Eric Young and the TV Title


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I need some help understanding this one.

Eric Young is the TNA TV Champion. He won the title on the May 26th episode of Impact. He defended the title a week later against Mr. Anderson and then was in a tag team match with Sting on June 9. He wasn't in another match until July 10 at Destination X, which was a bonus tag match. He also defended the title on September 8 against Robbie E and to the best of my knowledge, that's the last we've seen of him since.

During this time he also had the long running deal of going to Los Angeles to look for Scott Baio and beating up random people that he thought were celebrities.

Young won the title almost 5 months ago and has defended it twice while being in 4 matches since winning it. If he holds it another 15 days, he'll have the longest reign in the history of the title. Why does he have the title, why is he never seen, and why don't they either get rid of the title or find time for him and it to be on TV at least once a month?
Who knows, if it wasn't for this post I still would have forgotten that there is even a TV Title. Better yet, that there is even Eric Young. They made a mockery of the title since it's debut of it being the legends title. It is a damn shame because they have the one person in TNA who could make that title more meaning full then it has ever been. His name is Rob Van Dam. Yup, the greatest TV Champion in ECW history and he should be TV Champion in TNA. Give RVD the title and have him kick everyone’s ass until the title means something for once. Same goes for the KO Tag Titles.
Its only been five months? :headscratch:

TNA time is like time in supermax. Days feel like months, months like years. I could have sworn he has been the TV champion since at least 2009
its been a really long time since eric young has been seen on t.v. (like the above poster said, only 5 months seems like a lot more!)
There is a VERY, VERY logical reason for this.

It's TNA. all conventional logic would dictate that a Television Champion would actually be defending his title, or at least on TELEVISION. But it's TNA, so don't expect logic.
Yeah but if you ask Eric Young, he's defended that titles against camera guys, technicians, and he even beat D'Lo Brown at one point.
Yeah but if you ask Eric Young, he's defended that titles against camera guys, technicians, and he even beat D'Lo Brown at one point.

And D'Lo Brown is a former 48-time champion, with his most notable championships being the WWF European and Intercontinental championships, titles held by men like Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart. He's definitely a worthy contender. :lmao:
Why does he have the title, why is he never seen, and why don't they either get rid of the title or find time for him and it to be on TV at least once a month?

Are you seriously trying tell me that you are legitimately unable to work out an answer to those questions?
Eric Young is one of the few truly excellent and entertaining things about TNA to me, even if his booking is shocking and his character backstory atrociously offensive.

But the answer to KB's questions would surely be the same as "why isn't AJ/Joe/TNA Original Mainstay being pushed?" And that is, quite simply, I don't know.
Eric Young, like God, is omnipresent. He's always on television. I saw him on a Two and a Half Men rerun last night.
Does he still have that epic beard? I couldn't care if he held it and didn't defend it for the next decade, as long as the beard continues to grow I believe EY deserves his spot on... Whatever show he is on, again.
Thing is, Eric Young can wrestle and he could be used well, TNA just don't use him.
They should rename this title to the "TNA Irony Championship". Because for a title that's supposed to be defended repeatedly on television (hence the name "TV Title"), they sure as hell don't ever actually have him defend it...on television.

I think they're just in a holding pattern right now with all of their midcard angles right now until BFG is over when they go into their yearly "reboot" process. The TV title could be an extremely useful midcard title for the company if they ever decide to start using it. All those semi-main event guys who aren't quite over as traditional main eventers but don't fit into the wrestling style of the X-Division should be fighting over that title right now, people like Bully Ray for example or even Joe or Morgan or fuck even Crimson down the road. That's how they should use the thing, as a stepping stone into the main event. Y'know, the traditional purpose of a heavyweight midcard title.
They should rename this title to the "TNA Irony Championship". Because for a title that's supposed to be defended repeatedly on television (hence the name "TV Title"), they sure as hell don't ever actually have him defend it...on television.

I think they're just in a holding pattern right now with all of their midcard angles right now until BFG is over when they go into their yearly "reboot" process. The TV title could be an extremely useful midcard title for the company if they ever decide to start using it. All those semi-main event guys who aren't quite over as traditional main eventers but don't fit into the wrestling style of the X-Division should be fighting over that title right now, people like Bully Ray for example or even Joe or Morgan or fuck even Crimson down the road. That's how they should use the thing, as a stepping stone into the main event. Y'know, the traditional purpose of a heavyweight midcard title.


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