WWE's Injury List

Now here is where TNA is better then the WWE so far. TNA has a great creative team and TNA also has better energy and fast pace matches. WWE has been unoriginal since the departing of the Rock and Stone Cold. Im sorry...but the feud between the Great Khali and John Cena is not very creative. Also, the feud between carlito and flair (who i think should just retire) is crap. MVP should be pushed harder. The only thing i like about it is how undertaker was the champ at one point in time. WWE needs big stars like that to help produce. They should push Kane (even with his injury). TNA's matches are exciting and fun to watch. I personally think Cena is a better heel then a face. Orton should get a title shot
Now here is where TNA is better then the WWE so far. TNA has a great creative team and TNA also has better energy and fast pace matches. WWE has been unoriginal since the departing of the Rock and Stone Cold. Im sorry...but the feud between the Great Khali and John Cena is not very creative. Also, the feud between carlito and flair (who i think should just retire) is crap. MVP should be pushed harder. The only thing i like about it is how undertaker was the champ at one point in time. WWE needs big stars like that to help produce. They should push Kane (even with his injury). TNA's matches are exciting and fun to watch. I personally think Cena is a better heel then a face. Orton should get a title shot

This thread isn't a WWE Vs. TNA thread, that is in the TNA section. This is also not a storyline thread, there are those as well somewhere around in the WWE section, this is purely about the major Injuries suffered by the main eventers and WWE not being prepared with Midcard that are ready to make the jump up to the Main Event level whe occurances like the Injury bug that is going around the Smackdown locker room. As for Orton there are threads devoted to the man. Can one of the WWE mods or a G-mod or an Admin go and merge the two above threads.
Now here is where TNA is better then the WWE so far. T

tna doesn't have the grueling sched that wwe has.
i'm really upset about this helms thing.... he i s perhaps the most under RATED wrestler in the whole company and this just sucks. totally ruined my friday reading this....:bringit:
Well injuries as sad as they are give other people a shot at the spotlight. It seems like the WWE is second thinking batista's stance in the World Title picture, well they atleast should. I really have a feeling they are going to give Matt Hardy a good push this year, but they confuse me they have him beat someone high then lose to someone lower. It seems though that he is being pushed hard on wwe.com. Anyways, back on topic. The injuries are devastating especially to the top echelon of talent. Taker, HHH, Kennedy injuries, coupled with a lack of developed or even forgotten superstars creates a bad situation. Who knows maybe the injuries will give the WWE notice to freshen the product up. Well one can only hope, only if McMahon himself would get injured.
Their's only one reason the WWE doesn't want to push talent is because they don't want to step on anybodys toes (HHH). Kane, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Masters, Benoit, Carlito, Finley, Benjamin, Chavo and RIC FLAIR deserve to be pushed for a main event because they've earned it. I wouldn't push MVP or Dykstra yet.........Remember when WCW made The Giant world champion at a young age.:raven:
Masters hasnt done anything yet aside from have a sick entrance and act like an inflatable volleyball... benoit should be main eventer... kane should be main event.... carlito should NOT, hes too slow in the ring, he does these spots which r supposed to be fluint but he takes so long it looks terrible half the time.... Finlay is fine where he is.... BENJAMIN THO i think is one of the best wrestlers ive ever seen and i dont care if he can talk, cause bret barely talked forever and it was fine.... FLAIR is too old and chavo just doesnt inbterest enough ppl.

Im hoping Shelton gets acknowledged in this down time of injuries
How about making a TV title that needs to be defended every week on any brand. That might give mid carders more exposure
I feel that their ridiculous road schedule is the underlying reason for all of these injuries. I mean, if you are travelling, I don't know, 100 odd miles every week, then putting on a 2 hour show, and possibly a pay per view thrown in every know and then, then of course there are going to be injuries to the main eventers.

Now in now way am I saying they should stop their road schedule, because obviously it makes money, which is what business is all about, but they should have more intense parts of the regime in a contrast to more relaxed parts of the year.

Just a thought.
well you can all add HBK to the list..this by far has to be the worst situation ever..nearly every main eventer possible has been put on the side...def one hell of a time for the midcarders to finally step up and show if they actually deserve to be pushed up...
This could be a big time for some midcarders looking for a push. But, All WWE will give us is probably Kahli, Snisky, and some other crappy crapper while Carlito, Benjamin, Punk, and others don't move up at all.
Dave Meltzer is reporting today that Shawn Michaels has a blown out knee. HBK missed last nights house show and is going to try to gut it out tomorrow night at Judgment Day.

This injury is considered serious. This is absolutely terrible news for WWE as there have been a ton of top name injuries as of late.

