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WWF 2001: "After the Invasion"


Getting Noticed By Management

November 18, 2001

*** ROSTER ***

Defeated Kurt Angle on RAW, 8/10/01

Defeated Chris Jericho on RAW, 5/11/01

Defeated Test at Survivor Series, 18/11/01

Defeated Kurt Angle on RAW, 10/9/01

Defeated Bradshaw on SMACKDOWN, 1/11/01


ECW/WCW ALLIANCE SUPERSTARS (futures yet to be determined)


Defeated Hardy Boys at Survivor Series, 18/11/01


Defeated Ivory, Jacqueline, Jazz, Lita & Molly Holly at Survivor Series, 18/11/01









After months of battles, it was a memorable night for Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation as they finally overcame the threat of the WCW/ECW Alliance to ‘survive’ the Invasion – and establish themselves as the true kings of the wrestling world. Since the early part of the Summer, the WCW/ECW Alliance, led by Shane McMahon, his sister Stephanie and the ECW leader Paul Heyman, have invaded the hallowed ground of the WWF with one intention – to kill off the WWF. For months, the momentum has swung back and forth but now, thanks to one victory in tonight’s main event, the WWF lives … and WCW and ECW die.

EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP: Christian (c) vs. Al Snow
However, there were other matches on the PPV that were just as important. With livelihoods potentially at stake, many superstars knew that victory in their matches could either guarantee – or increase their chances, at least – of retaining their jobs regardless of the outcome of the main event. In the case of CHRISTIAN, the WWF European Champion, this was definitely the case. As an Alliance member, Christian knew that, should he retain a WWF branded title, he would be safe whatever the outcome. He opened the PPV with a title defence against one of the most popular WWF veterans, AL SNOW. In a back and forth contest, the European Champion finally hit the Unprettier to retain the gold and guarantee himself a job tomorrow. The relief on Christian’s face was clear whereas Al Snow would have a nervous wait; he needed a WWF victory later tonight to secure his job.

Tajiri (w/Torrie Wilson) vs. William Regal
One of the features of the Invasion from the WCW/ECW Alliance has been the defections of several WWF superstars - some disillusioned with life in the WWF, others through previous loyalties – to the opposition. In the second match of the evening, the former WWF Commissioner, WILLIAM REGAL would go one on one with his former protégé, TAJIRI. The ‘Japanese Buzzsaw’ remained loyal to the WWF despite the defection of Regal and quickly became a crowd favourite. Accompanied by his girlfriend, TORRIE WILSON, herself a defector from WCW to the WWF, Tajiri, the WCW Cruiserweight Champion, was out to defeat his mentor in a non-title contest. However, things didn’t go to plan; Regal hit a Regal Powerbomb to get the 3-count and revenge on Tajiri for his failure to follow him to the Alliance. After the match, as a farewell gift, Regal hits the Powerbomb once more before also hitting the same move on Torrie. A despicable move from a despicable man but Regal didn’t care a jot as he walked away from the ring looking smug.

TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH: US Champion Edge vs. IC Champion Test
Up next was the first ‘unification’ match which would unify two titles and guarantee the winner, as well as two titles, a place in the new regime regardless of the winner of the main event. In a quirk of fate, the Alliance was represented in the match by WWF Intercontinental Champion TEST whereas the WWF’s representative would be WCW United States Champion, EDGE. Both men have been on a huge roll in 2001 and their singles careers appear to be rocketing skywards – but only one of them could guarantee his job here tonight in this match. In a terrific contest, both men traded their very best and hit several near falls before Edge surprised Test with a Spear that got him the win and made him the US and Intercontinental Champion. Whichever side won the main event, Edge was now guaranteed to be their champion – US or Intercontinental – whilst the other title would be dissolved.

Following that ‘unification’ of the titles, we had another one; this time for the WCW and WWF Tag Team Championships. However, this one would be contested inside a Steel Cage as long time foes, THE DUDLEY BOYS, Bubba Ray and D-Von, would defend their WCW Tag Team Championships against the WWF Tag Team Champions, Matt and Jeff, THE HARDY BOYS – with their title also on the line. A brutal contest was livened up further by the presence of STACY KEIBLER at ringside whose antics distracted WCW referee Nick Patrick enough to allow her chance to slide a table into the ring – the main ammunition of those damn Dudleys. However, the big twist came when one of the Hardys, Matt, managed to escape the cage and put them within touching distance of the win – if both men escaped, they would win the match. However, with Jeff now all alone inside the cage with both Dudleys, some speculated that this increased their chances of getting a pinfall on Jeff. The Dudleys looked set to take advantage as Matt encouraged his brother to make the escape until Jeff managed to counter and give himself the chance to climb out. With the pro-WWF crowd cheering him all the way, Jeff reached the top of the cage with both Dudleys down and out and a Hardy win seemed certain – until Jeff noticed D-Von sprawled over the table. His sense of entertainment took over, he stood up on top of the cage and – to the dismay of Matt – went for a Swanton Bomb to D-Von. However, D-Von rolled away and the Dudleys took advantage to get the pinfall as Matt tried desperately to get back in time but failed. A devastated Matt had to watch on as Jeff was stretchered out and the Dudleys escaped with both titles and job security.

With excitement building further and further, there was another chance for WWF, WCW and ECW members to secure their safety when the “Immunity Battle Royale” followed. The premise was simple; be the last man standing in the ring and you would keep your job whatever happened in the main event. Before the match, TEST, angry at his loss to Edge earlier, attacked SCOTTY 2 HOTTY and took his place in the Battle Royale. With men like THE APA, DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE, LANCE STORM ALBERT, THE HURRICANE, BILLY GUNN and TOMMY DREAMER also in the ring, to name a few, the action was intense from the start. A shock followed when former WWF superstar and sacked Alliance superstar, TAZZ made his return to the disgust of PAUL HEYMAN on commentary. In the end though, it came down to two: Test and Billy Gunn. Test managed to hit the Big Boot that knocked Gunn over the top rope and it meant that Test would be guaranteed a place in the company – Alliance or WWF – after all, a year of immunity guaranteed.

The penultimate match of the evening would crown a new Women’s Champion, whether it be an Alliance or WWF one, ready for the new era. With the title vacant since the Summer, a new champion was needed so LITA, JACQUELINE and the inexperienced TRISH STRATUS would represent WWF, IVORY, MIGHTY MOLLY and the debuting JAZZ, last seen fighting the men in ECW, would represent the Alliance. Lita seemed set for the victory when she floored Ivory but Trish, knocked her over the ropes before hitting a Stratusfaction Bulldog on Ivory to stun the world by winning the title.


WINNER TAKE ALL: Team WWF vs. Team Alliance
And so it was time for the main event; a traditional 10-man Survivor Series elimination match where the winning team, Team WWF or Team Alliance, would ensure that their company would survive whilst the losing company would disband and die forever. Representing VINCE McMAHON and the WWF would be current WCW World Champion THE ROCK, CHRIS JERICHO, the ‘Brothers of Desctruction’ KANE and THE UNDERTAKER and finally, the giant BIG SHOW. For the Alliance, SHANE McMAHON would join the action whilst STEPHANIE McMAHON would watch ringside. Joining Shane would be Olympic gold medal winner and former WWF superstar KURT ANGLE, the man who first invaded the WWF at the King of the Ring BOOKER T, WWF Hardcore Champion ROB VAN DAM and finally, the current WWF Champion, the man who sold his soul at WrestleMania X7 and then again at the Invasion PPV, STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN. With rumours of Austin being in cahoots with Vince McMahon swirling, these were quickly put to bed as Austin went all out to destroy the WWF. Indeed, the Alliance made the first decisive strike when Big Show was hit with four finishers and eliminated first. However, a jubilant Shane McMahon was caught out celebrating too much and he followed after being hit with a series of finishers himself. At 4 on 4, things were still equal but a massive momentum swing was to follow as first Kane, eliminated by RVD, and then Undertaker, eliminated by Angle after a Stunner from Austin, left the WWF down to 2 men against the Alliance’s 4. With Rock and Jericho remaining, their recent problems had to be put behind them and they were, initially, as first Booker T was taken out by Rock and then RVD by Jericho to even things up once more. Down to two on each side, the WWF momentum continued when Kurt Angle surprised everybody by tapping out to the Sharpshooter from the Rock and suddenly, WWF had the advantage. Would Austin give it up and kill the WCW/ECW Alliance? No. He fought valiantly against the combined threat of Rock and Jericho and then managed to roll up Y2J to even it up as a singles match. Now, the problems between Jericho and Rock resurfaced as Jericho, fuelled by his ego, attacked Rock and left him down and out on the mat to the dismay of all the fans at ringside. When Rock kicked out, Jericho seemed to be going back to help Austin but thankfully the Undertaker reappeared to push Jericho back.

So, Austin for the Alliance, Rock for the WWF; a storied rivalry but which man would manage to outlast the other and save his company. Battle ensued, Stunners, Rock Bottoms and People’s Elbows flew but neither man could strike the decisive blow. As Austin built up for a Stunner to end it all, Kurt Angle came rushing out to seemingly help him … but then crashed the WWF Championship into the back of Austin’s head! Angle had delivered the momentum shift, had he screwed the Alliance at the last moment? Rock hit the Rock Bottom and the crowd counted along … 1 … 2 … 3! WWF survives! The Alliance dies! A heroic performance from The Rock and a timely intervention from Kurt Angle whose allegiance seems to be back with Vince McMahon and the WWF. As the celebrations ensued, Vince celebrated but for Shane, Stephanie and Heyman, their world had collapsed. The Invasion had failed.




PREVIEW | Monday November 19, 2001 | Charlotte, NC

After an astonishing Survivor Series, what will happen tonight on Monday Night RAW? With the WWF victorious over the invading Alliance, how will the new era kick off here tonight in North Carolina? What changes will we see? Find out tonight on RAW!

We already know that the show will open with the Chairman of the WWF, Vince McMahon, out to address the demise of the Alliance, his son and his daughter and the state of the World Wrestling Federation. Mr. McMahon is bound to be crowing after vanquishing the threat to his company and has already intimated that tonight will see some shocks and surprises as he seeks to punish those who fought against him. Nobody really knows how Mr. McMahon will react tonight but with several issues to be addressed – the WWF Championship, the angry WWF Commissioner Mick Foley, his ungrateful children and upcoming Vengeance PPV to name a few – it promises to be an unmissable night of action.

Heading into Survivor Series, the WWF Championship was in enemy hands as WCW/ECW Alliance member Stone Cold Steve Austin proudly carried it over his shoulder. Unfortunately for Austin, his job is now in jeopardy; the Alliance is no more and his title reign appears to be under consideration. With so many rumours swirling – Will Austin forfeit the title and leave wrestling for good? Will Mr. McMahon strip him of the title? Will The Rock’s win at Survivor Series and WCW Championship status mean he is handed the title? – nobody really knows what the current state of the title is. Nobody has seen or heard from Austin since he left the arena last night, it is, as yet, unclear whether he will show up tonight or even ever again in a WWF ring. The only way to find out is to watch RAW tonight!

With their defeat last night, the superstars of the WCW/ECW Alliance now find their positions under threat. In a WWF.com exclusive last night, Mr. McMahon announced that he now had their plight in his control – he could choose to take on their contracts or squash them. However, he did appear to suggest that any Alliance member was welcome to make their case tonight on RAW so we could see some of them show up. Will any of them appear? Or will the Alliance simply disappear out of the WWF picture for good? Find out tonight on RAW.

One WCW/ECW Alliance member guaranteed on the show tonight is Rob Van Dam, the WWF Hardcore Champion. It has been announced in advance that RVD will defend the Hardcore Championship tonight in a Hardcore Triple Threat Match – against both of the Hardy Boys, Matt and Jeff. It remains to be seen what will happen to RVD should he lose the title tonight and whether that would put his place in the WWF under threat but what is certain is that there is tension between Matt Hardy and his brother, Jeff. After Jeff’s mistake in the Tag Team Championship match at Survivor Series, Matt appeared angry and upset that his brother would put their jobs in jeopardy. Luckily, the WWF won and they kept their jobs but it could have worked out very differently. Will the Hardys patch up their differences tonight? Or will they, particularly with a title on the line, implode instead?

Another man who is thanking his lucky stars that WWF won last night is Scotty 2 Hotty. His place was in jeopardy after he was denied a shot at the “Immunity Battle Royale” when eventual winner, Test, attacked him backstage. Test, a WCW/ECW Alliance member, now has one year of job security and will be on RAW tonight. A match has been made – it will be Test up against Scotty and the chance for the ‘Master of the Worm’ to take revenge.

- Vince McMahon to open the show
- Hardcore Title Triple Threat: RVD (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy
- Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Test

BleacherReport.com said:
Officials in the WWF are said to be “delighted” to see the back of the Invasion angle so that they can now get back to what they do best. With so many critics of the storyline, many factors are being blamed – the overexposure of the McMahons, the dominance of the WWF superstars in the ways they won their matches and the lack of big name talent from ECW and WCW that led to defections of people like Austin and Angle. Expect to see the big names retained, the likes of Austin, Angle, Booker T and RVD in particular, as well as others that Vince McMahon is said to be high on. However, some of the ECW/WCW roster will now, unfortunately, be cut after failing to impress.

Rumours are reaching us that the upcoming PPV, originally named Vengeance, is set to be renamed tonight on RAW. More to come on that as we get it.

Updates on injured WWF superstars; Rikishi and Triple H are said to be close to returning after long injury lay offs. However, contract talks between WWF and another injured superstar, Chris Benoit, are said to have stalled and Benoit has been released. *
* I’m sure you understand why …

Talks between WWF and one of the major names from WCW that didn’t cross over to the Invasion angle are said to be close to a positive conclusion. Speculation is mounting – suggested names include Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Sting and Goldberg – over the identity of this star but the Royal Rumble has been pencilled in as a potential debut for him. One WCW superstar that is definitely coming to the WWF in the near future is high-flying Rey Mysterio after he agreed a deal last week.
I'm so happy you decided to post your new project here GCB. This may be my favorite time period in wrestling (tail end of the attitude era and the transition to the new guard). I'm very excited to see where you take the company. Also hope you got my message about providing graphics for the project. Match graphics or even custom PPV posters. Anything that you think may help your thread just let me know. I'm in.
I'm glad you decided to start a brand new project so quickly after you ended your last one and especially since you picked this time period. There are a lot of ways you can go with this and a load of special talent to book. While it is a little disappointing to see you get rid of Benoit, I completely understand why, and it could at least open up room for some WCW talent that never got their chance in real life. I can't wait for this to get going and see where you end up; hopefully it lasts even longer than your 2010 thread!
This definitely looks good. I always enjoy a good retro thread since my memory is a little foggy around this time period. Plenty of unanswered questions like who will be retained and this is what I'm looking forward to the most. Sad to see your other BT end but this one looks promising. Will be reading for sure!
This looks like great fun. It's a period full of uncertainty as WWE is now the only company left and they've got their pick of pretty much anyone they like. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
This looks awesome man. Glad you see your back and i'm sure you'll put out some top notch work with this.

On a side note, I hope you push Raven, hes one of my all-time favorites and it'd be cool to see you book him.
Thanks for the support, folks.

Notorious: Thanks for the offer. Might take you up on that. Will PM you soon.

#1Peep: Understand about Benoit, was a great wrestler. However, I can't use him - IMO, it's just wrong.

JAM: I really enjoyed the "Invasion" and the ending of it was full of possibility. In hindsight, it wasn't great but I'm enjoying booking it so far.

Equimanthorn: Cheers fella. I've got lots in mind. As ever, I've already got an idea for well down the line (WrestleMania X8 main event is set in my head) and I think there is so much talent with the ECW/WCW entries, it should be good.

Rated R: I did like Raven's 2001 run but I'm not an "expert" on him. I'll see what I can do with him.

Right, here is the first part of the first show. As I said in the General Discussion, I've now discovered that I can break the show up. So, that is exactly what I'm going to do. GCB



Monday November 19, 2001 | Charlotte, NC

***** START VIDEO *****

RAW begins with a video showing the highlights of last night’s Survivor Series main event. It begins with clips from the “Invasion” angle from Stone Cold Steve Austin’s turn on the WWF at Invasion, the return of The Rock at Summerslam to become the WCW Champion, Kurt Angle’s momentous, emotional victory over Austin at Unforgiven just weeks after September 11th and then the arguments between Vince McMahon and his ungrateful children that resulted in the “Winner Take All” match being arranged between Team WWF and Team Alliance. We see the eliminations of Big Show, Shane McMahon, Kane, Undertaker, RVD and Booker T before we see the final four: Chris Jericho and The Rock for Team WWF; Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kurt Angle for Team Alliance. Clips from previous RAW and SMACKDOWN events where Rock and Jericho’s relationship began to disintegrate are shown interspersed into the highlights and we hear Heyman’s comment that it is “Stone Cold and Kurt Angle who WILL get along against the Rock and Chris Jericho who CAN’T get along!” However, we see Rock eliminate Angle with the Sharpshooter before Austin rolls up Jericho to eliminate him as well. We see Jericho’s attack on Rock and Taker having to prevent him from attacking him more. The action moves on between Rock and Austin with several near falls and big finishing moves before we see Angle turn up and smack Austin in the back of the head with the WWF Championship to allow Rock to hit the Rock Bottom and win the day for the WWF. The video ends with Rock and Vince McMahon celebrating and a knowing look passing between them as Jim Ross exclaims that the Alliance is no more.

***** END VIDEO *****


No pyrotechnics tonight; RAW starts with the entrance of the Chairman of the World Wrestling Federation, the man whose company last night ‘survived’ …


Vince McMahon walks down the RAW ramp with a swagger, an exaggerated swagger after last night’s victory, he has a huge grin on his face as he plays to the crowd. The crowd reciprocate, many are bowing to the Chairman, they are delighted that the WWF was able to finally end the threat of the WCW/ECW Alliance. As McMahon steps into the ring, he grabs a microphone and begins to address the crowd. They cheer every word as Vince welcomes them all to Monday Night RAW … hosted by the World Wrestling Federation! He thanks the fans for their support during the “Invasion” and says that he is delighted to announce that the WCW and the ECW are now defunct. He says that all the WCW and ECW wrestlers are now unemployed and that their contracts have passed to him; if they wish to continue working in the wrestling business, then they need to convince him to keep them on. He begins to list names of WCW and ECW stars that he could keep – he jokes about Shawn Stasiak first – before questioning whether the crowd would like to see Rob Van Dam sign with the WWF. The crowd cheer and Vince McMahon says that he is no fool; RVD will stay with the WWF even when he is no longer the Hardcore Champion. He goes on to state that RVD will defend the Hardcore Championship tonight in a Triple Threat against both Hardy Boys, Matt and Jeff. McMahon moves on to mentioning Booker T – the crowd react negatively to this suggestion. Next, Vince mentions that there are some WCW and ECW superstars that he cannot fire, that are protected: Test won the Immunity Battle Royale last night to earn a whole year of protection; the Dudley Boys are the Unified Tag Team Champions; Christian is the European Champion … and Stone Cold Steve Austin is, whether he likes it or not, the WWF Champion.

The mention of Austin gets the crowd split 50/50 – half of the crowd boo and jeer him for his attempts to destroy the WWF but half are excited to see whether Austin will show up here tonight. Vince says that Austin is a special case – he could strip him of the WWF Championship and fire his ass right now should he wish. However, he is giving Austin, and all the other ECW and WCW wrestlers, a chance to convince him they deserve their shot in the World Wrestling Federation. They have until the end of this week’s SMACKDOWN to persuade him to retain their contracts …

*** KURT ANGLE ***

Out comes Kurt Angle with red, white and blue pyro exploding all around him. He heads down to the ring to a mixed reaction after his turn on the Alliance last night. As he heads to the ring, JR throws to a replay of the moment when Angle struck Austin with the WWF Championship and he staggered into the Rock Bottom. In the ring, when the replay is over, Angle shakes hands with the Chairman and they embrace. McMahon declares Angle to be the “Saviour of the World Wrestling Federation” and says that he is responsible for the company still being alive. Angle says that he cannot accept all the plaudits – the crowd like this comment – and that there is one other man that needs to be thanked for the World Wrestling Federation’s victory. The crowd in the arena begin to chant “Rocky! Rocky!” as Angle builds it up further … and then declares that he wishes to personally thank Vince McMahon himself for having the brilliant plan in mind all along. The crowd are not happy but Vince likes this and he once again shakes hands with Kurt. He suggests to Kurt that the WWF will always be indebted to him and that he is willing to offer Kurt whatever he wants in return. Angle speaks about the WWF Championship and suggests that Austin should be stripped of the title. He goes on to say that he should be awarded the WWF Championship instead …

*** THE ROCK ***

As he strides out into the arena, the WCW Champion looks infuriated at what he has just heard. The crowd cheer and yell as Rock walks with a purpose into the ring, there are no salutes for the crowd at this point, he simply grabs a microphone and interrupts the little conversation in the ring. Rock says that whilst Angle made a timely intervention, he was in no doubt that he was going to win the match for the World Wrestling Federation anyway and that he was the one who had battled the odds, for the WWF, for over fifty minutes. Rock says that he is the WCW Champion but he wants to be the WWF Champion – and he wants to earn it like a man. Angle tries to interrupt Rocky but he is quickly cut off, “It doesn’t matter what you think!”. The People’s Champion goes on to say that tonight, it doesn’t matter which WCW wrestlers or which ECW wrestlers come to see Vince, the millions and millions of the Rock’s fans all want to see one thing – they want to see Rock kick Kurt Angle’s ass!

McMahon takes a moment to compose himself but he doesn’t respond well to Rock. He suggests that Rock was on the verge of defeat and that, had it not been for Kurt Angle, tonight’s RAW would be produced by WCW and ECW instead. He says that Kurt Angle has the right to decide whether or not he faces Rock tonight; Angle agrees, surprisingly, and says that he is going to prove that he is the WWF Champion in waiting by defeating Rock once and for all tonight. McMahon announces that the main event is official: KURT ANGLE vs. THE ROCK! Rock says he is delighted with the news … AND THEN PROMPTLY ROCK BOTTOM’S ANGLE DOWN TO THE MAT!

