T: All last week, dawg, all I tried to do was contact you and get you to come back to the WWF and then you act like that?

Booker shakes his head in annoyance …

BOOKER T: How dare you disrespect me like that, man? I thought we were allies!

Austin continues to stare at Booker who doesn’t appear unnerved at this …

BOOKER T: You see, man, there seems to be a few people round here disrespectin’ the Book if you see what I mean? I don’t think people realise who they messin’ wit. I am the 5 time … 5 time … 5 time … 5 TIME … 5 TIME WCW CHAMPION, SUCKA! I deserve respect …

Austin continues to stare at Booker as boos ring out around the arena.

BOOKER T: Now, everyone be assumin’ that on RAW this Monday night, Rock is gonna’ beat me and qualify for this tournament. Nobody thinks that I have a chance – but uh-huh, that’s wrong, man. I am going to beat The Rock on Monday night on RAW …

Austin smirks a little as he appears to see where this is going …

BOOKER T: And then, when I make it to UNDISPUTED, if you make it past Triple H, I am gonna’ show you that hitting me with that Stunner was a mistake, man.

Austin looks amused by Booker’s comments.

BOOKER T: I’m the 5-time WCW Champion but at UNDISPUTED, man, I’m gonna’ be the Undisputed WWF Champion as well. You dig that?

Still, Austin doesn’t speak – he continues to look at Booker in amusement.

BOOKER T: Dammit, Austin, we were on the same damn team at Survivor Series, say something to me. Show me some damn respect before I force it out of you instead …


Loud cheers as Austin finally interrupts Booker’s words.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: You want respect?

The crowd chant “WHAT?” after Austin’s words …



STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: Gonna’ be Undisputed Champion?


STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: Gonna’ make me pay?


STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN: How about I give you some respect right now?

“WHAT?” chant the crowd as Austin suddenly drops his bags and launches a right hand at Booker T who didn’t expect it at all. Austin pummels away at Booker as he looks to give him some ‘respect’ and Booker is forced to cover up as he backs against a wall. Officials stream from other areas backstage and separate the pair of them; Austin is smirking at Booker who looks furious over the impromptu beating he just took. As he is pulled away, Booker points towards Austin and shouts towards him once more …

BOOKER T: You wanna’ fight, Austin? You got it … You will respect me, sucka! Tonight … me and you …

As Booker is dragged away, Austin smirks back and nods his head in the direction of Booker T – do we have a match here for SMACKDOWN tonight?



SMACKDOWN returns with a quick replay of the confrontation between WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and the former 5-time WCW Champion, Booker T, backstage just before the commercial break. As the replay ends, Cole and Tazz are shown at the announce table and Cole announces that the match has been made official. Can Booker T prove to Austin that he deserves respect tonight? We’ll find out later as Booker T goes one on one with the WWF Champion! Tazz says that Booker does deserve some respect for all that he achieved in the WCW and suggests that a win over Austin tonight will get him some of the respect he craves.



*** TEST ***

Attention turns towards the stage as Test, the man who lost his pre-qualifying round match with the returning Triple H last Monday on RAW, steps out into the arena. As he approaches the ring, replays of the ending of the match are shown as Triple H hits the Pedigree to advance into the final qualifying round. As Test steps into the ring, dressed in black trousers and a black custom made Test shirt, he looks angry and he has a microphone.

TEST: You see, that is what is wrong with the World Wrestling Federation. That replay just sums it all up. Anybody watching that replay who didn’t see the match on Monday night will make up their mind in seconds – Test vs. Triple H, the triumphant return, an easy win.

Test shakes his head in anger.

TEST: Well, that pisses me off.

Jeers and boos for Test now as he resorts to swearing to make his point.

TEST: As far as I am concerned, that replay is a whole lotta’ crap. The World Wrestling Federation made that replay to tell you all the story that they want to tell you, what Vince McMahon wants you to know. The WWF want you to think that Hunter came back here on Monday, beat up some nobody and qualified for the next round of the tournament … and all of you morons will believe it.

More boos and jeers as Test finally insults the hometown.

TEST: They don’t want you to know the truth, do they? If you watched Monday Night RAW, you will know the truth already – you will see the conspiracy that is unfolding in front of your eyes, the conspiracy that I warned you all about earlier in the night.

Tazz tells Michael Cole on commentary that he thinks Test might have a slight point here.

TEST: You see, the World Wrestling Federation – or Vince McMahon, seeing as he controls everything around here – wants you to think that Triple H is the returning hero but they don’t want you to know that I kicked his ass … They don’t want you to remember that a referee, their puppet, came out here and denied me victory on three occasions. Roll the footage …

Test barks out the order to the technical area and an image slideshow begins on the titantron showing Test dominating Triple H with several heavy hitting moves …

TEST: For the majority of that match, I dominated Triple H, I beat him down and I made him look weak.

We see a still image of Test hitting the first of his Big Boot moves to “The Game” on screen …

TEST: They don’t want you to see that the referee deliberately used a slow count to ensure Triple H, the all-conquering hero, kicked out of the Big Boot once …

Another image appears of Test pinning Triple H, his leg hooked and the referee making the 3-count …

TEST: They don’t want you to recall that the referee made a count of 3 on Triple H and then changed their mind because he put a hand out to grab the rope after the 3 …

Another image, this time we see Test hitting the Pumphandle Slam on Triple H …

TEST: Or that after I hit the Pumphandle Slam, after I had him beat for a third time, the referee refused to make the count …

On commentary, Cole reminds us that Test, not shown on the images, had his feet on the ropes for extra leverage …

TEST: They don’t want you to see that the referee faked an injury to avoid having to make a pinfall after I hit the Diving Elbow to Hunter, do they?

The final image shown shows Test connecting with a Diving Elbow and then the camera returns to Test’s face of anger.

TEST: No, all they want you to know is that Triple H returned to RAW, hit a Pedigree on Test and pinned him 1, 2, 3!

Cheers from the crowd but Test looks furious over this.

TEST: Hunter, I had you beat three times, you know it, I know it and deep down, the World Wrestling Federation and Vince McMahon know it. They protected you, they screwed me – you gotta’ ask yourself why though, haven’t you? It’s clear to me. You’re married to Vince McMahon’s little princess, you’re married to my ex-fiance Stephanie McMahon – of course they wanted you to win.

Test points to the stage area once more though.

TEST: And I have proof. GET OUT HERE!

Test looks towards the stage, as do the crowd, as a referee steps out from the backstage area and comes towards the ring. As he approaches, Cole tells us this is Charles Robinson, the man who officiated the Test vs. Triple H match on RAW and the former WCW referee that kept his job after the “Invasion” was ended. Robinson steps into the ring but he appears reluctant …

TEST: This is Charles Robinson, the referee for my match last Monday. He’s going to tell you all about how he was pressured by Vince McMahon, aren’t you?

Test hands the microphone to Robinson who looks nervously as he prepares to speak.

CHARLES ROBINSON: Test, I know what you think but it’s simply not true.

The crowd cheer but Test’s anger appears to increase.

CHARLES ROBINSON: Every decision I made was my own decision – Triple H’s hand was on the rope at 2, your feet were on the ropes so I stopped the count and – whilst I sympathise with you over the final pinfall being slow – I got there as fast as I could after you hit me. I was NOT pressured by anybody here in the WW …

Test takes a few strides forward and kicks Robinson right in the face, a BIG BOOT that knocks him out cold, and the crowd boo in amazement. Test stands over the fallen referee and picks up the microphone with an intense look of anger on his face.

