WWE's Wrestler of the Year


Team Finnley Baylor
As of August, who can we say is the WWE's Wrestler of the Year. I have to go with Randy Orton. He's been the WWE Champion for the better part of the year, has beaten and taken out Batista, HHH, and others. If he beats Cena at SS, then I say he could be a shoe in for the crown. HHH, Cena, and CM Punk could all qualify for this honor, too. So, at this point...who is your WWE Wrestler of the Year?
Well there are many people deserving of this spot but I am going to have to go with Christian.I know he is an ECW star but who cares he is great on the mic and a great wrestler and I hear a lot of people complaining on how Orton,Cena and HHH are stale and how Hardy should not get it because he is leaving well Christian is the best choice he has won two ECW titles in his run and has certainly gained a larger fan base and a bigger push than his previous run in WWE so why not let him win this award he does deserve it.
For me it's Chris Jericho. Memorable feud with Rey for the IC title, bringing back prestige to the tag titles and just being the best performer night in and night out gives him that nod.
Although he is my favorite wrestler's current nemesis Im gonna have to say Jeff Hardy. He has put on countless stellar ppv and tv matches STILL not taking a break. Kudos to Jeff and god bless his body dude has to be wracked in pain. Punk would be higher up for me but he hasent had enough main event ppv matches. Orton is very stale for me now, S.O.S. with the same damn superstars "3H/Roidtista".
For me it's Chris Jericho. Memorable feud with Rey for the IC title, bringing back prestige to the tag titles and just being the best performer night in and night out gives him that nod.

I agree. I go Jericho. He wasn't given much but he sure did use what he got to his advantage.
wrestler of the year..... has to be Randy orton..... he has literally headlined every main event this past year and you know he's the wrestler of the year cuz i dont think there is a single person tired of seein him work.... just wish we wouldnt have to see him and hunter all the time
I have to agree with the person who said Chris Jericho.

I don't know what it is about Jericho at the minute but every time I see him, I know that I am in for a good promo and an even better match to look forward to. Jericho has really come into this own since becoming the mega-heel of the WWE. I think that he portrays it excellently and his wrestling skills are supreme to say the least. The only thing about Jericho is that he isn't doing enough for me. I would love to see him feud with Punk over the WHC when Jeff Hardy hangs up the boots for a while. Then again, Jericho is tied up in a pointless tag team storyline and Punk is a heel right now, so that's likely not going to happen.

Randy Orton is in with a shout as well, he has been very good over the last year and I think that he has really come into his own as a title holder. Before this, I never thought of him as a legitimate champion but he has done well in terms of promos and matches. The same can be said for CM Punk but Rnady Orton has been slightly better than him.

I would still say Jericho though.
Jericho is a front runner for this; he's had some good feuds, and matches, and is now making the tag division interesting with the Big Show. I'm really glad Jericho returned due to all of that.

Hardy also deserves a mention - his feud with Punk has been one of the most interesting things in the WWE. He's versatile; can be 'serious', but we also know Hardy more as the fun, crazy guy. His gimmick works well, and he's one of the most over stars in the business - his pop sometimes passes Cena himself.
You have really only have two choices in my mind:

Randy Orton:
Has beaten every challenger,Won the WWE Championship 4 times this year, fine maybe its getting old but its still an accomplishment, hes the head of Legacy, and has been on a rampage.


Chris Jericho:
Had the best feud of the year with Rey Mysterio, bringing more prestige to the Intercontinental Championship holding it twice during the feud with Rey Rey, and is now bringing more prestige to another title, The Unified Tag-Team Titles with Big Show.