As the crowd explode with noise, Vince McMahon objects but a threatening look from Rock is enough to force him to back off. As McMahon walks away, Rock’s music ringing around the arena, he looks annoyed with Rock and his actions here tonight. JR recaps the main news though; tonight, one on one, it will be Kurt Angle vs. The Rock!



RAW returns with JR hyping up the words of Vince McMahon from earlier and the confrontation between the man who fought to the death for the WWF last night, The Rock, and the man who is claimed to be the “saviour of the WWF”, Kurt Angle. Tonight’s main event is confirmed by JR once more. The arena is ready to witness the first action of the evening and the lull of noise is broken by the entrance of …

*** TAZZ ***

Cheers for the arrival of Tazz who returned to the WWF at Survivor Series last night during the “Immunity Battle Royale” – JR throws to a clip of Tazz attacking the slimeball, Paul Heyman. However, when Tazz comes out, he is not wearing his usual wrestling attire; he heads towards the commentary desk and joins JR who is sat alone waiting. Tazz puts on the headset and announces that he is JR’s new commentary partner on Monday Night RAW and that he hopes they work well together as a team in the future.

*** SCOTTY 2 HOTTY ***

Out comes the “Master of the Worm”, Scotty 2 Hotty, but he is not his usual jovial self here tonight. As he heads towards the ring, there is no dancing and no jiving. He simply shakes or slaps hands with a few members of the crowd as he approaches the ring. JR and Tazz discuss the attack that Test sprang on Scotty last night that took him out of the “Immunity Battle Royale” and how Scotty is lucky that the WWF was able to survive in the end. JR reminds us that Test could have cost Scotty his job had the Alliance won the main event.

*** TEST ***

The muscular frame of Test heads out to jeers and boos. However, Test doesn’t appear to care. He smirks and laughs as he heads towards the ring and can be heard calling out to the fans that “Nobody can touch me!” and that he could “smash your teeth in right now” to one fan in particular. JR informs us that Test has an iron clad contract for a year, the WWF has no option but to honour this contract regardless of Test’s actions during his time here. However, Scotty has had enough of waiting for Test and he exits the ring and rushes towards him to launch an attack. The referee protests as Scotty catches Test unaware and staggers him back, a flurry of right hands from the irate Scotty as he smashes Test over and over in the face. In the end, Test manages to get his knee up into the gut to stem the flow and he rolls into the ring away from Scotty. He follows and the bell is rung …

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


As Scotty rolls into the ring, Test kicks him hard in the back and begins to stomp away and dominate against his much smaller opponent. Test’s power proves to be too much for the former “Too Cool” member and Scotty ends up covering up at times. The story of the match focuses on Test’s apparent lack of respect for the referee’s power – several times, he is heard to shout at the referee that there is nothing he can do. During one of these arguments with the official, the referee threatens to disqualify Test who gets right in his face. The official doesn’t back down though and shoves Test back – right into the path of Scotty who plants him down to the mat with a Bulldog. Test is on his back and the crowd go wild as Scotty prepares himself and begins to hop around the ring … W … O … R … M … WOO-WOO-WOO! SCOTTY HITS THE WORM ON TEST! Test is down and out, has Scotty got an upset win here? He hooks Test’s leg …



Scotty looks on in disbelief – he cannot believe that Test kicked out of the Worm. He refocuses himself though and climbs to the top turnbuckle instead and flies off, looking to hit a big Diving Crossbody … but Test catches him! The brute force of Test is too much …Test readjusts Scotty on his shoulder and …PUMPHANDLE SLAM! Test nonchalantly covers Scotty …


(via PINFALL at 04:15)


The crowd boo as the cocky Test holds his hand up in victory and smirks at them. The boos ring around the arena but Test isn’t interested. He laughs at the crowd and then suddenly rushes over at Scotty again … BIG BOOT TO THE FACE! Test’s music ends again as he kneels over Scotty and begins to shower him with hard right hands to the face. Scotty is in no fit state to resist and the officials stream out to try and stop Test who shoves them away and continues with his onslaught. Intent on the destruction of Scotty, Test exits the ring and grabs a steel chair before coming back into the ring. He stands over Scotty with an evil glint in his eye and raises the chair to strike …



*** EDGE ***

The crowd roar as Edge comes flying out from backstage with the Intercontinental Championship belt, that he defeated Test for at Survivor Series, strapped around his waist. Edge throws the title belt down as he approaches the ring and slides under the bottom rope to confront Test who has backed away from Scotty and is now eying Edge while he holds the chair. Edge rushes towards Test who swings the chair at him, Edge ducks under it and hits the ropes … SPEAR! Edge takes Test down with a Spear! Grabbing the chair that Test has dropped, Edge looks to go after Test with it but Test, wisely, exits the ring clutching his gut. As he leaves, he looks down at the Intercontinental Championship before looking back at Edge who is still desperate for Test to return to the ring. However, Test backs away and Edge is left to console Scotty instead who he helps up to his feet.

The action moves backstage where we see Undertaker and Kane, the “Brothers of Destruction”, in the locker room. Undertaker appears to be preparing for action and he is speaking to his brother when a tentative Chris Jericho walks in. Undertaker looks at him sternly, he is still unhappy over the actions of Jericho last night when he attacked the Rock and almost cost the WWF the match. Jericho tells Taker and Kane that he let his ego get the better of him, that he temporarily forgot why he was out there and that he let his pride get in the way of his professionalism. Jericho seems genuine and apologises to both Kane and Undertaker, he says he respects them both so much and that he would never deliberately put their futures and careers in jeopardy. He thanks Undertaker for stopping him from making a terrible error of judgement last night and says he intends to prove himself in the future. Undertaker and Kane consider Jericho’s words and then Taker offers his hand to Jericho. They shake hands and Taker says that Jericho’s actions last night were downright stupid but that he respects the fact that he had the balls to come in and apologise. He tells Jericho that if the WWF had lost last night, if Jericho had cost him his job, then he would have found him and killed him. Taker warns Jericho to think about his actions a little more and then tells him that he needs to apologise to the WWF fans as well who almost lost their company last night. Jericho vows to apologise right here tonight and thanks Taker and Kane for their time.






The arrogant Christian heads out patting the European Championship that is strapped around his waist to a negative reaction; however, Christian looks a little subdued this evening after the ECW and WCW Alliance lost last night. He walks to the ring as JR reminds us that Christian, last night, defeated Al Snow to retain the European Championship and to guarantee his job here tonight. However, Tazz mockingly tells us that Christian’s actions over the past few weeks and months have not been forgotten – and tonight he pays for his actions as he faces this man …



*** BIG SHOW ***

One of the five men who wrestled for the survival of the World Wrestling Federation last night, Big Show walks out looking focused and proud. With the WWF still in business, he salutes the fans and makes his way towards the ring with a smile on his face. As he approaches the ring, he stops and looks at Christian who is stood with a worried look on his face as he awaits the big man. Show shakes his head in amusement and then steps up onto the ring apron before stepping over the top rope and into the ring. JR confirms that Vince McMahon made this match before RAW came on the air tonight as ‘punishment’ for Christian’s part in trying to destroy the WWF. Tazz suggests that Christian’s brother, Edge, who we saw earlier tonight, might be enjoying watching the TV right now as the referee signals for the bell.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *




Christian is apprehensive as the bell rings … and it proves to be with good reason. Big Show was on a real roll as he was named on Team WWF before the Survivor Series and he starts out like he means business afterwards too. Christian’s initial attack is ended with a huge boot to the face before Show goes to work and dominates his much smaller opponent. The European Champion is battered in the first few minutes of the match, his chest red with the slaps of the Big Show, and he ends up using delaying tactics to stay out of the way of the monster. In the end, Show comes out of the ring and continues to dominate until Christian avoids a hard right hand … and Show clotheslines the ring post. Back in the ring, Christian tries to take advantage and he hangs Show’s hurt arm over the rope before using a range of striking moves to further exacerbate the injury.

ENDING: Unfortunately for Christian, whilst this attack is proving adept at slowing Show down, it isn’t putting the big man down and several times, Christian narrowly escapes a counter. It appears a matter of time before Show catches him and when he does, he shoves the European Champion hard and backwards – Christian falls back into the turnbuckles and looks worried again. Show waits for Christian to get to his feet and goes for another clothesline, with his weaker left arm, but it is clumsy and Christian avoids it. He springboards off the ropes and over Show, looking for a Sunset Flip, but he cannot drag the big man down. Show reaches down and drags Christian up from the mat before tossing back down on his back with a crash. Show signals with his hand that it is time for the Alley-Oop … he sets it up and lifts Christian but his arm isn’t functioning properly and Christian reacts instinctively … TORNADO DDT! Show’s head is planted down on the mat, Christian senses his opportunity.


Big Show powers out with ease!

Christian looks worried by this and he resorts to attacking Show with right boots to the back and shoulders as he tries to get up from the mat. However, Show is able to fight up and he catches Christian’s right foot under his arm. He grabs Christian by the throat and the crowd roar as we seem set to see Show finish the match. However, Christian retaliates by pounding at the injured upper right arm of the Giant, Show releases him and Christian drops to his knees. Out of view of the referee, Christian strikes … BLATANT LOW BLOW! CHRISTIAN WITH THE LOW BLOW – AND THE REFEREE MISSED IT! Christian smirks as Show crumples to the mat, the referee looks suspicious but he didn’t see anything. Show hangs over the middle rope and this gives Christian another opportunity to try and make his advantage tell. He stands on Show’s back and chokes him over the middle rope, this time the referee sees everything and threatens to DQ him. Christian leaps off at the count of four before showing off to the fans as he claps his hands together. He waits for Show to get to his knees and then he goes for it … Killswitch time? No. He cannot turn Show around, Christian cannot lock his finishing move in. Big Show shoves Christian into the ropes and he falls through to the outside.

Frustrated, Christian grabs a steel chair and re-enters the ring with the referee waving his arms in protest. Show is getting back to his feet now and Christian shoves the referee aside and lines up a chair shot that there is no need for. As Christian sets to swing, the referee continues his protests but there is no stopping Christian … or is there? Show suddenly grabs Christian around the throat again and yells out as the chair falls out of the European Champion’s hand. CHOKE SLAM! BIG SHOW FINALLY HITS THE CHOKE SLAM ON CHRISTIAN!


(via PINFALL at 07:37)


As “Big” restarts around the arena, Show salutes the crowd who cheer his victory. He is gingerly raising his right arm in victory but it is clear that Christian hurt him with attack that he targeted the arm with. The cameras suddenly switch to the stage where we see the WWF Chairman, Vince McMahon, walking out grinning with a microphone in his hand. He signals for the music to be faded before speaking. Vince announces that he is pleased with Big Show’s efforts tonight, he says he will be rewarded on SMACKDOWN this Thursday. Show looks interested but Vince turns his attention to Christian who he accuses of trying to run the WWF out of business after the WWF gave him his big break in the first place. Vince tells Christian that whilst Show is to be rewarded, his punishment has only just begun. This Thursday, on SMACKDOWN, Christian will defend the European Championship … against the Big Show! The crowd love this idea and Show raises his eyebrows in acknowledgement. However, Christian’s reaction is close to a tantrum, he kicks the ropes in fury over this. But there is nothing that he can do about it. Show signals that he will soon be the WWF European Champion and Christian, clutching the belt, looks incredibly worried about the situation he has found himself in this Thursday.


RAW returns with X-Pac backstage looking for somebody. The crowd boo X-Pac – during the invasion, he was one of the few WWF guys that was getting cheered against – as he seems to be a little frantic. He looks in several rooms and areas before finally spotting who he was looking for: Albert. X-Pac makes his way over towards Albert, his former partner in the X-Factor group, and he tells him that he has a problem. X-Pac says that tonight he is being forced to face the Undertaker one on one – and he could use some help out there. X-Pac claims that Albert’s best time in the World Wrestling Federation was in their previous run as the X-Factor and that, particularly without that “loser” Justin Credible holding them back, they could reform now and dominate the World Wrestling Federation. Albert considers X-Pac but he doesn’t look convinced so X-Pac tries to persuade him further. He tells Albert that last time he was the muscle that protected the team; this time they will team up and win Tag Team gold instead. Albert tells X-Pac that he will consider things but X-Pac doesn’t look convinced that he has persuaded the big man as he walks away.

The camera switches to Vince McMahon’s office where we see the chairman laughing and chortling. He is speaking to his wife, Linda, and he brags about the look on Christian’s face before the commercial when he gave him the news that he would face Big Show on SMACKDOWN with the European Championship on the line. Linda listens and nods before they are interrupted. The crowd boo as the face of Booker T appears in the room and Vince’s eyes light up as he sees that another Alliance member is back looking for a job. Booker tells Vince McMahon that during his time in WCW, he knew who the best wrestling company was. He says that his treatment in the WCW and ECW Alliance was wrong; Shane McMahon discarded him the minute Stone Cold Steve Austin joined the Alliance when he should have stayed loyal to him. Booker tells Vince McMahon that Shane made massive mistakes and he was planning to find a way to speak to Vince anyway about switching sides. Booker tells Vince that he is, after all, the “5 Time WCW Champion” and that he would be crazy not to give him a place in the WWF. McMahon considers him for a moment and then asks Booker a question: “Do you think you are better than Austin?” Booker replies in the affirmative and says that if Austin were here right now, he would prove it. Vince’s eyes light up. He clearly has a plan. Vince tells Booker that he will be given a job in the World Wrestling Federation – as long as he locates Stone Cold and ensures that he returns to the WWF before the end of this week’s SMACKDOWN. Booker looks horrified at McMahon – JR claims that Booker T shouldn’t have said what he said about Austin now. McMahon wishes Booker good luck and then exits to leave Booker looking around aghast as we heads back to the ringside area.

*** X-PAC ***

Looking wary, X-Pac makes his way out and down towards the ring – alone. JR reminds us about X-Pac trying to persuade Albert to rejoin him earlier tonight but says that it looks as if Albert is refusing to help X-Pac here tonight with this match. Tazz reminds us that this is X-Pac’s comeback match here tonight after a couple of months out of action thanks to injury – he doesn’t envy X-Pac’s task on return! X-Pac gets into the ring and taunts the crowd a little though he remains subdued and keeps looking to the stage area waiting for Albert.


One of the WWF’s finest and most popular superstars heads out on his motorbike to a huge reaction as always. Stopping on the stage, Taker pounds his chest before motoring down the ramp and circling the ring as X-Pac watches on in a panic. Undertaker stops the bike as JR and Tazz discuss Taker’s pride in the WWF and how he fought so hard to ensure it survived the WCW/ECW Invasion. JR introduces comments from Taker that were filmed earlier backstage …

THE UNDERTAKER: So the WCW and ECW Alliance is gone and the World Wrestling Federation has survived. I’ve been here in the WWF for a long time, I sure as hell wasn’t going to stand back last night and see it die. That’s why I confronted Jericho when he lost his damn mind, that’s why I gave my all to fight for Vince McMahon and all of the fans. But now, now it is time to focus on myself. It’s been too damn long since I had the World Wrestling Federation Title around my waist and I intend to change that. So, Austin, Rock, Angle, whoever Vince decides to give the belt to – a word of warning. I’m coming for you, son.

Undertaker is in the ring and is ready to fight; he shadow boxes in preparation whilst X-Pac waits in the corner still looking very apprehensive about the contest. The referee signals for the bell.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


X-Pac’s desperation to get away from this match as quickly as he can is clear as he rushes out of the corner towards Taker and tries to catch him off guard straightaway. Using his trademark kicks, X-Pac staggers Taker with this quick start and looks to be getting some kind of upper hand … until Taker responds by catching his leg and lifting him high into a modified spinebuster that leaves X-Pac writhing on the mat. Once he has weathered the early storm, there is no doubt over who is going to win this – it’s just a case of how long he takes to do it. After walking the top rope with “Old School” and then hitting a big boot to the face of Pac, Taker signals that this is all over. He grabs X-Pac off the mat and sets him up … LAST RIDE! UNDERTAKER CRASHES DOWN X-PAC WITH THE LAST RIDE! This one is over …


(via PINFALL at 03:04)


A dominant performance from Undertaker who seems to be backing up his words from before the match – he says he is focused on winning the WWF Championship and if this is anything to go by, it shouldn’t be too long. JR and Tazz hype up the achievement and remind us that X-Pac is no pushover; to beat him that quickly is a very impressive feat. However, as Undertaker stands taking in the cheers of the crowd, there is a commotion behind him. CHRIS JERICHO! What is he doing there? And why does he have a steel chair? BAM! STEEL CHAIR TO THE BACK OF TAKER’S HEAD! The crowd are looking on stunned but there is no doubt about what the reasoning for this is. Jericho drills the chair into the stomach of Undertaker who doubles up in pain before Jericho whacks him again on the back. Taker is down and Jericho is looking pleased with himself when there is suddenly a red explosion in the arena …

*** KANE ***

Here comes the Big Red Monster, Kane! He rushes down to the ring and Jericho looks over with worry as the Big Red Machine steps up onto the ring apron. The lights return as he steps into the ring and makes a beeline for Jericho who is still clutching the chair; Jericho exits the ring and Kane looks over the ropes at him furious when X-Pac makes the attack on him. X-Pac launches a series of kicks to Kane that stun him for a moment but then he grips the throat of X-Pac and things change once more. Kane lifts X-Pac high looking to hit the Choke Slam … BAM! ALBERT CRASHES INTO KANE FROM BEHIND TO MAKE THE SAVE! The crowd are booing like crazy as Albert and X-Pac lay down a beating to Kane on one side of the ring, on the other side, Jericho has returned and is smashing the chair over the back of Taker over and over again. Officials steam out to the ring but Jericho threatens them with the chair before he drops it on the mat and he locks up Taker from behind … BREAKDOWN! JERICHO HITS THE BREAKDOWN ON UNDERTAKER AND SMASHES HIS HEAD DOWN ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR! A trickle of blood runs down the forehead of Undertaker as X-Pac and Albert drag a battered Kane to his knees … BALDO BOMB! ALBERT HITS THE BALDO BOMB ON KANE! There is a nod of appreciation between Jericho and the reformed X-Factor as Jericho’s music, “Break the Walls Down”, hits in the arena and the three of them look mighty pleased with their actions here tonight. As they exit the ring, Kane comes round a little and he crawls over to check on his brother who is still face up on the mat looking beaten.



RAW returns with the sight of the newest addition to the World Wrestling Federation Women’s locker room: Jazz.

*** JAZZ ***

As Jazz makes her way down towards the ring, JR informs us of the situation regarding Jazz’ contract. Even though she was signed up by the former ECW mastermind Paul Heyman with Stephanie McMahon’s blessing, her contract included a clause that if the WWF won at Survivor Series, she would retain her position either way. Tazz says that he knew Jazz well in the old ECW and that she is one dangerous lady who could easily win tonight’s Number 1 contender match and become WWF Women’s Champion.

*** IVORY ***

Former WWF Women’s Champion Ivory comes down to the ring, she is dressed all in black and looks confident as she steps out. She is met with a negative reaction, worse than Jazz’ reaction, but she takes it in her stride and tells the fans to kiss her ass. She steps into the ring and talks smack towards Jazz before the music of the third competitor in the match interrupts her.

*** LITA ***

Huge pop in the arena as the popular Lita heads out and salutes the crowd with a typical “Hardy” pose before rushing to the ring eager to get started. As she slides into the ring, JR informs us that new Women’s Champion Trish Stratus will face the winner of tonight’s Triple Threat match between Jazz, Ivory and Lita in her first title defence before running a replay of the ending of last night’s title match at Survivor Series. We see Lita back body dropped over the top rope by Trish before Jazz rushes her and is dodged; Jazz ends up falling through the ropes. Trish then turns her attention to Ivory and hits the Stratusfaction to get the 3 and become Women’s Champion. The replay ends with all three ladies in the ring watching the ‘tron and wondering what might have been last night. As they look set to begin though …


Here comes the Women’s Champion herself; TRISH STRATUS! Another big pop for another popular diva, Trish comes out wearing a short skirt and a tight fitting top – gotta’ keep the male audience watching – and with the Women’s Championship title belt wrapped around her shoulder. She still looks in a state of disbelief as she holds the title up, a huge smile on her face, and salutes the crowd who cheer her title win. Trish makes her way to the ring and the three women in the ring watch her interested as she makes her way to the commentary desk to join Tazz and JR.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *




The crowd are firmly behind Lita as this one gets on the way and they chant her name in the early stages. Lita does get the upper hand in the early going when she tosses Ivory up and over the top rope before getting control of Jazz. Unfortunately for Lita, Jazz is no rookie despite her recent arrival in the WWF and she avoids Lita’s springboard crossbody later on which causes the thong showing beauty to crash and burn on the apron. Jazz takes control with some stiff right hands before a big roundhouse kick that knocks Lita down and gets her a 2 count. Jazz takes charge for a little while until Lita counters, using the corner ropes to leap back over Jazz and hook her legs around her to get a 2 count as well. As Jazz gets up, Lita locks her in a front face lock … TWIST OF FATE! LITA HITS JAZZ WITH THE TWIST OF FATE! This one is over!


Ivory gets there just in time!

Ivory goes mental on Lita and starts slapping her and tugging at her hair as if she is possessed. Jazz rolls away to recover from being hit with the Twist of Fate as Ivory goes to town on Lita, slamming her head back into the mat over and over, Ivory looks demonic here. She whips Lita to the corner and hits a clothesline before taking her down with some vicious slaps to the face. However, Ivory seems to be more interested in hurting Lita than winning the match and she gets herself into trouble when she whips Lita to the ropes once more. Lita ducks her strike attack, comes off the ropes and clotheslines her hard. Ivory bounces back up but Lita comes off the ropes once more and hits another clothesline. Lita waits for her chance and hits a bodyslam on Ivory before signalling that she is going to the top rope. She gets to the top facing out to the crowd … LITASAULT! MOONSAULT FROM THE TOP! Lita has Ivory beaten here!


Jazz saves Ivory this time with a splash onto the exposed back of Lita!

Lita rolls away in pain and is down on her knees as Jazz hits a stiff right boot to the head and knocks Lita down. She looks beaten here and Jazz rolls her up like an accordion …


Lita kicks out!

Jazz drags Lita back up and smirks as she looks around; she lifts her up in the air … Sitout Powerbomb from Jazz! Lita is flat on her back as Jazz goes for a second successive pinfall …


Lita kicks out again!