TEST: You little bitch, Charles, you know the truth. Because I can do what I want here in the World Wrestling Federation, they can’t fire ME, they wanna’ stop me. It’s a conspiracy and YOU, and all of YOU, know it.

Test uses his foot to push Robinson out of the ring before he continues.

TEST: You’ve seen the evidence, I’ve proven my point. But it won’t stop me, the WWF and Vince McMahon can’t touch me – I am going to do what I want, when I want, until they give me what I deserve. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Test tosses the microphone away as his music restarts and he storms out of the ring. As he exits the ring, we see several officials cowering as they try to tend to Charles Robinson and Test stares at them threateningly. However, he does move on and he strides up the ramp to the sound of jeers and boos from the crowd who dislike what they heard from Test tonight. The cameras switch backstage and we see a limo turn up, the same limo that showed on Monday Night RAW, out steps the “Billion Dollar Princess” Stephanie McMahon and tonight, she seems determined. As the cameras follow her down a corridor, Michael Cole reminds us that Vince McMahon banished her from the arena on Monday thanks to her actions in buying ECW during the “Invasion” and trying to kill the World Wrestling Federation. Tazz says that this is the reason why he cannot believe what Test is saying – why would Vince McMahon be favouring his daughter’s husband when he despises her? Stephanie marches up to the door which bears the sign “VINCE McMAHON, WWF CHAIRMAN” before she takes a deep breath, opens the door and storms in. The door closes and it appears that Stephanie is here to give her father a piece of her mind tonight … The cameras return to the ring and it is time for the next match of the night …



*** X-FACTOR ***

With purple lights streaming around the arena, out step Albert and X-Pac and they make their way towards the ring. As they do, Cole reminds us of their recent ‘alliance’ with Chris Jericho and how they targeted the Undertaker and his brother, Kane. Some replays air from RAW as we see Jericho and X-Factor knocking off the Brothers of Destruction in a 2 vs. 3 Handicap match before we return to the ring where X-Pac is taunting the crowd. Tazz suggests that X-Factor’s recent roll since they reformed could signal bad news for the Tag Team division; Cole says we will find out here tonight …

*** A.P.A. ***

The former Tag Team Champions head out into the arena to a big pop, Bradshaw raises his hand in salute and they stride purposefully towards the ring ready for action. Cole and Tazz discuss the recent comments of the Dudley Boyz regarding leaving the WWF with the Tag Team Championships at WrestleMania 18 and Tazz says that both these teams are threats to the damn Dudleys – if they can earn their shots. Cole hypes up this match as being rather important in determining who is ready to get that shot.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


Hard hitting and heavy action from the outset as Albert and Faarooq square off against each other for this important Tag Team match. Nothing changes when Bradshaw makes a tag with his partner and comes in to face off with Albert, this is all about who has the most power here tonight until the arrival of X-Pac into the match. He uses his speed and agility well to bring a different dimension to the match and it seems as if he has the APA in trouble until, out of nowhere, Faarooq makes a counter and hits a big boot to his chest and changes the flow once more. Neither team can get on top in the match and they continue to battle as we head towards the 5-minute mark.

CLOSING MOMENTS: As Bradshaw finally gets on top of X-Pac, it seems as if the APA are heading for victory. He pounds the back and shoulders of the smallest man in the match before hitting a slam that leaves Pac writhing on the mat and clutching his lower back. Bradshaw salutes the crowd and signals that he is going to end this before he waits for X-Pac to get up. X-Pac looks to counter with a roundhouse kick but Bradshaw ducks underneath it, hits the ropes, he runs past X-Pac once more as he hits the opposite ropes building up power. X-Pac is spinning all over the place as he looks to get into things once more, Bradshaw comes racing towards him …CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! BRADSHAW LEVELS X-PAC WITH A DEVASTATING CLOTHESLINE! He hooks the leg of the fallen X-Pac but the referee fails to make the pinfall count – he is signalling that Albert made the tag to X-Pac as he was wobbling around before the Clothesline. Albert rushes over at Faarooq and smashes into him to knock him off the apron before he turns to face Bradshaw, still confused. Albert runs at Bradshaw who is not ready and connects with a running Bicycle Kick that staggers him. The referee helps X-Pac out of the way as Albert drags Bradshaw back up and lifts him high …BALDO BOMB! ALBERT CONNECTS WITH A BALDO BOMB ON BRADSHAW! He covers the Texan …


(via PINFALL at 05:13)


Faarooq was just too late as he tried to get back into the ring to save Bradshaw but it is another big win for the reformed X-Factor team. Albert, seeing that Faarooq is back in the ring, rolls away and drags his partner out of the ring with him. A stunned X-Pac follows his partner out of the ring and they head for the ramp where the referee raises their arms in victory. Tazz says that X-Factor are on a roll and it is going to take something big to stop them. As SMACKDOWN goes to another break, Albert and X-Pac celebrate their win halfway up the ramp and APA look on annoyed with the loss.


SMACKDOWN returns from commercial with Triple H walking backstage. He looks unhappy over something and he walks down a corridor shouting out for “Vince!” over and over. Eventually, Hunter rounds a corner and there is the Chairman of the WWF. He is stood talking with Kurt Angle who slips away as McMahon turns his attention to Hunter. As he approaches, Vince holds out his hand and smiles but there is no handshake from “The Game” who has something to say.

TRIPLE H: Did you hear him? Did you hear that crap that Test was spouting out there before?

Vince holds his hands up to try and calm Triple H down.

VINCE McMAHON: Whoa, easy there, Hunter. Yes, I heard him. Yes, I think it was a load of crap. Yes, I have a plan.

Vince smirks as he looks into Triple H’s eyes; he now quietens as he is interested to hear what McMahon has planned.

VINCE McMAHON: It seems that Test is upset that the referee, so he says, was helping you to win because you’re married to my daughter? Now, you know that is ridiculous. I know it is ridiculous. But that is what Test thinks. So how about we give him a chance to prove himself tonight?

Triple H looks at his ‘father-in-law’ with a look of curiosity.

VINCE McMAHON: Tonight, it will be Test proving himself by facing you one on one here on SMACKDOWN!

Cheers in the arena for this idea; HHH looks pleased as well.

TRIPLE H: That’s fine with me, in fact, I will enjoy kicking his sorry ass all over Kansas tonight.

Hunter turns to leave but then pauses and turns back.

TRIPLE H: By the way – did Steph find you tonight?

VINCE McMAHON: She did, yeah. She says … well, we had a little chat.


VINCE McMAHON: We’ve still got a lot to talk through. I mean, you’ve got to remember that …

Vince stops suddenly as we hear a loud crash in the background and a scream. A look of concern passes over both men’s faces and they begin to walk down the corridor.

TRIPLE H: What the hell?

As Hunter and McMahon set off, a backstage official comes running towards them.

BACKSTAGE WORKER: Mr. McMahon, quick. Your daughter …

McMahon swops a look with Hunter and they race around the corner towards the office of the WWF Chairman. Stood outside it, anger still over his face, is Test. He is holding a steel chair and when he sees McMahon and Triple H, he rushes away out of sight. Hunter and McMahon make their way into the office and there we see Stephanie McMahon laid out, face down, on the floor. She has clearly been assaulted with the steel chair by Test and there are lots of screams for help and medical assistance as concern grows. The camera switches abruptly back to the announce table where Michael Cole and Tazz are looking on in shock. Cole says that they will listen for updates from backstage and pass on any information when they find out more but it appears that Test has delivered a sickening message to both Vince McMahon and Triple H by attacking Stephanie McMahon here tonight.

