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WWE's scripted promos are stale, boring, repetitive, and need a change

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The more I watch WWE programming the more I see that they dictate specifically what the wrestlers should say. Only Jericho, HHH, HBK, Punk, The Undertaker, Orton, Cena, The Miz and maybe a few others sporadically don't follow a script or don't sound like they are reading off of cue cards to me.

Yep. These guys are arguably the only ones who are "trusted" enough to be able to add more other than what they are scripted to say, and I've heard that some even get to write their own. Other than Punk and Miz though, that list is all the top guys of the WWE. Once more guys rise up through the ranks they will reach the level where they have less restriction on their promos just like most of the top guys.

One of the things we complain about in the PG Era is the lack of awesome promos. Do you think this is because wrestlers are now following a script word for word?

Possibly. We've had a few awesome ones, but not as many as we could have. It's a very good point that some wrestlers would have an easier time getting over if they were not as restricted on the mic. Others, who aren't as naturally gifted on the mic, are helped by having a scripted promo. Whether this helps or hurts someone depends on how good they are on the mic to begin with. I'd be all for having less guys follow a script word for word though because they could add some of "their own selves" into the lines.

Even the announcers sound scripted at times. Should Vince and creative loosen up a little?

Absolutely. Vince should let the announcers announce instead of feeding them odd lines because some of them are either too corny or put a segment over far more than needed to.

It isn't just with the announcers though, Vince and creative need to loosen up with the wrestlers and even the divas too when it comes to following the scripts so much because it would make the promos more believable. If someone is gifted on the mic, let them go off-script just a little and add some more to the line. If they aren't gifted, have them follow the script only. It's that simple.
Nobody will ever be able to match Ric Flair and Arn Anderson on the mic - ever. They are, hands down, the 2 greatest ever talkers in the business, and backed up what they said to boot. Check out some Flair and Double-A NWA promos on YouTube from the 80's. Thankfully so, I grew up watching during this era.

Not far behind them would be Tully Blanchard, Sting, Magnum T.A., Michael Hayes, Jim Cornette, Paul E. Dangerously, Harley Race, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Eric Bischoff, and even The Rock. These are people who were effective and could connect with the audience well.

These are the people that today's wrestlers should watch footage of and learn how to talk. But Vince needs to back off and let them actually talk and express themselves and get their personalities over in order for anyone to actually care. Your character should be an exaggerated version of your real self.
Nobody will ever be able to match Ric Flair and Arn Anderson on the mic - ever. They are, hands down, the 2 greatest ever talkers in the business, and backed up what they said to boot.

Are you sure? I agree that they could back up their words with their in ring ability.... but no one matching them on the mic ever? They don't even make the top 10.

The Rock, Stone Cold, Cena, Edge, Christian, Jericho, Triple H, HBK, Kurt Angle, Sting, and Nash are all better on the mic.

We can agree to disagree though.

These are the people that today's wrestlers should watch footage of and learn how to talk. But Vince needs to back off and let them actually talk and express themselves and get their personalities over in order for anyone to actually care. Your character should be an exaggerated version of your real self.

Ok, now THIS part I definitely agree on! The guys who are not gifted on the mic need to watch old footage of great promos by the best guys from the past. Vince also needs to let them add some of themselves rather than forcing them to follow the script 100%. Doing those two things would see an exponential increase in the quality of the promo's.
I think vince and creative are getting too obsessed with controlling their talent, telling them what to do, what to say blah blah blah. During the 90s talent had some say in what they did, not alot of say but some non the less, most of the good ideas in the business comes from the locker room, got to remember these guys and girls in the locker room are die hard fans thats why they do what they do.

But on the other hand the writers are for the most part failed hollywood writers, who to be honest aren't wrestling fans. I say they should ask the talent for ideas if they cant come up with anything , better than releasing them which is what they normally do when they have no ideas, but its a power thing. Creative (Vince) has the power other the wrestlers, the wrestlers, well some of them are just seen as jumping monkeys most of the time.
Today, I was watching ESPN's First Take for a few minutes, and John Cena was on. His WWE persona as of late has been terribly scripted and boring. He was actually very funny and showed that he has a personality, and was very likable as a whole as well. It sort of made me remember why I really liked him back when he was a heel in 2003. When he's able to be something other than just Super Cena, he's someone who is entertaining. Between the appearance on First Take, and other interviews I've heard from him in the past, he seems like an easy going and very funny guy. To me, it's mindboggling that they want to script the hell out of him.

The WWE wants him to be the next Rock. That has been their primary motive with pushing him to the moon. The key to The Rock's success was the fact that he had a personality, and for the most part, was able to go off-script. When the WWE tries to let Cena be funny, he's stuck doing shit like spray-painting "JBL IS POOPY" on limos. For the most part, they book him as a super-serious guy whose voice escalates to show he is angry and serious and that he never backs down. Back when it was time for The Rock to be serious, it actually meant something, because it was something that we rarely saw out of him, and he was convincing as hell. Cena's serious guy promos are convincing, but it's all we see out of him, and as a result, he's stale. The Rock worked with the writers to become what he was, and his promos as a result, were must-see. I think the issue with Cena is that he either doesn't work with the writers, or is not allowed to because Vince wants him to be Super Cena, disregarding what really made The Rock and Stone Cold so successful... Improvisation. Some of Cena's best work in the WWE was his old webshow, Five Questions With The Champ. In those segments, he was allowed to be himself, and he was funny. I watched those every week.

