WWE...you have a problem, lets fix it.

The Warlord

Pre-Show Stalwart
For the second year in a row theres talk of "saving Wrestlemania."

How they constantly fuck shit up is beyond me.

If any of the suits come to this forum...then put your glasses on and read this good:

First off, Roman keeps his title shot at Mania. Dont try changing this and ruining the integrity of the Royal Rumble because things didnt go according to plan.

Roman Miavia needs to turn heel at Mania (joining the authority) and beat Brock with HHH's help. The new champ stands tall as the crowd boos the hell out of him.

Rollins music hits and cashes in and beats Reigns for the WWE title. The face turn is complete, the fans are eating it up and your new babyface celebrates in the ring. Dont fight this...Rollins will eventually be a top face, especially if he continues to perform the way he does.

For the next few months, the Authority (HHH, Steph and Reigns) will hunt down Rollins. No more Kane. No more fuckin Big Show. Just keep the Authority simple and powerful, not watered down.

John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins are the top faces.

Reigns replaces Lesnar as the top heel. If people want to boo him...then let them boo him all they fuckin want.
What if Lesnar actually stays with the WWE? It's entirely possible, and I'm starting to think it's pretty likely. It's a pretty cushy gig, certainly cushier than fighting for real.

Brock goes over at mania and continues his reign of terror, and Roman wins the rematch next year. It's Cena/Rock all over again.
Yeah, I can see HHH making this a no-DQ match and making people think he's doing it to screw Reigns but he turns it around on Lesnar saying he did it because taking the WWE title hostage and never showing up/defending the belt isn't what's best for business.

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