*** KURT ANGLE ***

It’s time for the second of the qualifying matches tonight to determine the men who will join Goldberg at the UNDISPUTED pay-per-view to battle for the Undisputed WWF Championship. As Angle heads out and the red, white and blue pyro explodes in the arena, Cole reminds us of Mysterio’s DQ victory earlier tonight when he faced Big Show. A replay of the decisive moment is shown and Tazz says that Big Show lost his mind for a second and it cost him dear. With two of the eight names for UNDISPUTED now known, who will be the next to join them – will it be the Olympic gold medal winner, Kurt Angle? Angle is in the ring and taunting the fans, Cole says that Angle is embarking on a journey to prove he deserves the title after last week on RAW, the night after Survivor Series, claiming that Vince McMahon should hand him the WWF Championship in honour of “winning” survival for the WWF and killing the ECW/WCW Alliance.

*** ROB VAN DAM ***

But could RVD be the man to head for UNDISPUTED and win the title? As the ever confident RVD heads out into the arena, Tazz and Cole discuss the momentum that RVD has picked up since his arrival in the World Wrestling Federation back in July. Tazz hypes up RVD’s ECW achievements and says it was clear he was destined for greatness when he first started in that company – next Sunday could be the night that RVD reaches his zenith and becomes the Undisputed WWF Champion. Cole reminds us that only a couple of months ago, RVD competed with Angle and Stone Cold Steve Austin with the WWF Championship on the line and came close to winning that night. RVD salutes the fans and hands his Hardcore Championship over to the referee to save before the bell is rung and the second of tonight’s qualifiers kicks off.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


The bell rings and Angle steps forward towards RVD and starts mouthing off as usual. Listening to him, Van Dam looks amused and this appears to infuriate the Olympian who heads off to the corner and requests a microphone despite the bell having rung already. He is handed one and the referee protests but it appears that Angle wants to get something off his chest …

KURT ANGLE: As your Olympic hero, Kansas, it is my duty to complain about this match here tonight. Two weeks ago, your Olympic hero put an end to the Alliance once and for all, your Olympic hero saved the World Wrestling Federation – quite frankly, I should be the Undisputed WWF Champion already.

Van Dam looks on, still amused, and shrugs his shoulders. However, Angle presses on.

KURT ANGLE: Now, tonight, I have to face this man, Rob Van Dam, the man who fought for the Alliance and a man who fought in a run-down Bingo Hall for years, throwing weapons around, because he knows he’s not a real man who can make it here in the World Wrestling Federation.

Boos erupt around the arena and RVD no longer looks amused; he looks annoyed. Angle continues though.

KURT ANGLE: So tonight, I don’t like the fact that I have to lower myself to facing this ECW failure, I don’t like the fact that a real wrestler like me has to face a man whose only success comes when he is holding a weapon, I don’t like the fact that I have to prove I’m a better man against somebody I know I am better than – but, as your Olympic hero, I will prove it. I will prove that RVD is nothing more than a …

BAM! Roundhouse kick from RVD and Angle drops the microphone as the match is underway. Surprised by RVD’s kick, Angle takes a while to get going and Van Dam dominates the early going until Angle manages to counter the Rolling Thunder by rolling clear and then hitting a German Suplex to buy himself some time. During the early part of the match, Angle is frustrated several times as his mat-based technical wrestling skills are countered by the kicks of RVD that come from out of nowhere. It’s a real contrast of styles – Van Dam’s kicks vs. Angle’s suplexes and take-downs and it makes for an interesting match until Angle loses it and resorts to decking the Hardcore Champion instead. Now, we see the WWF style that Angle has developed in the past two years as he mixes his technical amateur approach with the hard hitting WWF approach and he takes control of the match.

CLOSING MOMENTS: However, the Hardcore Champion is as unpredictable as they come and he will not lay down and take Angle’s punishment; instead, he fights back and we have an incredibly even contest as we head towards the end of the match. The match spills to the outside where Angle shows his own proficiency for bending the rules a little as he uses the barricades and the steel steps to send RVD flying into pain several times. However, RVD manages to counter as he lifts Angle into a facebuster type move and crashes him down over the barricade, Angle lands on his gut and is hanging over the black perimeter fence as RVD heads to the apron. He flies off and hits a spinning kick to the back of Angle’s head, a move which the crowd enjoy seeing, before dragging Angle back into the ring in the corner. RVD follows up with a Split-Legged Moonsault in the corner and hooks the leg of the Olympian …



Undeterred, RVD waits for Angle to stagger to his feet and springboards off the ropes into a thrust kick that catches Angle in the chest; RVD follows up with another roundhouse kick that crashes his opponent down to the mat and sets him up perfect … ROLLING THUNDER connects! Has RVD done enough here for victory?



Wounded, Angle rolls out of the ring instead of facing up to RVD but all this does is set up for another one of the Hardcore Champion’s high risk moves. Hitting the ropes, RVD comes flying across the ring and towards the ropes … Suicide Dive! RVD crashes into Angle and takes him down once more with the Suicide Dive before he drags him to his feet and tries to roll him back into the ring. Angle’s experiences come to play though as he struggles to stay out of the ring right now, he hits a stiff sudden kick to the knee of RVD and then shoves him hard face first into the steel ring post which collides with RVD. The referee isn’t pleased but Angle doesn’t care as he takes a moment to recover. Once he is OK again, Angle targets the leg of RVD and he appears to be setting up for the Ankle Lock as he kicks and stomps at the leg. Dragging RVD back into the ring, Angle slams his leg down over the edge of the ring apron several times before returning to the ring … Belly to Belly Suplex! Angle goes for a lateral press cover …



Right back to the leg goes Angle and it appears to be a matter of time before he locks in the dreaded submission lock that he has become famous for here in the WWF. Angle wraps RVD’s wounded leg around the ropes as he stands in the corner, Angle begins to kick the rope and the calf muscle of RVD until the referee breaks the move with a 5-count. Avoiding DQ is important, as Big Show found earlier tonight, Angle does as he is told and drags RVD out of the corner … DDT! Angle hits a DDT and bounces the Hardcore Champion’s head off the mat, however he does not go for the pinfall … ANKLE LOCK! ANGLE LOCKS IN THE ANKLE LOCK TO RVD IN THE CENTRE OF THE RING! It’s gut-check time for RVD as he writhes around in pain, desperate to escape, he stretches for the ropes but he is several feet away. Angle is screaming at RVD to “Tap!” but the Hardcore Champion resists for now and tries to make his way towards the ropes – to stop him, Angle grapevines the hold and forces RVD to drag not only his own weight but Angle’s as well if he wishes to get to the ropes. The referee is down and asking RVD to quit and it seems as if he might do that but there is a big crowd chant of “RVD!” that seems to inspire him and he again pushes on towards the ropes despite the pain. The crowd will him on as he gets closer and closer but then Angle seems to intensify the lock further and RVD screams out in pain … Will he tap out?