My Pick: Chris Jericho.
Chris gets my vote simply because he had that great feud with Rey Rey, and has/is bringing back some of the prestige in the lower class belts (Intercontinental and Tag Team) and is the 2nd most hated person in WWE (Except in Canada). Plus he is, if not the best, is the top 3 wrestler's WWE has today.
Hands down Jericho. Everything he's been involved with so far this year has been interesting and pretty much awesome. He's taken everything this year that looks like it is going to be complete and utter crap, and made it amazing. WM25. Not one person thought the Legends/Jericho match would be anywhere near interesting. Jericho made it interesting and made it work. Big props also to Steamboat who also could still put on a match better than 75% of the locker room. Then take his feud with Rey for the title. The feud itself was OK at best. I mean for Rey's mask? Really? He's been unmasked before in WCW (but WWE doesn't acknowledge it), he's taken it off in interviews during the Eddie/Benoit tribute shows, so the mask thing isn't new. However... their matches were definately some of the best matches I ever saw. Those matches told the story better than the storyline told the story. I know Rey isn't that bad, but I just don't like him and was never entertained by many of his matches until...Jericho. Now you have thrown the Big Show in with him. If whatever happens between these two can somehow make us care about the Big Show again... I will credit Jericho. Jericho makes everybody better, makes everything interesting, and makes things that could look awful and boring... just Jeri-tastic.

I guess Orton gets the 2nd place and honorable mention so far. I mean he still didn't go over HHH in a clean 1-on-1 match to win the title. He DID pin him at Backlash, but it was a damn 6-man tag. Titles should never be contested in 6-man tag rules. That goes for you too TNA. Plus his matches with Triple H have more or less sucked. Their LMS match on Raw was the best match they've ever had IMO. On Raw. Raw. It should have been Mania, or The Bash in their 3SoH match... but nooooo. Orton has just been boring. His matches no longer even excite me. And you can't deny the fact that a decision was still made to have what appeared to be a 7 minute squash match with Batista getting the title from him at Extreme Rules... when everybody knew Batista was injured and going to be taking time off again. Everything Orton has done this year has fallen short of expectations while Jericho continues to exceed them.
Jericho is a front runner for this;

No hes not. Randy Orton is, lets take a look at Jericho's amount of time as the World Champion right now. 0 Days, 0 Hours, 0 minutes. Lets take a look at Randy's 2 reigns 04-26-09-06-07-09 06-15-09-Present. Certainly more than Chris Jericho, thats for sure.

he's had some good feuds

Randy didn't just come out of the fued of his career between himself and the McMahons? Randy's not in another reheated fued with John Cena now? Randy's had good fueds as well.

and matches

Randy has some of the best matches of the night, alyways. Granted thats fairly subjective, and people have diffrent views, Randy Orton works a very very slow methodical Heel style, that we've not seen in a very long time.

and is now making the tag division interesting with the Big Show.

Yes, because the tag team division is tottally where you would want your best employee of the year at. :rolleyes:

Hardy also deserves a mention

o_O He does? You mean his 14 days at the beggening of the year, shortest reign ever after losing it to CM Punk, and now his 1 and a half month reign deserves a superstar of the year?

his feud with Punk has been one of the most interesting things in the WWE.

If anything, CM Punk has been shining throughout this fued. Hes carried a lot of the promos, a lot of the matches, and obviously his heel turn hsa been whats causing the most ruckus.

He's versatile; can be 'serious', but we also know Hardy more as the fun, crazy guy.

Not sure what this has to do about being Superstar of the Year.

His gimmick works well, and he's one of the most over stars in the business - his pop sometimes passes Cena himself.

This is true, that could be the only reasonable arguement for Jeff Hardy to be Superstar of the Year. But, Randy gets just as much heel heat, as Jeff Hardy gets face heat. Hes the Ric Flair of this era, the fans just LOVE to HATE him.
You know I have to say Chris Jericho for sure is the WWE's wrestler of the year. Let's assess his year to date.

To start off the year, he was "kayfabe " fired and then rehired after having to apologize for his actions - probably the only time his current character has looked weak since he turned. Then he began bashing Mickey Rourke, claiming his movie was a disgrace to the wrestling world and he continually bashed him and the legends of the WWE, facing off against Steamboat, Piper and Snuka at Wrestlemania 25 and winning the match. Then he beat Steamboat again at Backlash.

Then he moved over to Smackdown and began his feud with Rey Mysterio, where he had unmasked Rey Mysterio a few times and broke his own record of Intercontinental title wins. In my eyes, his feud with Mysterio has helped bring prestige back to the belt and helped give it more credibility. Then he went on to win the Unified Tag Team Championships with Edge to help make these belts also credible and prestigous again. Along the way Edge was injured and this set up an amazing feud for when Edge makes his return.