More details shortly

Wonderful, absolutly wonderful. Can it possibly get any worse for the WWE right now. You can't hope for any midcarders to move up, because they are all goign to be fired within the next week as well.

Everyone saw this HBK injury coming from a mile away. He has been asking for time off for the better part of 8 months now, and they didn't let him rest because they wanted to run the DX angle as long as they could. This is on the WWE trying to get as much as they can out of people before they get injured.

That Roddy Piper shoot from 2003 sounds a lot more closer to truth then, according to JR, "a man feeling sorry for himself."
Wow you know WWE just doesn't get that one person can only go so long before something like this happens. HBK has been asking for time iff since the Rated RKO feud with DX. Then Triple H gets hurts and HBK is ask to carry the load and now theyhave pushed too much on him and he has really injured himself.

This why I been saying that need to develop their talent more so things liek this dont happen as a wrestler can take time off when needed so they dont get seriously hurt. Yet, WWE nowadays dont develop the younger talent and just reley in the older verterns. This is such a shame and all i can say is TNA this is their opptunity with WWE hurting.
Jesus how many injured wrestlers is that now? I can't even keep track--the WWE is in dire, dire shape here. If TNA were to ever capitalize I'd say they'd have to get those two hours, possibly on Monday, very soon. Because you can bet your ass this summer is going to suck horribly for the WWE, with guys out injured like Kennedy, Taker, HBK, HHH, and to a lesser extent guys like Gregory Helms.

Meh, who knows. All I know is that as soon as HBK leaves RAW, I will officially have no reason to watch the show at all, as he's the only last remaining thing I enjoy about RAW, aside from the rare time when they let Shelton Benjamin actually wrestle, and when guys like Carlito are given more then five minutes.

Guess it'll just be Smackdown for awhile then, I'm starting to really enjoy Smackdown, especially because they actually feature WRESTLING, something they sparingly do on RAW.
Wow you know WWE just doesn't get that one person can only go so long before something like this happens. HBK has been asking for time iff since the Rated RKO feud with DX. Then Triple H gets hurts and HBK is ask to carry the load and now theyhave pushed too much on him and he has really injured himself.

This why I been saying that need to develop their talent more so things liek this dont happen as a wrestler can take time off when needed so they dont get seriously hurt. Yet, WWE nowadays dont develop the younger talent and just reley in the older verterns. This is such a shame and all i can say is TNA this is their opptunity with WWE hurting.

WEll this situation isnt really anyones fault..both hbk and vince knew that with hhh gone there was no way in hell hbk could take time off as well..those would be 2 huge blows to the main event status of raw..injuries happen thats how it goes...this is compeltely horrible but it gives the chance for those midcarders that have been waiting for a chance to step up to finally step up..and for all those wrestlers with talent who the majority have been wanting to see get in a higher position perhaps this is the time to see if they really can main event with whats occuring at the moment...lol why must you bring up TNA? this isnt a chance for them to do nothing as they still have a one hour show and 1.0 ratings..overall i just cant wait to see who steps up to the main event level from the midcard...
Holy crap can anybody say healthy nowadays??? Without Shawn Michaels the future of raw looks very grim. It now Def. means a summer of boring fueds with John Cena and Kahli, Umaga, and even Snitsky. But it is WWE's own fault for not elevating new stars like they used to and relying on the older guys to hold up the main event. This is not good...not good at all
I think this is a time for some superstars to really come to the fore. The likes of Jeff and Matt Hardy,Randy Orton,Benoit,MVP,Kennedy when he comes back, even Nitro, and even get Kenny back on regular programming, and I think if they really push these guys in an appropriate way, I'm sure they can squeeze ratings and ppv buys out of them. I'm sure that there are more wrestlers but I'm drawing blanks.
Man, all these injuries are going to be very bad for the next few PPV's. Sure, HBK is gonna try to gut it out for Judgment Day, but what happens after that? That leaves, as of now, Cena, Lashley, Umaga, Batista and Edge and Khali...eesh. I am very scared for the next few ppvs. And, say hypothetically, one of these guys gets hurt Sunday..they had better push the new breed, nitro, kenny, etc, QUICK!!!
Even if they actually push midcarders, I think they might need to bring someone new in to add star power or at least shock value. Who are some likely candidates?

Jericho probably isn't ready mentally or physically, if he ever will come back to begin with. X-Pac is not interesting. If they hadn't feuded so much last year, I would say have Cena and Edge start a program between both shows and have, not a unification, but title for title match at Summerslam. That would be different.