NO! RVD MAKES IT TO THE ROPES! There is a huge cheer in the arena as RVD survives the Ankle Lock for over a minute but Angle is incensed. He stomps away of the back and the injured leg of RVD and then drags him back to the centre of the ring where he is ready to strike once more. Angle is serious now and he pulls down his singlet to the waist before grabbing RVD’s leg once more … Wait a minute, quick roll up from Van Dam …



Wow, that was close! Surprised, Angle was lucky to escape the roll up and he was caught completely off-guard there. As Angle looks to resume his beating of RVD though, he is caught unaware again as RVD suddenly leaps up and hits the Van Daminator kick that staggers Angle backwards. Limping, RVD gets up and goes after Angle now hitting a series of kicks that stagger Angle further … German Suplex! Angle’s shoulders are down again …



The crowd are on the edge of their seats now as they watch this unfold, can RVD put Angle away here? The Hardcore Champion is intent on doing that as he delivers another series of kicks to the Olympian before he hooks his leg and delivers another suplex of his own, Northern Lights suplex this time, Angle is down once more and RVD holds on for the pinfall …



Another springboard back thrust kick from RVD crashes Angle down on his back and this time, the crowd realise what is coming. RVD leaps to the top rope and the anticipation in the arena builds as he looks around at the crowd and then raises his hands. Using his thumbs to indicate to himself, he leads the crowd chanting “R … V … D!” before leaping off for the 5 –Star … NO! Angle rolls away just in time and RVD crashes down hard on the mat instead, he writhes around clutching his chest as Angle gets to his feet … ANGLE SLAM! ANGLE CAPITALISES ON THE MISTAKE AND HITS THE ANGLE SLAM! Is this one all over?


(via PINFALL at 11:35)

(Qualifies for UNDISPUTED)

As “Medal” echoes around the arena, the boos and jeers accompany it but Angle doesn’t care. He collapses to his knees and celebrates wildly as it is announced that he has qualified for UNDISPUTED at the expense of RVD here tonight. The referee raises Angle’s hand in victory as Cole and Tazz congratulate both men on commentary for an excellent match. Tazz speculates that on another day, RVD could easily have won that match and made it into the Quarter Finals but today was just Angle’s lucky night. The Olympian is backing away up the ramp towards the stage with his hands raised as RVD looks on disappointed in the ring. A great effort from RVD but it is Kurt Angle who joins Goldberg and Rey Mysterio in the UNDISPUTED tournament here tonight. Backstage we go and we see Terri Runnels stood alongside the Big Show who still looks pained over what he did earlier tonight. Terri asks Show for a word about how the match with Rey Mysterio ended …

BIG SHOW: Terri, I would like to apologise to people for my actions tonight. The people at home, the people in the arena tonight and, most of all, to Rey himself. I honestly do not know why I did what I did, I was frustrated, I guess, I saw Rey coming and I saw the chair … I’m not gonna’ try and justify it because I can’t.

Show shakes his head and takes a deep breath.

BIG SHOW: And the worst thing about it all is that I cost myself a place in the UNDISPUTED pay-per-view tournament through one moment of madness. One moment of insanity and I’m out of the tournament that I was desperate to win. I … I just …

Show is clearly desperately upset with himself over his actions as he shakes his head and turns away to exit. Terri thanks Show for his time as he walks away and SMACKDOWN heads into another commercial break.


SMACKDOWN returns with a backstage shot of Jeff Hardy as he walks into the locker room – as he does, Cole reminds us that tonight Jeff faces Christian for a place in the Quarter Finals of the UNDISPUTED tournament and could put himself in line for a shot at the Undisputed WWF Championship. As he enters the locker room, we see his brother Matt Hardy, not dressed to compete tonight, waiting for him. Matt greets his brother and they embrace before both men sit down.

MATT HARDY: Hey man, you ready for this?

Jeff nods his head, it appears he is ready.

MATT HARDY: You know, bro, I know I’ve been a bit of an idiot of late but I am right behind you here tonight. We know Christian so well, Jeff, I got your back, you’re going to get to the pay-per-view, I know it.

Jeff looks confused over something and is set to voice his concerns when Matt looks around and looks puzzled himself.

MATT HARDY: Man, have you seen Lita tonight?

Another shrug of the shoulders from Jeff to indicate that he hasn’t, Matt looks around.

MATT HARDY: I haven’t seen her since we arrived here tonight.

JEFF HARDY: Look, Matt, I need to speak to you …

Into the locker room heads Lita and she walks straight over to her boyfriend, Matt, they share a kiss and then she smiles at Jeff as well.

LITA: You ready for tonight, Jeff?

As Lita and Matt look expectantly at Jeff, he turns to them with a pained expression.

JEFF HARDY: I know that you guys only want what is best for me, I know I have your full support but tonight, you know … I gotta’ do this by myself, man. I gotta’ go out there and beat Christian, I need to do this for me.

Matt looks a little offended but Lita nods her head sympathetically.

LITA: That’s cool, Jeff, we understand that – don’t we, Matt?

Eyes turn towards Matt who looks anything but understanding; in fact, he looks kind of hurt by Jeff’s request. However, with Lita looking at him and Jeff seemingly set on this, Matt’s expression softens and he accepts it.

MATT HARDY: I get ya, man. We’ll wait here, we’ll be cheering for you, bro.

Jeff nods his head and they pump fists before he exits the room and leaves just Lita and Matt in the locker room. As they watch him go, Matt turns to Lita and gives her a sheepish smile.

MATT HARDY: There you go, he wants to go it alone.

Lita puts her hand on Matt’s chest and looks into his eyes.

LITA: Listen, Matt, I know this is difficult for you to see – Jeff going out there alone in the tournament after you were knocked out but … You’ve got to see this from his point of view. This is his chance to shine on his own. You’d want the same thing, I know you would.

Matt nods his head.

MATT HARDY: I know, I know. By the way, where’ve you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you.

LITA: Oh, you know, here and there. I’ve been talking with the other Divas and stuff.

The cameras exit the locker room and switch back to the ring as Cole reminds us that Jeff Hardy vs. Christian is coming up later but first we have a very interesting match between the Brothers of Destruction – Kane and the Undertaker, a vicious team who will be, tonight, facing each other for a place in the UNDISPUTED tournament instead. Cole comments that these two haven’t always seen eye to eye as we head into a video package using various clips from these videos of previous meetings between the two monsters.





SMACKDOWN returns from the video package and the lights in the arena fall before eerie red light spreads around the arena to signal the arrival of the Big Red Monster himself …

*** KANE ***

Dressed in red and black as usual, Kane, his face covered by a leather blood red mask, makes his way towards the ring to a good reaction. It appears that the crowd are torn for this one already and Kane steps over the top rope to a more muted reaction than normal. As he settles in the centre of the ring, Tazz says that when you’re in a tournament, this is the way things can go sometimes – but what will be the consequences of these two behemoths facing off against each other tonight? Can these two men fight tonight and then just go back to teaming together? Cole suggests that history says not as Kane raises his hands and then drops them to signal the explosion of red fire in each corner of the ring. However, as soon as the pyro explodes, the music of the American Bad Ass begins immediately.