Lita is showing a bucket of fight here as she refuses to be beaten. However, Jazz is in control and she signals that it is time for Lita to be finished off. She hits a DDT on Lita as she gets up and then beckons her to get up. Lita gets up slowly and Jazz positions herself behind her. Jazz hooks Lita’s arms from behind and lifts her up … BITCH CLAMP! JAZZ HAS LITA LOCKED UP AND LIFTED OFF THE GROUND HERE! Will Lita tap out? She is screaming “No!” at the referee but how much longer can she take this? Wait a minute! Here comes Ivory again and she dropkicks the knee of Jazz and all three ladies land on the mat. Lita rolls away in pain and Ivory trades blows with Jazz; only one winner there. Jazz locks Ivory up and lifts her high … SITOUT FACEBUSTER! JAZZ PLANTS THE FACE OF IVORY DOWN INTO THE MAT! She hooks the leg of Ivory, she looks beaten but can Lita respond?


(via PINFALL at 05:46)

(New #1 Contender for the Women’s Championship)

Lita falls just short as she tries to deny Jazz the pinfall and collapses in a heap as Jazz rolls away with a big smile on her face. Ivory is down and beaten and she exits the ring as Jazz stands at the ropes and taunts Trish who is still on commentary with JR and Tazz. Trish puts over Jazz and says that she is clearly a tough competitor but she is confident that she can defend her title against her when the time is right. As Jazz points to Trish, the Women’s Champion raises the title belt up in the air: soon, we will see Trish Stratus vs. Jazz for the Women’s Championship!

The cameras switch backstage and we see Matt Hardy warming up in the locker room. He looks set for action and looks to be getting prepared as he waits for the signal to head out. Into the room walks his brother and tag team partner, Jeff, who looks a little sheepish. They look into each other’s eyes for a moment before Jeff breaks the silence. He apologises to Matt for taking the unnecessary risk last night and costing them the Tag Team Championships. Jeff excuses himself by saying that he just felt that rush of adrenaline and had to do it – he claims that is what “Team Extreme” is all about. Matt shakes his head; he states that “Team Extreme” is about looking out for each other – Matt, Jeff and Lita. Matt suggests to Jeff that he made a huge error of judgement last night and that he is lucky that he is his brother. Jeff says that if he could go back and change things, he would but he can’t – what’s done is done. Matt smirks at this and says that Jeff needs to get his head straight before tonight. Tonight, they have a Triple Threat Hardcore match against Rob Van Dam with the Hardcore Championship on the line. Matt tells Jeff that he cost him the Tag Team Championship last night but tonight, they fight alone and he will fight for himself. Matt says that he does not need to rely on Jeff tonight; he will rely on himself and become the Hardcore Champion.



RAW returns and the bell rings to signal that another match is ready to go …

HOWARD FINKEL: This match is set for one fall … and it is for the WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP!

Huge cheers in the arena for this announcement; the crowd are looking forward to this match. Can RVD overcome the odds and defeat both Hardy Boys? Or will the Hardys be able to work together to ensure that one of them ends the reign of the former ECW legend and punish him for his actions as part of the Alliance?

*** ROB VAN DAM ***

Despite the odds against him, RVD looks cocky and confident as usual as he heads out from backstage and makes his way towards the ring. Using his famous thumb salute to point to himself, he smirks as he makes his way down the ramp to a fantastic reaction considering his recent work against the World Wrestling Federation. JR says that RVD is an enigma that he cannot explain – despite his ties to the WCW and ECW Alliance, the fans cheered him throughout his time in the “Invasion” and often cheered for him instead of his WWF opponents; Tazz says that the fans probably just enjoyed watching his matches so much, he forced them to cheer for him. JR reluctantly agrees and suggests that RVD is something special and a real coup for the World Wrestling Federation. RVD is in the ring and spins round before lifting the Hardcore Championship above his head and leading the chant of “R … V … D!” in the arena.

*** MATT HARDY ***

Here come the challengers for the title; we start with the older of the Hardy Boys and Matt makes his way towards the ring. There is a mixed reaction to Matt after his damning words to Jeff earlier in the evening but he still retains a large degree of cheers as you would expect. He salutes the fans before turning to face the Hardcore Champion. They begin talking trash to each other and things heat up until the announcement from Howard Finkel of the third man in the match turns their attention back to the stage …

*** JEFF HARDY ***

Here comes Matt’s younger brother, Jeff Hardy. As he salutes the crowd, the reception from the fans is noticeably better than the one received by Matt – it seems the crowd are siding with Jeff over his actions at Survivor Series despite the loss of the Tag Team Championships. Jeff dances around on stage before rushing to the ring and leaping onto the turnbuckles to salute his fans in the arena as well. There is a frosty embrace between Matt and Jeff as they prepare for their match whilst RVD looks a little concerned now. JR and Tazz discuss RVD’s chances and Tazz says we should not count RVD out of this – the tension between Matt and Jeff could bubble over at any point. JR reminds us of Matt’s words earlier tonight: “Tonight, Jeff, I will not be relying on you. I’ll rely on myself. I’m going to be the new WWF Hardcore Champion!”

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *





This match quickly escalates into a pulsating and unpredictable triple threat match with all three men intent on winning the prize – Hardcore Champion. In the early stages, things do not look good for RVD, as you would expect, when Matt and Jeff team up to try and take him out with their Tag Team skills. As the match resembles a Handicap Match rather than a Hardcore Match, the problem comes, as ever, when one of the Hardys looks to make the pinfall and win the match. In this case, Jeff, after hitting a jawbreaker to RVD, goes for the pin, he hooks the leg … but Matt breaks it up by dragging Jeff off RVD. An argument ensues between the pair and Jeff looks particularly pained by this. Tazz speculates that Jeff feels guilty about last night and doesn’t react to Matt because he knows, deep down, that he owes Matt one. RVD looks to take advantage of the argument as he clocks both men with a series of kicks but the numbers prove too much again as the Hardys recover to gain control once more. However, things unravel again quickly when Matt hits RVD with a Hardy leg drop from the middle turnbuckle and goes for a pinfall himself … this time Jeff drags Matt off RVD to save the Hardcore Championship. More arguments between the Hardys, Matt is clearly heard to say “You owe me one, Jeff, don’t you?” before it becomes heated with some pushing and shoving. Suddenly, RVD catches Matt with a surprise roll up and for a moment, it appears to be over until Matt kicks out just in time; Jeff was caught by surprise himself and almost failed to react. From this point onwards, it is only a matter of time until the arguments between Matt and Jeff spill over and when they have RVD down again, Matt with a running bulldog, Jeff with a leg drop across the back of RVD’s neck, they argue again over who is going to make the cover. The pair of them seem to reach a mutual understanding that it is time for this to become every man for themselves and they set themselves ready; Matt launches the first strike and here we go! RVD, realising what is transpiring, wisely rolls out of the ring to recover for a moment and lets the two brothers duke it out in the centre of the ring.

From there, things become more even. RVD returns to the ring and brings in the first weapons of the evening as he catches first Jeff and then Matt with steel chair shots to the back that get him a 2 count on both. When they have weapons, there is hesitancy between the brothers as well to strike but, once more, Matt is the man who starts it when he crashes the chair off the skull of his brother. However, now we have a situation that favours RVD – Hardcore rules and every man for himself. He catches Matt by surprise when he hits a roundhouse kick onto the chair and looks to have knocked Matt cold; RVD goes for the quick pinfall …but Jeff makes the save! However, Jeff shows his allegiances now as he tosses RVD through the ropes and then hits a leg drop on Matt before going for a cover of his own! Matt kicks out but the battle-lines are drawn now. The chair favours RVD and he manages to hit the VanDaminator on Jeff as well as Rolling Thunder through the chair as well – but he is unable to put either Hardy away.

ENDING: The match winds through the 10:00 mark and is becoming more intense and more hardcore by the second. The actions spills outside the ring and Van Dam locks up Matt and hits an inverted suplex slam across the announce desk. Matt rolls away clutching his gut before slowly getting to his feet. RVD picks up a second chair and smashes him hard over the head and Matt is down and out on the outside of the ring. As RVD goes to drag Matt back into the ring, Jeff comes rushing around the barricades, balancing on the edge, and he somersaults into the Hardcore Champion and takes him down instead. Jeff, feeling it big time now, grabs a ladder from under the ring to the delight of the crowd. With JR and Tazz reminding us of RVD and Jeff Hardy’s recent Summerslam ladder match – an absolute cracker that RVD won to retain the Hardcore Championship – he slides the ladder into the ring and then sends RVD following in. Jeff sets up the ladder in the corner, leaning it against the buckles, but he takes too long and RVD pounces with a monkey flip that leaves Jeff flat on his back. RVD, in a scene reminiscent of HBK at WrestleMania 10, goes up to the top and looks to ride the ladder down across Jeff but the younger of the Hardy Boyz moves away just in time and RVD crashes down, face first on the ladder, onto the mat. Jeff reacts by slamming RVD on the ladder and he makes the cover as RVD lies on the ladder …


RVD kicks out just in time!

Frustration for Jeff but he gets up quickly and ready to strike once more. Noticing his brother on the apron, Jeff hits a dropkick that sends Matt sailing back down to the floor and he collides with the barricades leaving Jeff to focus on defeating RVD instead. Jeff positions the ladder in the corner once more and then whips RVD hard into the ladder leaving him wincing in pain. As RVD comes staggering off the ladder, Jeff waits to strike … TWIST OF FATE! JEFF HARDY HITS THE TWIST OF FATE ON RVD! The crowd are going wild, we’re going to have a new Hardcore Champion as soon as Jeff makes the cover … But wait? Jeff doesn’t make the cover, he knows RVD well and knows he needs more. He looks to the top rope and then rips his shirt off, here we go! Jeff begins to climb but then jumps down again. He places the ladder flat on the mat and throws RVD roughly down on it instead and then goes for the top turnbuckle instead. Tazz says Jeff is wasting time but JR says this will do it! SWANTON BOMB! JEFF HARDY HITS THE SWANTON BOMB ON RVD ON THE LADDER! The crowd are going wild, we’re going to have a new Hardcore Champion now! Hardy hooks the leg …


Matt Hardy saves RVD just in time!

Where did Matt Hardy come from? He got there just in time and crashed down on Jeff to break the pinfall. The crowd boo now but Matt is unrepentant and signals that he wants the title as well. Matt tosses Jeff through the ropes and looks to take the glory …


Somehow, RVD kicks out!

JR and Tazz cannot believe the guts of RVD there to find the stamina to kick out of that! Matt Hardy looks frustrated over it but drags RVD to his knees and it is clear that he intends to finish the job now. RVD tries to fight back but his punches, after a Twist of Fate and a Swanton Bomb from Jeff, lack power and a knee to the gut stops him dead again. Matt drags him up and the writing is on the wall now for RVD … TWIST OF FATE! MATT HARDY HITS THE TWIST OF FATE! It’s over!


Jeff drags Matt off RVD and to the outside of the ring!

Jeff has rescued his own title hopes there, he drags Matt out of the ring and a fist-fight ensues between the pair of them. The crowd are now on the edge of their seats, the majority cheering on Jeff but they are split, as the two brothers trade blows. However, in the ring, out of view, RVD is setting himself … SUICIDE DIVE! RVD sails through the ropes and crashes into both Hardys who are down and out from that! RVD drags Jeff and throws him back into the ring before grabbing Matt and whipping him hard into the steel steps at ringside. A huge “RVD! RVD!” chant echoes around the arena as his supporters find their voices, RVD climbs the turnbuckles and waits for Jeff to get to his feet in the ring … Spinning Heel Kick off the top rope from RVD! He hooks the leg of Jeff Hardy …


Jeff kicks out!

RVD stands up over the fallen body of Jeff and looks around the arena, the cheers gather momentum and then he brings out his famous thumbs and points to himself … “R ... V … D!” echoes around the arena, he hits the ropes … ROLLING THUNDER! RVD hits Rolling Thunder, he hooks Jeff’s leg again …


Jeff kicks out once more!

Both men get to their feet, RVD is quicker right now, he springboards off the ropes into the path of Jeff and catches him with a diving crossbody but Jeff rolls it through and surprises RVD with a cover of his own now …


RVD just recovers in time and kicks out!

The speed of the counter almost caught RVD out there and lost him his Hardcore Championship! Both men get up quickly again, RVD pounces and dropkicks Jeff in the side of the head before hitting a series of kicks once more. Jeff flops back and lands with his back against the turnbuckles and the crowd rise in anticipation as RVD plans his next assault. He props the discarded chair across the chest of Jeff and heads for the adjacent corner of the ring. He leaps and springboards off the rope … VANTERMINATOR DROPKICK! RVD SAILS ACROSS THE RING AND HITS A DROPKICK ON JEFF THROUGH THE CHAIR! Wait though! Matt Hardy is back in the ring, he grabs the chair and strikes … BAM! Matt Hardy smashes RVD in the head with the chair! He drags Jeff from the corner and the crowd are in real shock here as he looks to take advantage of the situation. Matt hooks Jeff’s leg and looks to win the title …


Jeff Hardy finds the strength to kick out!

Matt cannot believe it and he looks angry now! He pummels Jeff and sections of the crowd begin booing this action. However, as Tazz reminds us, this is a Hardcore Championship match and anything goes whether it is family or not! Matt’s punches sends Jeff scurrying for cover, he falls under the bottom rope and out of the ring and leaves Matt to turn his attention to RVD again. Matt hits a stiff kick to the gut of RVD and then drops him with an inverted DDT that leaves RVD down on the mat. The older Hardy challenger is now is complete control, he lifts the ladder up and has it in two hands. He clearly has evil intentions here that will, if he gets it right, surely deliver him the Hardcore Championship? However, as Matt turns round, the quick RVD leaps up and well, he swings his boot and sweeps out Matt’s legs causing him to fall back with the ladder landing on top of him. RVD drops down to his knees and he uses the ladder to push it down across Matt’s body and he lifts it up and down several times to crash it down onto his challenger. He tosses the ladder aside and Matt is down and out on his back … RVD knows just what to do! He leaps up onto the top rope as the crowd cheer and chant “RVD!” again … FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! RVD CRASHES DOWN ON MATT HARDY FROM WAY UP HIGH! The crowd are on their feet but so is Jeff Hardy! He has spotted the danger and is coming through the ropes to make the save – but RVD spots him. Dropkick to the side of Hardy’s shoulders knocks him back down to the apron and RVD pounces on Matt to make the cover …


(via PINFALL at 12:36)

(Still WWF Hardcore Champion)

The crowd explode with noise; many are celebrating the fact that RVD just retained the Hardcore Championship but just as many are Hardy fans that are simply reacting to an unbelievable match between three of the brightest young stars in the World Wrestling Federation! As RVD is handed the belt, he collapses in the corner and hugs the belt close to him, he is delighted to have retained it in such a brutal, amazing match. As he eyes Jeff Hardy outside the ring, there is a look of respect between the two of them; RVD nods his head at Jeff who eyes him for a second before giving a little applause towards the Hardcore Champion. Jeff begins to limp away up the ramp as RVD celebrates on the turnbuckles but then, for some reason, Matt Hardy grabs a chair and staggers over towards him. BAM! What is Matt Hardy doing? He smashes the chair into the back of RVD and raises it once more to strike again, the disappointment etched over his face. RVD’s music stops as the referee beckons to Matt to leave it and then Jeff Hardy comes into the ring. Matt and Jeff stare at each other, Jeff questions what Matt is thinking here. The tension between Matt and Jeff is clear and for a moment, it seems as if Matt is going to strike Jeff with the chair. However, Matt drops the chair and nods his head to his brother, he pats his shoulder and it seems that he has decided to take Jeff’s advice here and leave it. The two Hardys make their way back up the ramp, talking at least, as RVD watches on holding his lower back from the last chair shot from Matt.



RAW returns with Vince McMahon backstage in the office. He checks his hair in the mirror and then makes to set off out of the office; but in walks his wife, Linda McMahon, waving a piece of paper. She tells Vince she needs to speak to him about something but he says that he is going out to the ring, he is going to sit at the announce desk and commentate on tonight’s main event, the first RAW main event since the Alliance was extinguished. Linda tries to interrupt but Vince continues by wondering aloud what his two children, Shane and Stephanie, are doing right now. He amuses himself by suggesting that Stephanie is out doing her own groceries and that Shane is circling jobs in the local evening newspaper. Into the office walks William Regal – the former commissioner of the ECW and WCW Alliance. He is smiling, an insincere, fake smile, as he looks to Vince McMahon. Regal congratulates Vince on winning the Survivor Series “Winner takes all” match last night and suggests that he knew all along that the ECW / WCW team had no chance of winning. Vince asks Regal about his comments when he arrived at the arena last night: “Didn’t you tell me you were going to enjoy watching the WWF lose?” Regal laughs off this comment, nervously, before telling Vince that he would be very grateful if he would give him back his job in the World Wrestling Federation. Regal claims that he was always a man who Vince could rely on before and says that he would love the chance to prove himself once more. Vince says that he just had a phone call from the WWF Commissioner Mick Foley only a few minutes ago; he has resigned as the commissioner of the World Wrestling Federation. As a result, Vince offers Regal the role instead … if he can win a match this Thursday night on SMACKDOWN. Regal smiles and nods his head, he says he will be delighted to prove himself on SMACKDOWN and become Vince’s right hand man once again. However, when he asks who is opponent will be, Regal does not like the answer; he will face both Undertaker and Kane in a Handicap Match! Regal looks worried but Vince tells him to get out of his way, he has a main event to announce. Linda again tries to interrupt but Vince won’t allow her to and he leaves the office. Regal, however, is stood there looking as if he has just sucked on a lemon.


Cheers around the arena, once more, as Vince McMahon heads out for the second time tonight. JR and Tazz had no idea that the boss would be joining them here on RAW tonight for the main event but they welcome him as he arrives, shaking his hand and moving their chairs up so that he can join them ringside. Vince thanks them and says that this should be one hell of a main event here tonight between two of the WWF’s finest competitors and two men who the WWF have everything to thank them for after their heroics last night. JR asks Vince McMahon about Stone Cold Steve Austin, the WWF Champion, and whether he has heard anything from the Rattlesnake or Booker T who was sent to find him. Vince says he hasn’t but Austin has until Thursday to show himself or he will be stripped of the title and fired.

*** KURT ANGLE ***

Red, white and blue pyro explode in the arena and welcome the arrival of the man who clocked Austin with the title belt last night to turn the tide when it seemed that the Alliance was heading for victory. Despite his controversial words earlier in the evening, he is still being cheered a little as he heads towards the ring. On commentary, Vince McMahon puts Kurt over big time as he says that without him, we would be watching the Alliance RAW with Shane, Stephanie and that idiotic Paul Heyman instead. JR challenges this view and says that Rock might disagree with that; Vince says that maybe the Rock will but that is his personal opinion. Angle is in the ring and hyping himself as he awaits the challenge he will face tonight.

*** THE ROCK ***

The big, gold WCW Championship belt glitters in the spotlights as out strides Rock looking pumped up and ready for this. As he makes his way towards the ring, JR and Tazz discuss the Rock Bottom he delivered earlier in the evening to Angle as replays are shown. Rock gets in the ring and heads for the corner, he holds the WCW Championship high and this prompts Tazz to ask Mr. McMahon about his plans for the titles – will we be keeping the WWF and WCW Championships? Vince ignores him and speaks about Rock instead, he says that he admires the Rock’s talent but he sometimes needs to learn when to keep quiet and follow orders. JR says that Rock will never be like that but Vince reminds us that people said that about Austin as well before last year’s WrestleMania … Rock finishes his saluting of the crowd and the match can begin.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *




The early stages of the match feature a slow burn as Angle looks to take his time against the “Great One” and ground him with his mat wrestling skills. This proves to be effective as he does manage just that with a number of suplexes and holds that take Rocky down and take him off his game. However, you cannot keep a good man down and Rock makes several attempted comebacks that result in him taking down Angle as well. The contrast between the Rock’s fast paced, hard hitting style and Angle’s mat wrestling, amateur style is apparent but it is Angle that has control as he looks for a big win to prove himself here. The Olympian takes a diversion from his usual game though when he catches Rock on top of the turnbuckles and kicks the rope to drop him down painfully. Angle climbs up and drags up Rock; Superplex! Angle hits a huge Superplex on Rock and goes for the pinfall but Rock kicks out at 2 and survives to the dismay of Angle.

ENDING: The action continues as both men look to prove that they deserve to be the WWF Champion and the main man here in the World Wrestling Federation. The WCW Champion, Rock, takes control when he catches Angle coming towards him and he hits a Spinebuster that crashes Angle down on his back in the middle of the ring. The crowd come alive as Rock looks down at Angle and then around the arena with a knowing look in his eyes. Rock sets himself and throws his armwear into the crowd before taunting Angle and hitting the ropes … then the opposite ropes … here we go, People’s … No! Angle moves and Rock drops the elbow on the mat instead, he clutches his elbow in pain instead. Angle looks to take a couple of seconds to gather himself and then he grabs the right leg of the grounded Rock. The crowd encourage Rock to fight back as Angle looks to twist him round and lock in the Ankle Lock but he cannot get Rock over. The Great One reaches the ropes instead and the referee calls for the break which Angle ignores. As the ref counts, Rock gets to his one leg, the other is in Angle’s hands, he hops towards Angle instead who spins him round … Back Suplex! Angle lifts Rock high and drops him on his back before going for the pinfall …


Rock kicks out!

Angle pulls down the strap and starts jumping up and down behind Rock as he prepares to try and end this match once and for all. Rock is slowly getting to his feet, Angle is on his toes ready as the crowd jeer and boo … Rock gets to his feet looking unsteady and Angle hooks his head underneath his shoulder and is set to hit the Angle Slam – but Rock counters by dropping down behind him. As Angle spins, Rock lifts Angle’s arm and goes to lift Angle for the Rock Bottom … No! Angle counters with elbows to the head and knocks Rock off instead. As Rock turns back round, Angle, realising that it is futile to attempt the Angle Slam right now, knocks Rock down with a big clothesline. He drops down and beats Rock with fists and then stomps, this is Angle going away from his usual game. As Rock staggers up, Angle strikes him several more times and then looks for a DDT – but Rock fights out and begins laying the smack down on the Olympian before a huge right hand that knocks Angle up and over the top rope.