Randy Orton is such a dumbass, if he wasn't in trouble he would definitely be feuding with and probably winning the title from Cena right now. I wish Orton would win the title from Cena and then do the cross-show feud with Edge. Cena can feud with Snitsky in the meantime (shiver). At least he would have the belt anymore.
We are in for some dull, dark weeks coming up. You can just feel the pain coming off of Shawn Michaels, and it looks like he's finally going to get some much needed time off. While I hoped this would be when HHH got back, it looks like it's coming quicker and is probably going to last longer with the 'serious' side of his knee injury (on top of his other niggling injuries.) Raw and SmackDown are fast becoming depleted, and this is the time to pull the plug on ECW and spread their talent around the rosters. They are just eating up the wrestlers that the other brands need like the New Breed, CM Punk, Nunzio, Richards, the Majors and the other wrestlers with a shred of talent down there. No one is replacing the calibre of the main event wrestlers that are being 'injured-off' right now, but building up the up and comers is something that needs to be done. It's time the WWE actually looks at their depth and while no one could predict a twist as shocking as the amount of injuries and layoffs, it looks like the WWE are going to have to deal with it. It has exposed their lack of depth as I've said before and really, they have themselves to blame. The guys the company had hoped would carry them through tough times are gone, and the guys they didn't give a stuff about are going to have to fill their void. It's bad timing for a lot of them, especially with guys like Kennedy and Michaels, who really were second in lines to the title shots. I don't like how Helms is going to recover because taking a year off for a neck break is not good for someone who looks to be losing his talent at the moment. It's fair to say he won't be missed much, but it's unfortunate for the guy that that has happened. The WWE can't take a trick and it's astonishing just how fast they are being injured. I still can't get over some of them at all, and hopefully, quick recoveries will be a plenty.
The injuries don't surprise me that much. You have a limited roster to begin with of people that can actually carry a match. Once one of these chains is broken, then you are asking more of the guys that can actually put on a good match and go longer to spread out a pay per view. This puts more strain on good wrestlers, and eventually people were down. Another guy goes down, and more pressure is put on the guys that can actually work. So now we are down to two guys in the whole entire roster that can put on main event level matches that are worthy of being main event, and that's Edge and Benoit. Raw has no one left worth a damn watching. ECW has CM Punk, and that's it, and like I said with Smackdown, main event level, it's down to Edge and Benoit.

The WWE has no one to blame but themselves. They refuse to push actual wreslters like Benjamin and Haas on raw. They don't make McMahon laugh, so therefore, they don't get pushed. It's insane how bad the product is right now. I won't be a complete naysayer, because Backlash actually was a half way decent pay per view, aside from the finish, but honestly, who didn't see it coming. Other then that, this has been a horrible year in ring and out of the ring for the WWE.
I think this is a time for some superstars to really come to the fore. The likes of Jeff and Matt Hardy,Randy Orton,Benoit,MVP,Kennedy when he comes back, even Nitro, and even get Kenny back on regular programming, and I think if they really push these guys in an appropriate way, I'm sure they can squeeze ratings and ppv buys out of them. I'm sure that there are more wrestlers but I'm drawing blanks.

YES it's DEFINITIVELY TIME to push youngsters to the next level .

I think HHH should ask for a program with someone like Johnny Nitro to give him the rub for the next level .

Benoit is making up M.V.P, Edge will make Kennedy a bona fide main eventer and HHH should do the same thing at SummerSlam against Nitro .

It's time to build the superstars of tomorrow cause the old stars can't carry it anymore .

Enough is enough, 300 + nights of work are taking their toll on anyone's body
wwe has plenty of main eventers left, mark henry, umaga, lashly, khali, cena, batista, snitsky, pitty none of them can actually wrestle. the only person theyve got left thats been pushed as a main eventer that can actuallyu wrestle is edge. and lets face it theyre not gunna push any one else such as cm punk or matt hardy up to that level imediately, it takes time to push them up to that level, like can they really have hardy wrestleing murdoch one week then challengeing cena or edge the next?
all i can say is now wwe is SCREWED they need to push people quick cause they have lost so many big stars

Undertaker - injured
mr kennedy - injured
triple h - injured
rey mysterio - injured
shawn michaels - injured
kurt angle - left
big show - left
eddie guerrero - dead (r.i.p)

you left out some for the list.

Sabu- Fired
RVD- Possibly on the way out.
Booker T-injured
Randy Orton- In hot water and may never get out of it.

This is without question the WWE in it's darkest hour. If TNA had a strategy in mind, this would be a key point to strike because right now the WWE is at it's weakest. It's in the hands of John Cena, Edge, Khali and Batista. This is really, REALLY not good. None of the guys I just mentioned are ready for that kind of weight on their shoulders. And while I'm all for moving up the Mid-Carders, they can't risk it at this point. To do it right now would be a crap shoot. There's no certainty that pushing some mid-carders would work. Oh and I left one out because of the 3rd brand. (Soon to be) Snitsky and Bobby Lashley. This is a truly dark time for the WWE.

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