As usual, Taker heads out towards the ring, dressed in black tonight with the American flag prominent on his chest, on his motorbike and he speeds towards the ring once he has saluted the fans in attendance. The pop for Taker is louder than Kane, he appears to be more popular right here tonight, but when he steps off his bike, Taker looks up at his brother and you can see the reluctance in his eyes. Taker steps into the ring and salutes the fans again before turning to face his brother. The tension builds as the music ends and the two brothers face each other in the ring. The referee waits as Taker and Kane speak in the middle of the ring, Taker is more vocal and expressive and he points to the crowd in the arena and then signals the title belt around his waist. Kane nods in agreement – it appears that they are both realising the importance of the match but making some kind of pact to do this for the fans and the title but not at the cost of their alliance. The referee signals for the bell and the match can begin.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


Despite their discussions, both men seem reluctant to throw the first punch and it takes a while for them to get going; finally, a test of strength ensues and this develops into a series of grapples. Undertaker wins the first two of these and manages to shove Kane backwards and the third appears to be going the same way when Kane breaks it and throws a Choke Thrust instead that staggers Taker and it appears we’re off and running. For the most part during the early stages, both men are trading right hands and heavy hitting power moves but nobody is really taking a firm grip on the contest and SMACKDOWN heads into a commercial break during the middle of the match.




CLOSING MOMENTS: SMACKDOWN returns with Kane in the ascendency and replays of Kane hitting a Big Boot that knocked Taker over the top rope are shown before we also see a clip of Kane ramming Undertaker shoulder first into the steel ring post. As the match continues in the ring with Kane on top, the Big Red Monster whips Undertaker into the ropes and as he comes back, he lifts him up and drops him down with a hard hitting Sidewalk Slam. The ring crashes and shakes with the impact and Kane makes the first major pinfall attempt of the match …



As both the big men get to their feet, Kane retains control with a well-placed stomp kick to the face of the Deadman. This is followed with a stiff leg drop as well and Kane is beginning to get on top completely here as he sustains the momentum with a choke on the mat. The referee, rightly, breaks this hold before Kane gets to his feet and hits the ropes … Drop kick to Taker as he is kneeling on the mat. Kane is showing the athletic ability that many don’t associate with a man of his size but he next climbs to the top buckle and comes off towards his brother where he hits a big clothesline as well. Kane again makes the cover as he looks to secure his place at UNDISPUTED …



Kane retreats a little as he waits for Undertaker to get up – another kick to the side of the head keeps him in control and then he hits a big DDT as well. Another pinfall from Kane …



For the first time, a little frustration in the eyes of Kane as he again fails to put away his brother. However, he steps back and slits his throat, taunting Taker a little, he pulls back his arm and it is clear what is coming next. Undertaker gets up and walks straight into it … CHOKE SLAM! KANE HITS UNDERTAKER WITH A CHOKE SLAM! Has Kane done enough here?



Clutching his hair, Kane is annoyed with that failure and he gets up looking down on Taker with a menace showing through his masked face. As Taker pulls himself up, Kane watches his brother get to his knees and then strikes with a hard right hand. There is some heat for this as Kane starts striking Taker over and over, the desperation to reach UNDISPUTED is showing here as Kane doesn’t hold back. The referee protests but seriously, who is going to get in the way and stop Kane? Dropping to his knees, Kane chokes Taker as he is down on his back and we’re seeing the nasty side of Kane here. He drives his knees into the gut of Undertaker as well now, over and over, before returning to the choke hold. Stepping back once more, Kane retreats his hand again – another Choke Slam coming up? No! Taker fights back and the pair of them now trade heavy right hands once more, Kane is coming off second best and he stomps at the leg of his brother instead before clutching him around the throat. He is desperate to hit a second Choke Slam but Taker uses elbows to fight out of it and then scoops him up. The crowd rise as Taker looks for the Tombstone … but Kane kicks his legs and counters as he pulls Taker over and lands with Taker set for a clothesline. The crowd are in awe, Taker is in trouble now but Kane can’t hold him and loses balance. The pair collide on the mat and look to get up quickly … ANGLE SLAM! UNDERTAKER WITH A CHOKE SLAM ON KANE NOW! Is it over this time?



Taker looks on in amazement but then runs his hand through his hair and looks down at his brother with a puff of the cheeks. As Kane gets up, Taker takes him by the arm and leads him to the corner … OLD SCHOOL! The crowd cheer as Taker backs up the buckles and then walks along the top rope … KANE KICKS THE TOP ROPE! Undertaker topples and his legs split the top rope – painful! Kane hits the opposite ropes and then smashes Taker in the head with a huge Big Boot that sends Taker to the outside of the ring. Following his brother, Kane rams him into the steel steps once more before pulling a steel chair from under the ring and looking to his brother. Hesitation fills the air as Kane seems torn between smashing Taker with the chair and his respect for him. Eventually, the referee drags the chair from Kane and he reluctantly accepts this. Instead, he rolls Undertaker back into the ring and then steps up onto the apron and over the top rope. Kane goes to drag Taker off the mat but his opponent stuns him with a hard right hand of his own; Kane staggers into the ropes and as he comes back, Undertaker hits him with boxing rights and lefts over and over until Kane leans against the ropes to get respite. Undertaker isn’t happy as the referee breaks things up once more, Kane looks to take advantage of the lapse in concentration as he goes for a clothesline but Taker ducks it and scoops him up … Huge cheers around the arena as Taker sets himself quickly … BOOM! TOMBSTONE! UNDERTAKER HITS A TOMBSTONE ON KANE! Lateral press from the American Bad Ass …


(via PINFALL at 10:53)

(Qualifies for UNDISPUTED)

The crowd go wild for the victory for Undertaker – he is going to UNDISPUTED! However, he looks far from delighted as he staggers back and, still sitting on the mat, looks at his fallen brother. These two monsters have shown in recent months that they can work as a team and that they do care for one another; has this match ruined that respect and teamwork? Taker looks towards Kane who is getting up slowly as well and the tension fills the arena. As both men get to their feet, “Rollin’” ends and Taker looks to his brother expectantly. Kane looks distraught though and, after a long pause, he ignores his brother and simply exits the ring with a disappointed demeanour. There are some boos as Kane exits and Taker looks on from the ring with a tinge of disappointment in his eye that it went down like that. However, he salutes the crowd as Tazz says that the UNDISPUTED competitors now have a real worry – the American Bad Ass is coming for the title!

SMACKDOWN’s camera switch backstage where The Coach, fresh from embarrassment with The Rock earlier tonight, is stood waiting. He looks a little sheepish as he introduces the recently reformed X-Factor, Albert and X-Pac, and congratulates them on their victory over the APA earlier tonight. He then asks them what their feelings are regarding the Dudley Boyz comments about a lack of Tag Team competition in the WWF. It is X-Pac who takes the microphone and answers.

X-PAC: Coach, you know what? Bubba Ray and D’Von can say what they want about the other Tag Teams here in the World Wrestling Federation, I don’t give a dime about many of them myself. But they are making a big mistake if they think there is no competition here in the WWF for them. If they think that are going to walk out of the WWF with the Tag Team Championships, they better think twice because the big man and I are coming for them.

X-Pac looks towards Albert who snarls.

ALBERT: Pac and I didn’t reform X-Factor to stand here and watch you ignore us, Dudleys. Neither of us give a damn about the fans here in the WWF …

Albert’s words are interrupted by a loud chorus of boos. He smirks before continuing.

ALBERT: … but we want those Tag Team Championships. So, Dudley Boyz, a word of advice. Watch your backs.

Albert and X-Pac exit the interview area as Coach thanks them. A split screen graphic appears and shows Christian on the left, his European Championship around his waist, and Jeff Hardy, alone, on the right as they prepare to go to the ring for the final SMACKDOWN qualifying match of the evening. Cole reminds us that Goldberg, Rey Mysterio, Kurt Angle and The Undertaker have already confirmed their places in the UNDISPUTED tournament – will Christian or Jeff Hardy join them? SMACKDOWN heads into a commercial with the match set for after the break.