Jericho now has Big Show in as his tag team partner, and not only are they making the tag team division better, but it also appears as Big Show beginning to become more like Chris and I think this suits him well. Even once they drop the belts, I think Show and Chris should stick together as they make a great team and can back each other as singles wrestlers too.

Jericho isn't lying when he says he's the best at what he does, and I really think he deserves the honor yet again.

No hes not. Randy Orton is, lets take a look at Jericho's amount of time as the World Champion right now. 0 Days, 0 Hours, 0 minutes. Lets take a look at Randy's 2 reigns 04-26-09-06-07-09 06-15-09-Present. Certainly more than Chris Jericho, thats for sure.

Just because someone is the WWE Champion twice in one year doesn't mean that he automatically is a front runner for Wrestler of the Year. Sometimes it's not about Championships, sometimes it's more about the storylines and the feuds. And you and I both know that Triple H and Randy Orton did not need to have the dragged out feud we are still entangled in as Triple H finally decides to go after the young guns and hopefully give them the rub.
No hes not. Randy Orton is, lets take a look at Jericho's amount of time as the World Champion right now. 0 Days, 0 Hours, 0 minutes. Lets take a look at Randy's 2 reigns 04-26-09-06-07-09 06-15-09-Present. Certainly more than Chris Jericho, thats for sure.

Aw bless, you think title reigns means something.

Randy didn't just come out of the fued of his career between himself and the McMahons? Randy's not in another reheated fued with John Cena now? Randy's had good fueds as well.

Never said he didn't. That's what I love about this post. You're debating me on things I haven't alluded to in any way.

Randy has some of the best matches of the night, alyways. Granted thats fairly subjective, and people have diffrent views, Randy Orton works a very very slow methodical Heel style, that we've not seen in a very long time.

Orton is okay, but when it comes to match quality it's definitely Jericho for me.

Yes, because the tag team division is tottally where you would want your best employee of the year at. :rolleyes:

Silly McMahon and Jericho, trying to help the tag division. How dare they.

o_O He does? You mean his 14 days at the beggening of the year, shortest reign ever after losing it to CM Punk, and now his 1 and a half month reign deserves a superstar of the year?

See: First comment.

If anything, CM Punk has been shining throughout this fued. Hes carried a lot of the promos, a lot of the matches, and obviously his heel turn hsa been whats causing the most ruckus.

I cannot agree with this at all. I love Punk in this feud as much as I love Hardy, but to say Punk is carrying him is stupid.

Not sure what this has to do about being Superstar of the Year.

Being able to work a series of characters?

This is true, that could be the only reasonable arguement for Jeff Hardy to be Superstar of the Year. But, Randy gets just as much heel heat, as Jeff Hardy gets face heat. Hes the Ric Flair of this era, the fans just LOVE to HATE him.

This is arguably the most important! Hardy is more over than Orton, that you've agreed to.
o_O He does? You mean his 14 days at the beggening of the year, shortest reign ever after losing it to CM Punk, and now his 1 and a half month reign deserves a superstar of the year?

How about all the fantastic matches he has had this year on PPV. From Edge through Matt Hardy to CM Punk, pretty much everyone of those matches have been great and especially better than what we have seen from Orton. His PPV quality match with John Morrison on Smackdown was great as well. The matches mean so much more than the title reigns when discussing WOTY.

If anything, CM Punk has been shining throughout this fued. Hes carried a lot of the promos, a lot of the matches, and obviously his heel turn hsa been whats causing the most ruckus.

Punk has been fantastic in this feud, but no way has Hardy been carried in the matches at all. Hardy has been just as good as Punk has in the ring, hell even Hardys promos havent been too shabby in this feud.
Yeah, I'm gonna go with Orton for now. He gave us the best moments of the year when he was feuding with the Mcmahons. That was feud of the year until Triple H got involved. And he's having a pretty decent title run right now. He's got victories over Triple H, Batista and he won the Royal Rumble. If he goes over Cena then he'll be hard to beat.

But there's still 4 months to go and if CM Punk keeps up his current form, he could very well be shoe in for wrestler of the year. When Jeff Hardy leaves, Punk will be the top guy on SD. There'll pretty much be no one better to be champion, so he'll go over a load of faces. Mysterio, Undertaker, Morrison, Matt Hardy. None of those guys should be champion or in Undertaker's case want to be champion. But they're all worthy challengers and could put on good matches with Punk. So he could very well end up being superstar of the year 2009.

