Hottest year for any ONE wrestler

I would have to say the hottest years for wrestlers are as followed

Kevin Nash in 1994 Won all 3 of the WWF titles and eliminated 7 guys out of the Royal Rumble held the title till Survivor Series 95

Goldberg in his first year in WCW 97-98 had the winning streak the US title n The WCW world title and ran over everyone they put against him to do it

Kurt Angle in 2000 he won the European and I-C titles at the same time KING of THE RING the WWE title and won a 6 man Hell in a Cell

Brock Lesnar 2002-2003 He came in won King of the Ring beat Hogan n the Rock and won the WWE title beat Undertaker in Hell in a Cell won the Rumble won at Wrestlemania and held on to the title all the way till Summerslam won it back the next week in an Ironman match and kept it until No Way Out 2004

You can say Stone Cold had a hott year in 98 winning the Rumble winning the WWF title twice n had the Hottest feud with McMahon,you can also say Vader had a hot year in 92-93 winning the WCW title n the WCW US title n winning the WCW title back in Dec of 92 n losing it and winning it again in Feb 93 and holding on to it until Starrcade of 93
My thing about Goldberg was who the hell did he beat and how did he wrestle so many matches in his streak? I t was career jobbers night in and night out. Sure he beat Raven, Hall, and Hogan but after that you have guys like Meng and Brand Armstrong while their were guys in WCW that could have made the streak look so much more credible (Luger, Hennig, Benoit, Savage). Also there is no way he was wrestling that kind of schedule to where he would win 12 matches in seven days It just is not possible.

You had me except for one major league point: You basically implied that Meng wasn't on the level of Raven and Scott Hall. I have to disagree with you. Meng's career in WCW and WWF (as Haku) revolved around him being the biggest badass even if he didn't pull any major singles titles. If I remember correctly, Meng feuded with Benoit in 1997 and passed out to the crossface rather than tap. If anything, Meng and Regal did more to get Goldberg over than most of the other guys you mentioned.

But my pick: Sid Vicious from July 1996-March 1997. Listen to the crowd reactions the guy got. He got bigger pops than almost anyone gets now. Don't believe me? Go on youtube and look up Sid vs. Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw or Sid vs. HHH champion v. "champion"
KB is right, Austin all the way. Since he said it all, I'll go with my second choice..

Finally...the Rock has come back to the forum!! Did we all forget about the Rock between '98-99? He was consistently vying for the the intercontinental title at a time when the titles prestige was arguably dying out, was the leader of the Nation for part of it, had notable feuds with Triple H/DX, Stone Cold and Foley, won his first WWE title when he and Vince screwed Foley at the Survivor Series '98 and he was the "player coach" of The Corporation. Not to mention that's when "The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment!!" was born.
For me, it's Brock Lesnar without a doubt. Brock Lesnar came in and just completely dominated and demolished everything in his path. Within about 4 months of his WWE television debut, Lesnar wins the WWE Championship. Brock Lesnar was over enough and believable enough among fans to win the WWE Championship in record time. He feuded with the likes of Hulk Hogan, The Rock, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy & John Cena and beat them all. Nobody rose to dominance faster than Brock Lesnar.
Kurt Angle (2000) - He came in as the Olympic Hero and he had an undefeated streak going into 2000. He held the Euro and IC titles simultaneously, he won KOTR, he was WWE champ by the end of the year and a legitimate main eventer.

Goldberg (1998) - Built up as an unstoppable monster who was undefeated in 174 matches. I'd say that's pretty damn impressive. Nothing in pro wrestling matches it.

Brock Lesnar (2002) - Billed as "The Next Big Thing" with Paul Heyman as his mouthpiece. Absolutely took apart members of the WWE roster, including the Hardys, RVD, The Rock, and Undertaker. He won KOTR that year and was WWE champion by Summerslam.

Those are the exact 3 I would have chosen!

Angle and Lesnar had unrivalled success after entering the WWE, holding the World Title in their rookie year. This isnt the same as a former WCW wrestler arriving in the WWE and then holding the belt quickly, these were two guys who were new to professional wrestling fans and in their first year on TV they went on to claim the top belt in the business, which is almost unheard of.

If I had to pick one out of Lesnar and Angle I would go with Kurt simply because while Brock defeated some BIG names on his mission to the title, Angle won the IC title, European title and then the big one, and both guys won KOTR. For the sheer amount of titles he won in the 1 year, I would give this to Kurt Angle

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