SMACKDOWN returns with The Rock backstage, walking the corridor, he is not dressed for action tonight as he has been drawn to take part in a qualifying match this Monday on RAW instead when he faces Booker T. Rock greets a few of the backstage officials before rounding a corner and entering a locker room with the words TRIPLE H on the sign. As Rock walks in, we see Triple H preparing for his match later tonight with Test but he stops, stands up and looks at Rock as he walks towards him.

THE ROCK: Just so you know, The Rock respects you. We have never seen eye to eye but whenever we have faced each other … we have put on a hell of a show.

Triple H nods his head.

THE ROCK: I know that you got a lot of other things on your mind tonight, I know you’re heading out there to whoop Test’s candy ass all over Kansas …

Pop from the crowd for another mention of Kansas here tonight.

THE ROCK: … but I wanted you to know that The Rock didn’t make Monday’s match between you and Stone Cold Steve Austin out of disrespect for you. I chose you to face Austin because I believe you are the toughest test I can force him to face.

Hunter looks into Rock’s eyes and there appears to be an understanding between them.

THE ROCK: Good luck tonight.

Rock turns and leaves and Hunter looks after him for a moment before continuing his preparations for tonight’s match. As the camera returns to the ring, Cole reminds us that Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Triple H, a qualifying match for UNDISPUTED chosen by The Rock himself, will take place this Monday on RAW – as will The Rock’s qualifier with Booker T and Chris Jericho up against the Intercontinental Champion, Edge.




Looking arrogant and cocky as usual, the European Champion heads out with the title belt around his waist. As he makes his way down towards the ring, Christian receives some stick from the crowd but it bounces off him, he doesn’t care. Replays of last Friday night are shown and we see Christian using the steel chair on Big Show, the referee refusing to DQ him due to the fact that the title is on the line and then Christian hitting the Impaler to get the 3 on Show. As Christian reappears live on screen, Tazz suggests that it was a big win for Christian over a man many didn’t expect him to defeat. Cole says that it could have been stupid – he’s lucky that Rey Mysterio eliminated Show to stop him getting revenge later down the line.

*** JEFF HARDY ***

One third of Team Extreme makes his way out into the arena to a great reaction; this young man is a star here in the WWF and is launching himself towards greatness it seems. As he rushes down to the ring, Tazz compliments him on choosing to go it alone tonight without Matt and Lita by his side; he says that Jeff is showing that he is serious about his singles career and believes in himself to get the job done. Cole says that these two men are potentially future stars of the WWF who, after their exploits in the Tag Team division, know each other so well and this could be their breakout moment – which one of them will advance to the UNDISPUTED tournament?

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


Fast paced wrestling from the off between these two and, as Cole pointed out, their work together with partners Edge and Matt Hardy respectively means that they know each other almost as well as they know themselves. In the early going, neither man can gain control as counter wrestling is used to put a stop on things and when things get tough for him, Christian plays the game by exiting the ring for a moment to frustrate Jeff. However, Jeff is able to run around the edge of the barricades to hit a clothesline, surprising Christian, on the outside and from that point, Jeff seems a step in front to the delight of the fans. The referee begins to count both men out so Jeff returns to the ring …

CLOSING MOMENTS: The referee makes a 7 count on Christian before he climbs onto the apron and is going to get back into the ring. However, Jeff slides under Christian’s legs and drags his foot off the apron, Christian’s face hits the apron and he is struggling – but the count is broken. Hardy slides back into the ring and hits a reverse mule kick through the ropes as Christian attempts to return for a second time and then hits a Plancha from the top rope to the delight of the fans who love seeing Jeff looking as if he is heading to UNDISPUTED. Christian is tossed back into the ring by Hardy who makes a cover and looks to qualify for UNDISPUTED …



Jeff tears his shirt off, the screams from the girls in the arena are audible, he means business now though. Climbing to the top rope again, Jeff seems to be looking for a moonsault but Christian is playing possum a little here and he jumps up quick and knocks Jeff’s foot off the rope and he crotches the top buckle. Wincing, Hardy slumps and Christian takes a second to recover a little before dragging Jeff down and using a facelock to lift Jeff and drop his gut over the top rope. Jeff clutches his stomach as Christian looks to take advantage now with his first cover of the night …



We’re five minutes into the match and it remains competitive as Christian drags his opponent off the mat, he uses a series of kicks to Jeff’s stomach and then his back to take control and the referee is forced to use a count to stop this as Christian resorts to punching Jeff in the face. Unimpressed, Christian complains at the referee before locking in an Abdominal Stretch that forces Jeff to contemplate surrendering his place in the tournament. However, Jeff fights out of it and then hits several knife edge chops – he goes for his jawbuster move but Christian counters again, he uses several knees to the gut before an Inverted DDT crashes Jeff down once more. Cover from Christian …



Now Christian resorts to a choke across the middle rope, he appears to be testing the patience of the referee – not a good idea after Big Show earlier in the night. As Christian argues with the official, Jeff drags himself up and responds with right hands before a running forearm to knock Christian down and he is mounting a comeback here. A clothesline follows before another reverse mule kick, this time in the centre of the ring, Jeff makes the cover on Christian now!



A wild clothesline from Christian misses and Hardy counters with a sharp drag back that crashes Christian down hard on the mat. Holding the legs of Christian, Jeff leaps up and lands with his feet holding Christian down for an innovative pinfall attempt – can Christian kick out again?



Rolling back, Christian rolls Hardy up now and grabs the tights …



Hardy counters as Christian looks to regain control, another double leg drop – this time not into a pinfall – follows before he heads to the top rope once more. Is it time for a Swanton Bomb? No! Christian gets up and runs towards the corner where Hardy is perched, Jeff leaps over his opponent and ducks another clothesline … Whisper in the Wind! Hardy uses the corner to somersault back and catch Christian with a kick to the face, another pinfall from Jeff …



A groan goes up in the arena, they want Jeff to get the win and continue to encourage him here. Both men get up as quick as they can, Jeff is a split second in front … TWIST OF FATE! JEFF HARDY CRASHES CHRISTIAN DOWN WITH THE TWIST OF FATE! This one is surely all over now! However, Jeff doesn’t go for the pinfall; instead, he heads for the top ropes once more! The crowd are going wild as Jeff climbs to the top, balances and strikes a Hardy pose … SWANTON … NO! JEFF HARDY MISSES WITH THE SWANTON BOMB! Christian rolled away just in the nick of time! More frustration for the crowd but it is about to get worse as Christian locks Jeff up … UNPRETTIER! CHRISTIAN HITS THE UNPRETTIER IMPALER AND JEFF CRASHES FACE FIRST TO THE MAT! Christian reaches over and hooks the leg …


(via PINFALL at 08:02)

(Qualifies for UNDISPUTED)

Christian celebrates the win by rolling out under the bottom rope and slumping on the ramp; he raises his hand in triumph as he stands. A huge achievement here for Christian, the European Champion, he will go to UNDISPUTED to challenge for the Undisputed WWF Championship! As Christian celebrates and backs away up the ramp, Jeff looks annoyed in the ring. As Tazz says, he is probably blaming himself here for taking that extra chance and going for the Swanton Bomb. Another error of judgement from the younger of the Hardy Boys?