Outside the ring, Rock follows Angle and whips him hard into the ring steps which clatter with the impact of Angle’s shoulder. He then hits a running swinging neckbreaker that takes Angle down on the outside, Rock has taken control here. The referee orders Rock back in but he doesn’t stay in long; he rolls in and out and then goes after Angle to heap some more pain on him outside the ring. However, Angle is resourceful and – out of the referee’s view – he low blows Rock to the annoyance of the crowd who heap abuse on him. Angle rolls Rock back into the ring before following in and locking up the Rock’s right foot ... ANKLE LOCK! KURT ANGLE LOCKS IN THE ANKLE LOCK ON THE ROCK! Can the Rock escape this hold or has Angle done enough to get a huge win here tonight on RAW? Centre of the ring, Angle screams out as he twists and pushes against the ankle of Rock, he is heaping as much pressure as he can on the ankle of the Great One who is feeling it big time. Rock sells the move brilliantly as the referee suggests he should tap out. However, Rock refuses to tap and instead starts to drag himself towards the ropes. The crowd encourage him as he strains and pulls himself closer and closer to the ropes … Can he make it?

No! Angle pulls him back towards the centre of the ring and screams once more, “Tap out, damnit!” he is heard to shout as he tries to snap the ankle of the WCW Champion and prove that he is the man who should be champion instead. Rock is close to tapping, or so it seems, but he then tries to turn himself around against the pressure that Angle is exerting on his ankle. Rock manages to twist enough to use his free leg to kick at Angle and he manages to break the hold to the annoyance and frustration of the Olympian. As Kurt argues with the referee, Rock staggers to the corner in pain and limping, Angle rushes over at him but Rock dodges and Angle runs face first into the corner instead. As he bounces back, Rock lifts him onto his back … Samoan Drop! Rock hooks the leg and the crowd chant along …


Angle kicks out at 2!

Both men are down here and struggling; Rock is limping as he gets up, Angle is dazed from the Samoan Drop that he just took from the WCW Champion. As both men get to their feet, they begin trading blows in a situation that favours Rock big time. Rock quickly gets the upper hand and he staggers Angle back before whipping him into the ropes once more. As Angle comes back, Rock lifts him up and hits another Spinebuster that has the crowd cheering for him. We all know what is coming next as Angle lays at the feet of Rock; Rock taunts him and then hits the ropes once more … PEOPLE’S ELBOW! ROCK HITS THE PEOPLE’S ELBOW! The crowd are going wild as Rock hits the finishing move and then goes to hook the leg. Rock grabs a squirming Angle who is trying to roll away as best he can and then he hooks the leg of his opponent …



Half the crowd are cheering as they think Rock has the match won but the referee signals that Angle got his foot on the ropes and wipes off the 3 count that he hit on the mat. Rock looks on in disbelief as the referee apologises for his mistake, Rock argues with the referee and is trying to tell him that the match is over. But there is nothing that the referee will do; he stubbornly tells Rock that it was a 2 count. Annoyed, Rock turns back towards Angle and drags him off the mat talking trash as he does. He looks to set and hit the Rock Bottom but Angle again escapes thanks to well timed elbows. Angle goes for his finishing move, the Angle Slam, but Rock is also quick to escape this move as well as he counters behind Angle and then hits a belly to belly suplex before covering Angle for the pin …


Angle kicks out once more!

Now the Rock is getting pi$$ed off with Angle and he drags him up with evil intentions here. He once more sets for the Rock Bottom but Angle drops to his knees and grabs the foot that he locked up earlier. Angle is trying to lock in the Ankle Lock once more but Rock fights out of it instead, he spins back round towards Angle …ROCK BOTTOM! OUT OF NOWHERE, ROCK HITS THE ROCK BOTTOM ON ANGLE FOR THE SECOND TIME TONIGHT! Rock hooks the leg of the game Angle …


(via PINFALL at 14:37)


The crowd celebrate the win as Rock heads for the corner and salutes them once more; a huge win from the crowd favourite who proves that he is the man who should be the champion of the WWF. Angle slinks away, he doesn’t want to watch the celebrations, but Vince McMahon excuses himself from the commentary table. As JR and Tazz ask for an explanation, Vince places his headset down and heads into the ring where Rock, still celebrating his victory, looks at him quizzically. Vince beckons for a microphone and asks the Rock to listen for a moment. The music fades and Vince is ready to speak to the crowd.

VINCE McMAHON: If I could halt your celebrations for just a moment, Rock, I’d like to announce something. Something that you will be very interested in yourself.

Rock looks at Vince with a distrusting look but waves his hand as if to say “Go ahead” before he goes to exit the ring. However, Vince doesn’t want him to leave …

VINCE McMAHON: Hold it, Rock. I want you to stay and hear this. It concerns your status as the WCW Champion. You see, thanks to you and Kurt, last night, the World Wrestling Federation was triumphant and the WCW and ECW Alliance was wiped off the earth for good. But that leaves us with a problem, I’ve been thinking about it all night and I think I have an answer.

Rock looks interested …

VINCE McMAHON: Who will be the WWF Champion?

Vince definitely has Rock’s interest now and a huge “Rocky!” chant builds in the arena; the WWF crowd are letting their feelings be known.

VINCE McMAHON: I hear you, Charlotte, I hear you loud and proud. You people, all of you here tonight, you think that The Rock, the WCW Champion himself, you think that he should be the WWF Champion now – and I agree.

Huge cheers for this but Rock doesn’t look convinced.

VINCE McMAHON: I agree that he should have an opportunity to be the WWF Champion.

The cheers turn to jeers as Rock looks on, he knew it was coming.

VINCE McMAHON: Don’t get me wrong, Rock, you deserve your shot. But so does Kurt Angle. And so does the Undertaker. And Kane and the Big Show. They all helped Team WWF win the match last night. And I have one more problem … Austin.

Mixed reception for the mention of the Rattlesnake.

VINCE McMAHON: Stone Cold Steve Austin is the WWF Champion, I’ve given him until the end of SMACKDOWN to show up and if he does, he will deserve his chance as well.

Boos in the arena for that announcement.

VINCE McMAHON: So I’ve made a decision. In three weeks time, we have a PPV that is currently titled WWF Vengeance. However, I have decided to change the name of the event. Instead, it will be called …

McMahon points to the titantron where a logo appears on the screen …



A small pop for this as a number of the crowd realise the implications of this name change. However, Vince continues to explain himself …

VINCE McMAHON: On that night, we will reach the conclusion of a tournament, a tournament that will begin on RAW and SMACKDOWN in the coming weeks, and at Undisputed, we will crown our first ever World Wrestling Federation Undisputed Champion.

The crowd pop for this and Vince beams with pride at his magnificent idea. However, Rock is still looking at him with a degree of mistrust.

VINCE McMAHON: Austin, if he comes back, will be in that tournament; so will Angle, so will Undertaker … and so will you, Rock.

Rock talks himself up to Vince off the microphone and points to the WCW Championship. Clearly, Rock believes that he is worthy of being the champion already but Vince isn’t buying it.

VINCE McMAHON: One night, one undisputed champion at the end of it. It’s brilliant, a first for the World Wrestling Federation and … Wait, what do you want, Linda?

Attention turns towards the stage and the wife of Vince McMahon, Linda. She is heading for the ring with papers in her hand and she is talking on the phone as she heads towards the ring. She looks grim as she walks but she nods her head and hangs up the phone. She gets into the ring and takes a microphone.

LINDA McMAHON: Vince, I tried to stop you backstage but you wouldn’t listen for one minute. I need to talk to you about something huge, something important – and it concerns the WWF Championship.

Vince looks confused as he looks to his wife.

VINCE McMAHON: Have you heard something from Austin? Was that him? Is he coming?

Linda shakes her head.

LINDA McMAHON: No, Vince, it doesn’t concern Austin. But you need to know this because it will affect this tournament that you’re planning. You see, a few weeks ago, the board of directors began negotiating with a major free agent to bring him in to the World Wrestling Federation. Last night, he signed the contract that had been offered to him on one condition; he got a shot at the WWF Championship at the Undisputed PPV. Now, I was just on the phone to him and he isn’t happy about this tournament but he accepts you’re unaware of his situation. So he has agreed that he will enter the tournament – but not until the night of the pay-per-view.

Vince looks stunned as he takes all this information in.

VINCE McMAHON: Who … what the hell are you doing negotiating with people without me? Don’t you know that I am the chairman of this company?

LINDA McMAHON: Vince, the board wanted to spice things up a bit. They wanted to make sure that after Survivor Series, there would be something big to look forward to. I tried to tell you before Vince, you wouldn’t listen.

Vince looks annoyed with these developments but he composes himself.

VINCE McMAHON: OK, I’ll enter him into the pay-per-view, no qualifying matches … Straight in. Who is it though?

Linda sighs and then points to the titantron …

LINDA McMAHON: This man, Vince.

The lights in the arena dim and the focus is on the ‘tron once more as we all await the identity of the man who will join the World Wrestling Federation in three weeks as a participant in the tournament for the WWF Undisputed Championship …


The crowd go wild as they realise who is coming to the World Wrestling Federation … but as the lights are brought up a little, we see Vince McMahon still in the ring looking angry at this development. What will this mean for the World Wrestling Federation? And what will it mean for the WWF Undisputed Championship at the upcoming WWF Undisputed PPV?

***** END OF SHOW *****
(c) World Wrestling Federation 2001




Tournament to determine the Undisputed WWF Champion will finish here!




PREVIEW | Thursday November 22, 2001 | New Orleans, LA

On RAW this past Monday, there was no sign or sound of the WWF Champion – where is Stone Cold Steve Austin? The man who led the Alliance into battle at Survivor Series, the man who was taken out by Kurt Angle and was pinned by The Rock to lose the match, has disappeared off the face of the earth since Sunday and nobody has heard from him. Vince McMahon says that Austin is welcome back in the World Wrestling Federation but he must show up before SMACKDOWN ends this week or else he will be stripped of the WWF Championship and fired. With Booker T desperate to find Austin in order to save his own job, it’s now or never for the Rattlesnake. But does he even want to return to the World Wrestling Federation?

After his announcement that the upcoming PPV, now named WWF Undisputed, would crown the WWF Undisputed Champion, WWF Chairman Vince McMahon has more information for us this evening. Tonight, Mr. McMahon is set to explain the qualifying matches for the PPV as well as addressing the situation regarding the return of the former dominant WCW superstar, Goldberg. After the WWF Board of Directors offered Goldberg a contract, Linda McMahon announced to her husband on RAW that Goldberg was coming – and was entitled to a shot at the WWF Championship at the next PPV. With Goldberg now guaranteed a spot in the PPV tournament, what will McMahon’s reaction be? After Goldberg did so much in the Monday Night Wars to destroy the WWF, can Vince McMahon forgive and forget? Two other men who will be potentially involved in the tournament at the Intercontinental Champion, Edge, and his challenger tonight, Test. Vince McMahon has personally scheduled an Intercontinental Championship match between them tonight – suggesting that it would have an impact on the tournament.

Four men who will definitely feature in the qualifying rounds for the tournament clash tonight in the main event of SMACKDOWN. Kurt Angle, the man who claims he single handedly saved the WWF, and Chris Jericho, the man who bravely attacked the Undertaker on RAW, team up to go against the “Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment”, The Rock and his partner, the Hardcore Champion, Rob Van Dam. After defending his title against both Matt and Jeff Hardy on RAW, RVD will be looking to prove that he belongs in the company of the likes of Rock, Angle and Jericho tonight.

Christian was a thorn in the WWF’s side after he defected to the Alliance during the Invasion – and only retains his job due to his status as European Champion. As punishment, he was forced on RAW to face the mammoth Big Show and lost convincingly. Furthermore, he will tonight face the Giant once more and this time puts his European Championship on the line. Can Christian somehow find a way to retain the title? Or will Big Show become the biggest European Champion in history?

When Mick Foley resigned from his position as WWF Commissioner, William Regal couldn’t believe his luck – right place, right time as he sucked up to Mr. McMahon. However, things turned sour quickly. McMahon offered Regal the role as Commissioner – if he won a match on SMACKDOWN. A Handicap Match. Against Undertaker. And Kane. Surely not even the sneaky Englishman can find a way to defeat both Brothers of Destruction at the same time?

- Vince McMahon to give us more information about the WWF Undisputed Championship tournament
- EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Christian (c) vs. Big Show
- Dudley Boys vs. Billy & Chuck
- X-Pac & Albert vs. Hardy Boys
- HANDIPCAP MATCH: William Regal vs. Undertaker & Kane
- Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho vs. The Rock & RVD​
Kudos on a great first RAW, GCB.

There was a great balance of wrestling and storyline progression throughout the show. I particularly enjoyed the effort you put into the Hardcore Championship match. And that main event! Wouldnt expect anything less from Rocky and Kurt Angle. I'm also happy to see you passed on the Kiss My Ass Club and just decided to make life tough for the remaining Alliance members.

Is there a potential alliance brewing between Chris Jericho and X-Factor? Or did each side just take advantage of the situation? Either way I'm happy you didn't go through with the "respectful" Chris Jericho we saw backstage. Y2J was just hitting his prime as a well rounded main event jackass back then.

Interesting choice to hold off on Stone Cold post Survivor Series. Very intrigued to see what your plan is for him and the WWF Championship leading up to the big Undisputed Pay-Per-View. Does he come back face, or angrier than ever? Also can't wait to see how Booker T plays into all of this. Regardless, SmackDown already looks good with what's confirmed.

Finally, the big announcement! I loved how you built this up. I literally read along in anticipation, making sure to scroll down only one line at time so I wouldn't accidentally catch a glimpse of who this free agent was. Bringing Goldberg into the mix a year and a half earlier is huge! It opens the door for all kinds if fantasy matchups we couldn't see in 2003 and 2004. And I have a feeling we may be getting one of those at Undisputed.

Keep up the good work my friend.
Kudos on a great first RAW, GCB.

Thanks man. Heard good things back here and elsewhere. Enjoyed writing it.

There was a great balance of wrestling and storyline progression throughout the show. I particularly enjoyed the effort you put into the Hardcore Championship match. And that main event! Wouldnt expect anything less from Rocky and Kurt Angle. I'm also happy to see you passed on the Kiss My Ass Club and just decided to make life tough for the remaining Alliance members.

Yeah, my plan is to use a summary form for the matches to save me from burnout - a little more detail in the main events. But I couldn't help but put more detail into the Hardcore Title match! RVD vs. Jeff Hardy from Invasion/Summerslam 2001 are two of my favourite ever matches so they heavily influenced me there. Add in Matthew and it made it even more fun. I also needed the detail for the story that is unfolding between Matt and Jeff. I thought the WWF/E got it wrong with this Matt/Jeff split and it bombed; they never got it right at all and we never saw a classic Matt vs. Jeff feud. I haven't decided if they're going to split or feud yet but this match needed to be done the way it was to sow some potential seeds after the mess at Survivor Series.

As for the "Kiss my Ass" club, I didn't get that at all. Vince's ego I reckon. Much more natural for him to cherry pick the best Alliance wrestlers and punish others like he is here.

Is there a potential alliance brewing between Chris Jericho and X-Factor? Or did each side just take advantage of the situation? Either way I'm happy you didn't go through with the "respectful" Chris Jericho we saw backstage. Y2J was just hitting his prime as a well rounded main event jackass back then.

I'll be honest, I didn't like the 2001/2002 Jericho heel. However, I did like the Jericho heel we saw in the late 2000's so I can get on board with a Y2J heel turn; I just need to do it differently. The problem in 2001/2002 was that he never got that huge win that he needed. Sure, he beat Rock/Austin at Vengeance, beat Rock at the Rumble and beat Austin at NQO, three big wins when you list them like that, but every one of them was controversial. I understand heels win dirty but all of his wins were downright chicken-shit and it hurt his credibility. As a smaller guy, Y2J needs credibility as a heel and needs to pick up big wins without the controversy sometimes - it also let Miz down in 2010, he needed controversy to beat Lawler FFS - to show that he's just a brilliant wrestler with an attitude problem. Best heel in football = Manchester United. Best heel in Baseball = Yankees. Best heel in F1 in the 2000's = Michael Schumacher. Why? Because they always f****** won! Heels need clean wins over big names sometimes IMO. Watch for this with Y2J as he turns.

As for X-Factor, no plans for an Alliance - just, as you say, taking advantage of the situation.

Interesting choice to hold off on Stone Cold post Survivor Series. Very intrigued to see what your plan is for him and the WWF Championship leading up to the big Undisputed Pay-Per-View. Does he come back face, or angrier than ever? Also can't wait to see how Booker T plays into all of this. Regardless, SmackDown already looks good with what's confirmed.

I've flip-flopped all over the place on Austin and face/heel/tweener; I've got a hazy plan of where it'll go over Rumble and No Way Out and I know a few of my WM matches but I've not planned it out. Trying not to limit myself so much this time. There are a lot of big names and not all of them can be main event so how you use them to keep them over is important. Will SCSA appear on SMACKDOWN though?

Finally, the big announcement! I loved how you built this up. I literally read along in anticipation, making sure to scroll down only one line at time so I wouldn't accidentally catch a glimpse of who this free agent was. Bringing Goldberg into the mix a year and a half earlier is huge! It opens the door for all kinds if fantasy matchups we couldn't see in 2003 and 2004. And I have a feeling we may be getting one of those at Undisputed.

The criticism of the "Invasion" angle was that the big WCW names weren't there; Goldberg was the biggest of them all. If he'd been there, the "Invasion" would have rocked big time without so much need for all the switching sides crap we saw. He's the elephant in the room when you combine WWF and WCW - so I wanted to get him brought in.

Keep up the good work my friend

Cheers again. GCB
Well GBC it's clear why you're regarded as one of, if not the, best writers in the section. Love the timeframe you've chosen to do and it looks like you've got some big plans! My thoughts on the show; firstly, I was glad you recapped what had happened and then had Vince come out and explain everything, laying down the verdict for the Alliance superstars, as it's hard for me to remember exactly how everything happened in real life back in 2001. I liked the exchange between The Rock and Angle, which is a match I'd happily see for the Undisputed WWF Championship.

I enjoyed the physicality and brutality of the Test/Edge and Jericho & X-Pac/Undertaker & Kane exchanges as well as the Hardcore Title Match - it all had a real Attitude Era feel. I look forward to a potential Jericho vs Undertaker feud as well as what you do with Hardy and RVD.

The main event was a great match but the aftermath was even better! What an announcement! I'm personally not a fan of Goldberg, so I hope he doesn't win the title but instead has a big time feud, maybe with Austin? But he was one of WCW's biggest stars and it throws a spanner into the works in terms of the Undisputed Title race. I'm hoping for Rock vs Angle.

It's hard for me to give you any tips, considering I've only just started, but I will give my thoughts and opinion on what you've done. You've already got me hooked, it was a great first show and you've really taken no time to capture the Attitude Era feel! I look forward to Smackdown, as well as the build to the Undisputed PPV, and I will no doubt be reading your shows to pick up tips for myself ;)

  • GCB, we have had fights. We have had feuds. We have had arguements but I'm going to be honest. Your the greatest booker that I've ever read. Even better then me. Which coming from me is rather hard. Now, I was really sad when you announced that your other booker was coming to an end but I'm happy that you have put it on here and you have got another booker in the mix. Good luck with this I'll be reading.
  • One of the problems I seem to have with this angle is at the end there was a shitload of wrestlers left over so it should be interesting how you handle it and how you do things. The way I see it you can either have a Brand Extention which is the hard way or you could have chosen to just take the easy way out and fire everyone.
  • Nice video package to start the show which highlights what happened at Survivor Series. It is in detail as well which is really nice to see. I like how you ended it with Jim Ross saying that the Alliance is No More. I think this was good because if anyone didn't see Survivor Series then they can see this.
  • I liked Vince McMahon starting the broadcast as it seems really, erm... fitting considering the main storyline is about him. I liked the whole stuff with Kurt and The Rock and that is a blockbuster match of Kurt Angle vs. The Rock. I expect Rock to win. Liked the rock bottom as it further builds to the match.
  • Suprised about the Test v. Scotty length for the match. It seemed like this took a good backstory with the whole attack and Test winning Scotty's match. I would have had a bit more back and forth. Great to see Test kicking out of the Worm as it looks quite good. Nice aftermath for the match too with Edge. I think a Edge v. Test feud is coming on for the Intercontinental Title.
  • I love how intimidating The Undertaker used to be. Chris Jericho got balls walking into the lockerroom. Ok, I'm going to give a prediction. I think that Chris Jericho will come out and turn heel tonight and then feud with Undertaker. Nice segment.
  • Nice match between Christian and The Big Show as it looks like it could set up a heated feud. When I saw that Show had been low blowed I thought Christian would win but Big Show impressive and hits a chokeslam. Good win for him. Big Show should be in line for a title match. I knew it. Oh and I loved how detail you wrote Christian in with things like "Clutching the belt"
  • I'm interested to see how things go with X Pac and Albert. That could be a good team if booked right. X Pac has alot of talent. Albert is a good sized monster. They could actually work well.
  • Hmm... not sure what is going to happen with Austin-Booker. As I read this, I had thoughts back to the Shopping incident. That was an amazing moment lol. Good job with this too. I see you havn't brought the Kiss my ass club yet.
  • Nice squash match from The Undertaker and X Pac. Did what it had to in making Undertaker look like a force of domination. Good job with this but now X Pac looks rather weak which isn't a good thing. Like how Undertaker has that vision of being World Champion. And Chris Jericho attacks The Undertaker! Yes! I knew that would happen. Glad that you have brought X Factor back, I don't think they were booked as well as they could have been. Not sure if they were just their in the right place at the right time or if there is a stable but is Chris Jericho, X Pac and Albert a heel stable now? I sence a 3 on 2 handicap match coming.
  • Well, welcome to Jazz who is the newest edition to the roster I suppose. Now because she is new I have a feeling she is going to take this match so might be good. It was actually an ok match up but to be fair back then the Womans matches were as good or sometimes better as some male matches. Rare you see that in the current day. Although she lost, Lita looked very good in the match which is nice to see. Competitive match. Good job so far GCB! Jazz v. Trish Stratus? I'll welcome that with open arms. I have a feeling that could be a good 10-15 minute womans match actually.
  • Nice segment with the Hardy Boyz. I like how the Hardy Boyz are going to go into this Hardcore Championship title match as single wrestlers. Like how you didn't just "forget" the tag team match too. Nice job bringing it into things.
  • Ok. Just going to make a prediction of the bat. I think Matt Hardy is going to cost Jeff the title just like Jeff cost Matt the tag titles leading to an RVD retain. ***Reads*** Ok that was an amazing match. Certainly fitting and worthy for a title match. Well I got two halfs of that predictions right with RVD winning the belt. Hmm.. A hardy heel turn? This is very interesting and it should be fun to see how it develops. Oh my, Nouration just ruined your show with that spam. Gah! Get the Y2J Factor to batter him. (Y2J Factor is Jericho, X Pac and Albert)
  • Regal v. The Brothers of destruction in a handicap match on Smackdown? Oh my, I got a feeling Chris Jericho will interfear. Be great if Jericho costs the Brothers the match and William Regal pins Taker lol. That would start his carrera off well in the WWF. Well the continuation...
  • Kurt Angle v. The Rock was a great match. My prediction from earlier was right and it looks like you had fun writing that match as it seems like you really got into it which is good to see. It was really competitive and a great match. Good job with your main event.
  • WWF Undisputed? That could be a great PPV. I've got Vengeance on DVD and I liked the tournament but this seems better. And oh my gosh, Goldberg? Goldberg is coming to the WWF? Not sure how I feel about that. I never actually liked Goldberg much so it should be great to see what you do with him.
  • Overall, it was a really good show and I am really looking forward to Smackdown, I like how much you developed your feuds. We have got a lot. Just from this show many feuds were made.
    = Undertaker/Kane v. X Pac/Y2J/Albert
    = Matt Hardy v. RVD
    = Booker T v. Steve Austin
    = Goldberg v. The Rock (?)