I think a lot of the reason why the younger wrestlers are for the most part, like generic create-a-wrestlers is because they're not really allowed to cut promos and develop characters for themselves. It's pointless. How is a guy ever going to learn how to cut a good promo if they can't cut promos of their own? It's why I've become a huge fan of Zack Ryder's. He was starting "WOO WOO WOO" on the Dirt Sheet, when he made five second appearances. He went ahead and was able to develop that into a character, something I'm sure he had to do on his own and pitch.

A lot of people thought that the Survivor Series buildup between Cena and DX was fun, because they were all comedy-based. The three of them let their actual personalities shine through, and it was a hell of a lot better than the usual boring promos they give. I'm very sure that HBK is allowed to be himself most of the time during the DX skits, and he's funny when he's allowed to be. And that's another thing about DX. Back when they first came on the scene, the improvised stuff they did got Vince in trouble with USA. Then they did the state of the union where they addressed the issues with USA, and they loved it. When these guys are allowed to be themselves, the viewer cares. Serious promos make the wrestlers come off as being boring and fake.

Would Stone Cold Steve Austin be the phenomenon he was without improvisation? Of course not. He even said that improv'ing was what allowed his character to really start to get over.

Let the guys improv, and that would undoubtedly reach the crowd much more than a canned serious promo ever would. The guys should really be allowed to pitch ideas and work on the scripts a lot more than what is just given to them to read.
Can anyone here remember waaaay back when WWF Superstars was the only real wrestling program on TV? Well before Monday Night Raw ever existed? On WWF Superstars before almost every match the wrestlers would cut a promo about the guy they are about to face. It was pretty cool, every character had their own back drop so it didn't look like they were just cutting a promo in the same room the guy before him did, it looked like the wrestlers very own sanctum where they would give their thoughts. For those of you who can not remember that, that is how promos used to be done in the WWF. Just about every guy got to do them, and some were better than others. I guarantee if any of you have Hogan, Mach, Warrior, Bret, or some other old school wrestlers DVD there are probably spots where you see a promo of this style. At pay per views, they would do the same thing before a match and some times afterward. The point is that just about everyone was getting their shot to do them, and odds are no one was telling Hogan what exactly to say during his promos or any of the other legends of the promo.

I think a great example of what can be done by letting the wrestlers handle it themselves would be The Dirt Sheet segment that Miz and Morrison had last week. There's no way that could have been completely scripted. I'd bet they did exactly what most of you were talking about, giving them points to hit on and letting them run with it. I thought Morrison was great and Miz played off of him perfectly. It was a great segment, basically a long promo, that they both handled very well.

Here's the problem with letting everyone do that thought. Not everyone is as good on the mic as some of the vets and guys like Miz, Morrison, Punk, Cena, Jericho and so on. Really, perfect example: Jack Swagger. Now while he may be improving with a mile to go, not too long ago he had a match against god knows who and after the match he was supposed to cut some kind of promo. He gets the mic, and stands there for a second, obviously clueless as to what he should say, so he starts to talk and since he can't think of anything clever to say on the fly he just stumbles over his own catch phrase "The 2 time 2 time All-American American, Jack Swagger" You could tell he was about to say something more but couldn't come up with anything. So he throws down the mic before he gets himself fired as everyone realizes what idiot he just looked like. That is why you have scripted segments. Some guys just don't know what to say, and some of them freeze when they realize "Holy Shit!!! There's like 20,000 plus watching me, I already wrestled now what am I supposed to say???!!!" something along those lines at least.

The place we are really at is figuring out who to let talk and who to give the dummy cards to. Let's face it, some of them need it. Goldberg never cut a decent promo, but he never wrestled a decent match either so that might be a bad one to reference.....Bret Hart!!!! Perfect!!!. Bret wasn't exactly a great when it came to cutting promos, watch his dvd he says it himself. He didn't have a clue what to say. They just told him say this this and this, and act like you mean it, and he did. Eventually he got it on his own but he is a good example of guys who need some coaching and so on. While I am not a big proponent of scripting dialog, it has it's place and it's purpose.

WWE just needs to do like they did back in the beginning as it was a tool. Let everyone cut the promos on their own for a minute, and you'll find out who is better or worse, who needs some help on the stick and who doesn't. From there you work on an as needed basis with each individual. Let the better guys do their thing, and work with the shabby ones so that they will be able to do it on their own eventually because the point is after all that someone cutting a promo without parameters per-say, is much better and more authentic than a scripted, manufactured speech delivered by someone who is unsure about their ability to deliver period.

Exactly. Maybe it's because I was younger, but it seemed that EVERYONE back then could cut a decent promo if needed. From the main event down to the jobbers.

Nowadays it seems only a few people can pull off a promo and have it not come across as completely scripted. Chris Jericho, The Miz, even Kofi has a few promos to his credit. DX can pull it off too. Cena has the ability, but they don't let him cut loose like he can. Randy Orton....ugh...enough said.

I don't see the point of totally scripted promos. They make those that can cut a good promo seem weak and those that can't seem even weaker.
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