*** GOLDBERG ***



SMACKDOWN returns with Michael Cole showing replays of Test’s outburst earlier in the evening and then the moment where Triple H and Vince McMahon rushed to the aid of Stephanie later on – only to see Test running away. Cole informs us that Stephanie has been looked after by doctors but she doesn’t remember anything about the attack – only that she was hit from behind. Cole says that there is much speculation backstage but everybody seems to be in agreement about one thing:



*** TEST ***

This man is to blame! As Test strides out ready to compete here tonight, he looks proud of himself but there is a mixed reaction in the arena. Some don’t like what he did to Stephanie whereas some cannot forgive her actions of late with the ECW takeover and cheer Test. However, he makes his way to the ring as Cole and Tazz discuss how angered Triple H must be after seeing his wife hurt like that. Tazz says that Test’s alleged actions mean he is in a whole lot of trouble here with “The Game” – why would he want to do that?

*** TRIPLE H ***

His face showing clear signs of rage, Triple H rushes out from backstage and straight to the ring – there is no use of the water bottle, no posing on the stage, Triple H is desperate to get his hands on the man who attacked his wife. As Hunter slides into the ring though, Test, credit to him, takes the fight to him and pounces with heavy right hands to the back of Hunter and the referee signals for the bell – the fight is on!

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


As you would expect, once he gets over the initial attack from Test, Hunter takes the action to Test and dominates as he looks to beat revenge into him. With his wife in mind, Hunter pummels Test over and over in the first few minutes and several times he has to be pulled apart from Test by the referee. At one point, Hunter actually forces his way past the referee and knocks him over; luckily, the referee is lenient and allows the match to continue. As the match continues, Test is getting a little more offence in but he is not able to take any control as the anger inside Triple H fuels him to continue the domination.

CLOSING MOMENTS: Things get more interesting though when out of nowhere, we have a third person at ringside … STEPHANIE McMAHON. There are World Wrestling Federation officials and medics accompanying her and trying to get her to go back to the backstage area but she completely ignores this and heads for the ring. Hunter pauses with his beatdown on Test and notices her; “What are you doing here?” he yells at her but Steph ignores his protestations and steps up the ringsteps and into the ring. In the centre of the ring, Test staggers to his feet and comes face to face with Steph – SLAP! STEPHANIE SLAPS TEST IN THE FACE! The referee again fails to DQ Triple H for this; understanding of the situation maybe? Test is shocked though and he spins away from the slap into the corner. Hunter orders Steph out of the ring though and she does agree this time before HHH mounts Test in the corner and starts laying right hands to the face of his opponent. As Stephanie cheers on her husband, he continues to waffle Test over and over. However, this pause allows Test to sneak in a Low Blow out of the view of the referee and HHH crumples a little as he stands on the middle rope. Test shoves him backwards and takes a moment to recover before standing looking at Hunter as he gets to his feet.

On the outside of the ring, Steph looks worried now; Test backs away to the corner and waits for his chance to strike. BIG BOOT! BUT TEST MISSES TRIPLE H – AND HITS THE REFEREE INSTEAD! The crowd groan in shock as the referee is knocked down hard, he is out cold and Test is stunned as well. This gives Hunter time to prepare … PEDIGREE! TRIPLE H HITS THE PEDIGREE TO TEST! This one is over now isn’t it? Triple H with the cover … but the referee is down!

With Test laid flat out, face down, on the mat, Triple H looks for the referee – but then a sly smile appears on his face. He looks at his wife and points to her, he goes towards her and tells her to get him a steel chair. In comes the steel chair from Steph and Hunter takes it towards Test. BAM! BAM! BAM! STEEL CHAIR SHOTS TO THE CHEST OF TEST! Stephanie is cheering on her husband now and then she heads to the timekeeper area – SLEDGEHAMMER! The crowd are going nuts here as Stephanie produces the legendary Sledgehammer, Triple H’s weapon of choice. She enters the ring with it and Hunter gets her drift; he grabs Test and holds him up as Stephanie prepares to strike … BUT SHE MISSES! Test ducks and Stephanie drops the hammer, Test then surprises Triple H with a clothesline to buy himself some time as well. With Hunter down for a moment, Test advances on Stephanie again with a smile on his face. She looks frightened as he backs her to the corner but Triple H gets back up and comes to the rescue of his wife. He spins Test round and hits an Atomic Drop before another kick to the gut and he sets for the Pedigree for the second time tonight …





The crowd are in shock as Triple H crumples in a heap; why has his wife just done that? Test looks at Stephanie and a grin spreads over his face as she throws the hammer out of the ring. Test drags Hunter up and this is academic now surely … PUMPHANDLE SLAM! TEST HITS AN UNNECESSARY PUMPHANDLE SLAM ON TRIPLE H! Stephanie is with the referee, she is bringing him round. What the hell is she doing? The referee crawls over as Test hooks the leg of “The Game” …





(via PINFALL at 09:15)


With Triple H laid out and the crowd in shock, Test stands and looks down on the fallen Triple H. The fans boo and jeer as the referee is helped out of the ring by WWF officials but the result stands here – Test, with a huge assist from his ex fiancé and HHH’s wife, has beaten Triple H here tonight. The crowd are stunned as Stephanie walks over to Test; she looks down on HHH and then smirks at Test. With no respect for Hunter, Stephanie pulls Test towards her and they kiss passionately. UNBELIEVABLE! Cole and Tazz are speechless on the commentary as Test and Stephanie finish their embrace and start to head towards the ropes. They step out of the ring, seemingly oblivious to the boos, and back away up the ramp, Test’s arm is around Steph here. What is going on? As SMACKDOWN heads into the final commercial of the night, we see Triple H, knocked unconscious by his wife, laid out in the ring before Steph and Test are shown kissing again on stage.


When SMACKDOWN returns, Michael Cole and Tazz are still in shock as replays of the ending of the Test vs. Triple H match are shown as Stephanie McMahon turns on her husband and hands the win to Test before leaving the ring with him. Cole says that HHH had to be helped out of the arena and Tazz suggests that “The Game” may, as yet, be unaware of what his wife just did to him. The camera switches backstage and we see Test and Stephanie rushing along a corridor backstage towards the parking lot; as they enter the parking lot, a limo is waiting and Vince McMahon is stood waiting for them. He smiles a wide smile and embraces his daughter before shaking hands with Test – what is going on here?

VINCE McMAHON: That was perfection, guys. Perfection. Come on, let’s get out of here shall we?

The three of them climb into the limo as it leaves the arena; it appears that Stephanie and Test were helped by Vince McMahon in setting up the whole thing here. Why would they do this to Triple H here tonight? The camera watches the limo leave before the feed is switched to another area backstage where we see a disappointed Jeff Hardy sat on the bench in the locker room, head in his hands, clearly not over the loss he suffered to Christian tonight. In walks Matt Hardy and he sits beside his younger brother and places a hand on his shoulder.

MATT HARDY: Jeff, I just want you to know that you did the Hardys proud out there. I know you’re disappointed but …

JEFF HARDY: Oh yeah? You’re proud of me, right?

Jeff’s voice is shaking with emotion as he jumps to his feet and glares at his brother. Stunned, Matt steps up slowly as well.

MATT HARDY: Jeff, I’m being honest with you, man. You did us pr …

JEFF HARDY: Don’t give me no crap, bro. Tell it like it is – you’re freakin’ delighted that I’m out. You couldn’t get the job done against Booker T on RAW – it was tearing you apart knowing that I had a shot at going to the UNDISPUTED PPV wasn’t it?

Matt shakes his head, he looks a little hurt, he steps back and takes a deep breath.