Punk has been fantastic in this feud, but no way has Hardy been carried in the matches at all. Hardy has been just as good as Punk has in the ring, hell even Hardys promos havent been too shabby in this feud.

I didn't wanna get into the Jeff Hardy feud, but this comment made me slap my forehead. I agree Jeff Hardy has been holding his own in the ring. But his promos have been absolutely awful. He actually said "In you face!" on this week's SD and said in a way that was actually serious. I mean, come on. And he ends every sentence in a shout. "I'm your world champion, the charasMATIC ENIGMA JEFF HARDY!!" or "I will DEFEND MY TITLE AT SUMMERSLAM!". Jeff Hardy is doing well in the ring now, but Punk is carrying the full load of the promo aspect.
Edge Hands down. He is a multi champ and has managed to be involed with some of the biggest storylines of the year. Even his injury turned into somewhat of a storyline. Great mic skills. Great preformance in the ring. He deserves it
Everything Orton has done this year has fallen short of expectations while Jericho continues to exceed them.

That's all that needs to be said, right there. Orton was given a high-caliber feud with HHH for the whole year...the build-up to Wrestlemania was unparalleled but the match there just sucked all the momentum out of their feud. He has not really had a memorable feud since then. But, you gotta give him credit, as he has kicked the crap out of Vince, Shane, Batista, and HHH. Plus, he DDT'ed and kissed an unconscious Stephanie on the lips....dude knows how to get heel heat, that's for sure.

But Jericho has turned water into wine...some of his best promo work for his whole career was done in the build-up to Mania, as he ran down some of the WWE's greatest legends. He even had a believable match with them as well, and then he took some pretty good punches from Mickey Rourke afterward. Of course, in his feud with Rey, the opposition was first-class...but that was possibly the best feud so far this year, maybe second to Punk-Hardy.

And then, he was saddled with the second-rate Tag titles. Even after his partner Edge suffered a serious injury and he was forced to find a new partner in the Big Show, he has turned that program into something intriguing. Not to mention, his search for a new partner was a locker room hot-button discussion for those few weeks. Plus, he continues to run down Edge, so as to set up a future feud.

So hands down, Jericho.
Aw bless, you think title reigns means something.

If title reigns mean nothing, then its official. Dean Malenko is God of wrestling.

Never said he didn't. That's what I love about this post. You're debating me on things I haven't alluded to in any way.

I just used you, as a way to express my thoughts on Orton, it was the easiest way, as you were the only one that actually made plausible arguements for Jericho.

Orton is okay, but when it comes to match quality it's definitely Jericho for me.


Silly McMahon and Jericho, trying to help the tag division. How dare they.

Exactly, if Jericho was so big, he would be the FACE of the company, not the face of tag teams. Sure Jericho brings in a lot of credibility, but he wouldn't bring anything to the Main event table at the moment.

See: First comment.

Well, I didn't want to elaborate on my post about Jericho not fitting into the Main Event at the moment, but now that you've mentioned this twice. I'll go ahead and say what I think about it. Jericho wouldn't fit in the main event scene

A) Because the main event is currently dominated by heels like Punk, and Orton.

B) Because Jericho really wouldn't have much to promo on Jeff Hardy about.

C) Because Jericho vs Cena has been done to death.

I cannot agree with this at all. I love Punk in this feud as much as I love Hardy, but to say Punk is carrying him is stupid.

I didn't litterally say carrying him. Jeff Hardy's style needs someone to carry him for the most part during a match. Just like the Hulk Hogan effect, people love to see him hit the Whisper in the Wind, out of no where into Twist of Fate into the Swanton.

Being able to work a series of characters?

As if Orton couldn't?

This is arguably the most important! Hardy is more over than Orton, that you've agreed to.

No, it is the most important. Ortan does his job as a heel, damn good. Hardy does his job of getting over as a face quite well somehow. Orton oozes that love to hate charisma, while Hardy, is just a spot monkey for the most part. Orton > Jeff Hardy in terms of entertainment, and is just as over as Jeff. But its hard to relate them, becuase Hardy is a face, and Orton is a heel.
I would have to go with CM Punk.

