WWE's Top 10 To Win The World/WWE Title... Back In 2009


Pre-Show Stalwart
Just read a intresting article from a WWE magazine back in October of 2009. It contains a list of 10 wrestlers who they thought will do well/win gold. Lets have a look at who is on the list some will shock you now.

1. John Morrison - Every since October 2009 he has moved up the card, moved to RAW and competed for the WWE title earlier this year. He has done pretty good since the magazine article was wrote.

2. The Miz - Obviously we know how he turned out, won the U.S title a little bit before this was wrote then won the tag team gold, won Money In The Bank and is now the current WWE champion who will be main eventing WM27 next week. WOW.

3. Ted Dibiase - Told you there was some shockers on here but back in 2009 we all would have agreed that he would be big after Legacy. Lets see he broke away from Legacy and was orignally susposed to be a face with Cody but that got changed when everyone pop'd for Orton. After that showed promise as he was going to lead a new group which never happened and held the Million Dollar Title after that we didn't see for a while untill last monday's RAW where he got a pedigree. Failure so far.

4. Evan Bourne - Now this is hard to grade as he missed quite a bit of 2010/2011 but he did show promise in June 2010 when he was main eventing RAW's and beating the likes of Edge, Sheamus and Jericho. He came back recently from injury and we don't know where he will be going from now on. It seems his push was dying just before his injury as he would start teaming with Mark Henry.

5. Jack Swagger - The first of the 10 to win the big one after winning MITB back at WM26 since that he lost the title and dropped to midcard and has done nothing since now in 2011 he is Michael Coles trainer at WM27 what a huge drop i think he got the big one way too early and its unknown where he will go after WM27.

6. Kofi Kingston - During the time this was wrote he was nearing main event status as he would be main eventing RAW's and in a fued with Orton and then he botches something with Orton and since got moved to Smackdown where he won the IC title twice and went on a long losing streak. This is a huge drop as many was saying 2010 was the year of Kofi and that he will win the big one for sure.

7. David Hart Smith - Yeah ummm he won the tag titles with Tyson Kidd then lost them then got heel turned on and then i think he was on superstars for a while now we have lost him and could be released very soon. Failure.

8. Tyson Kidd - Same as David Hart Smith but instead of getting pushed to superstars he got a tiny push by getting a bodyguard that has gone somewhere??? And now is getting beaten up by Hornswoggle at the Rumble and appearing on whatever he can these days. Possible release coming soon.

9. Cody Rhodes - Since breaking from Legacy he was gone for a few weeks this started a new gimmick while it has been a good change he has hardly done anything. He won the tag titles and now is wrestling Rey Mysterio at WM27 which is a very good stepup and the future is looking good for him now.

10. Dolph Ziggler - Easily he has the 2nd most success on this list you got to remember this was back in 2009 and back then he was nothing he had some very good matches with Rey and John Morrrison but was still a nothing. That was untill 2010 came and he finally won the IC title after trying to get it for a full year and then had some very good matches with Daniel Bryan which got match of the year votes from people all over the internet. In 2011 he won the World title only for minutes and is now on RAW and now is on everyones list to do well.

Very intresting looking back on this and people back then would have agreed with this list and its crazy how many are doing good already this list was more like a in 5 years time thing but a few months later!! Someone wins the big one and a year and a bit later one has won every title on RAW and is now main eventing Mania. Thoughts on this list? (What you thought back in 2009 what you think now and what you think for the future.)
1. John Morrison - He's moving quickly. Only so many main event spots at Mania, and he just didn't belong. He'll probably get there, even if he shouldn't.

2. The Miz - We now what's happened here.

3. Ted Dibiase - Boring, uninteresting, blah, blah, blah. He's only 28, and still has a shot.

4. Evan Bourne - I think his size will hurt him..but he does a flippie :).

5. Jack Swagger - Wouldn't be surprised to see him stuck in the mid-card for the rest of his career.

6. Kofi Kingston - Who knows. I'm not a fan, but someone obviously likes the guy.

7. David Hart Smith - I don't see it. He's young enough, but what does he really have going for him? Davey Boy never held the big one, and his kid isn't half as jacked, and nowhere near as talented.

8. Tyson Kidd - Much better in-ring competitor than DH, but he's small. Also, don't forget that terrible patch of hair he's seemingly in love with.

9. Cody Rhodes - Future World Champion, no question in my mind.

10. Dolph Ziggler - Technically already a World champ, but I think he's got several more in him.

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