MATT HARDY: Jeff, you’re upset, I know. But you’re wrong. I was desperate for you to win tonight, I was rooting for you all the way, man. I thought you had him when you hit that Twist of Fate … you had him right there.

Jeff shrugs his shoulders at Matt.

JEFF HARDY: Yeah, let me guess. I should have pinned him there and then, I had him beat. There was no need for the Swanton Bomb, I get it Matt.

Jeff throws a shirt down in temper, he starts packing his bag by slamming things down into it. Matt takes another deep breath.

MATT HARDY: Honestly, Jeff? Yeah, I do think you should have pinned Christian after the Twist of Fate. I think you made the wrong decision but don’t accuse me of …

JEFF HARDY: Or else what, Matt? What are you going to do about it? Huh?

Matt looks down at the floor and there is tension in the air now. However, as Matt appears to be simmering himself, he raises his head and calmly speaks to Jeff once more …

MATT HARDY: Jeff, everybody makes mistakes. One day, you and I will be World Champions here in the WWF. One day, we will realise our dreams, I’m sure of it. Now just isn’t our time.

Jeff slumps and sits down on the locker room bench as Matt looks at his younger brother with concern. Suddenly, Lita bounds into the room and she is looking cheerful.

LITA: Hey guys, guess what? I’ve got some amazing … What’s wrong?

Matt looks at his girlfriend and smiles.

MATT HARDY: Nothing, babe. Jeff is disappointed with losing tonight – I’m sure he’ll be fine.

Matt looks concerned as he glances sideways to Jeff but his younger brother doesn’t react angrily. He smiles a weak smile and the tension is disappearing.

LITA: Well, you both better get ready because this Monday night, you’re going up against the X-Factor – it is going to be a Number 1 contenders match to determine who will challenge the Dudleys at UNDISPUTED for the titles.

MATT HARDY: Hey, that’s great news. Jeff, what about that?

Jeff zips up his bag and lifts it up high. He stands and looks at Matt and Lita for a second before responding.

JEFF HARDY: Yeah. Great news. Thanks.

And with that, Jeff skulks off out of the locker room leaving Matt and Lita to watch him exit with looks of concern on his face. The camera returns to the ring where Michael Cole and Tazz discuss Jeff’s reaction – Tazz thinks that Jeff’s excitement for the Tag Team Championship might not be as high as his excitement at challenging for the Undisputed WWF Championship was.



*** BOOKER T ***

Out steps Booker T and it is time for tonight’s main event here. As the flames erupt on the stage in little puffs, Booker walks out with a look of determination on his face. Tazz claims that Booker is a man of pride and the way he was treated last week on SMACKDOWN by Stone Cold Steve Austin would not have been appreciated; Booker deserves respect. Cole suggests that Booker is going to try and earn that respect here tonight as he goes one on one with the WWF Champion ahead of RAW’s qualifying match with the WCW Champion, The Rock. As Booker waits in the ring, the crowd wait in anticipation and despite his recent comments, an “Austin!” chant goes up here in the arena …




Out steps the WWF Champion, the title belt draped over his shoulder, and he strides with purpose towards the ring. Cole reminds us that Austin pulled out of the main event on RAW this week and this will be his first appearance in the ring for almost two weeks – can he beat Booker T with a huge match coming up on RAW next Monday against Triple H? Replays of earlier are shown and Austin beating some sense into Booker before we see Austin in the ring, he is stood on the ropes and giving the middle finger to the crowd still – some cheer, some jeer. It’s just the way things are with the Rattlesnake right now. However, he is definitely here to fight tonight so the referee rings the bell and the main event begins …

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


Battle of the two men from Texas here tonight in SMACKDOWN’s main event and the return of Stone Cold Steve Austin to action here in the WWF. The match is even in the early going but Booker, desperate to gain some respect, uses some good wrestling thought to take Austin out at the knee, the knee that Austin has injured in the past, and he works it to try and get on top. The crowd are mainly in the corner of Austin and he is finding it hard to get back into the contest as Booker continues to hurt his knee – using dirty tactics like bending the knee round the bottom rope, crashing it down over the edge of the apron and slamming it into the ring post. However, a limping Austin manages to fight out when Booker attempts a Book End and hits the ropes … Lou Thesz Press! Austin is back in the match here!

CLOSING MOMENTS: Fists of fury follow from Austin as he pummels Booker for the second time this evening and then he stomps a mudhole in the stomach and chest of the former 5-time WCW Champion in the corner. As Austin takes the fight to Booker, the crowd get behind him – despite the fact he gives them the finger again – and he looks shocked that they do so. Austin lifts himself to the middle rope and comes off using the point of his elbow to drive into Booker’s chest before attempting a pinfall …



With Booker struggling a little though, Austin presses home the advantage as he lifts Booker up … Vertical Suplex crashes Booker down on the mat and Austin begins to fire himself up now; he kneels down and starts to goad Booker into getting up … Austin is setting himself ready to strike here … Booker gets up slowly and turns … Austin goes for the Stunner but Booker is able to shove the WWF Champion away, he turns back towards him … BOOK END! BOOKER T HITS THE BOOK END ON STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN! Or is it a Rock Bottom? Hmm. Either way, Booker has Austin down and beaten surely … SPINNEROONIE! Cole and Tazz criticise Booker, they suggest he should pin the WWF Champion whilst he has chance. After wasting time trying to prove he is entertaining, Booker goes for the cover and hooks the leg.



As Cole and Tazz claim they were right, Booker looks annoyed with the 2 count and complains to the referee. However, he steps back and waits for Austin to get up so that he can pounce again … SCISSORS KICK! BOOKER HITS THE SCISSORS KICK TO AUSTIN NOW! This time there is no messing, Booker goes for the pin and a huge win here tonight on SMACKDOWN …



Booker looks irate this time; he thought he had got Austin’s respect right there. The boos ring out around the arena as Booker continues to complain but there is no changing the mind of the referee. Another “Austin!” chant goes up and Booker looks disgusted by this. He sets himself again and waits for Austin to get up once more … BOOK END? No! Austin uses his elbows to escape the move and spins Booker around … STUNNER! AUSTIN HITS THE STUNNER ON BOOKER T! Austin crawls over Booker and hooks the leg …


(via PINFALL at 11:05)


A huge win for Austin as he returns to action with a bang; a victory over one of his fellow competitors in the UNDISPUTED tournament can only be a good thing. As Booker exits the ring, Austin is handed the WWF Championship and the referee raises his hand. Austin stares around at the crowd, most of them appear to be cheering his win here tonight – Cole and Tazz hype up the fact that Austin has made a winning return but is he ready for the qualifying match with Triple H this Monday night on RAW? Can Austin make it to UNDISPUTED?

***** END OF SHOW *****
(c) World Wrestling Federation 2001

(Quick Results)

Rey Mysterio beats Big Show (DQ)
Mysterio qualifies for the UNDISPUTED PPV

X-Factor beat APA (PIN)

Kurt Angle beats RVD (PIN)
Angle qualifies for the UNDISPUTED PPV

The Undertaker beats Kane (PIN)
Undertaker qualifies for the UNDISPUTED PPV

Christian beats Jeff Hardy (PIN)
Christian qualifies for the UNDISPUTED PPV

Test beats Triple H (PIN)

Stone Cold Steve Austin beats Booker T (PIN)​




Goldberg automatically entered into the tournament; Rey Mysterio, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker and Christian have qualified; 3 more from Booker T, Chris Jericho, Edge, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H to join them.


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