Great show. I'll give it a 4/5

Thursday November 22, 2001 | New Orleans, LA

SMACKDOWN opens with a shot of a worried looking Booker T walking through the parking lot backstage – in the corner of the screen, a graphic states ‘EARLIER TONIGHT’ to show this is not live. He has a phone clutched against his ear as he walks towards the entrance to the arena and he is waiting for somebody to answer. He looks around, his eyes show that he is desperate for an answer, then he hangs up and looks annoyed. He mutters to himself before continuing on towards the door where a security guard is stood. Booker walks over to him …

BOOKER T: Yo dawg, have you seen Austin here tonight? Is he here?

The security guard looks shocked that Booker is speaking to him at first but then he shakes his head; he hasn’t seen Stone Cold Steve Austin tonight. Booker looks frustrated and jabs at his cellphone again before putting it to his ear. There is a pause as he waits for the call to connect and then he stands there for a while waiting. Finally, Booker speaks.

BOOKER T: Listen, dawg, I need to speak wit’ you right away. This is important. I need to know if you’re coming here tonight. I need to know …

Booker pauses and looks up as a limosine pulls into the parking lot.

BOOKER T: … I just need to know, man. Call me.

Booker hangs up as the limo comes to a stop and the back door opens. Out gets the Chairman of the WWF, Vince McMahon, who smirks when he sees Booker T stood outside the door. Vince walks over and offers his hand to Booker who, nervously, shakes it. Vince laughs and then speaks to the former WCW Champion, 5 times of course, as he pats his shoulder.

VINCE McMAHON: Only a few hours left, Book. I hope you’ve contacted Austin or else …

Booker looks agitated as McMahon rearranges his expression …

VINCE McMAHON: You’re fffffiiiiiirrrrrrrreeddddd!

Vince McMahon walks past Booker and into the arena as the camera focuses on the worried face of Booker once more. He looks disgruntled before he returns his attention to the phone and walks off pressing buttons as SMACKDOWN opens with its credits.


As the cameras pan around the SMACKDOWN arena, the pyro, blue and white, explodes around the arena and the fans hold up their signs in excitement. “BYE BYE ALLIANCE!”, “STEPH IS A HO!” and “AUSTIN … YOU’RE FIRED!” are just a few of the signs that the camera flashes on as it moves around. On commentary, Michael Cole welcomes us to the show and then introduces his commentary partner, the man who has also joined JR on RAW, Tazz. The pair of them recap Booker T’s problem here tonight – to save his job in this company, Booker T must ensure that Stone Cold Steve Austin, the WWF Champion and former leader of the WCW/ECW Alliance, arrives here tonight. Tazz says it seems as if Booker is struggling right now. Cole moves on to remind us all of the RAW ending last week and the news that former WCW Champion Goldberg is heading for the World Wrestling Federation as well – at the WWF Undisputed PPV where a tournament to crown the WWF’s Undisputed Champion will conclude. He says we will hear more on the tournament later from the WWF Chairman, Vince McMahon.


The arena erupts into boos as the former WWF and Alliance Commissioner heads out looking very, very concerned with what is about to transpire here on SMACKDOWN. As he walks towards the ring, Regal keeps pausing and shaking his head, he is worried – and with good reason. As Tazz delights in informing us, Regal tonight has the chance to become the WWF Commissioner here tonight – a job that Mick Foley resigned from this past Monday – but only if he can defeat both the Undertaker and Kane in a Handicap match. As Regal enters the ring, Cole suggests that we will be searching for a Commissioner still after tonight’s show but Regal may also be searching for a job.

*** KANE ***

As Kane’s eerie instrumental music echoes around the arena, darkness falls apart from the red glow of the titantron. The shadow of the monstrous Kane appears on the stage and heads towards the ring which is also bathed in red light. In the ring, the worried face of Regal is shown on camera as he watches Kane, who looks amused, head for the ring. The masked monster stops at the foot of the ramp and raises his arms … BOOM! A huge red explosion in all four corners of the ring before the music changes …


The crowd pop as Undertaker, the American Badass, comes powering out of the backstage area on his motorbike. Stopping on the stage, Undertaker pounds his chest in salute for the crowd here tonight before roaring his way down to the ring and guiding the bike around the ring. As ‘Taker stops the bike at the foot of the ramp, he nods his head at the Big Red Monster, Kane, before the pair of them climb into the ring. Regal scarpers quickly to seek solace outside the ring, he looks up at the Brothers of Destruction in the ring and size of the task becomes even more unenviable than it already was. The referee demands that Regal get in the ring but he shakes his head, he isn’t ready yet, to the annoyance of the official. Kane steps over the top rope to fetch Regal but he backs off; Undertaker appears behind him and Regal is trapped in a horrible place. Kane and Taker grab Regal by his neck and roll him into the ring, they follow and the referee signals for a bell.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *

(if Regal wins, he becomes the new WWF Commissioner)


As the bell rings, the Brothers of Destruction stand together and face Regal as he slowly stands up, a look of terror in his eyes, he knows he is in big trouble here tonight. Regal holds his hands up to try and halt their progress towards him, he is pleading with them, but it appears to be ineffective. Suddenly, Taker, bored of waiting it seems, strikes with a hard right hand that staggers Regal back as Kane watches on. Taker is laying it into Regal as he covers up in terror, Cole and Tazz say that Taker is taking out his frustrations from RAW (when he was attacked by Jericho and X-Factor) on the former Commissioner here. Bad news for Regal. Kane stands back in the corner as Taker drags Regal up to his feet but, to his credit, Regal attempts to fight back with some European uppercuts that catch Taker off guard for a moment. However, on the third one, Taker no sells it and resumes his beatdown of Regal by hitting a standing big boot that takes Regal down to the mat.

The crowd are enjoying seeing Regal get the punishment that he deserves here and cheer on Taker as he advances towards him. However, Regal again rolls out of the ring and seems intent on getting counted out as he backs away up the ramp towards the stage …


Regal looks in shock at the Chairman as he strides out to a mixed reaction behind him. McMahon is carrying a microphone as he heads towards Regal and then he holds his hand up to signal for the music to be faded. Regal has stopped in his tracks as McMahon prepares to speak to him; the referee has reached 7 … 8 …

VINCE McMAHON: Hold it referee, do not ring that bell yet. I believe that Mr. Regal is coming back to the ring.

The crowd cheer, they want Regal back in the ring with Undertaker and Kane who are watching on.

VINCE McMAHON: William, you will return to the ring right away. If you somehow find a way to win, you’re the new World Wrestling Federation Commissioner …

The crowd jeer this comment, they don’t want to see that happen.

VINCE McMAHON: But if you get back in that ring, lose like a man, I won’t fire you. It’s your call.

McMahon heads towards the ring and looks up at the referee as he does.

VINCE McMAHON: Start the count, referee!

As Regal looks on in shock, the crowd begin chanting along with the referee’s count. For the first 5, Regal is frozen but he gets his mind back as the crowd near 10. He begins to head back to the ring, he could at least save his job if he took it like a man here, is he going to make it?



He slides under the rope just in time!

Undertaker waves over to Kane and the Big Red Monster takes his turn. He grabs Regal by the throat and stares into his eyes with a fire burning in them. Regal is desperately trying to escape it but it appears Kane has it locked in here. He lifts Regal, here he goes with the Choke Slam … No! Regal counters and stuns Kane with a couple of uppercuts before a kick to the side of the head knocks him down. Regal, for a second, looks pleased with himself but then he slowly turns and looks at Taker who is stood looking down at him. You can see Regal’s face drop and Undertaker smirks; CHOKE SLAM! UNDERTAKER LIFTS REGAL UP HIGH AND CRASHES HIM DOWN BY THE THROAT! Taker drops to his knees to make the cover …


Undertaker drags Regal’s head off the mat!

The crowd love it and they cheer for the extra time that Regal will now be punished. Taker mocks a shocked look on his face at Regal’s “kickout” and stands up with his hands on his head. As Regal staggers back to his feet, Taker waits for him – and then spins him round into the path of Kane who scoops him up …TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! KANE DROPS REGAL ON HIS HEAD! The two Brothers stand looking down on Regal for a moment before Taker decides to inflict more pain. He drags Regal up as well and lifts him up onto his shoulders … LAST RIDE! REGAL CRASHES DOWN HARD ONTO THE MAT, LAST RIDE FROM TAKER!


(via PINFALL at 05:04)

(William Regal fails to become the WWF Commissioner)

The Brothers of Destruction celebrate their victory in their usual, understated style as Regal is helped out of the ring by medics after being hit with a Choke Slam, a Tombstone and a Last Ride. However, he will be able to console himself, when he comes round points out Tazz, with the fact that he still has a job as a wrestler in the WWF. Undertaker and Kane exit the ring near the announce table where the Chairman, Vince McMahon, remains standing after he watched the end of that match. Taker walks right up to McMahon, who does his best to not show he is intimidated, and demands that he gets hold of Chris Jericho soon. McMahon doesn’t respond but he watches the Brothers of Destruction exit the ringside area before he turns and speaks to Michael Cole. Cole informs us that after the break, we will hear more from McMahon about the upcoming WWF Undisputed PPV and the tournament that will crown an Undisputed WWF Champion!


SMACKDOWN returns with the WWF Chairman still stood with his microphone – but now he is in the centre of the ring. McMahon’s face is shown as a close up as the crowd give him a very mixed reaction; he is a hero with some for his work with the WWF in defeating the Alliance but some of his words on RAW this past Monday didn’t go down well it seems. McMahon appears jovial though as he begins to speak out.

VINCE McMAHON: Y’know, it gives me great pleasure to say this – just like I did on RAW … Welcome to World Wrestling Federation SMACKDOWN!

Cheers ring around the arena as Vince emphasises the WWF’s win over the Alliance this past Sunday.

VINCE McMAHON: And what a couple of days we have had here in the WWF since the demise of the Alliance. We’ve had former WCW and ECW guys begging for their jobs, we’ve had an amazing RAW and we had a huge announcement at the end of Monday’s show, from myself, regarding the crowning of the Undisputed WWF Champion at the next PPV which has been renamed – WWF Undisputed!

More cheers for these comments, the crowd appear happy with this decision.

VINCE McMAHON: All week I’ve had WWF Superstars and fans asking me one question though – who is going to be in the tournament? How will it work? Tonight, I have some answers for you – especially now I know about everybody on the roster that can compete in the tournament.

A snidy aside there from Vince who is clearly referring to the news that Goldberg will be debuting in the WWF at the PPV as part of the tournament.

VINCE McMAHON: Now, on the night of the PPV, there will be four Quarter Final matches, two Semi Final matches and the main event will feature the two finalists battling it out to be named the Undisputed Champion. That means we need eight men for the PPV and, as you will all now be aware, we already know the identity of one of those men.

A huge cheer in the arena followed by a “Goldberg! Goldberg!” chant which seems to infuriate Vince.

VINCE McMAHON: Yes, Goldberg. Whilst you may be looking forward to that, I will be damned if anybody who played such a vital role in trying to secure the demise of this company walks in, debuts and wins the title on their first night. As per his contract, I will allow Goldberg to debut in the Quarter Finals and be given a shot at the title and, in the interests of fairness, there will be no interference from myself. However, I will ensure one thing – the seven very best WWF superstars will also be at the PPV and I will be expecting them to destroy Goldberg and deny him the title.

Boos for this comment.

VINCE McMAHON: So, who exactly will be trying to stop Goldberg? Over the coming weeks on SMACKDOWN and on RAW, we will have a series of qualifying matches. For anybody who was on Team WWF at Survivor Series or is a current singles champion here in the WWF, they will face just one match to qualify for the PPV. However, tonight, we will see which champions truly deserve that honour – we’ll see Christian defend the European Championship against the Big Show …

Cheers echo around the arena, the people of New Orleans want to see Christian lose that title.

VINCE McMAHON: … and the Intercontinental Championship will be on the line when Edge defends against Test here tonight as well.

Excitement in the arena at the thought of two big title matches here tonight on SMACKDOWN.

VINCE McMAHON: In addition to the Team WWF members and the current champions, there will also be a place for Kurt Angle at this stage of the tournament as a reward for his actions on Sunday night.

Boos for this comment, the WWF Universe are not convinced that Angle deserves that.

VINCE McMAHON: We’re also waiting on the arrival of the WWF Champion …

More cheers for the impending arrival of Austin …

VINCE McMAHON: Now, I gave Austin until the end of tonight’s show to return to the World Wrestling Federation. And I promise you, if he does return, I will not make things easy for him after his actions over the past few months. However, if he returns, he returns as the WWF Champion and that will mean that he will get his chance in the tournament as well.

In the arena, a noticeable “Austin!” chant breaks out; but will the Rattlesnake show up here tonight?

VINCE McMAHON: The tournament will officially kick off on RAW this coming Monday evening. This Monday, eight men will meet with the chance to secure the four remaining spots in the tournament and a chance to qualify for the PPV. So, this Monday, we will see …

The crowd listen carefully to the coming announcement …

VINCE McMAHON: Matt Hardy up against Booker T – if Booker brings back Austin tonight of course!

A mixed reaction to that one; Booker is unpopular but there is a swaying opinion of dislike for Matt Hardy right now.

VINCE McMAHON: Speaking of the Hardy Boys, Jeff Hardy will face William Regal.

Pop for this, the crowd would like to see Jeff in the tournament.

VINCE McMAHON: This Monday night, the high flying Rey Mysterio will debut here on RAW – he will face a qualifying match against D … D … P!

Good reception for the upcoming arrival of Mysterio, the former WCW star.

VINCE McMAHON: And finally, Test or Edge, depending on who loses tonight, will face …

McMahon pauses for a moment and builds some tension …

VINCE McMAHON: … the returning … TRIPLE H!

There is an explosion of noise in the arena! Triple H, the man who has been out of action for over seven months, returns this Monday night and will face Test or Edge with the chance to qualify for a shot at the Undisputed WWF Championship!

VINCE McMAHON: Don’t miss RAW this Monday!

“No Chance in Hell” resumes and McMahon hands the microphone back over to the ringside area as he basks in the glory of the matches and tournament that he is creating. Four matches on RAW this week to start the qualification for the Undisputed WWF Championship tournament – Matt Hardy vs. Booker T (maybe); Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal; Rey Mysterio vs. DDP; and Triple H returns against Edge or Test! As McMahon exits the ring, the talk between Cole and Tazz is all about the tournament as SMACKDOWN switches backstage where Rob Van Dam is standing waiting in the interview pit with Lilian Garcia. Lilian asks RVD for his thoughts about the upcoming tournament, his chances and his feelings about the news we heard on RAW that Goldberg would be entering as well.

ROB VAN DAM: You know, Lilian, I’m not going to stand here and worry about whether Goldberg will be in the tournament. Just to qualify for the WWF Undisputed PPV tournament will be hard enough let alone winning it. But I’m Mr. Monday Nights, I am the WWF Hardcore Champion – and I’m confident that I can win in two weeks time. I might have to defeat Goldberg. I might have to defeat Rock. Triple H. Kurt Angle. Big Show. Kane. Undertaker. Maybe even Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Another pop in the arena for the mention of Austin’s name.

ROB VAN DAM: To defeat just one of those men is a difficult ask but to defeat three of those men in one night is nigh on impossible. I’m going to go out there, do everything I can to qualify for the PPV and then give 110% to become the Undisputed WWF Champion. And if I do, that’ll be sweet. But if I don’t …

RVD readjusts the Hardcore Championship over his shoulder.

ROB VAN DAM: I’ll still be the Hardcore Champion …

RVD raises his hands up around his shoulders …

ROB VAN DAM: … And I’ll still be … R … V … D!

The crowd chant along with RVD as SMACKDOWN heads off into another commercial with Cole announcing that next up we will see the first of two title matches tonight – Christian will defend the European Championship against Big Show! Next!



SMACKDOWN returns with Michael Cole and Tazz discussing the news from before the break; a replay of the announcement of the four Round 1 qualifying matches for the WWF Undisputed Championship – from Vince McMahon – is shown:



Booker T vs. Matt Hardy
(if Booker T delivers Stone Cold back to the WWF tonight)

Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal

DDP vs. Rey Mysterio

Edge or Test vs. Triple H
(whichever is not Intercontinental Champion after tonight)

The discussion on the announce table is interrupted though by the music of the European Champion, Christian.




The European Champion strides out onto the stage patting his European Championship belt that is strapped around his waist but, for tonight, it appears that his usual cockiness has deserted him. He walks towards the ring with a look of concern in his eyes as a replay of Monday Night RAW is shown when Christian was defeated by the Big Show …




Frustrated, Christian grabs a steel chair and re-enters the ring with the referee waving his arms in protest. Show is getting back to his feet now and Christian shoves the referee aside and lines up a chair shot that there is no need for. As Christian sets to swing, the referee continues his protests but there is no stopping Christian … or is there? Show suddenly grabs Christian around the throat again and yells out as the chair falls out of the European Champion’s hand. CHOKE SLAM! BIG SHOW FINALLY HITS THE CHOKE SLAM ON CHRISTIAN!


(via PINFALL at 07:37)


As “Big” restarts around the arena, Show salutes the crowd who cheer his victory. He is gingerly raising his right arm in victory but it is clear that Christian hurt him with attack that he targeted the arm with. The cameras suddenly switch to the stage where we see the WWF Chairman, Vince McMahon, walking out grinning with a microphone in his hand. He signals for the music to be faded before speaking. Vince announces that he is pleased with Big Show’s efforts tonight, he says he will be rewarded on SMACKDOWN this Thursday. Show looks interested but Vince turns his attention to Christian who he accuses of trying to run the WWF out of business after the WWF gave him his big break in the first place. Vince tells Christian that whilst Show is to be rewarded, his punishment has only just begun. This Thursday, on SMACKDOWN, Christian will defend the European Championship … against the Big Show! The crowd love this idea and Show raises his eyebrows in acknowledgement. However, Christian’s reaction is close to a tantrum, he kicks the ropes in fury over this. But there is nothing that he can do about it. Show signals that he will soon be the WWF European Champion and Christian, clutching the belt, looks incredibly worried about the situation he has found himself in this Thursday.

Christian is in the ring and watching the titantron as the replay ends and he shakes his head, the concern on his face is clear now, but he steels himself and looks determined as he walks to the corner. He stares out at the audience who are giving him grief as Cole and Tazz recall the words of Vince McMahon last week – all champions will automatically be entered into the second Qualifying Round for the tournament. If Christian loses the title though, notes Tazz, will he get another chance to be in the tournament?



*** BIG SHOW ***

An altogether much more confident Big Show heads out and he is smiling at the crowd as he makes his way towards the ring. He slaps hands with some of the younger members of the crowd and then looks up at Christian who is stood in the ring watching him, he smirks and then points to the European Championship before signalling to his own waist. Christian shakes his head but doesn’t look convinced with himself as Show steps up the steel steps and over the top rope into the ring in his black singlet. The referee takes the title belt of Christian away and holds it high for the world to see – European Championship is on the line!

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *




As the bell rings, Big Show, still smirking at Christian, advances towards the European Champion whilst he looks on warily. Christian backs off towards the corner but soon finds himself cornered in, he is forced to use his speed to escape and duck Show several times in the early stages. This continues for a while early, Christian finds ways to stay away from Show and even manages to launch a little offence when he dropkicks Show’s knees as he runs towards him. However, eventually, Show catches Christian to the delight of the fans and the beating begins. Show is dominant, similar to Monday Night RAW, Christian is unable to answer the power and strength of the 500 pound giant. Things seem really bleak for the European Champion when he is hit with the Sidewalk Slam, 500 pounds falling down on his side, and the referee counts a 2, almost a 3. Christian continues to try and scurry away but Show’s strength and power has slowed him down now and this is beginning to look easy for him as he seeks his first ever European Championship. However, the tide turns, a little, when Christian hits another drop kick to the knees of a running Show. He follows up with a missile dropkick from the top rope and as Show gets up, on his knees, Christian kicks him in the gut and DDT’s his big head down to the mat. He goes for a pinfall of his own …2! Christian’s determination is showing now and he goes to the top rope once more – another missile dropkick? No. Christian instead leaps, wraps his legs round Show’s neck and looks for the Hurricanrana! Big mistake! Show catches him, adjusts him a little and then powerbombs the champion down to the mat. Before Show can make the pinfall, Christian follows his championship instincts and rolls out of the ring but he is struggling now as the referee makes the count. Show is making his way out of the ring but the referee stops him and continues to count Christian out. Realising what is happening, Christian smirks as he grabs the title belt and makes his way back around the ring towards the ramp as the count reaches 4 …




(via COUNTOUT at 03:47)

(Christian retains the European Championship)

There is fury in the arena as Christian chickens out and makes his way, deliberately, away from the match and the defence of his title. Big Show is looking on with a look of anger too, he cannot believe he has been “cheated” out of the title here. The referee tries to explain to Show that he has no choice, he is following the rules but Show grabs the ref by the throat. Some of the crowd cheer, they think the referee was stupid to make the count in the first place, but just as he is about to hit a Chokeslam, a voice rings around the arena.

