WWE Wrestlemania 31 Official card prediction


Dark Match Winner
We have a thread for the WrestleMania 30 card but I wanted to do one for the WrestleMania 31 card.This card all depends on who is on it.NOW THERE IS A THREAD ON HERE ABOUT FANASTY BOOKING IT.MINES IN A PREDICTION (NOT FANASTY!)
I say WM31 already looks better than almost any PPV this year has. I think by the time next March greets us, we will be looking back and wondering how this is the same PPV. Although WWE has made strides that last few weeks for projected Mania content, I feel like they completely neglected the 30th Anniversary of the very thiing that helped make Vince.
With the young crop of wrestlers, alot of whom have wowed in the ring and killed it on the stick, I honestly think they would have to thoroughly try to screw this up next year. We should see Bray, Cessaro, Ambrose, Reigns, Rollins taking up a number of matches on the card. Also, if you follow NXT, there are a number of good looking talents who very well could be brought up after SummerSlam (Graves, The Ascension and Sami Zayn to name a few). Add to that the Obligatory Triple H and Taker appearances and the potential for a Rock/Y2J, Sting, Punk, Angle or Austin bout, WM 31 is almost fool proof..................Almost. Lets see those storylines. Take any wrestler you like and give a 12 month booking on him!
Now I think we will get these legends Rock,Sting,Angle,Jericho,and RVD.I think the card will look like
discussed WrestleMania 31 matches are
Cena/Reigns (WWE hvt. title), (By the time we get to WrestleMania 31 if WWE handles his push right Reigns could win the RR and be headlining WrestleMania 31.
Sting/Taker,(This match is all but comfirmed and may very well be on sunday.)
Rock/Orton, (Rock will either face Orton,Batista or Lesnar and with WWE having plans of Batista vs Lesnar at WM 31.Which I previously heard on WZ main site.Orton don't have plans,Rock doesn't either but wants to compete.I would have these two legends square off in one of the biggest dream matches of all time)
Batista/Lesnar, (I read on Wrestlezone that if WWE didn't do Batista/Lesnar this year they would do it next year.)
DX (Triple H,New Age Outlaws) vs The Wyatts (or Triple H vs Bray Wyatt in a singles match), (To keep Bray Wyatts push going and cement him at the top I think WWE would have him in a match with HHH.But The Family needs to compete to is why I see them adding The New Age Outlaws to the mix as well.
Angle/Bryan (Submission match) (WWE would be stupid not to do this if Angle returns and gets cleared to compete.)
Cesaro/Big Show (I think WWE wants to give Cesaro his moment by swinging a 7ft 400 lb. Big Show.)
Miz,Ryder,Ziggler/The Uso's,Seth Rollins (WWE Tag,and undisputed IC championship) (The Disgruntled Guy's may very well debut at WrestleMania.I see Rollins splitting from Ambrose winnig the undisputed IC /US title at Summerslam,The Uso's holding or losing and regaining the titles before next year and getting targeted by The Disgruntled guys.
Ambrose/Sheamus-Ambrose need a big match and so does Sheamus.Imagine Ambrose beating a guy who has beaten the likes of Cena,Orton,HHH,and now Batista that would be huge for his career.
Big E/Henry-A match scheduled for this year but got scrapped I can imagine it being made for this year.

Andre The Giant Battle Royal II(Russev,Kane,Fanango,R-Truth,Woods,Rey Mysterio,RVD,Y2J,Rhodes,Goldust,Sami Zynn,Ryback,Curtis Axel,Drew McinTyre,Damien Sandow,Bad News Barrett,Jinder Mahal,Tyson Kidd,Heath Slater,Justin Gabriel,Del Rio,a couple of NXT stars and surprise legends)
First of all, I don't see there being a Memorial battle royal for Andre The Giant for the second WrestleMania running. Now onto the card.

I like your card and I think it is actually a possibility but there some flaws with it and some things which I disagree with. I'll start with the first match which I think needs to happen at WrestleMania 31 in Levi's Stadium and that match is John Cena vs The Undertaker, with The Undertaker defending his Streak against the face of the WWE. Why does this match need to happen? well, for one it would be a huge money match and if that's not enough it would be very entertaining and would draw big reactions from the crowd. John Cena is the face of the WWE and the biggest name the WWE have right now so this only makes sense right? Cena is truly the only believable threat to "The Streak" at this point and these two men have not faced each other for like ten years so I think it's time to put these two men in the ring together once and for all.