The year started off with him on Raw doing nothing but random tag matches every single week. After he was booked to look like shit during his reign as World Champion in 2008, he lost a LOT of momentum. However, he stuck with it, remained over, and continued to provide solid entertainment every time he stepped through those curtains. For that reason, I believe WWE decided to give him the ball forreal this time and run with it. And in my opinion, he's been running as fast as Michael Johnson ever since receiving it, especially since getting drafted to Smackdown. His feud with Jeff Hardy alone has been the best thing all year in WWE, and that's just indisputable if you ask me. Moreover, CM Punk is also a guy, who since his debut, has not missed ONE show or appearance for WWE. He has yet to be injured, or do anything stupid to cause him to let the fans down by not being able to perform. How many WWE wrestlers can say that since the middle of 2006? Not many, if any. But CM Punk is definitely one of them, if not the only one, and he deserves a lot of credit for that.
Randy Orton. He's been the man on RAW. He's had a awesome feud with the McMahon's, Triple H, a good feud with Batista, and it's looke liking this new feud with Cena is bringing something new out in Cena which is awesome. He's been the HEEL on Raw, no one else comes close. He has been the champion for most of the year because yes he is that damn good and Vince feels very comfortable with him holding the title. He's put on awesome matches, has great segments and makes you believe he really is physco. I love the guy, he gets my vote.

Honorable mentions to Jericho, Punk though.
Without a doubt it's Jeff Hardy. The man is the most over person on the roster. He started out the year as a champion, then had an awesome feud with his brother, went on to beat Edge for the title, only to lose it too C.M. Punk because of the MITB clause. That loss led to one of the best feuds of the year so far. Has maintained his fanbase, and even had it grow a little bit. The most popular wrestler, and the one with all the momentum in the world. Jeff Hardy if he stays with the company will be the wrestler of the year.
Aw bless, you think title reigns means something.

Never said he didn't. That's what I love about this post. You're debating me on things I haven't alluded to in any way.

Orton is okay, but when it comes to match quality it's definitely Jericho for me.

Silly McMahon and Jericho, trying to help the tag division. How dare they.

See: First comment.

I cannot agree with this at all. I love Punk in this feud as much as I love Hardy, but to say Punk is carrying him is stupid.

Being able to work a series of characters?

This is arguably the most important! Hardy is more over than Orton, that you've agreed to.

If Jericho would have won a world championship this year then maybe he will be 1st, but as of right now he is 3rd behind Orton and Jeff Hardy. Orton is the superstar of the year because he has won the championship twice and was in one of the biggest feuds of the year against the McMahons.

I wouldn't necessarily say Punk is carrying the feud but he has done much of the legwork. It reminds me of the Jericho/HBK feud where Jericho had to turn heel and did it perfectly. CM Punk has completed the transformation excellent and he has to carry Hardy on the mic because Jeff is absolute shit.

Jericho is still good though.
Jack Swagger

Let me explain why. In January he became ECW Champion by defeating Matt Hardy. He then defended the ECW title against Hardy at the Royal Rumble. For a man who had only been in the company for roughly 4 months prior to becoming ECW Champion, that's one hell of a feat. He defeated Finlay at No Way Out to continue his reign.

He continued to improve both on the mic and in the ring and was involved in quite possibly the best free 1 on 1 match of the year so far against John Cena during the Draft on RAW. He unfortunatly lost the ECW Championship to Christian at Backlash but this allowed him to be drafted to RAW in June and since being drafted, Swagger has quickly become one of the top guys on the show.

For a big-guy, whe's supremely athletic and is one of the best pure wrestlers around at the moment. And he can only get better and a further push could well see him become a main eventer by the end of the year. He's also one of the most exciting prospects around and (in my opinion) he could well be the next big thing in the company.
I will put Orton over Jericho. Sorry, but I can't give the nod to somebody who hasn't even been in the World Title picture this year. I hate Orton with an undying passion, but there is no denying he has been the man this year. Jericho the best wrestler they have? Totally. No argument here. Not WOTY though. Jeff Hardy, yeah I could buy that. He has been featured in big matches at every PPV this year, 2 title reigns... Maybe.

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