???: Leave it, Show. Put the referee down.

All eyes turn to the titantron where Vince McMahon is standing looking into the camera. Show puts the referee down. Vince continues …

VINCE McMAHON: Gentlemen, I promised the world a European Championship match tonight and, damnit, I meant it. Christian, you are not getting away with your actions over the last few months that easily …

Cheers from the crowd for that comment from the boss.

VINCE McMAHON: You have 10 seconds to get back to that ring, this match is going to restart. And Christian, if you lose via countout, you will lose the European Championship. Ring the bell!

The crowd roar their approval as the referee signals for the bell and Show beckons to Christian to return …

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *






Show drops down on Christian as he slides into the ring and begins pounding away with heavy right hands to the champion. As Christian staggers away to the corner, Show follows in and smashes slap after slap after slap onto the chest of his opponent, the crowd are loving this. Christian is desperate to escape this punishment now and he decides to rake the eyes of Show which buys him a second or two. The referee isn’t impressed and he admonishes Christian for it; Christian mocks him and then steps forward! BAM! DELIBERATE LOW BLOW!

Show crumples to his knees as Christian’s right boot smashes him in the groin, the referee cannot believe the arrogance of Christian. He goes to signal for the bell but then stops himself and the crowd cheer as they realise the referee isn’t falling for this. The referee accuses Christian of deliberately trying to get himself disqualified to retain the title – and refuses to fall for it! Christian goes wild at the ref and kicks the ropes in anger. The referee isn’t going to be played though so Christian drops through the ropes and grabs a steel chair. He throws it into the ring and then follows it with a second one before getting into the ring himself. He picks up the chair and waits for Show to get to his feet … BAM! CHRISTIAN SMASHES SHOW IN THE SKULL! Again, the referee refuses to DQ Christian even though he dares him to. BAM! A SECOND CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD OF SHOW! Down goes the giant, Christian looks pleased but still there is no bell for a DQ. Christian lifts Show’s head as he looks up at the rafters, he places the folded chair underneath and then grabs the second chair and the crowd realise what Christian now has planned. He stands over Show and raises the chair … Con-chair-to coming up? No! The referee grabs the chair as Christian is preparing to smash Show once more in the skull and Christian spins round angrily. The referee isn’t strong enough to tug the chair away and Christian shoves him down to his backside instead. Once more, Christian lifts the chair and sets himself. He swings the chair down …

… BAM! HARD RIGHT HAND FROM SHOW TO THE CHAIR AND INTO CHRISTIAN’S FACE! The chair falls to the mat and both men get to their feet as quickly as they can. Show swings a hard right at the face of Christian but he ducks under it, hits the ropes and goes for a flying clothesline but Show catches Christian around the throat. The crowd cheer as Show sets himself … CHOKE SLAM! BIG SHOW WITH THE CHOKE SLAM! The referee gets off the mat and comes round to make the count …



How did Christian do that? The audience is stunned and, despite it being Christian, impressed with his guts. As Christian staggers to the corner, Show drags him back out and inverts a headlock before dropping his elbow over the European Champion instead. He squashes Christian to the floor and makes another cover, he clearly tells the referee to “Hurry the hell up this time!” as he comes to count it.



Show is getting frustrated now and he drags Christian up and locks in an Abdominal Stretch to try and wear him down. This works and Christian appears to be draining away now to the delight of the crowd. With Christian in deep trouble, Show releases him and then comes off the ropes into a huge Big Boot that crashes Christian down to the mat again. The crowd are right behind Show as he destroys Christian here, the European Champion’s title reign is now in severe jeaopardy. Show pulls down the strap on his singlet and roars out – here comes the Knockout Punch! Show waits and waits as Christian struggles up, pulling on the ropes, until the right moment. He swings … and misses. Christian ducks the right hand and then hits a running knee into the back of Show that staggers him hard into the turnbuckles. Christian grabs the chair once more and begins smashing it over and over into the back of Show. The referee again refuses to DQ Christian but the chair shots are making things a hell of a lot easier for the champion here; Show is dazed … IMPALER! CHRISTIAN DRIVES SHOW DOWN TO THE MAT! Sensing a chance, Christian hooks the leg of Show …


(via PINFALL at 07:38)

(Still European Champion)

Christian quickly grabs the European Championship and escapes the ring still the champion despite the struggles right there. Show looks livid as he comes around, he cannot believe what just happened there. However, this time, there is no reprieve from Vince McMahon and the result stands. Christian smiles on the stage as he looks down towards Show in the ring and lifts his European Championship high. An impressive win, of sorts, for Christian who will now take his spot in the Undisputed WWF Championship tournament.


SMACKDOWN returns with Lilian Garcia backstage in the interview area once more; this time, she is standing with the Olympic gold medal winner – Kurt Angle. As Angle comes into view, Lilian waits for the boos to subside before asking him about his chances in the upcoming tournament considering he just lost, this past Monday, to one of the favourites to win the tournament in two weeks time, WCW Champion, The Rock. Angle reacts angrily to the line of questioning though.

KURT ANGLE: Do you know who you’re talking to, Lilian?

The blonde interviewer is taken aback as she affirms that she does indeed know. However, Angle continues on disrespecting her.

KURT ANGLE: You come over here to ask me these idiotic questions when what you should be asking me is what celebration am I planning for when I defeat the whole WWF roster to become the champion at Undisputed. Give me the microphone …

Angle, a little out of character, roughly grabs the microphone from Lilian and turns to face the camera.

KURT ANGLE: You see, I don’t care whether it is the World Wrestling Federation, World Championship Wrestling or that shambles known as Extreme Championship Wrestling, the fact is this – there is only one man who has won the Olympic gold medal and then gone on to be the WWF Champion in the speed that I have. Nobody in the locker room today has won the Olympic gold medal. Nobody in the locker room today won the WWF Championship within a year of their debut in the business.

Jeers from the crowd for the same old rhetoric from Angle …

KURT ANGLE: Jeer all you want, New Orleans, but you know it’s true … It’s damn true!

A loud “Angle sucks!” chant begins in the arena and it is clearly audible backstage as well. Angle smirks to himself.

KURT ANGLE: But people disrespecting me is nothing new around here. Just like Lilian Garcia here disrespects me with her questions, all of you people disrespect me week in and week out. When I arrived in the World Wrestling Federation at Survivor Series 1999, an Olympic gold medal winner, you booed me and chanted “Boring!” … When I won the WWF Championship a year after my debut, then defended it successfully at Survivor Series 2000, you accused me of being lucky …At Survivor Series this year, I put myself in jeopardy to screw WCW and ensure the World Wrestling Federation survives – and you want Rock to be the champion?

Boos for Angle and cheers for the idea of Rock as Undisputed WWF Champion. Another chant begins – “Rocky! Rocky!”

KURT ANGLE: In two weeks time, at the WWF UNDISPUTED PPV, I guarantee that I will be in the tournament and I will walk out of San Diego as the Undisputed WWF Champion. You see, what you people need to realise is, I’m not running my mouth and making promises that I cannot keep. I’m not like Aaron Brooks calling the shots for the New Orleans Saints …

The crowd boo as Angle launches into his trademark insult towards the hometown sports team.

KURT ANGLE: … This isn’t the “Aints” chasing a place in their hometown Superbowl this February, no way. When Kurt Angle sets his sights on something, he achieves it.

The jeers and boos intensify.

KURT ANGLE: And unlike the “Aints” and their Superbowl dreams, I won’t let anything get in my way. Not The Rock.

Cheers for the mention of Rocky once more …

KURT ANGLE: If he has the guts to show up here tonight, not Stone Cold Steve Austin!

More cheers for the mention of Austin who it seems the crowd desperately want to see …

KURT ANGLE: And certainly not Goldberg!

Cheers for the mention of the soon to debut Goldberg as well.

KURT ANGLE: I am going to be the first ever Undisputed WWF Champion. Oh, it’s true …

More boos and jeers for Angle as he makes his vow.


Angle stares at the camera with an intense look in his eyes before the camera switches back to the ring where Cole and Tazz remind us that tonight, RVD and Rock team up to face the team of Angle and Jericho with all four men expected to be in the WWF UNDISPUTED tournament in two weeks time. Attention switches to the stage area though as red pyro explodes on the stage and signals the arrival of the WWF Tag Team Champions …


A negative reception for the arrival of the Tag Team Champions who are led out by the beautiful, leggy Miss Keibler who is wearing matching Dudley attire; including the glasses. D’Von has his title strapped around his waist whereas Bubba Ray is carrying his in his hands and they slide into the ring and taunt the crowd by holding their titles high. Replays of Survivor Series are shown and we see, as Cole and Tazz discuss, the moment when Jeff Hardy leapt off the top of the steel cage and crashed through a table – and cost the Hardys the titles. With the Dudleys’ jobs saved as a result of this, they appear to be confident that they will be successful again here tonight as they face off against a relatively new tag team here in the World Wrestling Federation …


As Billy Gunn and his new partner, former WCW star Chuck Palumbo, head out in matching red tights, Cole and Tazz hype their recent combination and say that they appear to be forming a pretty impressive team here. Tazz suggests that Billy’s experience in the WWF Tag Team division – he is the former eight time Tag Team Champion along with Bart Gunn or Road Dogg – should mix well with Chuck Palumbo’s experiences in the WCW tag team division where he held the WCW Tag Team Championships four times with Shawn Stasiak or Sean O’Haire. He suggests that it would not be a surprise to see Billy and Chuck, with more experience working together, win the Tag Team Championships.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


The crowd are behind Billy and Chuck in this match as they came out of the “Invasion” angle as the babyfaces whereas the Dudley Boys tried to end the WWF instead. In the early stages, the match is even and there are many examples of the newly formed tag team of Billy and Chuck working well as a team. Indeed, they come pretty close to victory on one occasion as Billy, after a hot tag from Chuck, takes down both Dudleys, sends D’Von crashing over the top rope with a clothesline and then, as Bubba Ray gets to his feet, he hits the FAME ASSER! However, D’von just recovers in time and drags the referee out of the ring to deny Billy and Chuck what would be a huge win for them over the champions. Instead, the match swings towards the Dudleys although there is a strange occurrence later on in the match when Stacy Keibler, looking for a distraction, lifts her tight skirt a little higher on her long legs and wriggles her ass at Chuck – however, he isn’t distracted by it. Stacy looks on in disbelief as Chuck returns to the ring and continues to fight – she clearly isn’t used to not getting male attention! In the end though, the Dudleys strike with a perfectly timed 3D DUDLEY DEATH DROP to Chuck, having taken out Billy moments before with WHASSUP, and Bubba picks up the victory …


(via PINFALL at 05:45)


Disappointed, Billy and Chuck fade away back up the ramp as the Dudleys celebrate another win in the ring with Stacy Keibler applauding them. However, she continues to look affronted by Chuck’s ignorance of her; Cole picks up on this and suggests she should listen to the reaction of the crowd when she did it – that’d reassure her. Bubba Ray, drags the Tag Team Championship belts from the referee and the three of them stare at him until he leaves. Stacy hands Bubba a microphone; he wishes to speak …

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: Tonight, the Dudley Boys stand before you the Tag Team Champions for the seventeenth time.

D’Von laughs and applauds this comment from his brother, as does the “Duchess of Dudleyville”, the lovely Stacy.

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: You see, we told you all that come what may, we would be here tonight. Be that as WWF Tag Team Champions or as WCW Tag Team Champions, we were always going to beat those two pretty boy punks Matt and Jeff to unify the titles.

D’Von clearly shouts out “Testify!” as he listens to Bubba.

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: We told you all that the Dudleys were not going to lose – and you all doubted us. But we have proved it to you again and again and again. Tell ‘em, D’Von!

The microphone is handed over to D’Von who speaks as well.

D’VON DUDLEY: Ohhh, testify my brother, testify! Every time we set foot in this ring, we tell you what is going to happen but you continue to be shocked when it does. We tell you all that there is nobody better than the Dudley Boys!

Bubba and Stacy nod their heads in agreement …

D’VON DUDLEY: We tell you all that there is nobody better than us in that ring, we tell you every single night, you don’t believe us.

D’Von shakes his head as the crowd give him grief.

D’VON DUDLEY: But now, we’re going to make believers of you all. Seventeen times we have held the Tag Team Championships here, in WCW, in ECW … And sixteen times, we’ve lost them. But not this time. This time, we’re going to hold on to these titles – we’re going to beat every team that dares to stand up to us. And when we reach WrestleMania 18 as the Tag Team Champions … we will have proved our words to be true. Oh, testify!

Stacy passes the microphone to Bubba once more, she is grinning with pride at being part of this.

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: And when we defend these titles at WrestleMania 18, the Dudley Boys will have proved to everybody that we are the greatest Tag Team Champions of all time. We will have proved once and for all that no other team are fit to lace our boots.

The crowd do not like the words of Bubba here, they’re clearly thinking of all the great Tag Teams, of which the Dudley Boys are one of, who they believe to be better.

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: We will make it to WrestleMania 18 as the Tag Team Champions, we will make believers of all of you – and when we have done it …

Dramatic pause here, something big is coming from Bubba here.

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: … When we win at WrestleMania 18, when we prove our words to be true, we will leave the World Wrestling Federation … forever!

Shock in the arena! The Dudley Boys are planning to leave the World Wrestling Federation?

D’VON DUDLEY: You see, we don’t believe that the WWF has the competition we need. We will prove that over the coming weeks and months and we will walk out of this company with the Tag Team Championships – and we will never come back. Nobody here can beat us!

The crowd are reacting negatively although many are in shock.

D’VON DUDLEY: To prove it, we are issuing an open challenge for this Monday night on RAW. Any Tag Team that think they can defeat us, step up to the plate. We will defend the titles against anybody. But let me assure you … we will win.

The microphone is passed back to Bubba.

BUBBA RAY DUDLEY: And when we win on RAW, when we win at WrestleMania 18, the whole world will know it …

Bubba Ray is snarling as he speaks …


Bubba pauses and looks out at the crowd with his face looking determined.



”We’re coming down!” restarts as the Dudleys, readjusting their titles as they leave, exit the ring with Stacy Keibler and head away up the ramp. Tazz and Michael Cole are in shock – the Dudley Boys are planning to leave after WrestleMania 18? Tazz says that whatever we think of their attitudes, they are one of the greatest Tag Teams that the world has ever seen. He is in complete shock. Cole announces that after the break, the Intercontinental Championship will be on the line – Edge defends against Test in a match that also has Undisputed WWF Championship tournament implications as well.





SMACKDOWN returns with Howard Finkel stood in the centre of the ring waiting to introduce the next match of the evening …

HOWARD FINKEL: This match is set for one fall and is for the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Championship!

A cheer from the crowd who are excited over this match here tonight.

*** TEST ***

The cheers of the crowd are replaced by jeers as the challenger for the Intercontinental Championship heads out ready to face the man who defeated him last Sunday at Survivor Series. As he strides down the ramp, Michael Cole and Tazz discuss Test losing the title unification match with Edge on Sunday which means that, due to the WWF winning the day, he is the Intercontinental Champion. Tazz also points out that this might have worked out well for Test; he went on to force his way into the Immunity Battle Royal instead which he won to ensure his job for the next twelve months. As Test enters the ring, he looks round at the crowd with a smirk, he looks confident here tonight and Cole says that he believes that Test could go on to have a big 2002 at the rate he is going.



*** EDGE ***

A big pop for the arrival of the trench coat wearing Intercontinental Champion, Edge. He comes out through the dry ice and plays up to the crowd who respond with big cheers before heading towards the ring. With the title strapped around his waist, Edge pauses as he approaches the ring and he pulls off the coat before sliding into the ring. Test attacks Edge as he slides under the rope and starts stomping away at him before he can lose his title belt or the sunglasses he is wearing. Boos ring out from the crowd as the referee tries to stop Test but he isn’t prepared to listen here. He shoves the referee away from the battle before continuing his beatdown of the Intercontinental Champion. Other officials spill out from backstage and between them, they are able to pull Test away from Edge. He is smirking and telling the referees to leave him alone whilst he threatens them – remember, he is untouchable, he cannot be fired. As Edge gets to his feet, he throws off the title belt and the glasses and beckons for the referee to start the match …

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *




EDGE (c) vs. TEST

Edge is irate and immediately rushes over at Test as soon as the bell rings … However, he is easily dodged by the challenger and he crashes shoulder first into the middle turnbuckle. As the Intercontinental Champion spins back round, Test hits the ropes and BAM! BIG BOOT! WITHIN SECONDS, TEST HITS THE BIG BOOT! This one could be over, have we got a new Intercontinental Champion?



The crowd pop for Edge surviving past the 15 second mark but things still look grim as Test stands over him laughing. For the next five minutes, Test is dominant and it is a case of how long that Edge can hold on rather than who will win the match? Test, methodically, uses his brute strength to target Edge’s lower back – hard forearms to the kidneys of Edge are one particular move that he uses very effectively. On two occasions, Test almost hits the Pumphandle Slam but Edge is able to counter both times and survive. The second time, Edge manages to counter into a DDT that buys himself some time. Both men are down and they slowly get back to their feet before a slugfest begins. This doesn’t appear to favour Edge but, somehow, he manages to stagger Test backwards. He then goes for a clothesline, Test ducks it, Edge hits the ropes and comes back with a spinning heel kick to the delight of the crowd as he finally gets into the contest. He goes for the pinfall, can he retain the title here?



As Test slowly gets back up, Edge hits the ropes again and rushes him with a double handed forearm smash that knocks Test down. He repeats this twice, three times, before springboarding off the ropes and hitting a diving crossbody that takes Test down once more. However, Test rolls through, impressively for a big man, he gets up with Edge in his arms … Scoop Slam! Test hooks the leg of the champion …



Fighting back from Edge’s mini-revival, Test pounds away at the back and shoulders of his opponent before mocking the crowd once more. He mocks Edge as well, beckoning him to get up, Edge gets up and Test hits him with a Sidewalk Slam before he heads to the corner of the ring. He climbs the ropes and the crowd rise in anticipation – Test stands on the turnbuckles and then dives off for a diving elbow … BAM! He misses! Edge rolls clear and gets to his feet quickly, was he playing possum there? He kicks Test in the gut as he gets up and looks to lock up for the Edge-o-cution DDT but Test spins his way out and shoves Edge face first into the turnbuckles. As Edge turns, Test hits him hard in the corner with a clothesline and then hits a swinging neckbreaker. Another pinfall attempt from Test …



It seems that every time Edge makes a comeback, Test cuts him off and it looks as if tonight will be his night. Test slams Edge down on the mat once more before retreating back to the corner where he smacks his thigh to signal for another Big Boot after the early one failed. The crowd try to warn Edge of the impending disaster but Test waits and waits … BIG BOOT! TEST HITS THE BIG BOOT FOR THE SECOND TIME TONIGHT! This is all over now, surely?



Test looks infuriated as he looks down on Edge who is still holding the bottom rope, he cannot believe it. He drags the prone Edge further into the centre of the ring and hooks the leg once more … New Intercontinental Champion?



Test slams his hands down over and over on the mat, he is angry with the referee’s count there. Test gets up and gets in the face of the referee who backs away into the corner fearfully. Approaching the referee, Test grabs the referee by the shirt and lifts him up in temper, the referee is kicking out wildly but Test has him tight. Suddenly, there is a commotion behind Test … Noticing, he tosses the referee down to the mat and he lands with a crash, Test turns around and … BAM! SUPERKICK FROM SCOTTY 2 HOTTY! The crowd cheer as Scotty 2 Hotty nails Test and gets an element of revenge for Test’s attacks on him last Sunday and Monday. As the crowd cheer, Scotty exits the ring and leaves Test down in the ring. The referee never saw what happened and he is in the corner slowly getting up from Test’s attack. Test is also getting up and he spins round … EDGE-O-CUTION DDT! EDGE CATCHES TEST WITH THE EDGE-O-CUTION DDT! The crowd are cheering as Edge hooks the leg …


(via PINFALL at 11:42)

(Still Intercontinental Champion)

Edge rolls away and out of the ring with a look of intense satisfaction on his face; he clutches the Intercontinental Championship to his chest as he retreats around the ring and back up the ramp. In the ring, Test is angry and he kicks at the ropes in a rage. He grabs the referee by the lapels of his shirt and forces him back into the corner which brings out a lot of boos from the crowd. Angrily, Test gets into the face of the official as other referees stream out from backstage again, however, as they reach the ring, Test turns round to meet them. Keeping hold of the ref who counted his shoulders down, Test warns the rest to stay back before he lifts him high … PUMPHANDLE SLAM! TEST HITS THE PUMPHANDLE SLAM ON THE REFEREE! The crowd jeer Test’s actions as Michael Cole and Tazz declare that Test is going to face punishment for that. But will he? He is immune from being fired so how can the World Wrestling Federation insist on a punishment? Test exits the ring looking angry still as Cole reminds us that as well as retaining the Intercontinental Championship, Edge is now also guaranteed his place in the Undisputed Championship qualifiers – whereas Test must face Triple H on RAW just to reach the qualifiers.
The cameras switch back to the backstage area where Lilian Garcia is stood waiting. She introduces Chris Jericho who looks pissed off about something as he waits. He stands there as Lilian asks Jericho for his thoughts on the impending tournament to crown the first ever WWF Undisputed Champion and the inclusion of Goldberg. Jericho rolls his eyes before he responds …

CHRIS JERICHO: Thank you for asking Vivienne, I don’t know where you come up with the ideas for questions, I really don’t. Every night, you astound me with how pointless and irrelevant they are. But let me tell you this, you’re right to ask about Goldberg. Goldberg. The man who took the old WCW by storm and walked over everybody until he was the dominant force in the wrestling industry. I know what everybody out there is thinking …

Jericho puts his finger up to highlight his points further …

CHRIS JERICHO: They’re thinking about the night that Goldberg debuts here in the World Wrestling Federation in two weeks time at Undisputed. They’re getting excited, they’re getting worked up, they’re ready to explode at the idea of Goldberg facing some of the best talent here in the WWF. Matches like Goldberg against … Stone Cold Steve Austin for example …

Jericho lets the idea settle and the crowd pop at the idea of Goldberg vs. Austin …

CHRIS JERICHO: What about Goldberg one on one with the Olympic gold medal winning … Kurt Angle?