John Cena vs The Undertaker: The Main Event

The second match which I would really like to see happen and assuming that The Rock returns, The Rock vs Brock Lesnar. Why do I say this? both stars are massive mainstream names, both guys made the WWE "cool" at different times and The Rock has never beaten The Beast Incarnate. Both stars are box office sensations and both will have a great match together.

The Rock vs Brock Lesnar: Hollywood vs The Beast Incarnate

The third match which I believe could be a possibility at this stage of the game is Bray Wyatt vs Roman Reigns. I know that sounds a little "random" but think about this, both of these guys are being positioned by the WWE for huge pushed in the near future. Both have shown promising potential to be flag bearers of the company and more.

To throw in a little spice to this match/feud, I would throw the WWE World title in there.
Say Bray Wyatt wins the WWE World title before WrestleMania, have Roman Reigns win the rumble and go into WrestleMania to challenge the reigning WWE World Champion: Bray Wyatt.

Bray Wyatt (c) vs Roman Reigns for the WWE World title

As for now, those are all early predictions and some if not all "may" not happen at all. Take these with a grain of salt. These are my top "money" matches for WrestleMania 31 in San Jose, CA.
Undertaker vs. Cena seems like a reasonable prediction. So does a potential Lesnar/Rock match.

I'd probably go for Roman Reigns vs. Triple H for the WWE Championship. I fully expect Triple H to get a final world championship run and I can also see him trying to get Reigns over just like he did Batista 10 years previous. It has to appeal to Triple H because he can claim he helped to make Reigns and there would be no shame in him losing if Reigns goes on to be as big as most expect him to be.

At this point you can only really predict top matches because the top matches are usually the most predictable ones on the card.
The Streak - The Undertaker vs John Cena - I really feel like this is the one match where the streak ending could be a possibility. Have John Cena 'promise' the Cenation that the streak will end. Maybe Cena could use some cheap heelish tactics in the build-up to Mania

WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Dean Ambrose (c) vs Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns When this match happens I think it should happen on the Grandest Stage Of Them All for the biggest prize in wrestling today. I think Reigns should win the rumble, then have Ambrose will the title in the Elimination Chamber by screwing over Rollins. This way you give the future of the company their first real Wrestlemania moment.

Career Threatening Match - Kurt Angle vs Daniel Bryan - If Angle wants to finish out his career in WWE then this is the way to do it. Have him put his career on the line to face Bryan so he can prove he can still go with the best. This would definitely be a show-stealer and a deserving send-off for Angle.

Battle For Control Of WWE - Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon vs Cody Rhodes w/ Vince McMahon - I thought we would get a match along these lines at this year's Mania but it wasn't to be. Easy build-up. Vince gets fed up of HHH and Stephanie acting like they own the place. He aligns with Cody who has been held down by The Authority. This would be a great way of elevating Cody Rhodes and putting an end to The Authority storyline.

No Holds Barred - Randy Orton vs Corey Graves - Graves has really impressed me on NXT. He brings the intensity to the ring and I could see him having an excellent, physical rivalry with Orton. The lines of heel & face could be blurred in this feud. Perhaps have Graves claim he is the new 'legend killer'.

Grudge Match - CM Punk vs Bray Wyatt - Simple match. The promos leading up to this would be excellent. Bray and Punk would have great chemistry on the mic and maybe even in the ring too.

Battle Of The Beasts - Brock Lesnar vs Batista - For this match I would have Lesnar play the role of the face and Batista the heel. You could keep Heyman with Lesnar to carry the promotion of the match. The WWE would likely play off their UFC experience or whatever.

US/IC Title Unification - 10 Man Ladder Match - Cesaro (c) vs Evan Bourne (c) vs Rob Van Dam vs Chris Jericho vs Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston vs Big Show vs Jack Swagger vs Sheamus vs Ryback - This match in essence is replacing the Money in the Bank. I like the idea of the Andre Battle Royal but I feel this would be more exciting. Plus unifying the titles would be a historic moment and it deserves to happen at Mania.


Divas Title - Paige (c) vs Charlotte - A match showcasing the future if women's wrestling in WWE. Maybe even have Ric Flair accompany 'the dirtiest diva in the game' to the ring for her first Wrestlemania.

