WWF 2000 Background
GCBs review of this BT has made me think a lot about how the story picks up without an explanation into certain changes that are made. Here is the background for WWF 2000.
At Survivor Series 1999, the WWF Champion Triple H was set to defend his title in a triple threat match against The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. However, the Game led Austin into the parking garage, as Degeneration X members locked him in to meet his fate. The Texas Rattlesnake was run down by an unknown assailant and left for dead. Austin was taken to hospital, leaving The Rock to face off against Triple H in a one on one match up. Speculation ran wild as to who was the driver of the car throughout the night. Was it the Rock removing his greatest nemesis from the title match so he can face HHH by himself? Was it Vince McMahon, who had long wanted Stone Cold no where near the Federation title?
In an all out war, Triple H defeated the Rock to retain the title due to the Big Show once again joined forces with Vince McMahon and helping the Champion win for an unknown reason at the time. The reason came to light on the next night on Raw when it was announced that Triple H would marry the Boss daughter, the Billion Dollar Princess Stephanie McMahon! The WWF Champion now with the Federation completely behind him seemed unstoppable in the ring, and untouchable outside of it. With Mr McMahon and the Big Show ensuring his success, the Game would go on to hold the Championship for the rest of the year in an absolute dominant performance. The Game went from strength to strength and solidified himself as the ultimate Champion set to take the Federation into the new millennium.
WWF 2000 begins at the very last Raw is War of the millennium
which is the beginning shows I have produced
With the enormous amount of work on my plate at work, having time to write my BTs has become considerably less. I was really excited to put this together because I had a big plan in place, especially moving towards WM2000. So therefore here is what I planed to put together for WWF 2000.
At the Royal Rumble WWF Champion HHH retains against Cactus Jack. The cryptic ying/yang video was non-other than Rob Van dam debuting with the company and he is the one who gives Kurt Angle his first loss. The Rumble match itself was going to be epic and tell an amazing story that would lead into what I believe would have been the most amazing Wrestlemainas of all time.
Austin had returned but he couldnt get the retired Shawn Michaels the man who ran him down in the ring to fight him. So he has turned hjs sights on the WWF title and Triple H, HBKs best friend. The Rock, Big Show, The Undertaker and others have great showings, but Rumble entrant #27 actually ends up being Shawn Michaels!
Being the Rumble expert he is, he goes after Austin and the two explode in a huge war in and out of the ring. Austin is superkicked but not eliminated, but Michaels goes after Tripke Hs biggest competition, and eliminates the Rock! Vince McMahon who ahs been at commentary all night encourages HBK to get the job done to ensure Rock or Austin get a chance at the title. Austin gets back in but he is groggy and the Undertaker is about to take him out when the final entrant, #30s music hits
Bret The Hitman Hart!!!
The crowd goes batshit crazy, Vince cant believe it and Bret gets into the ring and goes straight for Michaels. This allows Austin to fight off the Undertaker and send him over the top rope. Hart then knowing how much Vince hates Austin, sarfices himself and takes himself and Michaels out, giving Austin the victory!
(Note: If Hart did return to the WWF at this time, he wouldnt have been given the career ending injury by Goldberg and would be fit to continue his wrestling career). Hart then goes after Vince who just barely escapes. Hart on the floor is satisfied he has foiled Vinces master plan of protecting his son-in-law against his greatest enemy, and Austin celebrates with the fans to end the show.
From here the Wrestlemania 2000 build begins. Shawn Michaels returns to action and says that he will face Steve Austin at No Way Out to finish the job he started with his car, while the #1 Contender Austin cant wait to finally get his hands on the man who tried to end his career. The Rock gets a title shot by defeating the Undertaker on Raw is War after Ken Shamrock costs him the match. Cactus Jack wants the Big Show due to him always interfering in his title matches against HHH.
The Radicals also debut in this time after their defection from WCW. But it is more of a Beniot/Guerrero team with Malenko as their manager of sorts. As the WWF faithful hated WCW at the time, these guys are built up as amazing technicians, but as automatic heels. The Rabid Wolverine and the deceptive cheat to win Guerrero. They get wins against big time talent in the WWF mid card and move towards setting themselves up as major players.
No Way Out sets the scene for Wrestlemania in its epic conclusion. Austin vs. Michaels is a war back and forth both men kicking out of finishers. But as HBK tunes up the band, The Rock grabs his ankle. Rock wants revenge for Michaels taking him out of the Rumble costing him the main event spot of WM 2000 and to keep him out of his title match which is next against Triple H. Austin stuns Michaels and he gets his revenge. But Rock is hit with SCM by Michaels costing him the title match against Triple H! In the undercard Jericho loses the IC belt to Kurt Angle.
So after No Way Out we have our usual longer lead up time from Feb to April to bring out the feuds that will headline WrestleMania 2000.
The final card I was looking at would have been
WrestleMania 2000
WWF Champion Triple H vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon
The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels
World tag team title TLC match (E&C vs. Hardyz vs. Dudleys)
The Undertaker vs. Ken Shamrock in a cage match (very MMA type match)
IC Champion Kurt Angle vs. Chris Beniot
Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Eddie Guerrero
Womens Champion Chyna vs. Sable
Rikishi and Too Cool vs. Boss Man, Albert and Buchanon, vs. X-Pac and NAO vs. Kane, Henry and Bulldog