Less of a pop for this but there is a good reaction; people like the idea of Goldberg destroying the Olympic champion.

CHRIS JERICHO: Goldberg against … The Rock?

Huge cheers for this, what a match that would be!

CHRIS JERICHO: There is even the chance of Goldberg going up against the Deadman, the Undertaker.

Positive reaction for Goldberg vs. Taker and Jericho smiles and nods his head in agreement.

CHRIS JERICHO: All great matches, I agree. However, there is one match that nobody is thinking about isn’t there? What about Goldberg, on his debut night in the World Wrestling Federation, against the Ayatollah … of ROCK N ROLLA! What about Goldberg against Chris Jericho?

The New Orleans crowd jeer Jericho for this idea and he smirks again.

CHRIS JERICHO: I know what you’re all thinking, you’re thinking that the only way Goldberg will be facing Jericho would be in the Quarter Finals where he would run over him on his way to becoming the Undisputed WWF Champion. Am I right?

The agreement from the crowd can be heard clearly and Jericho smiles again.

CHRIS JERICHO: However, I would like to point something out to all of you. In WCW, when I was the new guy in town, I had problems with Goldberg; I did everything I could to get under his skin and get a match with him. And how did he react? He ignored me. He blanked me. He believed that I was worthless, that I was not worthy of his time, he refused to face me in the ring. Why? Because even then he knew … He could not beat me. While all of you think Goldberg is going to come to the WWF and railroad his way through everybody, I have news for you. To do that, he will have to defeat me, Chris Jericho. And Goldberg …

Jericho looks directly into the camera now addressing the man who will soon debut in the WWF …

CHRIS JERICHO: Let me tell you, I am not the man you ignored in the WCW. I am the man who runs this joint. I am the man who has beaten The Rock not once, not twice but three times, I am the man who had the balls to go after the Undertaker and take him out this Monday night on RAW.

Jericho steps back and looks around – no sign of Taker. He smirks.

CHRIS JERICHO: Even the Undertaker himself knows that Chris Jericho is the man to beat around here now. I don’t care who I face at Undisputed, I don’t care about which three I have to face, even you Goldberg, I will be the first ever WWF Undisputed Champion … and the WWF will NEVER …

Jericho snatches the microphone from Lilian Garcia …


The crowd are chanting along with him but Jericho laughs to throw them off the chant …


Michael Cole and Tazz hype up the impending arrival of Goldberg in two weeks at Undisputed and whether or not he will face Jericho in the tournament. Tazz warns against underestimating Jericho who has been on a roll lately and says he is his darkhorse pick to win the tournament and be the first ever Undisputed Champion. As Jericho exits, looking round as he does, Cole says that Jericho looks nervous about the whereabouts of the Deadman – and coming next, the X-Factor, who accompanied Jericho on RAW when they beat down Taker and Kane, will face the Hardy Boys in a big tag team match as the Tag Team division hots up.


SMACKDOWN returns with a special edition of “FROM THE VAULT” as we take a look back at a Tag Team Championship match from May 2001 between the then Tag Team Champions – The “Two Man Power Trip” Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H – and their challengers, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit.

(Watch from about 11:00 onwards)

Michael Cole then explains that at the end of that emotionally charged match, Triple H was injured and has been out of action since that day but will return this Monday night on RAW when he enters the tournament to crown the Undisputed WWF Champion. Cole recaps the words of Vince McMahon from earlier in the night and informs us that it will be Test vs. Triple H on Monday when the Game returns from his injury hell. Cole then introduces a sit-down interview, conducted by RAW commentator Jim Ross, with Triple H ahead of his return on Monday.

Stamford, CT

As the taped interview begins, the SMACKDOWN crowd are silenced and we see a darkened room with a few dim lights – just enough to show that we have two leather couches, a table between them with jugs of water and two men – Jim Ross and “The Game” Triple H. Both men are looking relaxed despite the differences the pair of them have had during the past few years here in the World Wrestling Federation and JR begins the interview.

JIM ROSS: Ladies and Gentlemen, I wanna’ welcome back the four time WWF Champion, a man that I haven’t always seen eye-to-eye with during his career here in the WWF but a man who I do respect as a terrific in-ring worker: Triple H. Welcome back, sir.

The Game smiles and reaches across the table to offer JR a handshake …

TRIPLE H: Thank you, JR, that means a lot. Frankly, I know that during my time here in the WWF, I’ve acted like a bit of an ass- well, you know what. But in these past few months, I’ve had time to think about the type of person that I wanna’ be. I want it to be known, right here on record, that I apologise for any mistreatment of you that I may have caused or orchestrated.

JR smiles and shakes the hand of Hunter and immediately, we know that he is coming back as a good guy.

JIM ROSS: Well, seeing as you’ve brought it up, let’s get straight to the point in question. For the last six months, you’ve been out of action here in the World Wrestling Federation, out of the game some might say. Can you update us on your condition and your status?

TRIPLE H: My condition and status is very simple, JR. I’m ready to come back, I’m raring to go. If I wasn’t 100% ready, I wouldn’t be here to discuss my return. Fact is, I’ve been out of action for over six months, I’m back on Monday night on RAW – I’m told I’ll be facing Test or Edge in a pre-qualifying match for a shot at the qualifying round of the tournament to crown an Undisputed WWF Champion. And let me tell you something, JR, let me tell the whole world right now – I intend to come back and be the Undisputed WWF Champion.

JIM ROSS: And are you definitely 100% ready to go?

TRIPLE H: Sure thing, JR, 100%. Truth be told, I was ready to come back two or three weeks ago but I kinda’ had a conflict of interest going on, if you know what I mean. My wife was, err, trying to kill the company? (Triple H laughs to himself) Knowing that the whole Alliance and WWF thing was going to end, one way or another, at Survivor Series, I was happy just to wait a day or two. Either way, I’m pretty sure I had a job.

JIM ROSS: Can I ask your reaction to the actions of your wife, Stephanie, since you brought her up?

HHH chuckles to himself.

TRIPLE H: Really? JR, you don’t wanna’ know!

JIM ROSS: While you were away injured, Stephanie bought ECW and teamed up with Shane to try and take out the WWF. I can only imagine what you were thinking watching on TV.

TRIPLE H: JR, sometimes in life, particularly when you’re married, you just have to bite your lip and keep quiet. Let’s just say I’ve been biting my lip a lot more than usual recently. Will that do?

JR smirks and shares a knowing look with HHH before carrying on.

JIM ROSS: Back to the injury, you suffered a tear of your quadriceps muscle – an injury that threatens careers, an injury that has ended careers. Were you ever worried that your career was over?

TRIPLE H: The problem with an injury like the one I suffered is that, in the early stages, there is nothing you can do about it. All you can do is wait for the doctors and surgeons to tell you the severity of it and when you can start the recovery process. It’s an incredibly frustrating time and it gets you down, for sure. The worst time is the few weeks immediately after the injury, that’s when you can allow that thought of “Will I ever wrestle again?” get into your head – and once it is in your head, it’s difficult to remove that thought, you know?

JIM ROSS: How did you overcome it?

TRIPLE H: All you can do is focus yourself on the end goal. Focus on what you want to achieve when you get back, believe that you will get back.

Triple H looks pained as he thinks back to that stage of his recovery.

JIM ROSS: Did you watch RAW and SMACKDOWN? Were you watching the “Invasion” unfolding?

TRIPLE H: No. I’ve since learned how it all began, how it all unfolded but I wasn’t watching wrestling for a long time. It wasn’t until I started stepping up my recuperation and my physiotherapy to build up the leg once more. About the same time as I was hitting the gym, September 11th happened and I heard about the RAW show the following Monday. I had to watch, I felt duty bound as an employee of the WWF and as an American.

Triple H looks on thoughtfully.

TRIPLE H: That brought me back into watching the shows regularly. I started watching RAW and SMACKDOWN once more, I started thinking about how I wanted to return. September 11th made me think. When I saw Kurt Angle defeat Austin, finally, at Unforgiven, I realised that a lot of the things that I was standing for – the sneaky ways, the use of the authority – was just not right anymore. I saw Kurt beat Austin and I thought to myself that was what I wanted. I wanted to be the hero, the person that the WWF audience could look up to.

JIM ROSS: You mention Austin, people have been suggesting that there might be some bad blood between the two of you over the way he bad-mouthed you in the immediate aftermath of the injury. Your thoughts?

TRIPLE H: My thoughts on Austin? I didn’t see or hear what he said about me after my injury. I don’t care now. Right now, I see Austin in one way only – if he returns of course. I see him as one more guy that I will need to beat should I want to be the Undisputed WWF Champion in two weeks time. No more, no less. Whatever you think about Austin, one thing is absolutely certain about him; he is what he says he is – a tough S – O – B who doesn’t care what anybody else thinks. But there was a famous man who once said “To be the man, you gotta’ beat the man” and I know that if I want to come back and be the Undisputed Champion, then I gotta’ do just that.

JR nods his head in agreement before asking another question.

JIM ROSS: In the match when you were injured, Austin and yourself lost the Tag Team Championships to Jericho and Benoit, you managed to battle through to the end of the match despite wrestling for almost five minutes with the injury. Where did you find the mental strength to do that?

TRIPLE H: The pain I felt was excruciating – I felt like there was a bolt of pain shooting up and down my leg. However, I wanted to keep going – there was a title on the line after all. I made a mistake when I dropped the sledge hammer down on Austin but I gave it everything I had. I like to think though, looking back now, that I was showing the guts and desire that I will need to become the Undisputed Champion. In order to win that title, I will have to beat five men – two tough qualifying matches and then three even tougher matches at the pay-per-view. I know how tough it will be. I know what it will take. But I’ve been out for over six months, I am back and I am determined to be the champion once more. It’s been almost two years, JR – can you believe that? – since I held the WWF Championship. Two years.

JIM ROSS: That long?

Triple H nods his head.

TRIPLE H: Two years. But now I’m back. I’m back this Monday, JR, I have one intention and one intention only. The Undisputed Championship. This Monday, JR, the game begins again – and for every other member of the roster – Austin, Rock, Jericho, Goldberg, whoever – it will be “Game Over” …

There is an intense look on HHH’s face as he finishes; JR reaches over and shakes his hand once more.

JIM ROSS: Thank you for the time, Hunter. I guess we’ll see you this Monday on RAW …

TRIPLE H: You certainly will, JR.

As the taped interview ends, the cameras switch back to the live SMACKDOWN crowd in New Orleans and there is a positive reception in the arena for the interview that they just saw. There is a “Triple H!” chant as the crowd show their support for his return this Monday as Cole and Tazz hype it up; Triple H vs. Test live on RAW this Monday in a pre-qualifying match for the Undisputed WWF Championship tournament. Can Triple H qualify for the PPV on his return to the World Wrestling Federation?

Attention turns towards the stage as the music of the X-Factor hits …



*** X-FACTOR ***

Out come the newly reformed X-Factor; the speedy X-Pac and the brute force of Albert. As they head for the ring, Cole reminds us of their beatdown, alongside Chris Jericho, of Undertaker and Kane last Monday night after X-Pac’s request for Albert to reform the team. As they hit the ring, Tazz suggests that these two could dominate the Tag Team division but they better watch over their shoulder because Kane and the Undertaker will be out for revenge.

*** HARDY BOYS ***

The crowd get to their feet and welcome the arrival of one of the most popular tag teams in the World Wrestling Federation – the Hardy Boys. As they rush towards the ring, Lita following behind them, Cole speculates that the Hardys will have put their recent problems behind them. He refers to their Survivor Series match with the Dudleys – for the Undisputed Tag Team Championship – when Jeff leapt off the top of the steel cage and through a table in an attempt to defeat D’Von when Matt believed he could have just exited the cage instead. Tazz also mentions the Hardcore Championship match on RAW this week when both Hardys were involved in a Triple Threat match with RVD for the Hardcore Championship. Their skirmishes in the match are discussed as is the moment that Matt tried to pin Jeff – taking advantage of RVD’s “VanTerminator” move – but failed. Lita is clearly keeping the peace between them and is the factor that is pumping both men up here tonight.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


Typical tag team match as the Hardy Boys – desperate to prove they can still function well as a team – start out like a house on fire but then get derailed by the brute power of Albert instead. The big man takes out Jeff Hardy with a huge clothesline thanks to a distraction from X-Pac and then he proceeds, working with X-Pac as a team, to target Jeff and keep him away from his brother. The power and domination of Albert coupled with the speed and high flying moves of X-Pac mean that they are able to keep Jeff down and away from Matt for a long period. Lita encourages the Hardys until Jeff makes the hot tag to his brother at last and they come in and start taking down Albert and X-Pac over and over. With X-Pac as the legal man, Matt hits him with a kick to the guts and then locks him up in a facelock … TWIST OF FATE! MATT HARDY HITS X-PAC WITH THE TWIST OF FATE! However, as he is about to go for the pinfall, Jeff rushes into the ring and shoves Matt aside; he has seen Albert coming and he launches into him with a dropkick that knocks Albert down off the apron to the floor. Matt realises that Jeff has taken out Albert and he goes back to the cover of X-Pac …



Matt looks frustrated as he fails with the pinfall and he gets up with a questioning look at his brother and then his girlfriend, Lita. As Matt delays, Jeff reaches in and makes the tag to his brother before leaping over the top rope and into the ring on the run. He grabs X-Pac as he gets to his feet and whips him into the corner of the ring before running over at him and leaping into him with another jumping dropkick in the corner. As X-Pac falls to the mat, Jeff climbs to the top rope and prepares himself … SWANTON BOMB … ? NO! Albert pulls X-Pac away at the last second and Jeff crashes down onto the mat with his back as Matt comes through the ropes. He runs at Albert who takes him down with a big clothesline and the crowd wince as Lita holds her head. Matt rolls away as Albert grabs Jeff off the mat and lifts him up high … BALDO BOMB! ALBERT HITS JEFF HARDY WITH THE BALDO BOMB! The crowd boo as the referee orders Albert out of the ring but behind him, X-Pac slumps over Jeff and makes the cover …


(via PINFALL at 08:36)


Boos in the arena as X-Pac rolls away and celebrates with Albert outside the ring; a huge win for the X-Factor team who will clearly have Tag Team Championship intentions now that they are reformed and have a win over the former champions here tonight on SMACKDOWN. As the X-Factor exit up the stage, in the ring, Lita is again playing peacekeeper as the two Hardys argue with each other over the ending of the match. Tazz and Michael Cole discuss what might be causing the rift this time and notice that it appears to be Matt who has the issue; he can be heard saying “Why did you shove me aside like that?” to Jeff who protests about the threat of Albert. As SMACKDOWN heads into the final commercial of the evening, the Hardy Boys are definitely having a strain in their Tag Team relationship. Can they overcome their problems?


SMACKDOWN returns and we immediately head backstage where Lilian Garcia is stood in the interview pit; she introduces The Rock! The crowd pop big time for the man who they believe saved the World Wrestling Federation from extinction just four days previous at the Survivor Series PPV as he stands there with his shades on and the WCW Championship over his shoulder. Lilian begins to speak about the upcoming main event and Rock teaming tonight with RVD but he cuts her off, in typical Rock style, and moves in towards the microphone …


Huge pop from the crowd who are watching on the ‘tron in the arena and Lilian asks again about Rock’s thoughts about teaming up with RVD tonight just four days after RVD tried to put the WWF out of business. Rock considers himself for a moment before answering in his usual style …

THE ROCK: You know what, Lilian, The Rock is not worried about what RVD did four days ago. The Rock wants to tell the world a story tonight about a man, a man with a strange hairstyle and an even stranger outfit, a man who debuted in the World Wrestling Federation back at Survivor Series in 1996 – that man was a young buck named Rocky Maivia.

The crowd let off a nostalgic pop for the mention of The Rock in a former time …

THE ROCK: For months, that young jabroni drove the world insane – he smiled, he kissed the ass of the crowds here in the World Wrestling Federation, he was THE biggest suck up of all time and you know where that got him?

Rock looks to Lilian and she shrugs her shoulders.

THE ROCK: It got him universally hated and despised by the very people he was trying to suck up to. You see, Lilian, that young man that went on to become THE MOST ELECTRIFYING MAN IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT TODAY …

Another catchphrase, another pop …

THE ROCK: That man realised that the world hated Rocky Maivia and they couldn’t wait to see his candy ass destroyed so you know what he did? Do you know what he did, Lilian?

Another quizzical look from Rock to the interviewer …

THE ROCK: He went away, changed his outfit, changed his attitude and most importantly of all, and the Rock means the most important of all, he changed that ridiculous hair cut …

A pause from Rock as the audience chuckle …

THE ROCK: He changed everything and came back as The Rock – and he did everything he could to piss off the people watching at home and ringside.

Rock looks into the camera and gets a little serious …

THE ROCK: You see, The Rock knew he was getting booed out of the arena, he knew that the people didn’t care about him, didn’t give a rat’s ass about his goofy smiling (Rock changes his voice to a high pitched goofy one) “Everybody clap me, everybody love me!” ways … The Rock changed his ways and told the people that they sucked, told the people that he was joining the Nation of Domination and proceeded to lay the smack down on everybody here in the WWF.

Lilian looks up at Rock and smiles but he reacts shocked.

THE ROCK: Don’t you give the Rock that look, Lilian, it ain’t something that the Rock wants to see right now. You see, The Rock went on, Intercontinental Champion, brightest young star in the company, all of that until he joined the Corporation and became the WWF Champion, the youngest in history. The Rock blazed a trail through the company and what did all of you people do?

The crowd respond by starting to cheer and chant “Rocky!” …

THE ROCK: That’s right, you began to cheer The Rock. Even when I threw Mankind through an electrical circuit board and addled his brains with chair shot after chair shot at the Royal Rumble in 99, you were starting to cheer me. When I beat Stone Cold Steve Austin’s ass over and over and over again, you cheered me, you chanted the Rock’s name.

Rock listens for a moment as the “Rocky! Rocky!” chant gains momentum in the arena.

THE ROCK: You see, Lilian, I understand Rob Van Dam. He did what he had to do to get noticed here in the World Wrestling Federation, he came in with the Alliance and he tried to destroy the company. And the people cheered him and chanted his name …

Now, an “RVD!” chant goes up in the arena. Rock smiles at it for a second …

THE ROCK: Lilian, RVD isn’t stupid. He knows what I knew all the way back in 1999, you’ve got to listen to the people and you’ve got to give them what they want. In 1999, the people made the Rock – and in 2001, the people are making … (Rock lifts his thumbs up as he chants) ... ROB … VAN … DAM!

Cheers in the arena for this as Rock endorses RVD …

THE ROCK: Tonight, The Rock, the People’s Champion teams up with RVD, the “Whole Dam Show”, to face Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho here tonight on SMACKDOWN. Sparks are going to fly, you can feel the electricity in the air! RVD, tonight, you team up – with the “Great One” …

Pop in the arena as Rock describes himself as the “Great One” …

THE ROCK: Tonight, RVD, you will be cheered on by the millions …

The crowd chant along “AND MILLIONS” …

THE ROCK: … and millions of The Rock’s fans around the world but, RVD, tonight, after you and The Rock kick Jericho and Angle’s candy asses all over the Big Easy …

Another pop from the crowd …

THE ROCK: After we’ve laid the smack down on those two jabronis, we turn our attention to the WWF Undisputed Championship …

A serious look comes over the face of The Rock …

THE ROCK: RVD, let me give you a piece of advice right now. Tonight, we go out there and entertain the fans, tonight, we beat Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle in the middle of that ring but in two weeks time, at the Undisputed PPV, if you get in the way of The Rock, I will not hesitate to drop you too.

The crowd give a mixed reaction to this comment.

THE ROCK: RVD, it doesn’t matter who I face in two weeks time. Whether I face you, Angle, Jericho, Triple H, Undertaker, Kane … Stone Cold Steve Austin …

Mixed response to the mention of the current WWF Champion …

THE ROCK: … or even Goldberg …

Positive reaction to the mention of the WCW legend who debuts at the PPV …

THE ROCK: The Rock is going to be the Undisputed WWF Champion, that’s all I care about right now! I don’t care who I have to go through, I’ll beat you, Austin, Goldberg, hell, I’ll even go through Whoopi Goldberg if I need to … I am going to be the Undisputed WWF Champion …

Rock pulls of his shades, grabs the microphone and throws his head back …


As the crowd chant along with him, The Rock signs off with his famous catchphrase …


Rock raises his eyebrows as Lilian thanks him and the camera switches back to the ring where Michael Cole and Tazz hype up tonight’s main event and Rock’s focus on the title … Suddenly, the lights drop …

* 5 *
* 4 *
* 3 *
* 2 *
* 1 *



As the lights come back on, Y2J is stood on stage with his arms stretched out and the crowd boo his appearance. As he turns and makes his way towards the ring, Jericho smirks at the negative reaction he is receiving – he is getting booed and jeered out of the building. A replay of his attack, accompanied by X-Factor, on Undertaker and Kane on RAW is shown before the action returns to the ring where Jericho continues to taunt the crowd. He signals to his waist that he is going to be the Undisputed WWF Champion in two weeks time before the music of his partner tonight hits …

*** KURT ANGLE ***

Out comes Angle with his gold medals around his neck and he points up to the roof … red, white and blue pyro explodes before he walks down the ramp towards the ring. As he does, Cole and Tazz remind us of the way Angle “screwed” the WCW and ECW Alliance back at Survivor Series and the endorsement of the WWF Chairman, Vince McMahon, as the man who saved the World Wrestling Federation. Angle steps into the ring and mocks the crowd as well before he speaks with Jericho and they wait for the arrival of their opponents tonight.

*** ROB VAN DAM ***

Out comes the popular and confident RVD onto the stage where he smiles as Howard Finkel introduces him; RVD waits for the announcement of his name and then points with his thumbs to himself – before he makes his way down to the ring. RVD steps up onto the apron and looks over at Angle and Jericho as Tazz reminds us of RVD’s history in the ECW and his reign as Hardcore Champion before speculating over whether RVD believes his time has come to be champion of the WWF now as well.