Tag Team Titles - Dolph Ziggler & The Miz (c) vs Christian & Sami Zayn - I feel like the Miz/Ziggler tag team needs to happen. Both guys are too good to be wasted doing nothing. The could be like the Rated RKO of their day. Christian and Zayn could have a sort of mentor/student relationship seeing as both are Canadian and all that. Would be an interesting team that could develop into a great feud.
The main thing I'm concerned about his the title match and the streak match. I really want a combination of Cena, Reigns and Taker. Any combination would work for me and any of those matches would have me interested.

Cena (c) vs Reigns would be a great way place to put the younger superstar over. It is clear Reigns has potential and beating Cena for the belt would be perfect. However, if Cena loses to Bray then I'm not convinced Cena should lose two years in a row.

Undertaker vs Reigns is a match that would be awesome. I'm not saying the streak should end but the fact he is facing a younger superstar who has already been pushed hard would make me think.

Cena vs Taker is an obvious dream match. Cena could conceivably end the streak and the feud would be incredible.

I wouldn't mind Austin or The Rock being involved in some manner. Austin vs Cena would be the biggest match possible but unlikely. Cena and Punk should have wrestled at Mania but we may never see that. Rock could do something with Reigns or Lesnar both of which are terrific options. Rock v Reigns would work as would Rock teaming up with his cousin. There are a lot of options and I'm excited to see how the younger superstars develop in the upcoming year as well as what legends they could get back.

There are about 4/5 matches I want Cena to have so surely one of them will happen. If I had to predict I would say Wrestlemania will end with Taker and him defeated. It just seems time to do it and it is the kind of way I can imagine a veteran of over 20 years wanting to go out.
I agree with a couple of the guys above, in that you're right that these are the people who need to be on the card-

Brock vs. Rock - just the fact that Brock/Rock has the ring to it, money match, both beasts and tbh I can't see Batista still being in the WWE for a whole year longer

Bryan/Angle - again, book it. Angle wants to finish his career in the WWE, he's recent enough for the fans to recognise him and although he's bashed up to hell he can still go better than half the WWE roster. He would shine with Bryan.

Taker... Personally, and I've said it before, I think that if Sting meets and beats him at SumerSlam or Survivor Series then Taker will go over him at WM. They can't bring Stinger in just to fight one match and lose at WMXXXI, he should beat Taker over the year and then Taker gets revenge at WM, keeping the streak intact for Taker's last match against Cena at WMXXXII.

As for the Wyatts and the Shield, you're right, failing a career bomb or some act of self sabotage, I can see them featuring prominently on the card whether the Shield will have split explosively or amicably remains to be seen...

Best thing to do is wait for Raw next week, the post WM show. Wait for this Raw and see what the landscape of the WWE looks like- then come back to this post and see if the seeds of any of this have been sewn.
This is just fantasy booking of the main events of Wrestlemania. But some of these matches can actually take place.

The Shield's triple threat for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship (Roman Reigns wins the championship this year at the Survivor Series. I'd like to see Reigns defeat Brock to win the championship. Rollins wins MITB and Dean Ambrose wins Royal Rumble. I've said this before and I'll say it again...this is how the Shield should split. Their break up should be huge)

The Undertaker vs Sting (I want Cena to be Taker's last opponent and I guess it's best if that match takes place at WM32, because Taker's last match should be the main highlight of Wrestlemania. That match should end the show)

Brock Lesnar vs John Cena (I really wanted Brock to beat Cena in his return match, and I would love to see these guys go at it once more)

The Wyatt Family vs Evolution (Triple H, Batista and Orton)

Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus (I don't really mind seeing this match take place one more time at Wrestlemania. I can't really think of another top star that Bryan could face)

Bray Wyatt vs Triple H, Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan in an Iron man match, Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins vs John Cena, Seth Rollins vs Chris Jericho, Bray Wyatt vs Chris Jericho and Dean Ambrose vs Chris Jericho are some of the matches I'd love to see in the near future. Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt is a feud that could still be great, but not soon. Tbh, I would also love to see Batista vs Triple H once more at Wrestlemania.
Trying to be realistic about this I would go with the following:

Rock v Brock Lesnar

Bray Wyatt v Roman Reigns

John Cena v Dean Ambrose

WWE World Heavyweight Title
Daniel Bryan v CM Punk

Undertaker v Sting

Intercontinental Title Ladder Match
Seth Rollins v Dolph Ziggler

Street Fight
Cesaro v Sheamus

Tag Team Titles
Usos v The Ascencion v The Wyatts

I think Rock and Brock was supposed to happen this Wrestlemania and they wanted to start the programme after WM29 but Rock was injured. Bray Wyatt and Reigns are the two next big things and they would have a great match. Similar to what Cena is doing with Wyatt now I think he could do with Ambrose. Ambrose could be the number 1 heel in the business and I think he deserves to go against the no 1 face eventually.