*** THE ROCK ***

A deafening reaction as the People’s Champion himself heads out with the WCW Championship belt in his hand and heads purposefully towards the ring. He steps through the ropes and gives both Angle and Jericho, two men he has been feuding with lately, an icy look as he crosses to the corner and salutes the fans. The crowd cheer and the flashlights pop before Rock drops to the mat and meets with RVD. The pair of them look into each other’s eyes and RVD nods to Rock to show he is on the same page as his partner tonight. The referee takes his WCW Championship belt from him and hands it over to the timekeeper before signalling for the bell …

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


The match starts with RVD and Chris Jericho in the ring together and the action is fast paced as they match up well. Quick tags begin in the ring, The Rock and Kurt Angle are quickly involved as well before the action descends into chaos pretty quick and all four men end up trading blows in the ring. The referee struggles to contain the action as all four men look to prove their Undisputed Championship credentials right here and right now. The referee manages to get control of the contest in the end and we end up with Rock facing up against Jericho, a classic confrontation that we’ve seen a lot recently – it’s the calm before the storm. Jericho does look to lock in the Walls of Jericho at one point but Rock has too much leg strength and he fails with it. Jericho tags in Angle who looks to hit a clothesline but Rock ducks it and locks Angle up … ROCK BOTTOM! ROCK DROPS ANGLE DOWN ONTO THE MAT WITH A ROCK BOTTOM! However, before he can make a cover, Jericho comes through the ropes and attacks Rock … BREAKDOWN! ALL HELL IS BREAKING LOOSE HERE AS JERICHO CRASHES ROCK’S HEAD DOWN INTO THE MAT! RVD and Jericho trade blows now before we hear an almighty explosion in the arena …




Jericho, who just knocked RVD down right before the explosion, turns and looks to the stage with a look of fear as both Kane and Undertaker come rushing out – they clearly have their sights set on him! The crowd are going wild as the Brothers of Destruction head for the ring, Y2J looks to escape but RVD hits him out of nowhere with a roundhouse kick and Jericho spins round into the path of Taker as he gets into the ring … CHOKE SLAM! UNDERTAKER HITS JERICHO WITH A CHOKESLAM! The referee immediately signals for the bell, this match is over!

(via DQ at 03:21)


Angle and Jericho may be winners by DQ but there is no real winners here as Kane and Taker begin to destroy him in the corner. Up jumps Angle, unsteady after the Rock Bottom, he heads to the corner and attacks Kane and they pair off leaving Taker with Jericho. The crowd are pumped up with excitement as all hell breaks loose now and Angle and Kane’s fight spills over the top rope to the outside leaving the stage clear for Taker and Jericho to continue. Jericho’s head has a cut on it already from Taker’s vicious right hands and he looks in real trouble for his actions last Monday now. Taker lifts Jericho up … LAST RIDE! UNDERTAKER CRASHES DOWN Y2J WITH A LAST RIDE! The crowd are loving it but Undertaker is not satisfied yet; he cuts his throat, to the delight of the crowd, and drags Jericho back to his feet to set up for a Tombstone … when Rock suddenly nips up and nails Taker … ROCK BOTTOM! ROCK HITS THE ROCK BOTTOM ON TAKER! All of these men are looking to prove their credentials for the title here now and it doesn’t seem to matter who they hit. The fighting continues and now we’ve got Edge, Test and Booker T down there fighting it out, nine men in total. Tazz mentions that he doesn’t understand why Booker T is there when he is seconds away from being fired here tonight but that comment is just a perfect set up …





A huge reaction as the WWF Champion heads out with the WWF Championship belt in his hand. He is dressed in blue denim shorts and a 3:16 vest as he strides down the ramp. Booker T is stood at the foot of the ramp and he applauds as Austin heads towards him, Booker is delighted to see the Rattlesnake as it means that his job is secure for now! Austin walks towards Booker who offers his hand to the WWF Champion … STUNNER! AUSTIN DROPS BOOKER T WITH THE STUNNER! The crowd pop big time as Austin stuns the 5-time former WCW Champion before he clambers into the ring. Test, who was fighting Edge, breaks away and looks to rush Austin with a Big Boot but Austin ducks it and swivels … STUNNER! AUSTIN STUNS TEST AS WELL! The crowd are going wild as Austin stuns the heels in the ring, Booker and Test, he locks eyes now with Angle who is stood outside the ring and looking fearful. However, Austin then turns round and locks eyes on Rock as well who is currently battling with Kane … ROCK BOTTOM! ROCK DROPS KANE ON THE MAT! However, Rock is unaware of what is waiting for him and he turns round and straight into … STUNNER! STONE COLD STUNNER FOR THE ROCK! The crowd are not happy with this action of the WWF Champion and the question marks remain – Austin has returned with the WWF Championship but will he be the Austin who turned his back on the WWF or the Austin that the crowd loved so much prior to WrestleMania 17? SMACKDOWN ends with Austin stood in the ring looking round the arena at the carnage and Cole and Tazz hyping up his return …

***** END OF SHOW *****
(c) World Wrestling Federation 2001




Goldberg to debut, 7 others to join him in the tournament

  • Hello GCB. Thought I'd write a few comments about your Smackdown show. You did an amazing job with Monday Night RAW and you have left me intriged to see what happens in this because of the build up you have given the show. Like will Booker T and William Regal have their jobs intact?
  • Nice opening paragraph to start things off as I'm sure the whole Booker T/Steve Austin will be the running and continuing theme in the show. Nice detail invovled with the Security Guard and nice conversation. We need to presume that he was on the phone to Steve Austin anyway. Nice way to open the show and then with Vince McMahon. Liked the whole Five time thing. Loved the You're fired bit too. I read that in Vince's voice so good job in capturing his charactor.
  • Nice opening match up with William Regal facing the Brothers. I thought that might have been a main event... seems like a glorified handicap squash match with it only going little over five minutes. Liked the whole thing with Vince McMahon but I'm not sure it was needed as William didn't win. I was predicting Jericho costs Taker the match and William wins. Should be fun to see who you bring in to be the Commissioner or if Regal just carries on chasing it.
  • Nice in ring segment from Vince McMahon. Reminds me about how special Smackdown used to be.. now it's just RAW's highlight reel. Nice bit of heat on Vince for the Goldberg things. Nice announcement of the two title matches. Looking forward to them both.
  • An alright interview with RVD backstage.. It sounds like he is in the tournament? I might be wrong but I'd like some clarification on that subject. Was expecting him to mention Matt Hardy. Are we just going to forget that happened or will it be refered to at a later date? Monday Night RAW for example?
  • Very nice replay to start the match off with the whole thing and it highlights the show. The opening paragraph of the match was ok. Hmm, this is the second match of the night and the second time Vince has had to stop a countout victory. Like how Christian tried getting DQ'ed. Vince said nothing about that. I sence this feud continuing at Undisputed with a No DQ match.
  • Oooh lovely heel work from Kurt Angle here. It was also quite a long and detailed promo too. Liked the finish of it as Kurt looks confident and that's good. Kurt going into the show with confidence and I'd like to see Kurt win the title actually but it's obviously going to be Goldberg.
  • Nice short tag team match with the Dudley Boyz dominating most of the match. It did a good job in making the Tag Champs look good and strong. Nice promo after the show as well. Honestly I'm not sure how to feel with the whole announcement of the Dudley's leaving after Wrestlemania 18. Not sure if it's a work or a shoot. Should be good to see where this story goes though.
  • Hmm. This whole match seems quite random considering it is a Championship match but that's fine. Nice interfearence from Scotty 2 Hotty showing this feud isn't over. Like how Scotty is looking serious in this. I sence a rematch which wouldn't be too bad. Glad Edge won and it was a good match to read too. Good job with this. Just a question, since Test cannot be fired, can he still be suspended? Theirs a lot of punishments I could think off. The simple one would be Sued but it could be something like No title matches for a year or something. Test v. HHH? That seems punishment enough lol. Glad to see Edge is in the tourney.
  • Was expecting Jericho to come into things more early then this.. end of the first contest but this is good to. Nice interview and I like how everyone is mentioning Austin and he is getting big hypes. Liked the whole deal with Jericho "trash talking" on Goldberg. Nice way to end it with Jericho sprouting out his catchphrase, like how he played off the crowd with the laughing.
  • Quite a good promo with JR and HHH. It seems that HHH is looking good. It also appears apparent that he is a face. Nice interview with JR bringing things like the Invasion up. Really good how you did this to further hype up the Games return.
  • Nice tag team match with The Hardy Boys and X Factor. Like how you are doing the whole thing with making X Factor look strong with attacking Kane and Taker and now wracking up the W's. Seems like your getting things set up for a Jeff v. Matt feud. The seeds are their lets just see who you develop it. Would love to see what Lita's take on all this too.
  • Ok. Once again like I said before with the Kurt Angle promo, I like the length of this Rock promo and you have got the charactor bang on. Now, I honestly don't like The Rock as some people may know but he is an ok talker. I am predicting The Rock v. Goldberg in the finals of this tournament and I'll call that now.
  • Little short for the main event match but I totaly understand it. Smackdown always used to have great endings. Kane and Undertaker coming down to the ring is what started it lol. Like how all hell broke lose in the show too. Edge and Test coming out fighting was also good to show their involvement in the tourney but it seems like they just turned up and started chucking punches. Kinda like what goes down in pubs in Britain on Saturday Nights.. STONE COLD! STONE COLD! I think it was a foregone conclusion that Austin would return. Nice to see him standing in the middle of the ring. It will either be Austin/Berg or Rock/Berg. Really good ending.
  • Very good show to complement the RAW you posted GCB! Liked how you developed stories and feuds. I'd just work on continuation because in some parts like the RVD thing it seemed like he just forgot everything that happened Monday and Taker didn't do anything to X Factor who also attacked him and his brother Kane.
Thanks Bocaj. Hope this continues - I could grow to respect you.

Few things:

RVD and Matt Hardy - not forgotten but RVD had other things on his mind for SMACKDOWN. It will be addressed but RVD's plan is to be Undisputed Champion first and foremost. One of the things I tried to put across throughout the show was how important this tournament is. RVD making it his primary concern was one example; maybe I should have made him explicitly mention Matt Hardy though.

Kicking myself for the first two matches - I wasn't planning the heel trying to get counted out twice but added it for Regal's match on the run. Then I forgot I'd done it when Christian repeated it as planned. :) D'oh.

As I always said in GCB's WWE, I am hiding clues all over the place for future things. There is a clue in SMACKDOWN about a plan I have for the tournament final, there is even a clue somewhere in there that gives you an idea for the future "Commissioner" or GM too. I'm not planned as far in front with this one as I did with GCB's WWE but I am in front.


Sunday November 25, 2001 | New Orleans, LA


Jonathan Coachman and Michael Hayes welcome us to HEAT and announce that there have been huge changes in the World Wrestling Federation in the past week; we’re going to have an eight man tournament at the next PPV, WWF UNDISPUTED, to determine an Undisputed WWF Champion, we’ve no longer got the WCW and ECW Alliance – or Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon or Paul Heyman – and in two weeks time … GOLDBERG IS COMING!



*** TEST ***

Out comes Test and he is looking furious as he nears the ring. Replays of Test’s Intercontinental Championship match with Edge from SMACKDOWN are shown and the ending – Scotty 2 Hotty hitting the superkick – are shown and we see Edge retaining the title. The Coach informs us that this was a double problem for Test; not only has he failed to win the Intercontinental Championship but it also means he has to take part in the pre-qualifying round – where he has been drawn to face Triple H on his return this Monday on RAW. When Test gets in the ring, he grabs the microphone and demands that Scotty 2 Hotty comes out and takes his punishment; Test says he is immune from being fired and that he is going to take serious revenge on Scotty when he gets hold of him.

*** SCOTTY 2 HOTTY ***

Looking a little wary, Scotty comes out for the arranged match here tonight; he dances his way towards the ring but he is eying Test with a look of concern. Into the ring he climbs, he salutes the fans around the ring and waves his arms around … then BAM! Test attacks him from behind and throws right hands into the back and shoulders of Scotty. The official protests about Test’s actions but he shoves the referee aside and then smirks as he looks down on him. Test lays the boots to Scotty in the corner until the officials come streaming out from backstage and separate them. The officials seem set to end things now for tonight but Scotty, in a display of courage and determination, insists that the match goes ahead.


Scotty rushes Test early and looks to use the anger in his body to his advantage. However, within a minute, Test takes charge again with a clothesline before he starts methodically picking apart the Cruiserweight. It’s a matter of time before Test finishes the job now and he completely dominates until he hits a vicious Big Boot that almost takes Scotty’s head off. Test then picks his opponent up, he has him beat but this is just for added insult now: PUMPHANDLE SLAM! TEST HITS THE PUMPHANDLE SLAM AND CRASHES SCOTTY DOWN! He nonchalantly hooks Scotty’s leg and makes the cover.


(via PINFALL at 02:48)


Test steps back and has his arm raised by the referee whilst he takes in the jeers and boos of the audience. Smirking, Test demands a microphone once more; he tells the world that he does not care what he has to do, he cannot be fired and he is going to make sure he uses this to his advantage. Moving on to tomorrow night on RAW, Test argues that he is in the most dominant form of his wrestling career right now and he promises that Triple H’s return tomorrow will be ruined. He says he will prove that Triple H is not up to standard anymore and that he is on the track to dominating the World Wrestling Federation by becoming the Undisputed Champion. He demands that Hunter watches on now; he will prove just how vicious he can be …

Test drags Scotty off the mat and starts pummelling him once more and backs him into the corner where Scotty is simply trying to cover up now. Test beats him down and Scotty is really struggling now, he is unable to defend himself. Test props him up in the corner, retreats and then smashes his big right boot into the smaller man’s face, a devastating big boot in the corner. Test then drops out of the ring and grabs a chair … but then he tosses it down to the floor with a crash and instead lifts the apron and pulls out a wooden table. The crowd are not enjoying this situation with Scotty at all and let Test know about it but he continues to slide the table into the ring. Officials are trying to stop Test once more but he starts shoving them over and tossing them over the top rope to the outside; Test’s immunity is causing big problems for the World Wrestling Federation. He sets up the table in the centre of the ring and drags Scotty up once more. The fallen Scotty tries to counter but Test is too powerful and he beats him down once again before setting him up … POWERBOMB! THROUGH A TABLE! The table smashes in half as Scotty’s frail body hits the mat and he writhes in pain. Test places a foot on the chest of the fallen Cruiserweight and then looks out to the audience with a big smirk on his face. Triple H’s return may not be the foregone conclusion some might have assumed …


HEAT returns with a backstage interview; standing with Kevin Kelly is the man who saw his job “saved” right at the end of SMACKDOWN last week, Booker T. However, he does not look happy after he was hit with the Stunner from Stone Cold and you can see it on his face. Kelly asks him to comment on Austin’s return and Stunner but Booker T refrains from commenting. He suggests that Austin will get his punishment when Booker T wins the Undisputed WWF Championship as he expects to have to face him at some point. Kelly asks Booker T about his pre-qualifying match on RAW tomorrow night against Matt Hardy and whether he is feeling confident. Booker responds in typical style by questioning whether Kelly’s comments are serious (“Tell me you did not just say that?”) before going on to say that he plans to prove to the fans of the WWF exactly how talented he is by beating Hardy and then four more men to become the WWF Champion. Kelly informs us that tonight Booker will be facing Al Snow; Booker says that Al Snow is everything that is wrong with the WWF. He says that Al Snow is a goofball and he is going to defeat his punk-ass here tonight with ease before heading for RAW and defeating Hardy. As Booker says this, Lita walks past and stops. She raises her eyebrows to Booker about his comment about her boyfriend before moving on.

Back in the ring, we’re getting ready for the second match of the night, a big tag match which has become incredibly important for the former Tag Team Champions, the Hardy Boys.


The two Holly brothers stride out, Crash wearing his hat, and they head for the ring looking determined here tonight. The smaller Crash rolls into the ring first and then applauds as his older brother, Hardcore, steps through the ropes and onto the middle rope to taunt the fans.

*** HARDY BOYS ***

Huge pop – for HEAT – for the Hardy Boys as they head out and rush towards the ring. They are accompanied by Lita who follows close behind them as they salute the crowd but Coach reminds us about the issues that they have been having lately – Jeff’s error at Survivor Series that cost them the Tag Team Championships, their problems in their Triple Threat Hardcore Title match with RVD on RAW and their defeat to the X-Factor on SMACKDOWN – and how it has caused some friction between the two of them. Lita seems to be the glue holding them together right now as they look a little distant with each other in the ring …

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


A competitive tag match as these two teams look to solidify their credentials for a future Tag Team Championship match down the line – the more established Hardy Boys looking to overcome their difficulties and the Hollys looking to re-establish themselves in the division. For part of the match, the Hardys are back to working as a cohesive team and look set for victory. However, the Hollys are able to withstand it before isolating Matt. In the end, Matt hits the hot tag and in comes Jeff, a fireball in the ring, he takes down Crash and Hardcore several times before clotheslining Hardcore over the top rope. He then goes to the top rope, where Matt sneakily tags in, and leaps off … SWANTON BOMB! Jeff hooks the leg but the referee refuses the count and informs Jeff that Matt tagged in. Matt ignores Jeff’s protests and goes after Crash, he hooks the leg as well …



Despite Lita’s best efforts to stop them, Jeff and Matt are arguing within seconds of this and it gives Crash time to get to his corner where Hardcore resumes his position; he makes the tag. Distracted by the argument with his brother and Lita, Matt fails to notice Hardcore tag in and he is turned around and kicked in the gut before Holly lifts him up …ALABAMA SLAM! Jeff stands on the apron and watches on, he doesn’t move a muscle as Hardcore makes the pinfall …


(via PINFALL at 08:38)


As the Hollys’ theme rings out, Crash and Hardcore embrace and celebrate their victory but they exit quickly with their hands raised – the main story here is the Hardy Boys after yet another loss. Lita is trying to be the peacekeeper but she is failing as Matt and Jeff argue over the latest defeat. Matt is angry that Jeff didn’t save him from the pinfall there; Jeff is angry that, for the second time in a row, Matt took a blind tag that he believes cost him the chance to win the match. There is no physical confrontation but you can see Lita is worried that it could happen as HEAT heads into a commercial.


HEAT returns with Jonathan Coachman and Michael Hayes introducing the announcement of the Undisputed WWF Championship tournament. A video is aired that plays the announcements from RAW – Vince saying we will have an Undisputed Champion, Linda introducing the impending arrival of Goldberg – and SMACKDOWN – the tournament information given out by Vince and the men who will be competing.


When the video ends, Coach and Michael Hayes discuss their picks – Coach says that you can’t rule out Austin or The Rock but he can’t see a way that Goldberg can fail to win the title on his debut in the WWF. Michael Hayes says he has seen stranger things in his time in the business and suggests that Chris Jericho has been on a roll lately whilst you cannot count out the Brothers of Destruction either.

The camera switches backstage where we see the argument between Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy continuing in the locker room. Matt accuses Jeff of being selfish, he says that they should be standing here as the Tag Team Champions but Jeff blew it last Sunday and now he is making mistake after mistake. Matt implies that Jeff doesn’t like it that he has pointed these errors out; he asks if that is why Jeff stood by and watched Hardcore Holly pin him just there? Jeff responds by telling Matt that he has apologised over and over and over for the mistake he made at Survivor Series, he says he did it for the fans and to entertain, it was high risk and it didn’t pay off. Jeff asks Matt what he wants him to do but Matt refuses to answer. Lita tells them both that they need to calm down, she says that they need to work these differences out together – arguing is not going to get them anywhere. The arguing ends but the two brothers continue to shoot mutinous looks at each other as we head into the final commercial of the evening.


HEAT returns and it is time for tonight’s main event – the ring return of Booker T.

*** AL SNOW ***

The veteran Al Snow heads down to the ring smiling and waving as he prepares for a tough match here tonight against the former 5-time WCW Champion, Booker T. Al, who has recently been the lead trainer on Tough Enough, slides into the ring and salutes the fans – can he cause a shock here tonight by beating Booker? Michael Hayes reminds us that Snow came close to winning the European Championship last Sunday in the opening match of Survivor Series before losing out in the end to Christian.



*** BOOKER T ***

An explosion on the stage as Booker T heads out and stares down to the ring where Al Snow awaits. As he walks purposefully down the ramp, Booker T’s career highlights – including the 5 reigns as WCW Champion – are mentioned before he gets into the ring and looks set to go. Booker looks focused as he looks to get a win tonight before he faces Matt Hardy tomorrow in the Undisputed Champion tournament.

* DING *
* DING *
* DING *


A brave fight from Al Snow but this match is all about getting Booker T back into the ring before tomorrow night’s pre qualifying round. After dominating the first section of the match, Booker T misses with the Scissors Kick and this allows Al Snow to almost embarrass him when he rolls him up but Booker kicks out at 2 and seven eighths (courtesy of Macho Man, WrestleMania 9). Snow takes the fight to Booker after that but he cannot put him away and in the end he has to resort to his signature move – the SNOW-PLOW! The crowd pop thinking that they are about to see the upset win they want to see but Booker T kicks out at 2 and the contest goes on. Al misses a clothesline in the corner and this allows Booker to hit the Scissors Kick before he gets up and waits …BOOK END! BOOKER T CRASHES SNOW DOWN WITH THE BOOK END! He hooks the leg, this one is surely over …


(via PINFALL at 06:36)


As Booker T mocks the crowd and Snow, he looks pleased with himself. A small “Spinneroonie” chant has begun at ringside but Booker T shakes his head at the suggestion; it appears that this is a more focused and determined Booker T. He raises his hand in victory as Coach and Hayes hype up tomorrow night on RAW and the four pre-qualifying matches for the Undisputed Championship tournament; can Booker T continue his winning run against Matt Hardy? There is also Jeff Hardy vs. William Regal, DDP vs. Rey Mysterio and, of course, the return of Triple H as he goes one on one with Test. HEAT signs off with the hype for tomorrow’s RAW …

***** END OF SHOW *****
(c) World Wrestling Federation 2001




Tournament to determine the Undisputed WWF Champion will finish here!


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