CM Punk to return at the Royal Rumble, win and face DBry at Wrestlemania. A heel CM Punk would be ideal.

Undertaker v Sting - just has to happen

Seth Rollins and Ziggler would have a great match especially if it was a ladder match. Plus it would bring more prestige to the title.

Cesaro and Sheamus would have a pretty brutal fight IMO as both are powerhouses. Street Fight to add a little bit extra to the match.

The tag titles was a hard one to predict. Assuming the Usos are still over then Ascencion are due to be pushed and I can see them being involved. I am hoping the Wyatts are still together and they get pushed into the title scene too.

I am obviously missing some big names. Maybe you could add an Orton v Triple H match but the card is already pretty long.
Here is a card that could be realistic......Could also be horribly askew.
Rusev vs Brock Lesnar

Sting vs Taker

Cesaro vs CM Punk

Sami Zayn vs Corey Graves NXT Title

Roamn Reigns vs John Cena WWE WHWT Title

Bray Wyatt vs Dean Ambrose IC Title

Seth Rollins vs DB

Tag Team/Divas bouts
The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar
A match that could possibly be The Rock's final match in the WWE. He's done it all - defeated Cena, Austin, Hogan at WM.

Undertaker vs. John Cena
No Taker/Sting this year but we get the next best thing to it in Taker/Cena.

WWE WHC match
Roman Reigns (RR winner) vs. Batista (c)

Randy Orton (face) vs. Bray Wyatt
Wyatt finds another top company face to try to torment.

Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust
The long awaited Rhodes Bros match. The last step Rhodes need to take to get to the main event if they don't do the match at Summerslam this year.

Hair vs. Career match
Rey Mysterio vs. Albert Del Rio
This is probably the last time WWE will be in California while Rey is an active wrestler. What better way to go out than face an opponent that you wrestle well against.

2nd Annual Andre The Giant Battle Royal
If the match becomes annual, a great way to get more midcarders involved at the show - this time with more high profile names like Daniel Bryan.

Divas match
I can't believe how low on the card some have Daniel Bryan for next year, he's going to be a main event player going forward, and forward is the key word. Mania and Raw last night were all about wWE saying the future is now! I fully expect Mania 31 to reflect this.

JR has said that he thinks Brock will go into Mania 31 as the WWE Champion and I could see that being the case, imagine the guy trying to win the WWE title has to not only defeat The Beast but now the guy who is the conquerer of the streak.

I also think people are putting the cart before the horse with Reigns, I think he will have a big singles match at Mania next year but it needn't be for the WWE title.

WWE World Heavyweight title match
Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan

Career match
Triple H vs Roman Reigns

John Cena vs Cesaro

IC and US title Ladder match
Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose

Bray Wyatt vs Sheamus

Tag team title match
Orton & Batista vs Dolph Ziggler & Big E

Divas title match - Fatal 4 Way
AJ Lee vs Paige vs Summer Rae vs Emma

Andre The Giant Battle Royal
Hogan said it would become a tradition each year, so this is where the rest of the roster go.
MAIN EVENT - The Rock vs Brock Lesnar
This was pencilled in for Mania 30 before Rocks injury. The biggest match they can do in my opinion and Lesnar ending the streak makes it all the more mouth watering.

WWE TITLE - John Cena (c) vs Roman Reigns
I think Reigns will be given the rub next year. Having him challenge Cena for the Title and win would be his Mania moment.

Daniel Bryan vs Kurt Angle
Angle is a lock for returning and finishing his career in WWE. I honestly see him and Bryan going toe to toe in a potential 5 star match.

Triple H vs Batista
I think these two will lock horns again eventually. I think once Batista is back settled in WWE then they will try again with a face turn.

Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton
Bray will turn face eventually. He is really over as a heel and WWE will want to make money off him. Have Orton turn into his sadistic self from 2009/2010 and you could have a match with a great back story here.

Cesaro vs Alexander Rusev
A battle of the strong men here. Time of press I would enjoy this but I think Rusev will be another Koslov and probably teamed with Santino as a comedy character in 12 months.

Sorry guys but CM Punk is done as far as I am concerned as is Undertaker at Mania.

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